Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1863, p. 2

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meetoq of Oouaty oacj-R, J 13otreiIns ln Drhy do4 stiOaba Jamen rt~i Cafas for Butpr. -Jma 3Brca. Grocevlu.-4-Jnmes Braoiu à1oney ta , Lana-W. H. Bllings. ?rolas.ic fi . Ierry. ONLy M ~D OLTA&R A TEÂR Wllb.Tlîuirs4a,iay 21. 1863., South Outarlo Elcetoe., Tbui Writ for South Ontario bas beon roceivedi by the Reý1ist.r of tbis Coualy. Mr. Perry, ad vo understaad that the nomination will tahut place on Mouday June lut. andi the pollinrZ on the ii and Oth. Miilgiiers look upan South Ontario a5s acurp. t ig-.!r. \Lwat's packfet bar. ougii. They desire te have h t I bout f as the fimt gun. Our G"~N, however, ianaoin n-greater calihre and heavier ssetal outPt te tell. Th. adrertisement appe.li5lein , proper plac-). Who bas, Succamibd. Mr. Movt h.-il accepteda o11cci under Mr. SantifieltiMa aal. r. Macdan. nid in a atiekier for do)Uble.mjority. MVr. Movat professes ta adeonaOte. Ripronta. tien hy populatian. tri unitinz ta forta -an adm>iitraion, it vr>uld lie i-iterestiag ta knovw p bis sciiurnedI. as$alid. field giverj up d-uhie aje-rit?, er bus Mavat given un renreet,îatlaa hy papu- latian Otn o f thnm lias raevd. Or ilu the palicy of the ' tcctigtrucinn" cabi. net Ieft Il inaiventef'"and ellowed ta develope issî vlt ihilie ,aptercf iýcci- denti? Io fleat vida h hectrrent aofeentaP Framth l anguage af>the (ôClao'c.the ltter course is ta he prosune1. Thbe Globe states tiat Mr. Mowat bas jnined th~e- Ad- miiotratiaa, leaving the. questian cfR.- * presenatien by population an "cpmie question." Thas the 41"Recunsutructioe" Goyernaient likve nopolicy an Ibis al. imprta t pper Çanatia quea1ian. We remeoeber Mr. Mowat usavertrg,ý with &Hl the. Pions ebemýnCI3 whlcb b,,e Cold assume, thit ha <oulti sapport no Gavern. ment,-- no -4dminiatrsioi,thatt did not make Represent4titiri b7-populationa ' aCa biset quetion. That vai a point *hitii ho matieasaingt 17". J' C.M<*EiOnr i contestlag the' Rliinc, and it 'va s un et- Sune tfor an arzittueet whicb lhe always feil back.ui pontin *phrakinr th IeCrip' denaldAdmiistcraion. ilTiiey- saidihe, utake it (Rep. hy Pop,,) on c~p.a tquestion, itlà 5with ihit 1Ind fault. A qurIliinef to -mach imnpattancee te lUpper Canada should nfot b. left un open question; Wi siiouitiber made a Cah;nei qursin, and no' -Goveramout chali rerfcivrnyeapport, ;- Iwill otpasqe alsiliîain hd not takie it a Cabiniet qboesiiaa?' "h ei on Ibis pint," sait iéb-, 1'that ý aid -My orppnenta difier." %What asbu e die.? Accordiag tn the CGlobe -<mnd tht au- îiiority is ta b. talion, etita' grant a iia. _ hae bas ,fened' an adminiâitratien lesving Reprecentation by population an 1«apeni quesion" Our own inFe"ence àla t t e bu ssreamln'd ta John SnaulSeld for the. cake cf office, andtin aproof cf i eoefrer u, ga&Vea s thuleey ta tise rMicistry, i hiruight ettt Lafetthnz aiounr ' rsà, isî rerniai-ed, in lise net-nent, soi-Cri nambers mo wre anti hat alwayo; hiprpxentien b>- Popula- -t le lad itafis ulsbeulti public thât tises Schèeo tr-ski sa betabjecic I te; th -mniéreaeaning now -au uceti an a fermer ce- are nat confined Itao v- m>itfevnen osfthi s ntre,. tale. a- po4iuve st>tet5CDl> Reppree.ataiaa h.>-Popn- be the.iniitq, il is nau nistr>-, tii.