Aa.t m poftinb o, an o o h ent f onConi•Mr. Wallace arose to explain, stating Annual Meeting of the South_ ontatrio r eevet; and Deputy Reeveis Elected The British Parliament was convoked én uhcninae.W ib Mthat Me. Perry (Who, he said, was very County Agricultural Society. for Munieipatsties n &1the countty for the. 5th of Febru-ary. cap Regarding the Erst objection, s ofo- Th itbn eetO f h aJan 19186 ente,) misrepresented him in reference to Ts nulmei fteCut r. of Ontario. ' heflown sa snpi fteng pta ~~~ ~ ~ ~ e aori xp ne of te ote gr m a a , at n n. ili n La g, e Mr Wa aeagi lanhd ot nt t e aTthe Ton a lle hi ofty o Int dy R ee a e o e D pt v. mssyst ar apleoia th Nw Stah schools f the en o ny, whaonal g m r ol tyheyo , ad t od i ua d cl rat o tf R ad e sh u t "O n w .- 8 .F ic a k , R ev . Y a s re e t o ,sad t r D y o ,t a fe tescolrhis eesabihe -a oun Pue andgaitiTw lo on bfr hecek aynd dTemteRraOdrma-Y u rsettlst heatedncswsqutnnmros Toxsr o th.-.e.Bikeh rgrtedgealiTe otiune f h pla- . took hse ofj e letos seatttieg - ulan resp etble. hO ntrig wa e lun eee T o n ii s, De u R eev evl wyr b t o ed b fbr e next Ne ty rasma shoo s hola rs m an l t Te oow.ingmbruol h cror.aM ba nen utcnieyusl h rsdrt nSr, Esq. "-idyg Epeas mes Il.-o hn teljff, Ree-ve ;Yasdymteswudb eteti tart thMpanbewtyh shlro slcig tornxtmade the ecesarydeclaatioace aain l ce a uir.hmeto e tthe hair, a , t he ertay, o rgeRb ae .GyDpt ev.ws sidsays the pcorpodet, wth ae whcscoolhe ilat ae n i orwse and1tok2thei places artiî the d f onneil Re OSIAca J. a ic bell Reeve C sot f m lad may b er petedfast let the s hO. boardo •c, standbcormsetod,. and proceeded againiO toelsonthesq.,kreadd Tng theorannualrdreport,-.. &r.-emeslua.pT, ;tt.-adpiousu wish noreprediction or-ei, enITas.an eac- esals nto rmr ncne to fi eas J. Pr Yepan bti mdaeyaundhsat n d Frme e ota ege a n t he folowi.Marh, DpuyReee. . indicaton of se hi ng se ti moe siif i. wth eram r s ac co nt g amr s ol .an ltis olwig m r o man t s n etio n tio n, he def u ing R od fomne y "--.. 9 w f Socoov ; o.--EW . GambrDe , Ry eeve- civnt. -To anot herpe r- iwho tese s t e w oulp it l afirn bel ant e , la f s ed ldp ob e C m b ll h s e e prill ,to tre w hi c t ai .rf o 'e w asth e s i ,pn r ésiet J h h e e â . Bpj g E S aoax .- -J n al h o m p sonli , R e e ve ;i d iay xp r es t o u e bEm p eo r thed earn est Ds t ofct . . ton el, Ja.d ae eDe eG r eo.Ha l r tin s, K .Wt, b ,h iam.io;os' i e n r nr eny B eh ur e uy Re v , o e that ny thebatli-e po rde risbur surpe musholabcn-in teteacher; o rth e ernand a m es r oplaTes uMtayrageainonsisedupon Mr. l . T atdurngthe Se ct ar thGe o e tyb RaAs. -u r. McNab R eeve. mgtbwh at Te meo adh d by- estbract e ,and oanding ofr te i r c o e bol , a rd -n o E a x eUt ggyg. l s a nc ete w thnd th er ule s de r, ai n dtu sn , eq re ad in0 heb e , p i ngrepo 70 B A R .AmD eA M A ÅC a d e r,' Ke e dy , dsr ir so to, an d m h op c ed h at t e d ar th e we l s h e p u ils co p e in f r h e ch l - M o ed "h C a ta n o w , eš ii ed b p a b t ih e doul n t u rn i t t e nr . h eing an neresse of one m e mb er and eeve . ould b e en e b ine t sio n g .r- T his Rin . ak.arhip. hee pelmiaryobecion Mds-srs, J . Har, mary Bi., e à rrtvtmte, when the herep f$8o scitoonrthe - Unamos.