Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1863, p. 2

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i. G. Il va. -jas- April 16, 1863 ýAR A YEAR 1 ', s Comms.a su of tisaI voicer- par, on hohahf cf t,"~ anglt net bu 1. Ia bas ma- 10 Iheir fanai', lie- trs andi sent! tele- Sae niah-eeshiaisaîf rotaru, Nr. Dra- enititledt! 10bans n.', Buet, va Sa- tlie muiicf tisa satisi>' is sprement ve ara toIt!, isiier îtîorship 1' ibis Bm- nthars a commis- tise Whiiby Rond In erder toa mc- las hea.t, ve m'ut. tI le a nt ver>' ditalahieans cf ? a lictIe desp4icable uca-tis. Drtupr te t! gel s brises of at Upon 1,1. Dra- liret.t' mt Mm- llein is, avcsisip d. TIie Draper a abers o! a dagrea tera hoe etcwiug col>' a usMM-B S bad imipresson ontithse soit, yea Pir. Yen araefuet! tvolars and t!cos, li', or six dap s a bardl laber, sir. Do yon hear, ir ; rta>' cas, onstable,are ne adol- lar Iveaty ilva, ir, yeasirh. Do yen hemr The next «f tie Whitby Salcis is John Agnaw, Esq., .£J. P.11 Mn. Agnew laa ira insarance agent,,aut moet davotedtet bis calîing. IndeeS, bh a aaiimseif,- lisat ha Ihelieves ha vas bora for Ibm-t businesa. Next ta bis agancy>, the chiaf sabjecta that altractet is attention, vere tise agi. talio n of Rapresentation b>' Population anti Sectarian Sceees, in al cf whicislievas a Sim diaipeof tha Globe. Like othar aav maki8tratea la tise lova, havas-ar, ha bas iececîîy leen lad taouse ie rraoa tisaI paper. eot Seing a, Hogartis, van mant put hihsad bis fit-st cas on a bit cf cisceas ; bat va vih fi'>'it mfter our ovii faSiion, thue-. "An' 50Tii, yavantavat-raut, u? In ni> ccantc-ie, d o jan iear, there are anm-> kinds o' warrants. Tisera are, for instance, Spalzeo, Fugue, Manrifi', Berderraitin', blnlthlpihnicg, un' a' tisaI. " Au Irîsb wdi'ant, ai' honoi"svovsip. A poltîlseue rrmnt, ltaI ati, a varract fer n bat ucîder the env.-"' 9"OS, T ste, an' te-o or threesappieme,-- lai'> inipactiatinas abouttise'eyos, I jutige. An uasanmd baller>' wrrant." - ut Indeos-ieb amc' te btter ties mal ont cf me ir-jouUrvct-ahlp."1 "Meut),but isat's awfcu' au'! Satre-its lait peicy awu renewet! by grises, toc, ha moult! havse sert il dean vo wse ro theve nover iras a regul ar!>' organizot!, fine bri- gaSetlesuisdue tha Bmms t Wael,wveci,if ho hat! toue tuIt viketi deet!, ho ahouit bm-vo lueS a gehbove a fa'! cuhie higisai, cisan tise osa tîsat exalted Ranima. An' je sm-y tisaI the qîcarrel vms about lise new vie-s o tise Referus Ministi'> on tisa graI questions cf tha prcsoict century'. WceI, me bava a' hi-en living ion asIale cf pelitical deinsiîon. I Saaetalion hile errer niesel' an tiés sbjeot cf Représentation b>' Population an' tisa maboul question, isut Sliave me, Tiai, poli - tical théeories nover put a apeonfu' cf pur. risge lite m-an empt>' n.mm. Jsht gee ns yar m-sevrision le tisis ccmplain-îis;tera, nob. Ilere'a mv ativice ta ye, for tear ibm-tIbmt bit ' spirit o' venrs sisouAt Se et acy lime tbi'uït by vielcî;ca cul cf il praseat tlent- m'uît li tisa omIS, juil aenre Il a gond insuraunce against mny luas ci- tamge bhj lire visae nazI, ant! ton'î gmimhls aitishe pramiace, for l inlta>' axpérience, 1 neyer mSai % lieurasi1- riai 1' Tsere's yen war- rnt. Brine Robait Acres' before me, an'- if I da'"tpoish hlm off, camne a buratasi Sggs." Wèbehllee-c tibmtviih a MtIle expariance,- Mi'. Agaev viii malte a -gond We iyul v mse tise nein fanctionarjea te enie>' lsd' Sonors i laaea. Va latent,' isevevar, faitisuteil't report ahI camas cf iittiresi Ïtcma>'coule bfSatane iaiWor. Tovi RAM. WHicVa, -April iStis 1863. TiseCocancil cnet ict 8 o'plock. Tise Maor-lan the chair, memabaru pr.esaI er., Mesura Rave, Peri'y, Cameron, Pevas'ill, Powell, Hall, Walla-es. PETI'rIONr. Or Wrn. Gardon, praving for repaire of site lina rom-t!betweea iota 28,Sut!nd29--j Mr. Rove.- 0f BannaI (Goodmcan, praying for m-lt -Mi'. Ferry. 