Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1863, p. 3

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NEW ain thra of thieÂge, i, wtît arre iaet tue btror et ru' letelebratud locnttloflst and ttc- [ARY AGNES CAMERONfý, telte il corneen..fratu iSherdau, î&e., termrirrtug tti ge frorntthec Leglit Brigade. 25 tcp To, coimitai o r l t clltcl<. BROWN1S ANDS lIN tiL1tl E5TA13L1SIEM1NT, tIe strd irtue ? l.e r t t h e, 1. vs atil iijt rlt ititîgjuera the R. CAMERON, wîrl. iri" Ar 1ît' L H0T.-L, WHITBY, SIONDAY, SIAT 4tit.. EVIDEND Ne. 12.' du, ltg'. 1rt n ,tî îlter iî. lther thie First day of June Next, p' lt'Ott nu l, iteisd rtn the Slatt., l iewmtlirre il. at 1 lie First Day of Jine next. tf 1cri tîl,-i trt.TiVE t,î'dua'ir le, 25'ý h iAp t i. 16--4w ONTARTO HOTEL. i rrer tc s lu tiCunr li s t ittnîrs artl .!i attt i ,i titit tacý- for Fity Spcnn eCor( ionsri i'l Eat I itraa. ccra the "B 4l it.n-'t îtne tii, 15(3.th 16qlw in half the'UsnaI Pricos rtrce od lfles-nm, 5Ste fift'et; ter 0 10, 1,0010 for$î)' lpntlctrandid iNtum, 2 t» 4 ;100 Pi $5, 1,000 for $25. rior Vitae, ar Whitea Cedar, fine f'or Iîed-gesavorÇcre'en*, 3 icet ; 100 for $4, 1,000 for ar -t iIlttm fy, f hir-s pt1r2s 'rluevha.tiatr,frrcoeaut alun- ruas outa errai witLIi ordiucary cine spili1lteai witiîaittttu1cltîss o' fare in * lv lte',td te i ire 11,fliast lut a Tenî catir ul'nd lr rsaet ia- s drseltlite nrler-igned wili attrritil FISHIER, Cltrîrtvlet. W. THE UNýIV/tRSAL -l oaly Wrin.cr with the REE REGLà.Tr!à, Monoy rpIE Courtt eofLar'sion for tht United Town- A. hiipm of Mstt sud Rama, tili b, lmld At idr. Cndahaq's Tl'it,, on saturday, the lBth May neit, ComnaelfetAt10 o'tloctr A.tM.- Tr.wrrslp (lerk. Mlati end -Rama,A pi-il 2,1863. t.-8,' Ohanecery Sale IN OHIANOERY, JACOIS SIUTRTOLII4', Plaiutifi; Joeaph Gihtroir, George 'Waiiar,o arrd Janies Wallac eafendantà. p (tetrt, miî.ioli.t ils at.i. ir irtaiztt tire rwei.tot'. .iay (if Jar.anv onue thousiaud egh iiit tit"l .<il '< aid' te i n i; iorder ir.de, ~ trîlt d.îrie. te rFifuwitîtIrday tif 1141y, Oua tlii..îrISt4l î rt "itu rd lesixty ote, tînt folîuwilig REAL -ESTATE, Sitî, ty.i;lg ..lt einr lu tire Town <or WIiLt i) Nithe tieof titrrio, bing ail tndal m- traihir tlitttt't tir porcel or<'n net rtftImant. d pri ses itaiti, ilirî tr d hitrlg i.li taeTown ut Wi.tn .rsit i i.oia apart et Iot mnu- ben 'r.,. .o.