Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1863, p. 1

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'u'slalluew Tcefy Witb cimPrihtet *ortIs, Ireat thonghte an Ksaowls4e, l3rotiuerhoo?< WIIITBY, C. W.- each DROOKLIN NEDICAL HALL,RU EL;H(YEL s b? Oh DIWEs, QU~8E 11lt IUG431ST & Apothocary,&c.&c.. Brook-__ J) lia, C. W., Preseriptionits searatel ent- iihE undsrsitued Propriétors of the above îîndsDrug OlîsaixdMudiines ýsvev s amnd HOTEL, buir remlaaeUuly te app-lue poliifde . re, 011§ ndthelr friendsansd p airons, that thsy havesho- dpfIert <la. -lr gugliy riOUOated their èéi4thinhnt dari,.g DAVS) IfllOP -lue wrinler, whibl henables theum Dow to aller ta LrTOý;,R begam te lnform the thi- the Meuabem of thé Leg1iiîur.e ad the Tra- IN CIIÂNOllR 0 f~ AYthoFratday t el.0(Onario andt DurlianUC(OUItieL ,vlla , jPublie snneior socomnmodatioti n.la l l abers. QLU o?eember, la the tualI be iml,,reparod toa (ttani t AMlS i,, ,ii..addt oiît tothe apartments the),had ltM vii,.Téaule. Tvuybxberc h îîîrîfîinicuuie. A a fvr ,l t ler,lbey havs owfriorg anut Bsd-roomsl1,a iteigil ni iturMujeatyQueesaViclriu, éand in residen "etoa Lot Nu. 4, î in uZgi-i esulip îiWO lareKui rifeur tie Iliotul. vhieh, fer aonifortu en tur oUB2 of 1iarlinlvîî, wili bu puncîually uuîîuded te. sie aoiveuiénee, arc uniiUrpio.2i ftheli.it:. Drisuî,Norember, 1802. 41 WM. RUSSELL et SON. ____ ____________- Quehee, Mercliil, isin. The City Batik, Plaintifso, gm., D<LPIIIN SALOON. AND R(ýA! L'GFUàl K n or Ç thorn Hotel, Cannington.Alxne Nf-ihlJn N Str...t Toront, euces etilhic V *a1_ eal iwit f tel, bas rentiered itiiç-éetLsrv 1fer Dérendants. S T . (iE 0H Ù 13S -Er, ti*-Icleîelag lerîie. TTPtil- li plilcationaof tloe 'iinîiflts, nd unto T A N LL A. donc gotea eonitaeextelît. and titde Lîîjj~~rîgh mst bdetrdu - -' ,er slteraiian d i giprovements. t,, seen re Ur-cVIi e aiàD lefendîîiîî, Alexander, Xe- I AýAC FENTON, 'II ûrtlîer thi.- cifnrt arn nrrî,,ln , iM.e. , o bciiîa i îd to buirvied vith an Aii- î'r<prieînr. I dues Tetabe ulealwar,,{ prauid9d wlîlî <'lv ihbuîy eM thîelBill lit Ilîle caue; ItIli le r- ES1i0- t i1ur:~î îîu îuuiite f Witiiîe. and itunr boue bran the hg Mhlin üedlet the mionor ufeuuhoAlexander bMe- B iiîiiiiu fýr rtrave' crf-; gil<lft4ubfitziel T-voti eeM sippoild vloesîulc. ive a FirSt day of Pobruary. nez-t, AttelitlIve hitntiî-r. >1 ')ll ljue Bo!lb the renouvned Qi-lier. atwayx -li attend- Aigwor, or deniar te tien, îaid Bi I:, Aud 1h la îasA. L-43 10()N Il C) -T EiL.4 suce, ui.ui,ed by Mek, t aeag t c,~u~ ,;ini,4. 'rtiired, tluct a 0,ÊPy of tîiiOrdir, toaethter ) UN VAs CTB1iEI Te WiliTur. Jh AII, wli iii, îinoticee rlilireet1»' the 4.treril Or- Prp co. dure iif ths uCotbu îtic iinl;ed ln the %V itbv JAMIES BLACK, î îlen ct.!8d 111 riwuo. iruiîdN.uelér iîbliired ln the Townx <renOct.nk - iru'p;î1861. 