Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1862, p. 3

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ti r euOaythe Mitneeuerelates 1 T~ lavse paralyzed th, trenit bed ta utryi .L Ji3 udi the I'Ftriah North i içicn Prçvin.D R C T.es T8 bave put, astop to ieav a~sbitentu of Fisih, . oatesextensrdive mo ime vch were made mainly te they &lLiLlsrn 8't4o." There i; no dotibt thatc that tsecq'Iieces have becen te a cer.li ta"' exteunt Sl sue" theWitness depiei'es; egto a&lUinrce the arrival Oths 0erb it 1i8 equaily ob)vions hiratgot st mont tho vrl* tat rnsn"y (f 't'O articles thua shut Mou i mrlasod boforo th e rgioat the transport ta >the Senîhern Stte-al t!1utal 1î4 8ins ane reltinrk alppiî0g te the Nortilern '5 1l5...iid hui say te thoir ultii. e s A filedesýtinlation, the West Indie. It resisa s- 1"" xnuch tle fashiOn te describe 0cr cons. FLANNELS, DLANI Ie cContitig.suit oitthse conIdition(If Ulltud States, wlien î s leasucisthing. LIil D1Ls s Teme bave coliducîed an honoirable rivalitry To ol ietts Wtilli nin qenpplying ,the Britisis and Fore- iTe oid iett Pee i~~~~ntit Weî ,dew our produictions cand I8tlOitQ Iiiytritgtui iiid t ciplethem nh(-is lotlis, Cassimcrcs, (Janadii ric~~~~asits....<,- , il ??ca 'asdc . h i . llax. M t!," etIms nsitis ot legs itint2,0 I'elîrl iolli-rahav snîreulereal te tiir- WiOii ,îni saiih iustneci 5 , t'là" ... Ienis- *vrcenîl-ci by 1lie inaîly rsitnc Z~ tan snb Iti <'nniity liijtright te excetîrL v. Ifr însîss"ai 1 stekn sidda for ii, aid-nss iinelied, ýri smi l î<u1 ýtht' Iaii. i satnnk car tin'o anme, but flot se ait erlissy ertily us ise ieccased ciho was suiortîs' a- îs iseafter ses, c-itll tliirýst csaâ osins. - tsIt~ntliree W ii~ cntinîîoal niinil aentIt terinsinattZi llemnctiv. A.Portion of thse tuinnel, nr'ariy a mile restui. l ti 11lcsgtspierceil tlrou-1h the Mtlvern t,, viîs arefor ilise , Mrorc,ster ral fHereford hrigtis Il ü> îilwcy, gave way a foir dayeacge. (, suc ,) WARD PUGiI..Wiilhy, Oct. l4th, thr iîtiiî .lbRv JTtseeT. Ilymie, Mr. Rosbert Mo wilîi Wadte Mizss Sarahs PUAisbotis of Pick. hil or for essd ~ LO Pr~-I- AC i fACIS.ae botIl ne juuthele he- f prlâl Ts ii- 1, t1îlî fl lclontiue aîn ltn sisss-a.j2e a 10e Iis. psijiýis- I ca-h-et aaasy ut bitti sîî~ j70eîa73e, wisi sboter feeling. Lus-le>' unid thi-tk t i yi active, 75 -'ý day l is he uliig 11- 51o iaas LI V re. Peau astire sSleutile et 50C. lais asîss clsilva I 30c -h i l 'a$1-4lier ton. 'J'--li itiIL 1 - ciî-sý MAl i pROfITS î.~iiîîî~« -AN3 ~ N CRE DiT! is-eve-)I ilpR IS i ÂxIjCES 11ilo t [ ras- 1 îs f oi. $1; ret fii--2Ihs. toi-U'2 JAMES URooXîr. l t 3 22 Iisi. tom $1, arît JATliust R(A. a. B EST «hiOCEIES of every kind JAMES nBROOM'S. 03000 Ol»."D PRINTS, u JAMIE-S BROOMYS. FANCY DIZ E SS GOODS, in gromit Fv-uriutýy, firein *175 the dressi, at JAIMEÏ; DRoo>Is. W NCE',$ rt ld pes yard ct w JAMES IIROOmes. MIANTLES -a ill be ishown in a few themîpat stmantdes, v-ciy 7fAMES 13ROOM beg(4 to infsm' R.EADYUR[AI lIONS. 