Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1863, p. 1

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VOL. Vile atIverllstts by igemeuta mitaI A.S DOW, m anager. .Ass WORKS. XAVDOIf lx~, TTOKNEYS AT ýLAW, iuty CouinciliOtlo.-. DARTNELL, fieover e. . Grfes k Street Wbîtby. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ht Regiqtry Office, Brock q r SAMPSON torutys, Soicitors. &o.. ru -Assnuane Bnfildingg OC. W. 1 J. A. SAI[PSONt. Pli. 9 AR,) mine; lrock IAT ro »S C. il ~ tive , vtnc< tvér tIte inA tise llo0ttih, v RAAVE eerr.No' '-1,AW, leh VARS & PETERSON, RACTICAL DentltsQihbawa, fýP Dent*] Remua, dlretiyoppo. site the post Qmee-Et'anoe on BlScot Strto't, third door uorth of the Ontario Ilsui. 47 W. H1. TREQEAR. tTrEACliER of tht FiEINClI LKNGUAGE, .1. (neMd on thee-tinent o f Eunre,) wil vigil Whjultby nun Mondays aud Thnirstdasy. for the pnirpoe'gv.tg instrctioni lu ttbialove 1 WFor tcrius sppiy et tisi, Offce, or at the ]Royal Rotei. GLOBE HOTVEL TIIE nheve wtil kuown, nId etablished liotel and p"tiniiete hpetu pnrebaaed by tht aebmcribcir, wbtrt ha vil altay*be fret nd onu bad rendy te ttent peooally 1t) thé vante cof hig eca c The prcmimee bacbeau tonven.tutly ,mpd ceinfortilfttteti up;zpaintedi. papereui, &o. witit citer 's of aoft water tr-e, wsta né( every> inoiler imprnvemet te mette tht Traveller n hme idnr Y% ic taý, and the Table bonntil-i If suppliari et ail limeq.. Notice to Farmers.and Others Liquior* '%slad and Retal, Morton's Fau.l.-ý Iv r f. b' galion or harrel ; bMcNasuhton'e t4ienl<,vit, o. l. H4%pltr's Extra Rtctifled Whiktv,de o. beet Par. Sherry, eud eznaiek< Brandy for the sck, with à liet et Miquersand i ('iarsof the l'est tiroudg. Ittentive 0Ostier, ntiHoeasto [lire. A. AL1EXANDER. Broolin. Jan. etb.- 1863. 4 BROOKLIN MDIALHALL, JOHN DAWES, D 'RUOIGIST & Aobcrac e.Brouok- lin,iC. W. 1repriptioai -%mirtlv ern- peuniiet. DruatOua anti Medicine* cievcre dneription. 4A-iv (IILL9 DAVID DIBHOI., IASTRETTIA-UCTTONEF.R, heg* te inferm tht înihahi- A tanteeof Ontarle andi Durham Centitsi, :t, 47utr e tahais preparcil te ittend .AES u u -ct. With. ~pat hese eutlesp. Alil rrlers left n't, es reidne, nU Lot . ',.34, in the th e<cemselo 5W NE of Darliugtin, wil bo punuctuallv attended to. rRtSN\ ATTOR DanrliiugtonlqIovetuber, 182. 43 0 ' d to thm r,.eis ------ lmeser-. bt'her. HALFsWAY HOUSE, STOIIN WELEPIOPRIETI>R,(SUCCF- tisN.moer toR. P. Cark.) ThdWP tace% te the' NE;rY AT LAV' te. Whithy, C.W' s A cE Om 0usEP, ck Street, Whitby X<LA IIILLER, sAAc FEnToN, nntMiîoR l'Proprietor. Offlciceal û('htSLtIefhtle. IEST Witflt sund Ilqnom', auparmor aeom 8motastti for trave' ers; goed stabllng andl villhiga of Beavcr- att*ntive liosttit. I andi Connty oft)n. 40 AL 810 ; 4 0O'lVL. tI$tu5 ei itç,v rrai'. w"TA .~-~ Proprîctor. 