ri.th et'hre!fColonel 0,-wen- lient fuîllîpn ni, ERach gazed ant tuler foi- a metinlesilence. per. Saw tlgixtuthe enealmeet vias use- j actions spt' l etder lînrworda, and hll betrayetl limebeyOnT18 carf t; yet aprit rominrle porli)ne%0th ise e- f tec rue, and Iles wthsteed the itemn Irtl'f bis officsr undauntsd. Wajlueat"a rtecr of jrwlery ilat yen gd up?7' esled ColonelIOrmeetez, rAtIo tnéd r.nlmnc-ss A' simple' roet-, od. ir'- Will yen returi if the M.laY?' M uay e Si r' T Al t i te o . t npgt etafnthe i.flower, ir.' 1Must 1 Tlifs, teose, Lieutenlant Pereze ?f 11 etn- iotn aeeolnntable tW jeU for my Vitte Coedut, ,ir' Irsolent 1I1Iivill oe er vnu into fien. dilii erre.t. if )on sare nti lcautieux whist gifigeyou ouse te ne.' iame betntoe nbey yen, tir, in ah- I relantP.is iedutr.' 'Wf";l iyen band rtue tiat flowr?' 1Neyer, do yen say ÃŽ' 1 Nover ' 4 Titnnive undertaed each other, fer tie Thuii msing, Colonel Ormont.z trnad Zrly away, and enitprfti-r is volante, Iowed that cf' the Artcta family te the .ry. As ha diseplpenred, Juan seuile- !ied te llimnlclf : 91 use now a ruieed m; thiere iane way flir meste avoid tht aný lieted. T1mintb. mètre then cama. . ferh ill leave no encans unnimpu'oved injure 'mea.'Se lie r.n bas learned niy ýret-at secret Iliat 1 have ilever dared te knewledge even te mysi,1l harore tisa 0, boum pat. But ah! lhiaI glance frmm pnorett Leise. il rrepaye ll-ay, more, ôuld di e for lier, aed let Mebt wflI cns, 5ball met it lilte a mai lie bas an je.- id source cf rel;tlice., Collecting iis il teclinient of troops tu. Iher, lie ferme4 lus compnny,înd nirci. 1to the ferry, ira s seen after leîîded on e'èjty @ide cf the lite linr. 1 would thuaI u eould cosî hP hart, r cf Iavana' (if la neyer have rentie 1reader) ; it forma ie Of the MostI heautiful alcritirne pi cýurea the. ne d. T'le flaga cf- eeery nation t freely 1in the. Iremze, nili Spaelsli 'glish utnid Frencli seneofiwr&doting ths rbor-.-lhir' Cornrous latsIs plyinl ery dirc"tiou'; utile tIe ferlsaend the tee 1if ls ut cil malte tiise hark grtind t) t sRe.e alînzether fat-m a pîctura cf un. ha-fii l ie e iregroelof iwbifl risuecr e fd cat lm ltfct oî ta hu colonel ;beutien cf or wmls'bsi oult Cotes aid li >sei utsfoe nta -e h lcn,,incred.ber gtice aloij cliifjamtlied irenottiiti .H70melit, n-'id iluen luies gimppy likeitçd itt thie hengis cf of Ilie Spanisi suttidiers calta sydirertion. etind lle ilce fa ut for r,po(sa; t:ifs iconstant so- e lt)ncni1tiiire trouleuic>a) 'ts eciciatiaisfio-ePerez's 'e s qu utdayclf uit cfIlofa arata. jan ires trthlt-tti eh e cf Cerrettti, ame leegeaa or tcf îy. 