Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1863, p. 2

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- eabu ( , 1 , eivt Doots anti Situes-Tltoa. ulcaisy. -Hrnso.Madc CaineL ~ -~t I9phçltée? of ail kInda.,Wrn l. 1. l'e eonaumpli sRA -év. A. ?Wilson' speciliNotice- i. .- Crocicar>' antid twWi'-he neh~ WhIthv, Tluîn'lay, J.y2.3, 63 Thé esmttsi Mr. George Bnown. Speaketin prus;prer tive, issued an Iu Ukaes' the other tieý l'honrb sécoleune'o? thsa 91obe.ta tlhé lttn1- i. e. tta-mosqn$to <-rt pnes %tirouwtlenthi' ettnr, forbitiing aItý f¶tvthr tilacusinn, on their part on thé sabject o? thé 9pealrersitip. Thé couineRs ritis whicl' tiis peemplor>' docree wtt, la- iiiei lu oertailiy snevhaitrefreshing in tis! aide o? tIis' tultry , weailiér. ,Abe Lincolnnr or ienral iitrnsidtt coulti hurtil> *tsnpaas in déalistn2cIi-h their utun refnac tory journal, ln thé vest.IThse - oldnu of Ibis coup shows yl' what eontWonlce Mn Brown appiies tht. whlp Anti hcldu the reins. Ilovever humliating il mnuais be tu b Part>' baoeâi1ng80 uitilintellixet1ce and love o? fres discussion. Ibis odrtiyl, nu donisi, e prumpil> ohayeti; ayé anti oheyed vust a rutdîness titat stuseka f trongiy of tie Must-- ahiject vassal. -aze The émora tise question o? tise. ;peak.- ershipIsl disetiosed amonn: thé Grhiteders' -t!emosre reuistÇeammts Mr. Brownas prospecte, anti% kncwinc tdiii olt, tIsaentier 'han been prouinkatedt u "dry n)"on 1t--e -Thé premièn désires to ,rt Mr. llnuoir ont of hisvo>', atnditu eIiect titis thé Speuk e's ch air vau a htappy> thoughi. la Mr. Brown- retdy for- the l'afit? Will f ve thonsanti dllars a year Anti the poâit*ion a? tise firsi commnnen in Canada hé ronnsid r- ed b>' hlm a full équivalent for thé macri Are o? the Scisuol question. Représenta- tion by population, the openbng ti o? tte jréai vusa tota anadian anti Biitiel' et-t-r- prisé-, and thA host oa? nîbén mtiificient, rpfnrn&i li'tt havée-azitateti thé train o? Géorge anti thé- nerves af hi4 fmllivers for the- lai tvnty yearns? Are thesé, asevo-l au thé multiple dtiotmae or the Tem:erance otreet cottention, tu ho t01lcasI :nto thse p siuctrthe ut. presenc- andte i-é ite 1voeo? rthe s trembla, atis uc-h tise Pre dr. Brovn, a imsé1? t0 tise tp. of e ntier Ibis 'capioi la stih vsic,.e i tse éw sd ip$iS 1U tus Léoer Canatiian LibéraIs 'ma Conter- ilîaivei. Tise Globe Ilthmoanlng is "!The tankc anti file of the c-id Cartier Patry huen talsbave beô.a*sàa wathat an attemip! IotÇl1pgbàpc the vrtcled Car. AIaCstiloi-Gat otâititon voulti ha at tiéed itti glt t#éd Glfieu!, and t i I vultib6 s- ~,~opta 'nev fsce upon tbiaItmoyp"i ,tovard$ pPwe 281 slecting a ugw leadter or-leatiers. Wit I tiis slow tise>'are salti e'bavé tumneti thslr éyea tovavtis Mr. Bleotte, wbom tise> regard s fiteti by tsleits'and position for tise put of leadM.t N. M. Cartier andSlcotte have eniteti, ta préserie Cistia t0*ý Brte:lan. anti prevent tisebanefel eferta-o? tise Globe's demoeratla îeaching in Upper anada.