Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1863, p. 2

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Sheir and .«boe;-R')ss Job tou. y, Thurslay, May 7, 1863. sun,eutr-IWtîust f çnntldencei lu tise Admlnttrnttnn. i inrtlupurlismeutar,' ps'occed i ranterci luntise ehata -an tIse vaut fideuce mostion, vbir'i, uucordjog to, rassis, vas mnve d 1n,ni.John A. îual1d on Frida.l nigbt. Tt vas muVed eudesent Ioa su inistarnaluouiuau iha :e a vtthuit Miuuilsirs astildef tisa '.Tise Oppnstitin claies toavse a it,', anid gene-ral opinion inclines la sa Iseief. Tise avern-ent ou-tise hfa iua uta,' lise,' aIlSh uisined, but lia yole sajl he'close. Wbeu the ig of Mmiiters ara ouI,' ut cloýe sud rul", aud bhnisters iheittulvits are sa ~cnfdent ofasseceas, 'vsmi,' farl,' mse ihat ltbi iss'%e asUnblut oult. And, ucti out, il is a fate thse praient men wer richl v4eserve To beingi fait.ht' oplpdgrs. icreant ta principle, par. lus ibeir acte, decpivers cf lise pushisa, add utprincsipacit,' te adminster tIse oii t l rnviutce. Their nosl,'mes. Mlýitl'ia illa denoiuced onal as wholh,' uusuited in met9t therer- pmta of tise Province. T'O siev is dii,', aud lise sitercasrelêesuss itls uitvwas preparêd, vit uteaulysi refen t apct lîsat Mviit repeaed tise prea. îhîusi lav, tisa bihllîssîfI was not te no force unîi l 164. Tise suu.ula [Iudget 'ts vehi calculiued (o ruin soe 1 mstsîimtportanst bruticbe of trade lu :Utnr,, sahile uits sutior 'bis net ouI,' d tiîha edîd nos underatanul viai it a have a finance plier,,but tisaI h. et Sia L knowled*' eeoft Ide erlucis ilslellegeut nerelssu in ltlIe country' ptiaed tu posa a. itne6saIbisblun. irelili,itatIse propused tax -on e ' ,l«Lwtvaasi be usui L cente, ltse tue pîsi righs t 1Upper iCanadta, tise,' sare ïera p'olitueafl 'awlenu. 1K'he bae sesn tisai visn tise,'dsnoasseed Loiver Canadiaus dasuiuaîion. tise,' ver dupinz tise penpb'l. They h ave made it maulfest tisaitIsai,' fenvid Rptcjedpuscisistls vitra liaI so nutisisralitsand hyjiopriay,, hici phacedti in ln'iposition tsigive ilmore powes' tatise priests." If afier Mesurs. MeDougal Wilson, sud FoIes, sud te iheMu va MaltenMor'e especial refernce-.ilaftar tisa, aracIicred ui o'f oflice-for ouL 1fr,' are cer'tain Io go-a, dissolutionlais bd,' viti slaa face cari they, go before ibeis' coustimuiisansd demanul a reneval cf their confidence? Tlie fropla are nso lonurn blind ; their ces have been ope4 l Iole gross deceptian practi*ed upon iheti. Ap. peals ta aId prejudicea yl avail tiseun no haongr; au,' ppeal to principle b,' ttbV wouhd ha a nbockirrand wouîd be reselît' ed nab an imeu. After tise,' 1ud talcen office lunsMost .SUSPICIOUS Compans,, ibe, tolti their stilîl tnusting fohiosiera t inl tiseabsence of 0epr .1utaso he risslis tI Upper Canada ioutibeoperly protactedh nul thosa Men ou tbe van,' irai. ascaain joined in stiffihng tise voice, a!àd, amnpiog on tise rihisîs viicis lie,'alleged toi 0base beau guitrateed? Plolitical renegades iu cvery-seuse of tIse word .