Whitby Chronicle, 28 May 1863, p. 2

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~i~r î'LT YOXE DOLLAR A TEAR IiIitbvT4ursiaTî5May 29, 1863. Lutext %War Newn. In cqoalisr enium nvspoiisulpths insr.ciag the fil of VielitsErir. rhoue( rs.ubsare nv contradirtesi Vicilu- Urr e b béen talsen ias reportes! h> bc red-ralin. On tise cantrar>'lit vouli ýpPer that Gén. Gratthas hen ennpoulseci, nu Obsf a reverse is feaRred b>'tht'Nri racler (rom Gen. Granns forces bpieg- Mtariosi by thée tf;etés -ln the rffti. t yul no, defiite or reliabie infornmatino tu beit reetivtd. FaIeisC. niis. lTh. r-nier of tis Globe andi Leader f a iar tige 'otils]hé tipitaenitkoîthe ie forir be other ta.uiay, usi gteat have ufben the lneansisteneios of bnhtu.Thé globe nf tkat <Sasmeus .qtht, violent 'uzita' iu eoyomcise. Tii. Globe of tli a !> sitnîssi d .enuiclaticins suginst et>' man ýhat dis! taprofés î.'pesnîtinby Population sthe firet artiole ýinii us pliti' Ai creS.Witb vise Globe, thon, ci-et> Upper Canadilan representative lin jsined, r votéti for a goverumnenthai dis! ont niaise Ip"esentation b>' Paolaseion a Cabinet questioin Wh$ a.Il traiter" tsi Upper Cansla. flic Goiserutuent thnt msisi tise qucc;ian n open one vas, aceordbng tothîe lobe, ensttra a nd the pririts ani slc.nrvesl noîh' nx lent the seomo and candpmnatin- of iii. p, adsle orf Uppen Canlauh. - Thse Globe of, rdG$ sssppssn:s a roveruneuilhlai leaves RoprPensttion hb'yvPapnlationa"n open ;usîlnt"PAnd i ttislant ail. -Mr. brovn5 the, proprnso<f'tic Globe, andi tb@ gMRat clluMpion <Of'Upner Canlada riunbhts aciually votes! for a Doulile.mrsjonity Minis. ry.'u, tii!votd for thé sna sMinîitur>' ifuer oey bias! violtteb prnciple-, ans! passes! a mnfl5 important iYpppr Canuista méasute &y twer Canada mujioitv.s Thse Lc<sier -Sa nov th,- chcapi 'n ohf n by Population, altiotsiz ilt ) th Double-majonity Miuistry, tir sets, - uuisiwas acauojiee -Public mlentimsent, nans! public st ittasi sisoeied i LuCli glar-i 1tees, -Ichis hvering suti! thet Journual IlIteformeri i formons and! pnt dcvii a v ai s," moment. Itl the Globe isoova, «au ught si its avis elassiflcaiticsa' asq a coaniae aricature. Tt serves for ýa1 tinte. And!, viti the canductons of tual journal, éverytini*s inal amii e tfti. Palme cries, sud .tiling ii1.names bave served s!ls purposée witii thé igorantad unnnformed before nov, and I h *111 stiil te>'tto un In goos! accoont visat ik bas qonce fouissiprofs., tablé, elen tboogh hasmed'opon nitrti andi Oaalunnyi. But viso are the "C0rruption'. ists V" soeb mmii as Meurs. Movat sand N-acdougail, vbo &band onas! their'princi' pies for the sais of: office?7 Or, the men Whso 8tu*i<,ts thrir :pledgen, and! refnuisg office, sept truc te lhei pinciples I As an insttne -M. John HIiyard Camairon refluseS to atcer~t> ssinSathe Catier-M.