- Thé Cdok 'oas doue misehie? enoungin l ihat direcîtinn, and t l-Wialzigtitué ibt tbth %nbîîal niCunstitutional ptrty>'I he counitry aboulti neite,a dgo lbandtin baud together to'prevetit furiher e ncroaeh mfent. Thé Ciôntitutionst patrt>' o? Upper CnîîadatD Ul u,.ie vitlitthein friends-ib. eral at înevts [.b canaiIatu retaînBritlais connectioat andtito pet tiovo in san> part of Canada thé républicanusmi irlikiî thé GkLobe îehngvwouîtileat ns tou: Thé leader o? thé. Orits bsu, tao lonsg iséen alloWeti to throv dui in thé eyes o? the peuple. We trust that théetiangerons precipice to viic ie hasu Id Ihéntbas saaleneti thénita a, tné esgeo? tieir position, andt lat, ta thé dsconfiture o?' the Grils, andti ieir Yankèe adierents, ever>' loyal man 10-Canada elîl ha alive ta the ccaion. Mis CÂAtauLî.s Scauoi. ExulIexirtu.- The tonnuai exhibition o? Misa C9=11l'8 achool tItis ycar, wus deeimely il'. great- est succ.-sa yaî achievéti by thIs favorite anti popular téacher. There wera riu leu- thée tov-at tise Mecisanica' hall un Tues ,tay z-vening lest, The Exupmints4tf uron raeaira are r emi,îtiét, taok plae a fort night agu-auti it las in ibis respect' that sanie -persona presentýfalet ta compreliétd ttc objeci o? theR.rEXMifto-s It wéà; in lîsel? reall>' pieaing. We are 'nut ver>' prone ta exazZerate, but veecau sy o thse pupils of Misa Carrll'a scisool, tisai ve vwult prefer wiinesing:' their- exhibition, than Il tise practised theatrical t.9 comibi-i nations" that weve ivteusséilu a long tint. There vas nature ant iInnocence- no art-ant ini thé genteel well.mnnnérat deportmeut of the pupils we sav the effec tile istrurtion o? thé tutot. As M. Peu. ry treil observeti in the course of soute preeetibugly cnçplimentary remak,- Mi;ss Cant-oll's Slect Scisool lia ha.- come an illstitetion of thé tuv.- -re la niaise religions préjudicesa grousitio? bos- 1e i t1: tilitt w oudli dag.i If publie by.goae aparohation Wvee ver wval1 degenved; if tise ut fIni t prou?, that liuasCarrotllias given o? iieý geera ounti instrucioln, anti propertirainiug wviicl ,f rel site imparts eaus ha appreciateti, Misa Carroll inu imt aentitiedtil ', antticarr>" oiff-tise pasi. n-. vigo' As vo commiencéd by eswing Misa Croll's t peopie's ccbol exhibitionaithtisaMecbsjpic- all le- ai- tise :fflastkibioes; the ewaésinatlon o? id lie faBlsiter scisoci looknplace somte couple -if met-f f-mnvelis agu, anti in amuing as véhi as mu»er bas inipoving lu an innocent mInîner, tisé re untier. pabi:c, andi public 'panners as velas luade of <Pu1 blic atonals Miss Caroll's entartain ment& na"idultity doé 4 world ot gooti.