1of their FALt5 STOCK, ,beiiig tho 1 lt îtusimoff'rInrnd hsving boots adilh ttce 0n1 goolss, thoy will be:ablo to offer (1:111nt t C in u 1C21XI, PACTORT COTTOIIS, (}&RPETS &c., &c., attenitioni of Ge-inîutee to ir extcueiv iau Twoeds &Satinetq; Und-3r-Cloth- Lats, Caps, TDies, 'WoI Plaids & hi en' red By'~T<î rud BdyCoatis, voats rend l'cnts of every style ana quaity biîî zireo i uthe pi t1ipse ifit rend workmjarship netY be de.' volnded on. A FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES.JUST REOE-IVED 500 baga LV"iiRI>OL SALT, wlîioh will ho sohI Choap. R & J. CAIPBELL. HOUSES AND LOTS L Fo0RWSAL E 0Ol TO -1,ETI TwiIi ls-t s t -i l-!tns i u-tiî"-,s lieul ili sic an--Casiitelflsaty7 arait:ssests ils q1isajir- le]iv- eat I <55>1weviliaid ,î' toI 1 naaîssl wslh 1 sor t4%9uslM, . 'AhI a àloa at iiitsg i « un aciinildi-- AhI sac 5 D4, Vrst cf Irock frcer. Api ply te c-01L. MERRI1C1C. wTBY. TiIOS. 1Dow, llrlll'IjEi-g tCLUKSo AN 1 IN ' r LT E 4-S? 5-Y 5AT j A MIEiS, j c)INSýlîi , Weîelitsissker sud JlsscaIlsr, Octv. isus, -As-. 40 Valuablo Farm for Sale, F 1 1,Iira<s ba-s 16.li ssl17, iiils cana- -i-iîavl lrs k, C i ttsl î, r l-i sa-a'- tS sase-"i alala au v-1 reai. Ieriia i'-îa-sAl.-t. Isugoud r 1,,rtfii-gralil -)r Biroc k, Oct. 1"),16. - HOLJSE TO LET. SIn>lsalii etaicii al 1wo strey biiîsliîig, sîi l 3yrsan stm c(., eppsiaititiser ieise11as o l<tceiî, pasir>' cavaigoulcdii)v oslssîli1 findi si-tAsaJsa 1it iare ofad~us o puinp sîsîsi cîatvemc.- Wlltay Ot.J.S.M. WILCQX, Esq. Oct.,.-" >2. 40 To Mferchants, Tradesmen, &o. -al irissg aaiks jiaesi, o us- aus iocsnadc ofiii, ati iodi n e a-tilt nitisamt btnsk--kcp ':mIiil issa-tis at<tttlcet ,onuwl>uiîce-t s-y s-s-llîictindsu fd elceeenay ht'ap]sced, b>' a TRE CIONICLE OFFICE. TO ALWIION IT MAY COCERN. EN TUE QTJEEN'IS fflCI1. In the Nyatter of Partition, John lin-wles, Alîn-lam Knocrlei, Richard Knrowles, Wilians AntI-ea Knowlcs Jamssuc IConles, DanillKnowvlcsn Josnathan Layrc Knosc-1c, Areinma Conrsad KniCinke, iîrui Abc Knowlees, John Elwsin lCnowles, Knowlc, Anna Loiïa T1cves,for. userl- Ais LonisKnocrS, IVil. lsnToivcm, Mury EFli7a Knowles, Sarah Caroline lCnowIes,ï George Peost, HirminPetit.John Cuewles post, Anna Nass forse4y Avnua Pist. Noal-s Nsh, Sain-hId Crosse, fsîmnerly 15nrali P. POtiti A. A. Crose, ylt! Baesforsi4 ybil Po B, hrke S. Be , Mllamy AveeryIorsir-oyD'Malr e - r SeA ery, frucsmlaieS>' B41, Jo- Buii mr>,Srke h -issior- uiierJohnSa ipsonandTite-th,îr bP osn îso edJ~zbt lXlctPastit, Cli.irle.q 1104 John Joa-, slslot,A-O Pett EiaPo-,latty Posit, .A1bert LVF L ie s os-t'çcosw ele Kîei ls th Tus iiiins of$î*snghn,4 ,- lissa ae-ia, aai-uc ltsi l'tltliin i-,n i ns. i sussiae<fls sics lo ig i. Li : Il,,he tu <s in i.liv sa-,11 , aa, '. fTU-tsti as~viuso t rs-i n theip cf 4, The Fai>nI 0East N rafi tn dl e ntIseo nou c fil'0tqt aisi Teavcslil) et S4arborecmgb, ING ansimos-ior jus,. aof Pr 5. P'art e ot ,0;N. 1, ils ts4ou211daOuCCFssleù , cf tihe s!ïlid Tuwnoabîp e] $e4ui<ehrcej!, 18 acs, altho umore oi- lessi, uoro ptsiriularl-y dc6c*iisudilu tic.de& F. ]su-t 'stNO. 1, in coe usiYlaD. of tii nons id Te ,enj if m1ý,-borc,ib, ountshalf<f ubled.j acre, etore c as sucre lpartialariy lcaeerilmed lu-thera sid ct aion. 7. Part ot LetNe. 