0f Michael Mariavty, praylng tisattise foandiing baby, ha -storedt! tais lteaping' -Mr'. Walla.ce. The prinîing Cominittea broagisl ap a report stating itatischyf ha'! receivedt! ea- ders freai Mv. -Robinson cf tis 4 az"<lette"' office, and! frorn Mr (j Bigglans -ofthlie 14 euailtjVU" office, fa'x tise corporation pricting, util tisa fitst of March 1864, and reoaimeat!ing that tise tenter cf M.-Rig- gins ha accepteS as béicg tise Icwest. On motion of Mr, Povell, seconda' b>' Mr. Perry, tisa Coancil want inca Cei- mittea cf tis oe sastiereois-Mi. Rave la tise chair, Comnittea rose ad reportai! tise report iitisout arnevcmeat, wviis eas adopteS. On Mcioecof Mr'. Pcrry, sàondet S>' M5r. Hl-i, a istia iassedt! teeapaci1mrt of' by-law Ne. 62, mnd ce ix tise Licease on Billard Tables mt $40. toôrtcT cF'ig>vsoSç. On motian )f Mr. Penn', secondeti S> Mi'. Dons-t-ii, tise Mayor, Meurs. Itowo, Caresa, Des-orîll anti tisa- movir. more appointet e court cf resisian for thea'pro. senct jcar. On motion cf M.llsse, aircoîcted, by- Mr'. Hall, the Cenîcîcil adjourînot outil Mecida>, thie 4duis cfMay' net. Pickering Tcw'îshxip C(lecil, SsrTUI-lU.t, A pril 4- ,1863. Tise Pickering Council met lu the To%.viu Hall. Members ail precent. Petîticîts presco-tid-Of (leorgis Chsp- mati, an indigenuî t ersct, prajing fer ait! -Mi.'.MeCreiàist. -Of Frederick Greeni m-dut oisrs-Mr. Ballac!. 0f Alex. Cîtis- liou, cnd t! os, 'lrying for mid te la- irrove tishels-trit touu in-Mr. Ballar-t. 0f Thornas Sadher atît! thers-Mr. Wix- son- MIr. Ballacrd mores tisaItishe Reeva do grant hlm erder an -tise Tra-urer-le as-or cf Cisu. H. CIiIemut! Jolin Iortrop for lise sum of $20, sait! sua i îg expendet! b>- tisemasaicouimimsioers Lai' the ireief cf Piiip Dotîdas, mn - indigent birson-Car. riet!. Mi'. McCreighit muvs-aStisst theé lIse- do grant mn oi'der on te Tnoasarer te, John Sbiou, Esq., P. L. S.,-fcr tiesainutaof $48, for aurs-ey cf lots hImet 12, in tisa ôti Con., anti planîing noue beundaries ucider instructionîs treaitise Commiasioer of Crevcî Lundi -Carild., Mr. Bflaa] aovseIlat tha Cocacillous cf the fifîh ansi second varda et ibis town- sip bo autisorizedtoteexpenci sixI>' cents ec-h per eeuh,ý for tisaerlief cf Mr'. Fuke atd Geo. Cbaman, tise>' ieicsg-pr.ties le indigent ireuccstani-os, mut! report to Ibis Coucil con or before tisa irai day cf Jdne neat-Cscriet!. Mr. WixBonm niesa tisa els mrof 6 ha appropriîe4 for thie ps ,f bi a bride aoves-the emt....c 5of....s J Oýfri printAmlze,a63.~ Wm2TZY, WDI'DÀ,April 8, 1869, MeKegy va. Warý_cdctoff1ýt setlon in Ibis caue wuhrought by Àcc McKay, against the defejjrdaet, Charte Ward, for t be esductioy of bis daagbtez Ail the parties reside nea OCaunlcgton il thse the township oft lrock. Mdary McL>', aworn, and examined bý Dir. Wood-1 arn the daùghtir of th plaiellif &Areby McXay. 1l kuow a perso narniec Chas. Wad ; bave keown him foir1 good whle. Rave a child living, 111 hi chilci. Had iflaut Maà. 4Ch"a. .Wus, is the' father. Thse connection too4 lac lest Jane. In reply Ita ctuiel as ta ho' thse act came about witness @itatýd-Yt wa when coming frenm a raising, we went dti a aide road towariis rny father'a 1I<IIIS Hreard 8me oae corne along the wos whistling, andi defendant Bsud ta nie ta ste inside the fence and let thamr pase. I di, se where part of thse fence was devs, au' vent loto a fieldi, vo botisBat dovnan, thoen tise connection look place. Cross-exainteci by--Mr. M. C. Carnerol '-low is îtCyou fil the tirne to bsee bee ln Jucu ? Otbers tonld mefthat the szjsina ras in .Juie, and 1 kncsv it myseif. Wu thatt the on!>' lime Yeu hall connectint ll v' him ? Ye. Pd Yonuleep bis conspan> good deal ? Yes, Phd you keep comýpan, with ainy oticer yosscg mens" Yes; wit' severci others, but don't know that 'I di witis an>'oneelsc et ta in.Do yc Lknow Johnx Sprowlo? Yes. R ert Sprom le 1 Yes. Samuel Ainsworth Y Ves.' Has yon kept cnmpany vith iîhk'm? -Yes-nc tery olten, 1 nas! voe sec tsernat meci ing, and meet thora cerng home, ur they'd sec tme bome. Were. yoe Ce nlxlt with Sprowlti? Cain't Say, tuigi, bayeewalked with himi on thec road. you know Wesley flrAîdoct 1 often sa, him, but ne more. Wei-el, 310 everi company with John SprôtvIe Brandot and another girl -,tl ny Iiino'? 