> are ta have rDc Te are te leave t zc taire -la ta be-mu ,pc querrstioa-; ýisi viin tise>- iiiundor- t one on whiel .verToaein. ertyI t visaskIre piesa. ant miii the mn, -se M. strou ands 5~8In the1 r. VWilliam MeDouigaîl, bi 4h.d perhaps as Mr,.4&"1 >o'agll, la ta be a candi lth Rlding cf Ontario.1 naminatiloncf a socàlle rontiori hld at Canningti lait. How ttis acame about vo hftpper tta be in à poqition to inforni aur teadens. ,Knoilg bîseftocariauis Ildti mpai the Rekrm*nrqf eartl Oxfonrd, ir.- McDou- pli oat about hlm fon anothor cansutitu- easy tisat vanîtibe likely te' laok los -Victoria and- North '()ntat'lo,' atontsg othen pinces, weèe applieti ta. Telegramas frant M. KeDatîiIl binisoif mre recei- vetib isevenll rtinlr of tise ftitful un' tse à'ýath !lhu;n.i Tiay mûre tlîoqtily te> the fÃ"lômintg ýffert: 11 et mninated "for Norths Ontai,--Draper, ha hotu '-with me." "Win. iMcDougali." Nice nitînâgernent, atnd dextetotus 'lpuliUrg -the, oot" acisievoti succeit. Out cf 58 >'de-. legates" theoa ore 3-2 mise "Icakedtot Washington," tise balance: bcbg divideot between Mr. Geor'ge lrcmn lMn. iurrie, Mfr. Fanee>-ll, M. 'aita;- %bridge, anti Mfr. John Bell, Tenanto. The N'Wastin g- teu"-uon issitiout tisaitisir champion vousit receive tise Cttli o n ac- conut ai bis;voeofiat-tisa St;,anale achooI bill, andtihe ise rcgt mf titis prgmise ai suppot~, ilu ;iii si.gainedth ie day. But wvoapine. tisaiN1fr. )MDougal'a fientis vili'have ,(o lkfartiser eoultbant North Oniai tlto(indbim acocnstitey., T-ho poIiticsAI esegado front Nrti Or. ford vili titt'with is lt!encuragement trin utise îrue-irrtei, loyal cien cf Nonth Otanio. Ait for tise Catholicia of lise Ri- uing, tiioy quito tndrsîsuulhi lii tIle gamne attcntpted to bo playa' tiustisent. They ans perfeelly avel avare tisaI Mn, MeDaugIlI,ý in voiing fer tise Separale Sciscal bill voti to keep 7imseslf in ciles, anti net te exteuti tkir pnivilegosal1 T-hty araulti h o rse than traitons ta tiseir cvii prnciplos didti tby support, Ibis 'Clear Onit catioe lie It ane of tise ery isiadk- eý;t ci tise Git bigots. Iiras nqho, as edi- tare!f tiseGlobe, vi ava te itest 5un- bitter atligner af ibeir 'elergt..il vas, îîe, miceon c! ftihe Olobe, %mhnscnffeo at Othcliç clergyunen as piieit priests." Il vas le e oassçi.stéd lu rats' ing tlIe -- NePormny" cry cf ,57 It vas heItowIajoined i mtJo. Gotià inlibail- ing Nufinerirs, sud catholie istuioinsi. Il was hose mit aistod it hangiang tise tyl- mardis? CaCtltelices voe for 5im ! Und for. bil f But C~atblici knev dhiîr du ty ton well. Tisoy -iii nover iselp toe luep Mr. Waaiitîgton Grit McDongallinl ponwer. Ile la nett houai laho bu rsîtd. lie roptdi- atotilbis priniciples, asud ftnstrrelhi, ploige uta tse, efeelora ef Nantis Oxford, fon tae sâke tof efice. No daskbt ho is ready té o.eseagain. Blit jnst &s Nonrth Oxferd hbu initurc repuduaied i fie, se wIll ho ic sporueti by thne froc ant iInde- penden.t electors cf Not n ario, of al Classes. - Sot Ontaro-Dr. Guan itCansdidate. W. unuterataudtiiat BR. J. Quart, 'sq. W: D. of Whitby, has botta. anevailieti tu>a tu becanne a candidate for the vepreseata. tion of Sentis Ontario. In hia' Our uieto. Pogtmaster General milI ti-ne ea op., pot ont, but "a oman wertby of bis steel*' Dr. Qun lacs been a tecidet c f tbe Ritiiog fasr mare tbUa tventy yearc, and l% erna aujy Irnav tIoaot cf tie rarepayors. 116 is a gentleman cf ample meauts, and onjoa ai veny lscrative preictice as a pliyician. Hoe was Mayor of Whitby la 1862, blising been elecitid by acclamnatica, and etjays tic resitttt anti esteerntof the' cotnrinity' ti wiich be reides, as mell as the cond- donc, cf thse elesions cf - l.ista iag genen- aIly, h ina I&gc degree, -Dr. Gasa la a gentleman cf superior etincatin anti iberal' vious, antia ltrue fiend of tppet Canudilara pnlinciples an'd interegs. H. le noe xt'e. mniat. Dissrsted 'euh tise lbetayal 0cf UpT CaahT....s I.