Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1863, p. 1

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k1atilcw Teefy 4àius thiîg babsuusnme', 3k 'Street, Whitby. t Des4s'te the Rcgtstry Office. IOLLIR PER A2NNUM DVERTISEMENTS'! in Cefrýç arii Uo the ai o enlts Pe' insertion, and 2 c- ts lier lne Lit ilisertioiî. ColitiWis 5 nine witli ndvertiîer 1, tep discontfinue o rtl'eneonts niuAt MX OF M NýTREÂL, THIOMAS DOW, Nftuugier- AINED GIASS WORKS. nie 1ý, Wsnui7rXmust rect. Totusito. l -t --- - t -j 1)RE l. LtTN LLg J. 1'. Il Al, s tsithy. 47 A 9h. 1-UTEL N ut-u1ý rb-. lrtlu-11- lm 'ulty of 47 M Iîit, 4rt-2s- y, . Ang. 5, ihti- ISTEJ & AT't)REY AT'4A. pîs ,rrosttlcsFXl AT LAýW. r u It i- s, hhI7 <.OVR lttduti' i -t ulu It U-tetl ssit J. GUNN1, M. 13. -s W .iithy. UT, IOLtiýl . AND il1O . IllONT '1', f1'ville. Bo qNa.to Al. -)MAS LAEV RVEVOit ;R.-&,. (e N E , Wltls calm Printed words,l groat thoclghts anîd untis'ifg inustr>e ývola.- Vil. GLOBE HOTEL. s-t, tise eibuscrible, %wlvterlic eul ul1wuyts ite f,;, rtd un Isidresu' do uatstend ]rsoniutly t) ttse sants cf lhi& i tetitm, &C. 'rite pneusice lias becu euss-s-ssoifly ss Con 1ftrttldtl ltetl i t ip nauts-d, 1ueel -s-lis utrt t-t t -r ttise-sind cs-ery îsutlsiulrstus-ti-sîu ktlît Tn'1'itrller -i ,htume tluusittg Iis s-t vsuad s-lî Tualt 1ri lîtutiful- la' s utie- asal tts- Notice to Farmers and Others WITBY, Ç. W., THIII CO-MMERCIAL HOTELe JAlmrI CROCXER, Propietor. c O>MNIRI JAI, 'l'IAVILLEiiS eilIl indiI t-sv, t stapîius isi tc ll, as t ley cati lettfrous lte Is-gustýùr>III oIt kept- ut the 11er, t!,t-roueq t:ikusu ty sheinreus'eue, T'fe p;roprse-on s-is-estiiisri-saiou Ios-huiusk tli lu, sueîtur-su p0sro-s--îuud r;ctisitie finrteliber- r4l1,o ý it<-uttt i'r o sitit'tths-hociun'- andltLttelltt'e. iii-,vI.if DOLPffIN SALOON, ~TEXT To TIIE ROY)U, LY(,EUMRing IN Sreet, Toroiitu, t:MFrec Lunch cnvery DAVID BEACH, ?SE F mo iilAuiJ.rL M S R esderî~-CebornStreet, rsecon dciwest W'hithy, lFiSb. 4th, IWEST N'RAII3VY! Lit1tor- 'Vi til-t-slni-- t sts--o i ) uClFt-s. i u j j4 2 S O E lusqw,-u tii li,-,- i s-lue Vett--u, ITE-i rs tli,:gts'e ttsulytpsrizt NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. utî-îio Ie-it - 1titi its-t-s-satt Ilne.1 A. ALE RDR rtti cusess hcn -stilsstulsun'gIT E <IIA1NI) TINK COlPN'la-- 'ruX L ms . ý tseelscl-heî etel4 s-th vT ilau the ti'ilitiiesiffùr(, nttt 4 h __________- -i - -- l--i-i s-f l-t - --l-st-r -, utdlhiiis-t 'uttie s-ytise snic n mt is- tvih ibe BhiOOU< N M eE v I . L HALL, ssjtt ie s--ttsnttttu. ltrs-a- ! -n>Ci'upus uMac l48d. l-M-lt uttlt tc dI le tc apuris- l'-1-ti i-v tt I c i-îea-Ieolcdi. lsîk t fsilc<itie Il ~ ~ il li-'-W Lu-- iI tI-11c -tehvr-ii- M hUSîEi'L -SON, '-tt-irstsn(nîITrtî- iissIteut- iL, * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & . Utilwl e iti- --s-u fss-uss- 'iits, ~. 