- - erution ta We miglit mention tise names ut neyerai 1,> pop yonng Maters ant iérses viso acquittati bihs lima theniaelves mist xgreéably, but va nather ,es-tar.tisre to manoiso ui4ipus, coumpariaous- l'ut tise Ail acqttea thensselvea val!. Tise> dé- eto. serve every mueeti o? preise anti compli. led t po. Imnt tbat va cueiti gué tisen. Anti, as apparent thé>' viii -eha ie mon, andi vomen o? Wit- le Ieopla. by isreaftér, -vo trust they wyul neyer for- .e>yt open geitisae vittuons and pure source tisnouqis ,g in thée'vbicit tieit earllést ideas vere instlleti. uLhiog 'but A mura frequent recurretm o? Misa Car- e, thevina- roltls. bxiibitions wvueltiinoeéded - iha > i patriotistu. vhicb va hope mayha affundatl us. Plowat,- a Jd u a- .ohn St. Sclaool Examiataté. a Wisuone Tise ezamination o? theo aboya saooul ni~camé off accortiing' tw appiuitment, uon !aker, after MoutiaY last, In Itbly èàtisfattory Mian, upon tisai nn. The ordert m>' ie vTan ape en'c aishur hlm, o? tise achool vers psrietsiarly obiévd ia tean- foot andth ie gooti ansvering o? the aaveral ithtandiiuz elum.as, nteeioas-lthe taons stvaneedu n to tihe«ata. .Tise Troiy, vere Ad to; e it ee~~t pmat'iatsgàége of tise Nev York prêts.- 'LÀ negrd hut" I Sererul 'poor n egroés veré capttttianti iaiti these r#a i bt Xorthern l'sympatisera" ssard 'eu1 their colur, by iau*lpg tispia1ITitse oceeneaare. sbuck-iog ta burnanily, ranti coultieut b. imbtated ibu aîy olisar country. in tise %orlil, (Dahomey excejiîed,> tise "granti cent" o? wliuh la apparentîr fitsting a c3ugeniat st-,il in tise Nonîhéru Statea fortise giiovi-i o? isa'. -intitution. Thebeira"i 00 tisa Southt viicis las tissfar cotifirmeti al-1hW celcuia'.iuna o? the Wasington gut'ern' meut, anti a dasite for tavenire on thet péoplehiaye more. tu db iii directlug the, actions o? the Wasington cabinet tisan thé protection o? >thé utoppreseti rac." The proclamation o? tise ?tesidentt iicis continuet inlutlraldom, thé slavesainutise tIloyal" ates, snd l"parts o? tisé states 'I vbic-b incitati the slavtes ithé &dis loyal" stale8 to insurrection, raine, andt murder, ptoî-es tlat t is net tise freetiani uf tisé nerotisa'. animxalestîte guverument, <of M. Lincuin. Tise raid aÉainst thial uniosppy race iu New-York, and tihîer cities wvjlt-ave a ted spot un -Amneican hiâtory. It coult aien thtia.hile tis FaderaI soîtibers, lnvading tise South, are' wresîittg negnues front tiseir homnes,, anti ,deiiitg thetu North - te enju>'freecdom*' tise Nonsh muets the iet vltise baller and the turcis. Ta nul tiis tisaclimat of Abolition ? ?hsrth Ontario Etectiu.-A veply Au>ý Mr. Hastdeic-n, halenges -the, edîtor of tItis pap'ir tu namé an>' une on visum se <Mn.Rsa)ercet undue influencej in Ms official rapacit>' nt the recant flection lu Nortl' Ontario. Having- promiseti that we vonît ierply>tu a properl>' antheoticatuti latter vo nov pro- ced tau taulPnirit Dufl'y, anti micîsue M'.Nelty o? Mata. as aniongst those on' viat iis baiif exerciseti utidua itsjoence, tistougithsie threas.t ?iha Division Court. Thinga have corme'.u a pret>' pas undeed-, visen it requirea t i. isordér '.0 islp tise Commiusio o Crovu Landd in Canada io a seat lu tIse Houie, a bailiI o? tise Division Courtmsnt be dragget i ltotuts 1servie-'tet emify aneforinaté debtora ont of tisir votes. During thea two days of anthonii rpte.entativa,) anti not a voter eamue imiothe hall titring the] time fagaint vtnitisera vas a sentions or an axe(t-- lion tls.'