Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1863, p. 2

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ie been eeaud concur iiib.s b î~oe'yTownaahip of1 ro*l[Fi). to a :a YEAR 1 or a .u eneset axuatin,1 hi cu eý avoulal certaiîaly etacocuier te deueraaa'ed mil and hostiliy eofte maticipaîktiesaeust anal W851, (itit~ f t-r0alu " us ýl event vitlti re ceisu but 4n iaaînect beneflt fIm it l Of *11 ttue faittiMr. Draper, ad te bt'uuri-pati.es whoisaJtith i.hm iaa'toutauin- doti ýh Com .aupaniy'arte pertecttlv airars. But iVitala at care taoy. To raise. 'a 'cny 'agairmt.I ay, wtilte ' d..athIe comnptau.y,?and ruint elsutif tevcau~ lobh tta'1ey s wtaat.tley dusise tu ' uconplislî. The rai erefodo a te cuuely ut'bat a ceevenieut ciuak fut suht aepirtoma. 'Leit te Com. "Y paIL laa'a tir.pla.y lit tdaein'tnt Liroat 1 Kat iîdjpiate imalice u ii ut.autslti privedaut ti't ldtcipî'uler(y, withlout laa.itag thei atin ully iia fthet c flcau e outa,' ta et, initiai ie 'a ttarse oopîyiaîini th te wlietUa ci Ur it'ity cauild tat itite ui;tbuey beyitaat lent ta t .datspll regret taihave te attueunce tuat Mmr. Ttýu Bartrleti of KEut Wtitby, commteae suicide o a it da.y moi-ni y itangiuà, wiiîataboriin, utnderam £bupnr.ry abr'tlpuaind. lise deoeeta, lorsoute. iie ast, laburud ti der great mtental de. pressitii; but ettemaa.iae enjoyes miýSat par- faet bdiiy teaitit. Tite'lamentable deatit uf his braitier, <du Ime M. Wint. Iartîcît,) aviicait ias tsrougta bout in a aiiiaç nanuer at fua-t' monlts aga, mgalelite a sati stock, 'atnd il preyed upotu lis eiud, fri-a day to, day1 to sucb an, extun, as tun prove te n-' utedite, as weil as lte pninamy ttautse <ot the sas? evet.For meekai1 pf aulghiA trý lis brutars8rdeatha, Tituas artleiucoulé." Ottain u utset, eadseldot u loseal bi4ieyts l it. 'cp te iiglil lutn. lits physiciauis uda'ite it.al to IQmpove awiy ter anutier lo- catity, andl avais? te aai-res andl the oitj"1ts winiethoiily reutinderl hlm etfattefate' ot tis brother, <o trom u wu Mir sot.afl'ec- tionateîy aajrted: TIle adrice ari.5un- iýteatd or tegleu'ed; ta.bhauanue mare anal nvre depoixdan4tandsut laa*, samak ute j O Uru h le.tsneas. heat h.woulat iaal Frun thm ihlnrro Ã"re sîuspecleal ltii 1ttisl lie .t1iu3ota"aen hli.seiitlt oi the lite sre1ivead s'omeat.fHe musas ntices? WIvt t 010 o suibainrt, relurii ithanaraoverenstî Who on, andigl * owr thie sheda, re-eitber tit. Irott busa ftnd sse.d thte stairat agaluttu mi B3ut tPpcur littb<titl aîdtiiere aller 'tue lapeof uat tse[u iii' tetes, lti strac'ted avtfe'utarid liait- Lias body, theui tire'ea, auspen1dl iys< 7 lte tuiqie mactid tw a hnok je -aariotes.