Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1862, p. 4

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The D»yin# Chili. ANTLDENTLSTRY! Tailor, lb .er, Carrtage X.gnWlSÂL BulIerg Drs s MKkerst 0 TbIo f drf'fprtInfi Ja7'yExaiatiaon of Teaohers 1DR& - L-D-R & CÂRD and Xids ofYl i.Ms ONSTNTY ou AD, 7FR BU4T Znta irtn¶Mmlie FIE Annua. Examnato fTelloler o r ,lw, »Dets%1'. &eý, Room* Oyor v 82-tliin 8m. M ots w I"b YCf. VIVlt e', On WlÇ iidos, Tlt7ttO, Sooc leu-, u Mr. Car'leton Lynde'8 *Stores Andt i wlfl mhortly rifle 9w ,EIB. r-~1~d ~ P~0tfiU l rauIa beyo nA t etii.fii T ifâlad ln the mog erffi'et marnearSEWINf l MACH INIsq à. lu r a l qcn lth o bcd, andlu te 8 o olie ou " lun Ithe T aud it esbut the be ?a d m o tIpprovc<t W th Itft lînlw eve n.t. und a.11ev pri e"s. ' 9 --4 4 4 " > NnwJICItv tc,%l rnrnd hebol VII£ E O CA ÉM;TO9 Te oagexEronce of ws. Callender & JÂMM~ H. GERUTÀ, ,, na ptavfiP iehuln . are t.hoe, cxtlo of Dhtntry,iible thon, te appreciate the. Agent for Cuty Untarloi. ; l(i > For er pre elrtta tt tenofite te Ils duwuaoneivdIom atrefuî pro- Mare ,1' 5 2.lW Ana rmniet. ai. 0. dry theatenr, T~i*y «-WCeInediy0 OaL7 '1"& th *ervation of thoe.al-inprtant, and beutîfui ______________ - JKýt lnuililic Ivurheta ý ,e , 18, lit tihe ur t g9 oe@1k, a. m- prét alof the bealh, lhapplue%, andi eorinfott 't' Vf(>t~a . - in hnmtlc hivi.. a <14'..! ab'vre.of mauklu& depend. Their Operatltià n uthia à ~t ~ i ~~#r Aridtiit vîny.r etAilln l heen 1 liaîî<,,,, ot pro.uce. aîifietory tes-branch et ithe proep.lqu fsnnct fil tW gio s' q-jRE .L Y pa L, mlo ssetcri1 taraetcr rnt Uet)lr uPC'lacton. Let the aMited wtt'.bioee tteth. 0FO A octe tuem o.Se.. ti va Mlilters. ouly vigittthem lun'.., , Wr iro tgoà FI * f the, t-is l: heCountv Bara cflpniitie Instruction vill toc flrin ia holti. jU & G. g-Why in iL n'y lion, that vhen yen drop By orderocfthe Charnia, ver, Matina Plate, aacnpon Itn colobrtced,snd MnmlOensemhpC.adN .jour bread and butter, ik k always ounlthe - P. H. THIORNTON,D. D., 1- ruveti m5îîîctided bedote they~lti bubteruimantent rprovd mehode doptin e buttr sdo ' nv tbd' etr ti Somry R . L . .the profession. Tuecîterati] mu cf Di tll aoi. iit ff uW Lino liteimlsi. . î q 85det & Card are go careftilly perotnc,asit i &,< 1ee 0 >ni. f )..lig.ty f k? 7The streugeîtai dce ught to eb. up, EXEC!UTORS NOTICE. Prfctn heisîvath.iEt.t.I te atir lce aud thia ks tho uîtrougeat butter I bave ever- n hi'agnt fort cf the. vearer ofthelr arleilîd teeth.lia pro-DEL t asnt fyn'.auta T.PERqONs ha'vlnz ii htm8% in mted i t the àasue tinte, llit e dorihility ni AI£O-Ofllce cf-1CAMA'J3ELV'$ OMI4IBUS C> t fftts up, it insorte of our antl cI fttee f Jeune" Lailt'n, lateo tf the the materil useci, andi the haris nucheLIc NR.a churniug. r.'