-e T. Buttn, Reene i J. ti n od sotte M tconre ini . he et s fth a h ut rmaI ho.Tisto o' h' wb r alcscne y M.Wlaersmdhssa.ehbtoh tte new fair groundomain',A.PrOnarO - .. Whmie, Be" . wch he Toays will 'not be tre sec eb 11O f w o ld gb e e xerted ; a nr a cti e ,a n d o l orabl e t y it a as.j a v g be e n d efna d . M r. all ace c n e omed , p oi t'e d t. 1 3 28 , a n p re miu m slam o u ting to $ 7 97 Ol ,ea n s . t h m p r r t e a n .- r Uiaryt exelaouldnth a r ns ad-edfeMyr dehe 1d-to put 1he mot ons 'Mr. Ca m rbe idta wt egr o oeheRih E6dPORT., were awar edt ar1D e wsy% . Instattshe bfeenf aske rom the p ng up, m theandJaer whtey e dTegvrmn.tbno st hte dby crtbec n tndeing of ts effaco, oln h rgnlmtoncrido h lw The lctonof Dan sepu t eeve, he a no reodr statesthe pnumber t of ntisto OPPosà 3- i t Fa J rel.mgis the to be gi eh er rsi]h .he • .E Y h e o n red ithi b ent er fornd a nd m b ler éd eari m er, P 27 Àaross t e riv e r e e d yb e ties re c om p uteda t 00o C O r i h n a rt ta- h inadthog h m th uniy a aeo, isn n Dvrl. 6 b eter sectI n t nti tai -Rowe old iing match is setfortf rom whch i t a p. , teinev upon te Rapphannoc. d . thTel s the ualiofthar to be on di.-Mssa . Wnlac e a i vellq. b , otfbe mad e underapeset rcust es.perltat$5in oey n 4.plughs - rident Jrkeff a id ma n ag P$a, wolceinraethee efcs ol n ( rà er ddntvtew r owli xpa ain td theat value at $, were awa rd asp ei ums, Now Yhnx,.Jan.y19th.-The Trib n em e nOtfail t p ove bnfcia othe scholar mo vefha.amsRoeTEqhb-eut Urnhitepetygnradpiin rval T et>tlamnt freept urn he pndns ih h A m f h Ptmate'e i as nnanms th aMah th e atte ndi ng the s c o m m on h i s ch ools ofa th len M e v oe , e p r n t ye ad m r'ed nrhisW a a r , t dhat on ac ot o h i y pe r to ae bet h e nD o $ 24 26r 81 , nd nn o C u -Th at l an o th e r r w rd ve J . a nticip ati oncls w ich e n t bred i n t cte stl ja couty, a wellas thecharater o the M . Wa'ace sid he ha n ter. mend . n ei wiir te ad aeindeHaror the expendO h1it o2366 e02; balandc $60 W at s aboDut e md. lif:~ hv o roee nt ovcto hc hin ~ ~ ed acous hesee. i e Tor ono trath mntt mve ad scoder, C Wlpay, boh Ca pta inRoe d r. 7.1uh328cla, swehaeaevndf sno ol sardwih sbyth om ib ar xes, Niagara Em g , ad ot ePowelamored tf t oanpGibth e tos. eryoba o o t t ny Cuncl.T rpo t ackn o ule tereeIo f hed inentonsof e . rsd t wud oiino ota ainbta vdn 9 " i- 11 h e 0 - e wih t D p t eev e . M r l i d. A s'M r a C a p t:ll'- ' , i m se f, as o t e rll w i n o at sd u ri nI n sterpre m a u re hsve t t o m k e p u b b , b u t • .ttel deds p lte sys ote i a e y oisue.thtinrpsing he menmene«dd erned, h wase adntoMr gittd acpbl o nty Cuciof$001o on the. Mvouat we ave reason to bel i anhearyis6tinem te lvs th c s fu p e a i o . T h t it w ul ro e so n h t pl ac ,blui s n a , a d h -.P o e l ) h d n t i g $ 3 ; W . S i g , W a d n u h a r sT h e ri e r a tho ug hi w ee r e with o un r n e tire r i ot, s e er o c o n ci e a e toe Irqidiy sue sful nth is ho unty themre efis ashghy ulite ohol heofcnd ans h d itbte t edam riier alea