Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1863, p. 3

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1 ta-rk ae lbong ta 50 yard,%) -doing- at w Cômin. tuThis01 ing, When thie wornanl ît hrPea, wera put au t*er-aimaie psunea lied scarcely ahovcrd off1 a ehe gave- a violu-t !rotîtly àliding fron tihe lave Ihrowu ever>' Saul, i theý ea. llu1dvd to wért,. jaiti boat. Ail we- lbanv-- iny paaaRîngçrs ltey boat iu whicli i-art, Mr djen, and tered l'y Up r!apt. caaiidy, 30th il l lfc preaerver1 -, nigf, i, of Eugiand. W\Nrad ahboy, and a girl, witaee paaaeugar, tlu-aw tiîm werelaing t but who, icl il -herseif. BUtitg ,etho , tihaeaboais e rr irorninz by thrt tugboal from St. .tolintu a ear- titi, reached that iplace1 t egrap h frotntCapa Race. tuiliue of tim utfortu- y mue. uleti with tiftiatiari. il timea lu aour hue a f hao of the Ciurd litte> ýt accidetît whiiclt litns or- httrr hile. Tht, pasitioai 'clocl< noon tIlle previtits hiave beetî iInauri cor- A tilet have beau ltuotil lu iiîlht watt, I.unîd - t vuî ertinl l-tatii uf ie ilvi. aip uras in, lnt lrî of setere cit -~~~h Th1eulh ocibly be sbie ta rcx (i faîdt, haiwerer, tax Palfrtpt nolafeu'er ai Pi made, lu the C.itoird iter, inauch li ae pro-xill tt11idiu e are iuv-nul*bly 'mani of, i ewfauirid uticîf wùltout qounldîinii le utla e 'f that ceot, of tha-baîtointatc sau )i nt- .Lt tof the leati att wouId et once hav ire cloto lu ehare.I îîýrc.,a iMy decidet i o1it - S nr, uit.tua Itun- i atitd wýmpu, wereItit, aine, hy _glana cerelus-c "" anîd Ihat tite %3utdi ýunIl rie reonetuse notit t inAeul aH ril uc your litreteriqot a j t olaide theio nai. t lea ltare tif th'crut a;0 nI ccidlent, Onth Ie taoIltere - rsarcuiiy ttwhich lie a'h tîlt vria roti rg;tlloiitn th cre.w -of thae hipa le fur. Illeboat,,%,sud Çtta îpý- boat bebaved, ne I tntiidirgraceful maatiL. beý rapîituy tf adion lu te whi cia only bc, mit of drill. lu leîaled rery badly, iling. Tiuere were no dof taebeauan sd nu t ýed, 1 waa iufornied not bei lt auched for In ae 480 pereona on board;- hast.4, wbicli if ail lind ld tiat carry ocer 220 ýay an sd I question uumeta, -so pmy aucin ï-lte mauils> shouid net to tire ady . einauni af rwilh theo tmails, andd nt ge- but alsi> allai- ylu Pasmaucore Wlait t anV ce tbese ýcîfnily, RNi YeUNse, bac tae 'icksburur 7b fA, Edilot of the Mfltty Chrasi4M. Siu :-The Truatec% of Union l'ictonl Section doihnttir ctie emnort etf 900, fot i tepur roe olofbtililiog a uae cizoal hotime. Thete a- hottubq warodlapomad ofiln à marnepr whicit tita Truamtooa approvod, aud yrieic thoy deam- eti atic;facîorv l inte lutetoftct fheirtruta- M4r. P'atfri. 9if Port Parry, wha hia toma pr3 p'ety ili) t e -tol;n ISoie fiin1t wtltiiéluaTriim- 1tý,s fo)r lscltariti Itpir dutios lu the motter, mitî ddra tlitaut he folo!ug profond wiI bcvi Sn ,,-enou ac ta publiat lu thae ttorei- loit! MR. PAXTON'S LETTEIl. r Tlm leÀ» eo' lt na RI.ot.