Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1863, p. 1

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he RegLstr Office. PEU ANNux, Itim rate tif 8 cente per d 2 cnutg par lino, aeh [1e1 Wdtl ilveritieî5 iv te adlvertigeinuielf cmuat ýO.xse w MON RELae' -ka% ,,iYonngStreet t, or,to. & ,.,TTORNliYS AT LAW, lie Con tyConvei Oitro.-- E Il. »ARTN'ELL, ATT4iIIuEY. COtNVItYXN ,.-Offtre uo'nr C. C.Çiroee's,* nruel Street Whitby. LV-. 11AM, .1. A RANI8ON ni ,i . o a e îtn;dfor rouitti. t' 47 DART J. > r3o, T 3ok"rc] A et ltb rýOUNTC. FITTO e. te ren'on len'r'nttc' nçel't toeRaer. untlofu'r- t, ~tt0.40 hATOIN EY AT LX lbenvrv'&e.Wîniby, .4W cnl<inlcttrcWllb With calm Prited wordx,- roat thoughts andi entiring imd, VOL. II. IIITY, C. W., vARs & PETSE'RSOX. SRACT TC AL entieteOsawtt. fl - Dental Remets, eirseoiy oppo-< sg ite the post Oftite.-Enl'aiioee on simeeo st7e#t, tird tuer nerth tlfotnsOtario Biankt. 47 W. R. TEER T EAciIRof thl.Fe~ C ..GJ -L(necnirmd tit the continenittcf Europ,Wlcii viltit Wriitbv n cMouday% aud -Tlî,nrcaya, for the pncrpoe 'f givi g.inistiuetiana lu the above te»or tepply et tlcla Offe, or at tic, Royal [ttl. - 1 GLOBE JIOTE-L,. T ug Plnc"*o cail kuocu, aIdestabllshet JLIltel anti preinitea hbave beau peiralcaset b>'the ai»IrbeIIhee . l a bva le, foi ted.ofi Iiiti retdly to attend porsousîl>' ta tîjo zanle cf hI' giceets, &lo. The promcimp as lPînuvently eut cetmfortab-v fittld nti; paiced,psperel, &" wmCiAticerW I of nt ester tùWcah, a ntever>' mnodem lmpynnvteint tp itakothe Traeller % bnyouma iitnie tti tyantite Table botuntîful- 1>' Anppiod eit cli tinc;eI, Notice tu> Farmors and Others Lilur utlàl n Retal, Mtitnn'a Fgi- IV Prýf y Clnor barrl ; MeNaneliton'a 4lcnlevit. do clu.;-llasplor's Extr-a iectiflecu Whiekev, io. do.; bont Part, Shterry', andi CuniiecliBrandy-for thaetelok, 'itit alit o ,iqoare sind. Cigare of te i-eau brande. ÂttctvOstlers, anti Tortes to [Ire. t Broolfltil, ,Jan. lit, 18611. 4s BROOICLIN MEDICAL HALL, D RIU4G IST & A vtl-,,ury,&e. &e.. Bral- lice. (1.%V. :reeniptinng aeciraitelv Cuoin- peennodc. ruigq, 011eandl lutdicie e evon- DAVID BIShIOl, A UtTIONXER, beze 10 infurculi thebahi- tants cf t)eiteein anti PurIain uennie thtat lie 1-rjnrell ltritten AUS inluan>' part oftio meet~.Ait l rs t ft it a'- hi rcatiîne, oc Ln No. 34, n tliteltiennecission of Dntleenenlha plitctutali att iîdetitoe. f5>0ý etr n iR. '. PCiirlc.t ltde tOth Ie Northt .ii'teh , Wintby. and q tIelaca. 24 STAGE HOUSF1, IS.AAC 0FENTON, B maiîttn fu re" ora' u t abling cuti atteontive tnutlr. - .c AL81ION HO TEL. vON* k MI Ymvmti itv., JAlSDAC K. EA'~ WNDORIIUSwRITBY, e. aetur. n-rormititi Stîcin et tieutia itiera. 22 VICTORIA ITOTIEL. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, JAMES CROCKER, ProprtetOf. OMRILTItAVELLERS vil i fut i C ovaulent ecppà t thitel, s tbev on lekirni frornthlie 1,gitcr BmoI apt ai the Bar, the roui,-- taks-,n-.h thair preteeceorc.