Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1862, p. 2

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MaMihittu.ed 'Ne llrab cnles""Tfh.MeMillan. Lirluaorg. Wiuues,&ut.Thos. aiîa Téne.s- %args VCn«eae..Thos. urMla" W {)O ,10 'ut'a- ol' Tltteu'-Jaii bleMc Clunng& Cri. - ChuataTeA-afiutSl cClunz & Ca. pron,aal'tuuMeiical a-loh Tumri. lfi'e Sheep Snyd--.I'TuriO tlIlimu'Dpoituln!._ Tiioal-tttis h!naer. Auction Sale o! Bteal tacTmC5- Jonris fBî'om la Cluntery_.W. H. Tm, ma-yne. Notice-W. iL. Trmnyne». Molie aao! ibra'l P-p - Vianaery Sa-I -W. IL. Trriiaymua. S'imgOi-Jate acaI in. Cbeap Rubirs- Ja-m'%ai-Ta Cbiaacery Sale-W. il. Tremumynti. Pogtpnnemturit ntMartga-ata Sla-Rnbiuu- son & Meliride. Spoeelai Notice -T. Ilotiauva!f. Auctlon q-eFilaîa tMrael Cana-dia-a Aimana-Chewitt, &Co Notice ta Debt )ri-t-amiIlitoi & Cao. - Lis'der vs. LT ai et ai.t-..Oia 15th De. cum .-l.Fainhuaiules, Jr, >mm'tioarr. Immravs. Wo4uaward.-On 1911M.ult- ruamer.Joh F.Alhoro, Aaeioa a.r. Wh'1ith', Tiiirslay. NoveMbc r 2 7. 18K43- OTLY OXr, DOLLAR A Y'EAR A Preqiitinenmerau,4ly sign»Al . a-d bhe fli atintlliutmnin Lie om, îîin Taproes o! sar-,anituer.ta Mr. IVia. i.uut.qatistimui lima toacacea t 'taaitmi- ma-hita for Muivoyr 'aie cnsung ysar Catf R-aivre a-muaMu. Mcd oel bave iothu mitaam' abloula iu um ier itiutrauvuila-an-a dialuts. landin , Iau. duybiseloa arteal muta 'aucun monitentgeaecsiy.a-i witl, tracdsiasealdu . Beuhula'r-ý alraa-dy acpaltic civie chair- apitii Raume nUpre 'lumaiane , nal n. auflrium îluing tIlleyeaa r nil'ie Priniceoh'f Waleva visit, Andl ioti, - o, aqiti'aaamslvem allv adlisonor by> a-ad wmliht lv falleai 9aatlsfact7uaata litaIratellayema-gellauly.- Mr. I.aiTg, lti ou au ai od cnai) nai fraqamtiiy pnes-ai îaacceptIlîle ot!ua' o! Mayor, han hituarto dmciil t ,ia candidate' On tlhme priaamat oceiuiari. Ila mi cet-r, h i tisimureinical ercoma dliii nr lucha-oea. AnAl a i-icarma i>'f a-uce dla alhermise. Thura isuomiaia-ain "-l hetier entiild flue hiauor ilami 'illiia Lang. Ha uasin>abeuî atrac mriesul L>t) tiare froua its iufuny. Muany a- ,l.îu ma-a, mia mi zlit othvrmisa have gouraiitI t vaI, ovesIlis posýition tgodaim>' amahi mal-baitn; aii f.uiiy, ta Mn. Ianiuia gzenerous assane isitaarf and liîur have heen eira-yR npen ta lelp the aae -- ar.d 511dIlie inlutrions a-mul da'surviu' ABOUTI B1OCK STRuEET. The littia sheet tucm)y pubuiab isen at, tawira-fal read>'on tie lbat rond oalitsabni liirit predaca'ssoas. Ditrrting fa-ai, a cea-in; tie huti, open Iyiag, andaabuse Massrn8. Penny a-id Rame appean ta ha special eut) a-nd purposao! evcry' uma pa-pan" bnoiurit out in Whitby thue 1lMt or seran yeaas. To is'asure tic carel caci ma-ashort, fer t aiays earua lal i Lb. abasa luvicme exiausteai, or as P"u goa lisgusaet) witb the nuteallmu chai fer a-rd manda-ait>' o! due productians. Wiilae (>coaduatara- ai tiose ieaîs, pnopattenutioni Lai usinamam, a-tai show" a deeant regard for public opinion, mie, in a mea-aune, isa succe-imalt; tic>' pnefeu iat)uig thde naliga-it>' o!f'liir ivum 1 disposition a-na] outrainmg pnbhua seiai ens tic principal charges. If truc, tic>' moula], inaleai, lie veny grave anes. Bat not anc dotle cf evialeace la adutuced in support ont iemn, nor have tic>' the eligit- e*àt fandaticgn in fact. (1). Mesrs. Wat'son auud Pcnu'y are tiie oaiy nîcanlucs o! thc Road Companay Who areé aiso memiaus of the Caunni), and cer- haily -ont of aine Couacihha lrs amail ithe Maiyor, tic>' do'- not farina a najoity i tharefore caanaLt contrai the CounciL. (2). Tic Raid Companay calied upon the-Carporation ta hcep thaL portion of tic road iulin t'ue taniralmita la repair.- Titi Corporation votais not admit il iTb- lit>' ta do soi bat took the opinion o! enatînsel oi tiequestian, Cunasal oui boti sidlea gave, cialiciiîac opinions lua rdar to settia thue mater hlnally, m-isa-ve coat9, il mas agrecal ta anbmitLie lcase for tne luesin of'hie Court o! Quecn's Beach, , andl atceangly oua tie Stlia a!Navamber, llu, a-w e final reportai3 in 'aie Ceatoui' mtmaa o! tîhe ti. aaAfier ulengthenaui discussion, expia-na-- itiens a-mailcoatradicticry- ega-i opinions afront the iega) gentlemn ft !