Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1862, p. 4

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Roimnastto Stery otf Lord Byron's - Grandison. A youtbefo emeIrlof an' aristocktlc lieuse, ibos eginnlng and -end eaie1 freurgisi w1t>hintereet, reeeruti>' Paid th debit of nature. W. allede to 't&Byront Noe<l Visconnt Ochisam","whoue etth look laceoan Mo~ndai seuniit, et Wim- bledon 11111 b>' the rupture of a blot vos- sel,. nt tie-tuarl>' ag* of 11X4Id-tw6t.-- Tis yoting iiobiemian was tise eider of thse tva sons aof the Riglit Hon. Wiian, elgisti Loard King, vise vas. ruisedto tahie earidom of Lovelacte ai Iler Majealy'e coronatian, 1838, andtis L)rd lieutenant and crustas. rotuiorim o f tir e ceunI> of Serrey'. Hia * nother vas Ada, Courutesa ai' Lovelace -il lady f fsrrediryjntcrestu fer iseyond thse -nsrrov pale or pee-'age -roli, as tise oni>' cisilti of tise peet ýByroti, thse ver>' Ada v'isom Lord Bryone s feeiintiy apostropisi- ses ine o r icf"tje rooci paurahnate o' rbis pocuas, Ileitsgandmotlier vas the amiable anti ili-slarreti wii' oi' lie proudtianti iacgh. ly poot-lerd, wvîreedeatis ve bat! ecdsion tae ironicle, jenetir celtimnq, 'Utile more tisan tira vearé; a-o-a laI>' vie dvoleti lise enmmranti.nturntrof cbhtr daysc talise eteati>'andi ayslemratic practice cf vflole. cale cisarit>' u inte iiglieutt sense, anti of whem mcm>' a àpurr eretie afimil>', anti ettn>' a reformator>' cisilt vili have reason ta blees ie lie ed cf tissu- itys. Thse iseireas of IleNoele iras net ihappy jeniber ution vitis George Gordon, Lord Byron, as ail the vorît is eavare ; etýti peritaps tise vornit large, fer ieyond 14 ehertiers ai' Surrey', knir tisaitise- itiheritAnce to wiich tise LovEdaCes su ceedeti ias heem less hep. îîy than inost, je respect cf domnestie, con-i -- cord. Ai ail evetts, thsea Whe -hareo sa- * jautned i'ti ie neîighbirhooti of IRipl>,a Guildford, are avare isat, dccc tise deatis af' Ada,,Countesu of Lovelace, tise prouti tOvers cf East tIlorsel>' haive ncald iitise * leir apparont la tise tubis cf bis fatier -. anti cf is gretîdmoîher. but tiset, vitelher byhsow r* ii t h ierolult hen'> ta ter liii awtc orvib>' lusfttifron et:, ntis oa mouth-if haif tise star>' tiat va heard be * J true-to üarit bis dail>' breeti as art artisa b>' Ies aeat cf hie brov, -in e doekytrd loct a littuidred nies from Bieck-vall, ratiser tient, ruri net ji bis fisur's larti> balle. Tisera speemete have heen, je tise casfa' oun- L,)rd Ot-kare-, a sort ai' he- *reditary Nemputis -as ciassical irritais vouldti l il -wlîiclt pursueti iim, if neî fron tbte credie et leasi. froua lts earliest icanisoati ta lise grave. -At gtt sari>' aJe lie antere'>tise ltnja Nar>', and icfî af.i ter n few inutiis'crie-ire kneuv nat ur-s>, but Iî vas coujerturcti et te lime