Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1863, p. 2

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p-& & . Campbell. - de Clotbiln-1P. & J. Campbell. r stý gi-W. D. Hepburn. tiII of Town Canneil. àI Hotel-Jae. Crocker. f Couniy Counil, m-Jni. Fi. Patter.- 1 prcperty to b. muid.- ,roeries--C. Roberts.~ Peed mir-W. DennIdmon. ry-W. Donaldavn. 'TPeerravh office. r &cli.-Geo. Yue. ..âemC oberns. d Horse for ae-J. ('rocker. Tlilrs'lay, Januiary 15, 1863. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Vlumie Vil. kaOXCE is entered on its er.For. the great suiccoss$ tsoU te f'l trily gatefi to pntiloîîs 1111(1liendsr. Their u- nd eîîcoînàgcîneîît chieered id we fut --s We niwavs hal îi'ide in puî'sg'rtintg tiom wÎth ,uprt niI it is flot f0 AS blou)Iý,iing to eule pfli*ty at we stuid indebted ; ot r 1pnritv-ý.r:za-renches mien of S of' 1oiticad opinion, and f0 We- aure tnder oqîlailÎi. n gîwrus~mtonaeTo a centiluanc oef titis CcXniII mil ho our nim ; nnil, we trust, en intiîl'rt yenr s rolilet id We conte te jutroduee Vol. the CnXcEt u o( et of' our1s shaIl have forfiited Iopinlionu f oir friend.- i y hiave 1hoon- errors and Ii- on oiir part, we (10 not to deîî ;iy ve cLifl<idly nîid y aidmit îlîem. If through iave hleen led ie oMistakesN nu glît titat wvas éontrfti'ýy to 01, tfiat caused pain te any e«f 'va e h0g te asure sU.h hing of the kind was tlî,e re- rom*a, orpredd from the ýorrfot inifor-mation, and wa flieo1y l', or with the de- ,e)tnd thie feeýlings 4f' amy one. ýf fibe fhad îhey May have ycem]t:iinf y bailnoçe in an nV r flveret restit *\ihgrowving expoî'ience Le b)u cibled te orCItOnia tbisapIliin t hàt e coiffinence i-b is sîîaid:îwnym to possesiý Or." 0 the vîtîîe 0of a in, i, o ent'ighm.Who lea'd t itis of»t-hide mueniit bu a charmer. At i, if We can m ake it se, se after it inay be remcembered at cinrming volume of the .u.» Tliis ongbt te be anoh. LIlent te îbsrbe and i -î'ecommiend(ation of the .ît te, the ladies. We split'it 1 laver te-. - i - t- - - i-i-*. r! --i1 jbhit the o<btain, as cemfnpa- mirilargor piper, at one dol. veryli mited circulation. ln rased Advertising patrornage ,0 ider circulation of the .15. gebures, we find our re- alty 8iall mark ýnICLE; anmd to )le newspper- msy-nu effort ag 0*OUers Correote4~ It was statcd. we wcre teldp at the nomination meeting, asq an excuse for the nn-publication of the minutes of the Conne!], that the CHRoYIOLX re- fliadte publish themi, and that they ecould enly be phuced. befere tho rate- payera at a large expenso, -Wo ahal hail show that such a statehî,,nt had no foundation whatever, oither ini fact or ini truth.. For y"a~ weattended the meetings of the Conil, and gave eni, own. notes of the proceedings- net the menu forma-i mninntpes,%Vlich fnriish littie comparative information -te the rate-payers. When unablo te attend p ersen-iily, we -proctiied the minutes frein tlie Cierks elthtoise tinîes.