-Upper Csuadi- ans, of aIl political parties, rejoice ai-tise justice now heing deaht ouit it km, sud If a dissohuilon itke place tiseir constituants wiii c0otnutise'seutence cf tise Assemisl, at thse poîis. Titi£ ssasoMi:srTaira HÂi.,L1NurTUE CoisTy ledecidedl,' tisait of tise Townshsip of East Whtlq, situ&iMîet u.Cahuimbus. Atîçnding a Meeting cf tIsa Corporatton, visicih vas' iseld tisera on' eaturday', va fait tise coinfori cf ittrin; for fire or six houri iu a lofi>', air,', well veusihated buiding, and no eue coulti fail being deligited wiuis its ousside neat. appearauce. Tise structurne is cf red brick, main bod,' 56 isy_40 fuel, ben 1 ieî'là beibî, vipi a laft,' beliris' tiset' are it tise vest end (yocms for the meeting of tise counicil, sud eue in whists the anmeq c f tise solusut.es's, Wh rsadill lu tise hall, le uov kept.' Tiere ila acacre oftland îîtacised, sud tisa vhole, wa vers iuformed-. building andi lanti-cost less tissu £400. Tise hall vus kilt la 1859- sud against tise namonstrances of aui, cof thse ratc-pa,'er's Who ara nev-witb jilsi mmaon- proud of tbiai' 1oeZ dit ille; but visa tItan sugit to lu-us oui of office tisa represausl.titivas visho'autisorizedstse erectios cf tise bilading. M ) M«IG ~ATCIL. Men-irs Clsus le, lvid Grant; 12nd, John llicliusgbottom; Srd, John Da- net; 2iid, Vîu, KubirdChaules Y1le; 4111, WVm. Word. P1ia 2d Strselian ; Ird, James Iowle ; 4111, flobert Tise inlshuaitiiig of Cleiremtunsd v:*Ci. uit,ss.eir thti sn of $ý5I as. extra risezs fuor plouiusg whicis wcre awas'dcd Men-la. Jhn . joutic. $2;2nd, John Ilutsb, *, 5 brd, .lolsuTwerrie, .4.5. $8; ird drew I)s'ridaon, e. Jogs it, liLrbt horuteti -%1CsetrP. Isem floward, John iIl 'i-gtilsd AnisdrawMc- Jîîidges on drutglit ,orrrs rit, 1 billý- Muegr'. Adsrrp rJolin 13 rry and Riéird Btitlsr. Jiidgs or iiî'sîonvut-Msi 'O 'ins. -Anita, Thismsu Version uind T. P. Whitis. .1uages o Po0g11 ugM . ra.M on' chic, lRotuctiStockdsdae. sud Georget Ilae. 1 $Prinç iSthowor tise Whutbysnd East Whti'tby Agnitusrnh Society'. The Sfiring Fat.,r, c9nmeon' calloed t1ise Boisa Show, of tîhe aisov; Sachet,'vas, bcld ai Wiîb,coi tise graunds of thue CaOunt,' Agiicutural Society', on Tisunada,' las.. Tise attendsnce swus pretty ýlarge, andtb ie bisov of herses goo<i; thut of céal- île raiber limiied. Tise fohhaiig is thae lisi of prises. lood Stnuîtins-Iluýt Sivison fluai' 2nu Ti D'a]owning- brd "isu'lisig Stthasfor ,-sddla (,r carriige-hst,, . Vilssk;2nd, Ira It. Carlsetr;, Srd, James %MatbhewFon. Drsssghi Saillioris for genuiral purposes -la ilctesr Secot; 2id, Alex. %Wilson Brd, -John NMannlssg.' Dîsgii tulîlnsla Js.Thompîton; 2usd, Itobert Fcrrcs; 8rd, W*m. -Ashbys,. 11road Mares for general purpogeRsts, W'm. lerron; 2usd, John Meicait; brd, Dr2atighit Brood Mfarûs--It, J' Nichai; 2nid, Jatmes Kitebaen -, rd, Mun. Rit-son., . Twoyvear old d'î~î Colts-latIL'1 Pt)iVeret; 2nd, John Thsoupsônu. 1î1 Two year oîd (drauglit Filu-lstWm. Tîseispson ;2nd, Thsomies 'itrilut,. Twv-3yenr oI Colts 1fr geiicrnl plirpases -s1 Tisomas Pascous; 2usid, R1ichard Ilias- pur; Sru, Ira B3. Caïrfpuiter. T<a.