tisatishe pritia cr bis soul voulti net ailoir hItlu cisc>'hiesttuptriors. De tis, asi i ny, hb c uauit unae learet o-itrdience ile ancîiseu scisool. ta whicb but i'ev lords or titîcti peretîne are settto gaitt exîterien ce. Tise-next-thtw e bean ci' bim is as a commun salôr for iL 15 a factlta, titouis tise eldti son cf a peer ci'tise realua, bise att out ta America le a mer- chsant vessel, vurkinf lis va>' befare tise mast. Tirêd oi' iis nom!>' adojiieti profes- sion, tise Young lurd assuties a neý; chiarac. ter, anti next titres up as a cmunoon. maut, in the siip-yard ai' Mr. Scott Russiell, in thIslIe ai' Dege viere ise toaihiý_vaes week b>'-vetçk &long mith is cplebiearibretis. ren, IL was rumuared,arid wira lcnetulwise.- tiser tise rumeur 1-e true or faise, tisat hile- vorleirg i0 tise dock yard, bse hat i hiketi bis forttuness viti s ia ofai a yauuug iaman cf tise isualler classes, but ci' met respec- table cbe-iacter TIf tItis lie sa, tise lags frouaUliackwial, on Steptiey, or Popiîlar îs- now a peerts iof Etîgiaii. anti liaarigist ta dlaimn a kiset uîuurî ber tiisk fru lier Majeet',%vlisenever aise may bu t1preened"l ai.ttdawing'rooam" or St. Jamtai anti paistisV, liaerd Exeter hiiself yull no lorîgerlue abile tecaiot titat lie la tue ctîhy son cf arlebeiaic ruotiser, vise lasa rigist te a-scat in tise Houges ai Peera. Be tis as il îay-and me suppose le a few days me aliall learn e theer bis Ierdsisip bas leit e vidoui or 110, and visetier ha bas.n chiltita succeed i isbaje isstitle-ssauit suais eut prove la lie tisecase. thon tise1 beirship ta tise earitiuin ci Lovelaice viii ssa te bis youthful brother, sotheliean!>' *srvivinZ made destcendiant of tisa pctet. le conclusion, vo sisaulti retuti n u reratieà tisatishe lete mill.wrigist et Blacieuali vas1 not oui> tise eldest sonci'faàjteer, but iras for tise lest tva yeai-sa peer ai'tise reaiei, in iaeu averi ,ist, savung asueceedeti ta tiseÀ Baron>' ai'Weetvartis-en lthe deeti oi'is amiable but tni'ertuuate grantimotiser, lu tise cummar ci' 1860. W'e are net avare that ise ever vlaimet bie suamons te thse Housa ai' Lords iin ri-cl i' bhibgis souruding Lille, on vbeî.c r tise unimoas vas fortal>' ad- d resaed ta hiie, eand came isattkLta tise aul-1 tisorities ut Wesîuinister, 'tise deati letter * ffice, ucankedti vtislie ell-knavn red i le endossement cf "Gene ave>' anti left no ad-. dvtess"-Daily Telegrapli. A FeatArit.mcT BANKiNIMÂucêata-Tise latest Englisis papersi report thse arreet ci' * Mr. Jonais Andrews, Mtager cf tise Cit>' Bank of Manchester, att a chsarge cf ab- stractleg anti applying ta isove use ,îLe properi>' of tise Bankttit a ver>' large aante. Ih jesaidthtisi.bis maiprectices -williivoire a boas ta thse praprietons ci' somneihin tir te £120,000 sterling. Tise * bat bas stnppeti payetent, anti il