~he Council, "as to Lima affect ofhde îaem Municipal Act iupon tie opinion o! tic Judges on tie au question at issue iatirean f~lin aa]Coa- pa-ay a-ad fie Corporaïtion, via- ,--whiia 'shaniai aep tLi-tportion ai'Brock Street a. ithin athe Carporatiaon in rcpuir-a re- asolution pzsed d irccting the Mauyr.ta itake sterps Io hart the point al, issue 9'deterritil dthe presemut ferm." The .members o! theeoCunicil tien wera-Mi', l'erryv, (mayo,) ,aas loalgoap, Tre- ..- mytuC qacdonell, Melirian, liîcphersoli, lia-m, Roare anad Watson. At t'e-etin; tof the Cauncil hala] 2îIs Mrci, 1859e me find thae !allaa-imag pro- > L(ading'a reporteai in the Coao.%tci.t in con- . alcetiol> wibthie natt'n. IliTs W raiu)dia4 ftaloalng copy eh fluhe jai-ilugnit Tontht>casefaheLIs>Jm'aad Memau amrri.t)ki(.i<tion ebefora tiha t:uiekTiejn of u thLiaCourt vas thuus jronrsaunuby Clie! Justice Robin- 1 t seiis ta ne plain fha t the obligati- Jon luoi kep this roaniiTi rapAir, avhare if passqes thrnoigli teritorV compisali) nit in lthe iamits aI thea 'l'airai 'lisupon the Tua-ma amui) fot alon flue Cuaaupany. 'lima.'e 1I1,3anal 14 Vie, Ca4p. 14imposes s%.% a- gal aîle up'ama the plruisetrs ai a a ' r4a.l immdc lay thi os'un eatdu-<h dtyaof iaer;iag iichra-inTireptir Buh - uaatiueof 11 andl 14 Vie. Cap. là, iass* a itew dasaterriascreates à a r 1.tir-ilir excehtiaul ft tisgeeriprusvistuai "-T'hue t'vauctt readas oc ne daabri feitrat cIaieof t.11 ai lfiuut halai faîmîca) like a praa'ia'ioal ta q,îliiy duhe gene. MIrai'ns o! the 14tlh. 'fia*Thec 'omi-la ,c iunrcpaîgnancy I tbimul il eauvci, if b<ta acta laal bitan 1,3Assad Lima ana sI ee matluiotiin the Lui Vic. Cap. 19( esor ia the mt il ný' 18 Via. Cap. 28 ncorpeý riitiat"thc Tmuaan o! Vltbyv, or ici th-ue a uicip-i) .%et 22 vie; Cap 99', Oita uhotiý - tue alîon'aal te affect tha qmeutiqn ruisea ir r, uT, scaîmae. 1 f r imdgîui entta .îimafaivor of tieplain a- l'lie tualularâ tien lpmenct mare Mr, w'Perry, (mnayor.> Mleaiur. Bigelair, Drapem li"a-1il, LyýnCe, itas-e aud McPlieron. es Du thesa> boIt hîike mnong daingi un td, 1srt o!f Messrs. Paru'>'a-ad Rau-e t 1Na l'lnaae xuiai!mm aubava 4 muccigreatar pru aun ruuiaîry intareait iii fie irelfara o! ticloi u" hn» di'h'avaa in tt theaaI CaCmpa-ny. 1 (3). W'ha-'ibas beau jasa stamail disposa mmie o! the flairai charge. 't> (4). The pnocaediags quatedan -'d put 'c ibheal un the Chranide, at the time, au rsai prnof that nathumu; vas Jance naderiandea y'Or uaiiota o athe satepayers ; but t'dia n - ilmhe cvutrary mey rae'eied aven>' publiait, of j sca-cîly le sccs' the 'aliraau)Ilhle -xt rarhaumacua mcc Rux i yie ,lot- lent At tic approadbiia;session o!fiaheLagis- laiure, t>e question of! mare tie encccal. ii; panliameuit vil asa-amble sle l t't acci'py a-o sena-Il uiaeofattaentin.' Urdar thîe alternate' syâtema (vîlci, of course, tirerails outil tic permanent buildings a-se -eidy) tic meeting a! the mexta Pa-lahant aboulai muka place at Torante. -Itila, lom- anar, conatenalca byîke4fienà and favanra i due eatarua sacaion ,thbe proince, liaf Llis step, mnder -preae, Lcreumnta-uces, mutulu) ha incuri'nach- nca-lca] for, àndt ha depnivea] o! iLs riglt ta Lic set of gar- ernment uuder-tke-prqtamhlatiGesyStema, %0 long as tua-t systera camtinties. Tt la uider tiieft circumia-s4ace athc peoPle Of Western Gainaidamasd uthitiecexitin- arranagemnt b u f!aithfully ca-ra)out, aad the seat oh governient rem~oved ia due coupetuthie Western Capital.' Thme Nagro Ismtumînh- eheWemt luaies. In liefflobe o! Thuasu9' mt, thia ltttcn o! Dr. Cii-lcIe>, puuh)ia-icd in tiege eoiiuiauj s,(-uaihAlu -abaen a-o large1>' M eoducl luy Our colittmparnit>4,)-isaimalle the abjeet o! émnte commanta. Thce 'tbt4 prelamadu 'utu t a u mbttipoîtte veracit> o! aur corrsumimfnt, -ad moulai m-î1slie-' liera tisat the sutammial ain ticlettair mea exaagerA-tei, or uatnur'. IL ata a- luuc're fl'n uifr mages tic Globe autsn-,- Thuis it dcs mwjtitiau.pnduci i; a îittie of coantbratira esvileacia huynd u is-ain mare pted:zit. Tiosa viaho uîaa r.r Clîcck)a'y. kmuowowin mcapale lhu a sofex, agpimaimu; on di4stammtlin,, tie truli. Tt> s'il) brlieve a-ad accalît -li& siataments lue- foram, iy cireitfiae aqsertiomus ofh'he 61(&<. The !ieaiulmgcarrativet esimon>' !ram Ens-iliai îiapcnama-ylue sa-tiafa-ton>' ta IlWe regret tri informa yon Lia-t a- giner- a-b rebebliaoa!fLia' ai"grces occunrea) icre o n ilihim295thuIt. 