- Tha proprietor tlaites tht. occasion la thenk hiinnncerntce paîrane lîctsfi Srthe.liber. aI patrone betocediou bit ince"tlicounu uecneauent (lhita bucile u hithy. Cooti Stabltng, nti AttenieG lea Wlctby, Jau, 1863. 1t RUSSEiLL'S, THOTEI 111F3 unuteiert"dProprie.fors of the above .1namatl }IOTELbere.olpotnliy vanprIze thair friands and ti traca +li tbn~hve tho- ro6ugît1>'reuceatet theïr ee4tablialtment uri:4g tha vIier, chiai poablos tineutnue tO offeur tb thae Nembere of thae cplture, anti lce Tre valiiig Pubc lie ceior ecaital n u addition lu the sprtuteccla t1leyv batlaut vin- ter, tley hava now iParlora enf Bed-rcom lrt e lareiyewunîRe near 1tna Ilotel. mvith, for confort aind conyeieacee. rec nnrpaece2d Ir e ie il>. WM. RUSSELL IL BON. 11 1o noc u afti. 0 Northern Rotei Cai gton. The inereattintz hntinimoa t flic choya fitvôr ally known hôtel,. has rendered it noeassry for thïeaubecriber to onlarge the pretnmes. lie hài done an toya <*OUîiiETIbIô extont. 'and mnde othr atortioa nd tnpvvoaflatn ceentre xtili fartlier tlt' mmfort ano aoinuodntlon cf hil' cegtg. The table ie alway% provided with tho begtin Peenacn.nnd nane it i e eAxtl)rnla of Winest and 1iqrakpnettpemc. Tr*vcra keoperit supplied wlnieqmm.. Gvoe eall - voynn pucs. Pe i, i ronnnwed (O'tler. alw"nm'c i'î attendl- anec, emntei niby i)ek. ta tna lto e ý fteni4. JOJIN %WAUD. canninmrrtnmn. Oct. týIrfa, PropA eto.41 n-ricE "etscriher b4-" itee eet eet n n thie IL pttlic. tend ptitiitn-iv t- thnetrn'u'liic ennmmqcinty, tbett he hàIetttnrcu'l ee flti'e n-0 tells ivnern'ni,eeim rga Futtliprior 1lIt1etTt ' of auteineecitaid over,'uttentin il ate te the enncfert )f;zn"tme. ExellenttStebhItet' cnet nttruttre 0tiere. Tite Betr ietlicd a-lb hest Winee andi 4igur' wu. 'AIII. To the Travelling Publie.-' T uc'rr livintIc elbed hePraîni- Vilig,. Atu-e' ;tî y T. Enrlit-h, in the Vilae.ofEps"n nd bcxieg fl'ted ttem ccp in coud tyne, 4. n% preýpre.1inba'omt.e il tIne wito griv'e 111ti nll c TICîeiîec Icoeepinsr notîni bî THI E IfT 0F LTOP.S kl CIIIARS An,11% hie",lt, viiilie fnrnieýit-A lwWt1' ut he AlelF.acics oftuf ic, eatel. An eteunivé f0,11cr aie've t int hetin. Tlt-cc wto f-n'on mmni eitît s cuti loti>' ro i n tccizîn u-nî,fnrtably accent- wetîltItan i e ttpt.ee,eltn. .50111,1 IT MLTON, W pÃ" INS H 0 iT E'L, M 0O0N & BIt 0OTilE R. WILLIAM KMJFFMANNi i Nover satt idtaI Ilied Loyet eh 1vnevcr eid tuaI 1I ita In-et P Nu ôtiier gIArl ot thea: pa 1 ne'or tantiet !,ct I hati revetils Fer oeer lice bonuttie c. Bunt, Mirv, vh the"e jealtits timotgicah tilt Tio oft 'on hala toubteti me: Iove, ab,'tee mati>'feuits. pa lot Ihâtvaeau true lo thea. Iej 011. nov eo OlP1Tyo tntrnrt, ,Untdo nae eit-t4malic e fraut, u<l eh n rwit mIie vrgi Ant.dearee th rmy e t d lo BlTh eawilt ea Myond t eê-ov ITod whe e, he al aoya. I ii tte to t .Ceo Ibar fan h et âo n THE MTJSKETJIER* tt >A tale of mifitar>' life. Theê 1çf one tp ~CiÀrfEft .