vas iuring a meetitngai' 300 or 400 oi' the. siare- boîtiers tisat a police -officer steppe'>in anti -apprebendedtei -manager." A ver>' large - iumsîter aof ebupiceepers ani setail traders more intereted la tiseliank, ant illr i e -* gratel>' enbarrasqed hb>'ils faînre, Au~- drews vas a Metisodist local preeciser, and vegetarian,. lq ie lh lt ive more eZtrlva- gantltiLia isi aler>' ai'£5,00}0 a year celti afferd, and t terefare people are nt a lots ta knov visat be titi wii.b-the mane>'. Ia prison lue edmittedt ta bis fraudas amounted ta meuyt>'tiousantis, -- AN EDITreAND TEILtII)AFT.-P. Dona- boe, tise editor cf tise Boston Pilot, miso was furious for wegiteg ver azainst rebeis, I I _______________ ________ Farm for Salo or To' Lot in' . Reach. B EtNtt 9atcres ari LaI22, l.tite 91bl n. ai' B su.oilt i wiitp. Lautd ttrtîtrly aiIIe uo, ni yood otlti vatli --contailis contortabiec loans,1upôi e want ir iu'-ayUtr )eart -gocii We 1 nd stream aof frasaîa rt-er. Inlimadiate pbses%siingiveti. For fturthîer pait,teilei-saadretsc preputidtaluFREIRICK l'PuItOi.iWtT, 13urrlster, Toronto. or ta ROBIERTI' McICIIAEL, 814 Port Ferry. FIRSTPeRIZE Tailore, Shooniakers, Carniage BuUlders, Dros akers, and Headei of Families Generally. Meln ('I tWANZAR dc&c,, tewiai teril I' u Witliy, antiRoi! the. large aortrneft ofFer1and ie4 Mafataritg SEWING MJJHIlNFIS, With Jafat iepreveiaents und nt 10w prlces. JAMES H. GERRIE, Agent for Caunl> Ontario . I)ENTISTRY! SEWIG MCIIINE lDs. ALLENDER & CA1RD WI NZER'S COINAt TI0N& I'reccuium iteieu; Mgachines lE tlNL.' PRiIM arartiel for I*gtnith) T vy t~acitta t teJliuI-lit t.,t lIlit1tonrlot]uis, Thitul ien tcuuh tti- firi.t price i'tr F.ýiinHy) .ÇriitrIttcl'tiu 'itti IL. M, Xt'ize.r d 'u Odiiltul, utit te tVr-u itici i Ftair belliet Tqrinttî, Set. ¶2-1, t23u24, 211 lil28, 184-2, Unt aistu irm i-tz. iiirteîritetito tiseir Singer lfor mut ittituri'. Vtie Fi rvI E-il-e itrize wver i-to riven-for Nos. i t-I 2 SiiieS ligit.ittii'lt tiruîtg %Ittehlilgcs. l'rize% fu iela ii.tes ro.eatwrc W;ýatizar'ste C5 Feutil>' Sewitg Mtcline itut W'atzc d t u.' Sui~rsMatchinscrover ail atlucra, iui ther la-ut ni'Arta uii Minufite- turc,, ltite NMauliati*rce Iu-uitntc, Turtuti. Tise>'ist ot-unit Iirrt Extra Prime t tît- Ieverti (ottitjtv ALgrit'iittiruh Faire--at ilaitil- toit, l'Uri$Cati. St. ll BtiiIeameviile, wttit- b>' uitig, Ititiviie li tutl, e tplace wilieu-i. vIi- r0 o eîxtîutt t~Ws inzer &c Ctu2s VCtrihttion anti Wîtttser &- Cîu.fi'ttsitucer, Exel air>' Machinecsi tit erer vuira mattutacler6atluii te Uuotd Srtsor C-trizad. IL. M. W'îitzcr d& (U)., lire r ie- rl tut trl-, tii th l rite îîu va]î.n'util-le îi-rctiîý-Scf lthe W iiel- - or&d Wtiamotîitt1141i112îîîcr ù3ellitluns1,I -tii tev-: ittg lthorptitîoits %siltit tv--rut iui-irautla iii ;i Virnt l:iu.r alontstic -art c, iiv a-diîîg soie tier ittvoitttint <(fur NîlichL, ti Iite reujt1ed .. patunt lt ituitil ir e tttuin irki luriiiLu r i-f-lSatrMÂiI0uiu, viich bieiîug simpjle lu l rtchlm. till itl ritttirqtirini: le-t ltait titi orlitti-v aunuitîrcfsiill iini tm ipertaic. Il. sectiratte cu.leutu ier> ut hiîtlé itilit t.)getl -ui iti' i-ellâir, utîtldil luim 4it IV adtitit h ub tiflie, cutiettîltittit'î i, li lue c-tuiviitccufl 111- t>tuii nt -atuer -ItIi itiltetr. iwe i 11 t-ot. E% r rN itti uitmti'Ii-iavautlàWtttt 00*i- ft -o tt'iulittt uitiîi ahn, Ai ;eiiiitte W'aitc»r &cC'Swîw uutie iteuir tuet g.11111i l. M.Wîiizer c e, l& el ton 01 he 4te oliaprt. JAMES - i. ERRîR. - Altelt, Wii hlv. WATLCHEg, CLQCK'S, A'ND eJEWBLEBX,) tE TUC LITE5T STYLES JAMES JOIINSTON, FAED. TAYLOR,, D ÂI.INIEi'XtYLAND & <tENFR. 111lAgenrt, l>tois for Crove Litud-i oh t-ic l t litrir lc-f-ire thtî eD pirrttt tt i ' o CritîrtiLandesP4ttenleci, 'ttert* t' cfttverît'tet aund (ie:eri i iiuîltýis>wit lte Publie Ofilet' aitt -iîd,-îiIn, Thite cramiiiet i iid Iagui Adrie Ki-t: Fret eft2lî. rire. Ileecoetis-i-tt.Gno. S. liitn o ltWii-ar;É . R. mer-lt. E-q., st. au"ie; Bit. L.. Rýiiati, Mt ftt-l on. D.M an ait, T'orenti; iltîe. Alexaît 1er. WOInotfck; Il-n.J ..Itaîitiltetî, iîawk-uotuiîr ; it-,i. D. C h rt. lie, lîrintfrcd; iotî.I. M4tltcautt, 1Perth -.t11,J11 (;. j Ga"f'eitîcLen lou it;nt. A. Kiezleowsi St. Cire.buuc-nîe of Ifutideu iii( Fort $ttrce*,L, Qtitec. OuWber i19 1>2. 41 ly Witn. Don Mu i a. timovcd lti* Flour,. Grain and Feed Store Tu> BROOK STRE ET, Noôrtit Ward, texl'dooýr to A. Logan, Tiiînitli. Wiiitisy, Oct. sth, iSGr. Z9 If COUNTY MID~DLESEX, -MUTrUAL1 FIRE IN3URAN(CE (UVPY T IIE DIREUTORS have titis day aruiereti au Asge-t uin f 25 ppet. ui, 011 î aror belare tite 31,4 IECE.UI neR at, i lie eisrid cen ai l riviutii xter ithen betîreet tisa lot Apri,11P611, Pu: ntit ,lrne. 14,n teOW ile forc, ouubevituwfran il ita 5777, wvtîli, wftl c2?< tererîîel iecte athe t time cof tnaurittg, 8ttîae7-% pst cAntt itlete; that te, 75 eutts 0an tri$100 mure'>a ni.5ai'd pro pe;ty foi-0t1-ret Nitirs. farftrc ll ~iwiI i l ilhumitn 1poaliblil tYu ha tmade 0aithtisonNotas8. B>' arder of the Bard i. A. McDONLi, Uùcutat'v. Lendtn, Oet STOL Otia brownc spt.Boti iiad. surgeons, I>antist', &c., Raoots ver Mr, Carleton Lynde's Store DUNDAii TIT-, WHITBI'. T EETIi flinltha rnot jerfcct maneer, antin tnthut be ot udtoast epprovcel Tire lota'Z experielice of irs, calienrler& Calrd ami tlitr tlcr(' koldz ?t thprae tioe nt'Ieterettd tlem toapprecdate the ttirvc;lîott id tiiera ci-impartnt,andi ben i orgaris 1litetectit. pntlirrervic Irat eul fthe lticlth, iia;pnese, ndantrirt ot miekicti depenti. Their aprertice. ti tis4 branich et the poçelnCannet fai1 ta give set- ittaicltii. Lot the attilcîrd sith 'ti,4btetiteectî. 