.ha diii not pounçce upun, anti tisteaten uitl' the consaqueeeces unI votisg- agamnat taeCommlsisiunro? Crova Làasla Nov vili the bali tItellus-fIlrgtid is tict i uring thé two diys uf election lattend a'. tIse Placé uT pllinglu -nAthorlé>y'oou ba- isait o? M. Macdcrnall ? 2nti-Did he eut, titrougi t tieais, induco )MeNuty 1a vote agaiuat Mr,. amnron?7Anti-aa third quai-y va migli'.put - Tu it 1igist o? t4é Judge out th Division Court to tolease eocatin'.auglaringly 1patizan-using bis- officeaune o? coercic'n bu part>'intéeats, in hib bailiff ?ThTie ltter enquit-y is matie o? ise Jutiga. Witén the bailiff of a Divi- siion Courtsa ur fatfrgeta bis dut>'1 ap4 faits Au reeognizebigss place as to beumre the open partisan andtihei braisting elec- tdon agent o? a candidate for parliameniar>' hunor,-uaing tise oficase hicd'canti l'u -plat-éd b., bis va>' w influence auttéra. l in his time.in the inA ret.-o? thepubhl itat ing i0 aettlung >tis e pniaeNiî'&.a t 'ô't.t aften %e trust tisai tise umsta:n *1i ,rlti6Oti and lhatour- ovfpashp, aucidesa At Oahavwa, ýà idtialat, théeciehi -iuack ramte OIT vii th hfollas6nfte t glo give thse 1.e-t (f? th ct e- wt î'n'.h&olin, anti Witby l1<18e nm- patty. Wé ernt to atata ttiibuis se been.uteneneif'll>' ibrashed. Cartain -r-1 'ren orlte Oshava. Company ilbereti à1erpecul;ar disativantalges, tvu o? Lis t men -aniti ie men sccctet bY lte pan>' tà. suant -vête abisent, anti he obliget 10select niber sisotsin is - pan>'. Ths core ros, -Fire a -dà at 2 00 a rt. PÀtterson .... .....0 0 211 .3 (~............1n6:221 0 2 .sle ... .. l 1 1 8 '5i....... 220 811 412 Total............. Fit-t'rounds ut SU 0 grtr D)r.,Agnew. l ý -02 O() 1 -1 ,Ptiteutoii -.... -. 1 1 2 1 4, Clark .- --. ----- 2 1-0 1l'2 4 -lr4 llubr.......... I 1 51' - -----...... ....------ O 14 bOSV~Vi18 ~ ~ ~î e~cllý, b tèi, fn Kwuek iid ban rmit om roi t. o ea t ct lnttnea. Tarm at ter tr aterwderin S anov 11W 1Audvied~ rie , etrniittoIb gaaz t drâhîte : bu a e r a n beloSge* . Ul be î imtepr,oagan ui n n a vry. di c ingt r ot evP rw'er lodual St-a.nrta raa I~b oeql o h avaen dd but or .grtsa. Louienn htd alead aicetifuiattstaant so em a m'ilite: and e v.cones ionth eob-lihtu. a Marey- omna4chlrnintéwndw.N ~torh Ss~e wold ~ tle Nr~harenmo issa a ycvh he. Nerc. hNoe- ~nre~ té ri f "evrywu searee W b stauaiclnceofe v~~ ncur~ig.Peliius lb,wa uetms mrt reta nes.r Thein res bo ukot hn'th ainlfn îe .4ýhave been chei o Itedcis ie MrScreary ewaru' wrah auot halant les nirhî.Themy try msitrh 7menst ilfaîr, a a ltet ose vrsCaji a iter ati th id ltothe b n o r na br wilfba onqeret, te ld