Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1863, p. 4

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les eil ifluit ioîter, ni thy bcid." ýy lh the i1be1x. ing the News York the followlng t r. Thonms H. Dud. Consul at Liverpool, at gentleman of New'- are nos' iu thats me whlch are degctie a andi carry ma'erial Mr. Dudley7 w-itm aMI- re are builtiur tg ai L- s'ill sottit ha let bae nomene, aftr thetffa. ïa. A fiflt vesspi of dti.ined for mfnilar t Glatsgow. atatea thait there are polmornete lre liait- .pricpahhyf of liberil1 wh'> are ntr.iring ta fticture a tticial atifhi. o -the uion caula ; t'> a consitierahhe ex- alygive Fshape andt Das of that grenu. mart. ' confirma lte retark oi hi. týiesptches t'> iuer last, ihat EU« a, maIe aîti femat, ink ofn ollhing ïlthe, else, but tite besi e( reb'.el estive. It have had i ut aian art, chiefiy becaîse titeas, but alan bd- political lruiitig, L ihe sont or service &Co., ant nos' at FreéericI;sharg: le ahofIy jounig lne of fibeaîontb of ieye les. hIlt eitis ion ai tua Ihutien- hart nevedee-htave e t'> keep front tht trtiay. Cali Uîiicoln k heuar thet gnoan aof id day ? Dii s Sýoi screnîns(if tmtiers, tlch art caesed by .a ntion vill faiT ýf Ilîcse vit10 causa 'hlether Cabinet 0111 mnati fromn the couit. pitiffle lawyer for ng the circuntasî:e aked if he had aîaîed occuira.di"Ou. ay, icalul ; - ithît il sWn irath ; yon cari elfe Alna Ma air, hotrer ro-tiliua As for trust- s'ho te. fit, bimis, hi. lot tuniiiglits thiuk.- rsematiu, s lieli a Wcg a tiuitînon a lithe fur- ut. for esuip. oe next StÀe'itl ted thî bite York s'il! lie âd huit nonth RaiIs'ay. A it 200l work- 'itige o)f Sur, intt ht whloi ver.h it irit- c W&arokibleti Il sui k matie -Shorifi's Sàle of Lands, Coun4<f Ontario, By 8TUtDAY, the nýr.ÏV t . ý 0 Fîirtat day of Maroit, A.D., 1803, at 12 o'cloeknoon, wih be soldby- Pîitlo êîetlon, ait my office, inthtei.Courýt lion"i,it the Town of Whhîby lut the Cotînty of Ottarlo, thIt rlht, title sud lâteroai whloh Llie îudtimoentlonod tieftîîtlantx stveralîy pos- stss,int tht. ttnîlenptiouetlatis an toile. inentte theréou, soîzed irnie ondor ati by vi'rtue cf conti writs of P'itri Faclîts riz: In theCootrt of Quoeiils Boncb. WIliam ntnadcrhîm, James G. Wurts, andi Jobl MIltnot, Plaintilf, Andtres' hîtîxton ai d D.MoDongehl, 'rTe Snati t sionner of Lit Number Ui, lit the con setoiîettion eof'>te Towîîshlp cf l'iclt crinc, antiînayhle mare partlctttarly kitos u îd m foitl.asSlows, thiti '>a3: Cttmîienc Ile ou1 th Eaeternmit lutof Ileuitmlt tthîe -aisîntet ,eofiweittr-'ne lin,un acoîrte North sixteen deirres 'Wemt. Ifron)theli ta tiihi-Eean- ehI ot the "sia lit ; lIait Nertli l ong tht'> atiî Et-tern Iitittiwo chajîtssîil ftv hlintks; tiet S atti'hrttetri htl a laItaugrces, M'cet titi Celti frt-n linîks, more or lees, te Getige holisoit hiîd; thlîceSouthi ixtteun thecem Et. aintîz tht si 1George Jîitsis" tldtîr cinuain gayi'lfl lu th iefte uNoth eigt itveilt înall at h ezreee, Eute eitai>în alat forty-meveît Ilik, mort or eias, te thu place of heginîtiitg, Ini thie CuunIy Court. Chtarles Rolieson, plaintiZ.T JtîlîtMeI'htileit, îe"'edttia h'tine of lt deth !iii tehittîîteof Naît Mct>oigahh, execu- terorth fltâ la îu mephatien, N. E. y of Loi No. 8, in &rd (ati. of Tloraii, 50 crus, imore or1hes. INELSOS' G. REYNOLDS, Sheritf, C. 0. l'or C. Ncuast. Sieritro Offie,> Whtby, Not'. 