1%niil1u, Dhnutia EAST WINDS8OR flOUSE, WITËY, 42 *i. cuaru.orltmTct. ýriEab0t'lot,41 gle anuted lu ap!caittntand iNWÃ"», LrO.irdp-t of tht Towu, euth. front rond. SOi~CtTO INGoçýacconiodMatioti far tliàelerm. Oood ic. Citveýaaoer. Stablhg and wteliivt e tre. '22 lue 'itrb i d. 4Q. ----- A - - -, INGS *0 doors vet ni'f Yw m. ino'. 1uAT t.A. ,\sVasel t a tIea itsIv hmt.> b0 l i w hitiy,-(..W.-. sùIL eei oel IlSie veoalril Brook-t, Wbthv ,ervacotmdaitin te t ýQ trâ%-tlliirüpulic. L BROWWX, it1tnt, Lnnd, Dlvi Actait ail 4en~fl Agnt. lEsibteeri'ber 4eetreia to 1 ferSR Itri *di àt,ZÂriy oppoite sud ,tua traveling pubie,lVint liebase- le bisceei, vmtiidandti feriebtd jh e11 tud tOhÏ a l o fnerlv oCnpledbý Mr. Atki1 e sudl 82 thet th,- travelling éemlunitv ill 4id nulio- ffiL, ~ ~ ltblann eninl lid with vrtiznqe ' l®aninisxlisier In Q. mou.Godtain tiarnisie utt It.'tti on the mont spot. - .01 WCX. renans U1,II0NHOT *L Y ~,M. D. COCJNTY (IAOL, 4 ONi AND ACCOIT- ENIIEEtt, AND .I¶D SURVËýYOP-S. 4.tc,(Ion¶'eysia iS dra*ux iip. Wld htailttllt lands for M. -À~ MIANCHIESTERL, BEACH. (lal P. ns&ÇIeL T 1118Snbabi eontrnlvsitaited i psea ovcrv .soomuodat*cu. It hbeahou ncslY fitted 1-P aud renovated. Beat vines, tiqiots, ant iZelgr. 27 ' Iroprietor, E j'ASI! IiIARKET SQUAR, TtSEONTO,- E J, SMITlI, Proprieten'. Excellont acont- moula11tion. REvory attention psidto te acomtort ef traveilW.' i CANTON HOTEL, lUlFTNS CItFER PICKERING. GUIID W. CUTIIEUT 4s-811aProprieior. -"11TSTREIET, near the bMarlet. WM. fOWEB, 1rnpMiter. Belietilida Oct. 29, 1861. 42-ty MANILIeh. 1OUàÉ - .~NO. 23 As ha .ntered thé LGBoe ha met iber, brots- er for thse fi( « tre. He marltef that the masmeditr*uýc4 rpred te ste hlm, Sand thtbhetnire d white by,tuot, itumer. until ha bailtimt re over ilueif, bul OOMMEÈCOIALki4oTrEL, tisock ffmm à, 'r,*T c OMM-ERCIAL TRAVELLERS :vill llnd it 5.ouvnaututAtoprnt nttis behas mthey C er rmthe )Rgigter -Bnok kept at the L.thse reo tlten hv thaln predeoasxn%. Thei. prputer takas 'thý% ieo to ethauk hi@ nuernunsptrns sufd friande othe haliber- ai patronn$m betmoveul on hlmm ince tise com- mencemnent eof blisbusiness lu Whlthy. Good Stabln, and Attetiïe Ctlëos, WhibyJan 153, -tf be -RUSSEI'S JOEL. QUE BE C. RJE iundelraicned Proprietore ft or t4sboué naimAcfi gTE, hercsmiretfully ta suprize titeir friends umnd trom. thftt tbey hav9tho- ronghly ronovnteithc&relamidv g the whnler, whieb tuableg îbem noit' rfer te fhl imr orhe.snitht e lrlture; ,.nd.the Tm- VAIlirnr Pebllc annerior accomsmodaton. ln addition ta the sphrtinantg thev hitýi ls Win- ter.,r lin bve nw larien. an4BoPd-r"inmg î a larme h;"nme ucmr tree ilotel. whiob. forcnmfrt sud conv»"i.inoe, orec uusurptseas*Iret.he City. WI.L RUSSELL & SON. Northern Rotel Cannington. Viht noremating hnaineps it thç tabowe aver aby klnewu botel, bas renflcredlt necessarytor dlonc e nte o a id h a nt.sd uade oither tlterctýn,. ditndIprovèmenti.t eteurTe %tili fiirtb..r the. enfort anoacacormmedatlon of hl iz tutg. Thr. table in awrmy provided with the bextilu aeaen,ald nn but ttobesthrmn)de of Wi.