APTA1x OPTHESrv n Journls have thoe Lrviu6rooi,, Saturday Oct. 18. Atélegrantwasn3 .vd7eeto day f&om Gibrtar, and as the source is res- pectable wve place it fore our readers. il Theb soc oifte r or the 41 suînptet,îY yesterday, [Oct. 6i iir tdutrd the <apt. et Gibratar. He bad confessed is crime anxd is urtdir auxet. -T'le mut-dorer -.is laken in charge by the offileers of ailEEng ls h fitae rb uietok pc*seesiion of the "upir"wlich coxtinuou- * the Cofederato lag,. al sad accidont owelirrod on the fatm of Mrs. Jet-man, in ii To'wnship, by rsicb her ittle la ,ier, riveeyeai nid, lest ber life, ht scelis a ii there wtis a lire Soue distnce front the bouse, fur the rUt-pose of boCing i7ocd for îîiér, and that cbidben.tniite, rtent toc close un ihe fie, but- loties cati-U heiitfiatnt!, and befories.ihirmce rvaciîudlber, the clothos %were ann burtird tif.Medi cal assii1,111t(le M 1114procuroi, buit tillu1l1tuffitini die1Ion suiday-~Wrlr 11teîW.A tu t Or- iSait-rday la, ns Pve'broî inîlPotiflor irt-tin iris runnig b roc P~r lintijîrd Milbt-etk, tlle cars gut off tib track, and tht-ce pliat- fer~4~s ree ,WC utxderstaid, iticly1 des$r d. On Tbursflay meortiug rau, accident ef a siniilar nature eceurrtd, iiînugh not.ae des. tructile, to tiie Port Ilope and Lîudsay tliri, ieween ibis village anîd Lndsxy.- One truck got off the rail1 sà dud a sash- cd. T'le train roas delaycd about tht-e bouts. WVe have ilît henni of anlipirsot bcbng iiijued in<itlInr cis-Wîrder. -The Express train on thie Great Western railroad took fit-e near London, Canada West, on WTIesda. Te mail express and baggage cars wea-e ail consumed excelît the express safe. Nearly unee bndt-ed tieusanid dollars in the express car and mails were lest, Prîrsideut Liuenlri bas issued an orderj requirieg a preper observance of the Sab- bath in tins Arusy and Navy. ,AUl labor is te be recluccd te thuaI rhich is absolute- More tbaîti 300 Indians have boee con- victed by the bfilitary Commision at the Lowyer Sioux Agcutcy as îarticipators ins the late horrible massacres, and at-e cou demiied te be banged. The peuple of Min. nesoia, te a mau, are in farcr of their- in-. mediate exectien. The Hlin. Malçelm Camtereet 'bas been appi)uiited a dlegate te En>gland "te - present ilie grievaues ccd te precilote the general inlterests nftb.hie gligndnr gete b~iprcsndpeuple of Bjritish Col; 'l'lc 7'c-llUsnC Satrf ilat the Csmoîîls iCmouQ1 ls-eyPas>uiituuîSturday trIedJ tc et-îimae t tf fliig %viu.iirithe tnt-tet, i riti petfect sumuaru - - Thé i5-bîclit n rosa fie t-ni -riet pwith 20e,:311 ha) pouînds et povvdet-, ntîolý 30 pomtnt) lth. Iitllcjlty wirise rit-cueod -te noise t umk ne iirtf-ti the roil 1111i adeîsily rd aiind it1the slîoc.k tito t-osel itcarteny prieiible. VJe ofac