-.'L-Ube Ma---a.lt1 Sicatie admiaisîratian, ant iut1rteýtergfv- erstiôn oetIr. NMamal, mito, hothe pallia meoir, candemueti the-nieunnes cf iiso Adà. miaistratioea', thon veteti confidence ipa thean, anti afierirada accepteda seat lac Ibm Cab.. lr"t, therehy eadoraing titir policy anti aibandouinsg is oua prineiples,- . Dr. Gurin, vo bave ascertainati, cancents lu qanleif the Ridilng;,anti appoale tota I,patritisat anti ccnalttency of the people. As a Muni of neiblorsebeti cirater-pnblic asdi pt- rate-a resitient, anti pacaesiing Even7 qnaliîfcatioa thît coulti recaaaeea rep. resentative to a conz fltancy, Mr. 5Mat vilI meol in Dr. lutta a formidable oppi nent, *Mr. Movat*î'sitionleaaItiist ime la vety tifforenit ram elat il iras st p#ei Gus dsiçîi ne. lie bs aduala i'r tr"411" Tisé No-poporr ofeFiffy-sen và Do nut nem avail hua. N'eilhess aiT tise' le'-of, synéatlv veisttnfrim b -bis triend-'a Pritiay atîet b espeni led te keep in -joinêti, ho ias cf their mis- ileetia; ha bau tis ebis voeo against tise4 Separatoe cheol bill anolliiy,, an dI i.bui1 praseni ail bis fermer profosu about1 jaining no Adiministration ia t ou wàld i QIt miles the quection cf RepresentatiOntb Populatton a Cabinet question, a glaniug9 phecaetfhypocricy. Dr.. G rn ba 'loar regad. e ba brn alaytho constant frienti anti atieèaîe orf Uppen Canada !n- tereEs, asti be veulti prave a true neproien tilve oeOTARIOMhW piqnsr anti ONT-À- RIO sentiments. ' - - The Nmew Mîtitsrferm"ed.J atcseLTîaîeI-v-atns ~ rd JSV On Satartiay lui cuber mombers of tise Minstrý wère ameorri in, andthie Cabtei la uem c9mpeseti as Sulla"s: titt'8ttCANADA. -Jais" Santifielti Macdonald, Atorney Generai. Oliver MNaal5 P'st master <JoueraI. Wrn. MeDougali, Catnmissiouer Creva Landis. Wrn. P. Hlowlanid, Ileoeivor Grneral. A. Fergnascui Blair, Provincial, Secte- Lewis Wallbr2tge, Soicitaniienerali A. A. Dorian, Attorney Genienal. L. i.l.hna,-Minia ter of Finance. Isitiene Tbibaudtau, Presideut ai tiser Lotlliot de St. Jost, Bureau If Agricole tare. It mili ho seen tual there, are still tua vacaurcile b unfiheti-aie office of Com-, mîsaxoner cf pabie Worka, sud Solichôr - GenetaI Eut. T-is los cîinns anti the wIcie delay shosvatiat Mn, Santifielti Macdonald bad difficlties cf no ertiluary- eharacter inbringiug togetisar hic presaul caniewhat enrinlus cabinhet colîectioti. Aut extra cf tbo Canaaa Gazette, cqn- talus the Proclamation tiiuelving Parlia- nment. Thbm uits areretunnable on tise 3d cf jslY. tieuble-abuffle; Joint Autbority bu as- slîtoditihel performance, anti Reprqsonla-- thon by populaion basI! (behinatihacls), joinudntladeubling l'eit e 4 n.. Retta- A istioveot titue van iseet abouti Sheulti bc tie nanae of the sert pepuilar litliaphati jig< ho aIl tia listory of Ca- nadisti poli ties more glaung in nsisteacy; nwfire eanti'variable eldinuuts,'- mre never braugisl ragetise thatisar. Santifielti iMacdoaldi bus calectetiin luise presentc Canadian Cabiniet. Doulle-Majriy, Rep. 1 - lse-wcvr ýnr.I,,,. "4.etse'aaE. Catitôlie u- ailrnaitano anti ultra Grit- these are tise happy family ultici the Pi-e- taler tiesirei to place on- exhibitiotn bfèeo lie Cenadilan publie. As. a frli e fcura renirks, tLTs 'ous l'- Vr> Wben Mn., - hiibadeau vas îngratel eiaeuigbta te accuse te mati vie raleed imuta lb. bigli poition cf Mtphter cf tise Ci-eu; cof deserting hic pinciples, tiinga