%l,esnd i9unr* kçrt n'the rremiace. Tarotrekeepera s'-applied wholeale. Cive a Cali pe von pest. Dol, the rpnownmd Oetier. always lu1 ttend- ante, aqsatoted te' Diok. te taire charge î,fteasms. JOHIN WARD, >proptietor. REVERE 11013E, T r t'.ce'-iber bege tea nunnue tei tbe Lpithtt, ami partiinlirl v tn the travellilne eeanmuuitv, th t phaitas peneil the alioya ex- len- ace . ansd eve,-v attention uaid te attentive Omtiera. The Bar supifli cd with bestý Whiuemsud Cigare. 49-y Prepietor. To the Travellinit Public. EIEeb,etiber havint easad q(ltht Premi- T"xiateiy neunied hy T. Eneligh, lu the Village f Fpmntn, ÃŽud having ftted thora up luoc Ind la, e repareil te sccenuodate ail thoet whe gSive hl1m a cal!. Ht Intandet krepiug neothing but TUE BIEMT OF LIQUOffl kàCIGARS &dbs"cltwlll be fornlehed triti' ail tht delicaclem of the atasen. An attentlye 0,,4:e alwmysA on i. Tbeao who favor hlm wlth ai CRU] mu iv uponi h.nz 'imfortàbiy -Sccei-ý modail;d aiwallattende.d te.11 JORN HAMILTON, Proprieter. F.pem. iav, 85C.19 WQON'S HOTELI1 Ar. va tint te dicter i tee l-Whaî love, nt paintr'a esXelis as tuaInfant, dears- Po, thé m"ees hy '9. C. UPrIftIAY, 4 legtnïna mrera, Pmua NetblP; C.rcut4"gentfree. 2283 13RITISII REVThEWS4 lf oniso'these reo id é i - Tins EDNtitURoU Rgvrnxw(Whig). Tirs Noans BxITnI.s1Rstvaw (Vre biireh) Tias WEtixisvm a RzviSw (Liberai. BLÂClcvOODm EDINIiUwsor MÀoaizin ( Tory) Prime stut Iob. i.creaged Postage to b. reàd*d I Thse pricta viii bca asheretefore, vii: PEU AI;NuIM. For any ene of the fonr Reviae....$s3 0no For ati v , cf thtfour Reviewi4', ... 5 M1 Fer au! Ibret oftba four RevIews . .. 7 M4 For il four of the gaevieal".......... ..8 0 For lckwmolÇhta4ilne ............ I tO Fer liackwood andl ont Raev ... 45 m For Biackwoo0i Ani two Iteviewi .... 7 0 Fer Bl"ctçvoo sud l hrte Rtvitws . i 04) porBlackvood anithe four Itevlawsx... 1if)1e Postage for the 4sciIû evaPriodfieslsonly' fitty-ix centRa - Jr,e LEOkAÏD SCOTT & CO., ce the erri- la Coloed -Rings, )98-Go1Isud Aluminn motsuted. 1%>) emLrEiEWA IVHI8. lie% a~na Gants (4o14 chai.-iq PI*tad «Q..LD' BROOCHIEs Of extra qnullîy. 4 1hd Steel j3robehim. [la woid tita hoehas zfcw adledto bissteck tis & Beos eî~s ceérreet, as u nniislever Id pflýe ofore Churged. JAMES JOJý§ioSTON, Watchmataerasnd JewelîJir, E ~ROBSON HOUASE- "AndM Ir.S.,T1hope ht 'Qwré» And, th1oîghiLe lires me, han<iY1 licn eyer ew droitsin th tnp; 4ed-The botti for env brandy 1 ~ceme, es St.-I long te heur Asustltidaqrage; Yt 'y Conté, cf conrse, te sphnd thé- Mi.