Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1863, p. 4

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education depeuda i use, aud ilhe aim give to Young -men e>) miuy .wi tonuPurs.. er 'ci au fev Moutha, what Ià sara ta learn by experieuce, missves tb. suuoyancea cf failures iu business. Thsis ln.. nder the. soperinteudeuce cf fflotiree4>of HamlMo, oithe Osuadiain publie, sud a *,ry way qualifled for ise po. apie. Young men, Who May Ies uder bis instruction,, ad îlnat îhey will receive a arolal Education, il of hich standing lu London, n~ eaf a fi rc th at dons as sarre any in thair 'lin a snda,. ne of thes Railwsy stations ?ro Anierîcqn gqjarter-dollars ýh prire 0f whlcti was fil ty iickrt agent refiited the qîlar. iiîg un ndiditi,unal amnut ase ,j s to be eth s discotirit, n tien tprndered in! paYinent Ohllinzs sud two cent, cigo as wFss alto refusie4 the dis. stili demanded. The parly îicass the ticket refusedthte oiiit demunded, callitir nt P at gentlemnan to iîtna si f fihîr cents, The. wonld'be iter 'thèn aenteredt1he cars, reliing two or tiree miles, 1by thc conductor for flot ,et nind sitill rclîîaging t pay l The gentleman had o! caoir- to the station ou foot. On e lie wassabout to commenre dincwhen tlhe R-tilway promised the malter iv psy. 5-L<ZnDai?1, NeîRs. rnrcsnitile hous luPhiladel- red ai a alasry cf $7, a week, ia cf about 70 fèars aid. tors is amuploy(ed the porter'& pof $2,500. Au the sou sella old mat[ isauls Ilium tu the 'here s in athise saine c0117 ugi couraa-tbst cf a rioli i lhe bosoru cf lulcory, wbose ,pples froën a basket on lthe lex1 to hi. own door. itte ?Nformoa.-,A Mon- Vf. Be.rtrand,' givea th. tic state of polygsmy Ionsý -lIishaudg ith 1e1, «187; iiusbands iiti isbauds wnith four wives, S*iLh more tim one r wive.., 1,400-sao liaI e taken as the, crreçl son in-law 10 Scuator ýv banker of Wigccnein, at- lie St, Nichoisu on- Sunday, with s pis- yamoun)ts ta $400,000. rina ber-do& imprison, MuY lot wai his'n ; bovy .j -.-A *urn.ý tagel apat er'fl. sked bysa spindlesbsnlc. auj overalis, replie,' pair of candle uuoululs laurge fortune to neaVen sud had bas poie thiti- kish lavw that a mn for e ttters shaîl hava a red nose If the iàwv ers ualt our bous e o el - ot7 asereel a ani fram hi hi brîhl' Oui, :e soi; Ishah vant rem 'Y ioasîs bliai lie 'eaui sîllectoual 1capitaP" We' lue cau ti'and aunlis LJudle, is orten liard 10 atalion barder til- .4.er bardeat of sUl. -gogzîeu> for sors s'es wasiig thnèlr eyes wthb ing their goggies over w'hich sbauîid never lue se4 wife said wbeu eh. a lsubaud sangiug le deunlif lave aur good sbê k-in<liy bides tisir liki tise lette,' ianta thereon, seised by i(, inuder sud by rirtue feertain wrlt4 of Ëlsri halas vis; L Ite 0Court of Quesule