more net laI so bai. lTe Braun-Dratneati cor-' reApori5ence, andi Mr. Laiserges tatenent se to Mrllra5vt's ceaupliciv' ln the Segrucni- ai tteure buiaeia vote scareeiy a circusi- stance coýnpare& viwi tiiepreceut position oraffaira. Noiatalanti Maenaualstarete twa great natarat-eu.riiceitos cf tbe Cabinet or e on f.hi meçosal l ' 4chanageai and ineia >ont - Cilquîas-s We hall en- dbaver ta exhibi tbem a nail ibeir naiga' ted color.In:' heti. eantine o wnder ai Ibeir lranq4crmatian, lathe prenailig sen. Cheser onalte Roapage fot ViSse. Mfr. Chester Draper bas ieen ta Qaeeec. He remnainedt iere fer sen-me ees. W. TÉ TitiTaîn ME CÀ?! MAOAZtNS.- The, first nmber cf ibis teralry peîjcdfical pre. seuta a goad app rie. The ititer tool in of antpxcell qu&1ty,-sasqt4; in- structive, and iinte -ing. W. bavu 1from the, Pen of-, i0i. pti, dtor-H1. Y. Hind, Esq'M. i . _'R. (. 6.-auab1ë,' article an Northt. British Arnéricti &,My cousin o -1a sketch from ine, lsy Mnr. Meodie; Seçeo Ipaesof "'Fatly notices of Taronto" RevdDr. Scaddiug; u article onth." k<of(OreditFoncier; Holiday musingcý;1" he ~r~tstZa po tawi an elabiFte andi vel vritten article,,as "the t> ýesl fceandtiihe ail- way; interèatiiiîg artiles an "Flowen àmd their moral leachingf" aud uqua,,ct: Lie in Caniada,", andimoi e cweet linos frann ihe Penu cf rs. Lepran. llne praspectus states thai, I-Tise aiii of tiseBr s1 . American Magit, zine is ta encourage ritush Ainerican Lit- erature , tii cffer an pnrtunity, long de- sircil hY meny fcr lirg public andi per. marient cxpresiots ) tiroir thotugbîstt, te lester a taste foer)ikeji 'ry, prîrguits, xc prie sent the niairvels ci incc ini famniliair I.an. guago, oasily 'îider4cdAl'y ail, tosupply a menthit' nlsta-c4ebatever ig intcrest- ing and v~altirible in1t1 e periôdical literai. rire ai Grent Tritaiu n aîî 1 s ef resuinie cf, the pnogreo it irature. Sciénce, -lIn dua.try andi Art . tl)reÏghull Bitish Northt Taking the irai nnliber a' a ertie rien ta jatigo by the Bitish Amerlcan"'promises weîl, andi ie ehottiti &al viil feulil tise t- te iey ibavte R! iu'cigîd tisaltýes, credit. ably and eaaiifactenily. We unntersanaeâ bat Mi. Camteron's sup. partera in Tbarah, beld a metting an Mnn. day lait at Beavort n-Colonel Cateeron preshding. Thse feeling îi favor ef -tise present respecieed ucmber iras utîaninioiss. Committeos ver crgn:zd, aud-thse verk ges braeely en to maire is re.election la Norths Ouraia a mure thirtj STRAa3su>t.-Dr. Cargercn, lu thse pro.i sente of Dr. Clsark,~ and i keral prominent- residents cf ithe lova, pocially inviteti, >rfarnxed a mat .uccesTel aperatien for t his dfefeci an Mr. MeBsun'ey, cf the fouir dry, ou Tuesday lust. -The. doc tar la atili staying i the Royal batel, cati vo ativise ail aofl'rng frein dm'uhs of dhe eyeighî, te avai tiexe ives ef bis very 'emnme Who viilnoavoýatmsloaelvms sensitl- ont ? Abraisamt aremelIltioclaredti iat bad Oliver Momat talion office unden Jaisul Sautifiei4 Macdticul, bI wivanîti seifcop-, ,pase MovaI in Sout Olitr - ia. -Mn, Mavat; lras accepteti office, an4>ct-odon te ticse mntrt bave abandoAuc pninciples. 11ev say yennolM. ?a Il Conisisi. aacy tihon art a jemel' 'AHRYCasRaIT au-At a meetingl af lise mesaiers beonlg ta tise Atierly Chricet Cluinmi hMr. P.. Cant iets Helel an- Saîurtisy,.Aprhl 25th, T-heIo iviemn- bais vonal elected edlers for lise carrent sesson -* ' - - ' D. G. Hevett,r Esq, Prealdont; A. P. leuett, Vis. President; Joie C. MeMallen, Secreisny, Chanlps eivett, Treasurer, Alfredi Hemet1Çaptain. Cemmshtee farnage-iîent-Meunýs. Chuarles Thon, «songe Illlen, Ariber lleMuiiec, Edinunti O'Do1l und Ceraellis Grailivan. WasnY itrBLs a i.