%I ca'na Id Cbie- êanethe seulement of1 tic Representation questtion wvu onttoasté a Chitu ~eslis. ~Mr. Movai ansi Mr. Mactiongait lhave acceptes! officie in a Cabi net that réfteto make tt4 Reprennation quetioa a Cabinet qwsstioua. lMr. Mowat Stattd emphLst1ca1ýy te th~e eleetani af South Ontario that hé vonld never join or sapport an> Administration tisa itdI! not iaisej Reptesentaiioii b> Population a Cabinet qu@tion. lM. 1McitaUgali proclauuneti ibm ilan uentiîéontsan the. ver>' floon of ithe lflouse. Ansi theGlobe basnor and ni-ar again, orges! their adoption as a stern u dt> Uon thse people of tiopen Canada ans! their representativesL. Meumt.> Movat andi Matc- doncal1 are -Pt dov b>tiitheGlobe as "Reforment," M. Canieron as a ,,Cnt, ruptionIut 1" Tht ane deelined, office andi actcd up te i priticiples îh strict iieg' rty. The othepnipel>' ands samelesaî>' abundenet ur principies for the s *-e or office, brot. their soleto',pied-z~en ansi prevesi themsélves «"lraitors" te lpper Canada. The traitors are thue "RoIormtr*' ?f tic Globe; the boneit consistent ripre,- tentative a 'Catrvuptioist 1"1 Ans! his one instance viii servP iii ail ahier cases te prove tlue:Globesdisbonosty, ansd par. liaity'. With visat truth or flaisneus cao ise Globe put dovit Dr. Gnon, thé ca ncti. date foi Soathl Ontario, as a 'ýCotntptio Seqt?" Hov-in visaI manner, fort, lte, or place vas Dr. Gnon evr n icouvi te beive been a '<Cnrrlsptiolst 7" fils chaatr publicentI pris-aIe. eballeoges tic enquit>', Tt vi i enad outinlimarines!contrasi vitb <bt cf tiAe dtr*a-ciuef of tihe GQU or tsut <f hi"'lIlefor-mes." W. nigi,7t tel 4;an n'orItrac don>'»,tof a certain $20,000 .bu%!nee.u,antd regarding sanie *Wod on' tracsi, ae volt-as sof Vêt>' ondrani efforts -iu Il'fune- r inaLnceing '9vbieis migit-veil Te4 eReenitvuetôn" ôveoserrut The il ReconsI*uct1i0a'5 Govment bas ntt 0 beon fal>' roponstited. Tht proceit <ls ots alappoerta go' on Ivet' Smoauhi>', ansi ,onidisnugthbincongi'nOt'i materi availahie for vorling up thei tbung into (onm andsi ape, Ibis lu not ta b. wosidenes! nt. Whetber t illiiever ar- rve nt coMpletenesn il stili more than donhîfnl. Theis elueenvnt in thé Cabi. net instisdioslyom> ignoreti by the. leaders of tippýer ans!Lomer Cana. DisBt l'éntOnt berin; isitMr. Bronis tii. Cabi net nma- ken. and thit ilahvin s elects the. mn' tsànialg, the lizgbt tsi Triuhmitn is ensil>' ex- plaines!. The. el ulconqtructîon" is not1- inc 10e, thRn a obhamtcI'nl piece of impnsi' Ion npnnon CiiCaadri apblic. andi shqald orer haLve bes'n tusierates! hy those wiio li it in their pow.