41of Wiiitby. intei îufnity en i Iii4rir. not less 1 -Itou#six veeku lfoeth iraI dav.of Fehrua- .,ai rskRailway iotel. REVERe IIOUSE, ry next, andil lubceeoîîlinuedoiie liîeeeiî wtek MANiiuItsr1111.11 heiii li eld duy. ($uÂa.îPRîîci4ya)pef,.P4ou- iJrktt,. l rilE iis,-î'ler r (itu annaunuu ta the Sgiii, »~isîoF» E(.-tu [F<IIIII pubîlie, iiid i rîi'îlarly te lihetravelling A. GRANT, roek ie fIrichAndudli(i public, hli i' lu îow nnmiîî,lb ýt le lien opienett thea îhîve ex. li illiii outhelîr iîiouu otel, tebiîc euv ruiî'v.iaîeirthe l.Ililegt Enterat, tgurr of wiîli lié wlil ifutuire eau-y un n blet nwuai ut accongnnîýiîiiq, iund ei'rry attenîtion, paid ho . J.J aleetin . ilt o 4uujLiqnir, Wînillanui ratiies. tflic ornfgon I'Z it'iéî. Fxee;lellt tabliiir snd - ue~Ciri v4ire. sete Ortiv :'ev-. The BrMur.ipplieid with best To ALEXiNDEII htcMICII.&EL, Execiuint tahuiig-- ireitteiiuifur iiiai W1e1g énit igirs. sulin-e. WM. 'AJRIN, Tite notlle, that if yeu JOSE>ii IUEIII41,, 4 -I.V - opieor.dn enaworlor dernur tothe Bil 'puriagant OM. erprîuieliur. tiithe lbî"u iirdî'r, te Plaintittlif îîîav aiaiîan 98 Wihh, -a. ii 150 t ~ no .86 ur tu t ho tlie Bill as efontees"d îknt out Wvashington0fl L aken Yext, nilti,icfir ur ,v grant thePiiinllc e EANT WINDSOR IIOUSE, WHITIJY, Buathedii, abcriber hbaiîreatelhue hiuu tet i wy hc eiîtied tuhit iis oitn AI wa- wu.i oity iciel ré dry alivy furtir no. 47 llîire i o te u i îTwniii aea4uîltaîîd .ii I1Xh IJL Ju fî eIl' ttné'ui, îii*roî -a (CnuveltOld Stcand,) È "S - dîî,i auuîin foaiuiîr truuelere. G"iCO .Stllh)iiîîg aiiite live ostieru,. 221 lnlii 'ecr rii etwer' n iî a ndE ami 'oiil'uli-e iMegind hrînim--.luire bren a--M .11 VICTORIA. ROTEL. ite1 uîp i lébe ruit uand it vii en an c.~ Tuemil, - fiîiille l'th lîlsI. Nothing -111 bu wnnut- r ,M e -a lier- pii"l.t Liui.luli uutete reqtirerneccla of the tri-velliiîg [ SIA Ct)TT, t'ROPRlETOIi. (Lite eîncv i tîinhaof th hart d 40 Y VlA i ri'ii l tit i i tteîîtive lécher vilii e ai- O - ~ ~ ~ - - -- - ý 011 baiilii. r.liei, uit stand t e vl)l nowvÏ5:q: = -0 e> A.NLO..AIaERICAN JIOTEL. ' 'liete blit waeriîig place onthie Centré N > û rit .L"uailuedrlilf- it I up the îibuvanid JOHN THOMPSON. ;. 1e <a . ý > __Vvi, u tai wthe V iet-ifolrlugri jeÇle!!-î s"e- s'îe(.euîmuîl)idiun t tut, travellinig puîii L"*$ - -16> RD~ <j Tethe Travelling Public. 'I WMo___ . -UD- lel, ZWICIaeYis IlOrEL. T rlm , itIiv iin by T. Eîiliei, !n the Z. z t Vihiu l' b1i->,,.iii havill ir &d eI lium up : Zf 'r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i MACiaE.-1 ri -i, . reparel 1un, aruruniuc ;ii-"'l e t. - 011-ie oiruî i îrî u rii , al lt-ni-o whiu ;.ive ui e oil tl lie îmIm-d,, . eî 40 T ,il t v i'li l .lie,thutit ha i)tit; E ieuiir it liag bulst ' Iv lpipercul, peîtiitnîîd fnrnliqhed the -ubuve ET0'LQ RSkIG E8 i.tua C hule i torziiienly u.eenpied bv tIr. Aikinii> su ad Tz DET O IUOR.