1 don't rt colleet. Do yen recollect &4 any tle ci ting down ini the corner oft-a feuie vil Sprowle, muscis in the sams-,mýauiir as did with Ward ? Nô-Peýs4PM I inigl1 hae sat down, xith hhmin ýbbosqe. D yeu L-nev Uugh Mecy? s-be le m brother. Wers von et bis ca iizi'hl in cemrianv wiîli Sprovl or iadon? Nc In is >yard?7 No. Did yatî ver charg Sprewle vith behsg the er of Yeu cbild ? Neyer. Dîd jea'; cr -et au moes> frein bigl, or tel!l aaetisaI yc did charge bim with being ilie father ?- Neovecr. I>id Yeu ever r5u5in lisoe father's oat.house with Sp e ? Novec Do Yeu n oJo ob ast'G v-hiýe je n>' recohlectdon of bis p hy at au: tirne s-hecyou vere vith wle 0on th road ? No. Wlsaînmade go oT 'il), isigisvay vils Ward ? made'Vol leave tbe road bec-ause a wisified WasheýapecvaaDof bad # r thatyoi %vere eshameditu he sean hirn? ýW4 ia cu italkissg, and i l Îtssottcf th, va"y goic Io faîiser'a hou aI hici of l aman is sprole,-ïs b ,&ey modes mac? Be la as modest a&mns M ev kept companjy w'ith. Do Yeut reinembe hein& hehitid a hay-stack *uih Sprowle1 Never vent behind aIsay'stuslwilh hue Perbapa I1aunirnistaken5 dit! YOn go-vaL carrent lan conaection with plaintioe'a came. Meetin te anaschester'. into a ave. ofor instance, and istudies or- mçsvi'isg ta scare peopleP Didt! he>' net Court asi>oisi'iid<pediçisoy. We.ilil la sa vilitiste present imakethefr populs.rity upon h.? Il;,VUe A reqaisitian .signet! hy Mr'. Thomas governasent." 14 amn sorry,'5 sait! ho, t"to t with the abandoameal of tlier exffýoe Tharaday,, April tbt. paxtoa, andti morneoPbs v<,ekMen, itix a ses George lBrown dlscassing the question viewa ha foaad fssisht It as wiîls ier ËlJcceueI V8. - Shier.-The eu a vasufew cêber pergons, tis placet in tise bands as h. lu, and blelli.have te olndy a lutile formr ilr sepresentalons, aéd ei 4i îl vitbscrawa b>'counne! for theo plaintîl!' ho cir eeec eabls wec npar- expediene>." -(Applanse ),they acted inhoagitatine helise nid cf the Ibal 11 bi cliet daseeof a theh sua v f eah i. amphol cllat ,Mr. P. Â. Hurd was calfei -for, atsd people, Thie oaly mesre of the prý"nj ViY statinorbshaatrntarae.sncofwie MrCapelalda carne forward. Ha saisi, Ilee no aevgosîeirnent that cisîci ha spokan cf' with Min.icaltiandcMr.ilsona r.ac .r-eaen. Publie meeting an Satarda>' lest, "fer the- priaciples tea acvocsWe, asut!one aw plat.favor. vas. the- isilitia bill. W.!! vbgst, I in Woodi, Attoaey, Counsel far plaintifF, Mi'. Parpose cf discasaing the poli>' cf tise Ad- fcrita stand aparr, My positon 00w 15 asicesisud hit amoant te? lt-aà a farce. C)y m nernadMr'. Wood, for dafandant. ,mIiîiuîtion." Tis euroas appointa'! vas juitishe sainie as il ahayshem een T t nh ay wa teaers ilbta aaye wh 'Y T/c Queten vil. Miller-Rtpe. Mr'. tva o'ciock, bat it vas haîf Putl three have neyer taken extrema viewli&jpolitical Sc 0mn'vbites n hs h Ie i 8h tated tise casefor tha Crosvn, ad& lkfoe aasafficient namber coulai he collecl- lattrh e oal oi a Rêqueesnsîc w b> day, ant i e o*r"ar ow, vis gel reta. calledý tise priacipal witnes-Mary A.tiI t!mtera. Tiske trealpltia epesttion nov joind cmaa i'eor ycea g t let- aBlése tesifid,-I resitha on th Sd lcatgetiser la envibla theareave ' o p population, andi Separale Sehoala. I c01t5 iand accontremant5, anti wha hainus à Concessiou cf Wh baota~ieatheis procaudlaita. Sea ie l>' perlians have," said ha, i"Jacket! la vain, uisrangh higiser motive in jiigtsagla ri tisre qiartersfrom tiselova, T amrnilfteen vere «then" assarnled, adthe iinher the leaelhag papers cf 1he cacttry-tha tissai; viereas, tise aid billvanbci hav. 2" eyasr? oit!, îknow the prisoner, ha lives la subsequently eeest e praa c.Globe and tise Whitlsy CIHsici.x, for hrougtistcO te arank tise nmen vWso bad lW Whtj h a all ab o'Cmmt i. av ased t, has'dpu. aometising vorth> thé6naie of an ,ltgcA. seiletlhnog autmIche, the bono sat!dssev of Wbtig a rae a pt ni>' o frs Wînm d be. 4uhe îisi remtadho-veypr ment againsltithe prasent Adinistration, tise coutit'>.Mr- Wright reforredtit ie a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c talt!by h