0111) visilt tieti in lime, before tht dise utgetb. t-nu fine a helti. AIITIFFCIAI.TEF.Ttl lucertetlil, .Gelulffil- ver, 'lctiei, lPlat-e aie'. nîtoilt tit cel)tbetiandt inrtiy recqtmcend3ed culentzed l'net, ater tfict lteic rf-alo nnn hpîrîa lito fdis. Adote b dci ut Carl tire aPoctirufuily porforniîýil, etitiglu perteet In tlutneelves, that net oniy lte tinteir- eiexlr'uîmintu lepreservetllt tlieeerend doue tort of thie wrrrof their arttflciittýetIi,i4 pro- itlotgu t he tlte time, lu thte dtarihiliy gri the- matterid i ered. and fuli arinneein te Illendinirof color, lte gretat ettistbtion wilt ,bc f..intl. Ilarticuler attention ,cire te the aireAMa reenletion vif hldren's tüeth. 1'arentm .0clittlti Ktrete014titmsa ever> iiportatet tteir Ail oerton eretodul atsfaetory. Terrnir r e . ir h e o n rim it tie n fr e t,. 2 0 CREVEP1R TJAN EYR. ,l IF IAIW PST STIICE A ND 0GHEA.T EST J. lVaricty Ie Stores, Stare- Vulriit.tre, Tin-, rare, gkc., cati I)cecn nt thet Stoe -09thtîe ulnd--r.iilrîtcil. Storee,&iit.vrery istyle andtiaity and i t al Prie -. Tigpue lècw patte n ut 'l WX19MA - a lzaffq liesi heen tetrallucoil suirnLyNrt oiter verîcties TuIE K1N(;OPFS7t9VES, IRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERT, DAV'Y CROOKET, .PRO7'EC7'JONIS7', t t&C*a'll anti Se. 1 joEN ;BRYÀNt 41 iirock-at., WlîItby. MISS MONCK* lrock St.-Cjose Io Follard'e Ilotel, ' ISfS l. takie lhe presont litoriînIty cf luInoreting tht'IlRailani ltiebitanitset VK-btt, cund vicîiity tii t @e le pruptred tiiexetie all rders letlihe Milintry lUne onc lta Ahorteagt notice. Ail hind. tlmofwork le SILK * and STiIAWMNIILINI1.Y ex Ltdc' ieetei r catly And îroîl.jtly. L adi 'ni 0enileni eg' Fel and ti ier IltIas repitireti, ldtiand aellereti.inle tue latestlm:yIs 44i Oshawa Âdvertlsements. WILLIAM TEiWPEST, M- 1>. K I N G 8T EET, OSIIAWA, CANADA F. LAMBIERLT. T AIIR and 1lA't-li S.Orghaae. (; erieimadie ta .irdcr tite besrt cvIe andi fttshio.>47 JOHN GILCIRIST. DEALER ln Feecy anti StItie Dry (;eods: D'andi Snil Wares, G;rocerte%, Proviggdane rakr dc,&.,-Kluîg StL Eust, Otihawa. 47 SOLICLTOR, NOTAUY PUBLIC, &oc. &c. S baC. W. JOHN McGILL, L IFNSED AUCTIO1NER FOR CANADA L Volélt, 'iers lus seorvices to the iuliteb tant,. cf Ontario ani DeilrlînComnttes, toe t. tend Sales by Auctian loneueitoid Furnitutir, MerahAodlze andi otiser elYcets, rita remonaebie catit4issl. 110 (Isîtawa. Aarnt 85ce INSURIN(E & GENERAL AGE-NT TIE UBCRIBiR IS PREPAUED TO ti'ire, Life and Marine Ihanrance RiskR At rena;onat)ie rates§, andil li te exeat rersptni biec onapanica. C..N..VARS. O p TIACTIAL Dentia,9Osha2b LYXMAN ENGI -A TTORNEV'Aur LA' Sluaoe St, opposito l - D.-ED L B.,-, ,or-Ia laiha- tee, Oschawae. 