. ferlp HIlcste t t dcl ireieqed itout b. of o loun h tctst. - tonwii Whilby, April 23, 8=. 1:f1. t n,he mcfllnlutthé nt, :ein aed otbc fondîucocasi>,ato "D;da sehà hru lu. tl'.great lazy th!ug. 1delay. and pai l î,rbcî Iigdebte tinte gala e. Partieular attention itiven te ttht, mire sa..t--- C i'ht.yursnt"taue amrrqnested te miactnnediata psym'ent. reculation .cf cllldre'i, t*etli. ll'rcui,« b,'.uld " N c a t u h er bu t ter. T i te u ej A M E S , M O R R IS O N , a tte n d t o th i a i a Z v er fy î ta îitd ulib o ilir P _ __. peor old wven'.churu il viien il in strong MICHAEL Exc,'.. -AIlorations varranteJtIfaafctcrY. Terme % > ~ 44 Hush, Zeb, Lia est ua grest deal verse enîî,1l6.44n-~--- euuh ecur tel. ~ 19fIll ,-c uel.Ceutii; f 119.0, SherüTs'îSale of Lands. "10 in theimoiaisrtocratie boutes." Far= for Sala or To Lot in à ji r1 evc Ot, 1 iWell, people of- rank eught te est ~~~Cnî f<'nJOi, t'SATU RDAY, ti Cr; >' ;u.. rniebuter" 'eiI Twîîlip Ltî, niri aI'184r2, OaES 2 f.'I i<k, ni;.ti, *wlllho ililltbv Ib. 1 Wypeople cf rankIl' " RNG 89 tnerc% of Tiot 22, in theu tht, 'on. of lie Ane-t nu nt ' ilice, lis the(Curt lionn,c 9P 'Cuela akbte.11 T , u anliimlS OIE 1!ïte14)wtt et N ittl..., lit the u.cuqnîy cf b>n' si "Yen vcrmntlt, yn1what maks oeu 'Anttin g d 'tin'--contaius -omnu tatîhe U ) lYiTiî tlt'iiitti itlttrtwtehtc. - F I-l tt1i nt *New Bint-S ti ctnOrchetiard CH IPER THAN Ei!Lii A. l u îîîrn,îce et u c.tcts tau.k ns mer-t I"l-ccod Well1 and ti restit of fr-cal'. wAtt'.Inteul,4A er el* "t'Cause the lmtter hataken the akin titiel pile cseelutn citen. l'or furher T11F LAllIF.'T STiiCK ANI (;WFATF'5T tii'rtrç, eeItu'iliv ,Ille ndi'r andi by vIrtue of my fiunt."çttetrua c'Ilrogn e repaidto bFREDI'l(K LVtiriety lu Strex, stove. Furiftidre, Till- cortitin wri. et Fieri rYîcio*, Vix. LOJIN GISTN CA ZMy to'te i FVIT ierietr ronfto, or toi wtre, &c., eau 'oi accu et lte Stl)ru* Vt the 1.. li CottntR Court 7e9dtlic t 1c't throw u.way ROBE.RT lMeMIOFIAÉLI under..gned. Sute .Scî,p'dtlv. I.mp hli caliIfn h' tbii the butter." 34Port i'erry Mte'. "f evury style titi.!quality t:( it Alitamul0 tpati.,v.Francialx . sIEncrbr: q oIfn h naî t eu buttci" t 1wculd do vitb it- -PîsTcpplutc itr. i ui.. cf'tet .,ioec i i rit.igi utev tt IllepIl tella bâea.Yn te1il'o~wVf "l' ttodwist e rs eu vinoli RE9 lt, ougnî &ItX lSIterigIl l)ite e'.er- public gener.illy, that ho IlIAiletti ili @c liskelovr*Msona te tuh l E'1 brhlihen Intr-flcid mnitg..t ,,thcr varictit.: ct'i '1.,.n'D . Gillth. sud Ramon ONTARIXONEWt X=J spij I. AND FOR SALE to THE KINU OF ~7 E3, lt'altild, Pînh:tifts VA. Fr-wi$ IL. fiurt0on, de- (Oertncry knowii ast'inet rTaylor'A M1114.) 