.,,Ç~ 'M~ smi~1~C Ito- OO R J.Wiso kbeforc supero uur ar e ' n. mau ste for the eettnie poor t Oa"'edcfo litf sOo. R. IC ounsel P. istt,)I9y,,at it>oiituter, a9e ilso l o e iuc> t a e a re e t reiO d A: i bttoripsy for ,4èf e nt. nd terri fie gag emnen tof rhieh h . i b U i ;certaintMti xlpalities, Ti.seiatyfr one institution to dict j9p, plaintiff$7.I J. Wilson ti ime Winchester ires sttarcked infrn , tI 11, Jh Macdoeeforfor défen- mep for the collection of might b. ent la also tuocli Ipt sud an lu- f tlt~J .~4cOl>fr4forp- uner tien. Ewell1thésco fSoe hlpa and acboot rates, dustrial farrn iu conueetion wtli the Houa. sut. wallJacks.ka Th troopi that modte t. troresçh (Corporationl of industry would in the opiniouof yoer Gillsoun on. <4Alin.-Verdiet for plaintiff tack at Berryvil.e arcu reported lo be nndei, r alt.ered iu suy partie". Committee afford mch a place. £41.312s 9d, 1-1. J. Macdonell for plaintif; lthe inmand of (icn.Trible; a phirtiforce, b irprybln s each It appeara (rtm the returua madeinlecon. Deft. lu persoliéaftcr tbis enconuter are said te have cap- AÉT]i PISIOS- fueda detnchuiont of cm men stlBauker ol l à e stecrk formity with the> stattute th&% $882 vas ex.-_ IjilI antd thon inovicl on ri ètsburg. At _ Smay irequire. peuded iu the yertr 1ýG2 for thec support of C 8An nan.-'ThS wa at4ap .pm in h> ~i1 Iig e ol dated S tatutea t e po r lu the C ou ty - an d 'hich a o i g st a e dcmioT 1 n A w h al r. e strg, viicy e 45 ded fbe- utt 11Iéeary gl'éà the power out wmllin'all probabilitybe sxinually in. Go. had nii edforu Ilin ' iqu " onfor the. -f- ienad hildren to leave ttown. Xlo I' poratiolu eauthurise by creaing. SunIay,. Conviction qunsýeiïi~iji xcoAW i. en* Tyler whro ctouumancu st irtîig- Pe E. ,.fl..teà tlLhUZ'j u IraI, a lo o 1- bio n'Qf tiflOaflerlb. fweyer désirable> you oimtOE .jý son fr lpeant. .' . urg, refuseti to surr>idt>r aud au artillary eseah year, for tht> re. migli deem it ta commence a u institution 771M Qieeii rN Ia rr.-hr ee fg tese i ure u svn l 1ýol hoécllIover, esr nomto u eeec hrt Oor obtiting bgttd tor hiiislf aud Hstper' erry sud Msrllfl5burg sud wvhat l th whoé cet ceRaryinfomatin, i réfrenc t ien froxu WVilliam <JCoe, an nukeeper t toccu .4 aller shisia uonnow-A L1ýatll e, nt which th. local col milliers iludesirable toi take auy, other Duffins Crel uniider flse1rlî08 u a ~pà ra' ucett etr h~~eY u gIy o ,4 treturned Io telclaeaa rsutjnt u~avor teoobta- ithe allier for obltirtg thesanme froirt Ja'. day, thé roait of mhich ls unknown.lb lier that time b. hefore, lu ant-i lace lu ýossessiou ot ibils Coua11,Totterdale, Inulkeeper at Port Whitby in d jqaw Xoà *, june'l.6 thé lorld pnnls-t'ibe- C"ho; 9B1akT e,4.a d 5-l. 