Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1863, p. 4

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ShorifR's Sale of Lands. cooty of ontarLo, «N SKPIJRlAY, lime Tu Wit: 0 Firit da 'or Marc)h, A. D., 1863,-t 12 o'lockkuooO wil ihu sold by, Pubic AUntion, ùai mY Office, lni theo douX.t tiouse, nlu haTowu u thYi l, luthe cot ty of Otârlu, limerigit, titis and im>lrst whiclu them ýitirtiiitiiuusd dcI'cudsts èaeamî1 poli deves, ln thiou 111erintlutioiumd laUiud tenu- mn>t tertu ul5zod hy ' uIc nudmur sud hy virtue of cert&%i'ý writs of ieri Facilse vis: Ilu. theCourt of Queii's Boueh. AudreoIr l.t\tul alla1). McuiougL Il, VeI uimm ti, h Eatcorner of Lt Nui 'tr 111 li thimecn ciu'o ut llb'uw!iimliltp o? liok erin2, aiiid m bhamore p îrticularly kim u d ii auscri!1cI. mlu 'IiuW$, th liti lu aux t ( oinelle ittir un tiiheFimterim i:îit ut'i lie ,Jid lut, liit t d4lu'. of 't wei l-lic 4)leiitvu imi course Northi %ilteii deurees WVct. ironltlii vmFnthê i- e ut the i'llt -,tlmeu. Nort li owlie e sud 1,uthilut anhtsd a liail t âe'S, îVcelIm oi t clvu ~iy-vu it., nmure.or 10145, tu G'toe j ullls.s la iioil ,ttce ii iilStii land tw chiim amisud liti h;uit' te,Nortli chrhtly 'ehiland i lîial Jczrece',Etti unc cluin aud fîrte'seevtcliia, more or lubs, lu th, Plaîc e r b'giliiing. liitltit Coutty Couurt. V8o. JîýhiMo'udîi iieo'td,îltIi lime no? lie- doull inlithe liamAu ut' Neil NeDougal, caccu' .1 àitue.) of th. fter the bis (.e aciihseus b ils rthe clenir uooiiglut af- Lview of hie wvel knowu bis fel1ev ciizen%-feliow li rather vs11 îbem, $Ince LhIIinhe 1. oufleierscy is -he aliudcIdtate betics in almot .qually tu Alaba. pp, for they to>geîber form* in which is earier $ears tegeiter îhey hbsd ciifront- d cmuIushpd eac tich l a rouent bate fi»ld. 'ru.- ýy had eepousied îhosî dita if îhey bad been aie enitirmu country, would bave Irid war. lc'eted Io the proJzresof tinme w anrvunen wase people of the Nourth tu in-. resipect îli on ulsitutiunl ir fifthers. but they would )rOposail that, lik-e Ab-ahmm d, alne vo could nul agpree bouid peaef!fully de part lu o the left. it evtiu thi., the immemo)rialsiit or ýandim masvurejecied, sud P 5Sumcd the anthorityIo l îon oirer men wbo mre born ti boeir nulimbera, upon lthei' u'în preprehin, puu heir N. . 3ort'Lot Ne. 8, fliardaî'ouu. o? Tloralu, t, nad mu hip%. sud fui-res- -w0 ieca i ueor Ytus.. v etorjea, protideil by tht'eNLU .uENIlS ta put dow)%n the "reb:el 5'ilb' Nî.1 12. 4d 'Me4 il, iin .fxty dis. - ---___ -t le ped,-e fhate, and W ity rwey h nu ,îmel.riad ueey. en.