81COTTIS11 PROVINCIALG Incorporafed by Act of 1 , i4 ét. capital one Milio Stt lng. In-vested lu Canada $401,0001 0 A.N A D A: HIEAD OFF ICE- MONMlEEAIW A. Davîixon Parker, SecretMry. ]ATE 0F PREMIUM ver> c ni ad eib'otet epen0iiel ('un Ce.n- Reon ga i liî' e isilnsuaUlv ri.- As-unraeleq 'Iletetiand t1i ,cr l ttttti-- actieng couitutteti ritîtaut reStre 0ilsctt 'Agenralituis> The Clebrated Germku 011! (UitliS rotes ri, frost bites. rceîtiig i morcs, ant I alkineiroftfleeý a nde4. It le tIhe greetet rety i if fo r hlllinx cil kindi. ci wtto tititi n 'er ci Iteteit. Thec reneîrti . îfilile f1cre itorecri andi cattia atierhîqt iro . pein. Frot i t'.rts:ttiilq f tttmn Its alite cfflleet'tii of tuttterom 4 tý e folloiw- itti itait' itee elî'ted Il ritveutKel -onr oit the ca ra1at tilni aati'.fid tînt it il uttîtc4îîli r heilîig Teb A. Kn'te . L1AEeq, i'icl.zeiitg, Fth. 12, Iti. 11l11jueticate ven, itou axa edut>' I ov lte ptublie, 1i il il triplit Ile r-cgiîemeitd y9irr cetoirtutel 1i ticrl r oit. SIy-itte ginl gel me- i-ecalt 4Ieti, tsu nîicir so, ltuaie1,r reciner>' c.aj d#lititfuai.l'lttl'y tte timelyAi>pplicationi ci yt'ut oi ei eim, <ttru-npletea ered. NlI%TTii1EKW SAL 1.0M ,Jr liiaSu ejrtiet- Veincd ftic pub le iii ctra.i1 itiîtti it ri2lit tn rccc.jitutie'i' vour ,rtrtte L in:tiiii i, ftor tecure "f ctitum wlitetr ît1tlid to unan or bc-t. l'ETER R. iHOOVERI. llkrnFthrîtîrv. i1-l62. 1 îuwe i tlite putbtic, i t1link' it riclit fte reetîto itîti yutr coeb~lratted (iuruan 111, for flite cire oftuit i-ttciitte, brîtiset, tand tio of sores ofionrtti thg D~1AN'IEL. IIOOVERL i 'titi -ted frottui airuntîttig cote 1c'r two years witt-ttîtt itlrttislîit. 1 i t tîiucedti o tri votîr -elelru'rd oiu, attd attu ttw corinlitiet JAMtS FITZCiIIIIONS. (me cf Il:i irat 'tietiictl rmeilte Cauitt.% kicim.1)lave use t i ilte curetf cutts, brai- seOs, frost biter. d&o., anti ut ilro îr*ostlonug stat'iig -it lier uterer ilietitoeffellt a c,,re.uu ,To b iiel itt tiI i rtgilel, and tieatprie- dp i pleca'ts trr iu ite16 rovinece. A* 0)FF-ICE of Ile Blritish & AinecRln ExpressCo. Montreal Ocean SteamTSlîip Co and Uragw Lne ,Steamers. Iternaved onre tior entisofi' thuItelegistry Of- flc' IOIEUT TB- 1(iA5tBELL, Al.St)-OMhie of CAbulîBEtL',S OMNIBUS Only 40 cents per Gallon ai- 16 GEORGE YULE'S. K ERIOSREN-E 01L! PENNSYLVANIA OIL 1 ang others, ýTHE IBUFFALO jERCANTILE COLLEGE, C'ORNtEor MAI1N & SENECA STýREETS, 7ýt?-a, lm portantliluk inuthe igroat cîritaif Nn- tibui lMercantile Collegers, loeiltedin !tie NEW OI. P1ADIVu, 1RtOiKLYX, >ALBIANY, TROY, CEEAD DETIZZOIT, ClilIcAGO, AND ST. LOUIS, A Scholarshlp r,;xned trams the fluila- ln Colle ge, entitles lte liuît' te rttond dih- gr or cil trio College'% for an ufflinuited tinte. tThe Design of thece IntstitUtIons, ld tf) lrnpnrtto yeuil itrionandi iuie, n thorough, pràeetw b l infx*edrcatun. Theqe Collettea îîrA. crzanizc'1and oun- tineted e ion n t, i.j'. lihîî' ti "cii for- unpnrtilig ir ti(tre un, ce etnnta-ti,fl eduîationà and rentier it mm a wîit taceoit cbitipr4ohiiii hive and ciopleoe astri l u ititis ccýii îtr.. Book-keepingin îtt, riitînî,Cnt tnerciai tl ,t *t,nttl-rcfal Aritlitittcticcani l'en "Iueethiprc ir tiit In lethe e ii to rieiglian(] riractiettl ntiatter. Tite Speecexrati' System or rertman. ahbip, ih tanlt t y c.n.pett-tit: ntc etperienceti Scholiarship, payn . hlu nnc$0 College open titi cedev'ieric,:-r ctln Re4denit l'rineipait.t l ffalio, j.. C. UarANTt Ffor ihler i jttiî,reur t..caletut tie Colitloge Itoçttýitir sett'tfoir Ct , ie andi Cir- BRIYANT & STRAT't)%N BiJinih, N. Y. t,.' ~J2 --z -4 z p iiritltqh Americta Avssirranice Cotmpan y, I NcoIIioRATEI> itter it i.Ntalt e ft irti Sessli) it u' lte tiiveiitti Proinciali Itarlia muent of llpîuerCitia, irarnîc cete ,utt miBliitlitac tî11 tlt cottitts?. Ever>' Iunrmttîlit sup~plied omucap- M arine Iliakefer ttj-iten, Ca$toror 'ur itt. -Travelling Agen, irSret, W hit>i GEORGE CORMACK L UXYlii MERCH(1A NT, Carpeniter, andi Jutitier. Greei St. Whtby. A large t1îun lit>' ci .tl kittîe clirntrrcottatuatttly Ott i Iaîi. I ND E R T A K I NG. fîll wiîlli aitttoe.t li tt tîA lHuarst te Ilise an1lilieretl ternis. (iEORGZE COEJMA CK. Wltly, Feb. Stît, 1842,.- 4-1>' Farm for Sale. T IlE frontl 60 ace, fatunt 5chiareti) a f th ie lt ul' ,tf lo't No le s 801 Coli. ai' the tarwilircf Wîlttty. ' .f i en i geit lo ea rinisl thé preiWîie est; utîso g.'od rcioari ati ir-arden -lVie te e meili ittise Iimi. T, antisttrîiniu -tlircist ' ite fanam for materiog catle. Dili(landitsfexcel- lent tîeality, au idt-te abttst tatu ofcfuti vtttion. . For Terme ced fuitler partieiairs eeppiy, (if b>' lutter pccýt palt) ta B roekliî P, (I. 11EV. WVILLIAM BI- ' MO 4ù rt trhtr 'O DIRE-CT I-, P ORTATJO~ ee, 4-,1 -ý 500 bags LLVERP O<L SALTi, 'î-iic I) iiiluipeciciClîttnlu.- I. & J. CANLPBELL. 9$ Per'sick Biiihiiing., -4 nomE- CDW E. ~fre h-s. ./0 e ~ bue.>,4 riEstibscrihers blit-g lecýill yanr nttentian totehIe fiaci. thiai-thaigandi iarvest is Scoming on a pace, aud tat now i tluc rime te senti in ycuir'order, or caonte > ur- selves, for liscir j isty clebittu Combined .Bower a>nd Leaper, Wlticbhi ismVr.ai'v fir tieliver>' tut thiit-rks iti y.Ever>' acluinu s istt taont andtI .ettieiicticeon r:n t-cîl 1 tir titI uk i c 1osalît. For lte iniiornt;ttiino iit îf Il t1itrtntl lii îirintg) iiathite.anti mart uitl It t 'u)ppnrtu'itî tf ieciîng tinn ustc, 'it -ittu itI-ic fr ti tte flliootig gcnlt;tne Ii tit Itîuglit orta-tlasI Stscarit, riz: Georget l'est, Jt.dC te wCituri, i-lvstui, t14 J 1 ) -t.'t W t.in t iluet, JA î -ti,,~t irti Tail, t-T uiitttlcî Jttîuu i Coi rititr Fut-ttc .r t .