- In preof et this, wc refer to R. T. Harrison, a former Reeve aiid Ceunuilior, te the present Reève, Mr, Campbell, and te tho variotis mem- bers eo' the Cor-porateirï froe in ie io time. Matters went on thus iup te Mtirch, 1861, whici a new paper -the "Pr'ess" wvas atarteul in Wliit- by-that moment thie-littie printing and advertisin ooîing te the Corporation, was transferred frein thc CHROXYWLE te thle Pre.ts. We liad irnenm-red the~ expense cf herse hire, $.sa 2 a tiipl, to attend and report proeeedings' of the Couincil- up to tiîat moment 11. Press iiever L-sepcted oreUe 01orsperît elle tfarthîg. W~é then ceased altocgethier atueuding the mecetings et -Colincil; but mivIff diig 50, 110 wmte the, cl'rk te fur- > i-is us %vitiî fhe, minutes, anîd that we %vouid etipply hsiiimîî uvaia c'opy et the' CHRîONiIÇLE .qrre!h8 for his troub)le.- The reluc'st Nvas neï'er conîpied ~ib We bave aise, titne ani again, spokeiî te the Iteeve, Mr. Campbell, at thie Cotinty ('otiii, iin the Court. reomi, and otiierpunai asking g bu te have the preeeedings furnishcd, , but aith o' lie always appeared te acquiesce in oui'meqet the i'atepayers kîew the rcstilt. \Ve lonked ispen thle preceed' fiîlgscfflice Ceuncil as infornmationu 1 îvitii udiioli tue i'atuî)ayems oiîght te bu %vîplo, - w-r'uilîing te pub. ish thelil withclit charge, and aiways dia m-an(i frequentiy, as we have iîhewn, at expense and personali ice., veienu.e te oiîrelves. Under these circunistances, wo leavé tfli-intepayers te fermi their ewn opinion of' the mcin who, beltind-our backi, coula get up iii a public meeting, and mak'e the ai- legations Nwhieh were made at the iast nomination. But thle Corporation of the Trownship of' Whitby, and its ru' prcsentati'es, neîy iuAvc a httie more attention fremn the CIIUO-NIcr.xiil- turec urtinit-il elýok-s -asif it veid be no liai-Il, they had it bieretefore. Ontaro iuuscç 1iI 'Iectonaa. The foleo wng-ýe'jot iearîe ýom ini tîume la week :- IEACH'o Meurs. Campbell, Mion, Gra. ham, 1Bojtcnan ud Marali. 1 lUxumtore, Messrs. Sangîter, 'Button, 'Chapunen, Feasby, and Sharnard. EAST Wamrar, Messrs. G.uy, a,. Smith, J. Smith, Ratciiff, and Amnid. Bitou, 1the ld Council. SCOrT, Meuars. Nelsmon,, Veruion, Sin' clair, Smithi, and Leasl. Tsmontu, Msrs. Proctor, !tlTaggiart, McNab, Cameron, and Campbell.< IfuA&wNRtnu Meuars. Kennedy, Me., KaM r ie hnke nnd Harrnby. Brother .4 Spece-D. M. George Curtce-D. D. M. Mcflrey-Treasurer. Win. Bovies-Secretary. Wma. Boienti-Chaplain. Jas. Arstron-D. C. Mn. Thwaite bhas liege re-electeti ton the Centre Ward, ans! Mr.,DBe-r in the South Wurti. ' IntheibNorth Warti M. àMebil- Inn contesta the eleotion vitis M. Hock, Mu., M. O'DoN'ov.%ts annoumices in othier celinn, Sleigbs, Ctitt ers, Bug- glus, &v., et' the bestf uatuere.- Mr. O'Donovan, as mest of fuîr readt- ers u arcamNase,from p>isudvouiiq urnntîe.-- ren4, carries cmx the Ibusiniesut'the old estabUument of Donovan, W1alkey C to.etf which he wnni the senior, pmrneT. lIe lu a strict business min, anud the excellence of hlm work -wlich ho guarautees, mny be tbonotghly relie4 upon. - bas boon ploaaod te rmke the fohtowingr -appolimernis, to tait. offeet fron and after the twmty.fouu'ih day cf Jamnary in- santa, beofng the day on whieh the Usnited Counties cf Poterboroughu and Victoria ho. corne d*.sunitod, viz - James Smith, cf Osgnode Hll, Esquire, Barister et' Law, te ho Judge aof ihe Ceunty Court cf theo Ccnny cf Victoria. Noit MeDongahi, cof the, Towtnship cf Et. don, Esquire, iî' ho Sberiff cf thé County of