Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1862, p. 3

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[u, ts ,tremufr an olsof cer Tlis idiSoea bas eouamow a esaeof feruathe.carliest onlt day mnan>' anal inoiboda s4doptedt cureansd aueae euses succosa bas modes Fadoptd ; -but Ç'o 'at'telyfaileal, bn tacîes WCeausoniy îai uselul, aud fre, Of lame- ýr la îÇe eyes ocf Veterina r> tise elmodera LhtUn it li. 1b holioç-he alit (If te hormt, a n1umbef r cfSuiaili bien, l. ws ; thon. honte ut ae ait ce cf tetonl; but imont cx- nets )u Lieit roir, taîîd lower mhbîeiLeIotion cOf the linuiîd augiior glidiutg, lic Sat etclIborle uirîh ta, i 'a0ta lia ' Ii lc cul, d iltiiil~ i! ha 111s:niîîGaf l'amiosialaluai0 ail ortas. tett itîeati i iaoe,5t bdy t s- i 0" Iii li l a le hal M111u ai Isîîîî liii taeIît aus tbe imie- ocssali u"t ie mii aîci ar W'ai îay luive lQît anal littie or uit>' laîmn- ot-emetîs cf it iît. ln I u iifobjieet must be il) id o s tliralrt tact ; 0in l îiitl a~d aînrairi tauiai ta faihîIni'lte prascesai Of tieai;aflebier part cf s bcbg eoyeal wu lina-e tut goinig on tithin 'ltojoîint, tion or pain ; Ien6à e -u fi once sir'vii'd anîd a depi. n tho joint, that atia a ettes ecorer the naine îna- tas of the jointa, al'ahough le Onîparativol>' a soundan uimeat. n cf s'rot.g acids, corrcdiug blisters, Icay, sud mli , e- rgomeîl'a uta at the Samo itro' 'ahe texture of 'ahe akini, ightiy seat vhîcti detismates, le animal etuch more 'ahan a suit upon ih. bock, l'he cast nover be remored witI- 'Ie shin ana l i' iniits cf 1 hare o, ea cs s tlîre 'alla en renAd u] accis b>' an I empirical trealmeut. An>' ut tok-ai thLbncs of ut ili9il isi> ocoîtaiincealtat AI eau ocrer L'e retuoveal si) ýe afld sounal, gine the i tise joint, ë.-milar tcexture aYiiJ 1ie 'taces cf a former l'a bu , nore imposiition andl petend, and practico,, stid d boapsiliities aI. 'ae ex. ýtient anal sefierinir vicliru. -Mi inserit Ihese few rernantes ue of LIe- Chronic*, asd t yours &C., W. J. K EITI!, F. E. V. S. of thse IVAi'tbM Chrmside. pi>' to 3M. Mndcennann' i>sie, I have tl) itfrînuu aictie and loi> aLutigor cf lunderai of 'ahe tîioduc. ie," %Itiiclit aptîcari-edit G11tmaNeICLs&al LIe Stit appears ta t bink that teinjred y repiying writer, and thitthLb y toa bupe witb impuni. Ta-ite Mlira isser, la the coumnlnimaLi were worth ait exphmns. mciii naine, they imere Bmýqnu(tole ; anal ta T. Mlaclennan lias acteil bftoci b asuImiog, as a i, thsit un> purpose mis Ile inuit. Le amame .aIhe persans arc com.- priviiego, anal tînt ali itai to setteir nianies ii'aer ronLrovaersy. 1 guilt>' of extraicte fic- i attacî ii>m ud1to etioni ni>'vanil>' nighit , aina te goodojctiai ai tîiglat dltuil ici hl ain assurMM. Maclecn. wtug i cýoarndly" or 1 taoilc ndlvsntuage cif e Lu cli attention ta aI tieu tinte a itcglgentc ns sitieafctor>' ns hil,;- 1h J. BEATON. uncari~ï o haibuah leltes it is 0 priFoiseirs, A TaLIN ÂTnOF.We are plosaed o N«W ADVERTISENNS ieanuia alat aur feilow towns man, Mr. Pole,X]N S lap 0aiEalcueat on a aubjecu a SAVING OF M.ONEY. which he i. aut home. A sketch of Shah,. Upare's est!