Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1863, p. 4

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octfhlly WIII he in rýa.llnc aïk intço my dwelling, publie o godsud rohs d0oe me1 ijury. Re ho wealth, stripa me viug, luvoivos me 0ini my -family 10 penury oes me au lujiarv thut dustry aud ecauomy unto crcumetances of id the soilos of grali- ion the cheeka of m evee b.amai t aens mes àLt miduiight hour idoèe me injury. lRe pillo 'w, my rament, o "Ihle storm n ad temp. !u injury ituaI can ho iniay inideed heat upon ,Ilsts asailrme ;but me loto her dwelling, Io est and raituent to assiat me iu raising a len ofthe o cM; and I own ufiresidp, and taste hnp and of home. Crculate. fais. re ports tractr-who exposes hich eau be represent- 'o-wbo goeuifirtto ;ghbour, tells theun ho y repltation, enjoins legt secreçy, and thon earscys and runlours; Jeeves theunto 0dwell uggestions of' his owii 'h. roa, Who, iu îbis me Miy gou nama,"? ili netithor industry, e itcell, eau repair. of lander 'b u un- )tuie roceire it as truth, f -am net told themuni ýt îlioy have heard, in ~add 10 it the f0131 1invention, aud Pro. ire of the treets aud Should I prove mny. mpt to mret the'soan. ri, thoe ttiry of-ony dis- r molitude 10 Contra- ion of guilt. Should, hie miime, the hiot je frpeutance esnat as vol[ recaIt the tare, se to rocaîl the ýe his f0131 tIbm froun ne to the eteeniaud 11(w mou, .I cannot live atonIxtem, I ileir afrecions, sud eepeet whlatt la due d naine hi rather to î Che$,or1ihana li r. ew1( i utbe cu s itiil t intes af~o Cat face the frowne fited ut as thchild mo whatvit i eI1 o b mp cf . the 1 itOsSsin lion 0to and ut mue ati, C8N AT RDIÂF, thm 0 18. d7of ofh lt roie$ wi aof WhIltîyiîvluthe Coninty ilit, title aîîd lnmurent wllo h ed dereit<luitîlt5 eoully pog-, riuentionod uc lsandtoueo- malzed ha' nié odor and by wrilà-of P lor i aIus vit ment* vIrta. in t 1ouirt of Quoen's lleoh. Witliam Gouodrliatn, James G,-Wartsud Jout Ii o, Âudrew Ilaxto3n îad D. MOItOUgefl, l'h. South East corn-er et Lot Numl'or 15 ln thi i.w concoession et the Townsblp otick- Mr and mcny he more partiolarly kuowu aud ulescrib, ce t lluwcm, tiîatbcto Rayc ommueon lue ou tha atoru lizit ot the %&id lot, ut the fligtauce of twentv-oue liikg, 0on a comrme North siltuen djre etroîîî the Sotit-Est ahi- irle of the said lot; thon, Nnrt'i along the eald Esuteru liuîlt Ir chaîna îand Ilftylîukg; thon South delîtv.oleht sud a. halflàdegrüos, West one cait fitrty-eeven Illnkx, more or lous, bo Gnoe .olnsonuîîa nd -t lenoo Sentth sîxteen doitrei at, ulîîîîtrthe cai <Jorgc J ohueoi's land two chaîne cind fifty liîîkc; thence Northi eightv -eigiit enîl n iilferees, Ka4m oneechalu and forty%-seee linîks, ire or leui, te thie place ot bîeiluniqir. lu theu%îîtt' Court. Pilarles Robiusoun, PliutiT, Joîhni Moliliilen, dec-nmeod, nt thitliuc of lîa deîîth ihi the limadmofutNoîl ?MeIougall, oxoco- ttir oftthre làte JulîiMelihaden, Detendants. . E.L X ot Lut No. 8, lai $rd Von. oftTiorali, 50 acres, more or le«*. .NT'L$iN 0. lXYN0TDS, Stieriff, C. 0. pur . Noccez. Slierif!' Ofie Whitby Brewery. T lE S abmeritierm are nuw nrcpuirod toAtiîr T i% th arnBrteW