--lkbyBe ey m)et, trnalinz lii uhe pro- MO L and sd by Nie favora a s wlhen luy %Il cvuculatitimî Cli r A to s(imtl'r d ireat. We riihîiu 'aeneirrpru ufm than ve mre a ,ear sou, njislite ittiimor Illte %V tiOi Ireogery t Ld 10 sciueveounr inde' mîthtlmmmexo'It'ît turtice ili sncb quiîsittmea is leuîth ib t isesansd May bitrequ-ed, mumutoit ter'îe 10 tsuit pu-,r Bttîcîl île ci3ul lttio iprteel irliele. spoe o he irr.whih "lA. (ÃŽ-1 \RDt)mW 5(t. spoe blb.amy whicb Whithy.v. "'-thI59i1>. htt,5S. et o re. -l) itmono - ill upon tbeireeie, who Taiors, Shoomakors, Carnage x'veerana on the weary ules rs doadiv ltrit'a mre puitimmîr ii&r, res aki.rs, amrpa-iseui by meno ny and, Heads of Familles thon) . fleding sand dnimmg Gonerally. t- i I'ianonîhen Yahilcep .iu t Etub Cols e, lmNtit eumz drop foraook their h art.i luit'i, %Ni lisv, larI g h e unw s-ùi tnlmuitt ple he coIunured. o u uuiyaîidtiiuiîrr lvre oc isioniai fcelinge sK'( I MX I1N S wbemm clonda nvo.rîlireuîd Iiil a'hiuprîuîeîsîîdl 1 lîî Siiec M liraalinîb oreuuJ lîiZJANES Il. GEItIE, > t t tban a-us:iti us. Tiere Çglt'rCatyOtro nev> ate th- îhct t ihat tl(nn us ln faitlifi to au 1ip rt ' ruos t r i f Fpovtuve eof boudea ut' ex .W A N, P bt, ti C', 0 S -e tueyinzuoun unr tiece'. ®rieR of Ilm le cmuhimhicin FIR.qT PRIZE, mure uimmroustu hemuthe,- g us. There vos mucli SE WL NG MACHI[NES nmnt amonug theo ecfle uf le wa are a unilrd upeuple -" 'TJ y Irs, îb c eha ,-drm'g 'm ad 7 -J.i-""-' A tui. Ti-y iîppear nuire 4e~ts tihe' petipie are ahbienutini j y < nI>' ami mihlitim l 1Cfev /"w/ me engru)sted inm 141r vile !f '- Lotthelim haiefu ta ilthe 'r -erai on mbii h aliits im nosRence uof thuse wh,,ar e stru-g1iau-lib tisblod j /Ay7îi~1 )tiispint. the urpose "::' . >-"/ I i un defences. ta sep mhîit - '(i u aud what retuainedt t be u-- [eîlon qo thmt Iberoafier, W INZEIS qCOIIIN ATION & - bear froni u, lie mizhi ltt me riced. The Mis- I I ~ C 1aan r .r apIleln Pi'emiums Sewing Machins the Sauthwet ; îhey nimmt - a- lie fêt, as ho lookedti ithocir lIE ONLY l>RlZE sardeul for Feily h irtli-hcouud cumnfidetly t SevimurMaruitDy r the Jmtree qltttluv F'u-Iniial, Ex1ithiti-iu, hld ii London, Sept. dofendeti. 2tn, 2Ih. tit. C lilît'wt a vs giveu 1 Ro M be pe rIe ta secund m;hb W5',milr & Co!'., the efforts of__lime brave tiuey mmhiROteolt tire inmt prise for lainly le voîmudesW soin atr n timeP1rvi-ttl F-ar heldut l heên conifdeti, sud taoen. 'l'ratto, Sent. 22, 28, 24, 25 enml,2, 18M2, enud tboin approvai, ihout ciao tihnît priz- s a us iwa e o heir hinger l'or ranrs 'ahiclimut lm'iat Tueiio irsI'F.,tra 1'nho sse l,%m i efr Num.. comiuttted. Evon if îhey 1Ialld 2 SugrsitsîustriMaut'tnes. in thcm ; btter that -our 1rsu isimlî ieahrwr luvre SVsusur's d& Co 'si Fmîly Sewinz imvciiue, and A achieved, no malter b>' Wensur d& f o.;Sîmmeers Macihnomi ever al heu Tubtit ta te domina-.cthire, .