'Do>ibe ineaiiyear. facto urfreO ulstt aoi fte1k.mne.The prisouter, irbo bas s folowing (romit.Svnll eus e 3 of cap. 21, 18 VicI. Iiat uow lu Opérationi. AndI witb tbls rallier re.qîcctnkblo app)caranCle,waS eng-aged of Junc9. -We are lnforuied by a gentlemani i fSec: 104, Cap. 15 view it la recommendeti that thé. nembera tîî u.5ts 0t~ ffo ilaug lic lc olf e ~ U>tiaiberallà aucceedd uuhgMessrs. tisys , Ia naOsccoeded lu "crus Leeo Hmltn&Roet.w, a I eo f U p e f t h i C m ftt o0 0eav r aons d T o lt e r d a l e t b o a r d is u o ni y r - s i u g B ig l a c k r iv e r a b b y a m a n c e r e d e - [ L t o a m l o2 3Rb e t , ~ee eComeut tht ue luthemaunr l '~ich ncbjuattatonSpreseuting tliseifas wealthy sud the ceiveil th. Féderais Who Coucetrateti thel Fmiy ror including the detailed ace- are cauducteti anti wiiter thoir estalish- oFarofitlagelade popclyluElIo. oresfo animc at atak roi lm anti exj>eutitureofu 1862, meut aud umautenauce is atteudeti witb Whoun fie lnd tiru buils witl ibte une lu suèceedcd lu reinforciflg the garrisoti of juzpîP4 L86 jiumuahi of the present mauch expn se, or miitier tbey mugtnloer$0,sd theIer $00.Ilie Vi _Fur with afrcune 5O>1 bo renim to eIfut i,,andI forwartI cooly jîîforiuerl thetu thrai; 1le wa8 Worth %V lker. iglsetal rubmitted. sncb informiation tato iîs Coucil for 15ioifthiti)g îu inviigsold his tirutier hai li orFleaGnrasaekOW.# J, A) PRR, uidauco fafuuesssu.n1sî f îu nu u o ff ets ounmtîlch kleaniaogthem Gen S urDn..... ~~ ~ I> Ai bc srsetuysbitd tii.'couald f r i.rtheirdeblit. Thejîlry -TheWTOrU .esys Lila Union desxp&tb - cliairman. ,lw c1i csetityalmitt. fourîd litai gýîity ou bail. inditbiments. . ;enrciltconflrtlig tl bsort>. 0-: - ns ~JOHN H. THOMPSON. ",tohnyatre ii lu a Vsbeen re, Jiv~lThf'l ne 57 oumtc Chairman. ippoi tell t. .J. Wil.ouî prosecatl. Jfr.1. ciel tolêgrain frontGn. Milm uoy «n3toney wijl be saved'by calliigc and purcha- cqpecting tl o eiiion otCmmte Room. [1. <JouIe defrruded. M. N. G. 1laiu, who receivei Whitby Julne 5 1 6. alto setQçI fur the prôtteculluna atviseil hue am art çofU my snhes 'rt lticoît aud"lie Ci4gecoure Of procedutre ukent. Sentence Peler- corumauti. The fo grtions aNince- ons tsa.Ti Ja l Couwrx PI&oIlLitv. . re('it mtil pc-v Sussions.-.1er mero lu-veste4 by abouit 11,000 Coufed- .e1itiouis outlb.ttevete nd Th. chairmati of uhc committie ' ou 7,14c rit. ,A'lly.-~LarcenIy. The crate.ç sud 20 pleces41f irtiley Tey ýP)C 2 3 > Bà - ne, hiu unîii ofi4yu Canty pi'operty madte cfollow:ug tre- prm"niou y0aug irl abolit fourleen y-aiscarried my out morks byX aloru' st 6ounA p , lim er 0h i ' it i t t ,nd r- Po t, which was d p8 ii t a iad f g 'î rc w ith steatlng several C;nday ve 1n . splked ailm y glinsofhA -r,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~-c un>ltIt ittuaoet mliga ofl lwcariug apre.SI.Sutay e, aud left ihm uy mh9le coin, otpersoaouilcuuîiity amisTtati;iomitehooCuuyplt!aded gîly- î to01unemonth i ind atone o'clock on M onday uioruing, ýjjL4This reeve of Sot, propery beg leave to report, lui4ai. liingiiig aIl My boies sud artillery sud îusttl larly. lt hhhseml mrenei5iio thielart jun onpr mas chargeed mith r(ceiY' mhelming Coufederate force mitli artillîtTy cae,1 ý1r drecmmened ý thir epor ofitg the s toiemi propoil)' itetitO1ttd abuve four njeathis ide >of Winchester enth of tiicmiîO> wil aa Iat, bave i neffectei lunasastis- ri. ,r I ltrknomiugtei < aistig 1-od at rad-pr 0pyb lt1e laitiunM. fcto'yv tîr-aridhave lîcen stolen. Sitematit> lret.