Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1863, p. 3

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,SION. siapplied ning in. :ay $12. Wood DGE iceva1lo ),k, ou M Y NEXT, e.. 111,, celm te Order, ciii LIrN I PIIADEN, 17 4%v is, mat, 17> Egner 1J7 "T IE Coirt of 1ioviéion for tho U îîted Town- I eiltmofMni ,iud Rama, 'vil b. id ut Satuxday, the lOth May next, Coîîîînciîg D. O'BRIE-DZ - Townsihip Cierk. ),tra and Raila, April 20, 1863c. 11-8w A NERRY -EVENING! oý Mecha.nics' Hall, Whitby, On Weduemday, I3tth Mayr. PROFESSOR SIDDONS, Wli,, luis cei,îtel tan N'eryfavorab)le 1irxsiirng ciii give a Lecture 0o1 îliii Wits -& Humortt of the Age,, illec11ýi itv wRaysfrom th. 'wcrk etChaire Mr. ShIou. cvi inhve t1cc lholr <o'iii ihi>îîgt'i , ýeiebrted elocutioîîîatand trui- MISS MARY AGNES CAMERON, V h., will ueita <Ia nom,',from Sheridan, SIar~oru&C., terminiutiîug witu 1 No Charge frôm the Light 1Brigade. i c1îîimn5e,. Tueurnnicîicn et 8 clk. BROWN'S I STOVE AND) TINWÂ4RE ESTABLISHMENT, C> !S Mr À& WuAd, la t1l imrËr"t aîit nî'tri teoiîupl i icithe Cotil Ei'.',rv iir1îciý-, and Iveyï 'i'rityarticliii the line ,'îi ai* ale.-iia Ji--lit profit% gove'a i- te J rues Luk'eriRolinsoni and George W)Illam Alîa, Plain- AND George llostwick, Ainos lient- vi ck, Edward Shori<s.and, * Charies Wzcv, W Bill. and George s. MCKRy, Josepli -1'odritjfl, Rieliarel Miler, John L. Rannuey, a nd RIichard lVcOodl- rf as F.xýcuî,e of the lest' > Will, andl Testaiment oW Samuelr - Zimirierman, dcaeJohn Gladîtone. ûud Alexander Mor- - ion,Johna i)owney Bryce,' Jartces 1Playlair, John McMîîr- rjîii iieloriesinede pa rtie. ithe Miscser's Office, Delen- daau '4 P 'IV hE l lu, 01"o, Leo ueDe ii WhicTl is well deserving 'early attention. .From their unsurpas- sed faciitie s for buying, combined with a thorougli knowle4dge of the requirements of their customers, they are prepared to sel Goods, fromi a large and well assorted stock, at Prices far below any Ques most sanguine expectations. The4r would invite special attention to their assortment of Ladies, Misses', and Chiidrens' Ratts, Bonnets, Flowvers, Feathers RIMBONS, PARASOLS, $HIAWLS, MANTLES, &C. 'fi; DRESS GOODS they show a choice selection of Bradf'ord~ nnd olher tnaLes. IN WOOLENS they have superior Broad Cioths, Cassimeres, Fancy Tiveedls, Silk-miixed PoAtingý, Vestings, &C. 1EAfDY-MADE GIMTIIING in endlcss-Tariety, and nt prices favorable to Vie huyer. CLOTIIING made to order on, the- premises by first-class workm én. *As usual, their stock of FAMWLY GIIOCERIES will be found latrge, and of the best description. 1N TEAS> a largo stock, fresh and fragSrant, nt moderate prices. WINES -AND LIQUORS of the best. Fresh Field and Gar- deni Seeds-English, American'and Qitnadian Growth.- CHINA, CROCKERY AND) GLASSWAIIE, the largcst, best and cheapest iin the County, ini proof *of Whiclî, we invite an in-, spection.. 17 AS USIJAL THE CHEÂPESI CASH STORE IN WiIIITBY AS JAS.BTK rrSchofiel's 01-dStand.> 'ERSAL fVILLAGE OF LIVERPOOL, IN TSIE TOWNSIPW 0F 1'CKERINKG, CG- LEVI FAIRBANKS, Junior,. AUCMrONFERd, ON Saturday, the Sixtecnth day of May nëxt At twe'lvae 'clieek, neec 1tiata 1118 s ihe 11 me, I8O3~ Sweepstaketi of $23enth, hait'forfa-it, tô e b.dopidtod witli thibe eratary, on or be'- fore the iLnt J i", isieb tii. Il. cvi ia $00 fr pi1atil ~iîe uBrod l lorâu,,eiglia *rr age: 8 in 5,u WVhftbY Purge ofUt150, oepen to tillier- me, 2 ilvc hoats, T C. W. Trottasg Puruge 01 $50, ritto aillier, 1498 ocrI( Vil v 3p.riic IltioithpriIvlA oelteh racé In the leiilu' of Paerbere', Vlotoriii, Durliaix ti d Ontario, i 5. SECOND, DAY. Club Purée of 400, optic ai11l11r0 3 mille lîeti, 1 M oiitmntlc,1110111u.î iuî 'leî',oolted with thi e ereb:ry, oii or bciee he 241ILiMa ii.