Rier aîts evr ey f:ournt te- Slireis anli tuent ovlie imn; anti no: in b lut n thea pemeiy n anere are m t caervwnjrti. lona tesnt-t eai.th eenusth North ndinam cae ile. Drntth 'i. , 8é0 hu o anm-btevnnte oU b inaeaseeti b iednd,. agaîn. littie nbk occaseoall$ of Con- d re a nti th e 'timsi ey u aýny wé. the Bgehran. s a ita fnd t eadNonî ern fi attstaayo i he'menu e n und avero ,ra Xio n es t e Mactionalis. ao nd t rhSafui hs '01th4ters !h Volttnona ? Cnad laflotworh telv m en fand/e.ht ad.bin hexinows. hn muneth pr s-e t n(:ate We h aeîl r rveprt ht.arft va4,s postpg ooedwa naow l -t. x ean-the Unaionalbeie. en MHoli re'l i ia. inTnee or tw instaersn Ujîpe~Ç~n4j~ od Liw~r~~a~abiue wba )e tlvtittat way. beyocs. Foed s paoi us eurrah' car i lne ow ngii( wasth p osipo heoti. ajîd îh y si to baeran fr. 1J.aWst15 th, &bo for thutan tete muaht. be srot1tng m re rîi 71rwar, ntIeteloorar i reïuan ada. liean more tWnt.m h e i ter ,whedt-4 ee bey eaia( bathe. dWay anéd- lb lieEditor Of th-$ JFAitb Carirutcle. _Grand toi-si.......... ....... 1U8 Iu show you the inttaettce osuwAaiasemmi.ic - brou44it tuhbe ar. in uavor o?., Mr. .Mitdonu oFnr1 rurncsit 20 enr I. gali o'. t Ise Nirih Outanio electiot t'ht- M P Fik............iit) 00 ' yards.iîwii façt isml s:a Le.1, l1for titemSelel-ni Dîî.a....... I 2i 0 2A-rspm -.ibe ue iiMîther, is in Htrn........I i22 1 5 A. 2diltet gie aI mott-Naoct emit-hu 0 1 r.......OI2 2 2 4 i11rasiduttg ai: Port PerY. PaYtueiituof, an- Diki...... .1,)il 0( 1 I 2 imtunsalmnni-feil due on May' lau.'.. - Sir Roly.......... î110 1 1 4 8, bifore the eleri-titI i-bhe Port ni i'ry Mgcr +--7 Isutt'a brother rala upon tht- mori.taor. Total............ 4,hen tise folumin~~ro lloq uy toal< pluice-. ~ae run. t 30 seudn î J. 13_ Il Tlsre's a p yt)iott due u 7piyuîr Pec............O 2 1 2 1 4 10 juul~g. trizar........ .... a mn1,1 y11 t e ,dap5 iilinýe <'tutig. . . . ~2 -q 1 2 o 4.,129 uib 'eu~i isumîise 0~tl Rotlev ........... 0Ofi 0 2 j 3 H.'~O1'iu Oa are t-ci"n3t? S- ±- Muri n-aru ~ Pu mt>'iclI mi;Up~. C. - o ... ...men.ut .upeixtu i,h-tueu i tuujii lu>'i." J. ... ..- 4 ni300 us tittitr - Sitewing for tI'. Prince Albert Company' Gavu.notî pramib ta 9aybey 'YVt." of J. B.- IlMaclui'aul ta the, man. ATo In Brooklin, Captain - l{atriun'a Gant- -for'î d ut. pany were victaria-u3 b>' elé-vén nolntt. Thte _, B. w 1'îtdtuesi '. oe prestige or tlisetvf ?Wih>,s bt ' on t Vote ai ail." - home andtiabrohd, u ndier i-le - e p t romis i-odo tisai disgraees that Campnn>. thtt." - After theé nairisai OEisea a 5t*îe ',I fi'ml im> wwrssfr>o ut $6, $3, attti$2 vas go'. up viiih be-wose adiV, - ta> l hue uti l cônteiek]b7 24 comppti'.r_-Baý t ? L~~ .-o~ c in: thé firt-prize. Galmlbnrounr o? or lin, anti Clake o? Prince Albert, bciiii t- of'thte Continui--aý, a tuïisy-bmdy auc'.iotuer, île, ise> sIsL u1 Claricantrng for thé By,8totiaLum , Yu.dara'. ont vote A, secondsaeepstakce, l inwioh four, J.ytmtyauîmie~-T-tu~a#rn prisse vere girvitof $3, $2.41. andi 50 piliîiOfuir yull, duwn et., Puni- perry-you cents vas sot for, in trhich PrivaeéCt'idoi.