-Year tillFiliesfor gerinal purTio. gss-st, ,lîisstig sbî2ul .Atiît' son ; rd Malx. Wilson. llrauiglit Teais-iru, Jahu Thouupson, Spma of 'norsea f..T 'geuriel purpoes- Ist, George Dodgc; L2A, Jamies Rus. Span cutrrizige horss-lrt, Il. J. Mac.', doeal; 2ndl, Ira Il. Cartiaur. Duthisia Bl-W titswi._ D)evon ilull-1.3t, lhartseK Spencer; 2tsd Thumas ÂhlnJ' !.fv'tanr O1 Ditsrhssm BîsîilIs, Johns Thsouliso; 211d, V# ti. Kerr';ý3rd, James TwO'yîsar olul Devon Bul--Josn. Midu George Il. McGii. Oun usai oitof Msr. Gusy. secouidefi b,')Ir.. John Smi h ir our iins(druted IMn. Shier lu 'uak a s nurse,ou S'nscoa 8tmoï ibhrongîs i *c t01 co1ncesaîion, place mono., msus niili report to 'fis, council. , Mr'. John Suitis seéoidp4 b,' Mr. Gily, moved jhat $- bii epended on Dayto'mbi» %for this rpouse ofcu sttiiig dotan tise I &c. The mnstion vins supporstd by,' !. P. Sesiisi wo askcd Ihait a aufficîcut lit. ptddsraehasnt once usstde in matIra per- manent job)-.s' aFisues cf $200. Tisa counril agriPd tc lhave tise opinion r,', sundlte mtin vawith r nfor th e purposse.: 1 cm iieai fronsti s t>io &ô Tatuders ee r vcived frouin sa Cunkýè fer prittili; 750 copies cf tise Bylaws, ~ of tise (Orporuthnilinpnes iles fores M. Orr coritended ibant hs tender %ras Jlfe tovesi u;ibut tise conicuil dcided o<ssiseritie, ulid gave the contracitaothse Cstaos<uLïti, nosvithsanstlîn;Mn. OGm aieao o5creu tu .pubiis h i, blgvs' once, graiuitously in sha Viîndicajor. The rofincil linvug resolredimb a (Curt of Res-Sion, 1asad fshere buin; i appeais, Ille as~s îroll vas golfe îisrongh, unsd pronoîui,"d Iigil, satisaiseor,'. The sa assusenicf tlsree 'doga s îcîging ta Partieus uiamusd Ruberansd Mîhusui, vamstsuuck o)uiî ns.thigs iuhd disappuared. - ý lu vut i1i Ile ssea,,Susent raIrlng-l vas adopud. Flue acres smore titan hast year irc'>tViusta tise rolI,,and il %vsaas sied tisat sup 2005) aIsieb should hanve beun upon i- w.çra atiiiI non et. Tisa asscsscd alix cf réal calâea as about tIse saise a' hast ,'aar. saa.s'. Ou, motion of Mn. OGuy, secouded b,' Mr. Anniis, tbhe Ieeve gmnnîd bis order nufavor oi thea clenk for $33, ou acestunt cf salar,'. Covitll ajiuruesi untilthtisafiistMouada,' lu Juine Dabala ous-he non-casfldeaeeNoton.' We r.opy tIse Lessder's report of Fridayl's procetulinga ,M. Sicotte., lu te absence cftishe F'nao- ce Minister, sssved tiselieuse iaîo àUm-. miiree cf 8qPppî,. Mn. J. A. Macdonaîf ldtets rose aud ~Ios- cd luneusendmen.'t "tisai tse, Speke o Dot leava tise chair, but i t iI L hareÏed tisai the Adnnist1ratou, as ai pres n gtituled, isnpvit desferving ofithe - - ,ýùce cf Iis bouse." , Re remaaiked tbt tiss çvas tise hast coutse te psrsue, ithÎtise rairesitoathe geutlemsen cppc*$îte, an ise leat calcnlated ta obstruai sthe businMcf coutry,.1W fé1ý httpreenlMhIisstr, voull acrus ta bahl orci t-res sov tisai lise,'did notIpofflés- tise coeneeof tisa flouse. If it. tranapirad tisati îisGov in eommiee es no longer to be a Giovrn, meut bill. The M4ilita Bill ought te be called a bill to deprive the cousntry of al mean-j of defence ; iLvawutterly inadequate, aud besides vas a