-r f0 prvent thse tricks, andi reboise ilsniiors. loy cciiit ho is!i tintt tii. prem.ot il ttee Mnistry that vas bpaten in thse li nte ns! who, upsin their <lfet, obtunelti aR dissolution, andi appeal' éd tsi thé cauntiry ? Onti of tweivé, ont y four of tiie présent mepn beldn2zed 10inlth olsi set. Ail the. ohers ara nesu mci, and lit1 Ioas1one of îhem- Mr. Thhhauseu-- whn iSu toaste Preuidetoth ie .Cnncii, nc- rythaiaseat in Parliament. When a Mîiuter adrises a dissolution nt Partia- ment, il la in order to appeal froin Parlie. ment Io the, contiteencies vith bis 'thon colleagues. Net te reconitruci bis g"r. ernmeut ' bringing ini an etitrely nev set of meon. À dissolutio*n unilér snch circemitaneesl obtauneit upon a fais. Bat tbePolicY of uhe 'tRicontruetin"' concern -is viat ve haiee tresson to complain cof. ftepresentatin y Popula. lion abnîssned -j«iii. sob.idy tsi the Grand Trun3< 10 be encreatset by $100,000 ; thé hest.armutnent for the. country no arma nient ;'5- iesse, astfnr ni v. s'on tcover, are tic oir explanton'of ithe paliey ôni thé Administration yet voxchsafed the pub-> sTe. Sncb ara the men ai aaesn. 11eelkig tise confidence ofthe. Canadian people. They puit fonvard sine-omiser elaim 10 public (avon-'5Rtrnhmn. RetrnicbnentI Cs8p trap 1 More Cam- mutsions ?, furtiier addiions 10 tie anuat Pxp-ndture ? Ail' a lYunir.rretiioce. Il the. remission <f tise Quebec V"ire Ioan of *0010,000 niinqtance aI' reîencbment- Tt' ierneructioo" Gorernment _i% a 1corrupt hargaun isetreén unicrupulous poli. tin-"political gamirs - [to ue ii. Pre'mier*s own desrription of bis col- , legteeg] for office;-,ani for the. retentiot 1cf elEfce eacb ansi ail are reas!>'te tinow ava>' priaciple 10 the.doiand S1end the counut>' i0ntisttruction. Thun Quebec Purs, Jonns. it voold appear that there is, after ail * otne Irnîl in theseatatenent tisai the. Miii Sisîu'v havé armes! ti remit thie Quebec , - à. fi .1; TE VÂxNuuÂr:s 70FR NnRvw OknnTwtit. m MIsvza EDIînau't-ÂA' 10 yon tellllti i tisai Miter MielsiDngal i ont for Niorth Ontairin ,u I.n' brougbt ooni 2 b.e a Grit 2 Conviintbnt.' No liar12to10 i ndéees!won-.el dierq mili niven se 1i'hiesm giathry i ushurel>' cao s'-ing rtibt an' lpftvisihaut ' mnch tbrrnnle-an if tJbo Consifihisuunw ms! full! roris, 'liq Riîtiis' itn! or lemi i ough: ta be. QOr Rilt ii. mfnse in,-n i dirI>' mcientt ta-thi 't Miels Dugal 1,e thp vrery nianeimt. Hé han rive iscen fi knvn tsido ssii. solithar>' decint7 tntrinii Fiil tho volé cosinus of biscacrter., JA deédo, bititir vords, an' bau'sliac$shunsa are Rs nathurniin 1 ui as snarln im btin' 10 en il-onitliebiotied tcr. 1.ie Î(sàdé.n tistastor <of bis frinds ;-inanne l abànused of the. Uro,.iin, wviahobeasely ýccned I befo's the publia oI' rnnuing a w *ahIl the. moite>' of the Scotch Kirk . 1>r if fli poor ercythares qdis! mccl 'id i nirisner tise> vert' Stijli s indis, an' if h htitse1 das'incy in. hum, be'd have conlrI4dthoitr faîilinsn' oct îsethrnycd 'eto. An'besidé e 1linos ul liîs4 t c bmu a Ithsorwml s d gond. iJgntth ehont tbiýIV. ! b tbruit in bisgtlssracthur(althn' t hindik ennfT i im.' fifr T mght gijve 'youiier iuin 'ct. as ini tt'e>cnsc of Prntm,1 irh1 sA frther hefrnded i hm vitii n Poundi tntes whtn ha Sint hin i "ise ua tisionst iiiee isnp npbis