Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1862, p. 4

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Dri'Wnt5t easu l of hers otitnuortOs ,,eetspA ichI harme! wiîugs,$ 1,hlO itim shîihtu rinigs Dl down thte soutliern smky. L vlui sail sud clusnluoie, uie seuil h ind noaikittu itoa pgo O t lier Ilithoin rt-il lettresm trorno terirer-altdiro t.Iilleo, tt ev ,ctîttIiuc 30or, whlisper t tho Palle. fruIt. (copl lts flr7 tas V erchullrtl'. gAtaauoriiîg downl ,y gioppes bIMte tho towut, giowilig btien lCatit. FI sl l Ms 1e Oe"tuti1>; i utI fos: the wilei Oaek broou cllII ý ltîu i tîo orie1l lthe ti-'ie îirt l lituliesÎ6, for riti wifli>lt rur'era e:i t, lier owu brigiit lluol lit tii- l-fit doitinhie 11111%, %viî iatIic Iitly nfil$ sierrrng. àithîre= tîttuit LiCe id LOc.e ritî oi'îlKiffî,ur,îfîi l îiiru tui ti iirmidnti tr tiLl uuok Sîido it., let ilic ltt. t.) luuZY licialttîu ' dette! le flîerv aIinitit crîorîl. ýtrc(tIi i IIcte uol fora sienal l StMil nwhoîite, klttiil i rînles ktfle iiglt, -flyiîig flugs iroiiei. lutit iow.er (cf inort4tlliirtit) ir ellincurse oit -rh t aw nè aoerrwriti rîtie. i.îîrfirv-fuîri, Il jrrnw lîliitit t r tut, ont is iino:twerea-; ry ellm-unl4h,1 l ng lues, e'q Iliii Firot-O!au Spofting RMfe 1 I)ENTIS!TRY :FOR SALE. te sod fors, -DIS. ëÂLLEN1)ZR & CAR]) bcKoa nuit5,C-a, a Fira5t-Class Sprt- . 1.intflou o n asueo. Apply to SIutgeOmaD» tnts&.'oousoe ~R. WIGMORE, Mr, Carleton Lynde's Store fl.e,.,n.'. Q.ot 10lue Geeocel. DUNDA8 STREET, WUITRT.- NOTICE.-, Cot4tof Ontario, I erby N L4 l'rIu,oyer, and! Termner,' and General tiuol defivery, wll ho holdAn in. and for the Couiity of Ontario, ut theo Court. House,, in the !.rown nI Wilxtby, on Thurisday,. Octobor 23rd, 1862, ut thet lor.r of 112 o'écek noon, of whicht al C'ormiîers., .Iustios of thte Ipeace, Constablogand nit otim.rs concortied wili tak) notice, sud gov- * ril tlie:îtti~soecordhil 1 . NELSON ~. REYNOLDS, a3erlif, C. 0. POr C. Nourse. $Iheriff"os Office, %V hitby, Sept. 101h, 1862. Farm for Sale or To Let in Roach. B FING 89 ocreta of Lot 29., in tho th Con, orf sthl Towîî..lîip. Lind e! irly ail cieurcil, snld ilu god cutivtiou-eootains com fortable Pruine 1înnse nd New llîrn-n youn< Orchtrd -tzni Well And e!toattuor frash water. Ti îotîloffute o tesîbeon given. For further V articiiirorî de oa prepiiid te FRED ERICK ?It01ODOOT, ilarristor. Toronto. or to R013ERT McMICIIAEL, 84 Port ?erry. T tUS È' T E ,1 A»D FOR SAME! tg city solioares. 56 DOZ. lIARTELL'S FRUIT AND bemill S)I -tlieto huit, P1~ E Y~ a uu ~ rz lowet row 00fo; of iiiortiittor lizlitm tîte best erar' ofelrd w the publia fer ireepn l1te moot, ln Is -ut, fruit in iiq ntttuuri stut, andthîe eno selertod e litsy 'eo hy thteBritieiu. t olatiiti lovuruuuount (frmthe ____________ bit hit ufurai îrodiyuts of the 4Coloniau bi ihe îuîaH>AN.