Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1863, p. 3

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neg tw ann SPRING AINI it!tî auioîg theielves, and ý. of, andi ubeurvience t te ion.pof Yankee alemetitfroin ýerive thekr support, hwve e. CeO an tuUsr distruet of the pat4Qliaf Illepeople aS ving thrmseles been oompell. seideraio pof sa Militia policy, SCuEitdd, in their policy with s organizasion oftihe Militia, 0 r opportuity for volutitar>' Ad have adapîsd sud proposeli htreh and inconsidenate cou- icellng iu ite mverty andi e wosltConscription las aof not autiuous b>'thse cruel ennu. ieh la now driyinz tInt Poles battis for itidepehdeuce. mord, who haut frequently bien ere of the Minitry, bas shortl>' ucihed thuinr rea policy. No t Uek :bee c*manaent. We he 1ti,8ish Parlioseus, in the ofRecer oiS use Crowrs, a true or tlitireait 'utisof Caisadiati his quv.stioni, W. C. Fortescue fair froni aaying that enon,,h o musas tlis requiremeuts nf the et the Canaullun Governtseîit auie lied prorsrd. bties oir diuti#aq. Stili hllpiLr cuultI it that 1ihueule tuef teuea iis tualtti, iu advaiice tof tliir etiders ;shsit thersu waa atnsotig iotugest feelitig o(f 1l1oyali>' nti t I thusir iuîettionse andti l axion suls theîntmthser cuinnr>', -eveut of d;tn'fr'n flre trculd Cit yery clýigt, id rotîintulu daing fliein wlîo o nuMilix, ') 8ac rfiqe flu iîlivres éti ir i defenluc of uer d oli ittî r ud Counexion s salîtd tuner b uit an of' o cr Colonu e." :et le very epariuz1y suplieul. luîd of produce firîding its Vil. Fali whuuaî 94c. S riug mts 40c, ]iu5ly0 a 60c, l'o. a. $2, Petas 10 a 60r, E,,,gs 1 lutter 13 cent@ per pouiund. itby, on the l4tis mat. ihearsuh'is,<t the r un j un lehe tanut, of 'amproo, PMrUlirei gu b wtsa widely knon with li tiseortbern lpart came tu ho us cQLmtîtyý suid wivinstrtmIlental mbqr (f Scotîba-iis cmi hem& in a grlutponioîl 1 -1 " 1 VBrC N.TO'. E i Ji nuiby uien te ttue ctolit- of Oie 9tiinth 15.,ittiii diect ile euitthsady f "l. "iuAm ciytîm"ui.1 b1, i cl ,cccý,s ~VITBY, of teebd Conuitvu .euSsal)ltll u' orîe, i% péIttreIi oSe - titsel amuei tuaner hy-lutwti- snelsed on tise Eiiritli ipru cl f Wlitby, in 'swtîl o) Wlbttu. aisl Towi) of Mtlslby, cf thîe To f \V Ilittu IWi Twciit-lrt tt hot yuer 1663. UAI! PIRRY, Itsturniug fce FiY k Whicb, will bc founci unusually 1arge and Well g ssorted, and which' they are determined'to seil at a Min.l1adf'>anée on the sterling for euh . CoosiSting ithe 1atest styles inSilk, IPop1in, OhenieJBarge- Delaine and Barathea Prçesses, Sliawls, Manties, Straw Bonnets and Hlats, Itiblxrns, Par4sols, Hlosier'y and floves, Factory Cot- ton-, Tiekings, Denimsw,.Sýriped Shirtings Carpets, Damasks, Window N 1Msis otn Warp, &o. THE NT11DEBA RTUItnîT XViIl bc found à, large issortment of Broad t'Ioths', silk-inixed- Co atittgs, Tweeds, EPancy Vestings, -Cotton Drils, Shirts, Collars, Tics, Hats, Braces, and Under-Clothing, &c.'