-six, riu thre inst cecuac cran totte TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBYt ltin the ott t tnt Lro, h izpirt ut a block of'rwettAcres<, t' ,n.et'<teonne Iliry- lBnP- ml, ;y,,i! 1a.u inKWnthy L)tcd, dated tli t ltt ' lt avi(, fikmitrtv tirîe dîtoY/ d Ire rr ai iicscr'it.rd;,t4t'llows, tirl l t I t y C lrr týtciing at tO tet iCt t angletttt a brtut'tîet Twetiy Acrs; tht'.. Nt'rtlt 4 , Enst 4 chirs'. ad-8,"jltik.s ten Nerth l' .We.t 12 .en'e; thon, 't'.rth 74':>,1West 4 t'hîdîî anti S5 lilkm, tmoretir ice, t rlnuek Sreent a; thonr t6 -1 Fast, 2celîii.. aluit f ac ti teet ta the' plttif t t liiir.ig, c.tao.rirtg yt»,dioeasune- 1.li rituanome r I us, wi besidby At the Otict * t -ficnrderm,, rid isLter of thet 1sàid cart, ry LEVI FAIRBANKS, Junior, &tactiorreer, intheir fTOWN 0F WIITrB'Y, UN Saturday, the Eleventh day of Aprl., 18961, lit 1 tcU t ino, titlittite lprntîttti.tt .jfýrt( oneiat.r" DIrtaeil, llsqtrir, hiAster ut, Lte 4.idt'a.îrirt ti't rtty. STlte :.i'llut o .r ld ronttuan Brack Street, i.. te.eeît, Ia <ta lit a ll F l'ASE DWELLI-«itI- OUSE, ti prcltft's ni t tire tituie of scae. psy dffVt.tuîper e.rtt 4'l,'< pac. .'e.aey te te V(1.t% -r ic Suoititor, <md tht Ialarce %t tiu t"tl 1, i ît.tht iity <.1 S du,, attai ùîGteer eliîrl bû .'ititlet t me crnieaimc, atnd 'tel lu'îî<'iOil 'ie .rnuîe.<tir lime utiftitels$fie, t.t sigir au i reelnr'utt tîr thze cu<,<l<lt'týi..r(irl tie 1ptnruit-Lt irt utttei the get.'raî ete4"ra et 11arc th erSortr.eâ tt1l Tliee wllie tnttî.rettevetlîd ou ten tesaid lt. fittai hytiti',etiti a Mcter. Fo-, fnthen tir ýtieltlria apîy ta 1týile - ti:e.,Lxi'.i iritllti. *junitor; \V. lL'- rinîvrrc, Esq tira', Ve.tdtî'sS"15itor, wetth Ie NlaetkuitMste- of this Ctitrnt .t Wbhi 1y. Itateda t Whituy tilsa -tLIdaty <ofParchi 1863. GEO. H. DARTNELL, W. Il TRImATiym Tht0 above Sale la prstpolied ot il &ATVRDAY, the. 25th dar oit APRIL, Next, t 12 'cio-ck, uiot. QEO. H. IIARTNEL, DIVI 1SION COURTS, SFOR TIII COU NY 0F ONTARIIO. N'a.ln'tlrlry...........ay 18886. « ,Duffitsn rtai..........< 2, k ,1 , Part Pcrry. ............ <' 14, ~ 4, Uîniage..........t13n ....oratta ........... tt 12, ' Z. BURNHÂZUM, Judge, C. 0. Whlithy, April 14th, 188a. TE99Ap.PIN! RESTAVRAXT. (IRYSTAL 'BLOb. Nor Dame St., Mon- ï ERTÎ SEM ENT S. USIJAL THIE CHEAPESI CASH STOR El IN WITBY JS. Sugar -for $ n,-rSchofieId's OId Stand. NOTICE! i. t'r, ttti)tnt 4th DAY 0FP MAY, NEXT, for'l'nhnntt' a1 Pulttt7t1 cn0 te.. ait'the huýlia' .tai B o t .t" ' T"ý%-twr<aipo att .î whitiîbV. F'rn terîtin 1ariioairs, aj.ply (if' ty Icîte, ',inctîtaitt,) t.. W'. iEATL, Townshipafn>eletip (Office 'trribnr.., ApiiîQI'tIffl. 14-lin GA RD)ENI NG3. IlE b a.e to r'tirt ttc' muna- T bbli.ikof ilttrai r'ttity, hatt ei pnepincd to ruit nnuc ort'n Gardeningl Supplyiuig Gai-den Seeds, SITRUBS, c, fandthit ie.tc tti.trkeu tira pre- ,mises late acrtrpi.-tl y Irvr. tC. Ketten, Art l'mrtsSten'tt, .