-Th.ua5na2,5 he uar tht caruisdt I Whmt, mat yen go I-nett timil 1 hope You'Il Rive me long e assera; N'I t ghail seet enown theaslairr,, Mt nitucmuon pessure! tU"ed blei1 G6d cbyei1 remember, Rail, NeCxt tue Voil talke yonir Jinflerq Aij#ýNg-Da&4, md 1m 'Wtt a' bou,, llu'b teskilners 1" loitine A talc etmtIiIa'y lirfe; aoec srange influence; poule it haî~e"'1 bieen a ferewarning of this eriice youbeln have rende-ed Il near 'Say no more of thgt, igueretts, t thu .t acolt ofunocarm te me.' 'True, butyet it mlghtbhave boet;.lt muet have beeu a brave mnu vi single- nîl'y isauded wiUl attaek two deMarate villa- ait must be a ooward tisat void net do me.i as muet>. beuldep, mgnretta, flgbting lammib my trade, yen know 1 amn a soldier.' ai Yoor mette sould be lu future, pro- I tectînu te the ladies; yen set unest uebly bie E up te it' i1 t Yeu are cemplmentary, nay aven flat. Jawf teriug, but 1 will tbank yen; your words snild, repty me doubly for any stight exert1n r"1a rny have made.' a Lieutenant Paras. feit his cheeks bbons an with plasaure, et thea wonds ef Isabella;- oer strange that mh ise d uch fminating pcv-07.i ar over hlm. "1 eauneyëer loiea ls nid Pria( he te himself. "yet _hew singularly 1 anm Si ket~ A Loi'- DUN oesSuper Phosphate of Lime. nale A standard fertilizer fer ai] l el anel gardon ir etp.For WuyA-r andi for Tarus ila Fs pa- th, t =,,.,;,iy valoable. Tht Phosphata causes crpm thsej te Mtura frotntten te tvcntv days cacHer tisan lnensi. Fhna.rt>y il. ýf r a enpply of tht article and for circulars et iufmrtatien, &c., appltn to ClitESTER DRAIPEi. W 21-8m Whlaby. - THE OL» STAND PFnR EVER. >The prnpri etor ofthe old extlablimeel Y ONTARIO HOTEL. nnonca fortnerly lies limoen h' O 1 A FcY1Tr'T'1r'C't'.' -U Qz'144, -Bay 1'treet Toronto. kt n Acb - ------------- _______________tite bar. MALT VII4ýEGAR. Gond Stablian Carful andrte iALT VINEGMqan.nU lba itaaiialsrge cittailde the prenu lit orausalîquntltitsIfsthe Whitbv l3rewt3rvr. Wbltby, Ja.pllw tIT YlEl, i1KrSS 8AT j. À. C1ftrkýjs it Prite ?ktste iâ sec y T yr,ýou dextre a dOifeet and lfè-lke Atbro- sas ire 8o T-n,4e,C i Lkeieo1iinàrkýrunor Tbleuiga- 'RiiZ rf . . .eau do tintebeRt 1t , b olig - sud ~ ~ ~ i ni btltnt3c. The~ ~î~îso~ iiock t4chtd te the ns 89Êoc S .ge 3hrQ, .tiiar- are asiii.d - an excellentwel uoù1l9OX oiuou,. - table a IL a e - aanvc propetly1 $5 Lafe oflntêrnatstla,t elua. proprtor 'un~id Nertis IÃŽritlsk andi Mercantii Pire & Wie Insurance Coiù4y. Wbsitby, Sept.?1, î PRED. TAYI A pictiful table i. alar Pro- heut cI cv.ery-tbing lu tue mer- corai, a:t ibe bemt-IýquoM 14snppsSeI at 2g -nd anmpleShed Ro>êp. 20 osPetfc Atteudaneinslcde anA - Bobo (istier," aacson baud. et thn QI& Stand. C'. DAWEB, Peree. SE TOLXT. Tiha 1A T deeirghic; lIrpt-daas two n Ornth .rchiti scted lupt4i Me vunzo av îlf thp flou,4A. A

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