à. e t t Ii'îruve i rnt l'îiuiuiitV l u d unu- And Ilii rtti' îî,viihe furnisbed t tulz tue 1 t - S0- îiirtal&ie aemii iiiînlitieîî atinae u ite . t-The delicacîes uof the, ,easoii. Ait alueutive 0,11cr -,2 o4 de Bll. teudattlii ai creului-tt'uuithe ciliitiuîy rel-le niie iinur c-ulifîîtiily ceein- %W Cq r_.S. r- t 49 spt.itidutu'd alla %wel atteiîdcilt u. ^-àlitz k e UNION HOTEL, priM-. C. i l . IN - ____c___0__«___2___0 'et- UINiE4I, IIEACiI. (lite g.-uiU'ALi4C) Z S J- E ,O ' tituiîîireuitii - WO<edu andTIEy hurwhuee, llqîîare, en-1citgra. - -3]OTIE t MèCLU. --- lWh Oow for Sal.. ALBON IOTEL, iaru IVr. asA A M Ak>,JU AN A Nt LwùVEO W 1ART NMARKE'r SQUARIE, IIRNt- A]iCHITEOT. JOEIN DOYLE. w.I~ 1 MiIPrapriltsr. ExlKIeUIIttlcOoiFl- e-_«lI 49 nî)iudittniivu ret-yteniion haid ta thé curnlurt q11- 44, Bay Etreet Toronto. '» - ~TUE TEILRAPIN. MALT VINE0AR. DRY FEETn 'OR '1 IE PuPUP O F V TltW'91,11 IA LT Vi N wiAhe cln i-vhs ehait i il iurge .,e, fTlAT 'cati b. more éu'éat o L kowu$aloi 'ae nv e <ee1iaion it k' i t-uci qilntities, aeuh. beati,, Iba i the keepiug thè foot tlthe uid ST. NICIIlLAS. King treet, rorit-et Witb B- ry uandit Wrmtn îbl lij liept hb tMr. ltyle. VeproesvBr w v ie half "the lt la l-hi ii telia-'é hcîî iewl'y reiors-toit thronghont, ana ---to," I brtiaLbt on tlitît->ni cold receivod by fittiýl i'lili iw trin ityl. Iýcr%,pr'lurinéglte el ecf tilié fout. This la sepecdaily the case drfiin l lité nxýiu-A stle. rery pr eurd iiublte N TE Ell. witilt Lse -io inueludamp aî,d 111015t;vusîtier, Slttey haiio wi. A icigaivan ftic etbdu.ie-&-venttare out lu ligiut sicoee, whuxcîi uauited ta - 'r pahiy ita ed uieia btie iet lrsdi (ET TOUR LIICEN&is A'? keep ot theb.wel, aund retalu tie Lustin thue 23 CAitLlSI.E & %IcCONKEY. J. A. Clark', lat Prize Plictue éGallery téel. ingt GLOB HOEL, ROOKIS. TF yeadosîire o errect ait Ilfe-like Anbre- U-7U eAh GLOBtyIeTEL, BReKLIN. Lttergrapl,, or- eather -U 11,eaou vl Traliifer, or a I.kéeni- in ai-'L0ék t 1roacli or lias provided thte ouly auto retuédy. Ili liase rr'iE ulîce vél kievx, nd mhadia ing;i i-,for J.'A. r. eunde tlb n the beal stYle, ai hie 4extensiive Th-ýoIadpreiiises, lire hepn ptlrOlîftuuuud et et, ortnoti ce. bu- tho minhsoribcir, ait lie .éireg ta iiihéLteA tluatle vî4.11ua a bc oitnad ti natted lie'r WLISKSf1 Maoîit181 ) thie wilite el--tusn gutl. sit88 - B£rock ultr-ae &izqu. i OOTe Tua llieuues hur e nevir ypalintei - Jseliandéil ee lnriret stock of Boots alli renarVlte-I, uit néil'iv netinfortgllly RhJrVSO ROJSE S tué opeeinu %VtaWîllii> ; eiiracung-- 44 eite p.r),cuditoîleeut-rt wilf lie spareoi nu tii,' - paurt cf tue lrebeiuoiv nwuenuidér thu e lihéT Mh'ElANt'F, 110U118E, B1AY 8TREET. Ladies', lrottuiut miunii dirinuuthte rty îflhis lfriendu'. Tt-ont,,. .1fi'v 'luorm Noethlo KingStrtro.- IL 'lb ttucie %w- lt i exyu o fnaitpleutiuily Tlri- i ,n. (ll'pu-iuiu. M n ' pp téMiu usrauu.I i-S MÂTIIEWS, 'ri!efý)Iiw oiii ulrees ail, it i-f liqucriu te 35 Lta !îtéraani l>ropri ht-,oron. 15elul ii l i e br hum uVilesuleetit ti. ' -1.