'bhir intention seanus to have beî'muthe' maa-eare of ite ca-ire t/iie andurailed popudmut ion .afthe islczad. Mai>'oi' tie ia-nagrs on the mndvarmi aide hava .a-rno'vy asca-peai miti thein lires, wmule otiershirve bec» aiafigainemifan lifa> b>'thue luaîuty of the' rabea, Martial Inir bas bteu raltaiiud, a-ad a)) business bas heen ausîueadu'a.. Tieti iL.ras analbamuis ha-ta baen dosai). H-ad iL nat been l'on ttic im)> a-niraho! lianMa-jatv's slip Challeaigr, it s 1prablehia t i ngaton miglit, era thist, bavaebamen a ma-s of asmies. T'ic people o!f'aie UnioIsba-ad (oaa of tic Onaadioca) a-raminuî a mca reblliaa, a-ad assistance ias aa as t «aigit f ram tie, Chia-Hngar in thie Royal Cia-rIe>, mnder Lieutenant, Dilblon. We lian' alia, fia-t Ca-aiatua h imunavl, a-ad that Fa-lier Mlorga-nls bouse and lfurnitaura ha-va beema uistroyed. aIlt appcaas tint fthe negras h-sd beaa plana-fiag thfaa ris"ang siuc Chuistnas 10/t. The>'u-inaetic stoppage uf soute alToma-oce ai Lic su,'mn estates a-preutt ion aÜ%-tu;Tr aIl 'aiemunaîagers a-ualaven sacra on m h e avcard ila-y diu'haîials ma-ai>' fe>' lefa for dca-a, a-nda] em escapsal iita tht> catiea lieces, but aven>'- thiag tha>' prasieairais tataIl>' da-tnayeai Titan fainuiies mare turîmeai out a of ni itu soune asé.'s"atInt>'mre uuuoanatfml>' -ete icatn îd i aLlers strippait na-ted a-tua a iti r contempanary, Lia Leader, va disaaim any desine 1ta Iaw partictita n-i -fernacea-from, tic narratireans pumlinical. -We gava kt te oaa readars as iL came ta, us. Dr. CieckIaiy>' oulu)bava ne possible t- sonmu fr mis-at-ing Lia facs; va fac) quite -certain tint lhaiuaL tdoue a-, il at a tie Globe huit m'aalea-dsiLs rendons im7giriaf cotai' to ià di1Trent version. Latesit IVr naWst. Tic nama froan "ahe Army 'o!thie Pote- ma-ic' leaiin tthea balie!ia-t a- battla mill suishafugi .at rna.anckt>n . i Caiiiedena-îas appean detarmincal ta prarçu tie passge o! tie iRapphannct at tha point. Gea. Sumnaer lias dama-andu h surrendaur o! tie toma. Tic Mayor rainsei Lu> Gen. Barusidaanal compiaina e!f hl siorîncu oh ima (sixteenblOtu) givan tg noti-cambatants te retire froin tisa Cty Dnring Frida>' Mgli theiaCatufaicra-a tira-m ep a lina o! bnaistiorkst th ae igh andal o ianolia toma. Tic Fadera-la mer actual)>' at varia plauing cannon. Tbi nuavamants ei1 tooall' Jackson ramaTa a- mystar>'. île is raportel, atiihe sa-anc ini ta lia rtirna5 tomerais iàdansvitlea a- tirateniag Mîaryland, Anatica aissi v ma-da i>tise Coufealerate Ca-vaI r>, atTiun da> vian anme ca-phure%,mare ma-de. Dra,Ï ha-a-not arniveaiuta-T olly' Spriag ivitha 1l,000 amen, as husbeau raportea AccordTng ta tic Mobile Naes tise Cou feai-es ara goiug imta muter quarter3a Abbuyvillc, wmiehisla ineteen miles haloi Ho))>' Spiings, an tie Mus*isippi Gantai Railrea-u. Gar. Rtor lias reaigel 'ah goiaernombcip o! Anitan)Sas. 1 Secratar>' Sta-avon bas issanean a-t aal by vhil a-lu persans nowi Tmilitar>' an tas)>'oran aisaannagiag emaîitmets, eppasin tic draft, or othaermmna gitiug aid ta th emema>, are disciahal fom fartiar militai raia Tut 1 v a-I la mi s- <g ah Jirs. Ilrhisintu.re' Mas. Binsamade, a- youtug mai o! Neir Oreas, oitàlucd a- pu-s Buttar tai go Nothin uAuigstsInl 1>' tîrceamouin aa-gai ib anided Yorkt to visitlier uautaes, anc <ji aides at Wiiington, a-utaanom Froan dtemoment of lier a-rni ovrnuimdomu'a lu>'secret pelic4-1 traceal -mi fruloaveal veravari aruiuatiad at Wainguton, Rae-c te, Neav-Yari a rreratad in am va-y paicaimeiahasertlu< l le o!fra'aglen frieuLsa-na]r ting 'vi htiun, andl ins data duas r>'; 'aba-t peatedi>' ic (Baaa ver>' alfa me mby BU neal' mis e (Baker) ysimaulalb, 'a, CIoct nig4 ita- Oiscordant Organe. T7bt Editor of the IJJilibyi Chrunidie. Whili)y andl the coîîntry nord, of i t. sa well kiiow in f tha.!Town bçra, that butfo - nîurl depeilded. At~ that lime wa all Con- the high 1evel of die it>ke, and the diulmItY'i.