Benai. -William Gooderliain, James 0. Wurla, sud Jota Wilruot, s'. ~ ». IteDougalI, 1)efgindante. #r1bi'Eutli gaxt corner1 of Lot N ubr 1i S, lu thi steon#i onclon of lii. Towushlp of Pick. erlng1 sud iuy i. more particolarly knowu alld nisenthed, A followg, tiîatistoi gay. Commeno- iîîgr on liii. Eîîstaru n 1it nfti gaa dlot, at the disAnce10 ofîweuit -one litikg, on &ccarse North sîxtoen degreets We@t, froin tiheSouth.Eaatan- gis af the said lot;-,tiieu Northi along fie saitý Eastern limîit two chana and i fftý Iluka thon S~outh ahy'lzlt udsli? greex, 'West ans o)h ftrty-4even ,litikg, more or legs, ta Giiorge Joltnso)l'4n' , thtence, Southt aixteen deitrçes Ew'tt nimiz the sapt George Jobhsaii's landt two chai,,, sud fdft.v liuks; theuce Northi elgît'enlî sit hllJezrees, Eaît ansehtlu sud fort.v'tÎ'en lînke, niora or jess, ta the place r bogiu;îg. 'b tito oýty Court. death &îitiho dof Nod NloDougl, exe- tor ofthe ha.o John Miti'linadeu, Wiîitby, No,'. is, 196-. 45 Whitby, Brewery. T llAE8ubscriberos are uow j1repared ta fur nieh the patrons ofthtie Wlthy Brewery vitti su excellent artice luhsuch qusutlties sà rnay be roqui-ed, and on tern e auit pur> Battit aleesq lisl ta tii. umprlsd atile CLARK &W 0011'W 'tE»R*. Withy, o.5h18. 84w Taiors, Shoemakors, C arnag Builders, Dress Makers, and MHeadu of Famies Geinerally. fall at WÂNZAR& Ou's,. Swiug Mmehia, 1101" oWhicby. aisul see tiie large A"tortmentý of Faînily aud Mauit'aduturiu* SEING MACINES, Wi lat-,3t iînproreînents una t low pries. 'JAMES il. GERRIE, Aent for C'oiinty LOntario. ]FIRST PRIME SEWING MACIIIN-uvo 4flM AC N1NE S WANZER'5 (UiBhINAT[ON Prmmeans Sewving Machinues HE liE)NLY PRIZE sarded fer Famlly MscIitv ilnma r vtic Jndiesaaitishe Wsttzu & Co114, Ttigy s ctok'tue tiret prize for Faiuily Salg5le ioe viiB. hl, Wanzer A&(io's. Combiuatlc-n, aithCe Previsîcial Fuir issld at Toraonto, Sept. 22, 23, 24,25 sud 2,62, and si~ alao Srst prizo vas avardeel la tbeir binger for' ýMsuufctory. Tihe Fîret Extra Prix. vas aIea given for No.. 1lD'ICI 2 iuçer'c-iMana faturiugMUacHtues. Prizea ()fiun amiarcia:scter ves.leaswareled Wsnwe K& VÇ'Xsil - ySewiiu mael4inWsud Wsnuor & G6?"'s SOiur's , aehlue% evet a&l otierm, hy tIne Board of Artsansd Mauinfao- trires, at ttieeclptuies Institute, Torouto. > , Thic saotoo lu rst Extra Prizee autinse tn, ~ 0 Bsaiusvllle, Whit- by,CoinurgnIemariihiîl fsct, whieshie,'hava beenexhiiited. rr lc t4r Wauzer & Co.'a Comhlunatiou sud Wusuzer & Co.'a s ueExcel auj iachies tlîst ever ver.. manuutatursd lu tiheUUsited Stateq or Cauals. 