Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1863, p. 3

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rtelegi va ~iîdy endeavored ta ho as hailed with a yells. n expressed hi&a&atciUsh. ôrder, and tareatened îxo unleasu brder vas maintain. iattempteul ta read a letter 4but the uproar continned ovent.d his heing heard., #the Secretary, approach. toead the letter, and wus la and cries of-.."Fetch in "hold hic, Ur," h~ caled upon the "linfant"ý eep order. [Treetendoni novfed thet -Mr, flengough tinued uproar.1 [t is MnY desîre thet Mr. ard. (Loud and oontinved gelow..:.L t tho question be fhdw ICIetamed noiie snd confucucn.) ergouqh imainficed hie place i lé stand for More than a quartr r, Ouring 'chut the stanipicg cf rulliný eever once ceeaed, anud be :e tx wtake is s t 'ithout beiîîg et hcni4g, or r .aid 3Mr. Mowt's iiîh leho h1, fiihi.; htand. aee ad ite qupstiola. athnbalie, prîcilege cf ni, afnd yen Shouild lot .others 1 mzn It avi' e Pi hr if this Con- PkIRT. SPENCER.-On the 26th inst., the wife of 3fr. Ilenry HcrbetSpencer, of a son. APlERON-ÀteWhitbY, On the 27th ltM.JOhn Andermon, of a danghter. M ARR IBD. CÂMIPBELL-..BYNEAt Whitby, On te Cth imt, by the f4ther of te bride, Robert Campbell EqMèrelhant l Miss. EIizt Maria, daugbter of the Revd. J., T. Byrne. WVJITIJY MARÏÏES~. There ard na shepplies of grain worth- quoting. Eau Whei s el88e. tw 93.- Spring 78c. to 84c. and .85c. Onta '8c. to 40c. llerley 88c. to 92c. Peau 62c. 56c. Ray $12 te $15. Rides $1560, Potatoee 40c. Eecs li NEW ADVIERTýSEktl4TS. trul SV KI t hei , 1 \t P'îe t ., oi, CAUMLIE &- ÀMcci)NKEY. FA'1 TORE NT, Olt VO<>t NALE. 0 'F IREASTYREJ FOR TUE YEAR -ENflIN4 DECEMJ3 IN ACCOUNT WITH TR MUNICIPAL COftPOflkTION vwIN fl x I JE.W T() f19lh on hand froc, lest etdit...............so NF. %ePhadi.n Inspecter of Taverns ............. .260 On3 Magstrates for fines ......._................17 50 ('y i. -ahiuýOn ccid N. MeLean, fur sales of timlber 13,80 Bank of Montrîcli COkrgy IReserve Fîn4e....676 0 Coilnty 'Trlaéssrer, ncîî.resirlunt taxes, and sale of WVild Lm Land......... .... ...............661 68 M. Chamîbers, ba!anccof taxes -for 1861. ;.........909 89 II1M. . iyx, e....:.208 0 xTowiîship Ccllcctorsi for oae f186,3,. .. .. . . ..3275 10 i AT vîlti.ii Ipttr t '--'îî Noi ',-î loi.110ir , Vlitr6eld with gronst vYdxmence~, t.ttWinî.ci:b ll.)x-r--.,sri It the mosx isgrrdheg-c.fcul uin of ulÀSîu,;,, rxitdMr, Draper with being a o atfemr nd e dishenest fmac. 'a iuhm ant, knew 'chat Ite A1e<N [ilGO, *cliaretid im Nwýth stating what - . -.Mch,1 . .0 be fan d riéîeated tîxo as-. a V '3Iî to,.n lie had ic]Lt fait oc cetrcdiet toiset anîd uprear xriîîrea aed te . a. ..