21; mlue îotY l>sOhawa, sudtid t llt 1 Agentlemen, oeecvccitig auRtitut 56 DIOZ. îlAiumLLIS FRUIT AND l h iDUKENlc erilt oGllilt o h o near ealovuly w<'.nucn, wheu the Comtpiany <IRAND TRUNK, ~ iîtn.l h ueu' ttîii rlîelt uGI-TN>n ii I'reît.. PRLCEALER, 'VillniFril-er, plaintilit. v. Brni'I.unr, ieu, sud yl gaýrureti cLsetion te ail1Who arennd bhlm vere prnlosing cocunidrnta to PRESERV1E LA'SS J ARSPICE tERTon, ' B.Ii'aiI 'rhatkmu, WIlii la Wiî, ant i ti1'laver lltttiî witlî tlîiier ti-ctîrWîr ta ench'. ether. Turning te bis cenipauninhe tchtcc-ciri oi .bt o c.tg DAY"C'ROCKE.T, Jolia4S tt, lieuîete.wont.> aiu> iitiriate t) igeite .xt th vtvrorrdo110pbi o olpRO TECTIONIST, Alttrrihe niintt'ré,4ztith tti i aw ti.cv cct'. gel their cwt'.whottt untrd )cati Balu frutnit luctnterai stt, AinI tie t>nt, eceitaat'.diin eqt'it% otiit. liot<î intned .rcnnit*, se t m ic ty n n se i. iti, tWl'y la &lady' unlike a tir-r-er-?" hy tflic lritie4li t1onil t4I ntc tfrot '.liete uCall âaîd sl,. or un>- rethri,e, of in letitit hcfclov- tneustigeau'. t>.. f1icrîleteliwliertAndtuttiwh She "gae il uu." tcut l'v rc'lin cotijatititîn) in wîtlch toe xhil-- .OI A- Itîr land* andt-i nî..i.c.a h -ta s aaftiWtîn. Tliîy cun ha1v e ritr. heccuae," ithe ute elw, " n'A t ùi itutratl prxiin.ci Iotedunî cf 43 1862 kLt No. 9 tc' imte nrth lian it iiiiNo. 111at1tir-sfrIuirOt.uc lit tittlmeneleral >the rude oflthty gfoitinduitrialu tii' ibon ln Londou'oft1862,in the 3r4 I.o f lte Tow'nsip of Uet Whitt- DANIEL CIUCKElI. mirror reflecta vitheut speaking, a lady JOHTN IIRYAN. 'M ss M NI, >. ubh c 'itIl uttt«Ontario. Esat WVhithy, May 20, 1842. l speaits vitheut rcflecic." Agent for- Co. Ontario. MDor B~ mc. l leie nBech. BlihÂefaAsrneCn.a Il V"r-ygond," said elhe. iiNow cuover Whithy, Aug, 2511., 156. TitotusBritisrt'itn'. plAssutrancea.Company, me. Wylv na a M unlike aàn'ir-ror P.VI-u rock Sc.-Close 10 Pollard's Ilotce lanttIv, df'dîi.TU!P>ÂR'ncatAtfheh Tp.' An îlpretîlice a wettite ltr tW' î >.toe.îl î'riiisteent Wtal10ififlut 1No, 22,.Iluthîe 2cd Con. cf a..iPeaAîc flte lvct SlrmIncart>aia 1.a1nui;ottlljeu. i 'iîta o~tf iiuitc ec,10ars _ "ctfpeCc. " Iecante il ia poliahed sud thc man la ')-11 cetnt ttihitubia an.l iltl.v îtivifiuiuvIligti aie lit lihe Qncci'leBichu. CAPITAL £100,0100. There ahc lad htm. l rpn3t i ic.tei rtta enjuutnlu Y. Newli. pliii'itifft v",_.char-les lunt0e Milit.cry Elle 4un1ltefSte'ward Jevit.etatt , irsurauce eecteti onu iiling*tuandti heii An extAIl kintiy ad cfrvont accidentLot XNo, 5, ou Cr-.nduiln lalt, cf Boe-cls, lu contenîts. Evcry Infotonu spled cnap- ig' reponteil fr-ont )etmold, in Rhcnish 'Alknti t ofAMi-klÎNit S tte Tauhip cf Rencli, ul Cotiuty of On- pliettiocbti.he nuderaini. rrual.. Tt appeutro thct ua deceicticw, .