'i " ' ' *n rst'Lîtutssarttitts' ' 'i xv r tWs U e>ml i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t tttri-,, trt1t O- iss(tîîi-T-bttytta.n1Ii1)p (,u lt-t1-r fi-n - t t - [ re ao Rpl.r A 's i, f,ý. s,--11 i -ul > usssr ole rslu A tlxt xs-u b'. t'Il Y 110h Tuu, ut- l 14 it-sit i- rtoitIiut un'ltti --- ---uý~A siîîù -ur stt tts IWi.le' ta-td L olulont Si-ltoi)tt fi Not. ) t ua-tîtia. I - andîrptealam is- on àilit sttt-uuut -tust Il tAC I7FN rN,___lt1-.4-r trÏ-5~5~t-t5t-ituSiuutz i -ui i t r1jut, ltttt- 1u01 A 1, 13 I1o N El () T1 , ~-t-uR-p :~s7tutI"u-ts ic - dAtIFS ItRAnE,:c tt ç,t-stî t)eil s.u Tlise Bar uîîî.Ihslus- t le -ltruîsus-ttt-. Wl -t- utt s iu-t. W'. lAis-IN. -.2 (S-itiil < ~ ILdtt p, lkutt P t-i/i o mai andl hosme.LRl-'- i 515--t-i N-s)t s- t-c î'~~--~ tiANT WZNISOR 11SF liTY ntin-itussh - p utiurt u i-,srt-niud. 1'l-'l'O li A 1 . IL-rL. W 1I-LAA l i-p P.TP, tl11,'IETfsIZ. s-L-st- t-rloeîutu i tttt-i Il(t-ts'uhls.îin, li- Z'lUNIONY'S--UTEL. te cyutti l ini- >d-atiti-t Itti ia , sttu-tii ita -j1 ý i and s-tp re-I, Iu ituut sttl î îiiss- t- -iit Btei(o-usrs ituptt ss tî.AI-tuct iu ALBION UOTEL, IAXCST EiAiý, itOil(ata . a1 uati. - IEs! n- urenlc,. -ýçIu Bsct viu-s li týi.etud Aigt. - AIhON MO1tELJ.X rilIE Phtî>5IIETORS OP. TRIS Wi.b J, l knusvts ftiîe tariuo i cecapltioti ifA (fIfcnerl.v kepii ly Mný. Ilutley. 'Tise pretisesc, itus-e lu--u iuvytcta-seti snoughcîi ss- ftýiis--su st-s u selnsttvtle E-veny proctîralie tielies- ncssenm. A elgar divan'flttes-I u se- PU."as', tiuto voanons itîthie oess- brandi- suc peç,rmisted tiis-nnl, ta CARLILlE & ts-tNC - CAYTON JIOTEL, W. CJT}I RT. RAILR0O1D IOTEL, F?1MONT STTtEET, lirthe slo arI-uc. - WML PQWILI, Prj pristo . ()Utvil. -ls. 29, 186. -- - iA-NILLA JIOUSE,"- To the Travellingý Public. i- j - r ýg LsitîtiSît à h i GA Psit ibl.J-J W 0 C)N'S 1-10 TE L, I ~ ~ ~~ J(jJ>iANN 'J- 144, BDa y trcût Toronto. MATVINIEGAR. m AL5 T NE(iAht cuIitoobe hlitssI slsuge i OL ctiill ta -Ri--- s--e Wh7itbv I3rewerv. INOW 178 TUE TIE. CET TutI'ELIU ENESS AT . A.Clark', IstPrnizce tture Ca Illery T yuduea corr-ec t-iife-WilueAmbIIre- nrssfro sLiketusn u Tites-, hi ose r R ts-n1.A. O. sau n t i n l te biI it e-tle, WILKI'NOON"S IILO4CF, B - Jfno~Rrck SÇteeei'ulht->. --ROBIINSON 110118E. - EitPldANv. lOV$. 1AY qtITIs-ET,' T a'r-tsoofcv loons Nelt- ssf Kinu2BtcS Nors-h Bitîsh-andi ercatntile Fire& Life Izisurance Com'y. FRED. TAYLOR, p3 ARTLIAMENTfARVIT,LANI) Pz-rFNFR- LstlAemnus, lrotsmsiTnCrowu Lauda oh antd Gea r l 3nginëmm -ut-li0itte Poihlitca 1 iseudtateTitise xRi 4 t-lsýjd Legs! Advn Pence, PorsJuwcgEohrod FEBRJJARY 26, 186,3. The Arabitios Violet. Ily ltiNçIFI'A55Tcu$. 