-J )IGmimienal "lorgan," the ex-organ I)Au iit :î -Our nttention bias been di- faidt!eaistock in the tos aaslikely ta or 3mposnsillity raLlier, of gettînu - pro- ~it~rîîer ofthse"istrmets ad rct4 a sues of articles in the editobri. prove a zgeo(It nd eiinve-stma.nt. and wu per foundaL)tioni, 'wuiîîtonded ti> biid t4ss-t-, ~va cotomoraies atthesea ofai anluna 0f the Ontario Obsercer, refur-t speak for nisla.ee eon;qee î'e stt.Ti at v îgthabui tin tïqil-rwalconcrooraies atthesen Ofring tthieposition or the litbly:larbari eable, as 'va swiiling, te muet ail cathiswitht the poor lharvest>wa have hall, there gover-rn t, are ait engaged in a musical, and tload 4Jinpanv withi re.pt-t ta ar-- vhich mnight probabiy be rcquired on our i ne rs;ard or icîstmiracam¶>bin hm.te o% nuasca mdlydicodatrears doîu ta Gorernîîîcent, and cîtanm stock aîîbscription. thetoorqtha Corkr4à unmsica médle, dicorantmaity grave cb-arI;es sgaliit il,;, as tiaviig It li truc, that atth present ima.i and ive- have shown ati - indiqlpasiti îorin 'nbugh' ¶to umble down the rocks of the tisvd outrinfluence ttahle dîtrituv'nt of the frr oma ycars pa.sit, the înjorty of!'thediffercoce, as ta thcir demandit. - e knout nei-tait anawe aetalaI the SonaI eaaipany, and tethe prejudice af tha pu- stock luri h<Jompauîty lias Ijeen owned by that un proportion ta »the extpnt Of Gué capi al, reli , tf -, p artners in o u r irm . B u t how d id iui e s v e h tve s m ple f d iities fo r- raa ors hrw ow de a-Isof The g'ro-,q nntruathfiiiness nt most of this arise? An attempt 'vas nuiie. mauiy the prompt anid satisf'ictory racaipts and the staternrnte relative, toa " r lirinil nîiils yL-irs aige), to secure La non -resu) 'lnI toc.îîivra !gan say1aei~i eolon"etct lgieortranisactionsa, the ni.ligiiatt aimiata- hoIdi'rs thecontrolat teCoinpany. ta hoinpany on -tlis sil<f the. Lake. anal vs- w, rda usis'iiich perrriles the wiiile of counyeract vhieii, James- O ifowC O- ire an'ciaîs and iwilling t(, iiîprova ind in. ers an idea 'of the alun anal jumbie e those atcetogathî'r vaLtli ataoia wth the knowhsei, consent anad) appfovtil teRý 4r l efnli rp ~ tine place. kno1a,vI ' ,-oh'f Liresel.tiab ail mialiciouaria lof ai' haresialait htarehlderrsi.anad. il, faetý 1anl i ecc'î- - 111141vaufîl -t i )th i 'V thronide i laiirhodaîsi j.at% iwliictî thc are intandrAl ta aiteoin- it the inetigition andl ly the pressura a1 Price l)prt Eaitor. Wlh appea-r to have ha !sfercury Tai1) ,n1ako i an a a mter for: uï ta IL -anio'fîrlrey inCreaseil thoir stock takcn d îterestI f Uifriner.m-nchre ii eruyestaibl ihment t ýMes8rs. 1 cidIe, hImt the ediîtori:iI, ref.1rrei"l ho,) we4re he di uiarcli,e af outY1ik' staick, iri efi'cct- to aînplv-iîinsalf ta thi' aliîtv F iîrrifin ai ty Blackaburn IL Sheppard, says not pennlit by tire Editor hiisulf; )lut îa bcî thev have situil'ei ed ry ,aariou'a mrcariniz for those tvi-o.)sell in Prince Al-. wt're irontoî'trdandl compnseAl luy aàjreci- bais, fir wliicli they 'have >ni'e 1prospe'ct 1hairt. sane oýextra fî foiie rr alivcrieq We unal ratarad ths4 the Mertur!J -s a ti hWiayWtIis lo vrgharo îttiaT' n ruir.Bot 1 thera. durin g win ter, vwhere 'Wa harti en nia heen lea8eal ont ta anri Upper Ganadian, ,,ni iaurrurttr oh their oîvn ta crare for, ire ftae tairi1îstioaaa h, uaL wiua>Lhr Jaimes longe~r îdel-yq, aal in inAuCe "peltin. ona durîng the sa.ay o i oauetl Qe îaaa îrstrîoiialv aiaged. r illta aîIî, lt'awa, 't ahiol a ainioivo.'n'.fataînas"to v a ae entWib1 ,jbec, aaddiah e nndate frnm 'the lat O! ylc instiin iaîipîigqning dhe aa'fifves îaad11 tta'llr they have exercisatulagi tijautI I1['arbar in thfil . 01 December natat. Ie neyer hadt maich uralitn h" rcja'it.îtitons oft al' A h aecairlovrda(ouannothier cliarce t - opinion o! the tact o! Mr. Cary ; tha old tîcai aaue favar.alypuiaesiaaah Tai t-ins n'as- In the lirst, few year.; CIthe t îiu.ay' ntuarajleasîýnt ' (u if' Jaimeq ladyonalerilis central lias beau, long in aa le,, Il1 lring iieiflu"r dtaeability flar tfla isteietv adntsoc rnuht Roav &c '. 