- hy tea unl tf Arts utîîd Muuutfme- keesWho re Bekin I n ue,n. t che Meclusies Instituta, Toronto. kees mIt ar seeini ta TlIy alsociîoit Fi st Extra Prises et tae le arna do-gnsding iservitude #eeî'er,mL Counny Agricitnrel Fuin-st iaeil- iîh a bahoon for a kilît.' Di, l'aniseot S.'huaBeemi-ville, Whtit- "' ' b>,Cie.n.Baýmto1uvilîe ;lut fut, e enypî hepeople for the vompli- mhei'u' ,"tholy he beeuexiplaad indoreti him lu invitiug hlm J& O' anso ,di Cu..unbilun atinsd ,m, en n detJo'teingr. htaauyMacIna muant îusîd b~tLIey lt it", e'oe mtîu tuored in the Unitedl ,routsl>' upon what îbey 'iiale'-or m'nuda. i e errors in the - dminis' R.11. i.Wonzen & <o., lhave ausceedeItn uni- linz 1115 mosi valmitia pnaonrties of the Wheel- , assuriug themn that t110 er & Wilson and Siugt r Muelines, iiîed ramelv- )eple vas te vooe motive f ng îba)ia pointa -li.wt îemuno nt dos4rIbla lu e hlm sud a te fuîhenucoFtrqt Claesa dumei.tim t elce, hy aidiug C'onte Iiimand o th furher mce nw imvemuiuuirn,(for wîîii tîuîey havae eued ma he aspledzed ta the ut- >est ýt sadiv n ueumdltprouîmiug ges and to the end of' hie aI perfuct Sewtig Maohîno, wmic tîling itituPle -- - - ~ ~ i ite~ princi pus*ise cîlsAy nitm>.r qnirmng 1&4 lia cun u rdinan3n amunut of 'akillinb île ,y imperrent sketch o? the -opovai'on. lis muerat ecounution renderR nantvs, bastil>' mitteiotu oîil ltIlt abla imi gelt ut'frepair, iiis tim lscai' Iy etist.Thuo publie, oi exàmtiuttutt 'ill le of a few loadiug exprotse )l'e cim ead of it Il-iivntuges pveu-al l Imters c ol propaneui ta tako noies. 'uw in uî'o. Eveny fittnilhvmhoilmhtve at Watt eap attention, sud zer lG 'u ne' ut say internupt been îthe asti ni>' applause. .- tnothie pli - The N~. Y. tant Iu-ish Brigade icbh vont imb the r ;u-gl wiîbfi've vo AND JEWELERY, -1t; TUE tÂTES? SETYLES <~JAMES JOHNS TON, Wîitchnusikcr and jeelur 1ot iti 18 652. 13roi. Sree, Mht40 1)ENTISTRY! DRS. CALLEN DER & CARD Nurgeouma, Pnli' eRooms over IVr. Carleton Lynlde's lStore 'J)rETtIItllted tunthe -xn,'t perfect îniutîmeu' an nottrome but tue bel ud m,st spproî'cd iieriutl iuuse. .,- VI'ie lOm0aexeren of Drs. Cullerieru d ,uril alimdtieî,r tîmurutuiniio ezof tue 1irBC 01o u' #iblcsry cuî.heitulausipreceite the meuit i cefite ho bceIecriv'ed trumuil a eu ftl onfc im utîlmoac all.iîmpiri'tiil, sdua ii rgil.ltîcîetli. IImtlýie'r 1îrcert'.uti0ir a -rstîe, t icalestlm, îisplî'iliols,and cunîfort of muitikiud depcud. .