Ç-eien twem> JJ#îî k tand M iposnt. 'l 1~" ît- leurtîil wth rta'prryu- tiî'of* tnoreî4prcttirthe literom4ed l l'nld. fiiu tf i Uttioti Itthool lo', et nttt.(12.) 1 intiit y t och-ili tint. pcv eitiier lite dtîtît,- tu, r 'teitev relizrt from ltet, util tlie eutcttîpnrtiuu .-taii 1havaeretîdercI et cor- ec-t niiwiorkl> l i itai stthe veluetM ho pid. The. T im .tl crulontitinul <o (lot. m'ira lien lw-'irîcrntil ftict uhole l ii mpti-tril.(4.) îfv-ou t fî',itiir.v tea unît 1 lil-retii lutintue, i-iiprocord ùlit ittt th -olf Veilr Sint) "h MSi XTN "iort Perrllv, WAlati FIYoLrîîec wl rijîi turt nt f- ýiiriioy rne i. oi~recitltttl lito 11,4 ofîOî I-ltirv o tt - lo 'i - iiwril îit tc- t)],Pi 1sor tii--t ,-' I î-iiii u-"i, nr c.t ititt t ieîm n ,1ogiJ a Cr t1ii- iînr tilê,- ~i--îc'l c, i ( tL t- \'Vcîitt' sît liol- nhttîr tour iti lîtrt- iii i Oitlig r uiiileeiilîtîi iii ofi1 r t îîitiirity fctr utitt t.ir 1lust tiiitlvoit ltoit pt r Iltlîtholivevor, Iht a toatt 'r if iiochi r1ito t g ietb lt intn thte r.i-ct ott- f 'a large ýcttittot lVi ~tire rntlltnr von ptcal itnt-yauril al urge rtrttiit-tf yrrlîirtiig-t Inlin ttîtir et sktkteiou tI elmeo ttttt-v itakeu olp hrlr,-ir lu excea oftholrwaguit, ii l atitpof te-l, wothiie toh,-rtde- 14 " i-ii it iîittîtV ,7 lat 1 litreinw '1-it iv. txpreîiicî itînk uroo', illft it nuie tOi-tiî- lteIalttréw01e Gi-t vi hsMue Z utml' lirt-m Ir ti~tii r Iniait ii i il1 thîti.e Cudiili tturi Nir tiot If tht- hiaîk cioad naur hoverng, u'er11 our hendm daue nulbut-st linsa _r, au muci thtec etterl- It titen anzingly hartd. On bath idea of the AtannîtiIef ptanîîkd are ripe aud rcndy for a spat, aleacli othr.UT haie te -Yankcees," aya the lln!zliahman. ,tlet us knock thtelirait andi boiast t ttI ufthr." "War sitit Bugisudt ti' ihu- ant-hcrv nai- nt Wnshinztori. -andî fîîoihiog but "unr with Eglut"wil îîacify liea pjectad follauvere of Preehilant, tircain. Nu tua public--hut coasiheavers> crtiti hMander linto a figlit mare rushly'. sud it ailrqtir-tu1li te inrenni1y tof aur Gou tpul hott ltet.lrnack (romi lîng fored hr papular eliu unlto 'nui. TIc ît Pl oi iîbi hl ttea a ur nshore% %viii puýcehitirdétermnei the' quetin. WilI iut lie licads or taî1ie TF(, boriue wo have t ik icknour letht. qucetinor i ttPet erltof and 11i7r mail bhag. Wa e Wl mako thig iRa- inteliible ne9'utcan taIottlqa or ôÙi' rendorsi-li sut not tiptinted up" lu tlieua mnatberm*. h uppeare thituerchbtsl ip are l inte babil-af earrying ler Mjety'e mails, sud tae Mail itage dirNectedt laMata- mae were piaied on board tite Pererha//0, bpetsrîuglte officiali etal of lte Postnuiater'- t Oeusuersl. This remeel wu seleeti bytha IYnited Sites criiera - the mail biles tare tabou before lte Priza Comnmissianera;- andi, am s liged, tontrary lu iniernat'oltsl lav, andtheli pratfeal ofthte British Connu,1, tht> enu was broiren