-TiRmiUrne Lrpoav nuvv. bat lben MÂvUA? t'eu have nover been ta Have. uuueîîeei ne, gela readar; if net, then you 01111 ef pers( htard>'ble mate ta kuoc the peculianilies The and beauties of ltce place. The city, tice dit nat environs, tia people, aIl seeno:8 unlike the ver any other portion of thie vont, ubat te froua le trevelle- cia las paqA.ot years of researchi narruer iii the tiffi'ret quenrtec of tic globe, inta tif cOUfnît u,wv'ra ie ttc tei-.tlice Iland of lutI, bc Cuba, nec cources of information, nec directI, themus for stMy anti admiration, nec oh-. bis tan jacta-intactý almoet i'rythitig varying affrlgli front chat is expericn u lasierctofore Tite cý ltiglîl hm, The climale unîformly s'O tsnni soft anutmut, the vegetetion xo tliriving fou he anti beentifub, lice fruits se dlebioias anti To abondent, al Sen t l give il a cliaracter upan Il almoot akin ta the atonies ce haie listenet aftar tl la iii oh- ycuti, offair>' baud, moine Tiis leuniversaby cancotiedti th ie Set cil chanacler of Ibis gem tcf tie Amaricun sceapi Krcicipelaga. Ticre le scarcel>' a blbng- aud a ing of the islant that dms not carry out bhln s, anti confirm Ibis itou of peculiar beaul>'. boy es The birda ceenitoexcol aIl othela u inte ingli, gàuti> anti mont beanuiful colore that nu- ,u, wi tuni bas giron thani, whIlst uhair tinyti>' ie e titroats va-bbc forth noIes of the utenau- beau cliancing characler anti oftbe sceateat 'cithon cadence. E#en lie finny tnibe thal Seitu $pot , eutd people the calera ofthlie noble guif di8t,,, -tat laves te sunu>' shore# of Cube, are af tide bl a ttlaSs fount nocitere ese-brillieut iu hau celer, exarduiry lu the. excellence of WJ their fi voi, anti alwa>'a abuntant. But licaj alasIt chat .draîî.bgcks haroover fare uo ueut4 baul>'lu tiis vorid of ours. The bocal -Ti enthorities- of Cuba-or ratier of thin glb great me t of the lsain, Havane-baro ga mate il acliminai offeenca for sic>' one te anti teke these fiait for fout, titus noncJUpoliiiiýlis the trnde, anti actuali>' robbing ute pour. latj -.otciithqtandiegthia lent of the sun us brat blessed vithral; these beauties va have te.-ad ,j u n t t re was n menn no y p esoi an satiofadtiin te hi'm, nevresm, tri ponr ont 'S~" is seul in son-, lefln if she noyer kn«W IEt~..frot eice it cam2 One niglit h(, had thl1q tatîone4 lilfi _ __ Lat the uuel place untiàr the~ balcnr 'f Signorettais Loise c ;wîndow, and was light. ly touchin- the chords of the :nstruet, w hile lie sunmz ila fini,, maily voiresthe çrorda of a Spenimii cereneidc when a ahýi - er s l uid h e v ily u p cn h i ,; sh riniler, a n t t ýi ate Peao., Progre#@, Knotwledire, Brothevlaood. voice of one 'wbom ho recognixeti ioundlédc suddenly in bis enr. lie turned andcoui - f~~ronteti bis svrotolieutenant gi7vera- )AY q J NE 491863. O. 21 or, Colonel Ormente-,z, 'lwbat mean4 this ?P asncd the bToi*, - _____________-in astonialitent. 1"Do iynu poend tty'sèr* uvariably in their volante, 'Dia jonu maintaîn your pot' for me by indirect îueàns, Delicions enatde S;ignorott- L'm e ttfC?" Or as net teo <wn onp. I-I muet aoknowedge-1 thonghl IHeer Juan broodeti over it, ta The proudf Spaninernl .yed bis ianf'oýor tante lied atoppeti at the Speak plainly. ir-ther. is no necesaity think theat aie felt interegted for liii. But as tlioughhalie onîti hve road hits ipmott ly. descending froun the for equivoostion il tho-n aie only erents teo.