85,hi tli set Iet cngof tue -&F£ Tow stii1s <f Pee iug -u Isle Coosty ofis-diec tînrio, oi.se ce ausl evîseanper-chs, msua- s i sg, outre p.jiuarIy durlclose- d iii tlise maidi jar e l' rtittu. N- 1:- n-ý h FOR A P ASIIION.Aj3IE GO TO iIlcMILLAN'S FOR A P'ASt1IOXM3LE, SUIT 0F OLOTHES GO TO FOR CIIEAP GOOPS IN GO TO FOR 011010E ENGLISII -BLACK.& GREEN TEÂS, GO TO FOR 011010E-OLD FOTIOC 's LIQUORS, WIN-lES,&C"., .11 GO TO Pt-nt. PEIIRY'S BUILDInGCS, Brock Street, Wlîitbýs. -GREAT BruM 40 rx Pf 117110 ubmeriber WEI soli te tht Iliihetbsdr TOM"; 0F JJNDSAY- Wedneuday, l2th Nov., 1862, ~ Tns siowsivalinalile Titzber and Farl TOWNSHIP P 0 80MMRVILLE.- Lot 'è, 2rii l (i titslner si»210 nvares. Lot 1i l ialN 3154tiî (iss. tîser soI> Los1,14, iîd 15, 5t1in cen., (tixnbcer sOîJ,> 60acres. 8 X & N E li lot 18, Oih eon, (timber sold), Ibo Utres. Lots 14, 2o, -attuc"n., <ti.oiber soll), 35. ares Laina 3, 4, Iris cona. (andl the fluber thurui) 400 acresý. thas'eoîs> 400 sras. Lots 7, i, i ith eon. (ausd th ise iscr thercosi) 400 Acrezl. 1 Lots t, 4,,5, 6, 12th--oori. (anîd tho tissibur thereori) 80o cerem. Lots 8, 4, , 10, l8%h <con. (and tise tinsier, TOWNSHIP 0r BROCK. 8 E part Lot 9,-Stls co. (ana tise timeur tberenu.) 11-aecs. 8 <j loti10, trd lti.(ssiliai, tim4br tiierean) TOWNSUIP 0F IIARA, S E ~ 3< lti, Isteon. (and tise tiior tiiereoui) E Mlo'-1, 12Is con. (and tise tireisr thsere-- TOWNSII -F 1 ijBU GE - Lot M, Bun con. (sand tio tinl-,r tiseroen) 27) aecs. TOWNSHIIP OP RE &CH. N part lot 24, lCth conn. (atal tthe tiuutsur). about 1-3 ans SpartL1ot 24, Il5tiî eO!., rsoin y eleared sud ýrt slown te wll,,(titur iitided) about 00e acres. TOWNSHlIP OF MARII>OSA., N Y 1(t 1i,, 'ua! con. mue ly clcarud, (titl.nr ieesic) iDUlases. Iue-fnsnrtli eush (wn,mnu4.tVie lnlisnie ln TtTESPAY & WýEDN-"ES,çDAY, October 21st tuant 22adsIitS112. Whien tiif1low ig '~- Vii l bo iI:frod for I5IST 13AY. icor un e aitloedi-lr over-t-d ess il svej rotu, fisesthàs21 *30) 1; ose.nule asa, au fer 0 aIlirse. iiiiiherIes. i-uap criglits @50 Trotting Prsýe, tiseaille, htrsL.pii fiv(, opeii te Csualsa sIIbtndor4s îi f40 Parme, «ate ail trvsn< <iihsr- muistisit niaser cs-oii a pr )s vcr ,ec5, iiiio CEî7T lmherses cvill,3tftrt >tli tif-pis t tiuve o'cetc, 4«Tp The Sevsdareservo utise pr*ivilefe eLpc t geninmptl*ic a cî f rea ýiii c"ase cf t4iîavottra- RtJLES AIND REGULATIONS Tlirse homres te u'ca fOut cI tharn tare testait. Knctriicu fus 310- pu-r it. Tihe atboyvA re t - run ýnlsiisn'vt tvsa rle-uof and uins et FWal wirl i ii oreir li)nre1 e'eieitonilisiven e mi iattivs.clI sy's Wi atitino s ,< iWELL, 941 ING OFF atl's-iefors A Y S 0,1, ¶" Rt rmedy for tise short crol ha te make Don't runinalel8t, as anether Lis d seon may- n wîitonl* itityoe tu-nt-at (10SI'AIGWlTO COWÂN,s A las-go portion di c-iseDIRECT I3IPURTATION R tcnebr ti ail4COWV laS GIq hps la., of-ils() rge~~o 0t1 ~ Itioli Oal Vttîiî0î~-a 0f (~ r~- tins Soritinsîs t dnstiuî-ns to îieh i <ix- rhtinsis stili 5110 Intel N Incli Cl,,f 1141. izan 41-tf, ' 1 ", S'IL E 1

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