uPaper. Miels W1 scdu-f s1tuot 'liants Cathoflici have .11 bis1 lire a tishuisi of'insulte lard! reviipgsof dtir rouin -ans! ciargy. In biot ýMapr,. lis. Nortth American, an'sne editiier e( tii. Globei he o1sist'd Jo, Goult that IlNuos.niu's vet' non no lbrltths r tia i me(if ilfame:" an5 rht' tiillt, ai int Rtise hiiellasrit el!ted1 Il'the priicroaîcsl pnei' , lBrke t~ih. the Isigina <of the. Monitoulin Isîaf wera Cath.i. olies sttin t' he hat.em ouiotbcir isiids.1 an' 'wbin their goond priest ' nîierfarÉ-d dis! n't licbellus thse bol>' &MI it d ns 't l ie, an',tthe reetth irt clt>erev-,vidb vîich ha isl; isses, hcng tii. pnor Aylvasds - Didi" i'qh.brais. us pieietfa his own partuv? Tnt lhe hoots.d fron North oz. ford ris *zpc!tieati îyin- an' tuinlcicti' Ais' ï-ntî hé., li ever> uinie oaI lit.word, a in î bothae s'ompimihn PIl Msia, ball ees ho big impidincr1e I wHo vt 10 rcpni' sui SvaZrt!hOntario 1 t i' ic pectilal the,. 1 votes nof Çsî:holics tanhelp hiip I Be thé rpowers ' Moli Kelly, but thé. ratiioli, or t he lirishmnn or tie ca*;t man of aoy ecsed fitbst oulu! V4 efor hlm vonîs! ha atltit icoul, an, 1a utaitor. i n an nveîo ta -spî fon. 1Maft s ansi by, NMidi Du tis11 huis bPen sa fthraitoi'.lian' heubrayeti ail vîso :hrnsîéliei ui. ils cvii selox if e ah hécaeathtras' for., Whot's us nn1incilelsu*ua gem' ta Nss'tiiOntario? fle votes!kfsrSea t Schools I Tbat's aiplnk for Cathalies. e Vot!sl for lem n akoep hslf iii office,- that's visat h. dis! ih for. lr ftî durnrs' .1 bis lif'e Iefore. lie oppoqés! <li rnichtsrn' pnivilegea of COsîloies. f atdagaingt 'repreetasube .popls4n, i wicis ie solonint>' plegesi hteif ta V43,forn, tite h nsTov test>' to vote, an' l p e hisseif to vote, for snytinin uiorahor tn drav bis usa!.-ry se cammua&shonet cf Crovwn Landsa ! Whiat oIt. hastli. to tay' for. huniseîf 7- I i PIehnnb~utt flp'd uk ek vi . l-tlry'3 ife-bioel i finl it csf tise last e fartiin', an' thin sit it te Was;iioton, an',niaise er r>'lishmsw ini-the countbny tre t conscripta la Lincon'saratm.- it. bas/the foliovun; in relation te V'icks.q îurg. Ifi$onehappy combination bDont raade between th) forces uonder Gen. Pfsvmborton and Johoston the. heroie city May~ pogguhly fail. The Times nirmy corresponslence- or the. 23rd states that the. news recteiveti (rom the. enemy's lines sayq tuni Ge». Pemberton bus hers» defeateti heîween atiso nd YVickeburg, wilh hpa,7 logi in Iuilleti and wounded andi 3.000 prioners, 1;s Weil as one diviiin of bis; forces euit ofr andi te. treatin; in a solithelly direcition. - Cin. Johniston attncked the lkderal force in .Tacksion, wbich rotreaiteti on the. nain body. "IIEÂu O'VCKlti 'M, say 20,-The sirry of Te nnons. landed: at jlrnl!nsboro on the, lit of May.' WC fonghî tthe. battie of Port lluds>n, anti siefeate theii Conre- dérates unde,, Gen. llowen, whoane lots in kilIed, and %voondlesi anti pr;%oners vas nt ieaut 1,500, anti in artillery piepix.