and thte packages nf lettera. talinont. Thelua rize Commis- eit>ners e esabout ta examie thebaPacirats, wbon Lord Lyons declared thea proceeding to e i viation ot*initau i a u ch t tmeea. I1îaBritisht Consul wuabathn, cèd1 inc open îtae packlages, *bicla be rafumi le don i butî aid i ifte Prite C~out iislted onq tae lttebeinsg penati 1e igoutld bliapro. sent, bot only m a <bwitneae. In couse- quecca f-this decleraton tie prcccdisp aeed ta bave liaep suspended -;andi IMr. Sai-ard itad givon directions tat outil ardere front Washington uno farîber stae shaulld bo talcan, but nt thea timetaheb mail lait the tlYitad States Oovarnnt ald ua cornett any dacielan an the mnbject. Tble la hou tlie difficuly mand'at proeut. The next mail yl possibe tellnus whether ltae clond wullipaie aver or burt upon s u. Th ti pidier anftheIbofly. There arc rny athetr poiuts of insuit a!- legedti gtthe lita nlkee, avhicit vo cacî ual enter ihto bora. No doiibt te Northt- ornera hava beau frigbtfully galIcd aI lite lce'irig witich (oa cropped outinluEcsgiand 'sinco lte commencement of lte iar. Tbey v-ra eporaiitly misled et te anselaI our aoiîu eeulustautellnnof elnaeyand hopn& Coes Super Phosphate of A xtanderd frrtilizer for al field4 andi nrden cropas. Fer VnEÀ and for Tv.R-n'a'il. Impar- elturly vulnabl,. The Phomphate cimme-me Cpm ti tr fr om tan te twenty <layA aarlier thrin 11111:18. )lzrmer#trg<ii. For a empply of the' article smd for cirbulotra 0* flfrmelot, ',Cn TFPDRAPZEk. Whîthv. N r~RUE TO LUT. b;i %Jctae ouninise six aplttet an d kitoit- tof a<lPuutp, itteand haifan actre <f a 4g4rdeaù, Apuly b C(I. tDA w F Or toete uotigsied, lot No. 17, effhctoin 1whitby. WVliitby, Juc rd, 1863. 21 A î')TTAGE iuntod an tile uorth 4 lte cutîrt ilouse. itotdiai tO 11%ellteMIîiîgv- ent. Apts t Jl)IN I1ENGO(UGII, JR. Whtit.i', Juna i3. 1993. -21 3wr Bag of Feathers Lost. B IWEIN Mr. LitL's i1cro nd tht front 13ut* thi tIl 1 h o-tiv wmY utlit I.. John mmmtonartidetteo. ~'Tbe filîtdr wil ho to- wtrlî,d byr eitrig Ose iqc','VI:uthteoclore of MîSI*. IIt'U &YARNLfl. DR CAMERON BJ1 vpPtcial raqaest, wifl retura to W iit4y, MfONDAY, the th of XU7m, T(o rmtiu fhr one week, aistt.e lRoyalfHôtel. 20 É. Ii. AMERON. No ICE. Jhqtrelây givq n itien ht a -.epnr.tiîu lias îmIot tetbtwc-oîlt o-uiAt cuiM mv wife Mir~Annti llwu the-rýimiü blhuk,+y twitrtl consentt; atid tlt, itef thitt dote I wîlll w4 be responiie tor auYdehîs whieo he waeld Mary Aiitny contrtri t tyimtue. Win. BRtW'N. Whîitby, ma tie), 1-3101,-J Desirable Country, Residence Tzo Lot! rIIIAT iiandnmîe CttgOM1 oinoii- t;r.t ucitr il.1lmi, witht i tres tif Imd t- iitteél. c.