t 2 :0.W rvn cn a ro teonwbcy tlerph on n raontodub. pakngo is en.dichre hedtisamnda pobeehlalwsthnke nteOrgnlfudat$6,esr.B O n tyrr pndne ro Ky eIl. o ufeia re!r apueed a3Oo tero n laate er-e - was nore obnoxioustto any portion of theini plou h pilu te unin r M the thinstan t h et en u desait.t gor, t d ie n t ,of U ni v r sig h ty ol e g e , th e m eti n g a c o u t f o ; nChaw s e l n o n n s a n e r n G i o , ri l . ansry G .T , o t v c nenddh e 1 0 h , h vi g u c e d e d rr e r a . o h , c me-r6n.t e a b y fi ed t 04- or resetin theschlarsipsawared o erellnt bsinse-mn. heagi h mo e Nrs.-lesrs. Powell aind W lla. n" Tath- ssince th istannlm eti n il &'. e e curn te o ýprie, ih aibl hwve oon d ti tne aries the ppilt f th e lT orftohe oolt, bcingote NAI ibsn, e h. la not a nod t wc) o t csay 2ierpésn cièu a ie th ersteeha s baodfo h agus ned: o h ebl. T e a gs wt, PehaMtistie lat ea h hdth otvnofthep .) t wo hPorheConilhddetvte.ntccpain fth T w H ll ndabu "la, frmNasa. , alphnlyMidcaed ad n4gbip e er pleau reofb e in g ped. T let a t s oee din s b o i c ep a e e o e e nM Pot e io n e x.Perr ,apttait Red four acrle s u $o l and atta ed ahe reforthe r E Wpotdm reh a n. the lank hra sp rits rW e t e eesb c o t eh soy ad t nessed i t h u chov b n fiey i nterest.y. se dtded lieM . ree il, i henM aor deo r ed the m oCati n carri e s ow ore xhibhin s o th s cie y, be a P e" , wit ia. p rtintfthe C on ed raw' ,r j. ied oà fnd ha t h ea a red' an d Il arbrC mpanyo, nd on Droud'ac s.bed heeo, or the c em o e n ore nbad c ash Moeü sub ouet- cognied a iepef n a thvee c ntpis rs aoh rg aifig ilsrton .of hebe e o h *peen ynwreof so aaOn motion o r erry, setoned by y- ears; ad aso grnt of $300 orfro sa oid e swth eA r te a tos t het og et aii e p we fE rp hip an p np s, and fro n it ng ary d ut es of h e fli e . M r. Gib on as d u n e . a d onell a s i a pp ou it edf ther. YeaPRPel r ,ve sav$,12d, anddall th e hOrs w c a d a d as e ts t a t e C o f d ra e St t nt t upis Wof us theern choolthrouh-a oug emer tueaht asnen t h'oterAuitr.ve 1EAs ao Ts oaoaTIN' viedth pssa sr'wae emer orte ninwih herih si -of dt tanetfrte. hefrthConyC nel a ihen nn mtion WetIlr.terry, secnded aby a coeenc twena committ2 baaee $6ofMtheWan o'oJn t .-The enel. we nterjdmntersft n wassat at omptiiveexainaion hm. entt -oul,adt a charg at theM r .Gbornn, a e.t comita of e wsTw niadacmmttMrf.heDi1 pin Ch ief aiuord8w erst h e aof anor eu d uch a cte H eak .h mereSt.atath. Poelly Connedil with fornn me s in . M. alotd9o. oin>oit h Sanin Cm rctrsonbeaf f heSoiey i rfe- rm crp o teUnte Satsnttohfeheerl dtemttinofEnlad n . lls theigraudies, a n, nd wo ahietye onl, y 1 te Perry R ,,tneCg a t e i Ha , and I aci u 'e po adu horporationstherigthao tobintenionaspcime Bnî of the odr Opidin fac urlntos ýbta vdn o 1bili an exaggrated oinian oatheirsn accoun of hisconnecto ieiththe erio.n- ageed upw on t io efeet tht* te h o MarGenea ee48t lt uig h rgesoftewr u ed td Pcsay n ;erst h eae.toey w lere no iRnadind ro o mpanyhe in~reren ceOoinoriery eodüb a o efr1 e fte dd gon othNo <dleers, pris n a of Prbwic, b u.t rsfornmhese thon lusion tht the ires - e reo o rs ithwho