- n ut prus Igin'reatotlier indiatîions t i appe:ar y the ed that aeotier atlempi t halbue nude by tser- hitrî taI itIoruing, itnwhichhelié fees? ]>ilY accomtplish thJe'deed ;for a broiren tope eUll', wais4I'o$qu0J, icilia.sainae aputtuunt, 'Y 0i fevidently'uued t'orbte saue puiMpose lattiS Mr. Bertlt a42ýfl rage, quit, and ünsumnrg, ated ach 9steeimed and4 Srespected s? tay Whoilasi keqw ble., _q leves a -wiie .adfour chlai almaaly-ltprovitIed î '?y for. Hig saih Iy tus?,' t in' 'con- Sesutr of the Lamai etl 0n,' ma s i't -JItpliçi4yan dI,4a' eubq4ing- ,th9e Hon. Rr' Mv Ror. *Soine îim8n totfevile à.Toebr for ' tf 't' llisiýoti in a'tn's'tan I artCje !'ram tîhe'.À I aiwmgtor thist waek Yvih-bnrkth~aeprodhucpc andad ., je reipiy le M.)Gtrlam'a letier, aitiiela appeaired ie the CKRýCirdt of thétl evl 'is Wiek. Titis we 'di&- faeo àsense di' rfgh; and ina&'spirit of Wi-ly- r *feioj' laating assureal tus that Grabarn's letten was afabricatiou, tcmmeoéLed by 'Mr. Barker. 'W4th biaself, w s'ea. tiéd :tte lItroduction of pensoual enUéntiwâpisper côptroveralsis nd wkile doiu- seo assei*ed titat auy observe- bsacu ri, -,lwaays Appeared.Ovee the ~proper sigýnatures or th. partieè roakîîag the m.' Mr. IBarler'* foirm1er luttera l-t lbis coiatroyensy 'it ?dr. lt eesor, ,wicit ap- peared in.te CimoaaarLt, a aitIon Orahani ire raat*nrrd lu as beîug cases i point. "Thli te rtacîa .i.alsuuîMr. llarker's cuuuintîlau teoffice andl payiug l'or Gai. tan's letler is wlaolif incorrect. Grahem's lutter irws priuîsd- in thu type tmed fcr pub- liuiing advertiseaaeîit aunlt-e Cuixuniiâe, audito th';à ie caJed Mr. tfleor'd attention, s indicativ of no teir. te dohiru a vulut. lar7 iiijaaaice. Siuca teaaw. raiceived e second lettes' frratu- Mr. Grnaham , wiaich as 'weil amt' Mr.' êeéoreS iaticle in' the Eco=u. Mù t ave' ieCiýdanîîÃ" 9ýpublisa. lTe productions of eiîber party are neithen edi. ryig aor ùalerestiL t hle. realer.uofte Cniiîf4,LEÈ,anal lereafter w. itait be vevy, 'earefet that Iiey' Aid inplace lun aur The Repor.t othIe Patr4oti liaIt lu accordance wilat te, promise triale lait week, 'ae noir place-beforeO'uer ratadenu thae report oaa tue Patrinic' Bail Fend, adopted by îlaatComaiitteat. W. damire. b inake tnobservations) it errS nut ait litat 'ie aid lu ratieveuce te tematler, aud lu a enuapte orefeîation ofut 'ie calumuaies 'heed epoti Mr, Lawder. W. EsQ., Dear Sir:- At a Mrtnirofthe- 'isbaThu8aténatry'su] emiltag a sau.eenee8 tnumoerr: t"ickets,' me '.tavllng been sels?, iriAi Partie& u tanut mgiveta, au 'Libléite hhmes(oft hé' ,4od. > -3evitr thovew and acutted fer, 'hit tl at-tbai'oua rasnet- iriole nuffaber eft ickeats 2ntd. .