ffni ek lc: ht n rattar ia is te correct andti t vas in vai,for 1 saw notisiag ta getca npmt > h rsaeoa Ssha vas carning frein Sanda>' achool, tWl h e ise rpresantations, anti aiaggei'atiat, canviaca me Itaitos marnais vers cor. tt'ei' u>steni-semecishing like £1 ,000.,fui 'Cl il was on tise lest day cf hast No-_ý whieh vil! bo likel>' made ia cîheiq ters, reot in thiai course or apposition." Mr'. eacis compati>', anti deaouneed thse hinity 'P vemiser, she vas passspg, baci CeeS- Ii order te give anunssdee importaus te ardsiitsIh i!ntvu eseka fts xetne id ra a aid r-dtise apogist for thie administration, he -Mr-. R. Il. Temîisson haviag Sean caul. id ~ ~ ! raeasiar as tise prioner Bt tth h ie procetisss, wc gives tiseactua!l sani'mcctana ii«acnite dfr îairaines tise tin *.Ha 'd corner cf tise fence and! saiti sothicg w8sm. ttiiantise biso o ha - d fonetad r le ta te h im, bho callet hor "a lîttîlubback adcvi!," cfftise. tnahiield votera proeuit. The..nu-- cy ; for, ounheSeariste S otquestion sait! irondim,ýelf i apeesliar jposi- and aske het yis'se vas geig se fut. Tise>'ber vas just 21 h. ie>' ere-Abel W. bis owvn viev a stnevai' cisangea, As a-1tion, lha vaisaavaut,, man, anti unaccus. )n vere about haîf a mile fre ny ujinse, ise Evera Jas. Trnax, Chas. Marais, John iindividaa-as a Britis sabjeet, ha regard- ttret! te politicel spealsing. He, isow- en drcsgged iser tte sacorner e is oce, Vernon, Tiss.Paxten, Wni. Wârsi P A. ed tise cry -; a sagreal I&bng.haar." It ever, iras prapareti te se>' tiathl i i nDot g ~ ~ o aiehe hfetr.raot s osga , R Hrd 'W. Poison, E. Norrtlicte, A. Hart!, wecld, ha sait, havehbeu botter te have rogard.ssis meeting;, as tise resaItcf an -ex- Iù iad sîretiglis, ho &fterwards Ihtoi' cr f bis Senr., T. Macro. John Nott, S. Netiserton, grant eparuta sehoals la tise first instance press3iQo f thcepeople cf tisetownsshhp cf h Owcs accordJ. W't'ess dt! aiîe< tise par- S. P, Bai'ber, Edvm-rt Wabkei', Dr. Oak- hcstead of mittitng tise ceunitr>. Ins grant. eRacis. And wisen bu saW gentlemen: thiers'L* ut he-cgths, adud across estaminet! le>-, and a feir unis>'stranges hosti naines ing tliem protestants on!>' grmcted vîcat iseaao s8hoe h eehsrmn lyy > Mi'. M. 0. Camnrin aiseendeavoresi te> vi>ceunît et. escectain, uiakhng Up tise iraright-grsnted vîat Loer i'Canaeda, tal Ii getttiîg cp tisa meetinig argiag th show tisat tise offence vas sirnpiy a,"hover's 1number state-t. Thsis consposai tisa plia. where tIhe mejorit> vas, catiscic; hat! long opinions se utterl>' inconsistant 'ih ail id q arrel.i' D r. E atw ood, D r. (lun, a i, lanx - tise ge ttrs p of tisa M eeting. 'As' %g e c ncee cird tei protestant&* Tl'o e t i' pre io ns acti, h > c o ! '~ n v v )u tise tatîser of tisaprosecictor, vere ekaushu- opposedte 0tisant, mcr acre preseat,- icatlsolicî- bookitg -nt la frocibis pointol f ta ululIrEk To iseer monprsn th Wr-oheWiluM.R 1 TrlnOs lievcneti ciois are recarde! aitmeettinig 8t4 tse- wa neohara la tise y-~t cdMcdre y s'dcc'iitspprteftie( va chî&rg7e. Gomas! produc:d lthe mother of Mr. Chas. Pavie. Mi'. Peuhusl, Mr. G. ,i'tttiian. No cce, Se> b ievesi, sisoald thi SeParato Sebool iili-nien vis e imritopr ~t iseprsour s aviues fe tse ofiso Lsie, Mr'. W. E. Yurnold, mat! Mr. LuIse 'depri-pei of tise rigis cf seuding lIseur hes neyer tired dianoiiutcg it, ho kia w- rio Itritsi t a fmmily bhiAt te provo lîset >'niaciej. 'rtrrwerenooiî.roecrsr 0 Slïnv cse îc-ic els dcce î<yar e icr.Ts oie-o id hie walt 1 i tn-1yas of m-goeut tise time flcth~ewctt, Wilson, Johnsonî, Armustroug. of tisei'owitnsceen "ho catisrlics flibusrs a!sst in Ibie tovnship cf ut obetse wtt cmmitet!.I ioiseî, as] Ioggrtis 'l'o lsin Uiilppes. Canlatî, lie contetide!, bildtise lbteîi-Was sometising te ha coademasti ~~î Tht', el Cn t h at tise pris3ner coulda roprcseiitti-the dritPross, Mr'. Mursi>dyteineus rPgli te .Soparate Schools tIat tise b>'ailIinca of prhhpe;ILvsdgat )0 nult I>U eonricied of clit priicilial charge, fOnitariAdvocotc, and cbis bourtiat by Mr-. îrotpstaniii t D Lwcr Cascada clitimedi and lug. li Susutis Ontario tise Reformera Lv and tho jutv ChtsteriDiapr, at!nd aporion brubvnavrituct. 