-TrÂt lengtb, i*41er: sanie exention-a andtelnstruiaer autow laeillife e strains of itsBr li -,: brngiag abonait Drsaa* 1mai il Roreàf ter Éc musical le instru- exeolanl e taskef e- credit llný, $250,' Brock aireet eî*l Dundas Street, $550; maling in ail $1200. The Word appropriations ta ho orpondeti under tise superinteudence cf the Counciit6s af each Wardi.-lise-expoudituro e.3'Br"aind ~Dandt4 treets ta ho under îe osuperneten. -dence of tise coinmittee on streeia andtimi. provomnenîs. Mn. Cameron ii dine chtair- man,' South Word, Devenul Centre, an4 Perry Nertis. KI500LLAIN FOUS. A saincf $4,75c. recomameadet in the report cf ths couimiîtee Towna proponrty us vus votetl ta I4fr)Coranieio fqrrepurn tables.pire Mr. Wallace Wua s seumi. atIS 11 troublesarne. He fintIttI, "exception ta tise celoki:indtes, ho "4; f1egt tise aniser cf il huminjzging resolution con- cerning printiug; the chiof constable thoen becamne ties cbjêecicf bis invulative, and he concluded l'y maiing a respectable reEi- dént efthe town, (where ho knew. the party aasailed hati ne chance ta dol enti hFmself,) a target fer hiscocwaedly, scurrilaus. de- traction. Tiecocuncil trested hiim vtisdeservediy manketi ilent 'cantempt, aud adjssured fer a fÃ"rtuight. r iierg Township Cotsnci. Saturday, May 91,1863. TiseCeuneil miet lu tise T-ewu Hall. Menions aIl prereut. Mitnues of lut meeting reati snd ap. proveti. i'ETITtONS Pi'tSENTE).' 0f Win. Dhubar, Euq., aud disers, pray. ing fon aid te Win. Younln, an indigent penon-Mr. MeOreigist. Of Thomuas- C. Hmbbsîrd sud disens, prayitg tise Ceuncil leoentier tise renterai cf o u-ciona afi'aaeertain ren;atialite W petition for tise removai of obstructionst oi the ide rond hein-en lt 14 a,îd 15 lu tise 5iicucain.-h Bllardi. 0f cettain psttics în lBroughsamt for Ise esc cf uhe tInalsrl for r sill. Ni.Mn . xs n V-,tisi tte Cotîncil <br tiem te.-olo-e us s e oa Court 4)i Ilcaisi- Mnr. McCrrigthmort-s, seccenelesl luv MN. %V ixsonu tuhit tis ece et aituriisaî.- -- csrnieil. Mnr.)uîcCnîigît mca-es, tirai tirefoÉis-- in-g antîctiincnt-i hbni-ado tetise ascess tirent roIl.fasr tise ve-'r 18M. -iz: 'IThat Iliclirti Wa:rtidA'seasmu.li -redlteei to $i400, tisaI NYt. Brri,"'ý uttue bu inserte- ti liiGerge ru i'i tri4 cres (f Lot Nor. 14, . ht Ii'P, councearien, nom . -selte loisI.<' h. l'e assesseulleto slDougha.%s, tlî id 49 îucî-ecf luft No. 20. ini the tiil cncecsion,. be delcttcdfi 0711 tIshasissmnoufi;iinii MieFuause11(, t1t11ds, eet '.le.sitAsp tissa lins. Amaunda? ',ërrsee'sutsr scIc lue rcduîeti fine ilcilsrs.-tiat--ttue' siine et' Jali', MK Barsi,\"'é igi sfatlt,'asdiie anie. 'f Jolin N. ittcri, ic iiteei iustrail tisereof, and LunI tire follimiug pet-aunasl'e exeuipteti fr'inc(10-g taxriz : Fnancig vc'tl, Johsn (llcs',ouandi leury Wu. uatilîl, ,îs tiey Iraveo ticsroiyei their t 1 ' :. - On moitietn cf Mn. Wixion, tise roll mi, fih:>uiy pasuetiasnrgnent L. an t lun oa- thi o (touisil re.atunoti, ttis Ileare i ltIse, chaiir.' fui. fal-tmlcv s, tint týisesuntcff, tu Itid î,, tareby- nFrprinat-d trou eilte funds of 0ai tint tomrdip, fun lice i uo ruetet ftise WC.ssuicn t9wn iîn'liis re- tient ycsur, tota -iscre itant o f a lke ire prt-pi.