>iext, T. 9- W, Trottng Puée f'4$101, "e t Il iîorsemtih't, i iuc5 Tioling Par t '$25, antd a Milver Cap vanue nt$15.epecui to al horésglthm itAver won a f£4)pure. e ttalea, ;Ili ionthen 9 uiîiîiteÀ' i1tuile, -lleitiIo iarnanni, outranee R8. Sîlver Cup, opec t toi nîitroiod lioràea THIR»DAY. .Uardie Race of trot leééthatu 0100, mKàhiiiheti, ocrer 4 iurdî., 1 femtiicetibihgli filiicai'u wiglitA, bbelt oa agogil ibIld etlea, o etaert, s*5 will tt ddod.) JIennicIèp Race of $100, ope n tleail iprcuviliec bred hsreel, mille hEate. Besen Plate of $50, epeîî te 41il lor.»it bCuîtC.P durlig te ncrciiie bott, peît geîitry,lînip cg. RULES AND REGIJTATIONS. Tlîree hfonce. itouscikae Etfleld net. Lcàèuthau two to ntart. fiîtriiuee 10 par centiîrhe Il;.uîova raceste 4ule naecrillgto 1ilieRtileg-Of the Club. Alieurri(eu te ha tuade ln writistir, and unîlumr e"udwltth bereryhfore 4 o'eieek", oii tha evetili'iupreviOtes te eaolî da0% «tufflma.-, Al ridera wili lia re(pciratito tire»;lei Joekey ,ttylenrmcorlintr te thua Rein. Evcry parsoi etiîerilig a lie.cilii horeqttired te, liethi* colorma. 'The Jtudga.' deci.i'.n te l iWiniii4ai eae.ptovine,bred hbe,, ilofewe i Tb liru.ny 4umeîiaured at il..pont by puyi.g doubl ienotrance isiîicey. J. HAM PERRY, JAMES ROWE, ScaeyaiTaturr 14' ~i'j-. - o o c, Will l Merin ers, F t, Sh' found 1tRegat-: LndL Alt- I 001 .1.weeosi ruggçts, Union and ail-W ool Carpets, .tReady- Madle Clothing, &C.1 e The largest, best assorted, and cheapeét stock in Towan. consiésting in part of Y. H. aud 1BIack Teas, Coffeies, Sugars Rice, 'lobacecié, Syrupis, Codgshi, Sait Water Salmn», «hite :Fish, H-ermngti, &o. 10IO1JORS ANID WJNESI M"hsk-y, otestic Olti Rye, 'odtiy' Malt and Scotch Brandies, Ru Glu, Pott sud Sherry'%Wines, Abliot & Sons Aie ici pint.4 and quarts, Chmi~e Claret, &o., &û. C ROCKE RV.-Ebracing alenost every article usually kept liithe lUne. 8 E EDS. -A large sto* of aii kiidti eof'Fieldi andi Garden Seedà, very oheiàp for Cash only. Whitby, Apil, 1863. toelitii ioat«îe le è Thegreai .acoarga uofilli icîulueaî ll'léqael la a Co..<U(, rhemeatmoi', II.andtem i .,iîve or.- fi re rexltîreti tIt ir piraper lic ivb eater iia wzihidiiro,, sapa tii.hydra ix fdînantexehiiienil, mit. hn aacrcî utierring 'rerntdy zi.jrsthi frorlet he ptIuni.:'.5 .telle Genieral DebilIty and 'W elkneéé. FTOOW~U.~TOI'a L'W5Ntcgor sanatT,,.andt ait ihngîîra iii*eacvd huer, nai -i&r iit.er.a~.- Ttc pn'vr quantum auict 5 nik .iwîuiloé Irt tuabila T. H. McMILLAN. ~ 15 ,ulraciiiana~ - 1) Thaînato uic hanl<hi HAMILTON &Co, Are now showing a finec assortment of -NEW MILLINERI GOOS AND) DRESS GOODS ALEXANDER'S KIT) GLOVES, Also a very large stock of Holl4)weqi'8 11114 are the b in the oorld for tise /Wl Anihma. Darhon dtarer and aî Bedcle .Tcii nedI Viirds l icuuu. Sw V lacure as a WIinarx- Idlii eccryli- lion. a.'cttid ncanti piut orliox; ilc weeà by imtinîIete éf t.u. as , Wadw e,,» iet on i.m Uniftd $Lai caninA. 03 ce ~rnent IV. . 5-Di eI'ery disordt FIL»AND GARDEN SEEDS, Wûth their usual extensive stock of GROCERJIES AND LiQUOIRSI N os. 1 aud 2, TiWls Buildings, Aprfl, 1SG3.1 EVERGR1,]EN TIREES 'lARI'IES tvuîlig eEMBF.LLI!I1 tlii -P rrcumid. Save cv a w t ina eorýtainur> or auplplylîbin-, elves wtlliaUny oethOe fo)llicv- ieg Evergrieeu Tree. et moe .000O Spi ion] feet; ~VAL Coutamnig by aélit,'aaereinent, One Hundred & Forty Acres, Mieor -lenn, i 'lue part of Lot caniber Twn- ty-i'eîr, i l ii, i irst ' oeeief Ithe,'-îld Tuw eniip off PJuîkaei g, ln 4.AlKeci ac. ii neide b>' F. ify. hmr,, V tquairu', i riiviîîcicl Landl Survyor, aud dated Torootet, FuhraniT IOth, 183,Ch to e .ay: LOT 1. Cectauuimg Tc AiyÀcrcn1 ualng ithe p0rCal iearkA dnetsber 1, ou tjýtii Fcî lan. LOT 2. (loti. ing T7'11 Aci-, bicg the Nortitli iif f.ri ofta preel iccrubernd 2, onuIle.suid plani. * LOT 3. 7 Cue4ntai!tiiiz Ton Ac.re., lxiiizthe ottlhait LOT 4._ CoiteLlîiicc Twinty Aere,betrtg tlié paicel niuibortil8, geo the niid plan«I. IT la tho oe hefare t streui to po wer (f cet It wili w No Serva À chtllde 1%o0 autic Bnwti!nncile. A ONTA DIVI BANK# N'O, 12. Even

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