£ Id" 'lnt bu tcxax., out; but7'ce xun- Tiheî-'~- rr h l Lîiuc ta ceclutuc- Mr. Draper for MIr. 11iggin.a' nune ino thie dits SPanigh Sole, No. 1, $2G.00. tl' altercation as te hew he. e*-rcrrC I. Nu. $1.00 pie- doz. intieci wtî ciemeîd ment should Pliîîtxic é6 1. -N.340> Id as to 101n shouli atnd 'cho t vote, the chi irmaiin leclared tho F'1? IN 1) I N G SI -tut o cf rder. The, conduit cf -A fu .r ,î-t',. i-I erhn bc body o c hllUci. iis stage, i]-îli-î.I J i.IXxtAi. act disgraeefil iwe Ci uw-' ed upoix tht-jr-9cs yeIl -d and I]itil-, Apl e l, I 1 :3 j. idoinoîxlietlalet lose. ESorder BO TS Lirman'à efforts tt1 keep TUOt lo- î ur-tislrthttfLiîixr hI> '> iand ho niicd bis seat. l,-e ti et ntinucti unabiat-t,. aîtd the few îîÜI ----î lt-ti- ctibti aw -persans present leit che cnîhin; î -ta l.In.K- Nocbirig uire outrageons ii TUIE i5AIPIS AÂN1KLET. ripubîlice meeitng unir teck place T-::I-lAî. befute, 4îd-we trust enter 'ciii J.xMFS BAlN, %v, 'cnaudeîscsnd, euhat sonie f ttc ring ,leaders of chu di-q. ccece'd efoi Uiicd a keci, uni pa.Otuc .itî)I irliuthe Mar.cm-- arulmoit a sor itoasit its heen reaei%,ed. The n'n ints i l a ether uuimportaixt 'tAprul 7-The B«Ucitià s e Ucfellowing speefal des. Apnil 7I. -Despaitidie frar :ie the follxîwiug qaceoutit 0 Sn0w Hill, an the 2nd est y with 2,0014 cavale-y, api wii' infatitry brigade, &tarte- -ai's anti Whrton's 8St 'atiry snd cavale-y, at Stiot tiburu. 'lîhey deove je th4 s, acdtl ic 7ih Pannsyîvanil and--- cavalry briga di sute-y, tinevet UP le- froît ictaâ 'cre i(ie encunutere( , and~ a cansidet-eble fore( a wera pçsted on Lite bldf $ide of Sinit's Fort. Tt te drivez aqîk and xfrnet loik, ,êbecce they 'c Tke 2id tand i 4 Ohit tnt ta the <ncry's er, witit sabres u hunt, uit >fthtCu elcasi,'hou if> liee-itof tbe Gouféderý Ifèerale bs 'cau roua 1i 1a neatter w'eideti, ta Gen. Stinley aiea captuee 1IGIeý uaelà a<h squantuty 4)- e, anti de.sirnyed cotxsider- e 1,esiouQ of the Coufter- e. Stiiiley's ptnto si tee theini. Tlîey aisespeti IOse--Si wctsone rirata nsylv-xciia cavale-3 killed andi gedesd. s ront Enrop>eý Canada rvslwdisd aifax oGa i Lieue-piool On thbe more. nd ileistibem»Z2td march. ihin>rtxlnfroin Callao andi F. e 'f il d 1> g e a Il y The TorontoColloge, C. W Cu<2~LeetePue-I-te a1 tnd Prce-ci4lîixc. 'liiie A ohtiietia lCvli-ge!4 s etu i-ipae-l t(.) Y.'uug e.. tuttiLaU.thic; t Moth canti te-sehÀi- ito lt Sci fr a it i sttt- il l ,g tliCta. il, iaiie-t-,Ihv, oft tue clii, ttmtd cm-e- te-Ssi w.lj1ltaM i-filk E. CAu, 3tr ile C it'Ilep COLLE(.F, E ET BOOKS(. la at5'ocftxcetages. - ii Ar- M-fx. Murrzn, Esq., ArbturR.ý fcMetcr, Ti(%î K-xfEr ., Pleu twe rs. Es.,M 1'. r., Adain lBtthslh, limq., Yicltid For ceaîull tauix, lsseid xi te foj1ep oret aa. u,1i eiitiogue antîc cirular, ini- (e tie A fue CiOicI 15IV1, STIIATION &k DAY. ttîiIîx~-..brh t, i~.i (l 1' t ', tü-l ir. Il-hi> .tcl'Alie L-5-t cli-î;l-a a>QIL~ ea loitî the t l aty- . 11 "e-îi' i 'asi-0 ii BricrkSud Cee "f fia l~uciC1l cal liilriy. 