>' life, anti an acalyuis of tixat fiyoroi ulend minter Bo(ots nt fllte play King John. 'J ANSO )RDSO E We beapeaik for Mr. Pote aý good atten. 'ah tI 'heCerner, e. tse felowteg Low Prtceea: dance uni to tiiso who lenow bis peacitarît 3Me0'niIf Boots, - $3 2s 66 ip Bootts, . 2 50 for theé mnîa î s decided «talent b in t 's Uiowltlde Ihuts, - 2 25 If newe n sîe a> op:tuiis . TLtdieP i lmorxsîs, . I100 1 wll sth inny, opçkunilesheCîtil Ilalîorals, 1 I20 butsladb cal>'lif cf eamng Ad 50mc Andl evcry ettier deborijplion cf wora crdi'ug thé ~ ~ $h motdMttihdradors anddsctera te qiitthty. cf thc works cf the immortai bard tee need liih,8 Scarcely promise anu ztelleeteat treat we are Unfortunatel>' net yet able toiiîiti>y, 0, W., Oict. Si 1862. announce tIe date cf thue lecture, but ire JACOB BRY AN, E-tq., -et o d soin or nxt.Wl iiby. t'. W. A~DRaiiiActicttrti'ît u. Dxstgiet:-leore otlaaii.g Wliitthy on ilty t'IEY.-"lîeFmti d ite.ýieiulttirùlt Sa- : lr tt I daLnttiiiti tpilîraisllysekttnduwlele-. elC i f ti ic .uiitd htto nhips cf Jtaita anal la , i t f te n r ait uL îief ttlfin u'ait, vet lraaia- c'aian lit tut liotnls lu t 5 t i, at. iiti -ai inailai- ii laitDtnesp liraîtmsaith i c JaItl" Mulleti lilt acea-'i bo ui au irt,,andîtîl -'itu atit,,,iîu to Viai-hii aaî aiiiuda-i la irnt, ii uertpub- -Mt. Farîelma utit aii nebeIaa'î aa te ., farinq ituate in tlc trstnf itm::,;i Y ANliElrON, un Naiveaiam- Iîsn lal n aein f a lla a i-aî-- -'nnt '2-/ 5î1~~~~~~ l_,_lirta li raaiaia aaaa-'rama firo li n t e( M r 1 ta r îï , onatyIllietill laiis. B O K A ii-i 1,liai-m TI; nIa:" i:1 a ý '- s -r : i,1Sý:F Oclni aIN ima '-jî i-Ili alîja fi t 1 a tt n iaa-1aal 1lakiaa alii Muril'la twti ( o-ltlîlitiî n theî-xlaiîilo i tf iiii -:n i lia-tt ais liat- s i iur ,- Zt"il lu, thi'ia-c otf la' wi-a l i la a-Ot Il: ,ai.n flic, iila orf li'laoieiicl ~i ~ I1PjY n r t1- .a '-z i. i ia-estai sc iiiint Wî.miaai- taltiiiîita ni tlar ' te alsarh irk. ilîîîîlýiu.5Iatai bla aai a- -aan 'as 15a-li~ la Raal(TI 1 iiid 1, 1ailla1 Çlalt - heiîinauîticou n the NiWrgpy 'withitait.~ L C an>- attitilit at rc a-attliteut. 'aVe aa-lili-i1 a 1 hli-ti irit 4ablla e hu ras tctm the naitne cfthe itiilt'r, fuir îrilenlial - îîîaaielat, iliandriiitaily fîtroîiteifn raîsons ; lotit e fart 1qisiîthout questioni. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, anal tht' tiin, froîn the tiglu claacter of lier itiiilet, mîtlic ea ntast formidatlîtelaeccute aponnen-tiI iren cqcucpeii for seat, ansi No More itan any alter Ilotels ili Town abeulu 't.e biockade of tle Sauttîrru cuat ne i itfic'orl Itdu faire~ii lusuit tIt-rrrequiimette-lit lui>ii.mrout tLie- foe 'lmprtclston, s ail-îlI aitlcuipî I.t) ptuairrt*bes. ite luatr'ie% t. 