'l'Ire ittd toen syutp. inesu-recOtien amnZtic slaves e io lqlvht et te pi' wiufci nehorg 111ncnnc Oe!pet-nons to- ndfor t1iesc rISS t e-was l- a$l IaI streif guard ~inatniie Pet-e eanowreu lue calt,' RAd tou ted on tie route, exi mtîi$ ThusIlis timne dîty. iwyle Ilue aisciargit cf s duties d le lied begun t is coOet lait forgettCtuthe le tirele a rt~Çrleid Lempt-s te fjîcreJuant, tIshab siar s oai f. lWblat -cesdil tifs e i pltunaifag 1soleeS gp and ze ? But ire louons sîeken cf tde t us describo ts belenginga çP rned li the shape ofc icte, ýet iii diamete?, uerein d one abova ancaior le the erves, anme eighteen ud ia corered i nih gparoI ous a-,seft ced piable If giu upon. le a EaeR ,e eid1e,sit tires jud- as; tionual about te tu-y a soe.clitial aag eitusi ry acat fa occupf cd by esLtive Spanfrias - tieir exp-egsie. the emor-lÃ"ns ce hroughtinl, an8 ueighed 'The owtoara dieu -ceity. îliiltng bels on cch-l-~ uccesfinali()tYîopeck ceci. c'f warlniieg.thenl fOr tic t uAR lee birdSasetS PupOtht rotes thie attacks of the, ther, entil 11e' is ulterlT extitict. The ' victor tien, net- wihsetsding hle is bloe1ng et êerY PO"e, exulte by loud and cîsmorena crowiflg 1 Snch scenes though revoltiig, are not without intpemt te Ibe naturalist. TUe Cuba bird sees-mg te b. s, upecies betweeGo ite comtnon barn-y ,ard fowl, and the»plies- sani tribe. li wonderftil courage, iti gresi beanty and strengeli, and ils determi- nation to conquer-or dsû,all renderit an hi- teesingbird. - By cultivation biy the banda of man, are disse qualitiez increaaed in-a-a cutenesi, hy their wecof living and the manner in whieb they are r-gtlarly trained. Tifs after the terminetion of such sceties as this thet the poor ntero, or country. mn cf the interior, who not enfrequetitly reaerts te the cockpit, finds hirnself with- ont e single inedîo je bis pocitat. Bils reaort-. is, as a- malter of course, - te 'higli- way, and the traveiler isa dus lotI te be fraquently soicited for alima wtb ecaraine pointed at the brasai 1 robiieries are thus known, and though tixere las net. and per. hep. never was, an organizsd benditti in Cube. euh these sraggling performets tipoti thes soads keep up a constantv- terrer, and tneunted guarda patrol the ceuntury i n aP~ directions. Thons time passed on and Juan Pereze, go fer> froïtâ experiencin., any unhkindness frore Colonel- Ormentez, ires surprised and puzzled by bis unifornoly polite and kind umanner-towards M m. /r (Tcb o ntbe d. FIRIST PMIZE SEWJNG MACHINES IWÂNZE5I'5 COMBIINATION & vremliu i ewtt;lMachines 1 ' ' O N sLY i I l i 7 a li r di ue l fe r u & il r? Silir ?>laolitsuto n thc Itdre6 nit thé 1'-rgviil ExlfiiitiOi, li-Id i. l rlau ept. 2ttîs, hiti OtiýM1 laii tttlî, wu$ givelu to Il. . \Vrtuîiz o-r & Cufek, Tht-y i -)ek the irlt-t piz fot- Ectel>- Suesicg !\Iacltijicg ritti IL.. u, W.itizur & (11);.1 Atîihuuî thm-, e lu lmriiuuLdFukr ielt- ute Tnoeuio, Sesun. 