ÂA taleuteat site et te' Baît-to expense iigittiai, t tt. ciapetten labour, taauZ$5'i,%bd. u -Tht eariutfer refres <lies,- and liquors, nîlasi, LaýiUt baitd.1 city cîoàed .their slOt ipnût~4emory pmublic buflding's bt The iteIo of 80 gnad il Sir John, is one that Piied. officiaîl APP La ixceiitîe > ljt .- 15ai0II ei* u .a tu pointiaenis-u andi Q. C,, uO 8IOdns rister at Ltaw, to be e lier Majesîyis 4Court ni Upper CaLieda, ini the thte Honorable Robert ceased. The, Hott ràible 8ke L. D., one ofthlie Puis 3Iaajesly'a% Court of Qu per C-ia4a, wo be Chea veraaity of Torotote'in t of thke Unoable 11t Jiadicitai A p -Ii)ctor $at1~o SothiOx~ford I itbt the vacaaaacy il) the Cljaiclor, wîli it lis fiee of I>reaident of thle A. *M., (of Putrboro,) the Mleuhauicàu' hsitutt ut 8 u'eluck p.m. Stab of Eduatatn in Lire."ý VEAIS. -C. Io>rs .Lai..abuilding.;.oi crs, a clanko assorr Blaeck Teuai., nd onffet, cesi. Ste Advertigettmen --4 't. suppiied wilh a fine as a great cearing, sae f stock'.. '[oTPMrr'i8t for leenal A nee4ine: of te Townsabiçs norIteaca waa Ua[li Mertchesteri on Sa of Jeunuary lat, eut on çalled by A. Turl, and rwo of ifer Mejesty's peau., in Pltrsuealce nr BIetedLo Uaenaaand gizu tmoldors of lte sitia T-W~ pose 4 niieigthe try Offipe lun2NurËt ont B.sCapbell, El :thechair, atid Jutai t i i be uautpu aL. D., lire, Biar 'udýo oif leuct for rus, de. moei,' L, fosr Up. 1 lae Ui ' . .s l fpoilited lai 1111 oiti dat of Wns S. DOngÏlus,] -lectueubuis e Fradîy nexrt,i aThe power G racer ' odurate tri' ýMr rinm s eitt for dana- Adaiertisait ta taiking ion. i the Towti th tete îday - eif Esqrs., tices oethie m(lunigtun ure. by bwative tae*. ý, for ibis pUr. tit>inf nIRuis' eIée, calald o j~. tante y tP. A,. lir, E.ý aiacoujdt ppoine i.. e"otedi..Wiereas, it lu ihan opialian <of tiais taeetiigt6àltààt he inte otatud of ut Ut report, cellecy thieGonverner General smtueV)osl etoiral spart lite Norb th itg oft1t14 Courity fi)r im a se gilîrtaion& purpeites sud ta etîabfitulica'i. ol theai gist'Y-Offie therelu, aus nditereas the place as pos au i(llthtie matId office. sY eq bnénbed 1 wbi<qwtauiünof verygfitl'iapôrtèles' taS.,lit a, j l1 udn, 4Igsetraiy, and u, athe inaitallitg of aintea'di th 'weatlip of Iuiaeacin u paîticular, clail Tbe, whiero tats'aaaiîa- feuin itselt'e=lied upoai lt,express uau opiion ienrefeuirerce to ufii eth $Plved4i.