Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1863, p. 1

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Niatiliw Tecufy .11 'f ttud ln N'onpnr t r cf l P a'ur 1per Ue, (Faehl made citl i drntlseii by liue nad'tbtsnutia i mut 0X F M0N1TREAL, TTIOIFAS DOW, Manngpr. ANED GL ISS Wt>RKS. Alti r lý"Iki; AT LAW, ýr t luo Cttuintît C icil l>itrjo.7-. )R ' GEl fi. DARTNELTL, TRit. ATTRNEY. COINVRVAN i. Ofli e 'r (L . t. Grti', tor, rc 'uk trrrî W'itiy. J. V. IIAm,- TF.hIZATILAW. ttF'ICFýBI 0K Clia.,b. W. Tf.G.HANl, TER AND XTlO1tNEY-AT-lAW. t~'pihie i.Ruaeitry t)tlce, Bruck Lbv. 1 'trui't, luiT îtt ' ' G, H.ILDARTNETL.O n *ýl1;,rlulreîî. M\FTElt IXTRA- ua~r. ttu uauuttiti" t a iicery lfor W. Il. T R F.MAY N E 1t4'Elt cttixr it oîwy î'rro)t llirick. Braaarjnt'jt RIOBIERT 3. WILt4OW. 911111 & AllI'tuVui AT A YlitTu idBul h t 'uta ArTOfffIr %, N. FT 1. .u 'înttu'u a uîî1 . t 4.1,Jie-l 11-1 %ij, 'i "îii, îu]itit - u 'Pa . Ç1CURAN5l1t. . . t i ilIî- 4 t'y t'. W. liita li u'n m iia'. tuaiIct". > mur wtlî B w . A li-i' Y RT VOL. VII. ICOMMEROIAL MOTEtf JAMES CRtOCKE.R,-Proprietor. C oMIEIICIAL TR.'iVELLFIs e-ii itrnd il, euîîVî,ieîît stnppin&r lut 11i,1it ol, us tlaeyý cui ie,rruuti-ot ti ltîgi,,îr B 'tc it kpt at the Ilir' îrnr,.'îur t t 1 t s* toî.au ti,îk liil,îîtneroîîî, pelruhlo and trieîîdA (orthie 114r. _41 1)atrti> jLei Eu*î'tiWii o i n il hlm 'mue tùr. nîuilceintiît of t1jlmhijuuo, s ut Wtuthy., Good Itabllnge nîd Attentýve ierfs. -Wiiitby, Jan. lSM % A tf lit,' thu be iier. cier' li i i a tle tlit wilitm of 144 LCnrmstiu&P . lT4 prntiiml't un'11m'uilcuuve;uu'ntiy tutti ct drt ivdteidlit pî,lii.jutre 1, &e. with c1mern',a of »oft wuýtr t*wstttt. &anit o<verv taitlmr t.etrn t to ntI<e elle Trsvp'Ikr i hoinui 4ttriir i- nt mtl ie Table botnit&i- Notice tu Farmers and Others Li uri tViiri inut util. NMnrnuls p Yatu- 1 v'rutf. 1-vgjri nr lierre] ;MuNetatut ,',il$ datuuv~ l. I>. . Il oji.1r'u E'trit Reetjfiîn dn , oe. r .; bmI"tle'r. . hntr. u Bîruurk lriuv f4r il, ielz, cit e limr ut liqll'rtî utad t 'je rt t it, 1 u"t h ll'tIîu. Atteniv lit )uie a un iIti lulire. A. AI.EXAS!DPUL Iiuliiî ui.tt. '. ý4 8 TA.GlE, 1-10U SE, ISIAC FENTON4, Prol eta ln;r i sidr ttel%*Ivu jiitltur. 1 A L 13 10 1-10T E L. ut T(IVt. cuiter. riIPrîprieinr. EAST WINDSOR 11OUitF, Wl! ITJJY, il E b- t i i uittuIlit a pluitum'euatitd cirju.jpir M the, Towtn, on tun. Iront rosti. iun'aijuitoir triaveller's.(ao VICTORlIA 110 rL Wîn htyi uiC. 7 ted words, gréat thé"ihts'*ad uatblaç la So' up'er, Pho s Mî;è of' orcapa. For Wiiiav suid for *'uimn i tîla par- ttcntîîrl v alutîhie. The Pliomaphate catîses erupa te motaiîre faim tan te, twun:ty day. ilar Wthen Usti, . PArma.a'staýy î >For il appir aof the artilde anti fer CEtCtd.ra VI CTORItI A IOT E L ROBEIb'I O A!4, - Proptietor. I HEi nhoya cullk nucn ntd stand lu,, beeit r? reiuu'siuu. andti tecly arrai'gs, b>'thi. prcgent preprictor, andau'i