> They would direct special attenption to their large stock of 'IEADY-;NA)EC 1,O0IEI N G B., made up on the promises, fte fit and wrknîanship eau be depen ded on. 7 TiSE T.UiLaItÏNG PEDPARTMENT, a's usàial, is uîîder the superinte1nd- eîîte ot fis-cass Cutter, and- gettieen favoring us With their orders, mnay rcly on having their garme uts made up oni the latest A fresh stock cf GIOCÉRIES, Wan.ed-500 firkini.- Farmers' Liverpool Mtarket. \Vbitby, May]PI 1S63. County Couneil, Co. Ontario. rJ'W tf\r.'rt. f t'j flc lnnntv Cî.îin . .b c k , X N I L L IiOUSE TO LET. -Z 16 T le4r. fih4.nëldt-lire Dtw (T Re i, P,', .' '11 c'iigs 'u 7 4f5 fi i lmt 8iandI Il 15 liii bc1c Itvg ;.%Ile i t.iil<, itl.ien mut la 01i. l iiii idtî iieî. 011 tbe premiieh mfini ai-I 1ýb eL.a o i1i cile st lid en~lnuiI ,e i ,meo1ld vi, t. tîd iier we.iiv.,u tai 1iifi ré. tr'êI1l privuîtî i Iiîu Vie tnlira rt1pIl- te -,Liliited (Il' t14 ecaKt ule (If [lto0 i îvvn. tr liîiffrit lt ~d Je b tue v4î~i iîîk thoT' 'J'.vufî. . 4. by t.i, ut )r&.tttuitui~i.f l'e luin ttfr, E, P . JlîFlîN tIS1Ot', Div si '«tL. o urnS Fo111TIISP " ,I.iu\..v.......... S4, LIf.r g........ 3(, 45zo C 11 'itu.. . 1. . ....Jî -~B.i~in...... Z. BURN;IIÂM, IV itbv, A fil 14tl, '6.14 - 91-ST 'RECEDTE, Antid MTSale at 'Prie"a lower Iluan oIIfre,1 yeti a lot-of F R- E S n-TOB ACC0O-S,l SMOKEI> tAXS & BACON. 18 J. BOWYJL. VINEGAR VINZGAR 1 T IIF UNP)eflG1êED HAIS >FOR SALEX V iear (If t4 4bot queilit>', mnseti W',iîîtluv, on.. iîuuur Westof0M ýoott'e regidence sotIt m lirgo snd, ematnli quabtitîiag, - holeua1e itiin r t iili , iuv a chnap, and srosly god ars- tîvit,-im artcu fn lsd by them-ie] tests to be tbent oevier pro Iticed in the nowul. LIFE AS3URANCE. t'ti6oui thse Wttil Profitsplattc' A. ore Itu15011 t i th thet Colonial Lifé Assurance Co., (I Profitse net2yqr. W. Mu. R I l Nt6AY, Manciger for Canadas. RICHARD BULL,Itinpeetor of Agenciàs. For Rats an i'rPretusss, appi>' 10 - .H. CccL!I l6ANEI -Agent for Whitby. TlTelieuil Rofares. Wtulttty, >tay18,1088. 18-4w rl'1J E North . uontür of Lot No. 20, 5th Con. ~' Xor whithy,.60Ace«, - Thse lanL-e4 ý- T ai cellnttiitlity, Tee s çeuioribbC Atss a good fi. r, ktà;Ijt1n-,telad,., 1on th pro- cOmýpR perty. is.weitthin ba I> mile of the Vit ugses of~ ~~~e reibsdmxm1 froxu the Town et For farthet particulsumseply ta 18H.O Oâ L U pMJSD E e fu a Loyal Orange Âsaôô tlDn of NORTH ONTARIO Co. L ODGE VALL EN INE CÉÈR8 lu, the Townslîip of Brout. (n SA tL7RDA Y, >thse 301h MA Y NEXT, At the heunr oStno f theo ck, a. >sm, wlien bluiiicee o r sai mipritin!t teIiOrder, ouill tue hroejîIt fore the Lodgre.. GOfl SAY1ËTHE QUEEN 1 Co. Seerpt»en> Vruuomaieiitusoti Arl,18l 17 4w just received. EYERGREEN TREES packed B utter. suîtable for the PAFCTI" w ihlsln>Io ÊNBtELLIS11 tisenir vrouds iav% no W 1neop;iertinity ef eupelinizt temseclve wilh any cf 'te fo>lnow- n. & J. CAMPBE1,L. igEege n tu muets Porv'is Brick 13tîiIdîng;. , Less than half tho Usual Frices -. 