%y nie for tlie little sonul; but Pereze wthhaiebsgsb' lad of sonie six or eight ',1titi leave my post, air. 1? have dono in savine the. boy:. any one nenth the hright lilit of tht min, wfth. elascende thelb. tepsAanti Desertêti your trust Il sait the officer miglit have done that, and roceived bler ont. flinchinir, îhouýzh liefa-It roi inerard *faar eteer on gnard, returuinig sterraly. kindnesa. Perbap that boy is lier sou., that tho colo-iel stnspeeti hitu, ectfuî salte, given in the 1'It diatnena eetu ta meto lie desertian, It iiiy ha lier liembantiafier ail erbo, ;s, 4"I1thinlt ft undleriant son e," Iifid, rie A.geuie trde-rmni ar. T a moveti by the impulse tioing theso things for me, Bpit no, the coollyjat hnpiteieh hs;r 1from. I e , andthle lady of thte usomeftit ant idtitPo0to pave note dues net look for tbis ; it munt bave for ?ereze te retire. mrp thoeti platform toth ne lire of a felloworeature. 1 thonglit net been lier liroulier. Hoe wsli pti. anti thererbre lbe' ts5, el the boy amniedeti the cousequetees of desertion.' Pereze hati seen nothing of the lady, muet ohey o etiiraatl up the Qallit -de theéring ainali atones and ton aechnowledge, thon, that yon de- though mauy monthe lied intervenedi neye LeMmrcir, anti lowy nd fsuuny -W01 e44 into the. vater of the ber- serteti your posu?' once in thie cathedral ,wlor, ah. vas kneel. bils vey towerds; hi% aprrmeinta it.e bar- The. lady conit nul ha"e4'Thiat'la a haruli interpretation, ir.' ýinj'near the alter, and juît balow thce nichehab. an elghueen sumîners, and 1'Auseer the question., wierein bey the asites of thie greet tiscover. Pero-e ehct te' liecoll not tell it lauce of the. child aud ber 'If tiat vas deteflion,then It mguilty.' er, Columbus. Ho met lber OyOes euingliie-'it wa tt5 nluh*imrr bat sbaulti litn ttcy? ýe cf hlm, seemet toi mdi. 'Do y ou lnow lb. penatyo' dsrt n*bituinenieneaat'gaiueeo F0ull Wdl ho knaw the colonel,..% feelin," as the. uotiier, tiougli ahe ing7' lier token tof recognition filet bhituitb for the ly; shori lit' oeu lu > hirn d>at ®elut. th. mud ttl'he t [ d,,Rir.' plOtiSireable hopes and ai, ecatacy ordeligiu wchho laid not dae ro'ii ecknnwleri't Th~e mualeteer pauseti - Wlfi t l rSie does remember m tueeuli esait ta himelf-atnd lic the mnu, ahoy"ailli ers, )f bis walk ta feast ligseyes '1Doa',h,' eaid the imusiceteer, aigling. himieelf.Ile bhm] won snob goot i eli fronthtlhalie onld toatci tainknoew of bii rinable bcanty of lier face 'Taar1i orantueyuhve botit men andi officerssînce bis promotion pasion? eg snd inteuaity that 3how. spolceni it Il a a seigeant. that the' Qovernor Genertnl Witb bis bigl s-nensor of hour andi i ntegrity 4 hii. leate wu in frb ys. '-m ' letierte Jnoaptpad petietho circnu- sent hlm novW a eprcjion as tliîrtilieuen- e lie couic? have elnl bei b;ýut quit le being before bita vas intioed stanice; or i aa 'etluh opany. "Virvsoeut