-'licir îmverimtuiiisin tliia ireuictu oh efic fessiflmi esunol f.itilu ogiî'rset- îts'tol. e t îeslhieted mith d'iseidtet. .1vvit hi's ililme, befure tthe di,u gh t', rin a lmold. A1t'hFi~i-iLTETltin,'rtcdiîiMoId, Sil- ver,il<ittiuiplaie. isou npo~ iielh etilim iîtrnecmiuunnded vtlizei dhîee.Etftu îltir ite aindunt amýi rtxo'd muellu is imlopleelt dem (i mmd are sr)eur1t'uîINv perfurmetd, and au imrhiet i iiîtmu'ms hai nul uîîly thic ns u-ar (Ileprsu iq i s rcsel,lumIt lim eus e 'mmd coin forh f'b tm'weaner of ttu'ir urîlfIil tii'etlh.îeqpr(p- it"-I ut the rallemaite.lunthe duratiiity mi tIii- neriil- îîsed. mmiiith lmeIuriîutlyiîiti0. tlnîuouhe gnuiohest satigt'iil i 01 bc filuîîd. rieuaiar aofsîhiltn tien lu Oie ere mîitiid tt i tui ins"sax'eny luitaumtdul o t> ituir Ai luerstilnns ss'rrmmnted sstisfuetory. Tennis 'e.usnnable. Cutij.ulttimm freit. - 2 STOYES! CHIXPIR IJIAýN EF T î11lE TI.GEFST TOrI< AND GIIEATKEST l >'mrlct3'ini Stuos. ,4,StovceiFnrulI.ure, Vin-ý cime. &-ce.. eu hu u.eeutah ie Store ul1lIme 'st iCi 'f ee'.ur3 sty'le mutî qmuluilt al] î Pricpn. The îîopurimirew pat territove îîî'm beeu untrc duend îirnuilCirt otier xarieiie'it TIIE KING OF STOV'ES, MRON DUKE, GRANýD TRUNý,K, PRINCE- ALRER7', DA Y CROCKET, PRO TECTIONIS?', -. JOHN ]3RYAN, 4.5 'Btock-st., Whilby. IVSIsONCOURTS. Nu0 1 , Wlithiï..*............. b. 2 -Ni. «4,ickveng.... .*........... 3 N*o. 4, Uxritsvh.......... ........ I1 Nm. ti, Bro it .. .......Mrt 5 ..... teveio ........ ....... m6 -Oshawa Advertisem tS WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D). KING STEET, OSIÂWA, CANADA K Wesl-.17 FLAMIBERT. TAIL(OR snd PEAI'ER-ICing St. Oshawi. T Gsijnente inade to rder in the boitstl and famllion. 47 S.B.FI ANS s (ILICITORï NOTARY 1'UBLIC, &c. &c. SOshawa, C. W. L107ENSED) AiUJOIONrTER FOR C ANADik Went, ottorg hi, s srvice& to the inhabi tautm of Onttrio aud Diîaxin Counties, to at tend Sale- by Auction Huuaeboid Furniture, Merehandtze and otimor ottects, ta roasonable comisiofl. 10 Oghuîwa. Auvist l150< T1NSUURN(CE & GENERÂL AGENT ia', Li It reatou hie Cunmp Ohawa, uMost roapoli ens. shawa JAMES 11, Aga SCOTTISU R IOVINCIAL ASSURALNCE UomPANY ESTABLIBHED 1825-, Incorpforated by Act of PatlwwIiOlt. capital One Million Stirling. invested in Canada W00000O IIEAI) OFFICE -- O7IREAL. A. DusvidNOfl Parker, Seerditry. I TF OFE El'l{EMIUm ,yno umuase sind R il î beur favorable eonmirlrisofl vitl' tilat adopled 1,b N' tsr conîpiamites ii liii. ou- Aau«urmîiîtci effeccd sudamtier biîiilot 1riins; mitions codUcled withoutrf'eQ~ i<t lanid. JORN AN The Celebrated Gorm 011! cl.bîiefrns.mt bit e, Dnîimg .,0îlni tidsu ', iî on1ii Il i'4 the' rriitesl rey tiiuisf ur cuitigz ail Utid oi iwlîi'unil scrî,uirtiii iiii 11li-tu 'The ruiiîlei% i' )iifitiile lor relit.'ivi e s 0111 vi'ttloisîl.riiiut r.liniat. Froin tlit.u.liidu u f*t' etluliallnbI s,0 lOle etiîeucuevoft tiii'iiivilltib1 rei (V, tllmfo'o1luw- ilim "e V i' ui' e 'cti - l. 3 cu u ii tiw1 your 'iliie i-eignl Unii sitj't' il t iieq'.ualle(Il fr hilîig ciiih1.1 udeiîriiig fi-uxl'bites. h. tm y teqîitiily giciîi uaîjlicd 10 fluii livatt.