Vie.toria. Anthony Lacorse, of the Town of Lind- say, Esquire, I3arHier ut Lawt tebçb Clerit cf the Peace cf the Ccunnî of Victoria. Wihiam Grace, of the Town of ]Lindsay, Esquire, te be Chrk of the Couniy Court cf theCoonty of Victoria, maid Registrur cf the Surrogate Court cf the said Couîîiy. Peter Il. Cark. James FizGerahdy Jo- iahlFidler, Georgec T. Puts. Philip Lloyd, Esquires, te bu Coroners in aîd, for the Coumty cf Victoria. Mussas. R; &J. Cýuî'îsEî,L fl- neunice that îhev have comnmeîsced seling off thîir hîoavy stock of F.111 Imsportatiens. As tiîov requiIe te * 'ke rooni for their Sprimgarias this wotild appear te bu the finie obtaimi bargaimîs. Tiîeim-Adveitisemcmît in otîer respects mpeaks fcr itseif;* in tuie lotiing andti nakimmg up depart- ment, thicy canteot bc omtce. always supplied wiîh ihe hei; nd with beat Liverpool sait. Mn. Donahdscn . ikewise keueps a Hock 011 Aremîcy where a supermor saunple ciay bc obtained ai înuufacturens -prices..-Seeadeîsmit Ani Admirniîiy Court. On Thursduy evcninrz a public meeting was hehd ut Kingston for thîl u popose cf corisicierinug the pnopif'ty -cf etitioninîg His Excihency the Governsîr-Giemlal nd the Legishaumre for the esîatuiiîmeut cf an AdmirahityCourt imi Canada West, The mnaîten was discîîssrud et'oine en-th, and a vèe genenîi iesire ws expresseti thait a court ahoulé! bce etablished tei talc c,.grizatice of disputer! marine cases. Mer Netv,. Ntr. Yoaîc, Jan. 11ih.-The 'steamer Creo.l arriveti to-niimht fron NZew Orleans on the ird. Shun wus deiaincd tii order cf Gen. BanIma to b lî;despitehes te Gen. Ralieck. She passed nemoierai gunboats bouuid op the river. Puiser Cook reports by the arrivai cf gon.bcat Cifton et South-West Pau,=on. the evening cf the 3rd-:-I ern that early on the iatorning cof the lst the Con fedenuies tade an attack by iand and waten on the fildr forces ai Gal veston. Our gn' bonis were attacked hy 'fie Confederate steamers, proiecieti hi dnuble rows cf baies cf-cotton, and Ioaded wiih troops ermed with rifles, moakeis, &e. ,Tbe Harniet Lane wàà captored by boardinizlier afierl nearly ail ber officens, inclodîng Captain Wa-inwrm4ght and! Lieutenant L"re and Iheý (130, are tolti) had heem kihier! hy musitet- ry from thue Confederte- steafmuees. My informnat sais that buttone or ywq ~ofb omuiera and! bat twelve cr 6ifteoi 0 l urew escapet! deatb. The gunbaes is'1f. ton and Owmeso wore engageti and escaped, ioing uic mon and but Oewcunded. The Owasco lest coebillet! ad 113 wounded. Two barka oaded with coah feuI into the hkinda cf the enomy. The Westfeld', tho fiagship cf Commodore Renaimaw, xassnot eagagred ' ahebeing shore fi anether chan. nel, Hon crow wore tranmfèrred te trans. ports, and Renshaw feared she wouhd fIti fite the bands cf the. Confederates blow >ber op. fly some mismaavzeent Or au. cident the explosion occurremi befmre the boat contaîuing Reuiaîo, Lieut. Zimuner- man and thelîoaî's crew got away, and, hey were censeqoeily iown tmp with the .1ip.TIe.c-ew f 11.e Westfmed striv et Jaçoib l3a-rkerm papter, the Niîia Mélve cate, poblisheti an Extra oui the md on Tho lesttumeetinig cf ibé aId Coi~~ie 'a hel! àt thse TowniHal oi Mondaiyvù let; ail the utemrberasefa iner'14 and mosi of tue euiwiy eiected Cu attender! as speotaiers; cf coe fer purpese cf taking Wasons. re spectatora wer e 5emt. The fellowfag busines s asOmd wjtb:- 0f MossRail e &Moody, l in .ee4q ta their chnmpaîrn@ accoimi, - 0 f Mr. "John Ham- et on accuntO charge of taxes. 