1il1t a sit e lVi iyglfg rw tp' 1e iiie all non gensle rtc - Il'eu cutlived til nîy usure; pi1Jrus cd ton i;fe, tïisai iiuuglit grade 'l rst eîs- f famn-; Nuw l'o dviu ri n s-ylig hiea tisarid Anti thteostbwili 'en),,me sigiitîg, 8weepsi 1'M fad1ing ssow 1 sanouruftly, viti,11n kinuu The vc'- l,11u1eine deis un mo s vuu uoclsery JTh-!isuiints sin 'e linetelong-IL59 (Y li n lili t O is -u,ntudg angts, Who rwAiy1, 4! .ti >atoge; g,-NO WirciSeele 1Aca f) ity.g,1j O' il, ho ns uy ' >ttutQepui ltt!wec ls vhît's-es ilt f ,u u t 4 w i.iiok r Whouuss-s~ w o. si-sîset es-ui tat'tr tsu Ti, la fi-,sw o tut t catuit t- ,,i,~ - ~p.set arsi .=-.ec j thaieSC 10e . Eec:t $~~ÇY ~ferbtc ~ ~ ti~- ~ lee n Iectté d 5 epsr DRY FEBTOrds .tis tii-'ls ou Iltl lsci ahi iteslees- of Ils~s. Thsias eueialtise case'L %Viti' laiu wsho ilu siý-lu p iit rs,lP i vsw-as-bs-r, vesu!ture ont its igît- Its-,wlIN InAlitd tut ut- tis-le WsC',isu!ru sus tilt i b s>uatIse huo pnuscirisithebe ely isfe remudy. lIe lias zt as-i, siu- BOfT ANB S4,,OE Euttîislsmctý ), ite17-r-e"t acou f Boots 1enta Sbs-ces ysý-t (rPipes usulultli-o;tnaig Ladies", mens',% 'Womens', - & Ohidrezis, uts- 11lîialstsIy IAv Prtese. Tise vs-ri iier' pally umaiee p nuden lob, cccli onnutet t h esu-uirpi i Ieais- a tue "!siglI n' usimî,siilis-v e reepect. A clvli 5e ttl-nut ai îy euiroïrs- orjietht-v eu u--ttrn iItm >itiuterctit. Bnock Street. ICASJI ,F OR SIIE EI SKINS & 1IIDES, WILLIAM B1JUNS,- Brockuit tn t tsy. 1e,8, 1862. - - 'sie them il W amli ahi end I 11 t -as-t îok me ultoscus, on 'liras- tîtys cf a ho uit.îly.. My sillinulttîscouds-crI tsf a palette, 411îd -s anstuil puli-maittsau, con y el rbauugt- ns- cloîlus. One -t volumes couispîcteul My;t'héc he elusty, crovded- dity, aud Ily uptun cu-licat-d fLelulti rit-h gruen issues, sisadcd by ceer. e, I blessëul tIse deicicua cool- l over me, in contrasi %vitli 9 lies- 1 lad becti expcniencing. ered a pins forresi, vers uitile -ne glittcnlng like silver îisreeds, no-'a coeieedrocs-s cfs-bu indus. ýe mysoîf te tise peaceffuusceiiî and furgot, for a uitile svhils, popr, iusmleasartist ititic îh or pefoslh-n, tisIba her t houscf, the weaiîby Mr. anse be ibeugh t aiJ as toc. uls bornsly, red-Iained daugis-cr 3fnîy pitieul ber fer bcisg nug, nisu o mnalte np ta ber for tht IiI thu peer girl vas asivaye frous cîbers. 1 belcie thai ýpy and coeneti on tl5t- day Juins;and! baîf noken ldown the churcli, speaking te ne oee, nndl svalking up tihe reed tisat icad oui aid dcea4boume and rgstrden wisicb iu several cf My 8shetches. I mutst te-morroas'end sec if Ibis romaul piiscsss 15 alb tsanme. Mandy.