ih rewry iuay ho roqi'ocd, asud ou tarins W cuit :pe Bottled leIc qiiel tu the itnporlod article. CLARK & 'WOO0'W IJD. Wlîthl, Nv.lôth. 18.19. f8-4 Tailors, Shoemakers, Ogriago Builders, Dres N akersi, and IHeade of Famiiîes' Generally. Ccili nt WANZAR d & o..Sowlugmichico ( ffice , Whltbv, atl l&Ot' Viie large aceortuenî' of Fauily aud iîîil c< ttilriîa WW lat-tct imiptuovonieut,, udut low prles. JAMES H. GERRI, Meret ~, 186 . Agent tor tottnty Ontario. FIMRT PMZE SEWING IMACHINES Premeaum SSowlng M:achines -a- 0N4j- T'IZE. swardod fer FsMply erilua Mchne o toidoneS ut e !th, Mntuand .thi, avesgiveiuaRM y ikatco înit the tiretprix. fer Fsrotly' v auina.wtli R.tM, W.infur d& Cos, uatiri, nahIlle Prcviliel alm drheld at tty Sept. 1,- ,.4, 25 and 21, 1812, and st priua waFui swîr(Id o Wihir Singea- for îotaory. a - -- Fîret Extr. Prim wualpu igveme for Naom. 1wi iff TRI - I&TE5T STYLES JAME-S JOHNSTON. Watulimakor and Jewolliir, Brook Stroot, 'Whlthy. DENTISTRY 1 DRS. CALLENDER & CARD surgeons, Denîlsîn, &C., RoUme ovor iVi. Carlet.on Lyu.de's Store D", DAS STIIEET, 'WIITBY. TEnTIl illod lu the uot porteet luanier T sd nouo but tlieeut land ino4t, approvcd mateirl a" ud. Télo lag expAlentitoof Dr. Callonder & Cerd itudîhoîr îhoreiît'lîknowlodzeo()ut 6Oe rc tbo ofDoiatictry eucihlo ilîcin to apProcieite the, great fenottto'bo d.rved frei a cereful pro. cevaien of tboa*.0ell..lînpitut, nd "Ontlttifl organis. the toth. L'jaii their pre.rvAtlon s groat deal ofthe lieItît, hitppinocc, Dsud comintr ot îucnkind dep)end1. Titeir oiporntiîiua buthlc braucit'1e! tho profocailon oui11tiufall t) glvos.- lettlon. , Lot the afflicted with licaaao boI, onlyvelil them lu limne, boforo the iaîcgt to. Ilm uiuold. ARTIFILIALTPEETII incsrted!lu l*od, $Il- ver, Pltina PIlate. malco upon ehe celabrated,cnd jueta' ocurmenledvttlcaiiizcd bue, aftetrrhie latecl uand niýA-t riproved Mm s àui doptad hy tho protoxslon. Tho nperetlouc cf Dra.Calicia dei &Cidc0ucîrtlyperrorteuiî c> perto tin ltemcel,11voq. tiintt nt uulytue ntr- fort ofto wesroior artîficiM teeth.lsApro- rooted et the saine tiane. 111 the d qridl lity *or the. materbal tised. and 1hhriueiav luthé. bloudlnn'otcolar, tuiegroctuet catistuiction avili be found. l>tt,,lratention igiveif lu tlii.-crsazacd roerulaton ofoelild ren'# teelli. 1parenîts ,.heuld attend te th if as a very iroportsitdu' y te thir AIl operatieniq<waanted ftiA cifactory .Terme rossonahlo. Consultation trce,20) STOYES! MIEAPE tIMN jYf'U. T IIF TAtItÇallT STOC'K AND GII1AtEST Vuricty lui Store,, iovrc- Fumulttro. Tin- vrare, 4&o.,eau hoc ocu alt ilia Store Mrhé ttuos 1f cetfit style ocml qita' cv nd nt &LIT Prime. The popular new pailoru Slave hec heen tutrýudn ronTiitol ller varlotiec; ME KIN(i 0F 8T7Q9 E8 MRON DUKE3 GRA ND TRVUNK, PRINCE ALBJRT, DAVY CROCKET, PROT.RCTIONIST, IM»CaII sud Sec. JOHN 13RYAN,' 45 llvok.t., Wblthv. 1 Dl' Noe. 1, No. 1, 'NOa, mo. 4, No. 5, No19 ............. Fley. 2 -..........4 .......Marcli Z. BUJRNEfAM, Judge, C.O0. capital one xiUlion, Sterlinig. Invested in Cnada $400,000 COANADA.@ 'aisD DOFFICE XONTREAL, A.. DavîduioliParker, gecretarY. nATE OF I'IIEMIUX vory moderato and ditions and Ilognlationa unuusellv libeàl.