'Ie I nie sa By paid Councillort, t6i et Assessors and C te Township Clerk' attendiig ot T ownshuip Trias xReturiing orceý sîuector.... et luties on Tavet id Daniel King, Te' id Cccnty Trcîcsne i purposea.,. " Noii-Re.zîdeit Sol and l12 ...... et Prinfing and P% de IRostiCornrn i>cc 41 Expensex o c k de for SurVeys #Pd q 13y balance in Tresseri JL~1 ~ c '~ > c>~ (>~y ~~L~THE GREAT AMPASSBV0R OF LATE DOINOVAN, WALI(EY & CO. HEALTIE TO ALL JIAWIND.- AND ML4NUFACTTR1ER 0F IRAS RENQVED TO FORD'S OLP STAND, -el 1%W 1h à ii ft 'tonds Md Brige, ~8566 0 e n Roaclaand, 273 00 188 00 ;elecilngJuror>t,, anti c............ ýor8, snd Taverulà. 61inl n1862,.. tnty andti lueiaîon-- ... . . . . . . child .... t al ex penses,. e5402 66 Weth uîîlrsgued, lAîîir4 ereby ertify that we hai anid vonchers in coiîîictimnî with tlif- forefroiîrrýbsmt' n'h Pr-ime OCloveèr & -Timothy Seed WJOLES-ALE & RETAIL.j. ALL RINDS 0OF IMTPORTED Seeitna, o.4, La PERI PAR SOL F1VES 44 OQ 17 75 32 f"A 2fr 20 701 à4 1the baooks, receipts, founid the saline cor- Audilors. iry Sale SHUUIT CLIFF, Plaiîîtiff, 9iW cme, Défrendantacs, Ilic dccr co f thlcfIn.oe-itble li cia caie irinff it BROCK STREET, WHITBy. o1 hand, anild is constantly xnannufsCtUinrCutters, .Sleighs, Buggies, L.&C., of the latest style, and mnost approved p'atter 1, frein thue best m'ateri. ,alis, and ehocest workmcî, ; anil hopes by strict attention to buisiriess to nienît a shere of Publie patrongye. i>A few gooti second hand Cutters on haud. - Arc receiving large supplies of SIJINýG & &SIMMiER GOODS. .ln Latdies Bonnets, Bats, ItIbbO-n$' &ethe-y haveý the newest -shapes, colotffîk, &c. -0 They have the very newest styles in Poplixi Robes, Caoan'dNor-wioh Lustres, Challies, Bara-' - theas, T.hibots, Eglish and French Delaines. SPING »ND SU MNMER $[]A W¼JS AND MÂ[NTLES. 0f the niewest mnaterials and latest patterna. Thie wai t fa er;jxg mcdkiIto tl ~çî the iii. x' neie tety 1B:feiigPri¶ lif tmuxity, mut oie. cnl sseacremi eenild liq lC ri Was ierod sie the wuclx. lHULLow4T'U ISVALi'AULU PIlu- have becornesthe i ,w, ol il i.- CURSE ; ie xtàc te 4 xix1 i., o t Cucplauil. and thuis by 1eaueylxigIthe iwlli aeU. odieu e- uInvigrteand rvs(eç the anspig Paucgieu of (lie msys lem, xi, eueeungaure uiher s xetaVTLIC4nd geXCtu.Y-. D Y8IYPESIA.; Thegr,.: %coiurge ua tht. eongifleixyielfie qaxekly fo e coumse xii llxce afiip pie PliiI,sxlthe dgtxe r i. gaxis e rffnlxred lntlisproper tour; lxius raller ex what hixieoxixxihn. lxei, hytirs utfdljeasux(-xici, il-. sei; th~eerwechirtg wd ulier>xog ceiy 4îpecxxet Lt (tom ato Ui llxs a) Mem». CoGneral Debiflty and We<,Wi. Frxim %whnivercau4e. L9w evicraias,anti ei xlhe:r igme or. a e clliver, astI eixier ixîuca liait0o m5e syuxiem,-Vsxxjeb uxider tt'cerexuîui% «ifu- xec ofthlin ail rpnwerful sethsepieue Ci cergelit cum.- edy. TIe prgpcrqusumun gh$eoigi,, or 0<tie bile il, vr caoxiiouxu importnce 1 in ie-ait?, of the illiipi fraîne, clig ÂSTI-Mîil)gim,,(eit-i e xjpe hex sxx: ,ecxs xi ci>~coxptsixc. fiulro il iilu Ilttilàa sasi m retwiu purc and fluent, ,duinaln a ri schnliig tlhc cxi fxiwitil oft t lb.ixly. t4UCf£LY FIC1IAIFE.