- . aNI!lERY, whoelite wili ta prel.ared ta i 'ppiiy eveytl.imeg i is lino. «dines.. t'or atrlt, actait, &e., to AI itirdn<iuj Itietttendtrî ot, iud pirre- :W ý .Fîl1iz iii ' takt orte",rsnt iris Store Broknt,e ret. 14 Sheriff's Sale of -Lands. Coauty ut' (Ontario, ('N IATILDAY. tire T. Wlt 0t k 'ttt dan ut' L"cb A. D., 194t, nt 12 a't.tan. tlIe icalai iy Pubhlic Airtitn'a1. tnî . ;1,1nthte CucuL IatrsK'< in tttttTuwi,,i <t' C,hv, intitetînt Cntuy afi' trnt, tut'writ, ftif llt itîi mtcn-ct 'shieh lie1 tt1txtîiitt. iat'ttmtrît seve'aily Pisr- int<t t»t; nî'zn1t4oi lintlc a tt- 'vitu) n<art'i. rlis r ',ylai-w a vlzr-m h Wiliit, - 'atlin~ u,'cG. Wtrttu. ana.l -Jolr i» Wittt, Atndrsw I a ntd i). McDtagell. TIre Soeuth r Eat ct.rirn uW Lot tNimbr 15, inn thre -eutl outDi, s il it-. Towucirip of Piott, etnz-M i sry bc mrantprticamlarly krriwn i aid amer.4retufii4t . itat i-istaau:. ararceo iiii onuIr atene hinritiit'f14uidcaS lt, at the 4lainte e of um'oelitks. onn a teaNanrtI @ixteen daegrees *er't, Iroartht e tI-Eat i- gîBoth ti attInlt ; tti. Nantlir iottg tira mimd Rasteru limit tsa ciraiia and i ffty Iiinka; tlteir SeretIrah rvorl aedahalit dcgrceu, Wasî ont chtn f;rty.ae%-en lieku, nmrt or lae, te (4eorge lahnruiur'mtland-, tI.enoeeSontir ,ixteeu ,iegroees E.xt. atuingL, c ai Gerirge J uhasoma', leand tweim rm cll ffty litiku; tnte INortir eigir:y-eit4xri anal a lalf 'lc,,rêeg, Eaxt one haa anda foty-sutiiîks, more or Wint, to tht place of ireglmni. air NELSON G. RtEYNO)LDS, SIrnff,C. 0. t, FePr (C. Noritux.. Sloinffs Omele, Whiiy, r4ov. 19, 1,62. POS TPONEM ENT. 'nire short $aei isltar'y poulpituedti li Satturday, the Feurteentir dty cfMErrcir A. D.,.3863, t thetsatiie ittaatl ilacci. Per C.;ounxs Wlti.y, Vair. Q26, IQ. Further Postponement- IN CHANCERV. - James Luken Robinson, andi George Wiliam Allan, Plain- George liostwtck, Amos Bost- vick, Edward Shortis, aund ChranresW ay, lv Bill, arai George .11q McKny, Joseph Woodrufl, Richard Miller, John L. Ranney. and Richeard Wood- rail', as F.xecutorg of thre lutI WMiianrd Testament tof Samuel Zimmcrtrau, decerised,1 John (;Iaditone, and Alexander Mor. riSon, John Downcy Bryce, James Playfair, John MeMur- nich. andai cIera, made parties in the Màsccr'a Office, Deta-. dants. T t) be aald l u prista aifthe Decrec au futeiiricetiuîr.., anal finalulrni ade lu tlîis eî,.rctiteritig date rcsçpeetineiî' the tîmir: Leerti, day ai? May' andi the ftit .i aof 11M ftierc, 1812, witir Lthe sa robrîta ro? Aiirat Nott-,lirUEqtlrne, '. igternor LInacort, LJYEROOL BOTEL, 'VILLAGE 0F LIVERPOOL, IN T9I TOWSIP OF ICKERINGI ONTAIlO TURF CLUB, Wil oorne off )ver the WL.itby CoUr@ie, on WedueMay, Thùrsdiay aud Fiiday