0f Jaunes ie wuithdrawin bhisi as suret>' fer theo Treasuror ;ad- i44 ference to tiiis iteni' tho Maor infbr d the Couniitthat ihe TîresaPr luidtp ed anothen responsihie narne in pis K--Of MYr- Rewu. of which Ris Worsbîp h p preved. LADIUS Iicmveî,ILmuv aeCICt' The tatement cf the ladies ws ahewiuig a grosa expenditureocf $681 96. On motion cf Mr i-.lfiinga. euOnd*4 b>' Mr. MeDermot, a voie cf thanits *ks&ss-- Pd! the La«dies for -the iinnd ! muidieat munner in wbicli tbey huti conduciê& the bouinesef the seciet>'. Mn. Carpaîmmer hrougbt op the cf thbis ccmmitîee which ý was adopteIl. a fier pusaiuigtboogh ecmmitte. lh4 -4ninci- pul itemn was one of $6263, nçt aiout stater! te have beau reaeiveti by tiýê.wegh. nastrstup uc 318it Decemien, aft4r .duct' ine p's-cenirsgo) for collection. STREErTS ANMOi iu mm t. 1 li lin. Penny bneu-ht up thp-repoim. oTthis commnftrue Nwbieb wax adopted rt fm a, n through commilteeoftuhe whole. The rport shewsthe expendittWe in the North Ward te he $253 02, CentreWa'md $225 ; South Ward $251.61 o utof an ap- propriation of $270 ûs the lattor War.-- The expemditure ou i DodaStreet was $260-48; Brock Street $105466., The re pot '-o ae detaihru of the expenditure, and he ccotitfor humber. m'TIOTIe FrNo, ÂA -YiAHi ELIEF. Mr. Mactieneil preseuter! a report cf tIhe paurfotie bath comîmittee, which was rad b>' tii2 chenk. Ituxhibited thue fohheui-m resuit:-That the net. proc eedi received by Mr. Lawder ai-nnoned te £62 l7s. ôd., and uhat that geuih,'nno md hodged iu Blank at the limea soin of £70, aud ibuit uhere fbas been evr ince due lim a u of £7 2s. 7d. Uîîder theze circumstance Mn. Mec' donali strnmghy censurer! tje parties whc had dragged Mir. Lawdor'a name'hefore tho public ua adefauter aheho astcoovertetij the fonds tae bsonAuose.1 Mn. Lainsg. (Mayor elect) andi Mn. Perri>' aise spoleetarouigiy lîpon the, great injus- icethut lied bei-n doue lnr. Lawder, andi the foliowing îealutioa passed unanimona- That this Council after haaring the re- port of the Conitee on the PtniîOtie Fod jo-st moud ennnot epanrate wthout ex- pressing iheir entiréPoncoihlence in thie Secretary of the Pntnfoic Fond, R. H. Lawdt>r, Esq., that bis doty se Secretary bas beaui fait.hfohly diachiargeti as ahuwn hy saiti report. ,Anti mhat titis Couneou conti- aiyeapproive cf the résolution in raidi re- por of forwardiug, the preceeis, now in Bank ~of Moots'eJ,. hoe, for, the bonefis cf thse Imaal éoWaifl '-#aiWe1r tsd. To psy tho Major, $4; T. Huston, $6; amd H. Hammiam, î4 uimr'elec1ing Jurera. To give the use cf the Town Hall, free, > cf change te Captaini Woadward's Voltin. teer Comipany for the parpoeocf drill, - ait Tuostisys Thonstiys mad 8&iordays frôm 7 ta baif-paut 9 p. mn.. almo a rocm dewvn itemrs as uts arma?>'. Appei-iting a crnmrittee oftbree, Mesasuî. Penny, Laing, and Cuieorn, as la commit. tee te meet the conmiîttea of the Counny Agicoilturitl Society in referenco te thei ,case frein thiecorporation . te tbai body. 