- AseucefiCe lted and other bucuioe trans- actions conducted withiout retareilce to '3ct- laind. O NM EW Wlity, Altui 6, 1862. 54 The Celebrated Germnan 011! (ItES cut%, hruleca, freut hitea, runnlngi jxrs ad ail kinds of esc-1wo vadc. It lithe iitociriuedy knowil for llolillg &Il ucl awîid n oraiiis nd he:uct, TVie reniody ta lufollihle for relh.viutg for.eas and cattie cuff4ring troin pain. 1 rom thbuidi ortetuiltinlSSas ta ii = efoaqy0<tiix4ii1ulniielê romdy, the. follow- lu aebeen el0tid I hiave oce.l you ir ohil e st ix yqas, and arn àsi4ed t1iîît lauuequialied for bealng cota, 'and curihig tri4.ite' ie 18ylu cquatlly euatiilodtoumail or thi'ct." JMII$ RIWL kiud.'- ' tvo e l 'fitile cure utf utui amu- cea-, 1fruet bites. &C "djîîloa- egn it tM)ut standing -'t Ihit ne $ied tô e teta cen." Tc- h, hadntalclu golte, Acui tuthtetopriai. cia liofhniu cW liei. Jrovilice. 6 RE X 0OVAL111 O FFICE ofthtae Jrtsb & Aierlan ExpressCo. montmealOce-an Steamshtp <Co anud G{lasgow Lâe steamers. lteoua'd oua do>or Soutuo li e u te ry Of- P>QIIERT 1I--OATPBELL, ALSO-Offlceof u ÂaB~L' MI LINE. 15 Whltby, po4 u~1 f 1OeIny 40 cents per Gallon nt 16 GEORGE YULEIS. KEROSENE OIL. PENNSYLYAMI& OIL T LAMPSý. V, MMN EYS &C. At Reduce.! 'r*ceg For Cash. X (;BORGE YULE., PIANî,&OS FRouSALL alis e bm odo te Par.' 461 THE'BUFFALO ME1UOANTILE COLLEGE, MAIN & CA ÂSTREETS, lei aunimpot1nl n îtlîeiraest chalu otNa- io di ,elrcan .t ile Col loges, loctednu tule, f(llawilig Cilices,VX: TORufNTO, C. W. NEW Y0o1.E. PiTliLADELleHIA, BROOKLIN, ALBANY,' TROY, ' CLEVELAND, DETRtOIT, ClTVO> ANTD)ST. LOUIS. A Schelarfflp ,ecuod tram th.eBla-a luiellIego, ititbex liai lîcudér lu ettial ith. air "ir ail Oie olbogîctufr aun uliaîited limie. Thte Design of the* so it- tu is to tîaprtto >yoiî tuoa-n ud adtos, aSlktoiag pmeeUldbusinecu' edauaon, 1 Tbece <'oltorea re urqfAutîcl d eon- ducted uapoii ihuaiS it bi l ,uuaiacurit l-u erîh coarnte IlistiîiiIL the bhast pî'*s*ihle nisrl.tbe for îropartlng i- tiiomur:li a-oîumerrict edtucuata, eud teuder It ai- a whule, Ùthe mach t.ea-aupreli.iî. cire araîlconi;loic m.% toni lui ltic ceuuitry. Book.keepnginallts.departi ientée, 1cm, mmrelltao, Cenarciail Aritfhinati- sud tPen innsupuro tàtiglit lu theo rott tîorougli sud IN, GflDER TO COItYýTERÂCTTHE, !AD EFEGTS OF, aPOOR OROFSIl ND IN SOME MEASURE RETEVETHOSE WIIO'FEEL Tff CRY OF "HARD TMES,1,THE AS 11T111S DAY. kRED(JCIED) DIS'GOODS, to such low prices as will enable evcry one, with little money, tu obtain their 11111. nececcéarie for ttewinitcr, ns rd1 casIuxuriea fopr the comiug boiaytz. Uc utaii, thtrrefore, seou ubtil father notice GJOOD MJJSCOYADO SUGARI FI«YMit 5d. I PER lb. THE BEST NEW CURMÂwrS. AT 5d. PER lb. Ail kinds of Fruit, such as Pruneas, 1atef4, Louuons, &c., togetber with ail kinds of Sauices sud Spicen, at rodtîced rates;. (Cffe!e--roagîod, greeni sud groud- Ferrme celebrateld Dandelion Ooffeeo. Coco atud Chocoisto chenper than Toronto firices Beeit Tallow a'Cndiew, Olb o $1. tGond Patent Paiîsa- lld. Best No. 1 ftoap, 12 bsc" fi4. t Gond WaIýhboards le. Goed Broeme, frein 71<4e Iron Mope frorn 1d <ucually 