î Tu~~ AAM"ils (4. Esq puîi.IIîut l ipit2, rc'1îiie61.,i eti<ýluinel CàultiO.Mt-, ile gir gui'te- v'erî'hv ,îîldi'ul, su îîiuehi se, that lie'r neuverv Wms dtiiiitftub 1, t t l imuely eppiietluîm u 3, .,l ll e aw c'uuîîplîtely cured.. Muî.1st MIlEW~ SWALLIJN, Jr. yihîriii, Jiuma 17 , for . vmaeo I t.î u.-ijselu - i., s4 d l l' cli-, ir tîiouu' rust bit's. c.,i umleis 03111V,-iIetli Cr iili led toi11111ii or b s Il'ETEIiR. 1100 I. i>eptSî.- Tmm1hîiiceeto von, aid's dty 1 iiWiitîthe pluliiie, 1ililmîk' il richit t "crnî- îîîeîîd veur eclî'rat",d ermusun Oil, for t cure of fi Os1 loitos1. erts, hruisot, tsud llo sîrcf oi long ,.talitad;ig. i) IE ir. B hlehuril)g, Fidirntry, 1862. "i cimIl 'rt tîi mi ail-rnuliue sor Ttmî, y'l ir it'il titenniil$5iiil1. i li 'd l tryi-îlr î'ltîti o, aailoCl 10W e - JAmES FITZGI M. ()ne outhatitulrisI ii i temiin hnuII 0l> write. t DuAr. is,-xcrwteetlvert worid yoîîr ntîuut.y elettratli lriat i e sl b) itîumi. It .iiîî,t prove a " '.iug tian- Mllii. 1 havet' uscdi i h icure outec unît- ses, trost biltes~.. tei..tand mit. u n mure y long 5tanllîit il tlui. tiever f£Ciled lu etteot ru.,, Te hs lied nth cli Dnîrii lstm* d et'pria- cipil Ililses o? l't,'e iislu let l'nuviiî' 0'6 0 l'e Jlritisli & Amerîcan Express Co. miontreal Ocean Steamsblp Co and Glasgow LUne Steamers. lttuivLd une doir Souoth uoftte-leaistryot- 1 flac. LW E. Whitby, April 13,' -'62. 5r Omly 40.cents Per GallÃ"n ai 16 GEORGE YULE'S. K-E R OSýE NE OIL! PENIISYLVANVIA OL LAMPS, CHIMNEYS &c. At Ueduced Prices For Cash. 16 GEORGE YUPAE. SPIANOS FOR LE. S EVERAL iSlrt-rate, latest imlprdueet, ovtrï,trimng 15m de-by "ii "foi îheubscriiier, FOR SALE very low f Cash, -approvedi paper, at long or shlort dxt» Wbhitby, e., 11;62,.S-f F URNITURE! TUE rýSUBSCRIBER IS SJLLINi* CITPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, Commoni, Caeue.eat, (llidcrenu is' and o elhuivs, )&atramue, LOOKING GLASSE S. snd al uther kindg of Foruilturai Chesper tisau sny olluer Bous luTown. I A QUADRILLE BANDI ulder.$t'n 0darekslufully informe the 4AVER98 QUADRILLE IBAND" Wl»g ho la reitdine-ýA tici ttçnd aill alls, l'ir- tioes,lBouts, &c., with îthe buut of' innial cin al1 lîHEýNRY BEAVER. Toronîto, Nov. 15, 1862. gZApplicttiIis eu al4o hcumade t1<> Mn John Thrry, Wlitby. 