hast,' measure prepared during il,. receis, intead of enzaging the earnest eonsidération of ihle Goveruiment duirng tise er. He epoire atrossgly against the-Bill. Ile cbarged thse Goveru- meut witih belng iiidifl'areot.tn, tahing an>' mensure for~ thaejiefence of the cosutry untiljporcd te dose by Ibhao overaor General, and quotcd from the corraspon*' dencp, vbich took place Ieeý Lord Monck and tha Premuier io sustain the" as- mertion. lHe alluded again to the inter- colonial bill, aaying thIe .presenst Gove.rn- nient, ah 1cirejsecting tbe militia bill last year, on the ground of ecwonmy, was pre-, paired tçj rush inoennrnio'm expeuditure, on accaunt of this road. ACter a review of thse violpecsse, hc thnughit the flouse vould agreu %it him ia.i sheMiuistry Isad been weigbed iu thp. Balance nd round vanting, ansd was lin longer deservinig the confidunce of the flouse or the countr, (OupoFiton cbecrk.) - Mr. Sitndfie!d Macdoasld, agred vitb the propriet,' of testing the feeling of ibe flouse. *hc. lstie Goverumetit bad fallen desarvecily on theisa B 'ill i prepared b,' the Commissioncrs vithout a knorledga of circumaîances of the country. Tbay bud toit the Conifidence of a bouse elected under their awn nuspices. Iu proof of' tbe pop. nUl.idy of fIse new Minisîr,' hbc ciîcd the elections of Ministera. The charge of in- consistency coming froin tIsa member of Kingsîon-startled hlm. It, vas a" mait sillzul er shîug ibat that gentleman, neyer favorcd xceiraseutation b,' populationae gaiug furîber t1i'suha (*Mr. Sandhild Mac. donald) in -opposilion te il;-, ad yat Upper Canada tuembers viso demanded IlIle oeasurezntw sauigbis, ridicule ef the querstion, opposed the Goverumant. Thcn shere was -tIha case of Separate Schools. A large number of Conservatives opsdthe, Gos'arament, aud the bonor- ablse gentleman lsad doue more for Caîlso. lies iban bimaelf, aîrbhough ha vas oue of the hast Cathol ics ini the country. (Laugh. ter.) ýBesides, Mr. John A. Macdguahd voted for repraspussation b,' population lu 1853:- audh it hbecame im nov ta charge bis (,Mr. J. 'S. Macdon'ald'm) colleaguas witb the abanUdomat of p rinciphle. Wbo, to(>, cbuugd opinions on tIha quesion o f the Secularivition, of tisa .Clargy Ileservea? Nexi, on thae lect vc Legislative' Concil questin : then on the question of hlgistra. tien ofr votera. and icii on these Signorial Tenurc? 11e declaiesi i a rohhîîry ofUp. per 4canadil ta puy' shese Sigiotssd unjuat 1.7sr-scurahize th,-,reservesa and yet, vhen lMr. Ilitîcks left office, lie and bis coleapsues ignored al shrir pravious ntis and principles for thea sake of becoming memisera ofNise Governmerat. Thiese vire glaring inconsistencies, nrud ha' (John A ) sisou¶d hesa rft mau 5o malte chargeso.! thi8 liuid. After peceas Mr,. J S. 