-- --------__& " ~ MNuitnsGenlevitî. Nrt ritiab snd JMercantileé~ac f UARY 1~, 1863. T a t4lk oOf tIe2à Sfthe meaudt'aautil ait ot the virt1affl, tule bravé ulidtheli y tel, ne clit7h $ithora s laot sncb 04a xtk1art cleat-ér tatrme. Ti àof wtb~~, go historie lII Riry- Th rite gré& ie t-édac atnl ite régest - ig ILe Ï8t.La-4ueaoee È aieceuatuet I l- y lark fpetje&Ptoop rcliiug rivet-a, T t d,-viere the rid, qhthyiféeia* ilosaté.lt Who a pour .trleceu &lave, drivea ucuat by AtI t,4troi ir MASoUthern bonclge to fiée, TIv fet itedo to lui a posuce t,epi, il- kies ful it , sud liiie suye11"ti cc Thé cf eut 2tgland are graniter cund An îm icpreud Atsan tas îit or n lier- Hier t uand hbek castias at-e stcr aunI Mat bien liéaravtôt 'ilsgar'sm at. And ér nucy havle 1Slda that-ste rit-ler Ait 'iy, a ceys are elassloat grouait, Bat v ýarethbe;wilds that tb ataro are 1a =iygraniter, la dépthtli mru pro- O, Canoai !gf vo ebie >'lakea and A wli -l Lot ne*llve w-bers tb. catarnet burls cuit ily thu '>uiim f moname anu wlîcige gant' hu? ta inchildlsoi-- Nu howbi, are uqre doar ihen CUunihau liai hixtury w-st-asni»with ageluti nmtruehien, Te iiuerk vheré it.aui iad rein begiîi; For, tut ali thoe opràd üt ém eàaiv w wt -to de-.hrneîuion, ,Tue oeAdliceî 151ev alwauy comes frein vittu. Týhon tneyýsixDtmitmuuuugaTenut tma- lxy re- lieor iuit6ril siimlgûeeunmeiit peu-vert tii7 Andit1i trthsuns fedu éafi:roem, Tlitilling ljvéenure t a Ltgbthoulue.- Thé set veîee, t& -4< -a vomea sotiuitenougli Dow, hashet îc An' clii kédge achet-. Do ycu ame thé round hbe.it thé : tituber yunder 7"- id Yef."ý 4à The bLîl w-as seultbreng'h bis braina lrsdgoit thars ; but pums the hcttle c' stia- go pver bot-e, a ad lot ils say ne more about it-fur Soinetimeg I thuuîk ho riges out c',- th£ vutér n tiglits vidithe tuchcr on bis bsck sula kusocha ai îbs'di-or ; ad faith I shahl quit this place whe-n 1 éa' 14 Thé rovelations I fisad jusi béant, and, tbe charcýer of the vretches. adu r at-sde the boeof rescue, ac my résu!ction ui tishn at once.- A lighteaicg-red which aseended frota the 'ester to thé roof of thé Jiglt-heuse w-us close by me, and boîtet seçtirely te its aide b>' luon cramps. I grasped it,- sw-uag mysefoifcei-,_ ait, sided al ike i>y, i» agility, by' bpo ait rage,' et aIlliehd uadergu>né, I camé downa band over liant i tic ecueMy fuét hein; fit-uni>'plantai t e éeér>' step on thes plankeçi and slopiug aidé of thé édilice. On bogiaaiag ai> demcént, I observet huiat coeof thé bouceti-lumps aleben enrt-eisl>triunted, ait hung oeér. to co ;Je, by whidi the flance renceeitti~e w-ccd. wnork, andt hait set thé joints on ire< To, ruqiit-tbanegleet w«asattIll in ta>'Poer luit Ioreaaceuid mitrht coul -me my liiberty;' - 1irbcpa 1f., My hi-nos vêt-e achiag froun tlbrutalit>' I hait endurcit ', , IBahI' asidI , OI letIheta swlm if Lliey :C;11i," a cti alnt w>' deacent, - 'asîly reacing the oit-ps, I aprsuug ile t1ii puat, uatiucd the paiuuuor meshaxiically, ïtit1 Wtth the