ootiaccummurla. tituap cti 1 C taIt-ti a'hamu>' ýhota-i uroclhont: tii" Caiintv. Quand l.Iqiuo, Il Ws l veti upliei tiable, excellentt: rouuî .tuillia8 Gir. hintan Caili ,td ialiî't puttisa 4y. 2i8 II USSELLi'ýS IlOT E L 0 111lE uierpiteied Priitprietorta utt the bere t4ir riendt andP= uset1tniy hoanete ilam 1Fricdu Id14iatroi4 tater have ihoplp'l rrilîivrenoated tiair a'tlsiueiit ainr'tff thu wîLilu'r. wiuiuh onehicieslo tie tifeè te thet Niniaer.a ut the 1l.uatisire, sud 1the Tri u'iiingijl10 itierfer accommodation. lu adiditin a r t tjtapuiirent,, the,',.-l1lagit Win. teýte hlave imui tit erlnrx and lIld-r»ums il, aa hart' WAl îtitiieur ia i'ttel. whicî. taor oanforî Bet, reavn iîne roe nstîrpasaii ln te lt iy. WIL RUSSE(L&SN ?forthern Kotel Cannington. ltiitueresunr bitineii et tte aatou ft.or elaîr kîîtîwu 1tetl, hâae relidurcd it neceuat.sr lor t1iîa'îttimrihr laienharga tht Pruomimes. iiles ine an tea e csueuuirahle extelt.an.sd tade ith.mr '.lt,-rettiouuansd limvuamettg, t'a sertinr 411l flintlaer Vie euîifnrt ptacommdton niî a MAiti lief. Ttîttablil la 'uvo ariidd itl thea britiii «t-nxsi-i,sid tmineie luithhe but rttis oif %ît<V' iti liqîitirm Ikt.pt ilA jýl ties Tav*eru iueeyarx i-,ipplled cLîolejaniu.Cive a exil uSaiti PiiS. Boihttirinueta'usle111. telcer, gi-'uttulil. e nue, » esudlu l ii'k. tetall a' t ,ît estl'-iat. JOHN. VARD. Oct.23rl, 141. 41 To the travelling Public. TrIF îî h îaeber iarir I 1 en I i, l ' reîl.i 4e 1, 'l ne-uraedl liT. F.iu.liiiï,.iii the V'ililalre if E'a,. al ind i'o e i t 1i'i t i- ; in W"ait 'tl. lu Anuit puptrel tni îua.intMaite aili fliim chu rire lita c uh Ife ilutunti AN< LO lI IIWANiit>TEL. TT C n I' 1OF li[QUORî 2à CllARSq (]1-l. mita aue' H tl. tft)i el:tt .' lt.'ie 10;ii i týAlttt' auJ ca'llit ttu.it -'- Z ICICEV S le"L.aîuu N" 'uumi-ir Mt't turin4t 10ýp o If' ~~41. la t0îa'. littutIl mIRu 0tîiuj 'r.ltta iunu'iitniai.ui i~tijii ti' . ~tt'0.u lntt bO & Bl-I ii ..ru .~ m.' u-'r \AiT VINEGIAR il" 'u'îî'..11î.u'. vcaini l'f oi. VrY t, 1Ifil t-f1 tC1.t h w.'cT'rriBr'Tit q uTtiXu2 ' imit 1i . 'rOun i, Ta... iaruriVi.tlirlie, 'ue'ruuRittiemi Il.h i'-t..,r'u.ilenu.enim for t aiinelum.ritluambrp (i bi Si nriA <elep. 110175E. . fMtrtelui..îî]'u u.ifialiiimid "tîuî li itu '.am jauiar rli-u uati ietm fi aui- triîua iruu~it i S..,ttaa tu Nuujie ,at 14 'Perttr - - uitihi, iet, . 4'q N PEARS. ()TJ1IItF 111F.ROUGE ROTEL. h.Attruuta,xrea. Tu>EPjMT)t ilA'iT FOPiTRE NnN. >J qulnrtt. sni1f,)ruaerl r u'Wilhr. e'n. EIANrIA>I, ieuneil MAfricnti rd hupublic. ihst h. h" reulthplthe dn c h-itaivu lunttri. chîc Y AND jSa1'KR1>p lmuiu'aIll firstte cî r eunr, umie reptin 'o~f ier C.iiui tuyt'oaiia- Ztacets'Winua. Liqtt,nrx utud C'gr.G.îoal ii .tetl Ipaiin L., Wit 9q11ab1119m"andIictepntire (tIer. 19-Y WILLIAM STRtAelffAN,kV , INGLE, 1101 iJ9;ALP. A'NIL¶tETAtLidIcley n 31, B110<1K STREET, W (vbtenati.' Wines nsud tiquais. Nuý. t&' Pro>duc't tuh ni il trie ut '~'rk ntiRît. 