1- R. IL. Wouzer & Coi., haîve suece.ded Inunuil- tiug the Mostlvalliaîbe proportiesof the Wiseel- er & W ilAnaizdSiuer Sachinema sd siov- în hose poiuts-wlutel, vre uet deaurable ia Iniraet Ciasedomeetie art cie, by addlng açuns 1uIew inventions (!or vlsiuhtiley have seoured s lx Tll LÂTESSTYLES JAMES JOUINSTON, igned respcctfulty Informa the Lt P QUADRILLE BAND»" lunes. b attend .11 Balla,1 For- 1., wlti the. but of musiuiun al IIENRY BEA'VER 15,102 t=6na n esmo b. mod taMr. Whitbr. 45 - capital Inveiste Watoiîuuakor and Jewellqir, Brookt Street5 WhitbY. QI1b, 101.40 DENTISTIRY!1 DRS. C&LLENDER & CARD Surgeons, DentlaUF, &c., ]Booms over Mr. Carleton Lyndels 'Store DUNDAI8 STREET, IIITBY. T EErriI 1lled in the" uoM,, prtbct Mnunar and une but th e beià0 InOst LPPrOvà tnsteriarobe.d. Tlhe long ex nrie!lo nof Drg. Caliletder Corl and th . îr t aroçtgh knowledge0of tLe prao 1ice ofD@itigtr, oushe tteino to apprectate the. great1 inftm to b. deriv@%d fromn aeareful pre- serasion of th:be al-imp3rtaint, and 1b.auiful Irl ns te teetb. Upoan their premervatàofla g'otd.lofthe lesltb, happincmas. and eomfort omudddepend.. Their tatteinu1tblm braucb of the. profeRbin osuanot fitll to givoet.. I»Watlan. Lt the afflicted wlth diaeased teeth, anly visit theno In time, befre the disese Roth, too iftri a bol a. MIRTWIOIÂLTIIET11 inrsrted iiu Gold, 511- ve, letisPlate, also upon theieusen ustlr recomnmended v usd Ase ftêcthe der & Card anre Mo carefallh' perfarnrd, and me psrfectin thenisel%,ng, thit nnt only thii utr- alexpressoionIspre thdlu4le caseikiud coin fort aftboe wearcroftiiairartifldisl tet.ti, la rrO- unated at the saine limne, Inthe (Lirgblllty o? the. motorisa l nd. and the hlarmofly In tht. blending ofeolar, the greatest satisfaction Will b. fond. l>srticilar attention given te the care osud regilation tofehldrn'o taeeth. Parents pkhondd atteindt il hssâa s rn'imiortantntt.d' 18hhir Ai rrtoswsrranted satlsfactory. Ternme reasouabe. Consultation fre. 20 ID w £rcw laff STOYES!! CIJEAPER TItAN EYH'R. T TUE LARGtF.ST STOCK AND) GHMEST V&riet i Stores, Store. Fearultre, TIn- wsre, &o., e44 be accu et ithe Storeê ofthes Uni4egned. Stoires tf every 1tyle sua qnnslil tnud at; al Price.. The popular new pattern Store &SwUfl UMIW5U- sifaei bus beeu introdncd amngsl fýtotiner rsrieties: TUE KING 0F S7'0 ri MRON DUTE, GRAND TR UNI. 1 PRINCE AL BE Ic, DAVY CROUET, PROTECTIONLS7 4c IW-Caansd Sée.. JO RN -BRVLK, DIVISION (JOUI .o., iku ............. N.5 ah............. ... A. Di 'OLLEGE, STREETS, reüat chaîn ofl4a- eg, loasted in lb' W. L.