4ere niowed. [Re said t! iit isîthch Sre approveicF tise course of Mr. Moaa in mo a s lb,, J:se isr encsîl sido t coin1 c- -i D. Jrs ae kpte edd flrus. !î «Lbe-as e. guide cile wctihd think tisat f Tley ittus il iitu fur tise conrse wvicis' iin:prisotsmeut VutSh hrd labor. Mr'. Campbeil, lise reeve, oc apiedth ie 1m&mrnefri4istfuh cviiliead ftîien upn .nthet coi in ppreisse tise gevenment; it Norths e- e 'iccourt %vas crois-dot!d dring tise trial, chair, tird Mr'.John Cirîsie, 'I'wu.cliihj Counttry ; but t"king uithtie tav eit, iOnOtarlit j seîpursnog ltacoau-se il.Tu inici eetisonstes i t for~i Cii-rk,acotit! cisecrrtar>'. Ihihh,,fo uas tc asl -sîrri-tiycotstrnry, ccd yeî people elahsmod tSh publication. T'riegte in s-sjjî i eclIlg neetitsg 10 Io sere ti;e great dflrraesosbeiveiitat ho coushsrs, i? Tisere vas no conýi0- su cwU is Flgguuotrn.-Tc i-ie trnber tcd si Ie isas] ncfurther intformtait tsm nli rittion il mon-set sc'u>hsi.IfoculSieah? IMr ftin ibis case vas bvougbttoterecever tliota te is-e lisen hatapjpwam-'di luntise trhtttcd h urtthitt-. UI:lielit-eil tise tiitite b MuWatni-ted coussteuitlj iiioppauing -lie th Ilîi ottîte bticîs stated ctiat i* wes "for thue 0 vaine Of hou-se erectes] hv the l ect.Wieti prote-stantspt thtie bible goveritti-tt, aîtd Iteformers ýippravet! cf t>' for tite-defersdeanî. 'fTh oiitclaimed r;U ,P eo f discuisirlg tte: po iyo ie<it rf ii-suiisihbehbieves] that tht'>' îid f ii-acitin o -cl]Iefres1 aas it, wag$88 ff b alance. Ver-bu-ct for tise lrescrit govorui-rt." iwî-oug, au] ho besiioed tis e. t ,se isirt tent lu suttportilg thise a~gaserumenlt, .plaintiff foi- $214, S. (I. Wood une] M. Mr, urd, Ssi'., saidt! tisItise lt<ur 'w grcitneult si-ete jtct c' min * to their and se nirturslly djsap)prcviu of tlieato ce CuiCllr-cec, coutisei for piaîl, ] -I roitttt l151, tise eijecl, nai ttiteti s>'thi sttsil)i tlitng whist cmsnsrîîcd ta toe-- of Mr.'. ýti)ft? If tiose pvcseut batlmu>' Ur Wilson andTi Ihcta (*tft ieidrt. oairn-co, as te diseusse cs1iicj of the c siein rlgoseioaic.Oitequai- ir'adfreissinyo repahoad- i>' Jacsonris Crncfury-'llietsilio hreseuit Aditiiitration, antd bie moult! wrs!ce clots cf reprêe.ýentntio>n b>' poiulatian uic n i-ted Ilsewuscttepam tise resoltion.- ruini thi2e ciimr<iras for datmagi-s for an acsettitLa itgnutgb>' rnvthe followiug reil- opinsioni vas hat il ceci5 nover hao4stti.1 mW, ho inqihresi, Muet tise PeQpleý of - D nher!t ae isc commnittet! on thebalotion. ec.d . rev 1-t4t! *t-du hn ùsas f LeurCansada look upen tiios5e visecaled t' plaintif!' b>-tisa dofeudant. Tlic aseitit " Tiat ini lie opinion cf tlîis unicetin' rthusis con- cf Sus speecheis, cndsitishrLtWithcîuisr'ves tise [Irrrner of Uppar Cana' r. teck zplace tenue cIme mgo, eut!, itswil leh o z tat wisile thie îrr- esnnt eeruimuît coulsi tnov ibo ceasoti etfltis disetrctiî.î on dis itov? Menis ubo ul>' >atertiay ssrt- au remrneet!b>' tise re 'dors of tAie Cf&rojnîýi.ti oex1cç!te"d tcetotlpIisilicl tiaIbtis smatter Mr'. Macdoureall ievr t!sd him- Id tii-t cse Itformif-r culd joie m-ny Ad. ) de, lthe defentdest iasitison cr10110- il> iu, Upjter cmrI.ser Ctanadaînhit &sieor self, mure hnor - i'adepiing tise iinistrm-îioîc tist ditinet maleta e rç iedice-t and cc,ad si-ttin e'àt!thtise aim as n rigî' etu ic it f tise tiseny double toajorîtj ns a.substitute. Jt van iciitstcets question a Cabinet question, . le iteniten.iary for ibrea je-ara. Tisa Jury tainhv emfurndd-s- dihllonicies wiîb ubiholi the proscrit Adaiii- Irise, Sa saidt! tisItise Ministers micisI have wis.n tise salaries m-ct emolinients oaScfice. nulan ftsding tiseir verdict uues- ae talin i> rain hàabe-us 1ueusfrom tise aceifices ier pvinciphes-acît! ba vas net loonwrl cp befo)re tiser, sait!, Oh lit couIc ? lto coccidoration, for thej fonîtiis infv r ThevIbis I -ne lu of the efendatit.prous tectnire ôt dcoc in lutise policY Of mn impeosîibitity ,to friri n agoeorieocuevers-ihtsg ilis e o r tprinciple he e RIMhNAL SIDE. tise Prescrit - hoveOncenIt, and trous ita m-ia itis ut a comupromsecpolie>-. - lever pvs-tended vte profané§. 