22, 2t,.24, 23 imsol2'>;I, u, id aIse fimtepriai ts aewrutedto te sCir Siaigerl'tor msurunticlor>-. Tite lmrt E'tri %vo nus ul-u) rivcuufor Nos. 1wJuimet-î ,& <'i.'s FuussuilY -Swhug cluluce tuiiu 'Wtisuor& u-.ia.'m. Sliuc's Metiu over uIll ettçirs- 1tv tîtu- lîuat--l ef At-tu itli..1 M ,tif;c- Tjýlev aIse 'îckFurt E-xtra P-instut ic cuira!rîltsi ty Atri i-ltJimal Fir--at Ilitit- tonl'ame <bis. t, TirnaIniavle, Wlut- ~liî-. tuo- iae .ictitietnl. 11 ttiat ate- e-cîusut ce, Ivt-a'l iiihe inia ne. isi. Vel utinl f- &<'nluatut 1:vce'ui rlau ltitthn c lc taet pct ho ixpinta Mwilit, is'-- lai shusu ho ar4 hFt'uiesail Omu---5uuýyil-'itveltgsm lpiniitin I(toLit-ulhtcIio51 tra seai rendoa palitet ii e t4) etot n'se55alir, u ul it i à i - ay parfoio iîi chins , ewtiinubeg in, ha- te lýmine ntictit l eetye ctret, t-ectattre Ieiliv tui set-y cmnn t ski1lih1 licar the t is a5çofttI otu7.tmatlc ruir. tie Itteplate.giotofettiiui thac6î Ir tijsttiTist nliic Agiexnt, liie, mi STOla if, thie lare of Olntarios Ue csrt Grand se* ~anlc be proporly thce owna mîb i, a W.ltlt>.i BRÃ"WN'S E ýANb LwR EST&BLISIMENT, eîso gd moit complets iltbe COtiiiy: i o veitity a tic e'li u %s anola lglut profits oerxtii I.Truak JlslwatY Ilote. r qfltusiluay Dep-f' Fut * 7tby.l premises wt the ic ' i f o etitfig ilea loft ti tellrLg pu.thellC. Jet'- ycarcd for, auaitlng t ta an traIs of by th CrsLEtst or West. 000d prIl 27, 196.. RM, FO R SALE T 4i.roni Ilireeck, coitiaing 100 aOtcs, 855 icrescucrnd. ced le a Ood sttofonltititle. (iood uuli Rttedwith asn excellent > nuitmherdl, behssg 14cilles from COatlieg- ion, d',2,4 tnLCS frein Bearertcfl. 'retins vrty liberfi andi casy. ApplY, (if by letter, Pot-pai i,> te IO.NU('l . weclaly Globsaopv tir six ituls, 1aî1indt acconft te anore cd ure-.s. 5-t- > Cr ýze Taüors, Shoeniakers, Cariage Builders, Dresa Makers, and Heads of Pamilies Generally. tatite, Wliitby,. aud sec lt'lelarge esotoi nf !ustuifly and Msa[tact il Ciig %Vth ti.s epocict ,dltInprtes. Agoli l frau t >ît-- Mstrcit f2t, 1162. I STOYES! ellESVE'R IAN V itare, &l..ra. osto' 'n enet tîxeStore et1tthe Stev ve' ry t-y s-l nidqnuuiitv 1111(li Il ptiai,'. Thep ptitlie'. 0pettenStove hu;t9 a hae ^ir » %ti snogs cbe areigo t,,% Ec [Roi THE UNIVERSAÉ CL11TIIES IWRINGFI1t I The enly Wringer nitli tie EcOR.wiEEL IREGULATOR! Q rn 1. liOTOZ I The. Toronto Çoll9g, C. W. & COS. chnie of! Ceserciel CelIat'e, Ostb- litpbcd ien A -w Y r-, r okIV a FP had epld e , *4lbam w, B aoop, mni, etr1, C1-ý orge Sý Lou, J'esfb.J ad Prockdeeoe- T h let f thase Collage lit te Impact to Yong enu and Ladit, thornigli end pract.l- cl ntrctlôiin lel3ok.leaphîn, CoTmercial Lsw, Comnmercial Artbmeti, SpencetenBu- siness Penmaeabip, CQrrtitpoedanc-e, &o., itnd to it liem for aey depêmaiet o! busines theY mav ilîooe. Shoire 8s t5C(e an aa. nul tmtitla the studaîtin complets bis seere !In any Collae o et Uch~an, nd vice 'erd, wiîîoted iinnai ctrge. Te Collage lan open Day cad Eveing. ,IAMFýE E.IAY, lzideflt Principal. COLLEG~ E TXtrBOOKS- Eryfint & Stretton'a Coner -clii 1.aw 550 Octave o geft. itlseetic. ô20 Aloi. MurrajI. F4q. Artbutr lR. McMllter, Jtsq., Thosg. C. Keefer,% . Yitio Lw,cq., Jqojîti McD)nuald, feq.. Ilonile .J, H. (Csicî2n ldgte Croç)li s .q, 7.,.m toJssc foctanfen, Eeg, mi. P. P, AJam llrowiî,Ee, chd Joson, q. Jaiet For Inrher lifonadoii, pione cati t te Collae' or Rend for estatlorite and circeler, ie- cloitiglettti titp.Aira BitYAS tr, STItAI'Tt)N & DAY.