*' Craig, ô? tise Otlsawe Riflpes, ook th iséf '..T , ouarrmu.it a-Cmri. Sinie t titnI-e h t-tterved çwii-ba uins prias; Ricismrda, tof Brookliîi, tise second ;.mns, o 1 r },he .stsi.naithough 4h.-e. Mcisael Dulles, Jr., ofQsiuiwa. the tbinsh,-wFi-t. xol itti4ofIsle tttircy due on 05the, s'ni Clar-k aiid Dillon, visu tivitieduibe Itf.i tuotgage u-t- wasoilel0wn., but ;-otsltý tit dollar, thé fburth. r -i ve& pte4 b>' the partiesawii11outla jsOItS. At the OOshava match Captilins fft lqiý jit. inasmuch, na, tatetilydt~m 'son-nti Pentiavus cnibo îarg~ u tisaipsy coule! iot'. çie.iitithe ,mofeult>pn ,Kanand rents wih qute alarg, o tqualy, iood îermstuTisails buitasPa- o? ibeir moan vera ïpreétit.-. ç1pe-è,opf te freedpipQ?ý oprcioa li hcClean, *hfasu>r Fainheelcai- tilectétid Ia 'proûeeM ifitit polerariten td em thse.eltîptot-! lîsO6 and vastheé-asnior officer oq ei ru 111eérei&eý_ You a ve-the u-i97t§bed turt bei filitely "iven up ttfiqy mit11 twr n -p- u tibeir lItnpg, G1r t -8omb of thm ire nov ariie.at. ThAy' stert- aund husmn hou-aci opoit ts tîlieuAtpr>vorai'n_ Hiuirudrvds uf p4eupla h-ave heens Iillu-il. Baý itei occutr'id icithe sireetm tuuat oit-tltti twPeu thi! ntîlitary anti the noh, in éhbici h1. gri--eU-sàt disperalioiîoaas islilttyf-dtit houtb md. itusiis %vuas sîîsrancItd aIl lai. andîti,(u rais or ia» C rami iin t1.--ciltV ut uleiev u ut i.ýst ait-ni:e, ni-am Tltii. -eu 41 rreet, and ti aMimat mmi.diaetel aif;e tn iî-t i tste co? tise ,ut:rruidin, oil~ba. No.' ?1 wvas crmmpletel>' snc-d an.1Jti bîtuui'ti, The fitremeiý inaue ILo pie%-cit the, LSfmé5 irl imijrbaàding ,t( ihmu aduî l huiidiiuirs at tcsattinte. A ounî.un CLrc-aout -i ,f a bouse inear hy an< iumld 01,- c:-çowti-ub nthent- vas a rue c riterue tenements iii thte-,roar. Pio tîb' tiiis iinume(fiîuely tushot ini. but if nà lie reolivtid ,»i,i-: ieyhcitidisaupearted Oite o? th - ti tîr-scarriel a-rail o? r.p, mo hang I ih iegoiwlîonttht.>'exrm,-fete tim tloid, Thet:irc-h wusga alplirdl, and lu fisew iit-a ieihe haouses soute un,,fire. . vo ws rumumred thiat an aiiarl; iwas to 'b iniidu titi thé- FiltItAvenue liai-l, a atroît guard wmuttabout it, ati z-:le intéý ,.je itihe lire purtitlris,- ctid tit tff. te) attark. littu itih avemiue wu j.jmeces i autiller>' vire terougb'tm pb>'a ticiacbuet b? suldieni; inti fireti once or Iviro upct i-ho MOI). A number %v ere luilled iitu sîbe ated t ave hea o1 kill - A lie Wy l>'da»t ltt)W inuon@ tr eet l itth$ itii utouther. 1It h. impossible t aisucenia; %i-t niiiuherofkIltrc4andwutieAntotb -h.-m are saidt b'h. Simrepeamsml'v Wl'i-t-tt-ut tts ere ici théneviciiiity of il rî,d ai a;pectatuns. Tu dcec-ibê virl ac-curacy thte ex'tit. tue»ft-tut uttiturmoil ici anti at-un th ie aras hô cei b ý t* jtn position and a --s' gl - -- -- -j 1--;_?