1,000Spue.and Daleaa, 5608 r eet; STRAYET, ). 100 tIsr,$10, 1,000 for: $@0. 6 (1Ldi N , SuC. stofn0iser, on fort; 100 fir $3, 1'000 for $25. iii ~ ý- tLruunÀduS vieyîlL i ~ 000 ssr ie r White Cedar4 irs u m5i.tlt i t noini, vsry fine foru estgeuor fscrefnsi' prti-nv, ilyerueiaes au tu ti îwuy 2 tus3let 100 for $4, 1'000 for, 18-6w MEluIS LS>NQ. 00 - --- ---------- T lh '-iuinvuare alil tlusft fi gq t) tex W. I It LA e*S. .M.1. traiuncpl ied frisusthe f,>reetwlien frein P.t'-i 19 TIIIYJCIA SUIiEttN &n. 'JYlltNFteuelfigt. luuuy hsave. therefnre. saistîi- tut SCi 1618 I n ttueu irsil. 'ti1,,'uuie tit- tl. iet luot Y GRASS' GRASS ! ! IQ tt-ftri i nteretguted wili ui-~t N i Tou OutsWl i0,y.- q . F 144WR W. ~ ~ ~ RE 1 ~f8~~O~6o o cetil2 l ~ l ARRIVALS$ 'IIE nndi!u.igsied býam j aft roeired e fraith Toas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice, &ceti .fi cti n ud quety, c atnut boie fflttdiî lui ite t'otntýv. COURT OF REVISION. CIIARtLTON'5 Favorite *YINEtýA]RS. p .<UB WNr T I (ti . i c. re tut, n ta ti 1sul acd t ulît i ati oi TI4urs.da.y, tlie 2Iat May, 18863, Quob3e Go7erlimeuet Agency CROW.-N LA.ND PUBILIC DEPARTMENST$. atielnded to. Alan Ucsuired by, htba4isuesltýr Addreae ouapasd E ' J. CR SL ur. t, LaditiCiuerl - - SLzoi t ue MSQ1TE »DeTJWARIE la th a laigedmtpex taoêsalet In tlsaeConn".y t.14Éô , - 1- . ' Z very atiélis, ind stoie varicty article in ths Ulned~~ els suafilbt protts e i h ii so ad btui iivi-iresl. &Ir-4 and nu 'au- BOOTS-5'ÂýND S4*OE$, i stpltuî tut S~m&ve sà,ý funllAui- i ut6Vt t4t 1. 115 Jic CI A .1 , q gecsSrt ela ite cd' uel. ttre1, Street"-' lutts, 17 THE ODETMFREfl Tua p7ris tbr Ofthù hd-uttlse ON TA 1014'0t'E L, Peoi-s testelslesu tlS$111<st 4rorbtitnu te t~id ii inern inu ftelautinittIsep{blefor titi s-i-ny - titerot cl r sp'Tsllic pa%sné%te witl ti Vlu2i te lues heen fuirndt. Iri,ýii4los 5;ss e 'logIo îuscet hlip waitts aintI rcqinsdtts (,fftieget e't tise 11l"u A pleniful tatule le atwaum proi- s.tled cuîth tîho l'ot ct ever çtlisy bte iSasr- k4stesafetss usUthe beet IiquQréîvtppled,&t tise bar.t G;oOd Sutelutlcg ,and ample Shedl Booms. calrefatî sud reapecýtfùsl itlatsse iisk d u Outsidit tis, îrcnisee. $uuudy, 'l thli>eitostlr, 1mwyen hand. Forer cill CAtU eCIJtAnd C. DAWES, Propretotr. B.4ATtIt ETT'S EST-ATE ËÃ"i~R SALE I- c Veil 4", etEnsjue,4 rnsy di-ài -1ARTIETT UOMESTEAYD -Y?.