18, 1662. 45 Whitby Brewery. hfi ottr.are nos' preparodte '>for may, b'>reqtti-et, andtil uteris ta esuit putr- Ilottli aie '>eqîllltothlieimporta iarticle. CLARtK & OOIiW \RID. Tailors,- Shoomakers, Carrnage Builders, Dresu Xakors, and Heada ofFamilies Ganerally.,,-, -uet WANZA't tCos& S itMaclhitt t i itiî y 141)O,ittti e >tii a a ntorm n Aent'for Coitnty IJutaxlo. WAWN R&-t0 " PIMT irPRIZE SEWING MACHINES WI¶'ZEIU'S COMBINATION& ~I IVcru. Preaaium .gewlcg Maehte T lIE ONLy PI'tZE a"rdt' for Famiiy Prnvnlciah Exhiibition, helt in lu hon, $ept. f4tiî, 25t0t. 24tu atliltt4tli, waaq.girea ta R. , Wîu iizmera&t("P Thiev ale'> tc'olc tht iret prias for Fusîaly Neasing Maicinies titI R. bf, Wîinzer <t fo's. l1>uutaint tîle Prtriitelal Fahn lielti nt Toronto, Slept. 22, 9R, 24, 25 allai 2,18012, andt alto ir4tpriza wtt. atardedt utthein Siuger for Tie I"rt Extre i r.tswas alsogivîn for Nom.. 1 anti 2 ilger'A. linfstitriit bMachiles, Prize.am imlrei;ee rr losat WNalietr'5& c'slmttiily lltinrMachline aîîîl Waîtzar &it..Sineer% Mliluens orer ahi ottiers, i'y the Board tof Arts aad htitniie-< ture, lt the Ntedîities4 Intttut>, Toronto. 'rhty alto i-sali Firsi -Extra Prizot ie severuit'otuty Agrniuliiîrai Fiirs-atlIiîî,nil- toit, Paria Getit. gt. Thlitnas, Ilains vihle, 1%iit. hi,~~~~~~ Ctiîn.eitiu-inlufici, eeery place s tîtte ite avc beetiexlîibited. ~"Wanzcr & C'.'s Conîhlinciion anti Wmnzr & eC o.'astiuigr, Excel any Machines tuai cur vere iinonactureti lit he hltit'>d itteet1o(r (Jiteti. IL. M. WIoniziur & Coi., have s4ucu(ettitti it uni- tlitr i ncsiltulle prtertieîof the Wheeh- er & WïmVis>»andi Sinerliaciiit, atid renier- fii thtse poh ita iu'hîithî s' n tu tibetin a ltlrstllts doinr.tie art cie, by addiig monta luts' ittruitin(fuor thichi tîîa tiave tureti a paitottin Carett) ia i.îsuceceeed iapreduciug i perfiet$ew'jag Macitîne, vhih belttg îhlnjtlq i;i i u piniciple4 Lt oauly tnderuoot, reitiriug la-us ilusitan ortiiary citont tof akili lit il# oiperîtiôn.It. h. curlatconstractiotu rendteim, itl utIle ialot'> get out of repair,anit inl essi - y adugteit. Tht public, oli exâinatlon, wsil ,it ec>nritited t i liiatvahiutaaven %Il nîhara, nos'1" l i.e. t.TON. Alil Gentili hur tieAa ienti quit., ton,on tht vwnat Ilight, acco 'g'ATCHEIS, ULOICKS, AND JEWELERY,. INi TruaLvc atET TLt JAMES JOHINSTON, Watichmaker andi Jewelhir, Èrock Str«t, Whithy. Oct.lii, 1862. 40 1)ENTISI'RY! DRS. CALLENDER &' CARD Surgeourq Dentiste, &c.