a cs foroed' tD deCmine, ana i e dritlty tie oye anti beari, for sale 'o.'nov fieldt ia imbitioný hoacas nov a "4Tue guitar oetIi iou P,-rezp ii 1nýed a every feature that apirit of '"May the cause cf my tiesortion be re- gentleman ,and isi office anti guaril entilet for any W felr la in lu avia; in ohancing 'elinesa that rentieret beauty gisteret on tic guarti bookci' bineta uingie euth gentlemen. What was to panse liefore th,- winlow tf th" , Slff'or' iconspicuaons. than It maltera net- ta yo.' Juan's irst- tionglit after receiving his , tta ,Oie Arettea bavP Iolicýed?" tisorded inluthe dsatview, -il suncontent,1 lie repliet, aadly. commission as thirti, lieuteant ? lu bringa lthe foilowing 1'ly ' le b n s3igneti ýe that tihe boy lied climibea ta 'Remave the. prisoner,' saidtiho Jutige, me nearer tal b er ' lie sait to hiseif. for a bull-figlit acroe ime 1fýherb,of' ntei if the parapet, soaeyards aivocaea.TheMlady halid seen on sthe parapet, anti Perezo'Rs co'nsdi bail heri talliMtc ion, eut there isootj-pon a a Istus Sprtnibjustice?7 Yen. Shoot wucas hietl ; liereaniotiof liur, praen do giai'&tuty an 1tht' occasion of the're. casting bis hantielc aoesemati for saviug the if. cof a fclhaw.crea. for lier, and lived in hope et ane davy beer. hihitirr. t luithonijbt to hli no breacli. cf ruuniug tidte below uani. At trc I Suait is tie aeverlty of the lava in ing lier cati hue friet. trereai i lie ask. the rules of delicetrY far aCabaen aelof alie terneti by chance in the titis cannitry. Attemput t reason eitb t.et, for ho know bac fer above iitu e vas the first -clua,, t. ituthi-th n pa indeed, e ohilti, anti oui beholdin, otficers a-ainst Ibis strict construction of in the grade of iaotety. il le in soute digriennaupnsary folr th .em ~to positon, uteretia screamaof t&ho lanvu4, anti thev eill tell ýon cobly that--oanlurdrtcuMeiebfnctp nartet autideuly tavarda buti. althtngisonniemay dia innocent anti par- cHikT'm'5aIt.-nwnav'r'. ftniq£ RmA. cit the façihlonq of the day -far tite'bndsa tearti lier exclamation, anti l,îiapa ustly, stili the great purpuso of The faniily cf Aretta laoeo e etcoldetasu ppear hotu luni beir nuosu. geufly q% et- ,ssly, lest bis balanice, st discipline la served by it, eudt iat la the andi eealtiiest lu the Isiand of Cuba. tretolive costumes,,, nlas: maUrg tn o int the eater ielow. abject. of ailtnuiitary law. Deseruion -of Siguoretta, -Lais. Aretta wuasheboanly danîgli. cason, as of oldt.na sert tcf gelta day-aýnt bis liat, coat anti nisicet one's pogt in teau in l u il uit&ry coe;., ter of the main brandi of thte hanse, and t i u not unusel ttc n-tte proô(ýtý i11à;aîe npd, andi ta phunge fearleasly buit an uprigit court evoult i nt have- lu vaisls hcoth ie reacler met uipon theoy tlhii City in itaut iucie on rxihitionh-Nhat was the corkr cf but a liasitaeo for asingle moment çhbat vferdict plautforni, ailt it cas lier Unife brother that ontnkatehrtcfnAmicmiii be mualeteer-but the tite ta renfler in the case cf Juan Peraze..heti been se promptby rescueti