-] ONI'Â10OTqRIF CLUB, IVill cOmn fo rsi "tisorîIVIbCintrses, Ou Wednesday, Thu4 and Frlday the 17th, lstjl& h Vuee 1863.. FUS8T ~At' Sweepstakes or# tid uhi" 41if forfeit, tomb tudéeprtted wjttit e e urtuuýry, eotr tue. feethe It e ~, te s] lî itîent Inswil add $50, for oIt Pronin.o IJru* Mrses, welght for tgo, 1 mils Il ini .5Ic Wl2eýtIby Puirsc or J150, open tti1 i er- .0e Iita ias, TC. . Trott ng Puiise'ol *50 ,o pem toxilîloer ssonsd i.y pruk 3 inoutîse preiougtà the resluta tîtios f ettsroro, CItu l",nh its s 1 mna i lesuI, 3 iu t. SECOND DAr. Club [%r,* iet-$400, op*su te aul borasj Snulle heaet%, *30 alutos,Ml uotcllui é eëmulur* stuiju, htîue te be fiamed antI hall the e ntraOoê ulp5ldwith lietînt eretar>', oni or before theo luthl Mtky eit, T .W Trotinma Purtip ol $100, open te al hinniesi, nîlle lue i.ii. Trottin; Purmp ni $25, sudt a Siliver CO p vatued at e15. euite ail horeu.e that novrer wo an $40 ponce or etike, lu teen tissu 8 niiinteiu, 1 mile, 38ur, (, lre, srosentrane s$8. Sîlver Cup, oren te udt uitutroiuei horees tliaî are rgtiarly n-ttu;seIiiickn. THR> DAY. Ilurdie Race oet l ias% Ibas$100, itie lieutt>, tirr4lu4 eô, n inc1t tufuhi gli, hauilicap weimvilct$usuýhtul liene be ra good ileid ftnmdecap Rate of $100l, opeunltOil I'rsuviuîus lud tsarm itu i ltun iie. Bouton Plate of $*50, open to ail hone lis dusiliz t1hue msetiusýr, uiehee o RULES AND UEGULATIONS. Thrue hnrses 0Io tke a field. not Tes tissu 5*0 to et uut. Eutrae 10 per otet. Tise aboya rite" In hs Tns, u'riugte ýt,,ia Mles of tise Cnu. Ait entries toise msads lu wrttinir, seti uintler oea! Witbhlise Seitry>' hofors Il 'clocIt, 0i1 tis e venhg re K h ayeruee.-- MIt ridera wilt te tilterossine lujockey ,,,y," a1ýcArsiug b tie Hflee. Evsry pereotu etI.teriuig s hiorawili b requirsd to ntie blIse colore. Thse Jtsdrem' decliis tp be fin'al -in aIl estaes. Piovixuce breosltsoeu 4%~llowed ?lb- JHtersesay liei entced atte iso t hlb>' jruzîg double etîtrauce niotiey. J." HAM [ PEUy, -secretalry aneTi1reAeurer, <1 ~ QI OJj s, Great Draf&f$r ,9s ' /ahfo'r Butter Geat Ba»a -is in Cl-otlhimig! UîASH roll'BtVTTER!l ISIbs., Good Sugar, $1! Cash for 1Butter, JAMES, BROOM, -Schofield's OId Stand." LOWIES & POWEL L9 Are in receipt of their New Stock of SPIIING & STJMIIELIGOS sgd,'abwlities for, bt yitil icad withi a thor'ouge knwledge or the rel- irements of their custoie téwc.p~rýatelh sl Goods, Mi'n a large ànd t well assorted, p9p1k, b~ aelow any onei fiost San guinhexpectations.