îIl Iitîl olt, altîl nt-iliel id ii lfinit lt4e»$, aitil oti O ,tnii.tul. ortlXi. tt t.tîoul 2j4 itilte ifrîîîn tihi Téwii iii whitity, Teririts ierv lhrral. ApIlicsiti Ion tîtmliri - JOfHN S)fIrT Eiq.,, Auuitlo ifult1e ItAlcxt-itier ii.titicer, Loit N., .1,IutC on. kOt -% iti>. Xluttt j - t Tai: Cutolectc OrFîci. i:cst1Vhuth~,titîte luS63t. 2 TO THEE INDEPENDENT ELECTORSý NORTI I DING OFIFEil CONJ~TI-0F OŽ41À1110. licloit- ptir l crie-ftcEctir fs I mie l ontuo ervioule dîi tsout i )' tutuiP1 ewd t10 orse yo'u for tua t.at-iona . n4ttêa cif fîtri eeiîtui.ý Wjý c'Il mCrjpiued, -irh o :1m it, lIte litnotlusoicct rue an peur repro- -c-itnntiv'ui,1Itlterefneola ft-Iilmy dol ta aoi'-r cea 0qn> coi-îlCes and cittu ;'ek'yt lure- iew i te eauftldiu eo '-îuitt1r aIr tispcet ii i, iii to tietrlitatwiirvt oitthave ite utunor- EL EOTO RS8 OF llp, - ber aft emc o ef ctolla ro amytiel n4> fCmciîaoftr tile Rcpýéentalinn ot the Cnntnul lunlte neici Purliei, aedoter'- mitued ttc ttaede t10fliti oiam adnolw beg bev o ta olictI oue atîffrnugeg. fiu te lie-bresentetiou Qîteaticunty volem ara I-cordd.aud1 tan ap oal.to ltan t e meactiro for thet, ctiieotoor Coualtutonel Difflorltiet., 1 atrougly diceent fron t le Ietatemollt cf a iee<iutn omber. at tha prot.eut Admildicttiati, tsI * Tha b'cl arnmout for Canada la nu tir- Maetnta ail." I regard an officient Milititi org9auueon ne aof tta mat-t prot-aing imper- 1 regard ltae Opettitie uic sud Sou-lamant of the Bock Towtiftlitt as of te greatetoa paseitti imPOrtlauce. The Administtratian of wiicit -a uteet e1tinmended tea tuelllature ln 1862, a Dontla Orant firte uqSttlemient c the Coutttrîî niid lia oxteolof tbh<taaColon- izaitoen RIantswtîh itavé doua sa rancit g<od. Tue preaoot Admiictrpouhaepue a. dcleron, pilier, eodi i1t ou uloiogr, intticted in- etitî raijttIry UPt- he'ttProvince, antd flie lpper U('daijm teuthera of the prenant Anttut-trat joti havitge nati trltgpro ai Inoir lttinuerity ti.:tti ofîtt r couidecte ci c hae i t "*îtIr protemsiana; âa dfer hutliti ntcttqy tuher rentine,4 i lnk they t-itouid ho defv.ittî. 1 therefore, otter tnyâeff nLa the Oppitltioniit ndidate upori the Caumor- SAu far 9,.4tîîo auidlîottunty permit, I ul eudittrotir, tiifehlt îe ù » fprufline, te riait ynu 'v lu , " y u r d i ler it t inoallit , , a ti d m ok a catit forîhanr oxpliiîitiinsamitîy bliicetary. 1 have the ht-no-r lu he, Cetltiini Ynur 01)itulltntt $Prvalt, $lDN'Ék SMITH. Liudtcy, Mîîyugit 181. AN INVALID. l iakhtd tnir te ienpfit,llatu n rtrniug antid A CAUTION 7V2 YOUNG MENi Wiîo Puler front Nîrvoîtl e )iîity. Preutaltire Tecov nt 1utuiol, ett.. eiiîîîtlyit;g a ita ,amue TrHE 1MEANS 0OF SELF CURE, - By <'tic onu linsi cucul Iiiii,tolf aller hoiug fut tt' grenî t p-ute t i jury titrorigit med t liunitlg anid qtiutkery. t4f1 % iirIO iii ilmugi-, utirihieopie nuay hllnd of îlot alrîhor. NATU'Mi."IATAt.E . 