'atrent litts iueeitvsou the Fcuera--rii.sers uith ecier>' chance of lua11ý11iki-alaer. Convenienîl>' "enneced terut h itnptînity. In addition 't thisa minanal itrotiailu itiîaduae tablin-g.Laagce rstai other crnti-acts i-1 t y tu- sliip hoflîlars da w îtnt l ndati kedaab l eol f hlcding' 50 %ybiil y fic wy, re ighy iltteini 1-atil-etopat'Chiiieuse tut gel poea in ta Lîcir roputatin,.utol îtmhic littierto- d'rîti tltt, dar, anud ituîhs-.heLbyet. home bcen finanicatiy d inia el i ech li luiloho-. ttlaip.tîaeittly roqucauta-i Lit itistanee, riten completeal witlt stnupu un ir ha-k i-fautWi.tiuummii leîumae kaîcaru uitf lois ptirtnutity-a venuiti nom lict'Ime îlblai. Biit-ick lDock, wliose acime udi nt j r JACOBI] ]RYAN., aiýlti irIe for ooiîsuoîus remsons, haani,; *1ilatt iari, cinusisfing priiripmlty of iroit almlei. Iîby, t-'S', lsrna. 3f con iaeîrd, eiatly lafrtlen on the side1s (if - S itiie-moves cii-t ut Chiarleston.'lTe a-i-trs of thig vina-i.arc iînbtu ailit iiili'lsentintentia lutit liether or cal. et utie toa neutltinluthe gigantiecanflict mmiucrîta ic u Atlaache, Lo ailuale Lo- ponieity tii thts transaction.* It iseemai ver>' clear, froni Lb. preqeit vigorons conluct of LIe Sonîbren Confeda- rocfftnflite Satith nrt no distnant-petind wMi p -seil i il-o-clid fi-et rcapabîl. et' ag Colt-' as succeaszfutiy tith titat of te Nort tic jAJ U [O Nt11tM SA S iLsý arindes have trbumplantir met thoeofa lIc, Poeriti] Govemnnieot, if but Lhe saime 0 daFling spirits that Icad the armies -of te Sot ainch lound ta comndaii iL. OIf m a &.fl 1 one Lbbng, howevcr, un-othink wiectan speakf %vitI cerlaint>', sud tlintL la, LaI i LteIt iinatheiV e i mii oitet te ligies biidor, r nidees bult an the 'Mrsey tle %-uth n h miii huave an adrantage o'ier tb. Fedetalai îl in atretti of-liilil>, oqaipntent, and inittl. TO W N0F LINDSAY- uttaallity. Fortîe r.. 'thieÎrcmiicourage, mîtl (tn, analiven-o muryet heur aI -Le g 1 l- bunt performoance cf mere tLIn*o acna ;0 210 itefaîmoflite anonicecimt of' pe*Wedaosday, l2th NOV.I,182 glaàd(iinste licait ofalEumi E pe. -At al iiwt tieubeTebrat a ereita, a few suchi rame; as fLe one neivw L.auudiaz building ou the 'Merse>' ottan mik te TOWNSHIIP OIF SOMMYERVILLE. raising of the Southîru biockade an. cas>' LoItIl, OeilCon., <imiter sl)20aÏW task. - - - - - - - - - 1sla>201cr Y-- -On Flriday afternioon hast a meiannho- iy accidvnît octîrred on te Great Wuait- cmn ratiwvay at Chtathami'. Twa gentlettecn residonts of Sandwich, Pani John Saltari Esq , and Joiaeph Ilereer, Esq.. were Pro. cceeiing*r homewar: on- the day express train. lNViile enileavoirng to ge ttpo the cars at Chathani, bth rissedthi foatin,.- nd fr11 on tne trark, te train pn ongaer Mêr. ýsalter, kling hîm iu- stan ti>', andl injuring Mr.,Jilercer se sexe- rolyv that it is feared . he will net recover. 