198d) Meseurca, sud Wooden l17cre Mi every daisription. chosiper than Toronto wholesale ýrces. Ied-Cod- front 7 I<d. llp of <if al kide. ~~bbolAet -ttock of Crackaery na Glaccwsme ialitacouuitv. l'aitlited -ai1 jîl,'srd 4- ', 2s Si;eam, cper dox. Whitesaut Grultaaa$tc,15e PreCinaete lis 61.Tuii Tar, frn i.,aavi riety ofLaunp%, on sitands, tram 2c. upwcrd:1.. Kîivoc sud ForIe tfrou n-,. pur de Tho Ohoiceqt 1Br-nd,; lu Wiines. Bitîd ltîmi, Q'in. In Hko-nrrachl ('ld Bo)urb4Sel, I. Tnd1v,'011 Ryfi, Moilltiii tew. tl.a-ich. Irigh, eul )um 1. lwc. i~.wc 'Bsc dzlacnd Teronito'lorter nud Aie,IhvtIaîtlat(mcui draatght, it îper eeaît olîcaper tifl acy Thogo who rcmetnbcr 1h. deliciouic flsývor of tlii Londion, Dublin, sud Glascgow T;llcck a Om)( i Ta, ccii now aiauthin i i 11,' it ,:ilî, Store eli rm4es irî'2 O. nut 4î-., i, anl I ¾cumeg am, a theP1rmoiiaeeýto ,riiýcv ahut4rarliclo. CI.htîîîlu, hn th<ico It l whol(jlire let adi i l Ila(dIfale r-i p t i iltie0 " 4'aiifumIi.1iiî in" til laVivel-di-. count of a por crut--craniii ti.e-low prîte-un îmi oruhie Tes'. ii !wiIltuilaer tili!ln -/rfteo ;1 A t It f1naiî; aal oid m I it t provtl o tia i« tiebe r:pa-f t l he t!Ilu c aa.lie 'aili tie lt btieiclet hýie oral eqiind ti olyiir iiîv. ilcil nul wliut iuterutodlrie ruie >av abolit izht wiril.da..uttO pirioec. 1Try Dryiîcloauî i tad Itua;t youl WAlargo lut cof Boots ati Shooq t Ivert'lit to uver cost prico. Chililreri's uwvoar fOuii Sie. n-r jucir. 1udie- <l. ruiî; Ot par bh. is fî rouii el ;ali'l Mens, LuuîtjrI'ut 81.25. le -'r(Iic o f ut cl i lds akato iu ici iit il irkuýt prio v'.Iii i hit il:1 l iilsaie niuiiq.lle r tiat Ii liTjiwg igd Amtii iaitQu.ri -r.'ai Ocina DcîuerltlTIOM.AS MULCAHY, 1862. iy 1 sqtkli9 s;tp )- 'r Kipfimc ., Ohsq p KT8 % r FOR CHIIRSTMÀAS &EW YEARIS. 'Ir tuuc have ta fringr. Breok. Uxbridg, Co. Troaunrer'c office,- Whithy, Fob.27, 1861. ASSURANCE CMPA1. MARINE DEI'ARTMEZ I7 T' . te iuii sud Cargo litqcjcst TV iîiet possible rat-t <îtrmintîm; Tr illico gzr1itid n <Jill nuiRa, e tle'aio OV»Iegamicd a rebate oftweuu:paîvwr cnaitll ou) the trit *ofueargo preiuliui et -aj mpt lbe Ghd lioortibe gott JOITN lftMW, Port Wu I~fltadjolulug .lai. l(Ooive 'tCO. WVlîiihy, yeti 1, 62 AT I Atut ou24 hA A LAGE TOC OFGENRy GROCERIES, WI1NES& JQJOst:ii For sale at ' small advance on Wholesale Prices. ' -t 1 BRC ME-LOWES & OWLL ~ OY~TRSLOBThR N» SýARD[NE~S Wholesale and Refail LOWiES & PWE Lu'u Brittsh Amerîcia Assnrsnuie Cejpany, 1 CO <>OIL& COA<>pI APSCheaper than 'the ChcapestT ~w-.Wai0imi,Â'?r ..,r - ~î t .. 'rb..Al- tunt Vppereanstadu. CAPI[TAL £100,06. lrsum-ancee atzeetcon Il ull-fzLes sud thel> cuiitemsl. Erory iiiforiauîtimiu auppliealun ap. pliei4tiola te thüqeymtitr ed. m %rnue Rislcuto r theSnat ior turl>urtot. ,101N AGNEW, Trakvllig rAgent' Bu rai-Street, Wliitby GEORGE CORMACI. T UNIR MERCLIANT, Carçeuiter, sud AiJalour. Greeon st. Witb A latroquuau lily ot.ill kludc otfluibereeunutly o 0)u hiad. U N DER TA KI NG. F NEAU îî ll silîlid aind attemdod ai Whithy, Foe. fti, 1862. 4-fr 'Parni for Sale. 1Dccetber, 182 DRÂPER-Klng Sh. Oghawa- ade o tanidur lun1th egt style

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