-ecttaraIamdpcuîll.N . E OIMarine iaski. for th. e son or fr nra whlch hall, hoeyeer, acccrdiug te the cen. laidi)Geîl t-îî,i' Feu ccl cer- ite . OHNAGNEW'. tifcae eîb vteriaryuree, ompet. horiffS Sale of Lan>do' rnepaireti, dyd,uti altet-ed. Illtthe, latemt', v>le'.. S"er-ift, t'. O. Travelling Agent, Byroit sIcet, Wbithy ________f_____ 45-tav lu Pnn Coplte Vr C. Nct'rae. ly recovced, vas ieilede anti about a- -.Slrif'Otc, hurel peeple pentoouotheticfleeb. Ail (cîiltîtof %Octur-i, t'ON 8-erdvthé titn en- New, Flo ~Grain, ?eod and %VIll by,.mt2ia56. 4 GEORGE CORMACK, thesle havie ince.heein seizeelwith f r-ýithifnlA'Po Wt: l Jt '-fif1li 4v f (et<icri,,*T Cpene, A. sil12'lo, icviii ' Miliit? Provision store. FIL ~ TMBRM ERIlIIA, apteni agneandtabaimen Ibave dieti alrendy ;îPublie Axtctiot.ulit teyosice i) tholCot i ,ler î Nt (lo F J, y 5iii , 0 > xC A 2 L Juille.t, Gratin 8t. lity A largeilîan- OfauleDun."'tac ]Mo:fM .A. Ira 'tlilyof * iiindn of lntr.boecouatsutly eu hianti. thc înbutrs eigalmeat despained cf. i', tic Town ai' Whitfhv,it tirit, ittie.ud inidatet trit whiltlli thecderrntli'uoin ucthit a 4 UNDtRTAtINGM Now fer a irreai piece of neya,, Fai r*scier-al'.' posweuse. lin ttlflrentiioed latilt £ M Dâ '3 M M L U D ladesI leye kewthst Yen areandtni enout the eti,pie ii'itilvmo u' "ty iI- IE subscriber haviug Itaseil lime pré- Oui 40 cents peu Gatllesa [n NEA.m ptlt ianitttetied t Eunglish a slIoIai pwttiAna>' '.irtlt eertLin Awrif* of iii lFtia, tmises eccuiet I )v r. %Y. IL. Dixon, j'16 GEORGE YULE'S LehFtnoic. ofi. epi cewntuîY on geinur te uige sti.cka? Yes, -stickli1k, aýur vit t- l h :ut out fesfr"e o o â aIsuitie ilmCfll irrantimethers sund geatgr-ndmothrs..l u oty(ie-t, eic le e Flo ir ' __________(,»M IrA Huea teIlire ou 1liber.)ternus. Thyaebig iui ak nofbo; c11pbtu TM. Thoia, plicinr,vs.%rituel FMon, ,ýtB.&yOewealu' te Pig nk t, 1' uGEORGE C0liRMACK. and it is aur ladies of bigb seciety sud lb. Village Iîe4 nI 9 uB-klu.a ilsaTn'.'., lsnle, Scr<Brant. PutiboettKB,.( tSI-i N, i L 4I beau. breeding Who have tàiccu th. initia. Caînpi'.elI'atptan, bitg part oflot 24 lu tue th Saitplor-k, sait ficti, Sisr <ured.Iit lIons., îP- ENSYVNIA L '4-1>'. th189 lIat l thaexrardiary.ovcetofWhib) b>'.-.Ilrrg, Coti'., (Tacile., BroanaiJ, Patettt Pelle, Waxbi b l t' 1A4c-. LAM S' (JHl 1crr em Paris. ' ut u lit ti Court, - O> tRdse iec Wby la Boston calcti the "ubf f mt .o iduituIf, vs. Rugi'.Corigan17 WXDONALDSON. 16(;EO efulteit ls oe Unvrs " ecause hiatory - shows ttt TWeuty lve acre« bieng te sast qutirter o -- tel gothe ouintimhru ci lieu' fr-ou'. it haire cgne ont spcJesomeen for tue cf tie ,iorti'.'ltaf orinî 'No.iVI, la the aIl cou. Oshawa Advertiseme-ntm. Qube Goyernmen Aiency.