'Ile base wta, eîé frac'cePtaaae muid- teaffect eof itaprovisions pretiuced. considérable discusien, whîch, houeir, Cape Race, Jan. 10- veirpeoi on the Istnand1 e 2nd, pamsd nt noon tV eni of Manchiester liad b, acog-mosiatory auuremm êva.'---"'-"'iii tý1i ochis courso vas adoptes!. Àsitliomt FrAcch traops are docharoti te 'insispensabie in Mexice.- Aý groat popuier demanstralicu ocut. rot! ai Athens un ithe 0th, the crowd shotilng for Prince' Aifrer! anti aaking for the Engliis special Envoy wvilerefuser! the ibrone on Ibe part cf Alfred, ritt he manne time prerniing thse Greeka the ajus. putby aud gondti viiiof En-landt. LITEST. The Jura arrivr'd et Portlad on the 1i m.lui.I the commercial relations boivoon Englauud anti Ameice an fmprevernent is anticiputedt. The Ssunpter vas soit for $195,000; The 'battle cf Fredurickmborg was genenaiiy regardes! a disîastrous te usf Fenierlsby the Englishi prasa.. The Times thinits t a îtremne;idoos tîauqér for the: 'North. rusere vas te be a meeting cf -the pi'otecfiuigpove ,ri in refarence ote'bece-'- -aujien -cf the Ionian Islands. WVhitby ans! Eum,st linny Union Agri- cultural Social y. The nnnutti meeting cf the Wbitby anti Est WhiîbY tmnionî AgnfeuhîuIMralSocîeuy Vvas Ieli ut Aexunder' achf)e, Brolie, on Timursiisy lasu. Tiare vas a large nomber cf tmembens in atieuidacce, The President, John ILitelifi', Esq., fi the chair. The meetîing hein-g cuiter!> te rder(,X tue Seenetar> moudflua amnual rehport, which sheucei a neît balance in tho bandis of tie T'rea-surnOf $t163. On munoionu et'Mr. Shier, seconder!b>' Mr. McGilh, tisa repsort nv15 adaptîet. Tie folhowitl;i gentlemen wvote aidu office beumors fortnhii prosenit yecn, viz: Robeprt Mllier, FqPresidant. John McGili, Esq.,t Vice-Preeideuit. Mn. John Wiltfs, netlaciti, Secnetary. Mn. Robent Smith, reelecteti, Tremmsïu' rer. Dinectors tonrE&ut Whiihy--Messret., Wino. Rton, Georýge Edward MoGitI, Jas. Suii andi Richard Pouvers. Diroctors for West Witby-ýMeiqrxs. Jamesu Ston>', Niahurtas Jeffre>', Ahex. Alex- andan anti em tient Spemîcen. A vote a f thunks vas icoi-seti lethe, refjring cubiera, etpeial i-te iisPrasi' dent unr! Chantes Rtoberts, E.q., fer their prompt ass4iiatmce in obuniiing nichoe>' ut the h)ank fi aid :Pt the Sunvîoýty's fonids. A votecf ubanka vu.s l-se accorder! Mn. Thomas lirson far m lving aheep pons; ai-se te R-«J. Wilsoni, &q., for bis proreà. sionsai services to the Society', given free cf charge. -The meeting passer! a vote of ccesmr cn one cf the la-te diracters for vithioldimg $9 cf the Sociaty's fonds, andi imsructet the Treasurar to tmkae preceedinuga. The Secratary haviug notifladtihibooffi- cars anti directers tit the fimt meeting ef tic saine ncutl be blad at Atczandar!s LQel, fîrooklihu ut 2 P. m»., fecond Sauir- day ha, February, thc meeting adjeumnet! siune die. To 111« Lo.dsip tisa lonuorable David! M y lmnmsn-1 fOnunoi ei lrwi ipl's sper. thn ts inck. bimn Emslnosnmii-f InAi vens, a wiai iituint imavy an- lnntsheibi, mn si ent1sna nuetne, t "tnm - ni weiith s yssnn s'asie u's p p aritnl>. Ynsur 1Instnu, hi, sriedm a geat nsc'Os5ssnteI:Met(n-yea._ ansd '"s Io mçI dn, -n u t i ii t h ie ecyns,f Imi llmii. dsi>-,l,'u nuswne. mnd Ynnsr irrstssuap wlv e iiin "4rr us> IrY - oie tiifnge., fu la rauir imsiuW ynieor lsnasstnnnls pru . te #Igle sîil cumiany wo n aid mye1 94- a bit foiniiernileiîasoiCr e isd micnugnihun ti ' 1,snSrtnn.. - ttvrr. iiSai Yeumr tordoiu frt ms -tlYe venisu- tkens. ai «l ssiitierai> ,nnbiat ui 'u.d ts.mmvce i m-al ncpinrc punr l.nu ilé sê stdtnml -Y) ,.ruoViuti wn'iaa t ý,hl& aesrl n1 cirecent yoilr kirsshp' lé u'n iinrinudnmnzisg biglti. >OnTfunni ycer ionulsiP's t-mink-usbacu l tnu ent oo*5.