frotu a cet. tremble ta îlcenkoktf. Tt i rpally. autoih- ýl sîreili ont of tho barber, Thora cvas; nu guilu in bis case-no afore. ery graea hirougi thei agency of the brave in- t te e uler eme trbecmt o! cu4s$q in, boy fer acay 1 A bhaIt stroke tiungbt ; but sncb vcas the savenit>'of thea uInetear, nov a iePntarn n utic Fit. titis instance. Fe1'nîle, 4elicst'el réRied, îleart, iawever, saan brooglit lacs tac, hiaIthocvas amenable, dieu be Laîse Aretta vas the ble eof Havante, andgeutle, sut nuncirptibl, of tliecatet -and >Tbe utusieteer lippedtuhe muet die 1It Wlu casard, ver>'lbard, tiat se the Calle de Mersaderea, upon wchtthe ms ênh1 Zsentlmunel.;lesvw fi-ore er ýtecen bis shoullders, instrue-, young. qo gallan, -s brave a soldierashot ricli mangions of the families ia ituatet,byhitt uIupn bie liga'tc b.e caubliaIou onta bis per- be thuis prematurely cnt off. Wiil lu lbc cas niebtby titelocale of the sort anti toulicoprivindfer csut letrc înpeting bis mcvenienta inugse? in,- notesg of the gnitatr andteig erenacier's cfhabit anti cusuom. ie strnkElt aoutly ont egein Yen, unlen soaieinfluence lie kuotis onz. Titere is neo litimte lunulie orli Guitbotb>' suali influences ase 4g- i .hre, lu cýes iumpossile te ant not of capinterpase lu bis behialf. The titat sa 'aeeuly ecliees the straius cf macl , at i I/iSeArpiteeandilie r. f,.t.er ap. ting somao ways aboya the. lady-he thinks of ber, lu je possible as the niglit air af Cuba. My hotal chou peareti et the Bnll-6i! u on (he< in be accident happened, vbicli that aie is of ýgent1e bbboot; inîleed hli feels in Havane cao nearl>' opposite thte mninilay. Hardl> bt!/ hnbd ~-.It~ou ted ta that chthte acift that site la, anti it tnay b.ber frientis cili uf lte family, anti 1 bave trank precious lier lia, dieu a chtance.cati ieof 4datl bl rie the. boy beloc.rmade il ae exert ubeniselves for me. Even she mi hlt tiraugh1s of ruebut>'dedicatedtotathat sce uetenaulere-,,irt i',miiary.,ctspaci. eg cshara. t 0018, anti i-p t - ýRNYY AT LAW, ,WibC. W.- , ro-tWiîtby i] RQWN, IjmttsSlONEPL FOR nnt,t'Letnl. li tntl (,erai Agoeni, met, usti>' uPPtoite aaýtoed to hilýCe eo ilI ELLt. ,llt'ted on the mnut irmtrotetittem ".5 hat t Yraricelti& ib 1I setWbltuy. 44 UNM.».- rlIE COIINTY GÂOL, TER,, W. CRON, V'IL ,IINGI N Mt. AND &BURNEST, SLANID SURVEYORS. iptions tracu "p. Wli et. Vf aleielets L4for citoil. ani Wevl p. BUiJtET, Beavartoti. PaIntUta aitair?. TbEenîer irlas flîleI lt tl che01id eabIledt cii, cltht t ile v:ew oftuf trdit-il "i c 111M ci i. (o0td stablung etut ticters%- 16 -Z W ICK EY'S IIOTIEL MALT VINEGAR. LT LVINEGkAýétci ov e rl i ediirge atmintaîl quanuties, attime Whitbv Brew>'erv. fith15 lit'desiree ,te ro.nu bti nnda NOW -13 TUE TIME. t ,~ct tu trvelingpublie, tirethfitanc 1>' pupetredt'ptutelieutfirnisiicd tlie %have <Gj' Yt>tR tKNE AT butai <torineriv euacpIed b>' M. Atkillc'On) cit Illutt ttic traellig cottutncii i lctdcm'.J- A. <ilark'a lot Crise Pnature Galery lurtehleacutolii at tuof).enaete es.Ti F ya tdeaf correct sud lifa-lilce Amine- table i la il uitatid tth evenytbiiug lu ea J1 tpTe, Cainumatvpe, Att.ergraih.or Liethe mon. Gond0 1stabn nti jjcareftil fstiars an the Trettefer, orsu Liknqlen l ttc, Broac nt spot. - ONZWCE. iig, for J. A. C.eCani (u0it in licebeat style, - - ----------- ' WIK[NSK'SBLoCK, 80 - Break Siroed Wu. tttttirp 'ut ucivaed.