'Travelling Agent 1aruiat. e' alntiat ~u.PIA.Nj(Jg FOR BALE. f tL' Vt5l~< Ieli u'oc P. bl ilsla irf ýVlitbv 1Brewerv. NatsBritt4 isi ad urcatle Tire & Life Iflaurance 0om'y. COLLECTION & wCOMMISSION rd R. IE. L. tNoW, hontrelf C. Ic (I CILE't'tnSide for Piiiiie'rua.%fer- Qtunl.u (ltewes4 i l"nno#t, aatd alter ualceaiiiCauteu~.Ail u'nllectiuuu 4iny reput.. îtt, anti praceediat r..tiptti ' v ul ktirer. Aa'irema tottfnuitaiulieflnmtn "Moiitriai r- Pruîiriu.aur.a ?,tutiralar e# - i.;Jaiau i.oveil, Pu'ii [liher Calidua Dircataur>, à,., diti., Mon-> tui;l.&A. Mtiller, WIjlolSusIuBoukaaeiuort aal MtîlutraMrîreal uLiu To cnin0. ARÂK ?O RENT F R uel tarinof ym m iayhe ne ro Il '-i. eliitth N Wnfloti'%o.* 2s, hl Jlî L lut otcemtbmofutRide%, Ui eor e culeti $re eaelrd unti fisueel, thse landti'seof 1hie beam ult>', riésa i. elnrtnbouse întwo bniathe prurtisa',. Tuait>' perania wlahîîig a inaîltrin the jireomnt ia aeoieppiirutitîy. 'Apply .(( fb>' loutr prpaid) tte Oice.on theu prumime. s-t* MARTIN TAIIANY, Athuerl>', P. 0. narne ces not 'inferail ar to the army- or lu the caizeas-for bu cas& a man noteti for bii lîbenîtl vitces andtinobieeessorcf dia racier; beaidoi ebieh, lbt annai orthlie- cars at Spin cuere plèntifully pmnlled ciaL the records of bis brave deede. Colonel Ormniete va deepi>' mortificti thuit Li faer choulti arrivuei seinoppor, tune a marnent for Lis intercala._ It muat trumîrate entirel>'bis plans and arrange. me nis, butatsui eho.Atialcaym been a kinti andtiindulgent parnt tu iii, andi'hL Lad nu ceuse Io tear is severit,', even if bis eoudnct shouiti bu exposeti. He fore. sew that Lis faîbur couati et once b. inun- daîti ci:b pullulons *mIbr herelease of JuutPereze. chich vouidt tu limng -tLe malter bufore hlm ; anti -e also bnev that if the re appeared tu b. a single tiochi oa tu the guhut of îLe lieutenant, 'Lis faîber1 wouid,b.ath treegîh of île rtpresentati. ns madti im ase- ta P--r«eê' ourner charateter ant ishicstanding wcuL the acm.>, discLarge hlm troim custoti>. iAnother-caue for leuiest msures in cas ee Le, kueccould i rse in bis fatber'a mind, eti d thaît cas tb'vt tue Lad j'ust arti yW and assirnedthe reine of goverumetit, chich it bebovet hi. ta beli ligbtly an ii the people udtihimsef sholititbe<gh - J>' uderatanti seb otie.-Th.e lesi iteeliacticli îLes. postibiities, and Itoier upoii the mauer cii lremling, fo ft Ms pheulti bu the rosais, thai Joan eheeli" Le Amnati ilu.aihtaA i hi&-f..L.t. -6 k- flAY, 111 Y "M'mm6 u> ippî>', Ot a ei~ M abus suggsst. Perdinaid, rhm %hoebail hee.