'lt!t.a re'ri ae 'lYe Queen va. Ab/igail Delong and te pr'not ie bout ititereats of our cens- Mr'. 'roiîou-Buying and selingî escbs gt rsri!(i.A7End)sc t! -aCi-ï / e) ng-Ln-c - Ttproursmoii outîîry, l'y its retranchaient nit id'f. lirdcoccusiet b>' arpfeýreisce te a csatscfit-1iîa>- u- et~ SIin iO 1hcasae-,-motiser anti sont-vert in- iOtiserinise, lbas ceritiet i ta teseconfience cise Miti lIcfIsIteAmîitrlo,.m-alaih sivte pa!tia"a! i~~~~~~~~ thlt nls ie hrem pecd~c oi eto cf vis province. Tise acud diýcIi-thesial!esre upn b sasrSetisiaonstuho slane f rt i eteting c e , r a "Ntquiltj." Tis re nî>complaitiet! tuoîcr teted ihisst hcoul'! net h xp-Itilal*np theIei î 1qïe5 hi> h oasr t tio boi en a e iîl mcccl n attlag Ip po- ? Ocfvas tise'thefî cf orne ocItu ft-rm boie-- tist tise Pro-sutAdrnîitnin 1s e-t e]5 iecnrutc iiiwj i" aront,ant lbidme ci' lite, nulsa>' virtuily . aises of tIse poeuoM.Ptr )icg opii al itîsyvr oing thicslt fMr. Joîhua Whh- 'tnt havt ni> 1tisat8!l biî politicai actions heretrruaia we tg Tisa jury acr>uitted tise rrisoineri. bhuaI. Oua very important quostien wih lu Batty,? -mc3anlitc-s2 anfl ispoerithcal. - Mr. Tom- 'S T/ce Qcuer i.d-rae r .S'waéan- ilited tise counIr>' for a benglis cf lime- Mr-. Enurt!aiatahuot! tisit tisahepresent 1linsoi refu-r-mr] toe sapesilioa-of the Re- s Staliig. Theicpricone? vawis idicted for ithe Suparate Sciscel qeesion-vas ln tise oppeshiic ejplogc-m{osdof John A. form. 's cf R ceS aon pi-tviens élcctlo, jtise tisih a'se stnumtpoet' c or fas-itm trjstlent. On AMai-doîsol, -JolieIlilijarci Camnerea, and tisee urerss pa-e)Yb>' hsmaainst ê. -Mesura. Gimotir sIk Cono aisonSeng,,,tlIta Rpre-seniathea quiestionl thora coulat1George Browna, ceudnit éor ngre.on bers of' vie latie goVeinmefft, iastescng lam-d. iMý Et!wad lr Ms.as the Pihoci.no e t eo iinti-bitltisaprescrit; cr ac>' chat if tise doctrines son; is:ttu bu -incuil- llisqtreataienî reelv-ed b>'Mr'. Patltn is 'PI,...~ e.>. on-aIL sanaetai m- vonainha hutcbleriar aile anether. WC son Ii Torasnte-all beamn laa~- vIt~- 'et - l ~ enen e r clis tin arrlidtltuIrIO i.tcbyteomis.cret! auaevintiScaee,5f. alls atrant, Mv. Ron. iSeagýog, uts hm-oifaîtittu a vu v-of teatndeicg thi ta îi ocnuty, acdt! im- Chsester Draper, E b h pponaita t I gm-te le vait 7bu the gccrimat viîis reffrr- conce tlserete . ni lsi.t a eooçry cf îhm- rtse- lotionec-afervartat! le the membi'rapra. sentinig tihe t/din,m-and il ise Honi. John. Simpseu, opcsuttv f Queen's Dlvi- Thse cisairmaia objecte'! le put tise me- snluîioliýilt;iîm, Se saIt, eut cf Orter, m-ct! bm-t ioe onne-clien Nvbît,vir --ih usoh- ject for Aihiicîithtenutrctiit ad isec caaibet. Tise decishen cf tIrecbmir;rnen vas os-ar- mile-t b>'appoaliag te tise reetînet euidt!hie resobnîicn pacsed. Wv aivd ~ie!a lochkm-t tise tocuasoîsit. ià rernlsÏi tsiai i4md I thesecrremm>'5 Mr. Chisitie, m-cuti lain CUbeavur Draper'a haut!- ,Tise, d tisa means at character bis patro na Dva fortune dent cf lit him. corres. i afîhe sti, tisa ut- bangi'>' icasselveas1 tance. iti ici- - hum. -ment, eing, meat- Esq., 0 basi-- ota cf cs ax- Ia ha ething Our- j.y&Wiigihoer excuses bissa for oriîting a to/I report cf tise Spving t Assizsethuagt S"Tisa Rapoi t cf lise Assizeg are in ty-pe, )uit hcmvo been cre uie!ot te make rouai for lise Report cf lise Ilefontu meeting is - Nt-intarlo." - Nov this i laauainresrc ii, -toaspeak mîmil>'.His report ibis ack o? tise Assizesla mmde up I rom that of the Cuim-acîs,, as il amis exact!>' viera tisa CHNCaisititîaor mt tisa heur cf ils going te press lait veoi. ]Ho cariant, theretere, fi shtise'repent un til he gels a siglut cf tise CracoyucosE, wchsdoesa netappoar anti! Tiusta>'. it is ne vonscer tisaI res- pectable reformera refuse le mchrowbadga s paper tistiognished alike ton a vant et irillgeace, antarprise, or aisilit>'. Spring Importations. Our Wijby Mercisanta tmaeaunun- cernants of carl>' Spi'ing aririvaba in otisar comumua. Mmun. MecCîug & de., ana ver>' attractive, anS the pricec are tado ta mil tise limes. Mi'. Robert CaaphelIoth' ie irai cf Messrs. PR, & J.