03n1a. i-ttthe ex- mat cklycanutita, bu haung gt a ispoîriusitoni ta iitiata, aus;st, or acOujlsiexerrie any atantrol, ami1for soina ima ien a o! stariaîg anad slipping grain at ae odo h 'wGvrmn éaoefny gaaaa.l hurpolue, by- wlîch tbey riiglit pre-vîius ta tha deatl o! aur laite paro or t hih. s bat r'rCitmr les oldo! da nsw overmea triL, ntihope Lu cîtriuan enviable or lhonorable i li- NMr. 'Johnmi \elsm, and cver siiiae, lis lira- "thun adjacernt pron Lake Ontatrio." mî Ioud have lioaiht ha posaeaaaqd lrainStmatn;btiaigîpl aluchwtîmrtoiasok lias never been'use') Il d i- a ans-vrr ta 'elaiz, wehav'e to say, that aria enoa ahl m ni liir lxistecte." fluait cdgree af vaniÏtft on g efsealf-itn- rracaly or î.irrctîy, in the elictiaa o! Di- flaccharges for Thipplinp: Ognaiiàa-t.Port Whereiupon thea Mercury replied 1 îart;ancc wliichî are naturai to baisy îîolies ,'eattors, or othier t'.ilisineus o! dia Coanpay. %limhy, for SprinL- Siiiimarir, or Fat) i Mra.B Fnetoulz y efsre ivsort if iotoricty, lio'everliiueaaviaîble, bau ' usi), aîîd ttat'vea laitcontinioius- n'y cirranéev, pertmahe.James Rave e t ly about the 3Mercury. Anxicay s50 Purr7'atwtarutcve!r expelase oahhoinable ar inm-n I xeiisa)a c iîtruul in its aihairs, vhier (& Co , charze for atorage two cents per mcàl ly disintaraat!d may affect hfs brama I a irfiu. n aciîlai;thuir tuîali- îTathe aviaienca thait Ja-uueS Ro've & (Jo. hIîiae). makîngthe tota chares for sip- ad unlegs ha taltes care. andl, if pra-diïposed t6 sioliS ptirpomes, t hey t;akae speelail cire, j-liîava ever atteinpitcd ta malc the intercaLa ping 2 5-i hs cents pair bit"hei. At Oa.nt sn!hening, it is impossible to %av wwluat ig thLait tlaey arc prosecuted at no lmore taigi- la>!the Conmpany sîîhoudinata ta thaîrori vr'v, Port -iariintrton. and Neweuslo, thue an- >great vexation o!faspirit, on the .Ma'rcetry's liXneaxai'asc, f atiiot rutla, uonaesty \Vu aie praaiil taul>e aille La say, twithout Warehoiasing (Comparies a crrying oribmai. tak aconua ltpoce. - r. Paaîe , ni lir 1IsIy-a ails'il a'uil faa'v r oeCr t'cîrat] ict îan, tit there neyer lia- s nasa at these pliur'eaaara piivaiacmane orkaccun' mv intPrdu av neerbee rporedte bfievery iargi- bbaî-a; at any iui'ting oa hhe Diractora or who own lhamh Ilarluars aa) Warehoig " abouai kaep a bs Sochon a-d Twokay j Ai formner ca--es, is) in Saaliaîea a ingla Chairge or contplaiiat1 Their charga for receivin- aunad hippinr lre a-adlhtaillter people'is newsipapeu'alune. Ùiaa:-.- Knowiiag that thea iaisrercrseiata- 1aither To speech or bfresialaistioan aile or "r atin isPïcents par buahel, or i.6tb cent, aIt is ail huile hiî business wh hbua ando tiais aill sadrg, un flra articltes ruferreal lnsirauail by ia i trector mr Starelioilaer, 'ainarc than tue joint nhre t %Whitby, wilh the flercury. as va.. bcdOura h o a, 114 I isauîiphe grtuata ýfrmèai> action a o!any alidii'5or iijuîsmice aispt îldpayable ta bath James lRo'e & Co. nal ta crse bihth anso uilthe na'edlyadven' at la's, tliey avala. etheraja>uifai lit ima o urtinpa-rt towarals theCoamipaniy. Sure'. thea tiarbr or apny.Ntihsudg lectueswhr leg to tacorrect bis mis- the h' a'mam4i' ixliCiie, luy adi'asl r te Cf'iîpaaiay lias butter aneans is avatr- ail thl, tlîTs triith-ce'ap'itn, calumnious bIar speit imaperinences, and spinu oat aditonials ta-lymaamcamimtTmta ilmîi5oham riaagu .etruaauga atapaiait aia aî i Iacsta h hre hy a- fia aluilîims a clunun" oh-irabuat very l1ii luecauaîitry aiuaet, anal earrca:tmuassby Wlaicîi tliir affairsaraae ra are 5f) pe-cent hi-lher tuan a-t adja muaaie hIi,ý iclun"sisaimmuc(Ia l uwstualper, Comîahicteii, aima')tiair litarasts 'pravideal cent )art,4 co.l, The Clronide next publishea. a latter %ithr(l îa'ctLu tlait portiuou oI tue 01). fr, thaiiri ltior o! tue i'rince Albert 'Albovae've huava sverteal foa ri !ofthe and] from INMr, %appara, the caitor of the a'rar' rticc.. wbicii raiera Lau t)e îa r- i<i'1a1ara'taiahiave ? Anit Il'vmildbinlhrmoa.s andl anfoaîniieil chargea aîleged I ~lier ana) Itowl fCanpaux, 'va uiglit, if ati- taimmg thlva ct intelligenit aofluahe r' ainst autirni, na.nal tlae lengjth a-nul nuan Ma'rcury,da'nouncinz the paragraph againat tîoizca, or if' 'var