Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1863, p. 3

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MeCLIJNG & Ce. auuq 5ZaiOe prUCn tt heIbO ilfgtataon. et The terrilI eait, lite itare facts, stripped i rl fal epperdaes, opesand eaaWue te th.nind"I F~allirag or the wotrb. .-During th e arly .hat -stages of gofitation, many Young femaleai are subjed 1ta a sinking of te womtb, whieh acauses texcaaidrbetrepidation ýbé. and uneasiiots. The Ointiweag will be i b fouanul invaluable ia intes flergencies as it ýs of fneaaly dimpenses with the necessity for p1ýo pemwtiea or tnechanairtfl agencias. The >nh Pilla wil brace te enfeebled organe, fact strengîen> 58e system andl secure the in. Onvalid front a future relapse. These nmcdi- ,aIl cla1es arc valuatitiir alal c aiplaînts jiri- ores dental to the ferraalp sun. Sola b>' ail ýous- Druggistq, unt 2c. 63.,anard $1 per box or tint, pot. auoEXrLODRîuqo UNtçMTatitIFFA,,,.-The Nie a- gara F'ails Gaze t e sys ltit lfisat week an :On explorir.g xiiinwsognzdb r Iwo Wrrenon Got TulitUda for the purpose ing of cexaiiaîg tip envity under thue Ainern Landl cun fals, 'x-vy rd te Cave of the Winds. or, eretofore a hugcutrock bas preveat.ed. in- rn gvemuu, butî s the ireu moved awsy tiis Sspring the rock wu nmoveal out of lte wSy, thats leaving the route openr. The psrty teproceaced1 ina thii; hititurto unexptored re- glutr, a distanrce of aboujt 100 (cet, viter i a lte fnlling %watcr put a stop ta furtiter ina- glt ief5t.g;ttiêtn. 5'Turo a y 4be a ronte bere nat frotta Caoat isanaultua the lbry, but thÙNe is btno probahilitv thait it will ever ho traval. >t ta ed by hraaaabWiliaga. er A Iazy fellow whofhadIo ln- beau atu )Un luaportutanate but ursuccesuful 4ppl icant for tnot a goyernment office whcre there was plenty for of pavan~td no work, at Ilut feuirto a des- 1 f couadentuy. IlCenyvon stellnme," he safal kinag to Q0 tp, Ila cure for the blnes?"' I i ould Ithli. ira yonr cantearepliedte h-se jnkc-r, Ila sirak cure wrould bu thit liaag. d) n OatRherew correspondent, the "e are brateal Rabbi Jew D'Etprit, lbas sent ue lte following conundruam -'11 Vo4l asks Long tiie son of Israel-lighu. lileraure-e« Vot rge ar te nstvegetablesk to collivate in Mrr :yout gardera 7'1" "1'ye give fiup V?'~ Vy, ilceu peshto ba sure - 'pas yer cau 4Aiell'eta. j no p~4 th~e Way il; aa oysuer usleep in lbit bcd like fe.aî Loî's wife ? Becakitie be's 4îugrned iri te1 s. sut. Dlo aavigators bave ait dou1ble their capes inlautittides-or it ila ouini colal re- h.- ' he aijtito pays brandy is not good 'a in for jite osi i ô judge of painting. iog IIRH -qdrgee qaOuUe Mh éfelwaya on hn Bmnxkltu, C. W.. 1863. 2 'VICTORIA IIOTEL, W11I. LONG, I'roprietor. 0 (01) laaecoUittîndali'n md ttuuttive Otcrs COLT STRAYED. 1l th te lpriiem of te iecrbLOt in Illtuenîh (ton 'ot 1: 2 s ]a r ln3l Iar,,!ltrir n fordeieed, 1 Aay-orring !er to tue tidfermitrat- cd. %vitfla, aatitanrwarddtaada r soiati Ili, wa waar arii utaaiia ay tt ~ t o t MaATTIEW IXFtD .25 11roolii, P. . WANTED, viait IarVaaatnent, liit tstaapi e )aa %, tu i adersiilaeil fur ai Iiv. rata'front lattiwi(u piaieicc v~owson, taiiobe 11ii ili aaana$ aa Lsaib. WILA USN AttITCA îat avlill' o ia e Pro- Pi ii l?1t. lt . aPan. te lao i forrr'ic P( 'ei'fn i ai a roit It i m ))taia ail t'r.tta etaar 01025Agent foi witaithio ttICti.*Ui'iNa Mai' licail 1tef~es. WhItI'ay, tklaiy 18. taitOS I184w M ONEY. U NEY tà, L ait oaa Parut aeci rit ati n(>- delaite rit asii it-r et. GRAND XATIONAL ScIîlIeI014OuiStand tiratCLA HANILISE WiII Commnce on the lst July, to seli Prices, the balance of their e:) Dross (;oodZ, Mantdes, Parasoi1" A larue assaddment f~ Juist to hand, I VERY CI N.B.--Tlieý Ilighcst Price paid N'os. iauol -, TiIl's Buildingaz, Julye 1863 THE ROBSON HOUSE, DUNUiAS STRÎEET, WJITnY, C . W. fTSlEaaîl'caîtar lacaiiaanaoatýtlile Il»i Tle ie achffitdinq farnarly kvotavaï a Wrptr tpa.1)are. 'jteh hara taa'en renavaiteri, oarn aitc, lta .tt 'ltra i, 1 uur4 aa Il> lite Irai of the Ttyra; lte 1 Rai vaaý mnibuai calai at the Ilotel) ana tai >Ueti f,;cai f 'r 9e a'ta ici >ta;aaerCafn )La-ta lit daiorcr'paorntag 1.ord-SI per daty. GEORGE ROBSON. STRATE»DOR STOLEN. A. Tbiee-yýeav-1 dOolt &,výf "in 1 iaiad tligla, liguit b% ' coter, bl ac 'ml wltlait. No antikai. SALE. Lt grdéatly Reducedý ve Stock of Itats, Ribbotis, Clothi lng.] a JAS. XCLJWG&Co lieu ~cw WAt Wjjjfsol'MB1~kJAS. McCLÙNG Wilkison' Bléh-I rock Street, Whitby, Jrt,1803. &Co. ~RE AT~ A 011010E OT 0F In Delaines, dobaourgys, Challies, Tissues and Màslins. 1Per céit Iess Brgu ,d elsewhere ini Towni tfiÉâ - As, ER. ~OTICE. Ail of whiol aud wVilb for Cash. WAINTEI eaA en.tb attu~y, J Veic J7or-k, Ma811w 1aonrt Maneu«ce to th1w ikW&a~tanti of IFkittuy, andc 8uu'roanadlinq eouizýry, - tat hehag asfit- tea ile stoslarge, 'va oui ad cofn- rw npri JET O00 6OLD La EnlI)a

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