-Tliat Woîlnsopiiln 'f1iti4 ffing"ri~'~iit of at ute impfrtanceam ï Iprayaag,-fos' 'sid' on simene Street, - Mr. lc-erti naitns or Sti iin Breic prayiiig for eid7'lu t. e eteti f MD ()f FWw'ard 3.Biusprayiuar tulu ave *2'L~ uo.rasaletaxuitutClatn.ed aptîinsî lot in tuhe alta con.' Oet XYkid'e" irtlnds NIr. Blèkeil imaoiucîett ylaw tis cou- 'iiri Ày litaw282 ut' the aanwu44l P Of Wliiîby irbicIit p"esaltrr)u li al i iLî sbegU irFSOI.UTtcx A AAIJtTA tiaTri AYR10ua MxGaaablea, sýcondJed 'by",.1r Biakuli no veflt e metorial liait govexiiiiaeeî t riulat ILc appoiatnt atî'utegistarrfor Xolnîi Mr. Thoiupmun daultedthlie edvisabiiity ()f daili'al aytIaiug abat' waauldal.ppean liike dictarion ta the goverment. isib tiseaiter, antuahoudist titat nt ail ierthte 701. &hit.,] ic l el't aIsoateVoîir. cf the repru. s(isatative. ilftht, Nortt. Thos uotiatu r icAdon the fuliaswiug rldviruraa, h ia là. ualijrity of th e repruseutaîlveà of Notait r nrarin us usfavor. lis, Guty, Iîcireli, Qaablo1 Laairbaikia RaitaCaîpbelMaarh, amti Kctt0dy soli. MaIrgai5Titoapsotî,ir,dWaîo Mr. Purry ,WPi exeuscul frotta votinx. Tiii.'a ilter t'aae up on nt morion-ntf 3fr. ÃŽ <ýa1speit,Pe lvIt thet pelriUcaa utMm. lu. burliairayiî~rie casepeai sy bitai w bat li rarfthn'e e raeMn aita helicama flulierimu i a re.idetat or' the-c't.euy w exeaopîteal fiorbtaélilceuse.- lr. u'y,1r %ltite, anal uliter nbers, construéd 1t4 b1 yta dilffereialy, 0hc former referiug t lthe 61cLtute aad. quot-iir tîdWclauses appui. Cabie ta lte case. '. Tihaoporatioza i ofthe by lam., il t Lhalaittliiq to-auil prddlent- atuit' ~ ~ Wiý etycuutui w' travèllar4 frouan aetua [Lai t3 eeiîa1tIlteir ,$aeat- The toawa îeaii'l obttiaisigcasitt t'.tor1 onty Mr. Cuanpbalts ar,, vote. ' -Unt Moton aof 3r. Fairbaaoaiik otdui ini, the W.Va'arleii rupetitint blue i.iaaiure iraiuý'îhaî'îht' 'att'of -ert-aa -î >( nee<utossL t pp)ez Calaîda, in a ceordaiaou W41 te siraeaiat;t etaru bbetatuatta tuProvines; and iinasîucit as titere ai t anproipfect bf"at niatyr ôv i sOtta a In Cta,aUenU, t e t uaiastastatu'of; the buiidillaals.' Coutac'l aajouriud. j uausi bt..ua; Uàltôn &aiU x 4., ai-.n %vu,. Tilt. $3,85, J. '3. SprowIe.llt' Geeî'g, Yul., $541l2 ; Aleý,. ?'rie, $6.2-, Allel t5.20;J.'J. Ou.As, $10. Clih. Tlatire iîaiss ?mt ttoo aaî aitîl iniir 'le20M If roru .. S.Spraaal(-, uiCllr lItaI flt c esu'ijti rl ,berut loi Cuon- fatriug iîh l îgaeyufmr Coumitaut tr.afi -hatahe item.% ra4ead ina t aCCOuaI tira qatittacorrect, ansltatItthe itrtiarl*s *lre'sed et titlisGat, and lwfuud :hertr ommend tise payitit~îem'f bUt. youe aag 0r Coinmitîce iruild Swei tatin lufuture cnu article bu pain. hclassath isetse ar the-GoauttaudCourt Ifaôie, b,' any nîlur pera3n dieu, lthe ute appointe ' db)tyhia taicil 'for lsait pris liti oruien îlar ail tlccoutm itety bu ptoperiy '70t'. The coititrin for tthe auppiy tof Woodnalfur the 'uso of tthe OacIaiaitCourt Hlouse, las muporattalby 'ahe Critiuay Lugitierr, jatur Coinnuîtue dem higIiy