celérity of Ou.etanllrêaUs- pîuuubtoff iti rgrousi>' froun the aceuirsei iThank God 1" 1 ex:laimod, vithia îhuii-eh et joy,' and abiiipîag a pair cf seuils li-tI vere lahei tate th ibart, rovéi uracaes-d xot ina ubat direction se that 1 pisceditthé deep binle vater béîwésa wmy- seif aitdthotheéecona, lth oor o! w-ihdiat that moment opeit, asui f ustwir mmtea aptéat-ed on >the sui>' iren até1i, ightiag dievui be r viitoer lu>ueas cf a liera laittéra. -- Thé tipa>' Jéveàss ttîcret an imp1recafton on itiscovering ihçt lier boat vas gone ; huit I w-a oni>' liglut or tan yards frorn thé beacea, auid iiebrad glere of t ita triplé liglus. ecaeb lixtg- vithius a ihuge -roundJ refilchor, ahané ili uit-on- me. - I qiieréit a cuit ad éxnlLiiitt-lauu,h Tliey ucw ame fn an instant, sud ait sbcnîéd et once a voley,of oatîhe sit eu-Jert-e hiu ee1nebacir,' vilh blireats cf buta; alic iiî I isoityeit, But1 [ISQgbO4 lcuiur.still,aati pqied -cuay mocre vigorenal>' qaittiagthéelino f iigbt, -bowe'vor, lebt tbhyiight-aotuelly. put îhèir NO i 8h. refer'd bbrhsad.p o about ilta my mind, But for fear ah. Might exasperate me 1 said nothin'. The expected night cum. At 9 o'clock pro isely, there was soandà of focttîspo in the yawd, and the band att'uck up~ a llvaly air,1 whluh, wlben îhey diçi finish iL, there vWas cries cf Ward 1 Ward Il' 1 steped out intothe portico. À brief glance shz-weçi me that the assemablage was saminut uix. eçi. There wzu a gieat many raýged boym,. and there vas quiîs a aumbet- of igrownup persons, evidentiy ender the affuenceý of the intoxicatin' bois, The band wuas ais drunk. Dr. Schwazey, who vas holdin' up a pent, aeeaied te hé partie'ly drull-_ se mach ne thai it bad go, Into bis sppcta., oes, whicb vwereshtaggerin' wildiv over bis flese, 13ut I was ina-for i l, and c9munenced -,thu: ~ FulIer-citdzes a:-For th _;uexpect. Leader cf the bîînd-t'Wili yon give aSurrnmeney nov, cor vait tilt ycut get thrcagh V' To tii painfal and dijaguatin' interrup. tion I paidnocatetOlion. "-ror thits nexpectedl honor 1 thaek Leader of the band-4-But you saitd you'd give us sevea dollars if we'd play two choonu."1 Agaîn I1<ida't notice bim, but reanmed as followa :-'41 aay I thank yoit warmly. Wben 1I lok ethibierowd cf tune Ameni cens, My heurt avels-" Dr. 8chivazey-"Sgo do 1I" A voice-UWe ail do P i-i--my heart swels -" A voice-"'Tbree cheera for th.eveî. '-We liv"," saad 1, 'in troublons limes, but I hope vs shall agatin resuimo car for- mer proud position, ad go ou in car gin. rîous career 1", Dr. Schwazey-"'I'm willin- for oeste' go on ta car glirtd a eer. Wili ycu juin me, fellow-citizens, iii a giortous career vhen he fanda hiaislf ?" "'Dr. Scbwazéy," aaid 1, sternly, "Iyen are drank. You're distarbin' thé meet- Dr. Schwaney-"'Have you a banquet spréad in thealibosea? 