-"9 An [ris. greut-undtiatrual exhiition itn bondon cf 1862, i box" i provorbiallY a JOHN BRYA"L. Tisut otheru have foune Agent for Co. Ontario. r colt te donue, appears Wlithy, Aug. 25tit, 1862. os ig ancedote -;-The clip". S1.-An Apprentice. unteelt t e irn the f084, seing an Irishman Tn busin)ess. ie.funnel, atepped ap le Doat vou yen eothat notice 99 D'yo mane that bit a' o lue sure I do,ii <'Rhure Fdo'l yoa fellio il?7" movei it's naileel fut, à4I meu, 1uvn't yen A ï iDivil a bit-,sars ta tcate." fiWO!!, il Sherifa Sale of Lande. n allowoul bore." 41 Be- uo' cosars e a:m;eCouu7 of Ontario, f()N saturday lte twen- unooked L&'atone! in nuyA. D.,1842, ut 12celocleuou, wiiI besold by is taid eÇ a celebrateul er, wohlati dialinguisheti îg a chourcli au bis cuen a callege with a chair, ,me. A Yankee viastor, ýde acqualuleti with the ir thia ero continent, but se tartuian lmart,î Le nioiz, andi sa2oaion, andi ,rde ituory of the tloe .7y wore seling in thue triedt lanudersell the isu 1" exciairneti ene, reell moe; tsia Lte T braoms aretnmade." er, "I aitde oy breenua Lei.-k Wahington -Il in pcoiively ucer. uGO in iying iliInear tilt. unablo ta iMount ooundeti in lhe batis bWI.t orichpassd Ilis bers. becoming hlm, we hrlo feilInp- Ite a boue. )T TO DE Cenew-)drt- mlati paýerS savs thai ahot General Nelso, r ta tbe civil anthoi- rertomeol oili net ln. ail. Shonld lbe ho arChe oît be relaie. ýht blsckemiîhuu, are more or lesa ushat atidictedt L mast part, speak- lsil when u hey înently lLey une M with their oie! est int life, snd Cheerfalneaa la It lu s sauitary bodly a oteb aus. ati affect j the long avwen. îttuutte .Autiotut myficyOnea ln ttt Court lies intiIe Toiwn cf Wlitbyu the right, titi,, anue!il tomt# it hc iete untrnueiutiod riafondtitta ceverohly pirnaesn, iiu the undecrrnaiotloiied ]und# atitîlteonent-tetitretons iezed loy -oim nt er aitel lîy virtue of ecrito oiwrt-x o f lierd Fadas, rIZ :- , - % i lit e Ccuinty Cenrt, Stepiben ML Thomuas, plalotif, va. famuel V'lIlage lots 48 anti 41, in Bmokin, as per Cttinpbei's plan, eng ptrt cf lot 241u the th 00i1. cf wFiîby. uIntue CeunIr Court, -Nvil Meteotugali, >Iitllttff, -ra. Hugli Corrigan defouduunt. Tsîooîvftvc iacres heiug tIie eat quarter 'cf cfth li sortitýhaifo--f lot No. 16, hlte 91 coen. of te Townsitý fNMars. NELSO.N G. REYNOLDS, Fer C. Nenue. Shcris flo , Wbithy, Juir 1, 1862. 25 Sherifi's Sale of Landes. Cottntv cf Ontarie, N SATURDAY, lb, > cwit: I.0 Fi flentit day cf Nov. A. P.,182, at 12e elock noon, -1 ie bole! by Pttblio keelion, at uny ofce, lu the Cou-t Tiouuse, in te Ton of Whithy In th. Cotanty i cf f)tito, thoe rlgbl, titie anad Intereat whleh tîte acdernuentiliuerl lt'entlirntt, gvarIllypot;- 'tsc. inthelitendarmnaioîned ]auIs andtelle- Mounts thereon, atizeul bumenim idet- andlby virtue of certaia n rts of Fier! Fadeanud Von- diticul Exonius, riz. Iunltae Court cf tQneen's Ranch. Rowlandl Birr A dmninitristr, àu2 ýnebtea cf tha e ernnal estute sud effetî rigzhte and. ereeits of Clark Lathatur Oturchllludeeeuséi, lut