-e", ise gt.èod orctard end gré.Tliera Jaa cosumon weal af ind, who nover if re of f tie Tuvuegttîi u f Mia. Qel '0 - -n te Ad- in lrti h deig eo fr-ihorfllca -NELSON C. REYN'OLDS, annveor strtlientatte i e rlndix rc îte dohcr-iffor, C. em( ILLAMTEMPEIT, M. 1D. Bnsiàe%% cocuved t h.bb' tr nfrthor g itis u t'ecl Que e the atea luvetieusv.iffeacC. WiL. loItit quaîityî sud undr lte biltAt stue fcull Oneuof et. innrtions ce, PinC. Nonra.. N G -8TE£ZT, OSIIAW A, CANADA (I lT T A1n îvation, i fer io-hu oo.Tin a rat~Siier-lg, l K 17 1 I jXVI t t. N ) Fer- Tenus anti futher particulars epply, (If iu'provemeut,fo aul'.î vo kuev, but it Whtby, Juîv 1, 1862.25F.A1ÛPTan te den't zoomu qit. r-lght te pot mon eoul.-ILBsd RIE-Kt.rS.(ati. JAMES BENSQN, saafoiing wiî '.ormes. T Girinanto mie eoer lutîe bei-t style PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. 'or- reklu.O Adesperat. fello'.i'basbeen trieti andd ~faîlen. 4 atc-tde t. Aille EV. WILLIAM BEN'SON - oouvlctad out Judiasfer haviug killedaaJH ICIIT I~T a ~ u m Sparte, Mai'khatii P O. main viLb au axe. Anether, Who procurit D RBAURE lnucny cidStuîîIC Pr-y «ocde Secur-et by tlie snhacrii.'r. Addresx prepaid. - the, axe fer the murderer, ia aIse nov on Sherifs Sale cf LmAd. D antSn" WatsrIccene.., Previsiens R. J. 4iliIESLEY'. -Crocker>', &co., &.,.-King St. Eait, Oava.. Land and<cuclral Agent, trial. The latter wvtan au C 857. Cuiofll 7 STIAY e. 4? NO-2t. Amie Street. - ]eg to announce the arrivai cf a portion of their FALIL STOCK- I -diriet froua BRITAIN, Ex-Steiuhship V.à m Vý aO Which they wil sel1 at fi smuill advanoe on the Sterling for Çtilih They expect to have the bulk of their stock forward about the l5th. Their stock of Mon's'itnd Boy%. READY-1IADE OLOTHING (0f their own inanuiiucture) is now very coînplete. Pee9 Brik- P. & J. CAMPBELL- Whltby, Sçpt. 1862.Ç TUJE BEST TIIING OUT SS toe t these gentlemen Who ttuve becumlu intl hbit ofcf I'arging urm'ù Sprofimts,1 utbliinh a liaI of price-it eruîhlve a ileterning public-to seu, for t1iiqel Ivo wlr0 tltt in cî(I o bedî witil their îtie(y/" Now, you'.n'.r mehil vYntiy, or uiythingeimie yoit ik.,ltit, tue Cauifri. <mon doesota uklaUlie Iprîle it being lte i1ýtrtîitteit o f mi~ t arevolution ithle trade ti ï ffîL ount, usn tableti every minai', woinar'.andit l_iit0 Proctre tie uecuarles, um Weil ta the laxtiie'., cflife, with'.vcey ittltmoncy. .1 lîuîî lie lias donc eo, miut be patent to every eue inii bIe Cotîuuîy, as instnce Comnmn Whiskey aloc, vhtici'hIitim ecn sold ti 500Ots, j>r - ga1lofi'.'.eftheCali- forniaman ecmrnenec-d selling it, îlow selhitig at 3Octs. anditi litUo à£lle~ niamian is-not yet dine with them. 13rit'.