î $hal mmvis-céesua.vwwheeu. ou' Icc#piAI sw>t the charge cf having" wantaaly an&wiek. et!>'!"murdered wnhite people. Int makine these -statouenie, couifessions and denials tbey were geues-ay catin; but a foui individuals were quite exciter!. Tkey voee immediatoiy ciseuker! by othera, ans! told that tise> wero ail deuil men-,and tliere was ne reagon wby tue>' ahouiti muet tell tbe treili. Oi Tieada>' evening thie ex- trnspanizet a stance with t vifs! Indian gong. It mas feared ibat Iblis was onu>' a caver fer onehing aIse wb'ch mfigbt ho attfnipter!, andi their ciîiiha were therofore. fastoneti te the. fleer. PntgEATIexa roc TEEOA..O At balf.ppast 7 e'clock Frida>' merning, ali pensons vere excioded fremtflue roonu except thaso nouosaary te help te- propae the prisonmr for fluefr deen. lI the tme4itne tuo he seene was muicl enuiveneti b> thvir soupg and converRation, keepiuîg op uhe most cheerfnîl appearance. As they werc being pinioni, the>' vent aroonti the room sbnnkuîg baudsî with meitiers and re- porters, hidding them "gnodby," &C. Af. ter ahi vere propeniy fastened, the>' sîood op in a rowv aronsnd the roonu as anothor oxinug denth seingvs sn They shenv sat down vun-y qoieth>', anr! cemmemner ainnkiug Egu!ini. Father Ravoux came in, and after addresAiug theun a fcv momenitsý, kucit in prayal', readiug frein a prayer bok in tho Dakotaia hngoage, whfch a portion cof tbe condeined repesuuetialter huma. The capus vera ien pot on their beads. -Taowere matie of white mostîn mmIken trom the Indians when tbtrir camps vere capinrr!d, and wbicb bar! former! jant cf the qshiey bud tuk(en freinathe murder- cd traders. Tbey Nvenu oiude oniand~ur heke ke e qa 'muack, bat boutA roiehîi onpal nîyi'camne dowum ote cforeisat, sair atoved their puinieti face jet te ha seen. The>' received these evitiences of their nnar rarppmcach no nisreathts ii vfiant dia- hic-Vuuil batibeen adjoatioen one or twe, tiiey lookedti reutidoi eus ib ters vieo but!net jetreceiveol the cape vii an appearance of shusme. Clmainîs andI conds bac net ovcdt.urniooi-t ir veut' %as net coutilfdeneddietebomanbe- bot this icoveur ing cf tuhe îti j vith a wvbto cap vaut con- sitieret humiliatimîg. Tiare vus ne more siiiganti bot !tile coniversatioin and smoking nov. Alil st aroomîr! the ro(,imi unoaf; of tiema fn a crencses! position, airait iuig their deoma in sihenee, or iistenilig te tlie ramants cf Father lRavoox, wvbo euh mudressoti thema. Once in na uni lu uhey brngbt them mmiai eok«iag.smes before their fatces e--see tiiat tbaîr coutenance yet preserver! the przlper qosmýtity cf paint. BMliFO TE IEATIE SONG. As tbe>' cemmencar! the ascent of thu scufrli t he deati amnaf was again starter!, andi wheut tht»' bat!alil got p, the noise the> made was trul>' hîsleos. Itý