fivnr'ibt, and te'io# nitsuiaî t' '84 cur t-islier a'iy for the Support nf Pritilrd, siaev>iitlI tit! eoat ieal ana';auuttof lti lant utf lthe Casunty enîteaneai Stit. lit e Jeluary Si(aif t 1 the Coùtiaty Elluiatatr wa3t.', ittcttîd Lo etliat the couaanf ecuristrueîagit' Saimi Fhall overthe westernt extenion i oftii Court FlottaI*', raa-arrditifiy lianutaJuallt Seauioa iîiiiuva'f lthe l-ngin-'r r e josa di taaiaa. lthe western exteniaotn t 'o.C aul rttsa~ taiiq4it tla thersiairy, sais ids adin i ftà IV, iai 19 l'antIt lurî, nda titre, ciramitteff routas lilate sev.*nt >a Story et' $4. 7,O, milice <hen., un furtlir actiontthaiî bueri tukilitlucca! ar Mfr. Permy Itroitt ep b laicrvapt t dt'. Sililadiia'J Coueaiite, t;ail or unilita titilC euer.cl eiiît itto um;aie hea.lt report tats nuaîaitAwittîottneaa îaa lip; füitewiig 'aro u PriraPal lrIn '['tat tltaCoau.at vlT;2ir.eurr i.'atst,1%'d suhaut ILJ.asyî... apiul t' -o il 'I' , C rîitttate tit.te tt ilO via r j'l it'lit rtra ir "truach, a u 3 fal I ft ni Airiîtlu th.elarCp ai tt )f S attîag Coitaittcui'? ta'iùrFire - a'atu ilo'a raa li rrnthc 1,i ia 't e. in enci tl eW, .aQltUiIUon otsue nthel m iip id ltthe iUonyy ,fruit iWiy orthe ist Jlanz.iii ucadiei, n aclu avratalieu %itla $400 Io y' teu ru1 r t (,[ t1w st4îadané OcU1iitý,L5()fiii, re Pi n ., t'a aloi aiasti reruunter d àaul i aiaa;îed Oby ib ils (uu n nJope, 1858 e Br1idge jtieat'hcieakulaat M iltx per c rt, t,,ra.'ud )> ac it trnaof ,aitvs NMuir, Of Coli r ;iii n a .îtîttct icite i4r4, ib5 fckr thetiu.r 186. " lae re In rcardt Lio eatition of Bdwtard NoMc. apori Brivil. Yoa'mr Cuijainittaeu recoinuntI lant eau !tpp Ror,)r tiie Catt rLIiiiirer ruiini ta lte peti- 2.. tu thra Mud dinturc Se la chaarge'lft O umtao Fhir vo>qidi resîdaruit hattd tiii i fIhit 4l, . ddp. t nit ù-17 lTe 'ViawnsaaWtp ut Ibta.t Wý1iLby wA ep. tfubait Yon ourtitin ct teQ tue od towalu i s vbp g~1861 ernd let 1Lttay 858, aaw.lur tspi. 1 a,0 hrou,01,T!! Viecri, pêaaed2ot1hJiric, 13',5Yotir. 'wieh (lie i 4juuînttuc araaiua~ndthe the tue ViitnY' çcî., rîlr ta bat .Jantaau'y, 185~~, toea Your ('l Ilite ofwa4îpa as itl>ya jjj 'a- ~t %Whit. jlti tllI tt'o by; in si4tJ itastiter n,;hottcy bu apt4aur- cil siacuill i nx t l ,>, s ,ila tlite jint wrlitn titti turity -uuatr i i' ast ti u in. l ote Tuwuîuorahijw. viaed l'Y doitinra'Couitnity Treaitorer ulao tht:n olty t0t1a It oa 1lt fat li ta, 1 lllith',s llll fitiahv. andI .