- Thee wotdd invite special attentibn'to their &usortment 'O'f Ladies, Misses', and Childrens' flats, -Bon nets, FI,ýowVers, Feathers MIBBONS, PARASOtS, SIIAWLS', MANTLES, &C, piecalent onuifiluiýtiiiiitslein. le ic ho Ih iemeuit le espee ially suutsgoniAtic. i&1-mod-uis spserandiD! sA :j eudIcae tea eunsu wut tupcniîpletelthe, e . Ild'Legil, Oit! SofMé and!Utfrs Cases (.C lluitr Rt ,id, tfieiheVe pieîu t4y relssed u utul euu iesruerofqeeutbr iserahy uiemtueslo a ftew sîpiiàus heIi powefsillituest. -~ n. ERUPTrioNs ON TU1E 5K111. iiina freina buud %taiee i.tho bule.r chir ldi wf oes eseuluaied, sad e ucicar sututrtutret irsdr"en pard fv utue re.qfttrlce s i huac lis Onriudaeul.fiS mnirpaesuat aiuy of the çuuumeieeeusd ioiheai usls zfil- -astuS jii it' iew'rr Iouliepcl rtussesuandsul euh pre mele aflheleace. r-c 1 1 'e PJ[LE'4AND 8'8TIULA.- , t boniu cliotorulerçi. er.fLeil tuutt-ie ei ml ly yibm missftuisenlet iari ifs,'slle "sbueulc due )?Otthfle Ointmesxt iJd Pilla okeùt-b ud JintiefUof8 czi Bantos, li1ketîmtsm Stor Chaer llelWN SattRliuuus, 1bleitt, Fistule, Skiuut, iscssee Teitir, 1-1-1Ts. Soe aLemi, sslà~ee wusrtis iloU*sp. Ne orikYeeluse4Ls.usle uesserni lion* e ind eneb puul or bex-,tlie "me mar beplahu4. deeus by h.!ulinqe W fele lai h, h.A hbauclieuor. woril i fe gividi lonly ciiiraitidrig isuh b iffi,rnse. Ilied as* iusleaul Ib theeec suit pslvrty dWmpeuii ubnefilorteuue'iuuu, oe veudii1 e utS Sl,, ksuseis gifustui lafi-e' , -eu *eil4atile Jtsluulsetr"ofIlr((Oesel5iýWuW, 90 Nllit îI.ie. New Yuirtt s if l'tie *;uuitf Cciitt, S6tcentt-, 'il$1t esefs every disoruler afr lijeil lu eeu.lu beL J3RITI1,SH R-EV1IEvWS iPAY ?BOMP PLY LN &DVA NCiF. i ptnussuar@ art IN DRESS (IOODS they shov, a choice sélection of Bradford îhe prieeoft t and other inakes. late, sde sý IN WOOLENS they have superior Broad Obiths, Cassimeres,1 riia LONON T T iteedSiIk-atîxee Coatngs, Vestins&. i;ý&,),;emADECLOIXINC lin endless variety, ind, t prices Tu£imi~wu favorablete the buyer. Tou WxxrSTB CLOTII1NG made to order on the premise&' by first-elass B.W1OP wnrlcmn- TE-rr uv n As usni 1ietrc the nottu 'hall of Ict 1tSu in thet mi.cn. oSf ISeet %vlilzbtul992 sies, M t)ecr"e e4red, sud only oueu iwèilt or î)hm'bwa, tbrre i4aagooýd two etiuet frlante bblldbnç ssx15 ~44, *elt dlulti1 sud with onut bsibgtlfspitfrnuis im eslaptsul'- fo riiuuteilig voi1 wLitered, &. Also thse nent it a f >!lot 1, 5là.Intise 4th <on. Oaut Wbittuy T100ueres,40 cleareul, and rrmeiider Wclt 3tt24, in Sus e n. tVerulanu, le) acres. I ,e"I w 2ffl" ed ' AI AI-, Briik 1hotu-us eruelbot in tiue 'Village o! Clniribs. For fartier parfienlssarssppir (if tuoer, PoAtpàidj &o r1, --'> 5 14 r, Whîtbyu SPANISE SOLE LEA.TKER. Mae TUST t.u#haufl. 50 siSsqesuperil, fJiJeb ,h e-- T> Sute le4lnr, $26 pur 100 Ibs. Tere lt&t tlie ÂME8 BAI $5,' 1 QUt Ol d to Ure. -oirý -Wlity, May13, 1868. le 9w 0 \uî.FAR 0- ORIENTI Whit$>,A took of ,.MTLY GROCELUES will est ýcktion. wi1tu a LND fine 'lx - 1 l"q STOC

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