4ýM>' dear Potly, I am eaurprised at you wearing another woinan's hair on your hiead," saîd Mr. Smuth taelîiî wife. " 4My dear Joc, I àani rallai!'satniahed tiat yon persist ini wcaring ituother ahieep's wooi on your iîack."l PIliWPS-At Whitby, on the 2th inst., the wife cf Mr. aStilwill hI>upps, of a daugliter.- -MARRIED.' SCOTrT - ClCIIlLL- Pickering, the lut list., by lite Rev. James T. Ilyrne, it ilie resideece of tlie brides fatiter, Mr. Staînley' Scott, cf Whitby, Le Lydis B. Chuerchill. lite saume date nnd pilace, by Lh. 11ev. J. T. ilyrito, Mr. Morlimuer Cromiwell Bayart, #i iUolphostown, lIo Dtilali Chuechili. - 11tt"ow-n of V' hjtltv' h1Lite lIev. 7. eciea laiirenuanMirtuadelPrinuce, La Eliz4bot.it to the Witaioo, bath cf ieut W ty eocril LAtY.ALAN - Toronto, raLle an thb,27th nI , b>' dethe v ,-J. B h , U ré Prouix, Mr. Artahur, elest son cf Mr.. Gc lacu 'e ~a.tt b.,i& lili,...tir leat 11ud N 10, III LIeu. (tunber sutd> 300 sores. Lats lot 14, and 1ý'5, Sn a., ('imber celuI,> s x E .~loýt 1 3i 6t.bcon, (tituber auld), LaIs 14. 2n, tit Su., (liiter *eld), 355 acres Lott , ,4, 74h cSa. (adtietUmber ibereuni 1N % at -oIn1, 2, Z, iltircou. (sud tlitetituber tiinruamai 4-sia-tae. Lut . , ,lOtIt Colit. (and Lie iiter titereçu) Lut1, 4, 5, 0,1, 2th con. (suid th. jimiter 'ait-eu) 10 ares.1 aiea4, 6-, 10, lûh'm cou. (sud tete imuber TOWNSHIIP OP I3ROCK. SE mait Lote1, 4t1t con.-(aO-i-tetib.mer thtrora-eu12ii ares. $ '- lot 10, Oral co. (andl thettumbr tbureon) - TOWNS11If' OF NARA, 8 aZ J lot)1, liteon. (sud t~e Limberîheetm) EY. L-'16 10.ltI cou. (nthLetituber tera TOWN811111 OF 'UXBRIDGE. Lot '50, 'tît co. (una lihttiiui.om Liaereeui) 25 TOWNSHIP 0F REACII. NEiLW ADVERTISEMENS; Impounded at Greenwood. ri w ) l F1 EF lseat , aim d, bath arn reil ' tid white, tr iLl.a n short tai nid long ivllte apot on lier forehesal. Tue atler bas er riglit lien broîtun off, moeit ou bier lolins, and setîe wliil, iîiae'- lier. heu. i t Liirofere the said iffiinaltutre ntior edoor cal or reliledt, 1 Shatl meulLite sawine le te Iltigicstt hîdaer, at aur pimîce on lott!No. 10, in tue bti iltî c'ucnn c îtkeing, on tue zotti dît>' ci Oit.,los. TtTfltTAIiali minore - t'otii:ai-koopîir. 7, lItai. 30 tic Plt-ketiiig, 0-I. TARN TO RENT Fpon o bei t1îe ?(E ~ of loti No. 23, ln te lat picéa4ion of 1111aun, 8 aeres of w1ldlh arc elûtrarc .lfoiitaad, tili' liti cf ofile et ;lunIitj; -thto aj;i1 i dwelliiiag hoîîa.c 11114twa at an htr on .Touilvlimr,,iwi4liî4, a sunuil fllnii-tint pranrait îi dpîîîtîa Aliply ( Ifl'y letter Irialaidl o liu e ar o the Tprcnaumca.. MAPITIN TAIIANY, 5-tf Pîîai,1. 0. N0<11"'r1iCE t a2 t r1,1t h ut, et 'I lhtra ,a a4jl i-tl;ria guiplivnîiu o i F, T IlC 0 0 K a J114 , kti, d i r for t.Vic c LANo. 7i i uice4a4ora, Et %Whiitlp% A Rod aun'd White Hoifor, hei 1 ty nialai Xiia i'i;v ti c lcpr j y i 11 bii("Id lu il.aray Marnet. JAMS STABBfACK. NOTICE! T AKF 'NOICIF tl)a- pletowi b i ile tNOthe iJud ife nSiimitî leCor TA th e lai tic'oi-Oncariof tt ti-igxiuio tn of lIaitutit cdvsf lai theju, lir Ac oiofthes 'i-eiîg. iie