-A ebly tlie C(eiell ftic temassllgip cf Markhami, tîpan tire eudi(ittin 0c is îa suaiant bsg rnt"ed i l'y is, -i . B nilard itnevei tisai theio ttncf ,4 ~isiusprpnate i-am-tfi c ic ýft tf- i t-omciip1, fer Uie iin,,rcvecet of the-Eue îrvdiiliatoconsui of WVIiiy, prw a iles s n rithe said i oad. md ri .AcxiherMr4i.anîd Sl'el Macki isc, cotninfilss-su n'isteospanti tise sane-1ir tisat the Cîcrk de- u'chify thee Oeeporsutiu e1the tamnIrsip eft Wisiiby cof tise p"ssei On1nmotion If Mnr,-wixalonl, sal'y- iras paseîd -ippoirtaitug 5ien Çilfsaltat Wli. BAIl sud lTm. S:idien, oct4-rs O.-it-ns vese grraitciôn llte tre-sai fer tise feliîcig-sainas viz: Il> Watt.-II Kay, for $15 fui i)te mnttsicf i Jacnet McDorualt, tA Rliit. Legg. î24,1 beîng tise price. uf abnrFso cii rurm iSh motainic-r's Pound tthei sTr spu. Sehoal Section No, 2, film]îr-"ei'de tax, te joisi l'jI. ; $ X: 4i FT- gtuan,$3 ta AdlantFuiliartor, $to Wli Major, $24 le Jantes Bell. $2, is ing tht n ntitreraiticatas Sr1nnetg 1-ota I he present yoar. l tisttnet 'Socker,,$fl cri .Folly Tland, hcrlng lupu the auh eru eztrcnnuly of ;Maoris lql-tnti. S4t,"roOlz Island isla lgo 'eung fartfleti. FiYOirsss Odad su hnaeittransporta ,ere at Noth ia stide oen the 12th il. The aieppetrolxib thistte cf Afafirs abu ikburz ai LAils ti i cannott bu re. gadu ca lri.ig. Aitlh gb rude Il il eqire tho utr1n>it catien to prevenu di;-. astrs-«er hceuing a years tirne ta per. Ire t tiqater wlxere ive badlleataex- eîactoti danger; 1hoti it djto flte epeePlo la knew haw ajTijrs stand, andi if dinger tireaitens ihey are enftIed te know iu irbat quartier. Thbe place for tise rext lght wili bc heloçr Vicckslurg or on thes Railreadl between Vicksburg sud Jackqon. The Miiltia lie? 'oftthe Admiiq- tation revlewed. Wo p ublias the follatvi-nrgrevewsuof the mlitia poliey of the Adminitratien. ht la from thte peuilcf an officer cf imlitin, misa bas canefslhy maicbe hetitiapreceedingt in tise Uouaeoen ibis question, anti vho, we feel qaite certain, is capable 'cf arriv.] iiig at enligistenet conciusions on tise wvse question Thse SandfielMcDunalti Adenitration' attRi-ned le ofice tbr on glthte accideu<irl defriat cf thîer predecossonsî on their rilitia, jîelrcy. T-his defeat, l ital-elIl kon, as net eccasiaucti by ny iin dutl'erence. an tisé part. of tise majority of tise mendiera cf tise Ilasse of Assembly as te our ratioal de. fencea ;but wua sîtetiror wing te a lpre. vaitirg .opiin, ilut the MW t- deu inirodn- ced mas nual adapte o th e etemper of lteé people; anti bectinse it rs feareti it w)tulti ineolve an expenditnire rxceîjd ingz thse ce qitirernenîa rof tise occarii7and beyond tIhe Ploieri; cf oui ernbarrnssed inuces tn support. Tise voeo wat nat geîierally in- tendedti t imply wsni cf confidence lu tise ilion Miistry ; bul the Opposition liavin'g ascertainoti that a large Lover Canada vote coul>1 ho aecured againt ibte trinaare, took' lbc urtuanal aud frictlitns step cf vcting al- most*ho a hody, for tise ru~to f ht,, tilt, iluienti ni sllovwing it ta go te cm.i m>1flcs for thspufrpoge af amerîdreeît. In of" riîtile tailais ait Iliei-predecetiter coîidoetiibaensitdefeat an 'citeof i-e- mùsrsainffi.cient ceisetiOfor ileirj relli-saion ; tînti wauounmii ait scota 'idered the défective poliey cf the Cardr-r Macdcuald A'miîieîïraîion, tisai lihelon, . . S- lîiD,,nàldud his ll wi sare e'nuiî'd intq office; isi in tise hautes osf Parriuameut. :n the p-rse5 andiiulise cotu- try, tisere mas a grnerril degîne for thislu trotinctica cf an 'efficient, ocononiicai and hieplar miflitis policy, it migisi have been axpece.tt.lt he aarliest anti misu t-a- tire ccntiideratiert of thé nov Gatveruntient wiic liati asauimodth e rempansibility cfi tiealing