tt eJl eluu tthe iSili ys it- lin .nerally hien relved on, itly tlý ut-ji~Y awîl etx to te tîd tv rt-y o sj linsiOtthe lisen- us9 mui'l we it i li-onlîsuil have iecît lýmvtxilowuruîard tlmilylotit-o disptmîe 'eii il miv- Got-. rBu c ita nîth tli I fou nieg-rus te <nînîtete the fort-ifca' mus If let- :ire îlot furuuialueulproînptly iey wilho lupre sAc. Durmibe past reek eut- Market- bas cui qîite htiitcfat-m irebriumg obent .for* rd fr-ely, i xd quit-e a competitlii tenig hud to rll i)uap urgees, prices ae iratîird Iahove iheose of Torontto laar- . We t!,î, ld 1sîlubse those relueinteud pis,, ibis Faj ou te ring their îpreduce fot-- vi ai occe, eapocially PÇts and Batloy, thie ý5 mcIis go dows. unltet- close of bail Wheut has facged frou 1. te9e.1id Sp)riag 70e, te 78c.lBer- 70. i O c. P'eus 48. te 52c. Oeti derîcxuîîd 30c. to 37c. liay $10. to-$14. tkeys 2ï. 6(l.. Çickens 20e. to 25.. mse 25 te 40c. Ducks 25 te 30c. Pot-k1 it mach cComing lin except- amal hega for IMe use, wich hring $3 40- $31- IVe elex-tred tisai euePcf eut- largeat bosy- h as- made allar acetecjts fer peck- Sand faumo-s m=y aco butcher and.getý ces-as igb as the murklet vill sford. D E D. IIOWNIAb-lu Almira, Mat-kham,- eu >isday, the 13t-h imat.', Benijamin Bor-- îat, J. P., aged 611 yett-s.- iEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MONEY TO INVEST. îioLgels ponpL) it pteroetarea GE.i.DARITNELL, 1Lanide. ATUtDA.T NEW ADVERTISEMtNTS. MiessOarrol'"s Seet Sohool. .iitr TertofMios flîarroÃ"lI'R Still TO CQNSUMPTIVES. p I Al>vEl",PiSEiJZ IAV1NG BEENý Io r,]1,0hnithlina ~fiw weî3ks,, by a very kfItt- i vrehti ifituonoid ti,t eof Iatt wnl.re i. bewilll seid IL Ceny of îh nriti nid frecot'intrge,) with the 'lrr Instr î rqn-riî'g ind -iltirthe ssînn, tu ftri ivvrttsýr ixiinn itijtîth o er tito ah'nt tlire naic.tc-d, lned piitlr -Plain vliiî h , l'ta bue tnvidîistie, iiid lie li' 'vr iii' ikr. r wiil try Ilit' ruinedy tîr ni e.: C>t itrl uotltîiîg, nrutd uî.y prolo a V î1i vsitlgti, the prritnr ilpioncte 3111. W ii i l iiigî Cîtxtfy, N. Y. P"1le wili . Jn t l rvu.Ter J r xxttil C:,100 O)MDS OF WOOD, ý Te lieîlili ir ilt thes TtrtiLIers mut s tite vle t. thtiarseliei séen.it Nvii' !t n lu r'a nd iiiii i v a s- at-Il w- lrieau I1i 4red ii annxrdti te <rita- ('îrxny ReigineM NIlt, N. . i, i C2. 4 w DRY F EI. Dy im t t hne koxrjttg the ffut Ole il'. t s t ei ta t îîtjA is ta lot-i.4 boht ')Ittltiriitiell roceived hy' ith tiei if t i d anL ua h i ieîi t Wcatlm le rc roîtti a l.u l a w iiîlîrl ut i l i it.- to r keorît L i inwt, lit t-ntîîiîi tue liv ti ly tMe liai pnnvitsJ tti nIa1Y mae raîntat>. Ile BOO-0T ANB0 ~E EeXtiiîtxeît, . tit-rî i tsek ou iigtaai. NiEW. ADV2RTISEMENTS. $ELLJNG OFF!l I"YUWAN'U TO (JET Rord3 miiufacturod BOMOTS, Oelili BULVK " h i as il lifiî î. p-sn OLU RED STORIE. JU"T Itoce 110 i t llrlrexucd Fifty AtIII' OLD RED STORE. Wlitby, Nov. 5, 362).' 