lot iita'cf Oitairio, mtallurof u) lelai liitu, a totis , aculiultnd gîtai aliait oaIfEla4htt itmi Clairtue, .iWuî~aelea ittirke, luia-ai>' <lerki, andtil l'tale iWl!lut Cierkue, inîfant cîtjldren of saial1J11î1 Clertue. tâte cf tîte i.uidTîuiiiîp aoflickerIgyo Ue Outed tiis sovecithd&Y of etober, A. D. SAMUEL II. COCHIIANý%E, DI. F.DWLNAJH i t'lita itaaiilaiii t-lieIP 'li l'autre liîeetut labc rcilbtoit uitlti firitisi cf vm Couralîasî ion Fre ar Citurge, ,-0: R~oyal Votriuîary Siicion. l~IFlMBiR of the hors terlear), ('otlege LV Etluhit,' SeotLnnd, Madaittfoir t bO,ýt exmili luic iiiHoe rF-ales, 2nc« pilze, fer Catîde ttmaotice, &oe. Aullier ofetLitelrait Pnize Lsaýy eut eredtaemydts lu te o rs. Gr4tdstsmit M8, Art21s:. W. K. bc o iranttianthiai le lias commosi- mid te ?raoticor aliai roféession îut Andýti adi ouatas trtîsted të bli a rge tilt me ouivje se'rattention, * mu id ult leoutemmla, oitnhinlui miit maodaerait. chargea. WU'Lferce unseto preteaiounal abillty..--Â. Siîtjjtîh, qVeCtitît>' liStrgeon tne aagri- etlna cnty et Upporr laiada, Tomnte or Gieorge iWYllIie,JLiq, Vetorarlwy lurgeon, W-Al tb pri left ut Mr. BLÂCK's Âthou Rineetor wth aMr. Gerrie, hlreggist, Wbltby, tilt rocive over>' atteatitua. IV h îtîrt ept. I 8 18 52. 8 Chanoer-y Sale INCANEY IIETWEEN Jîlmeés Kelby, laiolmifi, Potuer tistpstDaifndant. ber, ini tO m a Clinatemder itas lte ct-l 14. a sd4aitilta made -cf aiOur l luilta To'tru i e shn aolr dscason may place you in dfflecu1dos. ~Buy what YeOu want-only whet you want-and when o want it GO ST RAIGLIT TO cOWÂN'S, KING ST., OSIIÂW A large portion of wËVtSe' DIRECT IMPORTATIONS for Lbe Fait ànd Wintor are now reccivedr, .Rcmcxobcr thrit ail C(O) WAN'S Oodbear oniy one profit as they corne direct fromBIritxsh Manufktturers ta theïr own doar ini Oshawa. I t la this advantage, adcded Le bujir.g amd seling for CAUQI,n wldob entablefi ths bouse te Theïr imtPortations this FaJliare larger than. ever bofore, and thoir stock in DRY (lOOl)S euin eXterit tn manv ofthe large city boeuses. .Ail Who tttudy eotomy wiil sec the neectity foýr procuring their supplies for the stîasofl lat.COXVAN'S without delay. Th!o one-price aystem bcbng strlctly adhered ta, Scarlet Flaînnels, ail woaai. froîn 25tt. Choalieat white Flanneis in the country. I;llawkets $1.25 ,cach. lorse 13lankletg 874~c. Bar bor'.q heavicat and besI. Satinetta for 75etti. now worth i fai il'trheer'c calebra'aed ('anadian Tweed.4 nt Laqt year's prices, notWithstanding the grent advance in wool- Pilntai and Bearerg direct ý from Hundders- fieul and Leeds, at tînhenrsi of priccai. lolh.i Pilots, 7Oets., or a. Ceat iength for -;1'ï.75 FancY BeO virs l its., or a coaL Iength 1for >.2.25. Forown, Whitney, aisedon-. 