-Ciapbel!, bas jeat retun- et! froaM ýoatreal, andt ie>' annoan ce soe laIe novelties of the scasei. 5Mr. Cam p. Saîhus evru position 'is m-c mttrmctivaiy riavol cric, jutat mIpresant, anti cf itsîf excites [oaoiiderahiie ccsnisity. .1Cesîcaers havéa a rigsto te dmant!ivisatevar tise>' iaIf, ta.1 riugy a certain iatei'esting occasion, vise lu aons't anS loti cf aveets coma la. The Seri-ng meetingoyeri'tise WitSv slonars ta arpent! the mre scs pra rather qeaci' place tt go fer a,-liccla cou- tié cuncil on or hafora tise fiat day «fva'liu favit'sag<? Wsl 14o .tuex-Carhed.nt ? Dit! hickias yen? Ifiie diaiI decil -TMr Moru-gis ma-as isa tie Ravede nad, (reniembar,) itl. ld atare you ? gnacât IMi'rder on tise Treasuran in favct- Twenî>' cns. What is Ward's beaine-sm Sisarvooti Pamer, peacitkeoper, for tise IHa vas n a isfani. Dit Eprovia ave' sain $14.74. tiese ame Seing pait! by Sim as ntigt o bu hsmte Iote eTreaisinti-as tisa procees fs aismle ocf sa tosnmthgt ardyen et tiismtena env wfrom i blapount on tise 2Stis day cf h it! mdsa e m- Wridwanîeis Sro>tute-liai MarcS lest, smid sala Seing withotut praper For lise tefened'Mr. Joisn Jebustou vas notice-Carriat!. -cmlg!. ExainetiyM.Cmeo.-ie Mr'. MeCreigisItans-as Ihat tisa Ieeva do le i Caniorseal. b>' Mi'. acron. -Ljvs gruancarordar on the Treamsuer in fanai' Recolleetet! 1maISummer to bave sean Set- etf John Haiiufon tise su- cf $40, tO haanti Sprovblegetiser. Coul'! aot sm-y tisat pii hy hlm un Cm-mpr Stocta, la part pm-. ha anar sat Iem icitise fencecorner. Hea nienî for timbor dtous-cet! >hlmh for Sailît-sm-vtissas together comiog frein Cianicigus irig a bridge on tise tsi"! coacesion-Car- c iat v lch nao~braal ried. - mad av somaetbing visite Ib-Iatm-ia'! dhlm The Anditers prameritac a report of the, Sorse bal ceua'!netbamy wvîiîiwas. Ha Trèm-urei'ts accouaI for the jear 1862. ciever hemrd et anyvtlsîg improer isaîveen Mi, McOvaiglut mayas chat the accatntslisese tva (Pbtaiatiffansi tseat!ant<) for lise jean 1862, as praseateti b>' tis elyBadoaoamnIeiai > Auditer's ireport this day, Seý a'! ,are'Mi'. Cammron. Ritoin ary MeRs>'. Was Serasy imai!>' auditeti b>' bis Cancil, sud t DcmaywhanlfnSpoad the saveral item% tisetla ijloeaanti cou- O ncaan'vl -tJonSrva firmet-Carriet. andc anotisen girl last Somnr. Raaollect- Mi'. MeCreigisi niasatis tise Reas-. do et!tisa orcuaistance ot tis e s tack, it grant an orSeron ccthe Trensseri' l Messra. asa la Decemben, tanîlve monîbsa mgo. SaIn. - noîbiag iuproper, Tise>'vealt isera to- rallarton ad MeCaîhougis for tiese am cf l --Spnlca an1 c $12, tise sm-me Seing due te thein fer audit- hva ait o1epln; c.'Spoparu>- vu Mi'n hng the mcouats of this Corporation for M >. iaata-tck m renith ary v janv 1862 Carriet.'snigisltise>' are Ihere an lueur andas Mn. Wixsoit-mes Ibm-Ities ana of $80 haît or Ivo bouc-s. Sa appropriatadt thie couacillar of eqch JbrSpol vum-daaiadad yard, la this Township- te Sa expendet!h awlepaaite apn aaa> b>' tissai for che iniprovemeai cf rom-de ad o1ainly-cut nts> r~asl brid!ges ia thair respective yards itlzis >'ar, Heus! aliout Jehesort sag y bautly ad chattisa Ree ede grant hi@ ertier on riat see bita. Wass lnthe apane! cf iSsu lise Troasurarfr tlie sai-Carne'!. fonce wutS Mary Me-Kmy. Sise biste'!,.ta Mi'. Bmliard tanses tisat thia Coanaçil dohltiabs a lefmîarctsac'. nov ad jera'îo stand atjeurnet! tsit Smaitr imti ciel Kaow the afh enia'of teia - t.sa ta>' tise 9is tla> of Mm-y> ext, st teo9cloek d oKowta em-idben. h ai-as. m- ahcislia lse aunil lh s athan cf tise childl, Was at tese 5w. as a C3ourt of Revision.mandl thaï;thie (lierk 1 - - - 1vIisS- r a1beg0ms-1ng1aaa4t lam 'Agreed ou eetveon mniacue in,$a meer- Tisa pn-aaector'm - idencea, viicis as m-l tisat vas efferaci ta sastaii the chlarge, wmas nô e r s-c> stistactor>'. Tise pnisorir vu ahi>' datanteSS>' Mc-. M. O. Carneron, Q. C., anti acqauittedth ie*- Jury mfer m- feir minutes deliberation. Tlie Qeueen vai. SqàuzfrL,-Tbe