thy cme n towhih h beievd, he ouny Cuncl Catai Roe, he ounie djorne unio oath diisin-lne enc, a th nomal andon aroe utilfmar oder corse$f2atio;wafbota,.acua.decsio the e s i d lra t week ,oitis ou l ikP o e g ik e t e M r i son, w ldce be diM 4 ( iff n Mclo k , h e r m eveof h eérondtstfor military Ge a-i -gChe nio n- t oh esa tnc e tlb h e d in t o p ro , h t t i u j c a c u y t e a t n i psti o n . A n da nhi s ((r . W a l ) c o ti s ti- -t b- - p a r d e s a n d c h o o 4f a i r , a ; n d t h a t h e h, e a s e r i v ' ,f t ho r d lre . w i o n g h s n n s . H o p a u s o u o o o t e ou ty on el a th f rt -c min tu nt t l huii n thefiltone sA ceteisni ke i g C un .scuitas t av h ho e a d o e b f il i oh e r ie ,hy lint ap num an mjustree f o ther lia atteer sertcoi i th d i ll, s w sfl tiiew of ythrwig ContWu ncrh r;s iV e om ,19hJa. 83.IgVhefirwek ecptte n Ceksgp meGecninmn adnt lo-Sae for thebshent of pRriater,8ig, ar as n us bs, the cause f eduction, h Ro4 -tCompany. Aad i, r oroaio fPikrng hl terfis n oin fCl.M Gll hoepes eie r aomain poigafmfreg orsteires hc t u tht eaveae t e t roulea o to p enh oewsotqaiedfr , nmeetingeinote wa Hn ah-l the rgipre. sed his high seus.o atis ati aheon 4 rety rliabl, w earnta t terpvtescptr.Ti etik krser. True, thautu e. Po tohavethe dcaai s o1ulfcain ad of mtetexeirnu wsaotd. • g a e esthte Co d rnfede wrc, fnodt is t ing- e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iuh 009* poamne ihrw i tmd ad htofc.ognzdb lcigTua .a cmnas- tae tenaitahe U.rn .of te 5tterpadrmotanebyheCn. has ing besp ease d to rmak the flowing t ut i i t a onbed. o Pgt inbe.IDeputyRen . tonop ofces LtePrsdent.appoin1ted en'infltie ofleth ea i o a s ucto te( apotntoeniiats y Cllg,: tth e ane ewssil befr Tenelten metS. Mesr . The Reevl e in Cau sonMclg l d ,nuWt ls,16 , srui. NshilJn . 18 r th.-20 f o f th flet suthrn ots. Ne ia-E oekade f rte b ~ ~ ~ con for;prupthsand etthiosoee reenedpry.ner- i h ea uno s. t sistenona hereostae i amor T ott semi a of County adtto indige t rsons also appl'o Thxcellenrt o the socie .the presen boata 4 Deinoin"e" a ay," "Se-fn e,",flictedetiner jo0renbyurevron CoroderCounty o xfords.eMasdrte. Powelnd Jad, a te, erwr te letdas foaotan. an Fr apurât," w r ired ito by he Stateo tepplofteT rao sq.o, Assoiateh iko oig rpeettv ys n ssom s Alsn o fle of Aos. 2hu i-- s£cier. Esq., Praed fe t h i re wit tid s. Three me onb oard T h e o eeesetthtwiesekn to rg1ngey :Latob" aNtay âteand s kedr. the C:nd il to cnier d er was . p assd ppiting Daveied tGilci A rsd ggnotm s. 2dV-s rivte. Engi r y Slo ppli,à eIà ae l lan o achtterainsht Upper, r atorEsq.,Pottr.n odiscla ie a ol symah lohu roiad Wlia GogeRboEs. ereay . Oaen sa the rebes, rbbed the n c (if teat'arhenay:ili neyd Ta n th tibe Notstary P oubli adp.th ou M.WalcesefPt nhs ea f On mo i fMrhadna . OCL'aia Robertia, q. l, T asuerd ter abougt ~naitggnub r um pinfu duy aind oto i nfod yi:o ter Il anada. and pM n sa«po id thb>.ey er a e l tras, heve, n ct Of ,raighte, aly aitwas D redu rsai -Mi;of a. . S Wlsd eo, fWr.thandl'Wum e noent he Iln ele a ippae th ree exapi tg of indal The ev. ilHm Mclur, tobe ngswoilo ang ti.the Cçut