> .40n the l2îh rc istMy, 'tfthe battît'cof Raymoindl,thé Cnfesierates veo sefeateti with a Insit of 1s0i)., "On lte llîh ungat mê iefreteil Gen. eral Joseph B. Jolininn, nds! aptnred Jsîclsson,,vitb a lois Inthi, ls.nemy of400, beeidteg iinmenlie ttrrre ssand! nriaîurteuture%, anti 17 pieces if artUierr. "On 1the 17:11 of May w. roll ' ht ¶11'. lsloof1v send tlecisive hsttle at ttarker's Creek1iin which thet' eisire fore, f Vicks.- bnrg, noidp er era Pembprtso, -ires4 I'eated, with the los ofI 29 pieeee sof artil- iery andi 4,000 men. "On the. 1711 of Mis7 vo defitates tise fore st the' Big Btnek :River hritlrn, with th"t' mi of 2,000 nmen anti 17 pièces of'art il !erv. "On :thèl81h M.y vo invested Vics. burg c4lsiy. To.day Glfen. St<ee carrnes theIil. plrts on thse north of the. city. Tii. right nI' the am'reeté,s on the . Misisippi atiove Vickrburg.Jo. . A. G'o "P5. S.- liean uttlïer that tuent' are frnt 15,000 to 20,000 men in Viclsabnrit, anid tint lien. Pemberton huasat nrtnî>' n.i1 hs fitîid artîllfir>', and thnt the e<nviinn ading at V'icksburg cio4eil bin 2 p. mn. on thet'Oh <of M>.Mjn Gsreint *bas capturesl near>' ail. "Rt r FVirxpBrro, )Tay'20, G %,x. -To.-E'. M. Stantôti, Secreli'try nf,'%Var -Geniti Grant bas won a grcat an"d momientlit viclory orer tii. Coni'eseratoq tinder Penuberton, on the Jac-son n 'i Vicksburg rron, et at ker'o Creek, tofithe' the. i6th inginnt. Pesoberton bsti a oscïe1 frmidiahblepot'ition oi% thse crvet slu wooded i li. over viiich the. rond* pamv tongitudinaîIy. 1?, bad about 25,0'00 meni. Thé baite began nt il a, m., ands Was garses at 4 p. m. Ttp brunlt vas bo*ne hi' Hoovey's divixîunof McCIernand's co rps, anti b>' Logan'si and Crsvcker's di- visionof MePhémson's corpq. loe>'ai. teee h il itandi belsi tii.greater rpart aI'il tii! 2 o1,-crkp.n. iebvn Iost 1,600 mnii, e vis;t-c-peded hy Gerl. l3oomer's aoit General floimescgs hri,,adp.q osf Crociser'a divition, by whici the. con- fiiet vas endesi in thant part of tIbo fiel!. Bloomer lost 500 mon. Lincan optsratrd ont the rigiit, and! cnt ofF lhe. enemy's di- rect reileat, s i5n i mbp, va9 compelie.d tsi retreat hy bis rjýLî f;Lans hrng Woodis. IlLogan 1mit 411 ýn kille i ans] voonclesi We tool abi>t 2,09 priionfrs tie17sh, smmerai htnds or ingsunts TAnrgs 00112 ber8 of re.onforcement.i am joininz the in* lurgentg from Posên and Galicim. The lRêvointionary Gtvertuneof Waosaw has pronotnneci aire penalties agaLinxti futie toie collectung taxs's for iii. Ruqsian Goyernonent. The. Final sîtiîînzof tht' FreocliCcrp8s Ida,,i fi at1irf WAs heidt he lb. Tl. Tht electson will taise place on Maj .11anti Junoe 1. The pref!cta havte rectived i trin, gent Ordersreestu it. To the Torltiish provineq r BO in, TrzziZ<nuna a oew consp;racy n.bser"e editeverresi b assacre tho Chiitinrim. LATEiST. TTunî.May 2..