vith the question, moniti have blinon devotedto ta he proparalicu of ar meaiture on)' tii tîbjpci. One 'which. miilo onIsle grounti cf ecauamy, moulti ha in properlion ta lita resaurees andi inarîcial poisition cf lise' PreVince, moultnila s irit anti elici- ey,, correpond in aatue degce, wmihi lA> rubis- anti geneous condtirAîdisplayoti by the imnpressiien thrt ,o) wbiat aeît *stoy, nd that lou oppobition on thse 1de- 1-P 'J r 0175yu çI awt,'aur". :1Whe*syru gjl te nie yusterday catia OF, .?, i1iùth"ecurracy cf tisitvioe. ilf Front the tflné tisaI you a s uMed office fro yeni liave altvtys attreti me tisaiyn cols- oit aiilertd tise prellent moat uaaatey 5 ertition-oftbe mititi rce S-g rvlitr' tit al only. m 1 bave nut - ih irta presetifor tbe viems al of the Gevernaîsut on the sabj oct. becaiei ftisougisi you and your c .leiIO v ero. 5 ntîîthetitt fulI tinte for eons idcrntiotl; antibal alit, iseciluse T mcm that wmn-te ,vr ltfri n mi-lit bc adepted, h mwold' b, r Ulfciclyh iropensive hantise situer' sasurtÇ'w eniC le Cepeeople are fnjlly ocupeti- In, Antnîle timsitasnoIW been alacVed for c deiiberaslion. Tise tsof tise yesr vison pr tise mces cnairdteveote a 5toneidera.fir bic Pocrtion cf tinpta e>drilli t-s nuîly , proachinz., anti the prapoxed depasrfu ions fri E)%gUznd cff- stuc prnuinent wemherg of b the Goreermeut. durinir weose ajuSence a~ c questtion of MIiniagftitud',- cetdd ncf 1k- decided renders it aeeessary ft a senit '> ast; you tei place before rie tiso vieIofac t your Clovernrnýt~a, 215 aitauOLrcra(~ireand Uti putactical ferns, ut' 1$i If thertobromît net hoe any tinIèiste-ay ad iii disculis ,%d delîle ira qtieqtioiit lîr 'Ilti etin lth tIe elitet, 1 cueusi ensk i Atthe deut tii partute e f Mr.Sictte and Mn-frnflow 0 laznd ptày Lepostpened until I1 aum un-pes- lin session cf thbe derlnite oIra.s of ibe Gonerei- L, ruent 011 tise ctsestien of Mifhtua reorgnria-ti Tise Iaies-are net eu tise enbii rt are given.teasir, tisai tis luttier, writii es ratIer in. the ion of tunentier, tissu surn enquit-y, ci-hticeS Saroncg Miu-giigs ouri le jni part cf lus EsCesEency as the i o iceniy ti of lbis udniser4, andi 1lace,-iiltenti) luanit isuusiliainz pcssitierî. TtapJieari te in issrt ie Undc , t t laye mrunng fi-ort isem a rni-reinctaut nassent. Nae <ýi11 In ricknoserai ent tsf tiss loer vaw Anî 1I'qî ! he 'unir til 1i s -h..alotler n Intiîsils sfserwssî-dm. os> tisai date lial-i, mnils to luit Ece(ncy, a -irs-cup- b nying anotîter, miticis hie says Witit a7ittcn on 3ist octobh>r plicius »iseepintin t orisce deis>y being, usat il h wsa ltIeraf n t ingtteusi leyoeut- Lrds.ýip iç ron yitîtd'tP- ici 1ilirg tisaia fut-essaireiîiy tes yî,trr tci tl't- 1<oie iraitrer.dened ttneeita-Y 1,y tise ver- u il 1bai e xPi1artt Cii s Wsqieuly atie."- -i lr in ili iler uf lIai Oc, uic foilewilmg tpastate e cis --4.bîlttil la iwe1e, -iii Y J acwre as 1I auppoti-tile entîre raccord wzo ; Theýre la somrîething mysporlausabnut SM tlire long duav, io tise trnstsiuui-iti u cf ii>a Pnrrsiii ieqýr. avlsiii: 1<lsy e mtir) t ci-saceti upby tise t llaa ieîii ir li .ac g ioe 'sve. 'TiseLeiltiCotii'1s f< applieti for the cornî siondenc, on C0lonia1 déeaces ainti-uiia ; of couii-e, ius Ex- i ct ilenc's letiûr ni the 'l1,1Oct., meuitilie Il jiutani d ,Pre-mC i'e coegtiizingtiê t 1faisL potitioiia mtý as ln, frotilsivin-g giron ni 1lne o)fFiciireîly'tc tis aleýtter, od ùnste s tIr ii--'sffniliby mriîiti "I mi es it a fao if pour Lordship iwill ac-citt -p 'qe iýçc corrrspoencu- alked fuir b 1 4, l'LegisicriveCousait wit/i a eoqsy9fMy-, ete, IerescUla- ent.