- tlght out lnluu- gltro .W. A * dued Prices from this date. --BEg s ad1oîtediicuniltŽtt 2î ti 'I'hat i'our cuninittee have inspecte4tîy fr-e , llcai lier tongue sund tht> prose- mere pursued bv a largo cavalry force tii. ~ ~ ao I g~aiC ~ tc (t u d 5,,d l n teus*.tcatr carnte it for a Ito tigh ucrhailiug. wliicl piked iup a uambe- ut my meary'-A w tch Îlit hle i giest recomm e td tion it hmcsîî fo iiî.g it id--n e c d e o e b y ..TL i k iiv I s il n t e c e of Lk2, rpr, hc 0t)thij;ý.1 lied , %ouri&etIandd missing, ti a1ho i~ueîu Iat,'Cl eu tceçe.-C rricdf7'l*(kitvJAS. Miwn.LLreOu& I>rl i ird 'Th.eGa'tler bas rspreaeuteti ta ymr anr~' ttitt o taigabgo anIErpt tl); lrIsa., '42 Bei it. $714; cumnliee ihat i, woald lbe amalter of waî and1 cuat b.origiug i-.Igsw ~SlP Whih ilhof' $186 -, g to Cr. Bags i4t w yOl4zý jun 16' they arims det"Srij - îir lt $ St; greac nt' ne het ave a sidewaik con- . t Uxî îd01 a lt . Se î ti e u two scutia tiiTCi aI Ilils port na i 1110o ock . A t el a e an d .ra ;~ ~ $07 Fi: a idml n dha th~ee pro ourttuot$iide nThe Lark bienIllock, BntoLieStrelet, d AS. McCLUNG &ao nd Hats, Rîbbo L 4j ibi; 1(>v wý Sev ralparieseer br tig t tp c arg ll ail <taboardtwotuo f the ucw of the baik it l-i. loîi rsî,aîI su poo i th ;sve 1rti es mere a mo it lttpeirui l. n riei IlVeP O lu s nTikingu, V i ii tui-etîIf ti oiitcstothoiyuut i on li 'ihtiianuctot is ciThe l't> lltnettf. theIl liaor,. to-t ye Whitby,Jâne, 18631 Mn.<~1y tt'eh rtai,0e0 tire llGa msol urpotlitestar knit, îyputitg<îtîe tieeon '!t Fnnaare.r-he, attn.___________ _____ _______ un vttotl metiiit-it m-dttt-o!opinion that the Counq shouiti protide Couru leIt tein tolic tiscliirgen T1'lh.egltip Ontfrain 9.baughai for t t i c i t o f' 1 e 1 , 1 1ý-i n n . . na m s fo r i fs c o s t r c t i o nu - t l d w o n d a g r e t2- in g lI n n u to v e ut h e b i l t d i ng s . w y o , w s c p t r t u t I d s î y d '.1,ligi4 .abott he stutti ltaby tlFoii l nt.II A I II [loitilrf seomodta héCut n. cutatîjumeti. Il. ~ ~ ~ ~ g îîgiî,~ >, te oe cum ta t he ' c donc.~ - C ut t itsnsspected htit the Cotifetuate 2 1 W lb f un ai ý1Nl; AN Picerin 'rwushCanniricl.. Â~OStielwt "ie ' o- i mn.tob dn. IkriutTWmh1PCliei teamer. Lord Udia erched by or flJ.fI.1IUiI.i.I..1 : 0 1 t t h ai rîi , lîfi i t ý 0 I ati ut:tSAItuEi)Ày, Jaue Slie . 3h, 1863. If adl.Nothiiug cnt-bad a A Tc,ias, ]3re utthseurtilhaCvr lieli aCtiiilisecîeg dmfo the Bitorporation>OlliofmoheT utitltueaIth wîoc s oi ouîhihe t'Thorîiforathe o eýbutsedran Tîte Cnîîand'iî eprCon1îonatioîi redagainst Tic-,Oo ating BTweed ulrogi icyrdo fuehckuphns I Pckerlng. nmet aI te Ton uItlIl. parnu-thieacareit ana caitu made for telemagesa %_ -- f J ng >cemmittceen ou asts antti ea urtot. i-uur Cenuitti recommeud at, iu bau 'nrnuicut. Thec steatuer sailiedthe Instattthe search 1___ ~Thoy wpul4 t1 t u r e p o r t . th e i n q u t lie g r a ti tI , p r o v id d it , l ain m t- ei . irn t. i l a ig t , M C r e ig it , w m a o e r .I L à 4 ïuw i w bave hall Ibîfonc then e