*îe aqeaint brier te faeiltate bter conmu- hi Juan#, eqfound lo be askibi OOn ip hom be- coaid rab', tirougI4 hiý agenmna' se bave 'ni that aho Scceýededso I fa i 1 , iNet a whiii of it, duar Ferdinandt, yleu knoc thai 1 love loti.,u 1 Th n int tbut'patting off ou. mardfi agu tee badIl 11 telllao, te baive patîieile,' iaiui Cecil, ýplâyfelIiy siiang ber finger et hlm, 1 who knowa but that joc Meay ave anouiiui eilaaice teauorene utiirongh ltie aide.' " 0; yoe trige ciii me,",saLi Ferd;i Dm ti serionsly. "lan ot th a ro g, Ce. Noa mite. 1 have, made il contin- gent upoa te narriage of Loe andi juan. 1 now Il t e cir ti msqtances or th ir pa e. Thé nec Govenor-genral bas arrived; there eu b. 11 ditl ut 1hink as ta t4ht lietecant'î acquittai actier bis examuinua tiorn;' nov, thougit 1 love ou darly, Frý dinanti, anti ciii ait my heart, yet 1do not love yÃ"îi eus particle Mure then Louas dois J11in Pare, îaes a acti!" Ani ea4hete~ius 'ch teas lai1h1.fout .*be*tupone l. lor iii aàuick alrof duermination, and looket i jto the due, manl>' coutenace of Ferdinand, iti a giance so ardu andi bewitebing, that ha stole onu mrie iseand teciandetiit shud bu jusi iéxactyth ie iset, ÃŽ(1L« vas bligedtote ait jutil doons-da>. 'iWhat do 'u tiinir of the nec Gaver notrgnerai?"seti dCeci; Il vont Le par- don Jean Perasol, cheiber Le bu fouet guuiy or not. by the vid tiemar. "I cn gay, Coci, ever>' onu thlu Lt a wll do o, but it is ited about Mwa tht Le is loth to taek. up te ubjet s aIl, belcause tome onu, bas intirnai dte Lin t bat e po t are curre t ef so re unfai mnec on the part of Li sion on the trial, ani one icîter 1 knov bas buen critten to Lia cbarginfg Colonel Ormeutez cil being guuity uf an actusi itensoimac."A "[[cayeu grant thethbu my not bt prejutiiedimirnef againil Juan by thes, %bingo.,, t Id usd that the Gvernor-,geurali i a mua of et justice, go Leatuont bt sca>'ed by iriSes."i , Yet, I baveb ard uim celed a Out citi pntleman, b>' &buse hu knov hm.' Et t'sa aquecr old coman îLe: Lhas corna ith the et ta nrse anti taku care of tht Governor-genera; sebs oier ian bu i3, cousiderabi>." "ttes, îLehasuoomen lathe femily many years, 6o the people se', before is wifte die-I." "1De you kmac thai ah. came 10 me the other day, to asic about Juan Perezur "'Came te you about Juan Pertze 7 Nu Il "8h. tidtiiouc."1 ' a WysuIe'a coma ta yu abut it,, wbethîe captain of tLe prison could tell ber?' 'TLaiuî is al pumaid ei s but 1Ithouagbt, lleep it itas u tipte page.ý Ce muscler cornes mc:acapabiy tao thit c Lau it nom bueut itis4 numnber botore, andl eboulti uo: Ceci! be erratitbis îiauu?7 % Wi iy? o .Cccli esparatixefinit Leeamo aS ce have seen, wcuL the baudff Ferdinandtilu order tua sopomplis fité tu Juan Perese in prison, aud bis kicti agena'>'she cas enablut tuan>' limes, in aecoasipishiiug necessariiv Leceme in no imait timatu citL nu iai uoshe W te confide. Well. Feidinaîti.'u Am oyou no et ws471aa*Iusly nqaicei Jaf of the pwusu ti clin1as h. eh»aX gsred4and gaspeti fot breeth qsehlie pokl,,r $hLalliIcali for &id, faliaerV "No, no,' My ion, il la oui, a trigieÏ1 c«eaim.,andi vilsoon bLe V./< 6flo you know 70cr .parents, eml ton? atide t ie' uouk, after amoulent. &KLoy my parents? Tbati ju atiegu let quesione ask' sai& juan, Who watt Dot in the baiî 0of mai liigb ef bi e .q cret concerniujirte myoteryof biit irth. __ ' Ttc, buà o ur holy order learus mcci that from alLure muet bzu secret. 