# Roopa over ifir, Carleton. Lyndé!s Store DUNDA$ STREET, WII1TBY. T FTIITfilet! in tie nîngt perfect manner% nivi uîne bu tthe huit aud umont approveti material tîret. Vie long experience of Drg. Oalender & .,arl aihîtlintorniîîrhlttowledzo ofithepraie tl'>e o1ii)etittr 'y, etabjo tiît'> ta pprtchI.tttthe grotît I enefits to bu ederivpd tram a carefoi pre- aiv o f thvte tli-imnpartant, anti beautiful orZiit, the tecth. LtYpoo thoir pr>ervatlôn a grreti deal ofithe libtSth, happiness, anti confori of inkind dépentd. Their operaions ln thi branch ef the profw4son eannot fahl t'> give sat.- litfactioni. L.ett fflictetiwithdeiieaseti tetit', ouly viait them nlttime, beore the diseuse goth tontî Smn a liolti, ARTIFICIALTEETII inrmrtedîn tt(old, 811- "er, l'lutina Plate, aiso tpon tht colebratcd,aiid jutitly recomeled ,nlcanizeâ base, aller the' hteit and mest apîtrreti methods adopteti hy tieprofleasion. Tli,tporatlonaofflrt. Caliu titi & Card arsans' carcfinlly performnet, anti no perfectin teîeletha'not only thet sir- îiexprWeon i«pr served.bt thecaïst anti coin to Zfthoirortiteialteecth,ls pro- nînteti aithe sainc4tinte. it thtetierability ut thp otterilîl nAe4. andi thetilîrmioîy lut thè blendî[it o'f 0610T, itutgreates at iofaiin *il bc foxntl.1 l'tkttlcolar attenition gircit tothe ta a -i regoîsation fchildretn'w tetth. I>arentà shculd c attend tW thisati a very iiiporiaiittiit'fiO their oiiL o wtainWrranted satimfaciory. Ternis r ('nàl. uitaultation free. 20 1llEP1ER THAN IEVFýRu. iT rie., AUG0 EýT STOÇIX AND G$F.ATY.6T vaai tnveStore- ?nrnlit-ure, Tin- trc, &,0'.. 4ai b. atten ut ite Stoeaci the (tira if 'uvary sty'laandti qîalltv fantit Lal Pntoeus. Tus liopular nes'pattera Store. lithitn ilntrii huroti amcat Chetr varlotias: TME KING 0F STOVES, IRNDUKE, GRAND TRUNE, PRINCE ALHERTe, DAVI £!ROÃ"K>2l, 1 MrCali ad ste, JOHN BRYANI' Beock-st., Whitby. Oshawa Âdvertiaemonts. WILLIAM T£rEIlSqK P. 17 N tG ST E ET, OSHAWAV, CANADA. West.17 F. LAMBERtT. TA&L4)F. an&d rRIPER-KinSteOshawa: TGantants matit to etetcilu thtelitai style andi fashtin. 47 JOHN GILCIIFRIST. DlE&LER in Falley and ti 54e Dry Geoti ant ialh111Werés, Groterîets, rrovtsaon, Crockery, <t&c .,-X S t. Z.at, Oshawa-.4 sB. FAMBIANRS. OIIONOTÂRY PUBLIC, &4.<&e. JOHN KeGILL* . L iICEýNSED A ICTIOISEER F¶>O CAADAi 1i, ., tiees bigservîes î tEl thehabl taîuu oif Onuiri'>anti DarbantCoutiis, t'> at- tel güles h y Auciiori Ronseholti Furniture, IMerchuandiz>and ti or effecis, ata reasonalble Oshava. Angrasi 1850 INSURANCE & OENERAL AGEN~T T UIE 8UBSCRIBER 18 PREPAZED TO etfe'di Pine, Lîfecand Marite laurauoe:tisi At reas;orahle rteil, and tihe ii.moLai responati lie comnpauics. E. E. SKAU iJmbi,t:41nly 2, 1 s1. 25 ýAgu N g OMPANY E8TABLI8MM 1825.. Incorporated by, Act of Paullameiut. capital One. Xion Sterling.' Investod in, Canada $400,000 I CANADA: OP.. OFICE -- ONTRBAL. ýA.,»a*jd9~ona rker, Secretary. ]RATP OP PREMIUM vtvY nnîerte andi wili beur favmoale ooenaritoîî sitli titat atitîteti by oseloir c'>e ietil, iiîatia. t'0n- ditionstil nd egalationç niusuaîtlv lîbratl.