-The A,"*" ram Lisa'rpon rt hi, as ienhu Ile i7tÈ, airis! tIbisport ai haif-post ieigh t n'i u bsevenini . Th dt'i't" ses tirwo disys Inter isais tss ythr-t Jiblerroltn. Tht'Cuen Eust'r,, pl.tscd Qtîen-ltons on thes 15th, p.,. en t-ente for NvY'-rlc. Tiie Persia annivei ait Liverpool on thc Tht' Amrnn ne neitseb ' i enus t is 1 ti':rPIy s'snvspirultî.lne', tht lfitis, andi ira geccraîl>' nezrndi as ndcili. Tt hoti no mfI'i'ct lit Londton, bot tii.ecf'sen'.in Lire:' pool truci a depreesion in tht' cotto.' anti a ntrenguhoiog <of tht' hrs'rdsflus onriFt. Tanieca letters recoives fmn Engianti hy tht' Wesi. hnslic mail, report that on thes 7th of Aptnli a s'si fghi took place nt Pesintofirl, iseivepn a largo var steamepr, strilsingl lilse tise Alabama, arnd tht-e oîier wss. le. env i-'fing vas heard at !isa o'elock lie tt'morsiin. ansi the' r et'l.q vPeot iitlçCti,'sefroso Ihle short' pauna, traad!iidre qiota encis cîher. Tise f'inii lattes! oitiiwo o'ciockin tise affenrnoon. No partieulans vwer. yeî linovo. T' paniamA.nosy euçtsna*eafo Ar the posltl inîbiies vert' to ha mores! in tisa lit osa nI' CnimoAno <ii tl 11h met., cviii at-il Stico £59,500 for ith4t' < m>line, ICotmM'-icnz on tise let of J aI>' next. It ha rilpoitted itat CaI. ttiloek iras b balva Liverposloil Itht' 10h11 mat, for tii'- ('lits'. Irsaut' <- (ommnsi tsiitltr Coi. fotlerutît esiuer, rend>' lstr departuire fross iitrive-.. Thn týrmy annti Niey ( qfl <tthet tht- efFoýrts nessftty sonde in Londons, tir uhf, P) 11ti1-%i, m9'riseabn 3' or ont ltThoe1 Lîtt'.My 1bbes-iu.fonie m7in-d dioat t ~1 pr cent. tne 95.f 55C. Tie TianufîrsI papate g ivsutIlle portiiu. lar, oif %amisosrer otoiîted iniitîipis onl'iss nsteicb are stat s ol d Tle tefl iisouat' about ,even ciClodi- ini fhi. evenitng to proceeti sissn I visin cnti rase>' il h athal'-lireed indian mui-f William Jnfi, rn soînevha-t nostorinlhar acter. -~Epiras lust Qeen vi'th lier amci, ten. o'clock ionIe evenitîg-. Abut 19 a'clock, lho praones! non2 I o tih, is e thé>' hae! previousi>' left, cov'cfwî nnAhofÂIt rail tbroejgh the. windnw, scatter- in- the. glass ail over the rnom. -SnnA second erasgh -was heard. William A nder- son wus stsnding in front of the' windowr and wai seen tb fui in>mediaîely front. a tslow given (rom the iunside of tii. haonse fronm an axe. They exclnimeti then that BI3lly vas deasi. IIP wviseht on the jaw. brealing it. knoclsung ont thrret' t..th, atnd dia;-onaiy er.îerin; the windlow pip;%. Hi' ",'as 5005 rAffloved von!sMr. 1.gnrsyM lion4p, where lie diiet in twenty four botire' after. hnP Copeman son of flcnjttsoin Copemran, o.Ceupied the same bouse. Tht' fOBlovipz 14 the verdict nf tht' 3nry -'This jury giveI itietheir verdict, tiat the d-cs ,,Psd v liamn Anderion came to his death by the. u>îow csome sharp ins9trument in the. hands of Jchn Copemr..'Copnnman is nIt pregent in jil awaiting h!iî trial atth11e oext Qsv'slonsfor ic Bectorm. Thc foiiowing qnsse;tions for tho electors jiho Limericki ( Treisat) anni -A rornsenpicaltion from London, on the iiiý,bpqt nuant>'r. thqt -av Antenica i% mott imminent. Onder. lisen trana'-nitted 10 aur Dockcyatlt aI sr nlalhiesseqels inreadir imdiate service, aise! ta, pré-paret -nli o ver>' aiable abip, ans!