tianaît iL e:'aaraX,'laîîrao nutc, îiîi f tattla >r oh'thea-hiave millea it nc4essary for lus eoote, anal assertiag that lha waîs in linowis phse mîlii!rtileloods.aîaad tilssatints sCl5 t-ad inîa ay inelaofushuia. or opiioniîa. eîpenýk an âaimmuat nvivrranhable in- ~ neponilal fo iL. WhrcuîomiMr. ary lat ate miust aleclimuatfhr thi rarsu'nt, as îAnothurer arge ageulit Jatiies lIane & aligence on Voir part, mnfaîtinnlaýhiing ur th1 epopia fr o!the Mercury pMirisCay, murtaL ily aoauhal 'viitrespasg otuaiieuah on Co,;, is : repair. Wc bava nailv -a fei 'varda moro y- the roprieor of heur4iaaurlaallieaace,,rbiat alias nuiter maust ha a.Privioasta fluari hesala by Gonvarnaient fa airl, In the o'îîsîaL 'va raferrmaWta)our e-ia- latter )iria-'ing Mn. Sbel)paral ho bootk a."iaialard rîreaaçeativi il- outh' i'-aiiciTO j "of th'e, totandnaiHIartbor La thie mlodLe) inclination ta ioecleffir !slautder the Ciichagi * , uat haa.oniv ~ r'arI le ~nt'"t'auliy srlic'lanow comtrols thanu, thflic mllisbcr :,! aaîchlibela; a vomirai, wlîich 1dm ; n ifciua'a'vfl rsecit aî iifa:aci- 1arbwiur rperty at l'art-Wbi thv. hbll tîî reportcd pecuniau'y circunusmances ni 91i ilaat itholal your wrîtinzs from pub. 1cr flue t'omaniy. anal a&r husiiîasrs ant "taemu la Ibty thea i t fWorka fata i ct litor thagethe(,r 'itb ithe conasidaraion I iraatonK 1wuldan uy atharai usich I pay' iittby Il -t)r ariarasWr'uniamalaa ' 'arehiaaasing lats. wltthLenaview oah'leas' th-f he,w va lcera, hasis uwittimugiy be. ouîld for, until yoe bave aatiah'ctorily ramaoveilthe cliarge.-eaa uiîal aaaa) isiaîuat.ed a.riiaua'ýt .aiug theai forivarebotisa purposca. -11a4t Caine the tari1 o!fi r lesigning and alm- haad tbe imprassian from tnuy minai that jeu 'Ia.,'iv unaflaly interféring uitti, uudiiapu' "i.d ('aaaaalci ire rcfaaaat Lau ie.mae tiie e ic1imiz l Iuii-ais o! aur Town, make it 'vere cither groasly istnoranh ai tire acts, n da tru apn'irae rt is.#uas ari "lat tiiihycnînuuataoy(o- upaalnbeat nxaein o st bat holyin-,rhyahtriti torhaeoarÎsîifaliumnalalttaLle pa'a.ala: oh ta atmuîiuato'iuftoth cauraillii i'henc !li'vto rterhaeasota hi ais-e 01,'y inai Oce uyiau' the positictu O! the Mriil ' i 1iiiduilr'oniuia'uaer.' ai the R'v O.lt airas nt/Cucir - e1aig htwo !thfrtcesc ~~to rinsett ar pas, l'aiv neded auml i uiiaaicuta.As u"becrtiuse'tit Ca5.usse 'vorJlWL )u . luat anlhuC tuen, fin-Mr'. Foote. ,vart:.-al un. otirliiaaist dulty aal aur f "euuîi ilauthe nu') rOfiTi)thie vialortg i -.The rcva.'ati na;nowmadae prcseni aga(l rali The Gaz: et uot iii qaite.a livety fir-. rirspolhîam.iIuity, is ta aur eî,luaiIr-,n iÏ ot i,ýir fieut. tiqro oiil no' La thle ;ab ira'.'oaur citm ive v .vhfthaey hv I along a'alaill Vhiciluthrit u'qtity cntl ever sanctionauclu d's' atnain ovan tha iair, anal ahnutita a auito tiare no haar of ppe-aling, aira) n'afanal tha'ýstil I Cntiiuta mîay.gqalyL ihaaorbe rcedig, nl heefa 1 at catacies oven the duffilcultesoa!ilis neigh' jan-sol toa tilia, Latha- e Clcaotaaîiîetly aa'heat ofîaviu aiiithue laaadaadlarla'or lonlatht tAn action un Ghanccry. nt th ark,~~~~~~~~~~ j os h eito ajuiaL btcaln emur cýIauaiiâors toîrlr a uapoioyn, tu the 'foivn, aiai aaurouudýiug inotatce ofa-nymaa4ýntaarof the plundereal >oed uïlka ao.Cmaigteaflî taagli ailfuîml.-:cmupa taiia1 aCulua iltaopn.vat d ptr1g ri~ C Ta~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~nc 'r cuClt aa.Cmara h alart JiaasIo- l o., as t teir 'ilinuis Ii rrp,!y to tlie abmîve, we- sny, t fa i t a uqrqe trýe'r fUl- usie ains uolu -one of Rowe à comeuaties, it remaria,or mraaliaîa's. ta al'ord eerr -c iialtoi ns -tie o aveorrcn%, a i, "LT n ît'ietatsc oi era.e '4 low diffreat with us noir ad.ays, whea i) nciuiwitibsu na fit bave a aý1ýcai alo îîîatuauîî ' rya ayfmr haU' aveaaurtl-)I. -ratter.pehns, ta fw m aafe'v hennies iraicao luxuniata iii the t'anauea'tiuîll(i Ourfima aiilltt ue ilarummr IA:wLauir rchusaag t:) lsethe lo)ts ;at a.staoid have b-van aliowécl, by the G9v- ce tau1pastoral farce of'Ia Ye Shepparnae a-nd lias aadlt'u il ('aaany, aiisinai fron t1the stcaia Iflaillm'or.,hu tai I 'v li ,,ueL, ar nu aaroentoh the la'a,, ho reta-mn ,o5,eqgin flocke," 'anal gat into tie barlrain due" Rai- ivficlu muur inqlirîhitl pairttaiaelr: i iii tTa.