~~»a Ja eliaIt,- I ,ii l afauî,înettOfa th'e "*ýiOvtaaip ( A Ib lle 1ttb(,tlie 1'., rpil 11ay Wi xa chaoan s- rumI ndtalY 1Y4.AW w!" in oade20 f fulai"!r o'inatf YotIdm 1 . tar tti haty( Y"tau r i.c i Al,u ,11tntllIr t1i iii tti 1. - Uiapryp, wri iaeriùr a tii L (îu <Xawty 'Çriai.',ti'er bctac fli utI cemiou oilv ipu<i t'irir 1 or iîu sii'u soda t atYo lieu,f r catnifiî±ee ofi î'n whoiat, Mn. cUuy ina the uiradu iliair. arsYuruan 'hî d cession or thte report it commit- Slicir',; aucû 16e0 liriîiaoitna.t hu tactithat Aitre weiti i'ht i t'Van I) e~ti epfii'ar uas flot'lILil 1 - Sruo pread, andtaî hie'fa 'ii, at faCoiucit 4 ,ý4. B3oardil wes pritiy 'jPnca aiy adiaiîlél, ltait 1T" t Yl 111 jresotIreuvas'dil nad rtpemt, % lte drsyaijietta vieara of tle ua ofrtynIittijarbrttta ru u Thot Thorehai 'iplaceIl aI r,,îieLr fi atii. a rai vwttage. - aual1he'i ~ att)'tut osmes indllaiîît faault Nauihiiiîta'ît~f rH wt ctaid isitaitil rucity for apoaeuvot. Vi dlia4liv)a ltac C' tttay ttsaîey. >Mnr. )ver'îlae'131a ica l ststan i ai aurii !titi neo, , aei auc atait aitro th te P!ett thé, ftxar st meeeq ýs t it - uall rutwy wilI 'yul be aIatcatSuairy Io lto 5aict thai new'lunlip yuh ear ,C otinty. Thiey mouid reconauillta t he saut$20) li 'ttel? i rapai-ir u tp lthe lake tt in Ra ma North .'of Lot Mo. aumr O)inxrtiittee have ital 'tardea, larratina tthe severaI petitioatlfor mnaati tipon ftbadl in tIlarai. rCotauil lhave during bthe'~r 1862,' deciletiné th th ica sj unatso4tbe lte iroqad apon marine! 'if le la h 6 e wi n ladiri,, Cuutaîy rod,, statml!t#A itare tierefore of opira. ]y linfnaty gîanîd lu yuur Cotai. Wa 'apua tbcItu he kn r aw lthe titlYmir Cuianiittee aWr ad. the# Cquiiiy Enigitieur, lthtai of neally vrould open upo- titi, Nvotat e Yosar Cw ouJd reui iatit for i ulaiy bat t .. TIno Warirtttîoik lte citais' stliy aitier ft<t. leat 0MOîacls. MIl tt utnenabers prusntl',t,'t. Froua te Seereîtary-,uttht' Southit'Otite- rin Agrieiituural Socicty encloing a renom istai5 liats ur thitmkitfor the (raaiora utflte 1 Iat ctouîatil tasthe soait'r .41~uata, OiFnm thu,- Ciatrk tif tite Coýu'jatyof Carle., 4r!~ tireitclaailcg a limeftperlitous payilsg for" iitt - i the reduelion -et'pridili ittfe.Ctars Lto t(p pil~t,>i -elle for tact s"ction aol the Proviiic l'apum ;hw andîquenttaî-g tdte ru'upau'atie ofuthîe courtl t. PI!). ftt Of l)aviaiI1,11ch t n tom m)r ernunere.' dotn' fur -a1 iho it-rea-idet alainai t t lunti. 'Wit ilo iii l MLr.,Whaite 'brqeli t upte, repp bt U r "tilutl te cosaitte ilîsut rasispepy, -and r eatas'a aotion hticiali,* iialu Cetamit e ~theveon,.. Mrý Blauttu la inte chair. clause -lu the report econtieditî lte eaia ereattion ut Stiru Hall, cataies? see, aise Sioni. a-' ' M it ' i ' ciuti It re hels? at St. & oppoaed pesàetal tl initia thie 'hoa W-Asrato en 0ocf. AUt acti( yI Iaii4uý ýhû ta ie W '1-1 ý f

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