&DEILPIIIÂ, VELAND, '1 actions ..uavta lant. The -Clebrai trRES cîùtg, lii 1. orO4, udsai k Iis tIse grealcat r &i1 kiods of wouudgt The rs.nedy la lut sud eattle mnffsýriug P'rom thcusaudiq efie f thistuival, lehv enselect amo sstimfiod ltint Il ente, asud curlog fi eqinally gi eut isiplê To A. K?.owuss, lIas Iliclceriuig, 1'îb. I "1n lu gîtie. ta yo, publie, I tiak ici ceichrate ft Gertnsun waà elooibtf-i, ut i your 11aei iseiIow C lici olugiere, inI jomr ceiletdGer cnte, bruise, fromt 1 elous wletlisr tapli Picerng, Fehruià fl..,. SU- ln1To t sbip, payable in sôa5vle, #4o., gin disy asn4 .'venulur-nô racutions' ptubi.elpst aIBuffalo. J. C. BlRY.rsr ir Iuformatlou, jn1ea.ene t satthie BRYWANT & STRATTON Piekes Quns of th isa'trlm wrilite: 4 &Dîîi n ,-Evean yur joalyeclebrateà oakubîvu. Ilusussît 1 kiud. I bave usedit ses, frot bites.,Sc, ' standiug .1isashee Tu be iad sIaAl Drr ofli yod oie door utouti of tise Regitry 0 ROBIERT X- CAMPBELL, 8O-Office ut C Ue$ET.Lv omNIBl itby, April 23, -8U*. 151 f Ouly 40 cente M Gallon a a No. ~ 5 , Brok4jre .rc 6 c~5K ER O.S Z. BUNHÀM PENNSYI 61Jidge, C. O. A PG At Reduced J Osha~wa-.Âdvertisements. . WILU&M TBXPEST> M. ». I,,fj K ING STEET, O8HAWA,&d'&ASERLIe Y. LAMBERST. 0Oretruug Piano AILOR aud DRAPEE-Klug B t. OP' wa. )rapoe oea TGameuta made to ordor lau lie. orapper paeyleà S. B. FAIWIAN*S. ' btyDeeê Ï." QCMCITOR, NOTABY 1PUBLIC,';O &. F URN ITBY iidsr an Aet of tise Third systi 1'arincalParlia L £100,000. ou Buildings sund tie ~m1?&ionacppltsd onap- VM INGA. -0-- A IN ORDER TO GOXINTERÂGT THE BAD EFFEOTS 0F "POOR GR-OPs;' AND IN' 501E MEASURE RELIE'VE THOSE WHIO FEEL THE9 CUT OF "HARD TIIMES," TRE 1 MAS THIS DAY REDUCED RIS GOODS;ýF% to such low prices ms wiIl enable every one, with flte inoney, tof obtaiu their 11111e nocessari es for the winter, as well as luxtiries for the coming bol idays. Ile sill, therofore, neliutil furtiier notice GOUD MUSCOVÂDO - SIGAR, FIIOM 5d. PER lb. THE BE8T NEW CIJRRANTS. AT 5d. PER lb. AiU kindi of Fruit, suait as Prunes, 1)aîem, Lemons, &o., together with ai kinds cf Sauce.sud Spices, nt reduced rate&. Coffee-roasted, green sud ground.- Ferms" celebrated Danudeion Gaffe.. Goaco sud Chocalato clieuper than Toronto prices Dest Tallow Candies, Ob. foi.1 C<locPatent Prails, lld. Beal No. 1 Soap, 12 bar. for si. IGood Wiishbourds, la. Goo4 Broesas, from 7X.d. I Ir o pa I rom 7<d(uuolyled XMUres,Ran&Woodon Wore cfcvery di scription, cheaper than. Toronto wholesakl urlees. Bd-Corda frois 7l<-d. Ropes ofr ailtkl,.!s ! ITe lrgoit t4stck af' Crockory sud cisse ir uitie aouuîy. Pltde polrî u îii u acr. aprdx liltentsu Gransite Tes ate, 16%.'Pure Chlusa ta 26,1wd'l'iiýuion o 4 adavrey fU p, standsx, frao Su. upwsrda. iilveisa nd l'rk7îî om -m. er dfouIasdsvniî fLnpo The Ohoicest BrandIIs in Wini, IBrandy, Rui, (lin.m In Whse-on~hî Oid Itonrbois, %alt, Toddîy 01,1 ByotenutLîf i Da', $.uixc, Irisu, sud Domestie. le7Dow s-, Bus, & C'm, nsud T'srronto i arter suid Aie, bofled sud on, draugit, e0 per ceint cIisipur lion sîîy otiser houa. la th o uty. Those who renietber'tie Black sud (4reen Teax, en unow -,e Osistaut,Doebe2tI,1 ou