seemeti au if Pandroniniom at! broken i osîe. Ih bar! a wonteufi féfrect fn keepinig op ibeir courage. (One younmgfeihow nuho bat! bacc ai ven a cigar bir Once-of the reoortens fu crana' Divisions, vore sent n tu sou îMI"" cf tbe tbickets ta check fthe pregresa Of the fine anti raiiy the fugitives, bnt 3a1ini turu vare eiuber cruahed b>' the flyimg crevils, brokcen by the impetuosity cf the foe. anti pot te - onfused flighit, or Corn- Ipehier! f0 retire anti éçtitOte themasoives fin thue beagt menner that geernedti>oior, TiheIisteny cf îue combat in the.e" sirl Cedalruhicitet.3vihi nover be knowvn. NO, masn couil seceaven the nebole of bis reuti- ment, antino ne e ilh Over bo able tole who a>' uera tint foogbîbraveai, amd they whiioproveti recreaumi te their trust. i ki,now ibere vasmarne cewardice diar phoijer, bot 1 kmow, ton, that there va mhown bvy many affluersanad regimauits M5 ofya beaoisiau thai. whicb distingouishi' or! anti immntaizeti the folio-sers of Gos!- frey on Cii! ; but, in apiteocf hertsism and tieveien. in spite cf despeame unige vhilur- siur! devuor>' fresi stiraneiof the foe, in-spite cf an-fol sacrifice of lite on thne liant cf the diuers anti soltians of the Union anriiny, the rebella teasuly puîheti forward ant(i came uaùar-r n te t irike. Neunlyiw iv> mnies unr! uthuialf e iiht cf or mmm>' bus! beau dniveon, u'nd 1finint nasa4 etl heurt came oiver rme u4 îhe dtés- tructies nf isic he aruuy venmcd o te sun os fi the hacn; Isot the vrurd wcni forih frei Recaîr.tihsufiovar cf thc toit vin,, anti e"nire the nîght. Ther rig;ht of Davis, divisioninu ailed i c the siaine lime as Jobnstou'a, gave vu>' simmîhtatieunsy, anti the urot cf tine renîuiinu dirÏi nean u tio wfa a ater cf courgeo. This Ic-ft le Gem. Sheridan the tasgk of ro pelitsug the hitiierto atccessfl enset cf tihe 1fpo. Nover dit mina haber umore fisinhfsnhhy ian ie te perferma bis task, aussi nnsver amis a Inader econder! hy more gillant officerr. Rim div ision former! a kinti of pivot upon. wiici lie hrokîen nigbm vwinmg-turnet infiils tiighm. mimdflis pariionis condition Carmit>'-il ha imaginîtil he icfligit aof Davis'divi minn fÎ'itilitinouit Au'y proteoction frein tie tifomphuait eennnry unienov srmed oponi itru frolit atind itflaik u ;but it. fownbt unsil a feuti cf it.ïuinube r isy bheding andi d ' i pon tic filir, ard luI bath ne- mainîf, Brigrude Commandera, Coi. Ré) bertq mnd CohSchaeffer. hitir!mettvuimi the ane fate n u"e. SUt; tihen if gave va>', anti aum i almeatanar>' instamcu cf the kRis!, reireat w,13 changer! te i-ut onhj tees cempleus uhisu that et thie treeps of John. eten and Davis. Everythiing ,nov tiapendecci pon thii. ai meets- aibatteries wici the gai o f Roseci-ana bar! mamies! aionglthe turipika te recu'mve flue ememay un hle shoumîti emnerge froua the vooti iin porsumit cf or broken nti iying hattalions. Stiduiýni> thue rout bcanue v'usiihe, anti a cncvd cof 10-00 0 fugitives presvntiing evcry 1p)s.Sible inhase cf oir! aed uncontroilahie tiuuicnier, bors iroma the ceduar tikuris, nadr! nusho inte the_ open space between them anmd the tmrpike. Amoug thein ail, perliapa,'ne liai' tiozen monevna c f the samo e zimuent coutil have beesi founti togeiner: Nearer and, itmrur