on r to ae paseId a o in v MihellayGerg M l ftnJr., a J o n lei h a iket hew de al thercltin. - ale t i es e ry o adiional M hebe hiof the Senaer o meit , u it fbrscosetahiscnenwt tt. e oldL enGog ilo.Jh hiisadig .W rwndGo del1twn Leouisvd a n. 8th--p t; oobsth th e stfour tid rbyte Sarmed ofores Unvriyo oot.n e hth a oe h r ý Tigh swanordelrpetmotiof Lie - a Ons xhibfWityi C.of h n Mce o test iebTi isariedhre ithia Po ta fthein di'fferentpost gese gd ne -, M D J intri. L'He f i. ei eha eM 'h h R iladRihr efr Ohaa d Is acco s id0 tsta1teeaeget omnct Rowe ol. Eq., M.aD, tJame Th forrn and Hsart, hemigtsi rtoand highetýr o oePh nfdTesuer e h;ed tere-Jor hn M d t ."Berr o , 'dh rom LNbardhvitie, taï says eusth o e d a eed frh a ni en us in ph E q . 'e ffie a t , h at preent, o ar as e a prrpr fte o m pony ee t rnwent alhi t e d. *reT hw rie G oern en. ofj pthpe l rett, E17q, M A. D., eallofTron o ecre, hadeernd tieal-;dt epndsicsoonteeatr rTepretidntnand s ice.n prin e , and uthe them Y. lbardte steamer, ian eat o pae maemaedin and ohnA. Nlle. o LononE«¡, M. deWu n th e r, oesponsilthe a ltoger o Mr.lin ei, Itht he eeer do clomm i a- wer ete ,byand uan gimou landsFr ha ing,"wchwoudprbby cthel a rteickelntond.ear ote hre D.tbeadtiohrnal Membera of ofard iand rd aliyreommnd i edsa tm Roe nae wnthofthe feeo heTwsor 2dt'eadbpré. . ~ e agaistGe. Entfer, t hs by (its ub ofva Exainse -r fpicath o e ns owowsi vrpepc fte o h hty nrfreTn t imia smic e-pgred-aenet ruiggdinbottum had T h% iLe n oa l el uAax ¤e rerCrý! intandon th e u peate e-v o r t on- practse Pysie Smgey an Midifer offie, ad enitledtoi. - roprated y th Cororaton ofthe owa 7,SJontMcill 5,ofd SameinBabis go urreneredd h.my paomtoobtanosoeofnser. n th sub r Caada M Pr aoseand, istae tht *1 shio adeatr onMne- are. : orr. bt a xes f $519.otert.ood Cap t o deniesThahe- gnerfiaon a mit htte his edit butats Upptel(r g C manda, Chp rs 40d ,, i vti sotit ld e s bje c i en a .Gi apt a s, M r. McC eig t ovs, th a J o e W i.the aetin o M .R be tës r r r o rst i ad ywhe rses h icinity o sung- yrrandede ce l, wi h e cc d . "i h A upeft especiffng th edcl Bad 1,o con fsae as one the so ethorisd exedîthuso.of Tas Enaimon shvilleTHand says that thee are not e is eme a enta n iet an~~r M d r Ca no d b m ofu e i g t el ha a e tr The president, in renigth a:As fnor4,0 r5, 0rbea h re u Šfa Pblic fornUpper ai n ada. past tem. e n rtev erad w ehrt oe pn h u f$ e ek frad acnfemous manwnr mih h te anyo. ccont f te f e G eau o ur e qire icy Ih aavep.re~e e akn t re sdt ge o his ownitnteests r t he nRig on ofaMily, that Jaes M-o . dbeeTnre-elc t, satd ta cmiiu thhehdarivd renfremnt ro a do fsohe"G n y a eo Ma ailiedtatPromoeitns, amiat noth,.He laycoudnd ith ' e an t the C r ibe ordaer e t o mxp end te of eWal eeneus-on -l fth étwStime oforthe i -gina hai reasch"ed oSheby n t. il yth o ar isuedr i rat o on(if E eig-n were of te g eate pu jUg t te, n d pCunt ly o , wth fo me dsr eo f 4 M .20 pioedr e , afo nthe Sl ief f M Co-tm etotof h res, b tYtht ith Cur- am , c ar.s 7.The nied s' denfl t ; bj.ctei d bu g- h is huose ani h orst P r g l o a i u a t a i y n g u xri n , p n i a , o , b a d e w ai ret h y a m a k n d W . Y u , a dtha t " -J ohi1 n et.ehe l e m e o n t en d c l u a e A r fa st n âM n d a n d a rol . l, fn e a g a in a y o f t (,,o s Th mab u ndetn n H r h is i esn e e h h u ro0p rw o e pn h®s a o ethe rconstthiorotow n , ies fin t l 10ig là Séimen rfsthe p r e ry y gvn r -b ut alc ob win th se ho iriv iel p u . w nld bc n o nox ons ue , o M e râ.evi entfau of he xiseuc or strct iru To be Lie1ute .nant:.