1-Al-widdilîfor ~kaor il.5for over-citat Ieîgth. Aithiougb everyone is a-rying ont About te great advance In catton, a large stock ofPrinNt are offerû i at l prires thaîm fortnerly. Splendid hoavy Prints, fast n ua 1ela., ft'r i2tacî, îrtiî lias, Seinîlcas grain l'agi t silheid at $4 and $4.50o pr doz, ailianagh aeorth 50 per cent mre : ýt tie taill-in ii iston. Fartners andti Muerai who ililaV i îtil tlic e licîp bags aresola OUiý, Maît blarne thcmuneivcai ir disappointeîi. artory catiton lac sirEle j'icet c l inuMontreil wholésatc rates by the haie nlinI esaotaa npi.hmele tDu' sanother set-s n Lhoy will bavc' dou. Sldnti o. 'it tilied Cîtton Sh ecîs forwitîter aie, frous $1.25 per pull-. Partieu- I r uatention i,9 diretd to a lot of FANCY MJLTNRY iCHAP BONNETS, diret 11-011,fondlon, mua-h more üeeant, and one-tiidrd fegis titan the city price oif sini. I)t)nbije-witl',t (o1ourgsanmd Mohairs at i2ýcts in any quîotity. Naineststylcai of %Tanùeýs, aiso Laund'!nm mle, ant îîrices %vliril ua l favor'abty compara whith any hmmc in the iratale. - .1A éicujilot cf FLYTS I aily expected from London. iVOOLENX More attentioan than osual wit be devotell t r'li s departmnent. Splendid value in Mens' <V~~~~~~~~~ 11 XSiii t atntraa svhîch rèquîre ta bc seon in order tn iiaijaîi attai.hbuaimouîai ',rvlc b i coatg ut $4 eah.Sty luth Over-coati, L- Ail thes mainaiheninnulde tînder t'a:ýr awn insgpection, are warranted te ho tritrnaaa'l lau lie brut lanner, 'l'lie repîîtntion Clii WANS have obtained for i hcap Grocerîesý will be stîli maîntn'aned Ther alw-ays give the lknt Dollar', Il art/i of *gar ingo t. ,',and consequently sti lle n nîhn ana' other hanse. Slui 'IEA tlicy can def>' competition, and 'ifrer a toit aI. 90ts. botter titan ais>' es in te Cmiînty for $1. Freeiand's Soaps, large Lara, 8 for 25cLlî. A few bariols of those ciîeaip Currants at 171b-, for $1 ' or 2lbs for lijets., still toIt. Best Rico, 221bs for $1', andal al otiior classe--;aI Groceries proportionaIty low. BOOTS & SHOES-A WELL A8SORVED STrOCK. 1 I conciusion, thoat--beg ta thank their cetarnoers for the î,,ereased patroage the>' have receivealdîirn- th itait 12 rnontlîs, by'means of wbicb tisoir business bas neariy doubled Lttcf Uiheîprecediiig year. J. &W. VOW&N, Oslunua. Aa.SO, AT PnuacE ALBEItT.AO<D Toaos.%; OS111AWA. sept. Vl, 1M62. 38 N. B.-Gatoals %aIl bh o suit Prîcc Albert a saartspeicy lgis prices eltuweti for Buýttr. tOlwarespcsl>. lgbt FOR ýA LARGE, WU Ee.wý-T'En TOOS 0F THE FAIJL MEGT ING0F T"~ OINTARIO TURF CL1JI, TUESDAY &WEDNESDAY, Oestober 21st and 22ad, 1862. '«bon tue foetotng ne prel t I.eoffroil fer euin-paitiaet FII1ST DAY. 0100 Purs., mile taets, T. c. W ., opea te Pr >viceuel lie hra'es.1 $100 Trottteg Perse, CPtin toaltI Trot- tltitiiftciutrm e mn lit e., $23 Pars. am Tritlor anal Paieat, on miale, turnitai lir, opei l tci i.tlorases taI eorrwon iL-atoll or perte orer t21Y, Stiver Cep,- for ittmalioiel latk horsts», SECOND DAY. $100 Tretîng Perse, two cuite haufts opet t il -a-lii 'ttifiattie ueO jat $101) Pere. titjnu lieia îii-cajî iveinrlats lait al rlinuludréoi, . $50 T1rotting Pere, netellie. ireit fiee. ap iteil t ia, iauinheItpe aicai "soîly. 