tioise itjuretpolt rtic Wirrd. n rl Wjxi. VIntelts F i rosýr.CafodRÉAI 00,e14"Llç n k r, p-5t h nder eniy.eacue it'd. -tis of 1hst ncetiog i-cndand ant ,k- lu ifue lionfodmoaMi- Ca ngad ery erifedbyth Cmiymadeiangenothe ie shooner Vlo'tî i side lnebetwt ei 1mpty b icCut aierroveti ak. f laa n' I'm ill b'dthbîcu ,enu Lots p o c t F ngntr AiHtClL O O !, lu tule 3îd, -ilt, ith inatt601i, yeir coumittet havec examine4 camefauhy: eti pit-,peseiei tEiýb o l<,iic a el wu e4 atera, LT0 eedç n -~an otits tefr-îr nyu or aito -Henry But- tn. Matturtilast Jtîlyhy -a Federaâl criiisen, Townsii o! Scotît. atd belie. ue o hicorr'ct, inîd won ttîlti cn , ) iin jtglt blrec . M te1 lra tiîilKyTIIS E TLolpa> ve oosiver ilcliiied recoin. coimenud thtt'pa,m ,nitlîcnctf.-i'ig 01 '1 Pviit,u tnil tihins Pnaying tvest. eiice Of a flr*st-Cl g un 'ng uoft h lb pry n uf hie Wnu..Burter $53,9.5 ;.JohnuSulivatn $1. turaid w . Ira iidn0 ly 1r ls ti i.L y r 'i 1é u. o n ov do d r , n y r 50 li S.- pmeh $1669;Gibua Ont ioion tM.W nua BY-iatw a stateent hihhati not beau -pi-oed ' n aines1 Coboiurg Challies, TiSSîÙeS and MU")îlns. style oi'f fâhin. C mlnnittpe haveexatiîtid Tamolt & <Co. 101,016 -,John Bell $2,50;'Was issseti ppoiutittg Jtîsephb Bell, uand lardti mich i etlialsle hto. doubh, aml, tg accoaintht ati ecomuica tu m.Datkley $48,25; Alerander C. James l'eng, ovricers a! Iighuwayit. uhat the vCitittl ias seized in lu exlan rs tI MmiiII. Mc Kay, sahar) as W'lie'n $9u,50; James Bain$13a59 -- i.Mc)rigtmouve. - lb t tii. hoeIc waters. 1ihe prize coirt dècidil lb.th t >r a i t te N a n i - w s , s u u d r i e i & , À b r a t n u L o - dat u n t b s r0, 3 0 ;1 r T e !iC .c r IW .s s l C a r db t r Ilepaîr9 on h'idea; Mn. George Yuuc $19e40 ;-Total 48G,6.j it to:eQiu5 arie. r aupl)'iuug lrtdlthere merc aufflicint jourtilds to ar+AtLiepoMak ut1i .oncl Tis fii.fnai o;ctaaOsTht>0111.Y courre> for thc Per -cent lss tll théy cà n ho hati elsewhei'é iii Towtt. Alsc>, w'itby, May i9. etis iiis1ieuing sad letiig Carrned. -gent 1î.tins lu t"oýj,, as ,pur or. thi e uOa b esl nt eoait yMtn.Paxtuon, C., mark Al aof wicb of ne jueiful)' sultmitted. Win. , iîk, -4$1.> Ir) ;jAi Duii-, f,r imu-ue, r wsLu tpi) t ohe eUnitedi States S. t)i 5cvîtoý Lg $57 7,T. P. WHIITF. futf'luh exper tu f \Vri 1LO o tîik $ 0;Suiri(-court. 2000 yards StripdSitns ie* o!ý tii Bh " 15 0 . irtuan.i La ce'of [l a is'. W o rgi, am - c.lte ta~ t r fli o n i) TIiup -y ard s ik i ,'s, uis tes of!acati;v r(unue timon ' 'tCar o tai. 1i0 yards Tc-ns comtiec 1Honni Dot, bMin ii roksLei i d 't u'ngta oîhe-lrlhitbS vinycunt- 50 -De OU 1.'lls apmut'C'.Lehpor ai i m i d tsa yards beste Bitis Gontstnii i.l teaiteuu it i a eu l Con. ul fh 83.Bo idlu Mis', . , -lîrdinu' $ '87 ohi n fr 'a50ia- dely aselu a d, 1 nour Co -Jî - t 1c.MCunana ký, u i 0; un r P 1t T, he BraziIiiau Ilinister -bad letI Londont 0 a ds-Gaîni ros, niaied Iiein a-no:.- ttt to l -. 