-l sgn Dvdseata a abehth er imie. dg ea on and Mf. !i they being parties j a vnin -h gub h ln eth Walk, ted as necessary to elect a 'Mau to &ait the idgnierustñe.Care.e vote fr, Provincial Digestors ws ec are w jies e n esh as ensbite atemi "e James Blackte, vice J. Morde, roterests of Marasand Rma, or the Easu r hpa aetc ht h wla nefavor of Mesurs. Burnham, Christie-, mrhd otefero' lfoie tind y ailthörities.of t S.,bui- *ith faint f limits. I or WVest, or any other portion of the Coun. uat the next mneeting of this Couneii, tender rgsuadBre' The rebela had earthworlks two, miles be( ©eg tat yi1:a1! aprm 'o be Eiigns:-William Low, Cn y ewasalways heretofore under te s * afunio fdfr the maa"'RsOUonnrs or eu s• ow hmin or ct tieman, Edward Moore, a' bl.ftattetw-fWhitby,eleeted ig 'hiri d ,ft4 'Qdip, eg .esolà tions were pased thanking the shelled tiot, howeve, efo hie ey wuae rlatio en Whh onhpCáet own representatives.,to suit, pert gå CunCil at his resignation following for, appropriations .and dona. was done the guiiboats. 1Thréii þalis en. yolamatiN ee says af ' t Wbtb Twnhp o • tj. is own i?¤stagin 'the g laue., He ip,order that h bîâ é- 1,#Lfà uhy-aequitteg tnst * ' tered a port.hole aftli hé, idhkill. N ie-f ¾Ùsmlo manity: JB.BngEe eee(Mr. Perry,) beiieved , .twhPe à was "ot the dutes of sf ' ofil in accordance Meurs. Brown & Patterson, Geo. Rob- ing four men. The main furtwn, ae which a bedhfiéol Ceatôr.u has à te Jormtheir true policy, to cultiva&te the most with the Act 22, Vie, Cap. 99, Section sn, Wem,,tith, the Warden, ad Giro. .presented as very sitrong, 'auèrendered onon o e faln JH IL. . Dpnty Reve. friendly feehngs with all parts of the LCoop- 149. Jrvine for, ploughb Wes:ogg.0, rpt 'for. Baqday, ~: cnure, , e At the meeting fthe new Counil on ty, and io work in -the best of harmnony. Mr. Wixson ari that thizCeil d . donation. h onmann h.nn*rê', . . , b hdve 1 Mill 0 matn a s. tain Arkland, Lieut. Sparrii Thom u as hd ad Ieviws-ell ad Warren, Ensiga -Fat gà it id teios-eo Len. ndron, sinRitter, OCa cno Woodwar, Liet.Huokins, Capt.Si -T.- Holloway, baek Captain Prentice, &e'. -Cameron and Harmnan, Movs and ieconded that Captain N mith. donell do take the chair.-Carried. À H DrinllMoved and seconded that Lieut. D -0. l, Drtnel. nell act as Scoretary--Carried, -W. H. Tremayne. The Brigade-Majo add esdtem *rver -Hubbard & Co. ing in regard to the objec forthel Salesbury, theavs ali After soma discussion sa th tdiaiiy of changing the limita or Horse, Hiarness andbahntws-- C ochoved by Major Fairbanks, seconded Des Crocer. Lieut.Conl. McGill, that the limits of l enf W Hl. Beckett. ltInd he btaitsof h e angedhy mn SALES ing h iiEateWhithe attlon4 aé - property in Uxbridge, Tý'of aî i ty and Oshawa, and i Wake6ld Cote& o wnship of Whitby and the Town W ak ei el C o t e C d e sir t y a n d th a t th e B nig a d e M a jo r f Househod Furnitredin uabave the change made, if in 1 >ftoneo Fr nd Damn, opinion, fo *unld to the advantage of both- cornr o Brck ad Dn-:Carried. th January, Thos. Myers, Moved by!