- - Toronto, at foc d00oi orslttil of King Streot. dut ites., iquor,ali iearg. Term-On)Iedôllnr rav CHAS. %fqCLIE, MAq f.TlrW4, 27 Prupricoai, 35 Lae eo! Intericetiontel Il tel, Propr'otor. ALUIO HOTILt.North IBritish an i Mercanutile EAST NiARKET SQUlARIE, TOROIT,-Pfe Lio nuac Omy UJJ. SITil, Proprietor. Excellent accoue- Pr. feInufméC M mutati on. Evor>' attention paeid ta tilhoOtfort TOY. OW cÀx'0ON HOTIEL, Batik euIt ucrtl. 'TVFFI ÃŽCREEK, PICKEING.UIQGOOD 15ith' ep.,102 ly 1/teaecmineitdatuimforTraveibeors. W. CtTT1IBERT. FRED. TAYLOR, 4s-3ni Pricprlatoi'. fARLIANtENTAIIY, 5. Ni> & REt pa.ai A'-à'tPPtenta for Crocu Letîdgaba- RA-Ãœ ILRUAD HIOTEL, taîned, lsitus- befove tie Departmetitt or BF.LLVILLF <ronndL% tetiPeonooti, f'eteiti of invention II N i T F L Ln ar t e kt.'L L an o 4 Q0 e " al 0 lg ain o ca cth t h e P b lic o ffi ces 1~'ION STEET ner tta anlet. attentaedt o, TitI. exaicinat cnt Legel Advicc FWM. POWER, Proprielor. g nFrc irhage Blleville, Oct. i2p, 1061. 42-b>' bourg - T. ILMonltt, eq., St.lCeatharie-; _______________________ utreil non. D. Motion- RINI LA ouMEs -nid,0Toronto-, lion, G1.Alent IoWottock;- li4NLLAlie. ,.T~enltotMa~sbry;lion.D.POis. ~tcc.LA.tie, Brtntf itd; Hipii. U, i4sheq0u.l'ertlî:. lion. 0.,J, Gmulhne, London . fon. A. Klerzhovsi rrIIE clem"-tr> infct heg5St. 8 Ohrlea. bntes--Crner o u l andu tile ig lme pruuti e 8011, e re opea e boit a bardanet race, lu thea marin, an hemauity titrives but poôniy in a soit s tali'gbtfully attractive ln its natural prt tuctious. A. gentle chineate, saothing an mutd lu e-rer>' sephyr, sitoult i ipart a cai geniai influence ta tiho spirite af those - cl bn-catie il, but nul se bore ; man's niatur seenis too etten et ver vith lte beati of nature about hlm. Thte evitencet thus iiconstaetly evincet, fur ecarcel>' day in the year but 'eltuesses the violet teath cf sonne b>' that fearful inatrumemi the gan-ote, or choking muachine. Betdes Ibis mute of puniabuteut, whit î& monu frequent, man>' are the brave mu cet.ere of tte are>' liatare execuleti I the bauds of them camrates for sou trivial anti in8ignificant offence lbat um passil> jar upon the rmIes uf strit milita discipline. TIhe prisons are fulto ovi flawieg, anti the people are ireptinl su jection ouly b>'ti thmont atchf.ti came tie Governor.generat anti bis offleers, mucl is le bre of tlscautent anti cuhsç napse amonj< tie people. Ail this tund the gîoscing beauties eoftthe tropio, lan deret' ulie more couspicuces by the ec trau lu efforts te lbe stalles of mestt arounu. Sa bus>', tbe,. laHavan-lIa littIe, ui roc streets filleti aaoe<to everfiowi vit"i-lavei, ules$~ sugar anti cigar bei %A.19 1u ýr

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