- Assuratnces effectitt anti othuer b);Itinem* traita- action,% conduieteti 'itlout referenca t'> ,3cot- landt. JOHIN- GNEW, Agent, Wb*tby Tho Colobrated GermanOil!l P LjtI1-'Sj rutts, irtiefrovi tit~ tnt i o-tîtietiieand itiiOtîitirn it Tii>heme sinfiîliblc er -relinýviu uî'rýem batil coutle sitffering trirnit an. > Fronttîî îhîcoîeîtîds of tesiît'lalm fas tethe efftie'v of titeinvîltilt rein dy, thaeftllos'- iiiir hatvei bitai elptied't 1, 1bavèe atiour '>11 Che lamt six year,ýaad vi «iît4tielvd hai i t inteqnallcil forheuîilig cls, tand ti '>ihnîvfrost-bites. Ita ef9cacy îe eqmîilly t etit i ieteUed t'> mati tir JAMSGRElG To A. K Nwtt. RSCI1 PikrnFo. 12,1861. "lIn jîtetieti to yott.anti as a dnty 1 ewe t publie, h1iIi.îk it ighît t'> rec,inmeîtd Yoîîr. eehebrateti (ýcrin&n OUGilty hit ,girl -got se-, rerey tesîdei, s m ie ', t ber reôoveny wîi, i o b utilt by the timt'>y a pplicaioit of yeirn telei- inW i.tiîpltelv enreti. %IATTIII,'W S'WALLt.)V, Jr. lirai S Iî.--lnieiccet l'O", anithe >pnb hiti rîeî h.1tinîth iillrtîitri rocojue,îh yoiir ecîel.rîted Crmnan 011, fur the cure of unte, br1lcu tiie irot htes .', .4Is qn1ilyties enotislethîer mplcit>nan or beatt. PEUER il. llO0VER. BruE' .-- ljiitlm et'> yiln. sntias a dty 1 ntit ohie putb, tthinkit hriclit t'> recon- nit.ý11I1 "ur ctbaeiGermait Oit, for the'> dr> ot 1i ti bates. utits, bruhses, Lanti ae'>of morts DANIEL IIOOVER. Pickering, February, 1862. "hfofl1-Tvei tront a ài rwatlric ore -for tri ye:;r« #litouten 1siîi wItas iinéne etit trv -oa celbroedail, aut ia ît os' comploe Iï~J AMES FITZCGIBTIONS. Ont of île firet 'îtiamen in the C'>ulîty. 4' Psiet $ia,-E erieali Ovedt-r t tor ,id. Ihat se gdt'i lti2ieoetreaicuts, irtît:- standing:-i hiamnover faiheti t ftet a cure."1 Tit he ltid at al DmugaLetsý, man t athe prn- cipal plaetp of hbusiness 1 li e hrovii'ee. 6* O FICE of tii" flri$"i & Americanu Express fo. Montreal Ocean Steamsblp Co and Gliasgow LI 'ne Steampers. Itemoved one ou ouoth ofthe iegimtry OQf,. RtOBERiT Ee CA IuPJIET, ALS0-ofiea of BL'SoNU W tltby, Aprîh 2U, 1862. 15f OaIy 40 ýcents per Gallon at 16 - GEORGE YtYltS. XEKBRO$SENE OIL.1 J'ENN5YLVANIA QIL 1 I,,aPS',CIMNEYS &C.- At Bedwced Priee. Fo, Caphs. A Work of AbsorbingIntherest THIRILLING AD V~TURES ÂMONG THE EkRLY :S METTES, BY WVARREN WIL»WOODP ES4.,1 Drawa front tht mft e.rantfal prciof Anirean Illetr.r , antifrotm the noat antiei aonrocu, ite mtories?èftrtaki of aliiie *lil, wehrti, andt earful aiararcr eof romance. The volume toitinF £4htfolioeriniw. amot alers iznndàer,,!gnod res4pectftilly Informs tii. 6"13LVF1V8 QUADILLE BAND IF WiII bo ireadineste attenà ail Salis, lsr- tiot, Routm, &-c., wjtli tht hasét of tinisî on Pl HENRY BRAVER. Toronto, Nov. M, 1862. UrAjiplJetioins en aime b. madt ifr. J oÏu rty, Wlîitby. 