- warlîke instructions bavr ep beco thi Wsr Dprtment andthle îlots. 1'isrntish arnther sounrevs' leAR -"Tse feeling ulhatt ? A'ui s su'm afis motliecn1g'n, e are weil puot. isy theLeader. r)or M-onu] re (,prev.ilent ever>'y ay in r ont'or<Ifllisamoat imponrîstquisttiOii'cl( l1i4 usai<n b. volt ioformed as9 11the, svhush tht' eiectart aire caltes!"orinta d<le- 8riirsrertoiiesi b>' uhjosa %via a-rc intima- c*hie, in tt iBconteut. îSe ,sheth,,n ple icMes (,tl>'coni-erstnlt vth tise na t satc of sýIsali ha enrouruigesdil thi opein abanindo abirî ni thrjpisiis etetan the>'u mentcsf %a h tier professins fanti aibrýPt' l iraeihinat, TissuQueeri- is suid tsi také of tnt'. . Ifa part>' is permittesi lna ppcnaI orfj" 1utrtol psf'urhe of affairet, ncatInt se> tic cout>' upon anme qmsistianon 01otrcle Iliq p)eibe' nee 4r ~Onbr cdisl -ht-h it profe-sse.-s ta lbc contnnlefd hy noiti i otdnt'asserts'titht Loci! blziî1 pribnirjli and Ir ifftcr h ha obîitl (htnhisie-huaexti eeihi _ef r>snoi' puibi r nfl<tence ras tht' nulvcate -of thaýt unitar on'r t- ast'- PIsifi in;t pnintitti , il can ail ntt once abandof-n ils opitisins fron thte t-h1pl- fvw po itiosi for -ths sali. of offlice; vithoIrti P"-havA the rao taui-icsv uv nu ein; ,a rebeirfrotnt tccsrtst.si u a pn var i ne i4 ttcisîýmjt is tsi li thýien iovus dreti of immoralit>' ni'r vli'l d tc:ietront th" facIrthat tie Ta-lin s ans publie m-o osa>' on3t lie :guili>', stiit t )wu;euci tn- in nerfeez- acco)rs!ispn cttet csf daceptisin vhich mît,' on ft h(,tic Ilion, n si viii art bin '-î Lilnsty- Pr-suti cd opon fIbc public. fi his bceo h îitquiui oM >'May me 0. ti"spca fa I thpc dean Grtt f0htstinj tht' confidensce ar ftht' penenUp erilWSof '»tJu<kSon wcvuWonutfed. <'oa n s qtht' ustvoatis suftuhs, ritri4 ofI uhepcpl o ibs ,ctin1 is The- T iseIulimonlcofe nl itn'tht' stane fat tipr Ceati irs uadaqnta IrlelnnCouier ;!j>ives th- ff iinv'et- onr ti t L1trt nlIs n I tt anni hcsSoofh bt'ng bud-tn le populaTiancouto t a t -7b. si>' matît' th- t' out . Tin rrpresentai, ; ocrel su'1-sacilltwL ri: lW htsîahnrie oeuota w The ifu i'e f it'nemrnl-Jsieitnn isossvini bot o os o ian esid -ntri ueo ths tevAe re pvr iras nbtnses:1llU1p[)r-Cn ri- hheh t nfnit > t In 'toprrfit iii n variet>' <if -. ett fthmIscl>enrinsoeais 11 raihiiCmnire pivttd bi votinde. uiltlcbnie lîeen npr «'nrd tlb, this nAti.httnSttri . tu~t i s pan aslisivn ty fcen. t'«îîue otaxes rtî. 3-q a i tln fbtls it> antigeuîn;les tfan ssOnifin i -roîuns tfrr ;,n vrp nena îhn-t riletaneti in sid, of :peitltnr'. Weareiiiî.uyung thonrss- M oritlino. It b'-l eisu ! otfni 'i eh. stAtemesit vhirh tht' litSehave poit forthJ 1 o olsafos.