'Macdonald resum ed thse debate on tIse vat of conflèlenca motion.,lHe replied Io the charge about tefeelin- in Ehadvilh- reférisce t Leu stn ,ar ite aas weptine ene5r.UJ f Vahiton smurdeîoau4, In this clarge orthe Cotifederates tise, took freinfise cowardl,' Dutebmeu, as the r'raîep yles tises, 12 pieces of cannon. The Getmans fied put Gen. Hoolcer's iseadqnarters Intpanie. Many members of the staff witb -pistolesud sabrts vaiuly en- deavored to stasy thair flgist. Ger. Sykes' reg-ulars lare pickin, thesu up. yen. WVard't brigade, aided by% Befat's baîtery,', made san-attack at Il o'clock at, nigisi, vhicb vas outirel,' suceessful, and iu a charge made by the brigade a portion of artiller, , bat b,'0Ge, % Howa~rd, vas1 gallanti,' retaken. Thse emy vers dri- Yen bsck nearly > a mile. TÉhat night, Sa- torday, cr men Irept on tiseir arma. On Sunda,', at lve o'eIclc inthse morning, the plsssk road, about a mile and a isalf from (len. Hlookar's haadquarterm nt Chancellor flouse, visich bouse hadbeau panetrated, the cveniug prcvilously b,' a shah. Oir huie of, hattle. immqeiatel,' formsed asud in hall an haur Our a4vauica became engaged. Soon battalion sfter hattalion became cugagech,, the enemy ndvancing bhis infantry iu overwhelming number seeming determiued ta crusb ours. Generaîs Sick- les and Siocum's brave men, Iîowevar, beld theru ii check, inliting drendfiil shaughier upon thie. Gen. Freuch's divi. alun vas sent in on our rigisi flank aud soon crusisad that portion of tha enemy's ine, aud aitS o'clock lu tisa moruing Gen. Fiaucis sent bis compliments îte(Cau. Hoo- ar, stating ha had chargad tIse Coufederat'- as and vas driring sheta bet'ore hlm. Fise visole Coufederate diuisions. were ibrovur upon (lau. Siekles, but be aud biis gallat soldiers beld the Confederates in checks, talîiug tissaugis the -&ay au aggregste of oser two thonsand prisouers. rThee 6giwuasadesperata band ta baud confllut aud, tis carnage vas perfectly, rrightfui. Offices, aa the dead and wotsu* dcd Coufederates coyere.d tisa grouud iu il) lbcaps, the Conraderates literaly throw- iug shernselves upidii tise muzzhes of Our gtuns. Mouts brigade smade fifteen distinct charges and capturad savon stands cf Cou)* federate colors. Th~e 7ths N. Y. Col. Francis alone captnred four stand of col-j ors and r,00 prisoners. Part of Couch f fi 8ccoud corps vas present. liasscck gaIt- sut' going 1te erelier f " iardpressed Siekhes. Tha engagement hsstad from -' 30 i.o 3 45 a. m. vben, beiog out tif am- unitioni our -force hel4 biseir position l'or un bour at the point or tise bayonet, wlicn, uspon being repulsbd, the,' fait bachi in good order 10 Chanîcellor lieuse, viera the con. test wa-a again mauîained wîish greas isvoc le the elle.-Dy and te- ourselvet, The viciait,' ofC Candalor flouse we& uuv tisa theuîra cf thse figbt, sndIlool<er John Young, lady and savais chihdirenIfls.q Hope, NMisa 13ertramu, Misa Inglis, Misa KeÇ r-: wood, Mir. Caldwveîl.Mr. Eaton, Mr. Kr Wood, MNr. Chiristien. Mr. Fo rM.. Kerne.,s, Nr. Frnitalr, Mr, Martin, rGs le.y, ,r, Whitc, Csp.Reald ,Ieg Capt. Cassidy. Lieu. Simpscui. les Stod'1 dart, Mrs Christicn, NMrs -'wrigit ,Jaiocs. Mrtm Jackson sud chlid. Vn, Parsons, Mr.St riq r'CleS Mr. Dahlia. NMr. Coof.ch, NIr. P eck, Mir. Fer- gtuFmn, Mr. Cli.aîMri' Otria. Mr,. Whhîhlolm' Mýr. George Wonod,,Mr. anev MrF. Njjjcgrc . sî, Lchan. r aboa' r ('utr i.Finlsîy,Mlýr. Norgacs,Mr, Jsde Mr'. Lnvd, Mr. Fane, Mr- ogos r Gritlts,'Ns. Circhyardh.