45 Ub - vInEtAR VINEGÂIK 1 ~ rp î 1 UNJEIIIGNED lJIA- F0E. SALE hy lmr elfun ue mncmiii'ereuroflumsbItie'n (tiis~eh ttld') ton . uiekL SIremit, ht 81ui n large asud enisîl qtiumitii m uiih sîuîlrtheu. liiy i> ît t, euil e sly g ttvhIe,-n ncui-e fo-tud hy lmmu ul10 th. ,,eeteveu' prodmîcut iiu twi u. MICHAEL SCHNAII'AUF. SELLJNG OFF SELLING OFF W_____ ___ ; 161 2 Bankiru pt S4kof Cluthng. LICENSED AUITIONEERS, înIieiuedr h Acîmeeamm S~~ ~~ELLING JLIGOFFl! I tLvmueh &%Iarcwrv for ('nty. ___Bankrupt stock 4 .o tý .3.fog ýBùk lvu Fsirbamnks. Jr. uitie firîc of Falrbgkuks &Mv eleeli-f'ur t' nîty. ---1 - 6. Tua iS yers-îii THE IBUFFALO J1l,1 1~iECANTLD OLLE-E, SELLIN({ OFF ! SEL NG OFF ! 8. Ali rt Sîrhîgohuu h, libridge M&IN & SE1NECA STREETS, Bankrupt Stock of' Dry Goods, tl(ilObW-rh" onuty13 amm luprtulîthui iiituegret cuoti ofmm-i î ~ ffitu, Cuunty Tremiurerï [bo~al Melrcmîuui C lee, uslmmteh Wilîiiîîy, ici. 27, ý6 I uill uxvm1)£ Ci sr, v-jo iNTi~U.. Ths hing - a boita.fùer 3aikrtpt Sale, h TROYv, . ulhh'Nstock xviII belsold 1SERNC COP Y .~Ni ST t;ebî. ~ ~ ~ I y'~~. e/% ~~Ny1 ~ ARINE flD1>ARTMET. er Ir 111l tlîî' i i rh'Z l i iimî l itu o til tiui'. J hoDemgpmfh'5 IuutlniIi, staiSchofiold's Ofi Sa n4.A Tv 1<1W p'ii1i1 rut? ufu6,rcîdie mni;,leur pr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f 1ia mhc",oîu'.oî me"i, siil cc(if itlîci'ofîîv tir eaiit tlQ hep Ç igs o" 'ntîiel sut euî )iuui( -- - u t Im-rî lfiim 1110 u'uulîi. ut ele.î ume04 mlitu iimi 'ui.i fù Oiiiuîmul olieilr ii 4,~l i ii , -l l,çitî I iui, o maib si îuCiit O duýtf iui'ilm i Iiu'îîiiL iii".tiiihi ts ltii ~ 5 « I C 'j' ""Nilh.u1l lto C<uiîi ,u y a loir îuuliriiiii ot1î ~ -eti pi'it homui' ii iuciii 0t iÇ., '-Agtl mind reiîhr à3l. 'luîieol'. tiInue t.îuAgent.i- ~ ~ miii' and i'oîiicti' o) 'li iliithiis" C t Pi"~~lont W it ,îuî u'ui Li t. mîîuuî reii itiiivîie snd î'ün FO R ?u iiia i re î i t tii i m 'ho l i o -.111' ouli ud iW li' im ibt i) unr cI al iimir. lhe Sîsmlîrcriiiii SstCI flennu crI l' C u tmîitl'y sui1o i ToisEx ,P1.ed l". ]NRAINERIl N teC iers'. \ .ULiL iOcoàrsî,pyallu i nIvnc# 40- Il ]*lST iWPiano-Forte mYanufacturer, A T W ÂREIIOOM, WIIITJY-, C-. W. 'or tnîtler Iîunforuationu' - s'J J ei s;.W T lIii. ni litfaitl in l'O ltge Ilzuttorni lf r cii'1 let ilid i o'. J f½ 5 - à ct iif'm îuFr vu, ur, eonçuiluzi >ti plon'- a d r' Jiuim ln Piaîuno tsics BRA STRI Ei'.N - ~ ~~~~A LARGE ST.4'( 0t1' <1lS. f ['R A biitiiti'fi e~ui ll eîte t e cul i'ulît , !;îiliiîeluoîii. &',efim iSI i&3 hLit1yPr m ' i ifki Us.d il ond At i1 E lmi'r~,i'ilEhîituulet', .mu ~ 2~ - ROCERI1ES. WI S&LIQUORS'ii 4e 7~uhîl~r 81 u ii rs î For sale it a inai1lX0ll C( t u<o îcsL 1e P s.icurl fu',Tis d'qmu lîCtfT .APDLE, -~ '~ - n j, r le, aetet Iim 'iviiim Faire S HDLA ESS, ZOLLAR&TRUNK i ~ çl.tTt-i Y u )'u p .:1 s u1e~y, t 'huii'tJmi ' iiirlce'lctl WAEHUS >t)) '1_j 110 'l 15 S ~N1 S1 1%.1) 1 N ES, t thit'uiutiuiiuimu'iielumm W A R E H O I C i 5 r I hî'" i. .s i tîiuisu ' X\ho1e suaIul a nîd R ei. uI utuil'iui'm l'iu.ia tulîr'îî &m is~ 1>0 Viii n"îîiuuuLeiiro iiuu'ilîiu leuta! mir--h li l vu iuu 'uItu s j i Iivdsuuî. fi-- î --Ir C l utcn'i liene tue ii itmleru British Americi ,*_isujriant e Comnmîmy, I NCiJR"l> D A t'E çi) mîmuoe c et oft ie'[tiÃŽrt .-essluutofut UicEhueoulh Pi nc'tial I'erlii,h CAPITAL £10O0,000. Irsurnce ut -tuonu anhhims id thoit emntomuts. Ever>' uinrtiitiomi euuiuîiicd tu ci- '1011-m AGxýNW,1 Travellinig Agentli-vrniiuuStreet, W)ith) GEORGE CORMACE. J UE uîB: MtEIWItA"' , (Jerpetor, andl L otr n'h 'l ut> A lange qmîsî- tiIt' madlt k'tdsut'ltuubeneuumuatuutly 0ueîbaud. D NFD R 1T A 'K I N G.- ÇUNEtALt'îil~suufilcd imdahleudod ai baud.- 17jA anc tu iire un lihin~d humus. G ROIZGE CORMACK<. W hitby, Feb. ftb, 1 86e-. 4-1y Parm for Sale. ýET frnt 80 neres (ibont 5-5 clesnod) -'o6tcbo euuît tsî' of lut Nu 82ilu lIme 81liCoim-mf tuiet tunmhip uof Witîy. Thîce ra izod loitiuummmd baurnmoun limepreîîîe- es; asc gmud ad ud garden. The r .a feu-m for moteme ii~ctle. rime isu1% o ?exeel- lent quaiity, aal eutlser the bhcsh stato ut' voici vallon. For'Termes ud furtltor paeluiursacppiy, (if by leiter poat paid > ta JAMF.E5 13NJ.'SON,, lireoklllP. O. REV. WILLIAM ISENSON 49 Sparts, Mankîtam Y 0 lm COA«ý.,OIL& OA OI LMP, i,',oapWrS & thPCoWELL. "i N osui. 1 i ii i2,'it'i~"t%,~ îîk ~ iokSiX nîuî n n. 7*~ -~ h-m - p.-' rI~u -e t- >511. .1 1V, HlM h îhgh"ieltporo TO THE INHABITANTS tir 1 fjçSIV Pl1 ()& I iilit' ci leCouIhiuî t' 4yQrk, Peel, and uuuî-~~~~ iii'mgpl- yii-e Lgi n mbfure you o islîu omiftimtier etippnrarnsd confidence 'h ý rI futn , 'V yIrttltc ni l5nei~-lttuieetmmryuiîelhieýtrictcst attention lu l'uoiu ws.-il l h ie tutmi,1 t aîl teke ho ulesevititte vouItimlo.mnce. AMiers lft 't tîîo17A-uîieutlc here iu Ri'l tai;fl ns simdnCa-ec illa ne- tii.ly ite1t, 4'lýi h tte i r) t. PriCesC - r rum iod muit d.% t isi , itliouitz' îr alnhi t e- BANK STAIN ED W' un jA STARTLING WORK. SE-1 > FEMALE LIFE - SAMONG THE MORMONS A 'NARRAtTIVE OF5 11any Years Porsonal Exponionce, By MARtIA 'WÂitl, TE Wife of* a M\1ormon Elder, aTliat une hait --f tie %mou-Id itnot limagine ft' lime o ltittiuve,tm l uelems.rne lIai 1 t7% uwld the lemmiton the adage aihordsm, our ex- TI4IL 0F ATLL Kli in Chlan- At A. 4ihaa mes then savon L H- t hmudred ro- tin regmmeiitis field offibers 1

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