ît e'e't Lo pa-aveau'it, theiaf lowimog extra-t of publlic 'voria', n-han their trustvia eira-t -farmeai Rtie" wilh -.le aIIIogue'a Mardh" Co'aaîîauuaty. aànal ýtran 'vIàichi 1r m14t)111h' uthe luiiniita's a!)f a metiig ohthe 1'Di- 0 ro amyviolateol, anal for sacla parpo accompanlimentelaîborately )uan!anmad on iL is atteutiptea) ta a bo'vn , taL u' i hava reators o! tli'Comupany, bh]Utf Jinieesld ai-~raalaneu tiouu- the hIlOrgan )V'alaruvedalnauîa caer'i"ed an infauaeatri' 1853, is a aulliant refutation. Toautr businesst- ita>ar, aald ta the Vcnil aurQueha caaaanp aa "a ta a)ta the puiblic, w'va ' 'a)haVa treat- "Moyenl ) ly JmnsCati secondait hy piif 'va onfidentIi appeal fou' thefr Veita? 'ote'bccntmsar h4a 4-1thue lamnuens criplainkeal o! a'itJhe lac- YlinWes(thef' ndiiitîtil lui:adaathî, ointverdlict or. 01) thue qiueatT ns rufrred ta, h-airsuIl ,Coaatelriapt (lia e)nt; haut a-s the char;0'. o!thue pirters lau nu' firin) iuvithhuve]uh].finmleal conviction tint w. te or hap mly1 oateptt eafablislt thutii i Twiat the lPrt-siaent lie autIarizedto ha-va done oothing tri, warrant tie slartders niseal It. AuldIels D5 ar# u ait ui'a'il s u eii hirOnegotniate 1er priu'ilegus 5faur 'vi'tei'ing -Pp ataainqt tua, or. t orft a. con- very- -ilihîctcat injuaisticaion thma'publie.,-afi thau.ataaîhi rri-rdîaug, alan"1theapier. a-t the Ç)- tiaam1'ýnce o! the- support a-ni) comnfidence mi ta We are requcat il tea intima-te ahat S.iiau oiina tc~uleaiitaehuvmgr-uta i 7e i) a s ar ifootefthu hil vahvsa oarcielt tiqan Audrew's Day ailI ha celebrated in iaro n)Iom .onuîyai-hsv sa iaîg unn aeÇa nra a nît W c DurSi, -2 omar iatuoeain10a- muauuncr adversme to its 1tenu Tuanîier fraun Jauncs fI»anl toa - Yur nst ulf. ,zervinfa, ' tre Tairai, by the sons ah' Scatia, oua Monimay intereuîts, t)erby hesrcaauing iLs' abilty a'suaiiuaeîoua.2OÙ icet iaîuu tlueu'tas ha JAMEIS U E Ca dltîst "v lt:eit a-ml I'esir%,t1 o ý f Ciiii -%an r next, list Dacanber. A sermon wml) ancutiiabm-tousL iaramia sLnata46 clh.u iaafCulnuu' na r 'vsaeia<a at5 ue' assw;b-alla oi' ieriae harges art urai te, ta diat'lelot icotaul to J1auimna VeaLatesnt Burepean.- deiee n iaude' lurcn, oy theue elairue ecrn'righi;trLiaicîsi,.aas jauiiia.tîarîmmug plar(t' lta hantealuta-t i- ,a-nua ehaplain, the ie ya. K. Mancannan, nt 'lirea thair tulfluso trut ruthi)uihvaelit'i iepr foato taga, anal tlav' ai-h oiffrs as 'ia-vnroxaiaaaav I W0 o'lock p.an.,afai' hieh a-collctin iuatters oh' public luatre«st nutaundceanuî, uta 0ha ua-y necive, buhore tile1irectors a-t'- 1 a o okp ml.,tiau i aftri a t llecion hîu Ln>'lra uI imlta> Our tuicie theafiratîetiag'JECTtm TEN- K Bo.u wît o oa ta ciuiat. f haBenea'olent and repîy ; analamitiais coisiler atiomu, 'vae n a1a --- ae-rrtmu hs?~ -place bit. L tlaa[uuthneouîSoaciety.tta iugtlt 4faroinmraI zii t)eataCm-n Byhe--rva9hL.A4awbb -d o r T h , m m b e s a d t u î r f r ; u à i 1I l i rt aîh c l a u t t u r c a u a i l e a n t ia m m v o u l ,l j 's Lt - a t u a l y u g r e era. w e a -a n a t m aIi . I n r e n d - e a c h e a ] C a p e R a c e o n < » h ]i -2 4 t h , , v a h u m ders i ic înebers anl tiai friand mît dne li tirîte earticle iin the Obatrver, thua pulicduh-ts boed at racut 's ai), -t7 aclck n de ua irit etalig1he rtcle aiaaledwr, mahai rîormli imîaTum, tatLia ai t ariaa romilotsaa RÉO. veinz. ahePrieileat, Mir. Win. Gar- mr il eteitiomu 'a, taeihave enterc ai ne a-.re saothesrabie, that if oniy offirrd for The Eagi'msb Goveramcalt bWddi*crated~ ation. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tr evnn.