-!Ieeok My drswing mia te-day, andt waudes-id off ta tiseo oi 1fausai e iisÎey cssil illbore. It çva8 favorite baunn af miné. Thse li bise dcseried for years, tisere beniý uflsiigneâ8 te lubabit it onannc isâ iaueiy situation. I vi8ited IL et ail fro e carly mcrung ,ta nidnigliî. ues onecf romanecare around i wilel -Ien-from %wbich itbas its nain sqparlling river on vhosis inst undt the beantifuil lis-le dcil beyend. bed i4 lrises a nmoantaso whîlcb ail its unpronauuicablhe tediaus nam.. Thle bouse itseif Icelus almoat DiJtels cottage, wilî1lhitis rude gai vid- Steep; but in snsmer ihi lasse j y luxuriant vines. ibet Ils deor i 'ail coucealeil. Wild- roses, grosv h sien about its vela, andl tise- clusters of tise baniserry bang isicl tise sterile part of>tise soil, avoic Imore culticatu'd and richer grounît. ansd equirreis lice bers uumîcIsîcd tise fine old trees, aind tise Place h geiher an air cf Saishath st ilîneas As 1 saw ne trace or ludicaii hein,- insaiied, I contînuieilte al tise bouse, and seated myseif ou atone bisnut.bh1isII le aîiys co when urran;idu imy materhe-lg for d 1 a liai u ibterc but e LenI mmein I heeard e lowy1 svoetvoie sieging Tl il'%o, t1ic-ti 1.ir<l of~t1m -- <utsithuse tNIto boluvcedifor!0- W e çisl-OusitlueY u.lruituc D Io tluiy love-do s-*bey lo.;(e ils Ilisteu .d for' more, but tiese in, t .vidently geing avay lotoý somo dist cf tise lione, for thse lagt verdi bac retressîiug 'sound. -Presentiy ith opeued , andn adMy came ont di black, and wandered devis towi river. I kuew ithi as tise sump 1 il ho -churcb. She did net oo r mise came back-, vih is ais acui soeisroses aund seet-brierhiieri l Shcetsarted on seeing n strauger. hi pose my occupation re-assnred lier, acourteouily invituel me i.te thse i the suu visa nov bot andi oppresisi " Yen cen get good vietes frots aPer sindows," se mid], "ani y not bisitate ta go al eover tise houi Swish." n I suppsqe tisai I1i1001edsurjurisi * vllingiueste admit n stranger a iste iscr bouse. Sue rcmurkeoî 14 18 Iaw Mr. Wiseetlcy'a g'reethu e i cisuroi, yesterday," ise seui, 's vas ëufficiens-ronoTi fer une ta t seolter troun tis corcshng son, s , tles for purauing >your art."i 1, t1sàu1ke4 lber, and enter-pi fl of Ma4'riaze betweien Chinles Agratha Reed ; vcd ini the ot 0cf Mr. Hamnilton, Statirg al leff n wife Io meisrn luh tc, " il"said 1, ealmly, will duis do? Tt doecs no nor-me, for we did not ueed "Wait and sec tIse goodi answered, rubbing bis bandn. see." Thse neirt morniing, thlse c opu te t he Gien ose.deip, bucame on, ispas3edl mnhour iih h il ~ '7goo paler.Befere noon, we f)und thit the whele parish had been invited ti> the -minisier's for the ncext afiernone, and I1 has,,ily on ber borne, however, and lied the pica- was about te refuse on, but Mr. ~o te un siircef heairiug msine animadversions upena ners urged me soe arnPsily Ilint 1 a-reed figure thie samne just bchind me, hy a trio of silly th go wvitb him, aI, leesi in thse eveniuiz. tgo up girls, 1euded by onae binminiable nId maid.i, went. The whole village was thiere tic old Afti-r tee to-nigisi, my deear aid friend, beLons ose, and iaftr the finit confusion of Mrz. Maine-rs calicd' me