camne the storma, hionder, nmuider rnnusoundect the tumult cf only toic mun uio uCar)uuus. 1 eyno longer mate evon a proienue toi savo ibeir feame, -bot jurmpes! fntmm their ho.rssmad ra for , ii(. A conaiterabis inamber vers ceptured, but vere afiervard retaken. Thse Expedittion galsst Vicksbsurg. '_ X Foui'ensnmL'sn cf the onuire failure cf the Faderai expadition a,,aiesut Vickmburg lias boe racreiveti. The fihdravai of Sherman's fonces wyul cambia flicConfeti. aies def'enuliug' the Mississippi stronguolul fui moire Snuni te tie asmusicuce of tSir coujnrades iii. Port [Hudson,vwhe it usas sup. *oý! pestiveir ho attaicier! b>'tic Faderais onder flarnis- anîd Farrngut. Wi i h ii aid tharo meeil lue litilo appnehen.4ioi cf ibm -mthi treepat faihing te tiafeat flamb.- If hie tmka -s jmomement in the directi cf Port liotison, if vil! be fi ignoranc# Sbarmnan'x faihure ci Vicitebonr; h I -hardi>' probamble thit, kuoin; ht, havouhd vnuo tenaiîi5oan atiatoi. A% ACCfOUST os-ruTHEATE "The bautle atilrages! up te Monda>' nigiht (tic3 31st uit.'> The fl-ghtingcm that, day bcd tuem dempevute. Our brave troops hudt aken sic main fortifications cf ibm enama>', captuuring mime cannon, where spiur.' Pd. i,tcting posmeoin aise or bis rifle pila. But tha enema>' charger! ega-in vthi terrible forsaansi rocoveredtihie gretns!ha h test, inchinlinn; ibu butter>', anti repetliig cn tronps viti groat alaugiier. iv Ta Ini Illiinois lnfaeury. Cal. J. B. Wytean ;th ib 4c loa Infantry>, Col. Wil. !iamson, anti 81h Missonri in'fan:r>, C(ti, lrgaL. Smith, -anfiened tennibh>'f in ii. Pni- anwvounitiar eccivimg ithe full steak or tins encmy's charge, -anti holding on witiu vonds-rfut penmissce andi courage tilt avet arva>' by aupenior numabera, (Ccl. %Wyman cecupiedth le lefi viug, ansi contendati agaiest thse enclin>' iiliant unisorintuoi, dbravery anti bercisma. He fi cOOMt'LUEI,-T TO THE OUT'O01;iFMYOR 101s1 edi frm unoi Mn. Penny obsarjiol flai ià vas nu usueIl lani v net Str. t'a are tim roll for 18a oatoma In pas-. 'a rasciatieut Of V-ir lirskeu iuInn- thanks te theo ut-ofqig Maor b utithe fi yuas u oer i1862, fi proettinstance b. arome, net aloneuo tfol. 551w miur, nin t lr luis out thiar cusfqpîi, but with fthe feeling taît inn ,ho, sunp4 vit vhich bc fature auima~t i 'mymear. laniu tifnsu roua at ths councii boanu-that ihe gentlema me ni krm.fuv ut v vbe occuniot tiechai~r the past jean, de-', t rimsnoibcm gf soer!, un bis ove accoutî, aih the couaeil it u a cimo %" riSe coitisay in h'bi fsvor. - The pasi yemrMr. a.ad i -y. Nova. Peêrry cbserve, wu ;1nue cf the J'ow inPUixn oiiqg whieb flue business vas coudsîcted ini a quiet, mMutmiarL. cauiet! wore'l Dlit. Coi. Rtxovami os TzE Tau.zeaaruOs-sce- inetion, tute 1JWe cumittati aoticlcg befare, IOut.T bars for inahic ÀfleaRitîfull Fu tise Tracet fe ini 1775T; occuir.> andl wonts bai'> -irsut b' Ine nic mnaking fl .Insu in fihe irce cf pru' borne on t.he i-e A pi'ize rigit betweee3n i. joung cohoreni mi bas! breaufought. Palmer by tic Ii verrier! hima ceuxi On ttnaeuponIntei genarai ; Pahunen vorat cf ithe jrih tiey as chinai an-a.q, The -Franc' mada coutumet je Mexico for hales ocf for the L thIS2 d

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