the i7th, 1Zen & îth June, 1863. PIRBT DAY. Sweepstake, ,of ë20 enob, haIt forfeit, te b. deposlted wth the $ecretary, en<rfb - fore thre igt Jetre, ta wlieh the Club wil sdd M~O, fer all Province 1lirod herme, wclgltt for &Pl,1 tale ain 5. Whitby Purn ofo 150op oaen ta il lier- se,$Mile beath, T v. w. Trotting Purme ni 050, openi to 4 il har msi owfel h ty partie t ntiapreviatu to the rtes, lu thre Lonttios uailt ertaro, Victoria, Durbsrnand Ontarion, ilto, 8 inail. SECON~D DAY. Club Puers. of *400, open taea&l ha-nom, a milie hcatR, $30 ent r.c lueldigit tuearuber- ..hill, h.OrU ea ta triureil thalf 'thetrafltitect de-pomited wittithet mrretory, on or l.crore the 25th SMay next, T. C. W. Trottingj Verse et $100, oente ail Trottinç Persie ai $23, anad a Slver C ap led.nt $1.5. ap..rr te al aitbrsgtiat neyer wotu a $4t) fpireo or maike, ln le@*. tIra»8 mintcex, l'mile, 8 in 5 ta flarn».f,,entnrtice *t. geivelt Cap, aýpen te <.11 rmitrated hommes !tirat are rtguariy natla l ..llks. THRD DAY. Hurdie Race of flot le"asu rat100, trile lmrtx, over 4 hrdIe%, S feest 6 uetten hi gli hanicap teiglits, f<,horld tIreba good itelâ of hrers.,ta ctart,50 wili h.e adclaul.> fnuîdieap Race of $100, o ,Pen tea l pro'vintce bred har$sc, .r/lett. Beatea Ptatpter$30t, open te ail horst.. be..tam duriug tro eumý..t uile irena, "at utyhadcpweiglras. o- RULBES AND IIEGULATIONN. 'Thrtre lrars.rstQ runke a flrild, net lems .tharr tan t ta .rt. Entr.rrc. 10 per cent. The aiurvc Ma e bctarau ,ccarding t.tQIrle Riles of thre n . Alit ctrita te.lire matie lu 'wrtian. triS undpr ceal i ti thie getretary tarare Il o'elock, on thre venrrrioaa te actirday'.. racA.- Allrdem il le rq irad ta dres in .lockey sityle àMrordirrg ta thea lifle... Erery persua euterirrg s horst titI ho reqaireal t»aname hi!& Molora. 1The Jtalgea%' deecisi.» te Ir final iutIl ..rt..Piovrlue rred htriec allrrwe I 7lb.- If m~utay ta cnureal at tire p"t hy peyierg nantît entranue arotey. J. HIAM PERRY, JAMES ROWE, SertranlTasrr P rauident. 14 ort 062 r 4 dC .> ~ . LZ < . r !IE subscriber 1?ciitomers, aný plete with new gý imost respectfully to iuform hie numner public generally, tha.t hie stock ise now. in ail its departments. In the Dry Goods Depatment rito h taït 1; Will bc fonc Prints, Delaines, Muelins, CJobourg , Lustres, Frenchi uf hmu itl tlki,ttxivirsble a e gfle Merinos, &c,, Dress Goods, latest, styles in Ma.ntles, Ilats ' Fea.th- h nera iuwadi c-.rs, Flowers, &c., Gîey and Bleached Cottons, Striped and Rega rcodD i Nm ta Shirtings, Tickings', Jeans, Drills, Garuboons, Union and Al: ERYS;IIELASt WooI Tweeds, Druggets, Union and all-Wool Carpets, Ready- vln atti