810 Pers , o'ta Lta)l aslmtchrod Itar- liiaT. C. %V. ThIe ntoarci, eeretii.pria'iieurc. if liat. puaiamg thte drys cf macc'n o tisie cf iaf-sveutra - le meatter.7 RULES AMD REGULATIONS; Mire telit c-;tem ke oa litihl,nt len.t Ltait tw tota suat. E:Iattatiea futa 10 ç,er coUnL. Tiea at cc4i rserLt-natan isa-rliig tii te rfftais n thie Clb. Ail et ýt,)a e made ini arrinîr, oaa tîtder s wlithti tîteSicertasy lacfarLi 1 O'toluekci0tt11 nith nx prea-iînîs te4am) îduy rner. Ait ridera iviOl loie ,i'oaîretta desii Jtkt'Style, a Weralat, lat he mlet.îvr tettet ntring ea oraoie ille c a tiicto mi'ietsntai,.Tho jlnizcs.ï deil-ijen le latul tial raines. lPrenviîce i,-ri-foUrainallow- nil 7II'. lin1ra 11Vn-au'0e eibrcuI , iiili sob' - JOULIN\TIlA M PE£itY whicretaSept. 18, 156.1. Ait TIt Canada ranont Building and Saving Society.- I l R E n d e3r é ilr o d l e s p p y t t' enlo a fte t lits friends awI the p1irhio, tiuil the Canada Permatkent BuildinanSd §av. lui' slotCety, lns resîmei! miticngadvtices on Rl et stat. AdrIjneis -CýIo ow tI btahioied ut gpot>'re- A îl,t tluit !s 1o tai s V .L he L t Ile eti O ffi ce, J. HERBERT MASON, Eaq, - aiksretrEtutand Zl-tisrer. 8 5 - V l o u t r , u t W i t b y , PIOKERINi r p t l~ 'i c i e r m~ T o w ii4 it p A v r r e ltu r ail g o - Luty iolI lîtl ttr Fait Sliw t Lie Vil,. laue"f Ibrongitalt n 1 Wednesduty, Ootobor 15, 1832. phrie I i i is i ir p aL tiimae-uti te arotfaiLao .tritiat iay biadI bLfomat te- For jutîtir îiirieltlutr.i, prizIns,&u-fe lairge peut-tu., 82 Seeriet îry. 'XENIVE Farm Stock, Implements, &C, Tuesday, tho 141.h of October, WILBIA SÈIES S.Q., 2 'Pipnirt1nn eao lreaIprinj Clt, Il~~~~~ Jbliaior I, '2n tea. 2 yeit-'ii,, r o w , 1 F l u i l M l t , 1 i T r i p t i l Ic e r t w o àTïkrktut 'iti' ý tina f sttiluy. 2t crs 'ratrî~n, a atial'oiaatsis,2 .ett dnislir cees. litiîte tdlll, bîsafL*aljatity of looselild Friiîe'e, hleyt radie Cit e , 1CO k uejg lit ve, I1 Segu r R o t le, i C ule-. mdy behbr.î'a 1lMIIma c f $5 ý, intoruàt fi iue. Senior couaty1 CALL AT PRM:i TO RENT. cLal, FortutiiIemparlicimiars upeîr ta tite aiuit-ctfber out ttipemse Nu.7 broDken front, R. S. CAMPELI.. - - oil DWELLING TO LET. 0 lUs!5 -P, E. PEtRRy. 2;OtE TWO STORY rc wlii ' ii tt aso tloa. PseialeIuai IL E. PERRY. J WlitI,. Jit>'y 8, 18C2. 281 tN part lot 24, 13tli cou. (aid tle imiter) j4 suont 23tLacs. -Et Sl'airt lot 24.1 lStlî conj., mental>' eseadinsd tEuq., M part soi»tamlitent, <Limiter ln.eded) about t 100 acres. mm hS pt'alot ju, liicen, parti>' elred, (Liu- '2W'ý ber !0itla) biiît ia0 tieý. TQWNS11IP OP MARIL>OSA.- l4tli N ~ lot 1-5,0 .d con.ntostly elaunared tiLmiter atIl 0 me!acielal 1Ï) u-rs T ER M S: LA1N lfor'ai cui dat tii, uIlIeblitue ini Th~e wes tlaui fpul -d a ie e eutueceoiCLý itý l c l qa t r ettajiut coi, til a tres TO p,st0Oneo'é-ujcIta ý 1 1 il

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