%Ir. ~ikt Mr, Barroir, Mr'. N:iuca, Ms'. l31-rck, Mr Joune- npud iftý, NMrFiddes, Nr, Joncs. Mr. Woo<h, i. IDauca. Mr. 1It1, l. rIl ,rrin, Mr,. W. lans, Mr. Brulce, Mr. Nib Ier o ncsMs. llarklay, NMr. ,Jm Jio, Vs'. Sit. rbaop, Nfr. (Oormley, Mi'. Cor. tlcr, Ms'. NMrKihhsry, Ms'. Johnrs'4sue. Mr. Dis.otMr, h Nfil r. Porncîl. Mi'. 4c Kav, Ms'. Miustlagi, 3Ms. Garret y, ms'. ChlitieurimssNlr.[)nvies, Mr. Tpp r i.. Mc. MoîIil,', Mr. Recsasnu id M.Atlin- sou, Mr. Christieiison, Mr. <Towis!Aao'Mr'. Daussl, Mr. Cross, Mr. Cronioti Mr '. Irry, Mr. Crawvford, Mrs. Gun nicli1là, Clristian Brown, Elizabetîs Manu'y, %fary Atin Thoîîs, Mry Ana tldiriq, lipa Christipn. ,Jessic Christiapn, Mairv i n M jSîivMartisa Snlk e ScowJiick,ý Ana (inimleyý, fane Colin ,, Nfil hiobston, Ani Stcateis, Mary CXhan, M iry ChanAlice Stewvart, Mar KNertny. Fsssuv McKenzie ,Mary Reeft ;Jane î- er, Elhcu Kijab, Sarahs Smiths, Kati, Farkv- Margatret Evao.-, Sophkia DIs' sud èhl cild, Elizi r itis,'and ltwa childlrerno s i v cllshîdrcn ttuknetwu, Totail sasud, 82Mest lul, 1(J.3 steaearisd 71 (f the re' , 'liecimails ré aIl 1es t. - l'liea cýýeslj, in 14 fttîanî%s of %vater tjj Is roeu. Ne a 01the cargo hlin nsvc ftT nS îrsIArMS' ù5dl t bmsgilw tell gaIe ouilSatudy a thiclt fog. Etogines werc onad.îl storppcd. At' 10 1Lmth 'ci cng ftick and lhavy tise angines mvestpd atogetlier, a liglis breeze fron ItIhe soulffl fo.'citig tisa ciip -sisead aisiot 1 knot an hio 7r. At 5b s.u'., an tise 2bth tihe feG itît nuit tiia ice hliirisatèg hskce e,,ot trts.ýý top ,aihls nd.card -aim nt msg t1isecugis ftt. îoè.l, ;u A n.ms.,Isle fgl arclavs st;îîrss 'va ssw cîcar vater WV N W frasîstise îîiut Mîsd e coutinuodl our ciursp vsI tiens'matter. Al t2 p.1..gths ispchcm' tifîct. aud etrercil WW. . lsy1) W. ut Cuil 1 cc h aidÀvitls amiposhs ;l. A sa il' er..tv i' Iseuzcvils bluwifig frosist (ii utth aI thi$ý titue. Attioea lus lit. 46J5i7, o. 57. 21. V1cyeliossleter. At 10 p-ts, tise li..ueze .f.. t...,uulari 4t hw t,,t , p m.nqureuiannamee or taxation bave enahlt d bini te do ibis. epusseqluenei, tise,' prapo"ied t pans outI,' of bigsacheeey1, il vitis -pinitIsha ie,' eyincreap, oný tes aud *u-uar, sud tIse,'po Pvsld'tu, vise-q tie,' miéht ha i 1ev,' a stamp, propeni,' on Ti' r utwuhld nat esan cns.,cuit ta matureanp,' cham raftaxal sutin; a niosi, Custama ras f velfusigis ta reduce te tht letie r irem ana soaico, raiin; ti- crwm <u s lu msnt. TIs i' rofisa jut of reoeane- rntioab> usconouus prove nsdalusiva as tbstvisic] their plihlîcal ecte 1. TIse,"b ia demouu*tiîusnthalt it vas no of ceouata,' but b,' maus cf ules'ictcost s lpti dout, ln uther matter, tise,' hasI beau ceisSv -leng pI propbhs ,'ine hýýaTeu in ilu. But it watt11n1 xtîwanl' teufnt ni' .s point of' eicuutioii, 'sud most ln i8 resulîs, ta vhicis attention ni- ht. Mr'. Gaît veut hache tot at bis ne-election and.ascaus l snsa-ai imsatlelaits asttise1 ;vl 1Wed' lsere tIsit isest ti;fyiusg tise ditarit. plucky, tise lt'sder Ktic IsOpjuosi. 