> D 0C Il0R , 1) A V I SI of a Plvate Nature, lissoti aio, uitcitîI Ato Oe cre qf Bojy lles ,ls're(I t if attet form isetucflic e-erel <ten'ant.cd b' lu)Is pe. enirprcs- o lari its * i ittî et-e imed m hfrffm zIl 1, dAy. Seonedart- mlçînpttll., I.rtecotltl by Fsl îcetiy plîvttei.u ýitu slircrae, " i efectteal- muidicitis su-uitto unynyprt o! tle caitrY 0o, mc- tee . tl ofe J)mtoW-os dle se nith tlu i 1tsis -r,-î.ihlieu uîttloo .i an inrrangcd ïi i .slu! for 1rtients to trc w!iei i'ittnuile f5kIIlîe..if uY miil, SI Dr. Davis' Fremte Mouuelut PiLUa. A an!e uaît reliîll@ rami-atir for aî,t-nt(n cd Female Dea~'.Price,$1. S,iuul te sty cd- iiiese they coniaituareitaia or poetoga 5tilietomueit bc ,ea,(etpi, 4. Devis, lN. D., Toru o,C. \V., aîîid coltin a Ptitaze stemp If ait oû uer lStreqeireti. offioe lumrfoturlt-o8 ' eÃŽ) P .. -Yro-nte, Mari- t, a, -12 1> SCOTTISU VOINxCILÀ Incorpora-ted by Act çf Pailiamenit.- 1Capital One Million Sterling. Iiivested li canada $400,O0* IB»OFF[CE - IQTEL TATF (0F ItljMtUM ecryodettte anti R -Ul beeà r feLOrehle Comparison es'it7 tbai adptdb> tit compatieF iii Caneada. Con- d itionn a sdUgtitiiaaaeuslylbta Assnmttiitçt i syçtoîtp,,l olerbîses'tt- ActUOna os ettd s rc-foeeii4ito ict land. MEN ÂCNEW. Whitlbi -.-. el CANADA h 17 sL Lfor iltng an cinai best. turving tiorues luas tote the fllow- ýj-jST REcEIVED AN 488oRTTEIqT WITII IIELS-, FOR DAWCING- AT BAINS. WllbFeb. ,15 6 flic1n4 40 CENTS -PER GALLON 1 GOOD ROCK OIL et the aboya priS n t G;EO. Yb-LIIX J. Io Barrelsrie-Clas Just reccircît, wiiesalacd Reluit, cleea t GEO. YL' WlI!thýy, Matrci 5, 1862. MONEY. etuipe of Yartc,.0t)itaini, nr.d lot-I.Applyto JOIIN LEYS, lluimtar, Chorals kit. lI-IlitTor-onto. MESSRS. CARI) &HAWKE9 DENTISTS, DUNDAS ST., WHITBY. BG u toeienthe lnhuubients of tiisToit-s an eusit-rotnuing oenntt-y, tliet tiîey bave enoreaitin Co.psrtict-slip !u theo Dental Pro- fessionu. sei l bl htappy te attendt ta Il or titraentrsîteitothuait-uit-.. Tectilu isrrtetien on<ld, Silrer tam Velcunuacî rliehr lisse.1 Teth f-i llted or cxtiucteinf Ilie beat possible nuer. Partitiiitr attetuinp id ta the rcgnilateu of Clildre't Teetti. Al c-ek we ruiiteî. W. il. CAR). (G. 'W. IIAWKF. 