uudminlstered by Sophia Julinà Chroiil. PIaintht!. ThounaflBalues, TheunaS8bcrllsand Mknael Meteengh. -Defondants. In lte Court cf Cemmnon pleas. RoewlandfBarr Audtini ulrater, ad&d enu4o, cf tho persuttul eAtate atnd etteols;, rigibttsande elTtse of Clark Lathuno Cburchill, deeeaeelt lefi anudminluteuod hy Sophia Julia Churchill. Thomn aRee, Theia Shorti.s,and Miobse1 11uthfle Coitrt of ComranuPieu.. Rlcwlatd Rarr udminitrater, ad ôoUigendeua cf th( parsonal estate and e ecp.rijh aant cretiltA of Clark ILatituuuChurchill, lee "cd, loft tdtiuli&red bhY Iophis Jlia Chutrchil Plaintif; Theu>mnsBalues, Thoasemon8ertin nsid Mlbsl MeDnag. fendant~s il toru l)tuing99 a 01y. Sonthbua ,lu coouttonilug an sylventer acieay. T EMTi 811. tu th. nocat pert'ect ofanuer sitd none but theo bomt . eou ust upprovetâ The long creerlenc. of Dru&. Calunder -Card anatsheioroughknowledg, oi theprao tice efD.otimtryetitble them o Wapproobttfii. groat l:Oeflt.s to'bo derirced Iroint acureful prme- narvation cof Iuokse ll-lmpoyrtaut, und lbeautldia rgns, the teetit. Jpin their presorvution a ratdeal of the hemIhh, hapinesw, and oufort cf manilo depetad. Their operatlenit la this braucit of th. profession osmot kil te give»ani. lafactlon. Let the anilt.d wth dl.esd teoth. Only lIsIt thotu it tinte, bef'ore the di»s ekg, toc flrtu a iole!. ABTIFIC[ALTEETLT lnaerted ln (bold, 8il ver, Platina Plate, aiso upout thé ceobmtel,uni 'nsqliy 'ecommeu>lotlvuloatuisue! luse, after lte iatout and i iaet appr-tod mtoudm naoptet by (ho profeiticu, iTito operaýbens cf Drm. Cloen der & C(lrd are seourefuiiy perrorine, ti, ue se perfoctîn theutsehras, that ocnt only thte natur-1 alexpresa4lon la preserved.but the cwso tnd cotu fort of the wearer cf their artlfielal teetit. lK pro. motred at titu saiua tume, lu theo trabiliiy ou the uaturial aaod, and the hummonày in*te. ilendiiic of oclor, the groatea#t iaatLnf.acton will bc fotutue! . l'erticuxinr uttention given te lte cure azti rmentiomn cf cltildron' o teti. Pisrents choinIe attend te tiis an e vemy iinoortautdnslt-to thcir AI oeaton arsatd auf, octry. Ternis "rnreoeuhýIo.ConRnila.t4on fe.2 STOYES!! T lE tAikB EST STOCK AN D GR]EÂTST lV'rioty in Stores., Store. Puritire, Tin- oure, bceu uccu nat the Store cI tii. Stoesof va'y ty«~ailqualitv. une!aial Pricait. Tite populur ueo patternt tove bas been introti uet-d ,oningt otitar varietica:. MUE KIN(FOF 87T».'RS, MRON D UKE, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALIIERT, DA FY CROUKE T, PROTECTIONIST, 4c W~ Cali sud Sou. JOIIN BRY&N, 45 Brtec.at.,. Whitby. miss MONOX., VSS M. tukes the reet nprtýlity of l un the LmueÀesand! inhabitantt; oi Wlîtitlty, ande vieluity thut the lprepuroe.lOxecutesl ordera lin'the Millinory lino #,n the AUl kindRo f work inB ILK &tid TRAW MILLTNERY ex eted reaL' ud npromptly. Lsd!..' ne! entlotuenIs' Fol!and ti ter latas rePuired, dyed.auj alturced, in thelatoAt nt 1. N<ew Flour, Grain. Food and ,Provision f4tore. N'ext Joor Euit ofJfr. Loin?.,, ont Dune- tu 6Street. HgB subseriber baving Icaitu the pro. T , ises occopid by Ktr. W. R, Dixon, >ffors for gale Ï1viow for bOshi. Flou; Bmikwhiei Flour, Ostoues, ('or bilett, P<t Bar1eyç (tt1p eau, Blickvheat, la- dian 0Cer, aey, 8cru ,Bran. -ilottoeis, Sait Porle, Salt. ileet, Suur bured Ram, .!