1I huhnd likea a hY- A havue,-' or sîaiguag nm a Svét gong When 'bis - md -is -o"er-tuklée;,you . eu .u1k vjtb him, and leara tif bita bout hWu~ fields, bis stock or bis builcings-Jycu eau- t-est, te bita hisaaricuiîtural books and ps.1, per <tr -thére' "a- à,got denit cfhead, work in fsantlng) andt thus,: inprové yonr,- O,'n inud,whf l addiig algo to bis knopw- tetge. $tpposq tloenrhat acmé t;y he ta called ofl 1a imortant Gaaines.; îb t-h lb ta in the hurt-y fc!hiruvestfng, lue q4d1t' halteà bis aéa't in the garsq,: rdZôeaon-luis vay rejoicfng. " Ah, Squérs,giad . tae séq- yen ; bow in thé vsrldA-d you gret up to. towa. tbis tà..yout-, busIness sac n t i net ?" The nidlumnsle si deo1'liglul flashés in hi'bu 'illa grcyey ss "2 À" pridé or losu(-bslie qiltty t-eplies:- -4 Yes, air-. il is; but muy Mary viii- attend te tbgt.", Oh I waulda't yen gloryit iat 1 I vînlit. I cen soi- no neceseit>' fa the verli fi-r you troubhlée; ycarseuf abicut msu-t-hugeo; but -if Hart) Tlicrnten, uhat intc-l-igeiti, badame and staucemlifuti sg Ma, vili kPen cm euciag to ruauli. yîur Papas about rhua or that, éîways ;ocAniîig,by tlie way, titer(niotctiis Consultationi vith s vutlc. a ride, a priu'ate ooaverl%éuictt vith Papa's Mâry-.wjy then, you rweédu' bo surprised, ésieau, 6'ue eenine, ho ber yoarsoif 1,reSpetiud1l>'sic to ebeconue Mrs. tgcnry Tiîorntc'in. Thén i 1vfsh yoa te remoiller '81:it inarrità.,eii onhy a ques tion. of viuî vitbyou-noî aasneéssîly. Tour god parents are nul uail enxioustta gefl ofclihtixaaveot.sn br tare ad heautifai cbild ; and yen if yoied it,o thiair yen have a IIeaul" le be'omê a vire -buvé bpén tou w-cIi duxeaiele ofuar thé namé'of I "d nid mîi&'u But if yen bore Hrt-y, cuit your vili is won (w-bit-bfor bis saké, pont fel!oiê, 1 truat ista d i e) thon, tiré ua bonist, duarlititie girl siq»1ycu are-having fcr -tee mucelirespect for four. -sait btaven blésa yen bath. - té &o ft vas a ihagreeithie cormun sa>. iag duriuug thé Crhrnean War, when the im- peiimenîs ani- miseries cof eurE BaguIs 'lCiteéamloeatioli offie" venu htng illus- tratoçi by -thÉ îacrifiue a! thousanie,-oe ponuuit hnd iiredî oi huais ie. The worai bistet ies Dr that pet-ted, iiicluid. ing cidhbat'cfthue reerwery oet he vclk- i stick thet w-es aceideatally lfî juiilosé cf the ea~le.e t nder the manage- ment of the Aiiauy,, i3 leFt - fe r il, thé t-opr by thué lillowing illustreatnor the Repabliee1n ':round about wey't af - it.i 'ti~-in théeréitérai anilu>, as ieporuéudili thé Amnericaui pepere. - A day or tiroagao- uaY thé Atueriais 'papors, an unaophitatieatt,,ld dtkvy" waitedc opea ie értuii militer>' guntleiasî euh a. bti cf coedollar ant fiften icents, for vushiar done ah thé-Camnp lHe-pitlvhtcbc affer uniter oinug ae 'u-t2fçl utiîný h the vol tinfarîn lis - gpliltél", tuimtluýe ooiltihotél, ami1 vwer for the eonm' i-lti mertla uluare- quera n d igtru Pl ut- uuua andlu)i-se. - 5 Vol.4. vile ' -Il' t-e imi loi :(Ierilgiied M, Rnd thA tritvelliro the albave Weil lui VARY 1,51 1863.

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