- tlong tig î-unItic/FdU lise(ll ofptrie«r, anti the Californiaman wilI. givo you a discount -of 33 per cent on almost evory article of fine Liquors thoroin pub- lished ; îher-eby e'uting yotur Ft/y Per~Ccit.-ittor t itetîtIn mi. dre, than yen would be millinc, to peiy knowin.#1t,. The Califoniaman atili cninucea to mstihé îBEST TEAS, tlt:t( Lî the word-no fine,. superfinet, uer eiÎtrut fine, biut the Bout Tea, for $1 per pounmd. Oit of wlih he will giveL a Lilorcd l Dsc.eînt le Ilucee wiue bt'.y 10 pounds or lipward]B CMECERY-. ,t hii'.ai prif-a efw etet more'. fpllrs ,C/dnm'z 't #4 75 te $7 OP.-And 500 Gh'sa pr-ese-vý jar-e-pitite and qutslmt 17 te 25 cenft'.t. GLA.SWARE of cvery descrption Blwatye on liaud. BOOTS AND SHKOES.-.t% frenit suj-jm1y received weekly aI itual t w prm.. Alsc on hund a lnrge-atock of every description- of fince Liqueors tîceth'en wîit 500 teiwr-el of domestie Whislcey, ptur-li.nsed prir-bute the bite Tarit?,ý and tucw -on salte nt the. California Store, at 3Octs. per gallon, 1cr ivè UGallonu andul nwarnd. r-W A LIBER/iL DISCOUINT.TO IlurTEL liEEPERS. THOMA.S MILCAHYf Osauwa, Septetuber, 186i2. Sigu efthbe Big r-r<a1>c WAIMIL MîE.Ï T'!liE subcribers beg te 'enllyour attention te th'e tact lejt Scotning on s pace, sud tînt now iiith tic nete sentI in yenu %elves, ferthein jivitly couelbreteti bougbt ortus tast seameon, i 51uer-u'an Bro-u,Pitrng %nt. & leury l'owetl' I.aBcGim -Weter, Wtdduteld jmiptlicî, t n, VINEGAR VINGAR!! T 119 UNDER8IGNED RAS 7FOR SALE' - Villeiar of the lest qnsl'.ty, mut..aetrtnio h y bitlef-mi th, preu7tses rear of Beattiesp (I Ie$clcfelt't> Sar".Brooit Street, WIlîb'. CcItt tm'large anti tinaut quantýiles4. volceali and r iil. Buy ache*p, and r-lly god ar- tili,-an artiele ro und by ch.e*1icba 4te b. lie beit ever produceti lu the bovu. MICHAEL SCHNAPPAUF. W-11 Jtby, J ni y 9, 181. '2 riA-RM FOR SALE>*' 2 0ACRES ;OF LAND>, 1M0 sertie cIenr-i, 20(vYtitti bte exception of four sur-us bo he igetihigloAt No. 25 4th Cou, tif the T)wtiimttipo ai Seotl, in the Cnnl cf tintar-te, ailti a dvt(liog housand o cuer cu t-bttlldiuga, Thtear-e ca34 acres of Fali wiletesunluthe glrrduntd. It wll J b. a inluone 1'or lvi> ioua, te sulit pt'.roîieser-a. Fer- ft'rtllficr ateculursaapply te Vite pruiprîs- Let No. 4, 5t1 Cwc.~Re ltr-oek,7tli, AiFb2 rauttet.O ÇCESED' A.UCTIONEERS. FoR TuE .COIJI%1!rY OrONTARJO,. l euc & far-kewr-v tir Cein-y. 2. 'Thltru". leur>'Walsto-lr,,cl, Tlter-h, 4. Jiu-iW-l-tf-'eulr- 15. i., vi ikîrhttnk,4. Jr-. ut thme fir-un of alrlautlko 7.~aw-n Jant'. . I"îîtreuutii C Tematrs-'u Oil.' -Couuty TrensLurer. ASSUR1ANCE COMPANY MARINE DEPARTIENT. WXiLL !ýttke BJull anti (Trtio tikm- nt the ,v' I wc4iiibl rt'. cf preuiot-inutxiur- autl zrtuilt-t imou lill r-ikm, tr- te mestcuor e".' a .