1 aboujli liether bave said, yon do net know )put Pa.'enta; then you vouid frtter cntiersîtîa 'NOw 1 cnderstand yetr beîter, bau, I arn pu"Inietithat yoc abould bac wan mucb.' , t Juatters noî-yoc 'do not biv " ilium.' 'I do not ideud,' sai Joan, ciii a dcep ho b~reareti yotilen ml spnj 'Sosa. bomî pwoe o(f adard '0f course Yoe Lave netewLhadtiany$u to youreariy life!1.1' Natbinghbefore tie purioti of .ome 3-nu' 4 yearsof ag' 1 Elave you matie any ecndtiavors tu ea, certain 70cr parentsV 'Ofien, ver>' oftemn, antd îtrenuouqly,' rt- Piieai Juan, earuîettly, The meuk tbrow baek tbq: cowi na i ba. garment iLat. covuredl*and tulty bidth îe utider cloîhes, -andi tisuvee ii tLe astonlaneti eyea of Juan Perenth.,ii perion of a femai.. Shu cas for da7ct lu years, and Led doubtieis seen sgeeuy summere; ber foran boweyert, wi.ri~'î anti she stood eruct andti irm befuré th2n,;at toiibed muiketeer, gazing upo)i 'î ifnu Wi;> an uariiastness ibat seemedti It a iîe!. vere Dreoie il Lia ~COIURT, iWhithy. Dt., 18t2î. tchmid'gotII19 ---_1 W. UENWtI LAW, 1 V J, ~ {O28 exeminatioi of e rese sbould blinl iPrivate, 1th0ita ~li ;ratifleaalio f the colo1nel. The dîrne topointed soda gr- rivedti, di Colonel OtVïnfAn'g wu 0.00 3more ena1bied to piodee sus11eh dencéa# r bo chose,--aud by lte moat afÏfgiand u. uing intrigue, oovere4by a cl«of far. * ais and disinterested purpose, lieopiauaged *to aigelude &Il favorable eyideî1ce as it rela. ted te Juin PJereie'xiitmereut, and Wîohave itall that weigIs lla te* leait particulai. *agalnst: the priuoctrfal o editd anti * allowed. le valu dii Jumi Ferez. cadea- vor to produce the çvidenc cez uil Espe. tranta. 'Ho 'ras COMbStt4 On the grounti W- that an intimait, vould bu provedte exist , between bblaeif and i eil cf a peculier 0 character, tesoi 'tb. lems 01 it Thiis e Juan coulil col deny it lhe cocid, and the J cosrt rued ou~. ber évidence in conse. ît qcuma ýf Thus met at ave.>' point b7 tihemoit 4 subl. argumenîý Poor Juan was &zain a compietely overwhelni.d, but net vithôut, ethîe elmout exertion andi cuning, for bu.< it aides tLe officers of the court, who i faet «weriaruady prejudiced againat Juan, Co. lonel Ormentea Lad to blindth ie ea 3of rthe goyernor gemeral on tis occison.- r- Thua à 'second lime condeuaned, Fereze d vas aile picîcre of despair ;,for' hie bopea . lied'beçis raiaed, and i-ho tbougiýî Le Lad beec seved' fro. îth e ry brink of the egrave, andti yuasilsenieti, ly onl bu i made the more misurabie, by being twice. t condemneti. As lie vasabout te bu con. 0 ducteti (rom the presene of the court, bu sè turmid 1the governor genural andi said, iu ianagony of despair, 641 oui> prît> thst. i y0i1 wiii now put me-oct of misery as soon ;as possiýie. 