'tise ~gauntIct. lie bas lleaiittse cf ubaus b,'rse' 'in nidr oobiain auctcch psri'ieuar question. IHa 1va îuung, tld Ibeas ta us for tise antaiust ndra. tIsa, could, Risie anh,' 'ut sut ,rsued 'utrail gnounud belpusgiuug se lb. Couat,' Agrleuhl *FA«t tural Society', adjoiniîig tise Town Rail, vhsîah 'iby- are putiag linte 'prper or. dern for tise comng Sassan sd f ýsu.' reèasful ini obîaiaing a laese, thise' uiend lsiorlla doing vonders ilu stsriug a complet, oC'ick. te mti et grcuud. Cicketars- i eigibriug chair. tovus vilI iLave tl e ha p and tiiing, if ritad and they-deaire to be prepared Ioteaccept Lcma 'Tise of man,' frieudl,' challenges, w)b -îlsthe, l "Ontario" club salIt of sendussg tiset. - 'M favorablhe conîrsit -au hy, bis- opponunts cf bisa Qs.eaa"Ien io ius ds>'agoe eb,'.' - 8safUl,'andt tierais -Ilubis tenîder for- tie priuing- cf .ýubs w iII reuiîle tIse towntsipi of Baut. Whis.is,, te edtor of the adi. Thetalent of iedicalor offered te give tise b,'.av. oue 1,;: lias et tise ida insertion Vutula inti&palier, as an inutce -'. blieve tisay bave usut.ta gel tise job I Tii. 'unucil dhu -net giva it io hlm, 2iVty knesa the value C q4UsUols wist- oftheube imaa ad srtising medium,~ ute fpurlisusent il,' ~ ~ prn eIliedoidas8'1 piiW of gise Pickernag Agrîcul. ily ivied o ths aral Socityl,. - )nid eatpar to e h preseuit. Tise spring show of tisePierugK-u 'aI came gdown te culturaI -Society' vas behrhnt t Clarauiont ansd gave tise Roy- cr Wednasday isit. Tise day vas aiî tisai of bi'îlA. could bha dsired, - nnd tise ontouse 'of ued fer Easai Dur. pesons excnedingl,' large. Tisera vas. s occasirnsad b,' tishe od sisoi or houses in ahi tise _caaffl huutis. tiseceiibition cf gatle- vas ratisir thula, - tThe lmplements, harnais, Act. s6vun, vere I. W'hItb,'Tpuhafici. ione. lie ne-ad froi -~ tise hase air lRobert Toisa Hall, 1863: } s, similar resoluiin u MAY,'4ti s 3. Mous, et wsi-clsh ba s Ocusiail muset aitIse Tevnu lIL of ayant osf confidenuce af'.er.pan, on Mantday lit. - Ail cousrse for tise0qpoi nibers .presqnt-tse Reeve lu thse addad tisatitil as a lt Miutsit tisa previelis meeting to obstruai lagisîation 3 sppreeA. - ws'tctlar msre Ve tsesMc'iacATêss.le (Mr, iMacdoald) i followîng comusuislcatious nire vas truc qf Lbe gcusîia t - - -- - taIre, i,, qvuag; tis Ir. R4be'ts,,Rae's-ng lu have aseumai. tip"ta54 p lue i )r dog remsilted-s - .alWgtlitr,... lie'had il n tise Crairsit tnd% Depantueut-lu paso nsll,'and ialgel, es so aertain turvey,fer tIse akinz osbthe\ Governsesîakw, I instructios aud iWucaforvafded epustiaue..(&grsi,) 1 ier.cf mise rej etion of thse B3, Fa~irbankts, sq., adcther ,'eas',-andof thseilül and ocçupiets, aslrut to lisve ibeir England bý tbeasote movins' a majuniîy hesalul vuS uotexsc' c f 0cm' 1tritise Scisool 1311. lie dafen iI'eet vote ernnienit on tIhé Mililia adIL 1," bouiet rquestions aud îîisoîvenry h lte ' ansd cluded b,' sa,'ing thea Gavons dideou ta lsd uttfall -b,' ie polis, sema ho toficeif it dia usol passes, us

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