aide, and asked sncb wF crewd was over, 1 sawi a1ehi , bok. aicrials my pardon for ber interférence, teld me ing very pale, but very cîlni, seaied bn. Id G.ien that there wiss a great deal cf taik in thse twcon the miniister'îi twîs dituigterA. l'uts sever at pari3b,-rilative te M?tar. Hamilton , that thse Martba sat near, and -witîihded cery mo. use baes villaîtrs î hought it very strange tisat shu tien, while lier cars euflit -very word- ig mrn !isolld Hveuc h iud> braken down and se- When ut Ien;th, th-i mini!iter rouse snd o0unt of eludeo eid place ; and ihat Fise lid Iseard st00d in thet cehîro orf ii roern, nIlivas 1 imes, sints about wy visitiog I>er that mad-e ber bushed and silunt, cacb re n -sorit:%%,,i Ail ibis yery uiihappy, ver mib segoindeed, and he wa§ abolit te pray. F led rhw s>'muinu il; ibhs wouild rI ploete break ofF from ibhe <lIen folded paperi frein bi.,; ei, fnudremnaoiIý ne, thse 11-0ins ir-eîfy-. that bo vus about te perfora n arat- cf stnd, ]aid my biaud eoaxingly on tise aid justice tn oeue of-the cempaty ; Fhi, lid dc. wile laulls 'a n, aiid related te lier hbwou ir iic- cided te doe h in presence of thern ail, li Ilbasquaintance cmemnuced, sssured her 1ha4 erder itIsatail migbt hbave unu ppertuniby Mrs Haiuilton. teesa perfect. lady, and àiW te rjoice ut ibhe innocence cf an injured huke ngreal. deel beittor 1hin,,tbesn vis sandered pry u*rIl iemaraeesrilae le en ler;, and wisen Ir6niaued lier of ibis,' 1 aud ibi uuot cf <3haie Hmiîn màtntl dbegge -3t hw btaIessconvile, deatis. I loelîed iowards Mi4.i Martua ,- tic.î are cd? by walking up le iec bier. vith me tbismile vas crimn w ith exditemiunt. The on profit- nez 1 afîceron, and inviting, lier te 4ake Stafford lady vas there tee, with thse grcful tea vhtîs lier. fripnda aonibis w %as vhiiîit. She tiso kyover " 1Ah'iMras. Stinten,$V ale said, "Inobody loelced irouibled and cuisfuîAd. Manv of Iinig th ecau resiotyen wben yen plead se "Pli- dicte preseîît vent lne)te Mra.Imio, Bîrds You sisoild have been a- lawyer ; und Mr. graep-iug ie l andaosmi, asked lier Iauueng Manners efiten Baya, it i.4 a pity yen id fiet Pardon fer listenin; te 01F villa;,e rss as alto-, studied 1ev. lysemne, it nover wss belieeed, aiti Quey nnd ru- Mr. Malnnem ws>vas bier oracle spcn ail bad nîigto do bui -te uaulmele points, and sqhe cousuls-ed hlm iwhetlser until îîuiabip longer te bear tise scenul, ai >on cf ils cr net aise aisuld go up-te sec Mis. Hamil- retired. Yuu may believe tIsAi she didoit ipproach ion. go alane1 s a ru de " Cel 1certaîiy 1I saliînt? i F-eOr, Anutst 15.