rmtte made Clothing, &c.,1 &0. Usradlciteher.e hii - - Bfad Iegu, 014 The largeat, besrt assorted, aud oheapeqt stock in Town. consistir n rt cf i Taraby tirnle'd Y. IL. and Bilak Teas, Coffcs, Stîgirs. Rice, Tobaccoli, Srps, uodres, Silt UPIN Water Salmon, White Fli, Tlerrmngseo. rianrnn1%11a =te n LIO UO R S A.ND WINES mnt ç1ý " deul ' "anc." WiLskey, Domnestie 014 R e, Toddy, Malt tard Scotch Brandies, Rum Gin, PILES,;ANi ('rdut and f eatue. port imd Sherry Win a, Atbot & Sons Aie ini pints and quarts, Champagne, 'Z' îanesV Sstoi Claret, &0.,'&c. ju'e atriaatec t ra. CR C ER ,Embacingt almest evory article usnnfly kept ini theo Une. Boh heOiimn SE EDS.-A largo stock.of al i cndra of FicI4 andI Garden Seede, very seaed. in ttAe ceeup for Cash oniy. Dil '*< euins, tee 'T . M MILLANL-. Ctaped liiq,9a h WlîitIîy, -April, 1863. 15 Fisarila, Meat].. Linmbagri,, SrreLI Piles, sorc t j:1- CATION I-Netv Wolff@" Holereey. i16mw htalte asa Wair-m.e* in» dias arend caui pet oan sen y olineteieft tnasmyan 10 -ilra.rn eoim H A M ILTO N & Co., M 63wiegtten.tic a nteeh. Ae now showingra fine assortment of gel irees. N i.-Dirtiaes fanr tre g. evry diseedar arc affixe ttel NEW. IXILLJNERY GOO D S,1 - BRITISil R] AND PRTIFR CuitAL' A41 v[?I DR E S GOODS8 ALEXAM)ER'S KIl) GLOVES, 'Also a ve ry large stock of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, With their usual extensive, stock of GROCERJES A.ND LIQIJORS. Yog. 1 and 2, TilleBnuidings", April, 18633. LEVI FAMRANKS, Junior, Saturday, the Sixteenth day of May next At telst o'cleek, noou, aI Ilist VALUABLE PROPERTY -lu tire Townsip of Pickering, in thea -o-UIy or ouw&mlos Contalnng luy admeanretnent, One Hundred & Forty Acres, -mort or leea, heing part or Lot aamnber Twen- ty-fenr, la tire Tirmt Cuncesln of tire u.id Toswnsilpof Plckeiig, in 11<. clown o)n a plan tie by P. F Pasamnore LEquire, Provincial Laud 5arveyer, antidad% Tonmt, Febneary 2Otir, 1868,that la to ucy: LOT 1. Contaiuning T WrLty Acres, oeitrg tire pareel noankieti anuter 1, on the sard planr. LOT 2,. Cenutainiu5z Tan Acro, i5n g tire North belf o? tireparcel nunmted 2,1cemire attetplae. LOT 3. tutIe pannai n Tiho above Sle luireret'ýy Utirier Posîtpoueti SÂýTUItDAY, MARCII 2S;Â . n. 196i corteiii NEÎLSON G. REYNOLDS, rtu' e tIienit!, C. 0. Par C. Nouttex. ShrifrKftcitle' C-tle Yurther Postponed. Canntaini Thte aboya Sale us liartby fartirer Peetironed tirer jxp until herei i SATTJRDAY, AVRIL 11, A. DP. 1863, thryfe NEUSON .RYNL30 s~ m ~ 'Par L;. NRatr nt.ritbere. biauc tteSotI onatin e adaplatl.. tire ýp etta G AT 1 L %- 'IVU Il ne, e JASOUROOMIS 7

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