prisonen vas -indicteti for ,tis' a sane offenea as McPIii, anti mter tise >verdict in ihat pros- seculor, the croiraf offiet edn idence, acd ha vas mt once tiacisarge'!,. Mi'. Bll for tise Croira. [Mi'. Gonît vas the conniating 'Magia. t-m-laila tiseacases, and! it vas itatea t ts tise prasacalion vas lise rasaIt cf Pbiitle-al spite.] I>RESEsNTMET - Tise t-rad-Jury made tise follavrlng1 pr-isenttmant, adt! ves t arget! Thut the>' Ses-e uisposet! of thse business- SeI'ore hmandatthaitIheavsse Ûleicsumeý hna iîl tisai the eshentit Il , ss Sean com- Tisat tisa Juvurs bas-e visita'! the Geito,l anti kould express thiai entîne setisfaction, 't5 theasmannse.-in whicisthn -at-oua m-art. mante appear ta ha kept,, as vel! ua sSe siautmesuu of theii. s4oaers tiscrs'iaconfineS.1 Thsa t he Jarars have undentlo t-tisa bilh lues beau ictroduoeaàtirg tisa praiatt Sesusilf'arliaietst, for tise put-pesaet mmkin" provision for the pisaociî a ý%i- t,1 E ne~s8e rlasnoum-saitm, and! voitîlpirers tlfis n ltheir opltsbati 1thseprineipl ivalvre'i intibis bilbl 'Sau cr'rectet andmssihilpalluat1 ach'a msuéra asid-cabiigs provsuiens'anti reatrictiona'a wi!1 guard'-" 1 l'ut' as possible sgainict-au-Y istce.ry and i extreaetve expenee.- ~ '- It wm-cois' rIilt, aimeut- privesoge,- ennu lte spisaler, "tgc h ave repessotihnu Sut m-I tise ,essait limu va ouldusot gel iv Ereri -Itisé Torontos coas-ec oitanl7M coneidés-èt!a' iiopitles eàeae m-c u! lvsun- jusl te gay.' lisat ,tis Pre'sottgoverament bnci aisàncined'tisait-pcinciples, seesusýe lise>' tht! net inslat apon tisa , niasare. 1la ,regard le Sepanate Seisecis, tSe net passet je-ar amgo vas infaoc, ad tisapreaunt szt wculti, ici a grant aseesura, pc-ove m- dois'!latter.Buint il as collise set of tise- presant gos-crament aven tisa- latI1 sSape cf racreachuneaî the presertî gos-arn- me di-a mor ne than any other goverameat. Avoice-Give nsan laiintance ? Mr. ilurd cocludet! b>'stmti-vhasmt ms il vas lave ha vaulti neý.t tiakep tisa lime5 artie meeting b>' geing lato patiettian.-' Mr'. Thuomas Faxton saidt! tisIha arase te secnath ie ri-solution, ho vas talcen a litîla h>' surprisa e pcage haosdt! pot kiv'w Se vms la ha callilt! oeataspea1k (A s-dcie e site'! yen?) Tise question ofet condenieg lIse polie-ji 'of tiesa c-mnt governmont vas m-us imur- tanit on@ for ille tovwnsip of Rem-h, and! not cul>' tisatbutl fer tise Çocuvy of Onta- rie>ad o m-t! rimt mm-Uer'for thsdv hole Fre-- aine-e. The peple of Canada hart 'lie 1 c aner oftrmenaraîcincual auoaimaneyer a 1100. Tise cry tl Globe-mm-n. Reformera-s ae o intag ut il brses9 c i gndstiha vas glat i t i. - vat didt!iose -go Ms.. Aise!W. Evar, vscslet for'.catSepanat.. Suis Ho isaie! tiat lisqdic iont thiot that hiad Di! tise>' usaI p i bas-e acyîising ,te sm-y la rafereasete ceai-thea îa in.C.r> tara cf pubslie intereast. Be vas fond ai' ara ? Didt! L goci! guverotoent, and -ispesedt! tesupport rof cvii te rest nisarsnet mmr.', Haexpressed bisin f-set veisa tIse N admihration oattihast apeaker'es remas. ovn arti', ho (X - leprezietstion b>' pcpulatiori vas oea ýot bject te gin. Il lise Ibm i-tte <ýMn. lfhers) ha'! choein vere enîltlet! ta, ta appose!, m-su'!hat vas -tisareason Ibm-I he codle tissai snrye! support- Ctin-e-oc ad apposet (moalt. taIt tee miue m-t bpceseshie expecethat isCamaron wouid upsqn tisanipeculus voe agaiust reprasectatioo S>' population Saluena<I-it inonît! 1 aitocgatier. It vonit! Se an - iijuelico ta injan>' upea tiei_ ,.ov er Cm-aSsa mat! ho e'antet Laver Cas-. conefimion. tisa&i ta lt-l<aep vis t she hat.-"msrsa t tçd the lunuaetjîag aiea" vas lÉiâimotte. -àlbeha sothiisgiU Mn. Wright-W t ambout- tishescl the peoplel6ôfAhieý Mv. Ewers-FI-can'î.tell, for thae lite o! sa fav iauiv4duala-- meý, visaI 'ciaie*-ntetfor ; tise tifs-rentre owa axea wKr4 Setvecîs i ielf andthle it!ill î- ania 10 to se>' vaa4 tItei - -istig. Mr. Lii ners.aftor -a few uMr a. vf orstm i..5 i'.. ns. Mr.1 jeet fer va cf tl gosOra HART' Baven e qm" Mi'. Foi Mr'. r aet as do give picaso

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