- o n Cituier l viie th Wi.tiiiuîk .ritttt Jaht(atpi, t<tW t- unl Tjitutas Meldiryant, "jhur'l. Idtriî trimtsit. N. B-Thoy would aisos3tate tisat they arc întxuuiactnrin- a si Anti Ibièrut;e P>ower, tint wtutld recest irtendutvg puccaserv te>ceil an cisinest beforul liyng risnvtie-e, for tiey are qnile certain tise ,tyle an( Mfachiunes ii liring tLin tobpublic faror. Al.>o, Sti3L Plougis, Culil Mille, Scuffiere, Steve., Milli Wcrk, &c. WH ITIBY, June, 17, 1662. B OW & PA T F oe 11Ep,.liuer'iter TChat lie întend GrOODS FO Aftet the flrct M Ã", rtetJy reqetr 1*Kth randi wettl.' thirtacu iii er ti usi(re 1i J Withy, ttuîpîember, 5. -Whitby Bre y' - Be- tô ariniouncit the arrivai of theWr ALL STOCK, being the hurgest aseoirteenVt hîcy cv-or hud the plwshure et' offétring, and having been perciîased beore the recont grea-avanece ngoods, îhey wiîl be able te effet tînutuini indtieements for C,,Iltinii Dress Goods, Shawls, Iliautlis, FL AN N ELs,BLAlNJETS#, rFA C 'ORty-COTTON$u LiADIES' FUIS, CARPE l'se &c., &c. Thcy woffld direct the speciaattiîetiont cf'Gentlemnen te their exteiv!e nieseîînut ef Cloths, Cassimeres, Canadian Tw 3ods & Satinets, Under-Dloth- ing, Shirts, Collars, Rats, Caps, ies, Wool Plai.ds,& REÂDYIIIAE ~LTHIt lInt 'tfn e 'tediloy t Top i) uii I B b ('s, e îtqarr i Pante et' cvery s tyle -i qiinhity, l ade iîip ùte'i h-prmî-tîîk ' îh-- lt antl wei'keiaeniip m:îy hade- pel-iidulon. A FRESH STOCK 0 F GROC Ri ES JUSI RECE IVE D ,T0OSE PII F.1 Piano-Forte iVI SWAREROORSI, WE -flt! tii-tititi 'Zt ttrtil uve rti 2t -17 -eS qqtithtAPr tu 4l e>t t Plrci l Mh Crochai-y , Cc., uid -, ftt 7 EL, - iv. 10, I8 h IF, Su'tbtcritrr alre now v pirdte fur T ittu ti ltu jtrons folte ýtithy Brevery liha aîeýttice in lesneh qtnan titioc as mut>'e hoq<îired, and cmi ttais ta suit pua'. lofttleul IIDequel t tise i1nted ctee-4 - .<CLARX & V(01-w~JD Wliithy, Nov. ISt1it, 1859. t-4W VINEGAR VINEGÂR!! T 1E hi JDh JGE IAS 1'OiISALE .T. lti-eL,itlt rtrterrrai ei' tedl r tai. lut>'ia ctie5qp, at[ealb gooIL?- , !îei,îri-ie funnti ly eltentIatesTs taiso tlýt--tI err uraiee lin lIeri. MuIiCHAEL SCIINAPPAUF. WfiliJiîli' 9, 181. 24 L1CENSED AUCIONEERS, F OR TUE COUNTY OP ONTARIO. rIT[Etuudirceare lta utoeee~ Lv ietlu & %faihccîrra-fer Cenut>' 2. Vfi-tu-i- t hiîti-lti-r uu ,Titrrai,, 4. Juarir luldrBoec .5. Luvi FitatkJr. li t tirin ai' Fairbanks 7. Jautu--qM.lttrni. s . b-rt Shpriit-IetetIftck. 1xbtldge, Jit(e. ie.iîl, !Tl , Al Jet . C"- Tcrt-tire'î ~ Cautînt> reistrar. ASSUINE COMPANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. 1 I -ht Iii tntiCtirre li tthéit hoi-t,rihlerat-i cf r prnithîret; laseur- att-r1 gn,uiteii leuri.he, rer rte «seasat&ar %r,,uag-.ctidcarettut v veîuty p-'r cent illuwutd miu1 ult trîi' ,fct:trizo pramnitunms " lst seamofi, ilt. itnnit. ltu-ruti, and i ttnetir;idlul sttl.tneust tif tl itî e lit ilunalto C'iiattra'h

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