-bap, lferlugstiodfith , Canie, Brootu,, Patent PaUs ia,Ijtboarcltt, Drise! Apples, Plaster. 17 WM. DONALDSON. WILLIAMX TEMESET, Me . . K 1IN G8T E ET, OSH[AWÂ, CANADA West. - 17 F. LAXUEUtT. and foshion. 47 JOHN GILCIIT. TDEBALER iu Faucy antd Staplo Dry Gooda and u.Small Ware,, Grooenes%, Provisions Crockery, é&.,C.,-Kiog t ý ',Ohawa., 8. B3. FAIRBANKS, SOLICITOR, NOTÂBY PUBLIC,&o&o sOAhawa, d . W.1 JORN JIcGILL, L ICFNSED AfjCTýi7NER FOR CANADA West, illors his ervices to the inhabl tout$ of Ontario ante!Durbeun, Conoticp, ce st- tend Salas by ÂAuct ionusnmcold Furolture, Meorehiauiie tae! otltor efeote, ata reasenable tomntls.ion. 10 osloawa. Aatumst 1850 INSURA.NCE & GENERA.L AGENT' TrIIE RUBSCRIBER 18 PREPALED TO Pire, LiUb ad Marine Inourance Rinks t reasonable ratsL, and iii the tuct reisponal hie Compaffles. ~ Oswa, J.ly 2,p1861, 2b Talers, 8hoOiDakerfi, Oarriagc Builders, Drsas Kakers, and -Illads of Faznilies Qenerally. Cuti at WANZAR & <tj'a,. ewinz Mscltul (M"iut, Whiîby, acisme te liarge amteti cf YuînilysuManuuaonr1> SEWING MAC~HINES§ With iutsiut ilurooeuiu nd unat opriceta. JAMES H. GERRME, Agent fer Ceunny u*r. iSard 2 2d,1862. 11I 0 EEOVA 1. ý7 flbh&Aune ieaw Expess Ci. Montreal Ocean Steamship -C. and .rilagow Lino Steamers. Reinovcdoca i utSoutî ti le Ilcgistry 0f' 1 u ent. Al.SO-Ofitce o! C-AMo'RRTl,,s OMNIBUS LINE. Whitby, Apnol 23, *862. 1' Sheriff's Sale of Lanlde. Cotyof Ontario, ( NSATUIIT)AY, -the 'i'o Wit 0ÇV..FFoturtît i otyeof'Oct., Ittl2. ut 12o ehioeie, nu.on, oui tee4,lil lotPub- lie .ttciolî, nt arleto 1. ilth Coltt110114e, uu. tho -Towti of IW'hitlby, lntthe Conntr of Oit tari'., te rihttiti. autel Intereaxt wiiol tte ho the undertiititioiieel betia aut41 ter.tînetets theeo,-slzti-r ais nitdrune!by riletoof crtalin, ito f vieri Pariat, riz: lu tlie Ceunty Court, Stniiai C. inthl, îîltintitff, va%. lrauda i.* -Butrton, dafeutuant, ltl the Coluty -oitrt. ioiit Gibit. Jamens tD. Gibh. tontiRuiel BesutOIeleI, phuintthfA . Fruois Il. Bitrton, de-. fenidant. In te liteQueut'. i cuci. Williuim Frasunr, pisnîlif.vs. 'uanci« Il. Bat' ton, 8ilis 1B. lirhuuukx, William Wulits, aud Jonu.Seott.. Defituants. Ail tue riclit, tithe, sudel huuhema, bot-it ut law une! li ei1uityof tho- afbove otainrieleeeln o u o r uicrcftîeto oinu utid te te foilov lacuint haund auel lnusa Lot No. 9 anttie noth ital of ltot Nat. 10, li the Ird (;(iit. of the Toouitbip cf E"t oitWtt- by, in Lb.eCuonty cf Onturie. In te Queen's Ranci. Trta ,Fomeinan, plaintif, vs.