-t ttisrelaite eSiventt>' prmeceît;I]Dvet (m lite t-irilf car-go premînins o f istseeou, at ir"cp, tmeranti honorable "seentutce ai t:,Ititt Aujemn citeComupany, u'ay bu i-tlid ii)u BLOW, JOSEPI-I F. iRA Piano-Forte Manuft iVAREROONS, WIIITB *g sud hurvesl ici r-, or ceunut youir- lliil',i teiîbie$i, Ar-eh, fliuniltoit, .1. 1). Slia lte alec at Win. lm VI SYLV& John Abmt Charli John 1 'Thom Jem -T And 1 âinci Xachi fflis; Hri 1 TRoinu %llinca,Thomm SEhrdtle,and Mîiciie %Bnie. 4 hFgtnrag I1oote, 'taine snd etue are ion-go on 1" McDeudah. - I'lemror-'t%, .tlThis2'erCompan~y fluSeg rça Ulu'.giand al rWidna W. iH. icBoM, & Ce., *'ber4 ea _ aolo oIloot- n"l, 'ou or't e It sm a musical tact that every orcestmra Peetîaua KORTRS at4 nu'nxU Mr-cana'.KlP Gin s- coutis at leasi ivo ninaius vo'.mus- Tu lteCoi efto,n0ýbFlous,.ntiiio. Stroeitw, <tUKava. PeclutiAdvpphcrecf Captln ray, piton r iscut ihn rfray tAches, oeeinuspectacles, three viii.haid t, aitcoiitrr ivimîlirtn, ad àgeigam lren, dlrectfrom Gltiseov, atlov prim afor Yêar-ftl %onsr vit!, a BwX., vbotre-.ne lucada, and ouener-y modest me'.in a vW# tiPr-oi.)eate anitiefectit ri&rsteleT es'. --41 iuraPtut aie xucfThe lt"g Capital andielu nae 1ere.ih f Clatr-k UcIsutuChurchill, .teccssed, - ToMgeee ot i 4.ofttblopay8ureto.ýtrt« lt cravaf, vhe, (rom'.for-.cof clrmmu'.tnee, ' tilîsee b"opi"JlaChr'li LYMANl ENGLISfl, TL La.. - yen vili observe, play& on a brasa - lmrp.plintiff, O)REYTsAW,Sootor tanethan- Adventregor8li'.en I. LI1 ÈE P ARTIM EN T ment. A o.y, on eyacar ï4lg. &c A She Devl .gthoiesI W. muet havs the man e eaqe oeam Vlt'.cs, Thomsi thortias and Mi1chael 47,11,hin *càaP'ot1 tb. var-; vladom "stren-th am" efenauît. 1> F. 3IXSKE, , wlbetti.cab' A~<~u ~ oteq, lu io n. A, Mar&, eontaliug ix143 IfL"TPAllmWltie a n ri lfqrpbant, ?Taheai'.plin e 4lon ndGe. eott, < for not liquidstiegi p.rtlmaeel mos4 , WetcerandilttWtmrDéaes'MingSt.iea.' deoi rM, s 118010mon " a very iAe am, W hum, In'Con. A, Mar-a, cen- N** vvd*d "Oôenoub ltw<tnZo. , taeLosranCMpes vrity A &o., sudukth, io sou a -ver-y atroaig eue, lbut eêr -inias cout! pay their detia viMaet r-sea,/' ems4é,Vjw100 Uare craor- l0pt. tîcascuç "Saobbat," raid Mmas, sî*Wa f. b'j - Jetise Court ofCýoninou Ilieaa. CL>'~T husanpd, the t!.y alter- the bail, '«X« TheerMsUay_4F whydid joit dance w vlt .ay lay 5. 14 ltfr, £-1 QOD ACCOMMOD)ATIONf ,t-li a ttit TeU1v,ÎÎ Cýë & h alu igbt befere you uegom ww r- % Jj r '~,Oste. But fasblnda et)Ilqtterâ, au 16Why, u'y dear-1" raid th'e d.o &Uet0«» )ô'.'.a"ËVÈÉgars. 1 W" omly pratlieig vhm 40 d,4 Ps,1ttif faagafatcneulot.Witithy. 47

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