--hTnaantLs rpiao ia ai -hlse icviltaiit once ha aken up) by frein. thcFranchi prokosa-Ifou'mediation. havre emustl aun iira-stigaaiau intu 0 AueL o! Mn. thnuedy tsProyais hn 'v ia ha-Ibanarr"eaa. Th'ite Mu.s. Briuaauade's vdica.. Mr lait M. 3rinsaauusdamtesî h sic masïlamrin ' ew'Onîeauas, and4 a tiare i i'ft mi ci'oui aie 25th Of A , tic steamm'r Fuilton, b Came 'ap N .01 for' puvata r asns-eat7rely p a- imtohil>'rnmiaa expecteai ta resit) art the tîme mut T'rty a-nd part of'fie-, a thie ciiv i" m uuap liai' mi go WaArin tona afier $ie ca-ma ea- acqiainaed aitb 'aie oticeas 0oht ai miii 'aie bardy paleges; atutti Yorkami tieTti oh' Septambef, t tie Ererrat. lînus#i u va-a l-in nealy ta italys ; resida talat rau floause ut'n, 'tIi-mLtimme.' we h to limookit-u; m-s9 in Bnoiayn,' aras naaiai3 aith O. P. Daon , i -fati cauai, ii Bdfordl avenue-,rama- A)the fourdays; lamamu 'eut ta asinh4on wvi wara-s tP umn"m'llu'onaBomleý aad anoth ofl'ca'n;_lîa>teq aima] licarrem era oraler a!f l'rortuatMaia-I lBaker; ( l'jIa-ear toaîl ebrrlettemanda-alpapersa arcrythig elxs tubau) Q, W't (INmii ak I~er say? A. Col. tliimsmmtollmemaie haranesteal1 lay a:la-tt r air ticieitsy ai %Var; 'as 'vais Lccntlf f-Tua; a sys-.a Rubel %ay taucimu: 'aruateivMal h e r s iin My Pal Situai t1it' )aper's I hua-aImare examinue he a.akd isiy i caimeNorthli; I taîla h for brinate rni4iaios;iti sié a 'oulu)se nul> to Near-Orle-os; i Itoua im hocliec Dot dassa, a-s I haualdonc arualiti; lue cas v)1a mt a N'avOnTea-ns fan 1isc said I1 la an v. 111-v iudîeaet ; 'tie rajamariakaas t- I ai îaeid Sausnew(ibJackson w'viiiuc a mamuthit caunla fiaht. Q A uÀlic eliairga- you tiat 'abat vastu souaibra?', A. That s-as the oujrI>' tua;iacfa prove, a-na) a! roui-se flua-t I acianowm Ilaher then tulalme if 1 dia)ta ua go ta NcwOlcanIIS ta go ta Nev-y( ad] jrete-nai ot 'aba-n Baves I1auppo 1 iras goli u uNem-Oucns,alid hae <Bli moulai sena me liera ta dia St. Nîid * Huai. a ea-mieai n>'priva-te 1>a-i~ Q W batdiu)bo say? _A. lie taid jtiare mwun vitlenu Q.Wha-t dia] ic saaabout yaua'pi latters ? eA. Ha id]tiat tIse>' e rer>'afft tata; hisend -tticui. g Wbat ld il lasa-y isout 'aie-pena A. [liasais) nauiing, oaily Lia-aone tira marc ver>' gaod lieiie hýpO tia-t I aboulai lave a-a>'pietures thie uaaxL day, becansa li a1ud tao ir 'absh --tic Socrectar>' of,-, ar W ore lic gava-1 LO nue Icama an to am'YOrVti chi e . W Iat mas ha ,ma-anar mIcalie t can gon? t A. Ile %vas cxcmedingly ahiactiona-te, ccalIed me aal>' dean,'"I'a-na] Sj3elÉ, 1 brongît ri ît rounait'O tic corner oa!Dra sf seu a-na] Bradira-y ,Boules goloa te the currdage; lac dis) not tell mmia-t LO itarus;it,,said hoisauto stop for Ord li e came instantybyla-ckanda-aid alai b Ca lie taken ta, Forty-savrenti street îSIa it Hanse ; tie driver liaai geL dama, a- tala] lira veraveai lic aroeame, ta ti-ord ta an acquainta-aca 1 ha- ai ie Eraett Houa-c; I va-s ca-refully dalpui au at'aie Farty-sevaath street Statiou-Li( ieMr. B3oirles rammaiedtiare a wetik c id dasia, takiing mec ia ta mcala attic hotuse, I sa-m Lia Capain, a-ual Sergei as a-nd Policemen avai>' day. Ma. E i.ca-ae after Iliha-ilbac tiers a-carly 1 vaets ; lie said ha ca-me ta relense sapposed ai iaaigot tireai afin> Place tic Searehar>' a! Warm a-nd]lMr. Kat d a- bac» erivean s ate aena] me ta Orlesas;jbut tint lie <BtLke*') la-ai e Quite safficiant o! Our spa-ce lia bean -devoîcu) La tiheeîîitraoersy hetuea !iMr, Beaton enai'ilie ra.), Mm-. Ma-aean-. We cannat fatier trespasa on tis patiene of our ramIers. To tie principals wc hiave extenld ealalc cunIes>'o!of ui'colnmns ta thie tallesa ca-tant : -frthur cammiica- doi-ormu sinai partie3 me mut matat res5 pealfuilî>'dec!iole -Sinect tue aboya ma-a put lin type -va taiaing gatua -resait- We lanoir afma-ny yeunag ann, holding hcnoablo a-nd lecra- f ive positions, misa ave a-il tiseir succasa-ta tic iaovlca]ge tic>' obtainca] a- t fiahua-i tufiomu. lt-lsana-iunclîseig ;Pitniple that thc best qua-tifleal' yul a-ma-ys me sure te acceca] Lie best. We sa-y, tiemi, ta eera> yoca-g mia,. cu atloromuigh businesS educationi iWyoa desire toprosper. Tne GawàlDiàx ALUI,&c.-W'e have ce- asisd from tflicpaTulaser, )Le*nas. Chatratt ýOf due 50 i> Camptys S; autour persios !ailctt' For tliamaa ras eson ina-haut bui erad iaa ts prospects a-re alu'eal>' iui course et - te. expaiusc or a t tmo Issues tic faëta- ela-tlt u a-e il)ukse raTon ouf thse. Ron-d Çoiu1.Y'S ira, ilI ha aý the Cssrporaton, anal uia-uaed aUtant epa-ui i, ave grossi>' mi9represomt) nÈi th fa-t t enaih nI>' ta at lac la-ai I oa 12

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