-W. have heen very bunyî iccupied, pretty cielure 1 Wby lîaven't )on donc fitting up Pise Glein House. AilOr inew ratwing. sa hclorc ?yeS, and make bec welcomne furnituire and ceuvetisunces are tbeS~ ift of tel, iv enil tocoe eevery d4Y9 1Mr. Manness. .fI Thun yendon't helieve whet Martisa lIces yne, iheret," h? saidi wheis 1 ul roivn>says about ber neyer belng uarried, tried te ehanl hirm, &"yru would-liave isaî a- nd pasaing lierscîf coff for a widosi, de yen it wben Alice sud I vereu gene ; and ul 'ail" Mufanners?" vent. tusc yen enjey iL t forewv o el" Iel* ~' Lord bless yenc, Alicr>, if yen are geing Wü sah itilMke a Perfct, litle parsudise tuî rt te b ieve -wbat %vemen Iisy about each cf ih, I duink. Apuia locha every hsppy, I a Lai t eother, yen vil bave ennuihte dIo-esIp .and fnov ibet she lbas leof Il -sbe br ,tr ,a do cially sucb vomen as Martba Browin aud clues3, iii po;iirely lheudseeme. - -essed that sc t. Ycs, maltefier cerne desin te -.. - irds i tista, and esk Nir. Wbeatley and is daugli. Sausrs s sLoMEGcee's -X.witier îed sec terri, tee, and iben tbe guiasipn -uoutd bave ho a J3riiîlh centcrnpcarv ss --la - mse 1.uflî more te îalk ubolit." Ani the goed old Ibis variable climate, rins w!ii> umil id, %vi man laugluodand cclclud ut iithe ught serve fc, indicatiens of thse proS 1ibl euu sus. of "akiig a fuasý9" et he cailed h. peraturé cf thse seé.on muai ha gëneral!# )t 1 sup. Molndlay nighit.--4 hlavis just returnAsd nisrsstiog. Durnugthe lest, two dguimevrsi for se from geing heomA wihb Agetha. Mca. Man- viite. te ci urcozta have beeuredIs~)y [uuusey as nets veut with me, and we weikcd- desn incursions of sark, Isicà were dui e. tegetiser ta Mr. Wheetlsuy's, chie lie ansd chroniîclud lu tIe new3apeurs. Oni the th bs p- bigs aeu-'term joiued us in eur 'walk, andît sîreniiîisof tbis, 1 hai- ventutaît in bath~ -ou need ail Pus-ssed a pleesant evcning(rwiîb aOrtlies- instances te predict ilhd witrs-not in. te if yen pitale friends, They wvesai deiigbted dcsd, wbolly exempt~ frorn-,f.-etm,- but frein wiih Mrs. lHamilton, end ibis minis ter un- freata cf long. ceasinuiincs.s My îtepry, cd nt lier vitcd ber te- meet us et bis bouse' on Wed- is ibat the premenuce of wbi l sa duesiu >risadily nesday, te pas tise dayv. Poorj Misýs Mar- dicationtbat th Golf reîrcamis aettîîus in Ibis und tisse the mensure cf her diagust viii b u ll force round ths hor-es oif th je !tlald 1 iv--i t asuiset. t1 lises tl vs-li atid bas petaced tva or tbrie tbere Isêfone, Farnuesr Manuers petsgmu, and I vould ha dosu day. Mmr. Mennet-svas waitiitg afier I fisd brumben -offtheiisdoslp doun te e delicions aupper cf fre anasossscd hernies.» The JuIy moc u vs-biniisg diiuglu the openinga is tise. mepi my sindes, a deligisîrnu sound of waters was in my sar as I leyd( bed fragnant vus hrose leavs iaud and I beazi ta &ink tiet afiet Country' wa.s tise oniy place fit to 1 vent, to sls*p -ith tise delihbfu Ougm thu>tsI sas te enjoy il mntIs te came. Il- 1, t. 1 ý - 1 - - 11 1 1 1 oe r

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