Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1863, p. 3

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'N 61h April. 20th " l2th May, IT. of Upper Cana.- 1 I1, Marc!,. April., à'4 160h Martb. Litlm Aprit. thie above tht inm thne Esatero ýakea its place lu that UiheMar- Royval iligit Iii er Royal ra of Deutnark, 'ternoon, Jau. mjoay'. Min- d theo nova b> ais Sccrctary aiîd the lu. Osbornme by Cort Joural, in ni Waese ording te lte ahko place ou vinicit is aonme- ;t inteuded -1 at the Priu.I more tbali twenty Byve thousaad of tliem were engaged at any tiino during the day. -Th~e wrier payes a giowing and graceful tibute to the gallant.y and actionof t he Irlsh Brigade, uoder _geuoe1 Meagber, 8ayy ing Ibat the forefatîers of the ment never displiyed mn vundnunted courge at F~~~~~ ~ontnAheao itto, than îhey did, and that "the race which h.. gained glory en a thonsaed battUe filods nover more rilhly de8erved it than ut the foot, of Mary!. Ueighis on lte l3th December, The Nov ;PwYerk Post eays that Florlda is now 1unoccupie.d. It le iu fact dfeêried by î iuhbi rt t e grter degree titan omt people voulu beliovu.Z,)t imulyhbave tle white moen been uiarchc si w1t, but the blaecka have run nway. l3oiore the war there were Seveuty thnuaend emlavea lu the State. If vo may trustlte representltons oi those tWho are watt -ecquinted with Florida, 1il would nov puzzle the sleo ovnma of that state to numer weuîy thousand- -The capeo eld and Cotton platations are loi; withut attendauce, and vaut fertile tMaCtSý ou which the rude cultivation of the COUn- tty havi made a Ibegiîiiîîtg, nov lie ueglect. ed. Ofih Us auvL-., sone mut urk lu the vilderneas of the peinincula, the busineun of honting uheen hîsving beeni foreaken for thot of shootitàî, the Yankees;1 but the L~r I greater part, it inesetinns.tud, have gone tu. the EnigliliWet Indîa Islands. At sein. anue vbeu the. i400tier ijencli nrrc have ofteu-pusdin tdl u;wu onts fironthe Floridan shore tothe Wînwa sliandde. A 8traegoan tîvi triing affaTsir occinrred n011 Saiurdiiy mosr iinuc nt the Sailornu' Stiso Harbor on Sttnt sliîd. 'A preyer-nneet.. ing vas held lin the moriiinmz, ahicit a large a urber of the iiiintes atteuded. Afieri the servicts wore ociluded, onue ofi te sailors, Who bcd acted cuspicinusty, ap. proached Use chaplaîu, sud draving a cou- cealPd pistol suddenly shut hlm deadý Au if horrifled at the strocty ni the dt'ed, the mundu.rer lheîî chut luiiseif. T»a- Inatier nutempt vas, itowever natefrectuivl, ai thein mordorer and, vouivibe aulcido ISuI tilialive, tieugit badiy oud.d, 'whiie the, un- fortujinato chmpiaiii died altuinet lîîtetitly. It la aleged mtIt e cause ni the merde; vins fear on, the part oif iche ilcr lext his confidence chnuid bc betrayed -y the'l chaplin, to vwoho h avi receutiy cou-I féeted a prenious murder. Edward SeikleruEq, barrîster, of Brockville, liasbeeau ipîpoiuted County- Attorney fur tUi ed CO.uatie of Leeda, and Greerîville, WJIITIJMARtKETS. erlin, Falit Wtieî9,5 a 98 -,Sîîring 853 a 87; -3 Nviuîtod Posa54; Qatuý 371,; Bartey 90>; Pork irpoae ni $2,50 â'$3,25; -Ptitatoas 40 ; Huy $10a i Of Si- $14 lier toin Turkeys 40 a 50 lsi ch; Le crac 3 acconu- Toronto iMarkets. tihe cero- la doit>' Fa1t wlin'nt s'ni at ¶io te 97c per beshl. eretéd rith.,atettisy dciunaît tuati figuro. Spr- for ' Wti .ss inmouglît i(2to 87ç pur b5uîl, an eniree z" i v " supplidoutheso pi lent Beete6R u*in 45';I1i 15 l iv uiiiost et $1 02c per ~reaut i~<i. .ai-0 4titisnt 40 9to i50e per itat, isi8 lilut, el t'; i Ct4(l 42c per bshl. Bye .fait iitQ. nnii tnot j6e er isiPolk fiely'~ positioni cecd, n) told emtt 3 75 ine$4 12j per eI, lu tU s e iio( îolerately ennp:lied ut $4 to $5 per ItGyZL ilct nato cirirceit t $4 per cwL. lPo- mnrniin~ uitont vi *t 55l lin 6,5cper li. Applea li! aler 1i prr brI. Ert-sisbutter 16 tn 17e per 11,; sud tub> do, 1li to 14e pei 11). Bgig 16 t )18ec per il z. "uriceys 50 te l90c t'a h. Gotvnie l3à t'45C enoh, »Ducms 8ôto Qnnebes c Zpur pair. chickem BOn per pair. tne Cage of' ithe verdict,' and 80lmon iouîîd guilty Lierupen i-e- f society de-. ýr cannot l. aofartifice ho nousEequencee e IIeture, bot thme Voice oi inl leaving lâtes~ te jonces dence airainatj CR0 WLES.-Th Bowmanville, on t, 22rd Jan., afier a bief lIineu, NelUt, onl1y daughter ýof 1D. E. aud AtandtiCowledt iged 5 y1ers and e$ght montba. Como! Sec! an.d be mazed! ilUNRIYALJIED PRESTIDWTOR, n Necrome»uenr andtIlilusiaonisî, W LIL civ ie oef hL,% onnlug eatertain- MIEýCWAýNICS* HALL, r Whitby, Ot' -Monday Ev'g, Fol>. lGth, 18833, e ini wincin li ii itro lu1 one itino e'ebru-- :1nntldeaîîc or Nheouiâurs fni . 2Doenr Adrmienî vnll Zîve nseletîone nrom nue thnonsand original ilînivo fcts, smu g winnc hetinoloI ig î~si<stot random) witt b. plerf<riieclviz- Neverai Largo Poil.4 of Wos:ei preduoed freina sJnawI. A ~ea-tah1a ulegsinTnrmmlsled roincsic Poket i{inlec iof osnstino 1>etor'e greot vine fotýa dnppînug ml teins of Li'ouitirum a pti oi veter ; bI-Semids iei' ilèms 111,ton inuierous to nieiomsi, iurfortmnunîg oein vitlint tine id ut C-q Tickete 25elts, Chiidmo 15 ets. Dooma u'tw n ; p rf it t Iitiu o m n ce uO t Febrinory t10, e.a M M 1iFR$ A BSEN'I T rom the ouoCoù- . tJ unn lMun.d;ty Eveîiîni, tiue<LIIin itit, Tins Mayor, etn.('amaièrol, Maurq. 5iI, CsnîpeU, 'orry, Eî'we, Pebilbitod b>' rde te o 'ulii. THOMAS IHUSToN, Tovnieit, Feh, 10, 18 ov63.rk N. ].-Tle 'Ihi nnel ill ieitl N oiiuy E v n I u g , t i n o l , 1 i t , e t t eli u c l l h v4 n r St. ?A TI CK'S SO CIETY A'th mn~befrlvfti St. NEW ADV- Fine FIavo aTTo 1 3s.3s d. 4s' C . Ss. 6d. DR.WHICFI THE E -PAID W'1 ÇGODS AT CASH PRIOES. JAS.'MeCLUNG &--Co.,n 'EE T 91 JAIMS cCLUNG & Co., *Wilkinian'g Bloc, Brook, St., flAWity WITYNov. 20, 1862. S AL ENDI MANUFACTURIERI0F WIIIT13YI Firidav Ev'g, the 2OtIi instant, et ihi-Pnnst 7 o*eiisok, for tthe punrpý' o t eub- 'cofi tInîsittlttuamnii rprtelocuioni 0otoufioorm un)r vteh îaîn e cr, &., snd ecidir it miij; thseînin ln itnnin 'theino t Anunvu-rsry Il. HIGGINSé 1\1OTI1c E Coulv tiOs iurjo, Shanle vv i tsttn 'r , . LVCu et if tls ittr- tur Ifesmen -q e j ii 'aou nliu tY G' nmt. in aud fur theClic tniitVu utoILn iylli e tnotdei ett iieI'tirt liuenoluthe Town ut w iily 1 TýuesdIay, lOth of Maroh, 1863 1 lit thehintltr if 12 oetunek, inîosii, of wltsh al al mInrmeteL ierod viti tains imimosd guv- NG. REYNOLDS, Per C. . ile. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. c2sssm1tf lil,îtio, Sscrdivthe 23rd t,iit uîyoffile,in,îhe Court ilotiýe.iu tieTovu uiWitiiii tlie Coutrnu)tv t l)inttrio, tue riglit. tîli elimt wv ih>thro uuld-rmieitiooied uiavnnismc,uir. ly iv see.mc, linoeunniornoi- tiîs.iied,, imnnlA utiho.reoii, ci.a h ntsc, unJtnr cuit I)v virtua ut nrtin write nif lla t.Cou)rtufilueu's Boue!,. Tlise Iltinîsu kthi R,t Ibo nlec 1 Vti. pDifetit. ID tho e trt of lieminiien P1cesi William oren Plituitie, George .a,.un itu oroAnesn Tu thie courmt eof(inînin loe- Geere Wallac e %fre ndrendant Ail tat e ittin prlorntract flu tit - mte il, tinoý Viitsweo t Oelta'c, eponi wLkh is omeoctl i.4eiirv and Dwslling Hoeu , now oceuied bv tins beijndit. heinR,-part of lot Pssiniff, -J%' jl Co, eir Win- cQfsisting of 'cT > t , . ~ma are. now offerii ter Goûds1 at-grealy' RIBBONS, D PLOWERS. BONNETS, - HATS. i JSJIUCJ(ISTIIEET, WEIFTBY. TA and, and hicostantlT unannfacturiug Cutters, Sleighîe, i3ggiea, &cl f th lateastycle, and most-atproved pittern, fron thItinalmtet-e a 1v.:nd . choiçest wonlcmen ; and hopes b>' strict attention to business to mnent A ;i - -are of publie poîronsagu.1 ý>.A few good second hanvi Cutters on haîîd. m LJOOIS;WTNES9, O&c J 0O barrels Prime,Chippliwa Whiskey. 75 gal. fine otd Uen iiesy's;' og nag, vintage f 200 gai Me-diurn Ilennesy's- Cognac.. 300 gal. Lmvç NIedium IEenesy*s- C Ognac. 100 gai. fine oI<J 'o'rt Wirîe. 90) gai. fine ""ablè., Sher>ry Wine. 100 ýgai. fine old Jamaica Rufn. 75 gaiI, o1and's Gin. ~N~f~iSH- BLA trom theaie'.use. Geineral DebiIliy end Wakneso. Fonmwbateveresea. Lowx,, UII t otber sie or a dtteafu eyI SUn 0V iSUITC8151il '4. detergeos lune - ILJous DhsoRJ>gEs. ,'r0. r,,lpr qantum me r iglit Mcodim oret il biée s tm m e nos. lm ponîm , o anihe ainbo t hs hbua , frame, tinAli-tuue iina ex Ja iu.h, ddeu "ocde ol Ille aoMpl.t na cireililerai leoohe uîdil iWretin,,u poure and fluent. caleeng and Laenreung Ile 1 Vitoetious otithe "Y.. SICKLY FBIi&LE ShOllid i% o ime cin trying a fiew d-es ethi.e- 'Çlalt U gmcrenoatsllfg rfiady, whà,aever noir bc neircomma1n, *<siib 1t Ilv, alnn e vri. odiea oiohet' l UNREI'UTED PROopF. t in Il e u tin b iY o f t s i o e on . n jlin non b o r n e 1ae lasvery lvhigiz agi.ago eur wtu,~ e" Io 7iillowa!'8 Pillit are at em.reidy A'iwno in thseaOorld fOr t&e foOing i&,aie. knwei Comp ain ti Drop ly, J li1 e s 00~is Debilmy. Uiaaje eMI P e e r a n A u e, l a v a t ei e l e g oshLvenMe. , nid,, ien ierontsn ROCK AYP fBGREEN TA wilhDs ME N Rcridy-i var Celebrated FINNAN,1" m No-s.1iand 2, TUi's BufidJgsTe NEW ÂDV'ERTISEKJSNTS A SOIRF willbt.ýýilin the Cemhàda Fmi A vera Çhtirl, sawi, ou Priday Evening, Feb. 13,18 -TEA wii ho. mr%,ud lutheobaainentat6o,elo ate r inie'i nevend iAddmce&,vii lli4 dellvj cd Iiiiadduini ot oela clmileert, tino P lovlnig, euîlemoîi have o iis iiivited to espa un tino ooenaot --Uv. M[iees. Smith asid Mi i<ermas, of Bowinuivilic ,ud Maoieimua- witby. Mr.. ôhu Sea'ble, M P.P.,tah eXpeeted. A VO(CAL CHJOI willolvenmt pmucadina. Ainuhneto 25ceaUm~, Chiidrt DA.VID BEÂCHe, iuvcmn or SX-ROAE anens. R oidoe--Col boru Street, seon or, pwe ni fByron Street. V'ithy, Itei. 4thl. £2300 TQ LOAN N Rfi Ftae eeriyfor To yei Janu«oY 29, nontinl soti ou of t'ieo tn ý4th i f lst di il de lin ', 1 0 ti 1 (;Mfi"e wiallwA.

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