fluvor of tie London, D-ublin, snd. G'lag Ow hiem ai tiihe nifou 'sStore At prices îroiîî 2s. Su1ýt lu >raviîiw,to îrod,f a hut,.rsrticle.c ' l)i&tolier, ctien, ouvi retcipîtof *îo, Oie " Cuîifoniu a,,i" wil irves-dis. )nces-ouisuiy M'i- ,Teos', sud wilil silv",r theim /r5e q/ )ii qsn Ioin cit al i nhebut suuieedouthe irove ho lhe un o rticlp repr(esOntd rut fthc-tinieof sle lie ' retu oi; r'aiumoiey. liend not what iiîtecrou.tod pnrtieem an- priceA. 'uy for pm i se1vc, ansd he satislled lurit yoeu ', os an su hoel ut yer' 11.t1e orlcostprice. <Ghildîlo's wear Y (I'. f puu 3't i'- r. iy'do. frolln $1 ;szyd Mons' Lor Bots iu<iaý tkiiltf lu i I go au- ~t Ii iiret pritet4. 44irilhii a eta co l sud tîn'e THO MAS MtIUAH Y, of. Mei o I. Bi'sspuuA- "er EiKing 4t Sinm '9.., 0O.Idwz.S FOR' CIIRISTMgAS & NEW YEAR'S AT A LARGE STOCK OF GENERLAL GIROCERIES, MIJNES & LJQUORS For &,de at a small advance onMWholesa-le Prices. LOWES & POWELL. £~OYSTERS, LOBSTERS ANI) SARDINES, Wholesal.e and Retaill. LO WES & COAL1 di 1~ 2. 8. 4' 5. lh ltby, Jui)y 9,.1881. .LENSEP AUCT FOR TUÉ COtJNTY 0 [MiEndernlgned arc the hTIlave tslken it blioc uu nc&MarkewrrCoi Mura aud llamLa George.Roder...Brck James Wood ruff-Piekr f Levti Yairbapica. Jr, of tl,, j 8.Abr prieg-BO&cjh, lirck., Xlxbî] .Jino. hoielIl, Osiea-o h "Ù W. PÀXOf T. Ce. Tourirrli; Gounty Treuu Wiitby, F'eb. 27, 1861. ASSURIANCE GompAI MARIE DEeARTMMzg reliidi - Port Wiltuy WIl îîby, Fei-). fthiý.1802. 7 JOSEPU-E.- RAINE R Piano-Forte Manufacturer, WAREROOMS, WIIITB1Y, C. W. W IIE mn> hebcfauint a Suae amsortinu of Piano Fertes ilain an sd nrusameutai Cares, 9r 5 t e,/,7 aud 73J ctvemanufsç.- turý,d aOf tii. lset mauteiai, sud proulounocd ly tîi3 nmoat diltinarisied Artiste, to beha our pAîssedhy strongun sud pxsrity of Tonle Wl C* moid onlis ms o«t eiabe termià mAd va, r ta1stand auyelifflato. Oderafratiae" perrt of L. Y'n~gets. e 'At the Provincial Exibiition bael.lu London,' ou 24W ta 7Septembr6, te olthsri &% swsîiel u .oaeiiF. Uaner for the s9kre%. qînity of lils Piano-Fortes, vwiici 'wsretets lin regariltr owÀ, T o., lIm a cy f lis art Durability of nneon sd atwa xta pis frte cupe'or o? itisa instrumient. Hes- sl.ok the fliu't prizes attise Provincial Faire in S. misud 18-59. Tise Piarios of Jo,%. F. Rainer- vers ylaced la 'ti-ý ti&igIestcaaand a diploma a d ~NIr Mii usoânae s tawclLkulo. requires no frirther cotumoîudatlou hnt ici hie instrumente 80 juatly' êarnedt- iî I orderiug, pIse.e state tise uomber ef Plat ans, sts<.' JOS. F. IALNXR. Wlihby. oct.., -iS POWELL. ,h Cheapcos TA Sale. la the firt In aj e sysé like a bad laera t t5 islvays tin- t itti ly adj sgenurnber of b o. i g sfv.W. zor,& ,)owdr unouglu JWu t si

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