-Capt. Gibbs, secon ded Capt. Watson, that in the opinion of t Bowvle va. Woodward, metig, it as highly desirable, that t L. Fairbanks, Jr. Auctieo eers of the Sedentary Militiain t T'om abp o Whitby and East Whitby, t of Parm Lands in Dar-. hul o yadVil, of Oihaw iFeb)ruary, Levi Fair shudfrm themselves, into unie or mo meer.l dassociati ons,andthbat they pledge the c an o thelimthe question asno t settled, to j* he drill sof te at tunsih e ljr.ail*clt*th e limriteso the battaloc itihnewhit they res sectively mre , wnmw 1. ,Ell!Efy22, 63. iM ed by Mjor Fairbanks, second iv. annay 161. yCtati a' son, (bat the officers of t r-- :-r7- - -t b ion preset,ý do now proceeds )ILEAR A Y] AR lr uth lemselves inito-a drill- orgaitisatio adtitmeetings for _drillI be held alte of alaet nately at Wh:tby and Oshawa. d The Brigade Major appointed the Gi zete of Saturday last, heillof the, association to be held at 0 lamation of Hia Excel. 'halva,-on the 23rd inst• or Genieral summoningChai na, Sect rank d w re move -j t on Thursday, the 12th Twenty-two names ryre then appnded t ýkuebe.~ It is arguedý in, the Rtoll, and the meeiting biok u p afte nistration, that the ab. giving three hearty cheers fur the Queen. and Mr. Hlowlanid, pre. TtusvatA ening of Parliament for din Saturday, a treeting of the anflieur ýn thpeother band, oppo. of t he 3rd Battalion'iwas 1held ait Duffins ýe that the callingý of* Creek. There were present but fewë off r tog-ether was a mnatter eers, fromt soma unaccounitable reason;ia thian choice with ninie-.,we we told, fom he ato sfiii ntpear tome cie,. lBut we believe that (there ate, i of the people ; that fact very few officers belonging to thia poliey, and that thei4r bttlon1ajor McKay, is now the se -lment have not been 1nior oficer, and mince the death of ient. Let& a" they may, a fer Col. Whitney, na promotions have taken î itte veilwhich place, although a liai of soma 21 promu- igteialPrommie--tionesuad appointments Wassent down tu -anspired, s to the in-« Quebee more thsnair. months -ago. The rs, and the measures oGieers whom we noticed preslent, were,- Sforward. The great Madjor McKay, Captaint'Jehn Richardson !rolonial Railway, où Job,%Leva -shsRchroy ukr 3AMdivs ltoued 10and Lient. John Hleight. There were also c expectation, has9 with, a sprinkîling of the men. They were ad- ndoaed. Thi, it was1 dressed by Col. Dennis, who imp"ed rf been the great gov- upon them the necesslity of drill or am tde pessoreiamust be 'ionis, and who stated that he would, ut wdeakess.ren miletia once, attend to the completion of the list vréakeim n miitlaof offieers sent to the Adjutant G enerals amslg o vounters oliesQuebee_ He also dwèit npon the mant can give a fair benetieial efeets of volateer company's re ; althoouh we are 1and advisé Ped k 'nae f,.mit,, o on hnas areauly ueen g-ener some of