45 MERCANÇTILEBCOLLEGE, & o r *AN&SENECA STREETS, im an important ui it t e gr a h fm lt- U~onai Mercantile Colleges, loeittedlu,,lita ttll tlt,îgCitiet, * z NEW' YORiK, IIA)L'iA îTROY, FEIA» D.ETIIOIT, tCl1AW m,, AN D ST. Lt tITIS. A ScholarslÉip Yssed irons the 1DuRan. 0I~ Colle, el, îîîtlee t boîtier to ettend ui- Coo altýe(tlttge,4 for anh luited tir,. .The Demigu ofrhcae Institutionn, ta tta i pat t'inpiung imen anti lâdieto iciorugh, odei w ns dacatton. , <1 Thee EoIlloîes. art i rganizeiandi con- tinceti ptoîti aids which tmnt secre t'> etteli :epartte, lIttution the t it'ible Ilattin for inipartinjr P tihîoroîîtirlicommenrciaîl oflncAt!ot. stnd rentier it Pm a whnole, tqe enuit tom;.rbhuae- t mÃŽ v and e'nplete -tymtîtinnIn thix corîntry. Bool-keeplagluti Id it. dupartîîîent5, (loin tntrcial Law, Comîmercial Arithiinelie andi l'enf ni-guship, arc titht ini ii' o t thorougbi anti prae.til toannor. Tite Spenceriau Symtem ofPem - shi , Im tané li ly compote ut ant ex Pari ellecd Recholtirship, payable in naraiîcé, *4Q. Colege open day ai Dienngi-nto vacatinu, ReAidont lriticipais eaiBufLl'>, J. C. liiXAte For Itnrthuir itl'>rmatl'>n, jfIeuit.ýcal ntVilie colera LOToonaor Sena fi trcataire gealit1 Cir- grnlir, etelobir luitter itaînp, Atidrces BRYANT & STITATTON IZ Blfrah', N. Y. CHIR. S& &NEW YEAR3s AT, -0-- A LARGE STOCK, 0F. GENERAL. GROC ERIES, W1NES & LIQUO1tS For sale ait a sniatll advance on Wholèsamle Prices. LOWES & POWELL. -o- ýW OYSTERS, 1LOBSTIERS.AND SAIDINES, Wholesale'and Retail.L WS POËL COAL OIL ý&,COAL OIL LAM~PS, Chcaper than-the Cheapit UYceembey, 1862 LOWES,& POWELL. Nos. ilu2, MP Bleu' ock,'Brook-St., Wliitby. DIRECTIPOTINS Be- to announec th'e arrivai oft their FALL STOCK, beingr the. Iags sortiment they evcr ad' thé t~~r of offerin1g, anîd h:tving bî.v(n ptrhsdbefore the recela great advauice 011 goods, îhey will bu :tablpu tu oter -unitul indueetiei ten rCwilhin ress 0GoodasSha>wls, l[ute3 FLANNELS, BLANKËTSI FACrORY. COrTON*S,, LADIES9. FIJRS, (ItPIE1 SI&C., &,. They would direct the spocial atention of G(Xmîlcmnen to theïir CXîcnSive Cloths, Cassimercs, Canadian Tw-aads-& 3atinets, 1Jýider-C1oth- ing, Shirts, Co1llrs, Rats, Caps, Tics, Wool Pbuîds& READY-IIADE O LOTHING In 4en's and Boy's Top auîd Botdv Cous, Ve'it' and Lanîs or ivery style and qu'illty, bciing made up on the premcnîiasthfit anul wvorkmrin.4ip may bcde A FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES JUST RECEIVIED 500 ib:ig8LIVERPOOL .-ýLP, wich wili ie soi(d Chenp.- R& J. CAMVBELL. Perry's Brick Bildine., 4VhjitlbyOct.8 1862. Brttiah ÂAonrice -A.aurat e (lomîpauy, JNCOIIPOIZATF.l) nuderu Act of tlie 'fltirc Sem;i>n oftif le LIortlitProvincial Pln ment of 11pper Ciîuad u. - CAPITAL £100,000. treurac.e rteteti on liditaand ffheit tonutcata. Everv iîîformtti sapplIidonap. plication t'>iiitheiermdgieeL Marineù.Il'o îr the tSeasonor for Pn rti. Travellitît Agent, Bvroyt, frapi, Whithy GEORGE COMMEC. ýly of %Ikintis of']îmbtrqci itant1y on lianti. F UNERALIS-ully spleiandi attdet Lt