20-i V. lk-iford, Ni: Z*'s County, N1. Y. $9REWARD! otIor SC 'cu, eti Sinay, tht, Ilthit.l, 0:> A Gold Watci aad Chain. The ite c iqtaiippcti nît itrue l(a mtop andti la outhoerc-d iutzolpfit luto d aIIT rututttîl tlnrt%, rîttisiot edge, g(lti hîi.at -c-el inttît urte -i1111n, mker, Rnhiieîýt, 1.vtr>iii. Vita thit i a nry Aiiurt The ahîîvc revrard cvi ha e eid lt au> 01,14 irî,itrttiic ltauttu, or lt oc1. ühiîfnrmatiuu teq chail icad l t»i.6ti ihWvery of,and coniviction if t ho titiof. Appiy t i .G TM STRAYED OR STOLEN.- F ~ tii ît~ utuesofI ite itcu ea Flllitruîlc, lte 141h May, A Three-year old Colt, Abot 1V;inud iigli, ligltt bal, cuior, hindi uttinti attilHi. No tuctik. Aliy port-un r(,t!rning hlm t,)lteunudarigYt- gc' ii, bo tu-ii b - raly relwýr -leî i l it îy (uéune t cuhuîie p lictt-t ho mn> ho ud, nfter baittg etivtcêd of l<hs ioticalleeu sel»prumccuted a. cording ru iaw. -7 , POBPflT- BRÂS9, ' Lot 26, Ot ('ori. Whithy. DUNDAS STREET, WJUTJ3Y, C, W. GIIOG. IOIBSN, iroprioitr; T uhacrilior x, ">naill noiwetlitlie ha 'Ieamtd thtk uîlu urtryk'aowti sI Scri Ftoro'e lti. hil hben et irauci, refurttituhod, antd fltted il) throughoiut, lu tha bcst tif titvio.Thoeitrattilteaare piemumîly ait- rirtemI opcl1 tht Post Office, etd in Uth e o- trtu ut ltae Toý-,. The Riilwiy Ointu ills nli t tuh ltei au tlhv storca fîtr U'dtrilgc tand Beavertori L 1e0 te door overy ttorrtitg. Board 81 per dayà GEORGE ROBSO'N. 11tcît l,ila1ra alwltye u aîinde 1o Beg to announce thé arrivai of their SPRNGAND SJYMMER STOCK, W-hich wý 1lbd found unnsually large and well asot ed, ànd -Which they are' ceteÉimned to seli at a omali advance on the iqterling, for On&wh consistiiig iu the late-t styles id SiIk, Poplin, Chetnic fece' IYlaine arid Baijithea Dresses, ShaWls, Mandies, 9tri'w Bonnets -fid Hâs, Ribbafis, Parasols, flosie'ty and Gloves, FactOîy Cot-1 tons, tiocdngs, T)enims, Striped '-Shirtings, Car-pefts Damass -Winflow Nets, Muslins, Cot ton Warp, &b. Will be foiunl alargeassortment- of l3road Çoh,-sl-ie Coafingâ, Twee4s, Fane y Vesltinigs, Cotton Dills, Shiris, Collars, Titis, Mats, Bradés, and UJnder-Clothing,;&c. Thay would direct Êiptdiial attention to theil' large stock of IlÀDY- AtAiDE C LOtlàJ1N G,' Bcing made up bon the premîises, the fit and Wd&kmarrship can be depended on. TUE TTAULORTXG PEPARTMENT, as usual, is under the superintend- ence of a fiÃŽst-ýclss Cuttet, ditid gentlemen £fiwouiùg >s With their Iorders, xnay rely on ha-viUi their garments macle up on the Iates't style of fashion. A fresh stock of GROQERIES jùst receiired. Wanted-;5ý00 firkins Farmers' packed Butter., suitàbê fut thé Liverpool Market. .CAPEL ]OUSE TO LET, '-' -tT .Iuctratula tient-é ir a aortt)ew tBrick Durclin 30 x aa 0s40, with t lOt! (eh l-rotit, Ianrto. hoeihiue a-e 7 1 fin, 1011 Aiu at, luloih.Thte ian u oîtde kit t.h-ti t hé mliaotisi bitildttg. tOn titi tllbr(. arm a -t a. it ageatalaeatieni art exefilentl eli, aati tir*oîtVÀOtIit title t la utre4Apotae pri vtea ieelil sthove praptnrty le aitwnlad 0i f1110ec Byraon attiteti,oarlsda reî lte cautro ilc of tttiu'!'rouc tif Witi cht prostut reeoîi-bMy ,Ioit.Siier, Z Aîîplieution to i ondtaicthue prou' Or u Ât.tOuV. CE 19 s~iite DIVE t4, Ux4lrid 5,Cauniri Parry's Brick Builàiitgý THFÉ OLD STAND YO V~ Oleti tua Thé proPriitr of lte tld eC-tablieheti inc iougea 0ir N4nTîAuFiOÃ"- HOT E L, ftîrtetie tenbtter hi4 ihctftetlitinka to hIei% i t- itettroua mHonide it sit td tlifor lt e voy ti i l .i~slite~i hr.cof pttbilb jfttb6nege wlth whieh ho tOttic-iti asbori tavarati. ludoing* co, -hoe tog% algo e riiAý It ithat htha littileft uolhint$tpolT'TIlaul to at tîtt l et te witîu îldroquiremùen the iagulaî titt f-n titeliu. A ji-euttfiti ite ehtevave prti- l idêl 'lite thetiwiîh it Ici orervtltiug lu hiefror- end-t ai un t, mtiAttIrne khuithb(Iit I iqîtors atpplu.td et iq pLt. tiodit Stabling afid imple Shed ÉROm. Careful and rtopecîfît4lttlneuadaii iriettîr, odt-Isdg ltae prTeumle 31.0p, saundî, "lte lIon<iier," alwaym auit aritL îîtîitw~ Famar eU a Ih 1 tl tuntl.. C.)WbrPoritr lO, Wlilht, À4ril, 18,33. 14 Whitby Races OF THU ONTARLIO TURF CLjUB-, WilI camne off acrer tite WLibby Ciîuree, aot Wcodnoeay, hursday -ani Friday bhbcth VI't13h & 19tie Jane, 1803. FiRST DATý. 8*e8ptimkcai f$20tabàf ffa tn odIedid uith the ecronornitutbe- foeau ithIt Jutnre, t WlioliZte Ctiutu sUl di WkîIby Puge r $150, opoito AU! lir- st2mlhehoata, T C.W. OiNTA RIOS -.laue 29, -,iulv8i, -' - - -.... ...........- Wlîiîby, Ari11,'8.1 JlJST RECEWVED~i And for S.-loeh Priea lower tian ofrro- yat., FRE.SH TOBACOS, 0f ltae betl brnde. Aituo a lairgo lot oif Great Bargains in Dry Goods I Cashîtor Butt.er Great Býargains in Clothiiig! CÂILFOR BUTTER!11 1.31bs. Good Sugar, S1! Cash for Butter JAMES BROUMr * Schofield's- Old >Stanids 'LOWKS&PWLL -Are in receiPt of their New Stock of Wbich is weill derving early attention. Prom ffeiV unnrps s6c1 facilities. for bnyingr, combined with a thorougl knoýVId(3gî or'the requiretnents of theit cuistomers, they arc prepared to, lI' Goods, from a large andi well aqsorte&a-,tack, at Prices fat below any ones mnost sangfline e-xpeetations. The4r would invite special attention to- their assor'dniert of ad, Misseà', and Chidrens'- liats, DEon nets, Flowet's, FPeattier RLBBONS, PARASOLS, SHAWLS, [ANYTIJ1S, &o. le flIAESS GrOOlYS fhey show a choice selection of l3radforul afid other makes. EN WOOLEN.1S they 'have superior Broad Cloths, Gassimr- iFancy Tweeds, Silk.mixed ('oatingq, Vestings, &c. READY-MKDE OLOTIIING in endiless variety, ând at Pticeý; favorable to the huyer. CLOTHLTNG madle to order on the pren-iises by_ iirst-lmiw workmen. As tisual, theiri large, and of the1 IN TEAS a lare WINES AND deii Seeds--Engii CHINA, CR0C and obeapest in tù sDetiofl. SXORED RAYS & BACON<. 18 J. IEOWELTJ. VMNGAll. ýVINEGkR !! .nger. JET COOL GOLD A titanhg Chetnb, BROCHE trAin p Tho Confogolsis & Expsriène Witby, Mjay 19,1l869. OF r FAMILY OR( . 1 1 1 :à

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