themi, thlere is shall.see Our fimancegsir and satisfactory conditi the end of the war our but il Mill be due to Ou ni distan for'their tary of the Treasury'- report ar per leislationoni the ritbject oj ces. The operatioris(of thev -ment lhave.been s in thema tion laws and so raie fél asthespii f uiyd devotion ofthepep. Hercmmnsliea in accordan-,ce wïih she su Secretary of War.Dpnec Sunplies lieentara .. gec sale on 13th lit hkom- conra,tt frienidiy1 thie laist asseiont, Ibut ihe frompstgl hshu expensies ofthat se.rvi.ee Ji hut lh'ere is sifosd the( revenule. Hem mnt n cconclusoun vel,,ç,and cour triaiha inito) biesingý, andthe prayer fur t4l restratic bdessings An mpo)rtat inu The Quebee creo Mfod Lleme re leC 1 ,W n jraa. "0' coMplement was enrolled. *l'his speaks eondier scheme o well for the ailitay ardoor and loyal spi. Ils'n provo a source rit or our friends 'in the nieighborhoodo rer Caniadians will Doffinis' Creek. Cýptain Leys expressed ng lems than the his in tention tr)o oer a $ 10-ridle for ýornpe. .rtiiii e titi-lu,as soon as the Comnpaniy is fully or. which, the Upper gnzd an nverconent We have no-v in our own immediate dlinisterconset, locality, within from four tu eight miles h orne of a dilemn- of the town of Whitby, Fno less than iol guestion will seven volanteer companies i twvo at Oâha. ble Mfajority, and wa, two at Whiïtby, one at Greenwood, one ýsentatinQg ad SI at Brookhin, and that just &et on foot at be4 etd.-Dà fins' Creek. Within six- week, six of nial Seeretary's tese comapamies have been enrolled and filled up. It will orgamszed,--all have more than their full ssseon opens. M. complement of men, soma of the as many embered, reigned as seventy Siee ; or twenty more than the lalway question, law requi res. Artus and clothing are heing it, anid in hi$' supplied as ifut as possible, and each corn-' easu8trel differed pan'y spenda two evenings in 'he week in fill he, now that learning the dill, so all will, whien neces. ýroject, consent to sary, be able to make a creditable milhtary ost~ n ei u liauter. Altogether the miitia re organi- te, and it witt be sation, and the volunteer mnovemnenlt, are :e his loss., The progressing and extending, under existiog 1the Miniistry are arrangemnents, with ai fine alaerity, spirit ie all the ability and enthusiasmn, as the most loyal and de. •, as well as the Foted heart could. wish. and uni yof p r ---- - es, to surmounit Gramamar .schooul Scholarsihipoi. t Daring two several years pastrpae eersThe ol.app!.eations haive been made the County nt, &C. Council, to assist in establishing gramamar school ischolarships. An errorhas prevail. gales to shew the ed, to somne extent, (and wke confess to I appointing Brt. have shared in it ourselves,) that the eflort ti nder the Militia was one to establish schoelaiships at tile r utment of these Senior County Grammnar Shool only.-t able activity-has Another error prevailed aï tthle want fno in re.orgai,,ing power of -the Countf ne.il to ea lsh .respective Dis. such scholarshipsï. -A heliet f ts de.iajor of the .rors cloude d the disension of tlhquestin ami Mer ýos in in.! grammar school a i supervia tefute the secood