41 ~~OR~~IXTEAT' ,11 thtlrt C r xi i' t r f î--x O -jO i i a i cîeienriii0141 rtc ai'ri li t il Co i t 4't-, Bit. tria rU i nlt- IOrch-)r bof Dec mbprnt o Aliuo 'f vli.x iý-ir,,a- frolii-it u6ix t, b îî lxx t' n mai nle itatt re; lima ic ltgtt ii-eîî- LutIrve i - ii ~ I it l l 1 a- t cf l otzP90 i>lf wl e TT I1 tgmdlt-)y C i ;n o 1îoî, rlet ti- AUCTfION Il O( MS Jv i5'y VEiï -ÃŽ-, il- -F F AINCY &sTrA PLE Latest Novelties'in Mii CLOTHINO MADE1 FRE S,1 TEAS AND~ 45 BRANDIES, WIK DODS, variet y LvESI 11is temovea £romhis W n i cn s', LEIAIBKSEstie & Chldrorls', IN alcCORNER OY Ri 'T it -i.(rt. c -.ii-latb m di utp tder Mub1 Il ilt ritýe'MIi- he tI i lxii s.-aitt caai 1,1i ti.li ii-i.-a i i d i l ' %r!i .1tt. iliby, :purel .O -ÀB. îstt2. io "COASl{ poil SIIEEI? SKINS&A-11ILES Nat-. 18, tS-trt. FA R M)T1 LEF L titai pù1d1 am at, ilcue ii i là voi -) 'fIa F,.11,ti l of -t.'t tn-I-atrtii ti îîîxd timîi-ta l ir-t duur. Ta i, lit- moun t-iil i liF tiial iîî i .tit no ut-tnt- op- punicit-> <mmli iftiitr. RIO B lIT MILLECI, uit-i ite 'rîe. P . 1h îlttîî Nîon r11, i 8r2. - 45î QUJADILLE BAND.r T IE undersigacal m-ea;intfiîîy informa tbe Lpubtio t-lait 66BEAVER'8 QUADRILLE IBAND" WbillIoin ourta-ujiltîtîs.ît-o att-ndMîaIl Bathlîsr tiea liant-a , w itlm tiw(t ut u ,iunu 'n al Torocto, Nat. 15, 1162. I[ Apliliu3tutînîs cnitela bis itade ta Mlr. - REMNOVAL NOTICE. Tut =cteoîgd, baVtce t ilat- tashed t-hc et-tusanadtnp-'ciata on thotr pt-euiaus, Gornier of Kin& auid Yonge STIIEETS, Beg t-e intin ato itt-liccttomr-m i.nd t-ho pabliti at large tlii t-ie>' hae Returned to the Same Stand, AXIi WILL BE OPE~N FOR IWSINESSf Mlo:iy,lhe First dy of December next At 'rwiti 'lrt-k, ttnîîn, viz -The Sgtinthr iVot- part of lot tlnîntrur Nîn.eî,itithei Shxth TOWNSIIIP OF BROCK, < Çiitntixon,-i 'irlit <itc tîWrt-t iie cft-ha iîrtîni !iti .îîî; ti,îi Nirtîx uwenny-fniur de- oc--',lut-ivof iîu 5lit otw rudi tîeîtly-lve ltuli i eiot; ,x ii- tnristuat ut Ws-Lieuýt! -tIno s tiaj i>tvut-e liks tu to ii- i utn qîuitcuanigby tea- -,rglrr!Y parelot- tract et lui u il ei -ai, bning e Qaîsal part of IA lia till int l e, ;Iltahte Sixil ncslt îîftiu,. ,iT,îiitunofBt-at-k.' C'î - li then sýohI.iil ,Ci mut ithe u aid loi, iml Q iîîi- prr Lict--seuIlm liwn part of dlî ut l oiig tll- ty seaci ic1Soilli.lia titieree4f,> ton ris ca1uvt' id t-)i tîxui i srird s(ilîivan lby deeo hexiri aýt dito PhmSit-bde of Jîilné, orme thoili- stlîlegt. cuîrî'îl itil fft-is, tsud the Aida- iai1 lit oit lutieuxtiii-,i Nliteniî atxd Troon- ty. riîittei- h> uiiina ntnscn, ir iirtter pltalaIrauippiJ- t- -lhîtsuis., O3INSON &MCBRWEII, Adetaitle St-t-ot, Torntte Date I 'r i'untîýr t li 1..4 Grrenwood Quiarterly Fair. T ut-. it-ril Qar air ltxt-yl t-skispace ai- T-t laeof C.reenwood, 011 JYEDNESDAY, 3rci of DEXY., 1862, Being t-lcie Trai Wcdiesdus yiii tîîs îu ît.