ý" - 'tlil. jitttief c gting paslthen forr.n iintn1 'hatI Mil lutter was necessnry vteithse preper tudei io xtsiadin efthe ise eercoiiorie'seebetwmocice leut atilergarsîzatioa cf'lthe nilitia, die vsqouitjaît;t5e*d 51cL t a S M' errdrý* radet¶ioueî 11,5 Sboleted, 'tf , tnt lis dcntal'ning 'any imîrbpreme nt ce lr ersseist st6nt, niait iterrü ittina ,. itely'worse. At pbeeont I5lnProviuee dliviteiet mIerilitaa7"disltrits,tieuagan att4lica divitiin, wbich are .again sali- iided1 £plo o -mu~"4~",andifor ach dititi itibave' a tril ttfl it>eacis aitalion a JLieutenamnt, Goleli Majcr1 c.; aillj for oscla cslany, a ati, outtîna.nt, Fnsiga, alla Sergearjt and îr;rI. Tise ailititeen re nsd;eided teo servie mon, anti reaerve men, and ini as of mer, &c., the stervice men are very roVý1j 4rj d ori8densstely apbdivided4stin. si and second chusý service mrn, tise liraIt cija bIeieg Il tis'rriod Mon, madvwiJ(vF aLiîetcliltiren,at setudtls hug > -rarnietimec anti widovers vi;h ildveen ',1the, whcleaof thptnt~~~ (. rxhot1U1., beore sla nzg- p th ie croud. Ç one ee ilI disîpute thte bumanlity lid propriety eofiis distinction, anti atili rder the 'Propoàed bl'l,itwtl"eitlier loit ,ht !f otir i-ujfedi. Snrely tisamuit hc Ifiiiti r abd a eery oijectiunîabls fua. e? UInder tIse present itystein, visen ea o f tise militia rmigisî ho enlieti (it, tbey voniti atic-ewith 'tieir eifficers, id oe-y lte eiders-cof thir VCoe5sêl sud >,ittisnlColenel ; almeet every arin~ liî!kaîtalliso is irneve to, is felow rsol. tlrf, lIte mco f 'oaFci cempan'Y5andi their fc rs ar reathte Marne ntilgbl'ettd, ud( tistîs cmrnntne are CIalcnlatedtia'o -tîrbilit a spirtcf lnttatl- onfldonteeitnd -liainre. 0f ce rae, if tise Vsl e ie iljiurictetn i cilA, there 19 ne ruem for- il" rxorcise cf reluntary enlistment. 'p ut,- ie(n only s pari cf tise mulîtia i.s reqiei, ý-ne llseiisg ut hu',itti tu-rs a full rail 'of I tiseý ser!vicaîsibie reilitîs in tise i'rev;ncé,' itý a sielu s-itter tel îïs'au nenr ca o ~LtU reftuinn o attalion diVi,ý 9, for ils odap cf vu iîusteenaifssibl, n asuy- V dtisfsing f1k-s ilansearvice smen] by-h, t. T-ho nnsichiny lfor efgsuiziili n l r'simpA rl ii4inIîligalile ; rouu4hn 1us are reuffei tesecîfre -ee4e»cCd ti( I<4Tjî'siii isfftiCr: ailsd l:ainiu; ar4 tipre firthe, -len. Irlavever, Pv*y fa-. isy lt prolidei for gieiieg full 5te'po t' t, !1% #utîircly -dulffre,<t andc -enitbrous P lnoetr;t i-t prepemeti. - ý",lÏessctr $mte iîrku- al list o a)1 aile, eq o affranc 18 Io Vo f>ld, iuIwolire el'aatéeé terezaru Iie ine to Ci U1yÇç1Qrk.4wbP Se)allfroin Ad- saiîG,3 rlise, tcompile CURsuy nilitia-sa4ýlà, l1ia rY h satue to Clerk corlisePe4 lep rPle lIn liiofficeo; -the nuiliia 1qreon Ml" id, tic fotm a regament, eaelch oty nin e ;. e ntal dhliesu The rs'xfgi ftV til dia flomcs of honrtinmy, and mïîh aI, vatit seuiptiei atmilitarystiares taoOur- tecian. Tise feeling cf lue couintry mi, idf nf have zgalaiy Meinctl a imensrure vi îg 'mitiscut etailirig auy exesiise bardes tise intiteti reon-urcof the Govertntn IN wouiti havé rontainéeiproer smacin .of for lieecnrolnuent,,'organîiatiasi asdti ing tof tise mlita. -Te jsncb a caill i aatly large ""»p-atal W"" - islst "vmty tyle Cauncil, andt -tis e b sua reti fo in cd do aam es.e. -Ca'nieck Mn. ixgôln, monos tisaI (Iodo imajaurn, ta mect ag - dsy. tise 12th day of ,ltn ýgiag la Mr. ieti. - Tcf/e Rdftor of tlA W1efl cars tise sI'amr. j5,4 Iboit 'he er

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