1 sai no Ml, no lapse of time; bu merciful at lesat se far as te b. e quick» ' e vasfuli>' conviuced that the e. fouf-conspiracy egainat . hhawas-too pow. erfai lta b. br okena ' rexposed, b>' an> i meaneýtiit Le couid> cornimîtut, andi that e any fcrther atcaupt to.provu bie innocence wouid bu entlreij unavailing. Hethougbî e of Loiseý andi sigbeti., 'fwthvs l u> Ilbright though tlhat seensedta tbind imzqte a eartb, aud ibat ah!1 that vws indeed a bard eie île le ever ; il vws libe relinqciahing a î,giorious pria. that t hLaid reuireti years te attain, jutat tLe very moment beo vas yabout te clasp il te bis heart. W. seay e tuaI lue ighect, ah, more tbma ithat, lie vupi in bitrncss of spirif. Juan was FOW e watcheti clouer than ever, as h lied be binteti b> some one, tbs*, slngniariy enotagh l te priîouer W hadrotigb tome Ineans un.~ kuiown te the. ofcers of the prison, gained tconstant and correct intelligence of the s!. d feira ot, tle government, andth îe curret newa of the île>, chue becasu ntier uio ' e tconfinement~ For thits reaso neither 1 l 'Tltn u 1, uiy fitifnl fat. Thlîiu, niy 0vol inoy- EZvery ePuis, amoig rMy veil T~O thy butsow Ily Mr bat Tho.iigh dusf air Il"sVrneit l ote, ThIUZWcu d huai lsa Êuie. TOaire *athuose vogy i1ps lIta ,wrtli bamy 1r038ur&; Tonsavrwt h, se elolve,.- T'.he all otLangoien. Thongli iowly, mv lot, sud thongh po«r uy 001M I u ihn nythe iralilti md great; euntuned a na roudpooeiapmrd tr, bu Whil~h,înai o!Langolllx=namU . etiy ou My> winy oer the omsî Ieeflyte ,Ati.inr.whert the song -birdA theoir me1ody ,wako "nda:e vîrü a*rrvt eset full of isse, Feur .Jûih nnid Cut Leziçuc,,smiltedi wuty nul mu. leuîînrvOn'o rich lord Pagmseo scornly by4 But wevlui ,a in 'ever inake Ihimmo Iiappv a A nd proud6rt Il i ven lt>e tudem l'l1 e W'hiu the. uad outtagolieu asius, sw"y -oi me, TIEN rtIJSKETEER. AIS vu have 8aid, tbe signal glin or Me. ru CeeUle heraidied the epproacb of the new goVernor generai a: a gatracgely oppor. tune moment, and muon after, that digni. îery landed in ail the show and pomp tlb. sucii occasions glire rase touin foreigts connîtries, and more particulariy weuh the Spanish. Wle hil 0cr own republicai country e gorernor, or- sven a president, may corne and go like any other citizen of the kind. it seetnis tu bu one or the grand purposea of othtr governamentsata surprise the people witb the grandeur of their dii. play', and deazile îlem with the pomp'^ that la made te hante thîe skirts of those in autbority.. News lied not reacbed Ravanea ate whom ithe new guverdor generai vas to be în.deed, tberu bad! oni>'aLfBcient dîme trati- pired, sin1cu the departureof the intelligsnF'e te the bousse govesment reportlng the' death ofthe late incombent, for that ieiea t0 reacli 'paiti. and a return to bu cmide, -even wieuh îe atimsisexpedition. 