- 'fVlua oii Ftiru ie ,iît roa iv oh Inowln am olue cf >e.tAie st-tfi t-4o u aty ,rsiOI eum dationecof oa'r a~Ste-if Stock, Fa-flutg. jtjjinpltmt-t-îi,&0.,tliitil it redu u110eoininuenlda t-m. fhicrevsiilla xtîtete lin auunili- ally lag l-ttxdit taIilb is r at. Au AtutIiteer yl i ne n alait]s. JUDITH STERLING, (ieîuord, Netebt 18, 162. 45 NOTICE. J. muI.cNîyi T ta thZ ci <tc iitrr thri , M4 Ii Cyorc> t'n CHIAULES LI TJAM- Ho Ius"aIii1 11tit tî a r zandl Santhlx/ fpiocertiîiiz. r fer.A The nuw csl.abiiliment L 1QUOI 'The largest lield by ii and 1 Grocrieshi Ail arc offt Cogy:TEAS--The Young H3 '-Be-st Grci at 4 ut. 'Is~s~ j~ À TAU. -j- 0F ifflk isf'1TT'r A-f THE IG:lY LLALTJM! IVOI{L '111D KQW>L)TIED1 c i tof oInItI ra g IIl-tîi;x t h t1t1, rat -the New initanitL f il seil ell ,Ilahl Ajout1 ta 1 g i e rx'aieg (-i sal tli JAMES llc(rLUNG &(0.;-eaî ia;ada taiatui VIhI1ThY. Sept- ý.. 2, -RYYcL d&SAILT IIF-111 ~~~ l~~e two th- -oiiuiI ailtii il.A th i-. 0F I~Biýd Legs, Old Sot-CC and ['ct II'~oî Wsacrrst'st teaiito ildlifidîîîeelo-r nwyr 1 -ait iailà l haor a nd Japanesc IRUPffIONSOlT01 S<I. G zp ed ith l e ramilve natli cfhuatix iiitilllt. Il AT monkt, of île (aie. ~a. ~ :q. ~ -PILES ANDI FI.4TtLA. r 1 7 k F~~~~~err m naalifoatiina- <ifthill iiVr iltiii tit , ~ E * ~ s ~ fl oici i ikr leai emi Wiitetlt-iiiiiiir i ixai, l Irli- BoClu the OiWs.toatnd Pille ghoxdd b1i used in the foffining Cctsé-1 GùfCLîfxilt'i iii. iSQUI RtitmIt.. Iiiluît . fresh supply, and chettpest in Town, tai1laiîahuIowî ipcii. LOWIES &POWE LL Fsea kx )wss'îla ialt ~gih niUraiaf we_0 ~ LîîtL-,lLtut -aJai ýBROD CIOT11, DGSKIN, -CSSUIIEiEriBEVERS ';'Id Ylesting5cs, in varitity, and at prices to Suit the tiunles. LOXYES &POWELL. Cothinrr mao tQ ordor âuzl Warranted O. Hl LOWES & POWELL. Noývember, 1862. Nos. 1i eod 2, MPer B'stlocsk, B-1kS Xhitby. 1862. iM1PORiA-îTTIO-No 1862. - 0-- FOR A. FASIIIONABLE - GO TO 1eIMILLA'S, FOR À E'SIII0NABLU. suITOP -ULOTEES lloîl, aa Iair-it'irk li ovi.ylirxifif tiist% ifdrr& unesà aîîtiîiit 1 -h liai - Xu 0mt Ih aiiin [là xiyVhie. pali sem t'y ' , 1,iiFneftif thiA'ighi. A liasitieme tar laî s asîîay iaislîîtî,ertxiia ifaîy psroe nprtii aîiijind Dtici rpliiiIi.i. -,uiu , un' bliian fil.,owV.lu el i il-r.alcami ixi-eiriel sud oixîsai i i]odrliet îif ntieaiilÀI tii cvery ILkarder arc afux 1 1't c, isis, iii OI-haneery- sêd IN OHA.NCERY. THIE CITY -BANK AND , latthev Lensin and Oshaw~, - -1 1lbs Sugar for Cu rratits, 1lbs 1-121bs for -$ 1 .4 Rice, 2211)s for $1, ai 77 lý - 1 4z4 TUE 1 -- - 1 Ur < > 1 1 . - .- 1 - Il- - 1 1 -