-Wiilliam larnblav, eofintlt. West huif f lut No, 22,i in the 2tud Cotn, cf React100 acres., In thé(tacon'* Rancit. lleu.iunin F, Xewiail, plaintiff, r,.. Charles sti!ourh Jewett. defonaltnt, -ot No, ,ou Ornudeli's plan of elitril,in Lit T3ugliv of Rancît, atid Cotuutty cf (On- tarie. N. G. REYNOLDS, l'ar C. Nourso. WIMIuhY,,inne 25>, 1862. 2 Oaly 40) cents per Gallon at 16 GEORGE YULEIS. KEROSENE'OIL!O L ý.A MPS.. CH 1M NEY &c.S At Jleduced Pu,*ces Fpor Cashl. 16 GEORGE YULE. CROWN LAND and etitor PUBLIC DEPARTMBNTS. - atteardod to. Ali,.o w'I'MjWW flEzî-fw w Seouired by the. twbuceilbr. Âddrmsprep&ld. B. J. 0lISLEY, Land auidGtndAeml 4é, Quelle. Marc Srd, 340.. A Work of Absorbinglunterout THIRILLING ADVENTURES AMONOI TEE. EÀRIX SETTIERS, BY WARaREi WKLDWOOO. E8q.. J3rittoh Amecricu Assurance Company, INOORi'ORATED tiidut' an Act o! tha Titird sssAiouu of OiteElarentla 1'rot'incial l'arlis tnentof UpperCana"a. CAPITAL £100,000. r ruance ettcctce! on liuîldiogs une! hito Oon4ots. Erery informantion sappliod on ap- lion te the undeignl~ed, I JOHN AGNEW, Traireliug Agent, lirroi, Street, Whitloy GEORGIE CORMACK. T J IIitMRORAINT, (iar.petr, andl .L., ineGt.-n$t. W'lituy. A lttrge r4uun. tuty$f rl kindlu of lunuber contatantiy on bo :nd. F NERALS fully gnpliad e att,ýutdetl ai q-l noie offifue kept enutstitutly 'un ban Efrn 0 ce (bu u .letu! ri F tae t hall'on lieali.e0 t a...% jesua¶uattY,uueu uner tzus tat tâi rofculi FcýTornus anti furtier patillars apply, (if JAMES lIEot puiONt4 BrLoklnP. O. 11EV. WILLIAM IJENSONý 49 Sparte0 NfariclisunP O. ovithta u arase CAMP (..y berequi Beg to anoiounce the arrivai (, a portion of their FALL STOCIK Botisîea diriet from BRITAIN, Ex-Steamship luly fiONSTANTLY oe IANDY, RIRs1U1NT} J LiE. MATTHEW CvRL~b, 100 NID ~a V& , v ' MÉOr le g*- > à<eo r- i. "à ~1~ FLU- N &, o STN eGttiU.ý,an Puli gncalyth i e ml"dÎ OrT.MONEW I512 c< low t etI Tyw-r Ma ýor tju wshtii ptoae r 111 subouc lber ltema to i fier tinitthi-t Je tais or têîtenr .utn i ug c iultîr,d une! publc gneruiyThcv c'h tri iiiedtîobt ' an h orehforpair e! thttumte îtaltne lie tr uiust iittine0,1 tue A l urter îs, thu DANIEL COCKER. fluat Whithy, May 20, 1662. JS to gel lhose gentlemnen who have>- becto iu the habit of chrrrging enounolets lyri»ofts te pitbliýsh a iist of priiss-it 'enîthîts ia di.scernîtug public t se fur theinselves where tlicy crn (do bont with tlueir monîéy. Novwe yen uaay call it vanity, or -auything cise yon ikbt the Cauiifornin matn docs take a liakprifde1 n bcbg tuie instrumient of such a ireî,oladion in t/he trade oF tiâ C(ounty, ins tnalles overy inan, woiàaîntnd child, te procuire the oteccusat-les, asis el as thie luxuories -offlufe, Nvituh very littieninoney. l1'bat bce bas donc se, must bo patcnt t0e very one lu the Couînty, as instance Cornunon Whis,-oy atone, whieh lias beert solîl at 5OctS. per gallont, befere te Cadi- forniaman coameuîccd otoifiig il, now seiliiog unt 30cts. tond that to eintte face of a-arif, nearlyfaour Lime. w/ouf itfrerly