4 FE1Gtss c secrqu asire-l hue F. enisituice tuf aiotteer, i ic-t otcn-et inii tthe p-er.on f HMr. ticirie, whlom 1 take pieannro le iitîmuduiciuug tt tlusiioy frieds uhe lierae hutîset-tgivecettoc iheir support- . Ilulas anme' wt-lt racosesenctie, =cMluesbia ilanex- yue*rhiuoe c f <rt-r >sean yers lethe professioni te. the City of Tort-cený u . rt--u dirg coune- try. WiVtlî thâiks oa fi-lsr lversA snd a e ns for thea oattnuaîuoe of the sauce in tîne te coina, 1 bcg te cmiii. Yuuireobatilotîr. W. Hl. CARI). Wilutby. FCate. 25, 1883, JTbD ONIOVANt WAL.lF's ýuCO- :e' RAS REIMOVED TO FOR»'S QLI) STAND,.Z DUOCK STREET, WIIITJIY. 131AS on lunnd, atnd imI consta 1 tly mani1ufacturing Cuttors, Sleighit, Buggiers IL & ., of the latest st'l, and Iotapm v pttri, frera the beat maten- aIand chn'icest workmen; and hopes by strict atteiltion te buflinessho imenite a sbare of publie patrornage. 0:>A fewgood seconld hand COnters on hand. STERING GOODS4 SIIUNlG Goose Just receiyc<l, a good ug~ortmnft of,- HATS, BONNETfS; 4liOWE{S'.IBOS SIIAWLS ANI) CAPES, al very niée lot. of iEt~~X 0f ail shades and quaý,lit.ies. Ilies low to suit-the times. Çiyi-Please give a cal JAS., MCCLUNG & Ço Wilki Bson's B'lockz,,Brook -Street, Whitby, April, 1863. Seois! Suds! Prime Olover& Timothy Seed, V IJOLESALE & RýETAI. AUiliKINDS 0F I1I.PORTED' QÂR -, ~DI PER EX. STEAMER 'iNOýlirTUAMER-ICAN, AN.\OTIIER LOT OF Towe o)fWIîV.V.Ternes li M 0%"x 5aairy lmeitl.ÂpplY to- lu!lqgT LAWI1<7NCJE, Whitbv 1P. O or Oa ige M? oicm fce. DRY FEET. JIAT (-nse -rimre 0 eetIel t- pliw li-,lth, tliae the kecpi tige ito" hine bl! "ctllii4t fte fsnbi.hoir tutti." it hu-oeuaritton tIlineirh OM drOeieutb>- niet enlia Ifbaýct. Thi'assp elecially tba,asss wviti Luir'uh iin slemp anmointtweatli8r, vritu'ren t il lîht choes, whcli s'nxuitcd te' utnt the wù' iai ctîtretale the litat in ltae liasg previdtud tlie c-nly tafé e rnuedy. HI btt lit Ilus extensive BOOT ANI)SHOE l s t ilalîmntf, ieuelart otst>ck tf IlnO6tuu 1Sluoeu.>ct Opa id un Whitby ; eubrciÇ Ladies%, Mens', Womens', & hidren S", uit on-.ýAaulîy tow Pricc%. The werk l1-pt-i 'ipall>y mo.de aipupnder bie tir spîu n i tige preMiacaý, nioai ho ig.l rccemtrI,en1desliti eve-v rsi'pcet. - Aý 1),ul i5 siellciu.nt te . ipt'ialf cot,e rs lyjier-i!thinc-e, bs-t setre luir on ntar te le tluc ptirolhîtr aci Rot-î tncd Shoote; WILLIAM BIIR?,S,- CA1lwQ;lbeý Jllck, - Brook Strpat, WILLP UE)ICAL IUALL e.~, l'tîi * t> t;,ý i 150 bushels Eai For -Suial' y tli aritisle America ssuAaerant eCc TNCOEPORATED ntier ali Achofi I. eeion e! the £iarenth Provini- iment ef [IppeTCeaada. CAPITAL £100,00O. irmsiraiiaêe eeletat ce Buildidngs contenta. Ever>'l"iutionlo ppli plication itnn'ldecsitgneti. MaleRcufortlioîrasSolior fot- 'JOHN AG Traverl gentt, lverouo 5trs. GEORVGE CORMACI 1.1, -an- T a ice ile~ novice amet ! e plasa fi peower of eau Ona Vouces t üt- MZRONS 1qurigp ws or Sittinr i, 13. P oerwsCe ,Wity ir pi.s,. npply to the under, iedi JoniN KT Whlitby,1 April 14, 1868. 14. Imm * Sec(Isman, No. 4, Laings' Building.,;. FAMMY 1 l WIJITBY, April .87 w-ý-