shuit notice. Coffin!, ktpt constsiitly on bandi. £4'A Itearqe to ine on lilicrel terms., Parm for Sale. l r ont 60 aeces (about 55 cleareti) T Pli att haîf cf lot No Mf ln tht 8t i»(itownslî)ip of Wimthy. i'tZere im agod ihetuianti harti ton the.prunte. esaIs legeaiti rriliartl anti garden. Thern is ia yvi tt hIwnsI,, ntisyrinmtbroair, rhIe flirt fon waitring ;catlu. ltland is G fe.xeel- ton! qttality, and nuter the hast stato ofeulti ration. PorTermnt, eîfrtierpartieulsrm apply,(ii by ýçtcr postatA*ulto BrtoklitiP. 0. or t'> w MIChAIEL 8CIINAPI'AÀUF. Wlthy" J inly 0, 1651. 26 LICENSED AUCTIONEERSI FOR TME COUNTY OP ONTARIO. PT tir ntieraigni re r the Autionar wbo 1.have takdri )ut Licu iuptu t thtpramont 1VT.nch <t Markawrv fe.r Counîy. 2. Thumxae In ry Walbe-iroc Mare anti Rata. Tori .Gorge ilotder-Brock. 4. James WeodrotY-Plcernig. 5: Levi-Fairbanks, Jr. of1 tht firît of Fairbanks <t Mionel--for rioaity. 6Th6nîaam Ies-.C minty. 7. Jatmes Mf. 1attermon....do. 8.)lhert, Bprig-Etaehi, Brook, TJxbritige W. PAXTON, dL Ce>. Treeaýnrer's Office, -oit'ratrr W lùtby, t b. 2)7, 1861. ASSURA N(L UUMPANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. W ILîrL ut ilthh a"1 ndOuCrgo Riakm, At lite . hîteAtpitIerîitîof preicîhuen; loisun- îîîî'> raueti n iit t'tcii, r iii,) aeOîor mlii ugo, atînaread f wlt rt etnhîe onith tue ilît ofncagopreittinîna tif hast seaen, a pronipt, lilliertltidhonorible s Pte tient ai ali Jtie4t ehime tun ah. Coixluany, utaiy bc rle io. JOIhN BLOW, Ag rti, it) t'lItie adloiingJa%. itowe, <tL<Co. Whiiib-y, Feh. 2ti582 JOSEI>IIP. RAINER Piano-Forte - manu-faeturer, WAILEROONII, WIIITIJY, C. W. - X LE imtî> he fount a fine W 1'rtitît fMl'io Forte, iii "iii ntin illrnttntatl cases, froit Ctiii, 6Y4,-'.anti 7,ï oc*avce-, mauntfe.. ttîîned of tht, <it mnnisle, amîmî pronnieced b7 thic tutelt ilitiniil1ed Antitemta 0ha unsur- m-tk.e-h by atreti nti 1dpnnity 'otf Tune WiI i,>ndon tht îîttj'sut retîstititblctort,suad war r ta lte eid i aiy el'at er'frtnv uaay puit of <Me co'tairy promptl ffeisAds1-M. At tue P'rviieiil Exhibition 1 hlit Londan on 2t4 ta>27 S'iuhin 1, ttefirst prias Wéa jîwîîrhîîh ltii Jit-tepli F. Rainier for teau'peilor q'îafty -«itilt Pi mnýteiiSwhich vero test- telt iii reîitîr.h t)Ta<tc, Tiea, Equalaiy if Tuea an-i D'Irabiiy')cf Ta,àaiil l >oîwo extra anizea fo.r tht sýiîp-itîr îAitii nittaiitetreaîei.t.Ife rh-to tmt' Ai I-t priace at i teProniaeiîlFaits iii 1853 and18. Titeiaiîîîaof.Jo,. F.Riner wora pl@testin tii. HhîleSi clais anti a dilh'>nt asardeti %iemt. MNr- Raiier'. tlaino la voil kyonomirî tbîe cva'tati iîi'> ii asm- quîitOttticlncr1clnt rngqiurestno tftirthe iî,itent to tisa t Y» l~iois ,pie,at ot tlil n»bor ai i'îî>valti. .JOS. F. RAINER. ton ifît titie'> il!lia-oit canriti (i) tater thu.î.iitn.în etîc <f Mn. hîtineras Y oreian. -TO TE IABITANTS OF Ite 'u'l tfttiurr.o eve BAÂNK TAN-)Gi - IToroîtto 4 it

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