7h rluo elltg ie"cu'a 1u f-'000yiçsGvti)o)s 'Y a qlt%,v, it e dvtttageS atd To puiy t% - I'arInk $IN s btda N itfb; u uhHltofr ii.Gei huoOP-tceWltti u ryCton,&. o ty, )! a rouît tougiht iis Gian. Cttit"xitO &C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I-i T.bcnela o-liucej.mwue~n~ 0 e 1y u-c"rner, for titNir is. Tike, *$4 0, poIers sud lie Datilsh <iîlmiOti-l tAlo hohwsprhsdpio otegrtaJ.n udto, o fpeadubc under the A tîîior zing utheo arde tf laproceOti - lt e aMr. oixssd o e h t t e ec e taeiq iy a o.1;t1.0o h n lo a ilb o d a l a t 2 e e t c e pe h n p e e tp i e C om ue ttet . ou ime f ?artaua tituî b c aut o biset t u r est ag luat the oi- S axon 15 progress ng , o a h yuur~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ Qetirtt opniu fotr ait munes n- îeio. a e1-S c e aA-)'Stni atd, ICummiltt olialorctitig- b0tvernuutieit lu ascertain by a 1paldti l te>trousur er outhIis î,mtshiip upinrsas uinllO-laoeunip ia dep, usio h lc oimttd hy hm ie u-ey tt u tlault f eau thIle fli-t dy tfJir m W-a-iii i n rlomal e a t i n vitb aio inin lufiott W A N E - QFris odTte . H . - - o!?ahitxitt aet (ntrii li-tmllibs uut)i 1cOfe utur i l ttx t;ad i e sots u t nl4eicactifon in te Plisi uestren, A T D 2 0 isn o ut r brieoi the grQ-tode lnliatflt>atosu nce 1h -'f abe dLs or icthat csovsîO lette s kvae'lofthoe çatCled lu ni-O- ailp.i. Pu - - L- c os I is a 3y la pes s- l d t t> l g l t u d h iscb ai-g td s itb a R u o he h b ill s un L h e O p p i te sid e of lb . ja tse l t up p-5 1 2 0 ofal u tp lea sa rO . riv er a re il l um 'u a ted b Y lth ie fi l t Ca ni d origpate e dinu tlhrmlrsg up why i h ia.i e a pianon ~ b y ç o t o . nsLid bridge be Cou candnhloisetae.e di.mOTee -, anti tbaitî coutifourtt>ner Uc rom euhshgtomavmfipledlu il l elu d< » t o caonmi the ch,- saotdrquarter Semiljuas antid euCor.top ta s'l'gabV~~ by tt> Ua ie-o)teee atiuftoi-ltf Weduesday Jane lOt .cdlairards ai-reitig the prires ci th>e, T ô -is muCourt 0 ii emitttia knt;,and ti Inl, 'scb ouxmis <oiIoee t 'het fd'Tha -V1Cti*3 bIltI unot eu omoemedtai thorize the - - <t VN TV OUliil'boïahlob",ci1 th'aûId $výr -ion of antli bridge,, Thealct-b>try *south ofas.he risu'-ACtIu on aTht> totînsnt i5lI all nul cÜteaI i uît ui>~ Bill of costs. Verdict fonr 'liutiIl $1510.btp>M*l saa'.8f tpj Ti -- -- R. J. Wilson Couuisel, aud J. IL Green- IPK&Mouhci]if >IM pli ~~~~~ouui'~~~~~~~ mua e ol -cmaedwuiÂtin> or 1laiitl; Mn. Wood,- fto 'on'r t- b ab y $tL 0 su d - titI end W o d e rr w Jduçt O r m g il l q m o er t d a c n e Pou i cÉ e :c ia s 0 ~ - pe i ilu t i o n s i 8 -lD a c o u n tt e - r e c o o r a llt u it m n e s a u . f o r m ao fst hei4 o ç ý mam.,u. 4îsn- - it. t~ ia,~îIulf1. . , IhV~~ fsi. syvansMatT -t, jnd unustily large and well awssc loci to, soul at a smiall adY'tlic'cOon rithe latost styles in Silk, Poplin, the'ý r shawls Mantles, s, arais, Toýiery and &Glovee )onims, Striped Shirtingys, 1Cal 0OW Netq, Mushn8; Cottonf Watp, large ass6 .rument, of Bro,'d Cli si Facy Vestings, Cotton tiri1s, ýs -and Under-Clot1ifg, &c. irect specit ?ttention to tbeir ýY-)IAIDE (JiOT] 013 the-premises, -the fit and wà x BROOK. WILL GIVE' Sof Suý& FREVERY oil lvrdat bis Store, IO'sOld Stand!1 ! IMPORTATIONSk 5x I*\U!!iL&&