- fing t3 nîovaîîîgteirdcy, wh.ccever ma)yho l uai ltnt> t*keli Wltis.<eel 1 i[,I...a. edult &àtaiouDU UJNREFUTED 1ýROtO?. Tfhe etxi.ny Of NtixiusLnll laflît hYFN lxrjue the balî.iugvne (xsil tee!,ubdcer.. leris c u vx-v ii lFIhnjn brut wiîxicu the uxWiciabliic5u or LMir ixiîrîxieî woi-. h tolloiay'8 PUl(g arc thIe bu ',tnedv kaoto in thue zetrNfor tfolfoicbU>wiad~es IAhpx. Diatrhoe4, luicli guxughA, Dbhiy *fauahu IChesrixia1 , Fvr, o s.ue,îîalwn. CPee Di ixi4. Coxii- t.ielCe eiplaxii, fleadhcllee, $foeeand Omeci, loi-s I-Nu egnu"ill -ksai4, iline arunuid cach put or boix; tie ,ssiee eay bc ptaiiy) sees byàldg mle, x1&7fst i i the ig'.xA  ix7iir- f 0'ii n t tua e1il TII ~P\T i a- etmi 0 WVDA q'lf'n nxi ct W Thley have Chice Broad loths, (Jasaineres, Paney Tweeds,-, gel iehul 811k mixe Coatings, V'estingsi, &C., -IN, IL-Ditecit 1 evcry iisoter mie And are prepared to makze to order, by first-class workmen, Gen- Uuètk tlýemeniÉ Clothing in the latest -style, with promptness aiîid despateli- IN TEP ED-L EtF"7 Tli-e di wtiere lhu 1-îprti erils2, &C., an( Uý' tbL'THING D"PARTIMENT, <'ZO> derstcilthu -Will be fouind a wYell assorted -and extensive stock ot Mena and Witbi, at Boys Sp*ring s ud Sumnmer Clothing, at prices te suit the times. Notwithstandingc the . d,%ance ini the pliee of 'Ille$ X.STEAM1ER i "ORTeIl __A3fË'RlCAN," .ANOTIElt LOT 4-OF JIECEIVED ]3Y PFAMILYGRCR WHITBY, be SOld for a vIL A~rî1 ~, 18U3. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B~RITJSH RENIEWS. Il IA AS-EVRTua TiIttSF WHOt l'u- i e-axaqccne f ix acrrce ri-.e in te prieett V.xcTr snd cfsa (4exxlticýri ttcinti >ti l'Ilt, hxes tire redcdning tc-siz) or xteuig rit-es of tlic eiplliLstiolns, wo shaicilu- ihli , ' , (irtu isv151 tutirieli ours Li pietcx am leret-rore, at lie, a-iMate.,,via; at 7xîr.ý LONDON»o QUASTEILY (Conservative). -tir EU[tsaugcatcRsVacw (Whig). TUtE NocRa Baaisa RFvîsw (Free Chcîrch) Tuex lVssraInSsaTEREVc.W (Libicral), BîÂCXwoor)s EaIeNBUInai MAzts,(Tryý) TEllES PERt ANNUM. Flot auivtace ef tefoir Riev....$ 70 F.î il foxtaf U thL e'ae........ ...8 00 Fiert . .wod~Mgsi .......... fe0 Fîtr Blivtclcwuod éw4 iftae Rvlw..3 it.. i> For Iilsdkwoel afet îwo i lêiers . ...... 0 Fer lbsekwood ni tiare. Ravime .- OQ F4.or lllckwoid snd te foue- RuvIgar'; 10 Io 'Ctiies Wiii bu oer priff e. a]] wopay x piori ..!ieLet01Aprl.Tote ail b d tite -Jér ~&iii e hs vhx m,,fiix Ta1, .nfo er .ire(-f ]w J& IV -v 10 100 Auore-, 7h tlenet. LAg lJi anxd goex-ti 'coaf Waberxoit tce j, J. H Wl>ici~y, 2'4i.h Mare-lt, îses. - ltewtnailcillxa aSlarleie,,c-mc, sud Oultuiva 3 cs0o~, t'1t~aua ixis~-e-t a tenus. Sherifl's Sale oftands. SE. -l Cotîtltiv or O( A.-1., 1861,a plubllc -Ail-ti flonua, il i tt ot)l Qii,,th wr5,4Kiitte- ihtt litersa nircuu ofeei April 8, 1863.'

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