was. But îthe Ilif niaman is net Yet dloticwitlitliliU. Bflrig aoug, any rniup's publia/ted iite of puu.ioe.s, an-the -Caflfornijaman wifl give y-ou a discotunt of3 per1 cent on almost evory article of fine Liquors, therein pub- lished ; thereby saving your Ii'fty Per Cet,-moro intercst, 1 am, sure, titan yonu wontd be willing te pay Anwagy The Calîforniaman stili Conltinuesite msdi the BEST TEAS', that( is lte word-no finue, stiperfino, ruer extra fine, buitte Best Tea, fof--1 per pound. Off of< whieh lie will. give a Liberal Discount te tiffle who buy 10 pounds or oîpwards. GROGERY-AItismal prices-o fe.w sets more, cf Pure G/tina rut $4 75 te $7 O.-And 500 Giasu preserare jars-*+puts antd qiartus ut 17 tea 25 vns GLASSWARE of cvery deserijutioru always On lîaîîd. BMOTS AND SHEOES.-A iresh asupply receiveil weekly at ustîrt low pî'iees. Aise on hiand a large stock of evcry description of finc Liq«ors togetuer with 500 barrels of domestie Wliskey, purehaseul priorr b the late-Tarlfl tand 00W ott sale nt the California Store, at 3Octs. per gallon, for five Gallc ond kIupwarcls. i~A LIBERAL DiSCOUNT TO JiOTEL KCEEERN. - THOMAS ?JULCAHY, Oshawa, Soptember, 1862. Sigru of the B~ig Teîtpot DAIMEIL ILIIIBVEl, MARINE DEPA aciact uedo1 l'F 1ioliri8k«, vo ag ,uutha rehitta f tweu, fu, tlittil!tuOf cargo prcumir a jireuiuptlihf.tul, andtioiue ah jtt lea nepon ahe rtlicd auio. ¶¶ îE stîbscribîrs bcg te maIl your attention le lhe fact Ihat haying and lîtrvesl lus ccnuing ona pace, anîd tîsut nclt s the tinieto a sendtinb yonr ordtrr, or carne yaiur. salves, for thicrjonatiy celebrutetlM OombinodDEo wer and Reaner. themi Which lu now reuuy for dolivery nt their iverkshin Whitby. Ei te work, anisatisfaction guaraniteeti. uparn a f tir triai, or no gsali For the inuformuatiouncf thoso tlatl want Lu, îurceitooMac-hinea. apportnnily of 8ceing thern n U u. OO iearouildrefer thecin te the fo bougât cf us last snonu.izr - -1 cit Machine SONLti z 'Vile '<rua,1 mouPIE Jute Woifandmu.l Which they .will seli at a smali a4vance on the Sterling for Cash. jhîmsclr-on te They expeot to have the bulk ofthieir stock forward about theR Siofl areid on l5th. at r tai. Boy aa îll,~narticle fet Their stocki of Men's and BoysOi bsrwodaîc READY-IV-ADE OLOTHRING Witby, Jny 9. 16 (0Of their own manufacture) is now very complete. -q0ACROF -R.'& J. CAMPBELL. 20 (%iittthete WhiZitby,iSept. '162. TUE BESYT TING OUT RICIIAlite FRhlR, Sonr. LotNo. 4-5tluC n. Iirock-,7tii, April 1862. LICENSED AUCTIQfi FOILTIIE COIJNTY 0OPOM lut inoiare t heo ">t lcopo n I* Lvnch & N Mtrkowrv for Con ty. 2.Tiittll.4Ieury Wtllu-.Bro.e I.(ItuorgeliIoller-Prock. .5. Levi Fairbanks, .Jr. nt the fitn of 7. JImri,M. tlrande 8Alh..rt Sîrig-Roiicih, Bo anti ScOtt. 9Ju.McGilI, OC!!soal-sor lta(,co W. PAXTONJ G). Treariurar's Officue, Cut Witty, Fcb.27, 1681. ol m di Pl 1 . "Futglwuuul OcPý. 43, &Oum. bol

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