'Of course it wua known tbat a. new offler wculi aI once bu sent out te the station; but as to choin the new govurnoer ouldý be, the Cubens were in 011r ignorance. But. dilat is the surpriae of Ciiloniel Or- mulaez, atîd indeed the bbnexpected joy ôf tlb.i ihabitants *,gneralliy,to fintdtit Jach. fil Meiendez Ormentez,a retired major gene- rai <if îL armny and the repreasentativ, of Fer'* caswua brve-hiaituti fellov s ce shahr ve, anti that la a quaili>' ibe ,paàtt y captivates tLe geutiî e seWho Sa aefommeul Ioien. eùpon eut voqglerailtiet for support anti praîuc.- lin 110'1or 1'tiiepreil> M' ficeof -the proe ' ri iéleasltieilite by Fer' d4t* oraÙl.:The sedier Ladobser' v4 'l cil fruquente th ie ncighlacr. hÃ"od eprison et nigbitail, sud ini tLe illene ,bis huart attributed ihta t ome y P, ,ypurpase, anti e ho brefere r.. 90e1 4 'itmbiace îthe ac:m falorable op. i portùa' bat shouiti otrr te o Mtiw' force Ib avar. Cecl's beaut>' of persan ha i& î Xnation1j &nt Le thougbi flot iof co qeces, but cootlly caiteti for ber, u t casî lear fine mooanlighi night-Choc ver>' ci;tiios nigbts are in tLe iow iaîi- tudes ti Cecii vwueplng an appoirt- ment Mr thepaee, eboni sbh ad atreed te Meà 4 a certaia, angle oft he prison cala,, t1hre a.ell ù"snow -impeîienîiy acaitinisi conilog. The oflicer eusa on tLe ce t w as the ihird or' fourth nigbi Le Lad flne-ta; arnctbîug hati dulaineti - enahin4id beyoünd the lime that Led Leeaî speùifie4 and the anxiaus girl cas loubking -in vain il the direction trotu ence Silo e expecîsti Le couiticoule. At ilalamoment thîe o0" . aepputi uddeniy up te Lur, anti -tLroegi, hbi, aries about hem ueck.aîeMupm- cd ta luteL a Lias trorn:ber ips. 8bu ut- ateredta u exclaataion oftsurprise, anti airug. e gledti uegtifree trorn Lie embracu, but. e 1 lielti Lt. cuL ail Lid strength close ta Lis beat,ba only tuar aeh instant of drne, ns lie thei etteruti a hcavy groenanti slaggem' ed baivards, anti l'eu upon tLe marbie* Boom ý.-the calk, pierceti completel>'. tlirougt the sitie hi tLe prompt- seord of P'erdin"i, just arriveti e thîis -opportune women ,anti eho 00w Lasteneti te relieve Ceclf tu hem teranti embamament, afier whtëh ha sent tLe gurd ta talle caru of their4ewocuded officer, chu wras leftte1 telli bi i vsmion-of tLe neari>' fatal âat. faim. Tke icipmii îook ver>'gooti came eut. to revral chou h cas that hat counded- Lini, but tuie lriiî shouid bu madtlu ep- pekr egsilnst Lim ut an itîsult ta an capro. tecced feaale, andt- îLot Feriaiidy vas, ney.er cJl$ed ta aecurati tur the net h. be4 d oue lu çeoniy lakin 'êIlle liteeuofîtheolileer. Ths ce have seiti occummeti on the occasion ot Cecit'skeepiuîg sornu ap)poia'tlt itcli the page4,AWLat cociti ea esire ithuLhi. ? Site mOs4jmave been planning tome - mes. sage te laen Pereze0 or claie viabed ta adapi L ýpage'a dtuiand pu" t he antry lin du i - Ibp sslt i....it1f'.qu..."f

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