<i nucran for yeargsillni ilii. haro -indu titi c greet W~5 s a u gtbnciuisn mou-' < he vo l. >' epn~enttio5 <1 I irame'5 n, il unawre ttf. hix mouiptent, ? ue f bue staff, astavctiÎfo nuded fiéa. tie'painod a larz ae mure of puiblia coisn- s ! avleyitt tsnintni M iîa ; rde n r. iI J î t e l e o n a n s!sa t isM a j orhC r u t i if s . O n e - b u t . <ha simple sint carnot' t advocrt,' of-A pris. fngdtrut ,eOea, itfàd cit.lutmaiigned tudr opponvritt for nt n lsd t anotfi rtrtuick bis lfti Anm helav camyiig tat nini l loO elct Tirs'tý iine, rasiguptiasit, 8atiensi thse t-ninaccord;nrl to theni, but one olsatai iOnartoshudr.feinuei o i tise vw a>'.Giva 111cm offie ; anati le>'y t nte"on nýo1-'d ai one.ighit aIl the tirouugaof d -Hie rother ii.ber, wvIteavaith it li 17rper Canada, Ticy tiadentotnait. it tisi deo heitte bic a itcertis, t1s unteet tisa c i thuisat. oncehec accrndted achîtracter af-buhi.%jntl n Ta moment neýprt,9enftnn ast reat in proportion <sn ber th. unknoioo r Oin0fron4, vi prnied rosplatinau qLaver Camada enjo>'s. Ts abStotie> iacs a!iasrs idma It liethr, wft5 nifficulty about or-iLS-tsrtttl fiesvs et aada ri-itg t ttiscceunnmaton ic> ~raieS Jentise Gi-useraI wilhont noticia; L Jim, 1tis ucnui. Il vwu onil>'hée nenuma« Sm firfour of ç -rmu'uplaeosliasu in& on>', trul andi vit ckly journ&lWun -these are Ioic! doua OIt tineir big brothets, vl penbapa believe tie G-commoit gréai crinii net Conipleteti. ent lise beén made tI lengîh cempleted. T a arei - igiail, Solicitor Gêner th!% Rldiug liasl'aiý tran went baeelsos Tu syllnpp-d ino a nicé ndct 1 cvii Lai aioonely,ndi$c'si , an' vote notobems. liaI wusil à&"Gln. your relegis ainus!rétrst is -bis iîfe;tneeo ýhimi, orn t i, and1 touis!>'; but ci'title te th i laiiguihng- appelli 15politlcal gambiensm"once bestte Ina tiiomi by uc juéssmaîPremier un& îû' lb.>' arte-nov tucan spirites!* en on serve; but it us s uaeceEttiry ; eue 1o i"na i'.entteshow tic f'slseuS nds tu- itle eaunne-pmusutib>'tht Ghobe t. prove wbo propeni>' dément. te i iu the Esiaiof " Corruptioost.", ht Ceiebrattoni of theciQueeilir' Tis a aiivetsary cf fier Majesty ~'Day this yéar faliag en Sunday public proclamation, clebratéti rai. day, the 2511, througioni the Pro In Whists>'the day vas képI .e matnifestation cf loyai>', tie M i>' issues! bis proclamatiou, andi al tl le" of business vére dotes!. Lits. a i9tise anaivergaiés of the soyércigis ve, as deligltfully fine, andi eod, <lelsous îî'ni asistncae came it màenje>' tht bolisia>'. AMsaver>' o of théeosornatg, tht Voiluintetna p-tii. aIet, ait ipanguratedth ie o lien tie day b> the. tirig o(vollcys af 5lt hilcianousesd ithe tari>' almeati Igoosi citizet, wcle ti e i uol> brasa band, aI tht date, pouroti - National anthhoansd fvcss be at, a' rte- the Gis!

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