--ý- ine t'<f r iienpteeercià the privil-ege5 and, rghtt9Wbi nii U* The mub fired usurpérsinspolently deny Dme Kthome."l jr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R 14pe ~n idos nt eh Proeuedsto define bist.posi1ieatýs Ir -he, oýsiýb,*:streétds. apanIn uptiolder af,tls. cOrAliiiOts And Ofqth Ukel gu~ e' nfnaw va inuîant Uniotj and a defepeler OfaosmiteutOPa1 ly Iilleti, and Lieutenant 1V W55 iOr.li't. ,n il efr _ u '?~tb. 17r~fiI~*! '~ beng ~lsp.ri I7f'i aets -or the*Liucoltt aespotiom, at this point th y %, encontereti ai!ain nite5ic4d owjftsyW.m in F;fteenih sîreet ana Avenue A, wberé p k 1 a.a 1r rtx ftal~~mù t o ronnds -o? canisiér - W fre d ing sri~acta anti claititi Of mbitrary pover great exeoution. The military then rej wbieh you. ha6eè so cobly- denoneSd ? turried (o the Seventh ReLgiment Arù:tbiy, <ýMtlitary necéssity.> But if, indeed ait ~ll~1oivlt1tra éiê dépnsiteti andtihtes" ho dénisntiéd y military neemsity, ÇOlutiel- Wtnslov tbien répurted in Gen.ts,énbeItevq.sné, 1er libatiles are gonat, Bronwn nt Po!icé Hoatiquarlérs. This la anti tyranty,15 perpetlal. For if thits civil bY far the moat sperlonsi encounten of the var la to terminale only by the mebjugatioa. t4qle.or submissiun ofithe South to force arma, A Most. asel scéné ccurre iIn te-theé-infant of to day will nut live ta sa" the Spventh avenue, near Twenty-peigtureet, end, of [i o, in antizer vay Otly eau whera flue negroes were hunteti tiun by it be brought to a close. Travelling a t mal', who- bécamn1e so 1îerribly enraçreti thousand miles anti more, Ibrough aiearWy at tétIi hyha oro them t one.half o? the Confeiderata States, andi sa- deth. ýThe ROh man vas resenveti for lounneyng for a tinte at videly différent i-tt ore fearfitl ven-iPance.o? thse excitetiPoints, 1 met nt ot ne muan. voman or ,'rowd. a as-ra haenaeerl, nt hild , hwuasnot resolveti to perish ra- tln utp'eridod frotnm tppatuil tlter than yieldt t the pressuer? arma aven derth 'eisoed5 the moh, someof.? whom ln thé most -defîierate extremuty. Anti were vame >n, niterini frotls antijpes, anti whieverrnyandi muai ha the varying tlercely atrikini. thé hody as .it.banig The fortune of the war, in ail whîch T recog. The h,,dv vas tip, cnt, dnwn, à4tnipped o? tize ibe banti of Providence pointing visA. lîs aluîln tutîhrown nalicti to athéetilyt'tathe ultimîte issue of ihi@ grnisstrial idille of the ,4rei.i where it îay tipon ia o? th- Statua antiu thé people o? Ameirica, tliey haéc, a f arfail Monument o? Mob law. are btter prppareti now in eveVy vay tu .T llt d roai lpn gave- tond cheers. As ntake -goud tii-lt inexorable purpose, tItan Soiaaq itf6tnio ld ti eciheatiquar. et1at-Y perli aince the lieginning of the torsý a bravy force wu sent to thp place ta airugAe. Theite nay, indeeti ha uuwelcome nv1fCuethe sl'oJy trutîté ; but they are addre.maed coy't:cen: The hboitte on the south cornerof Gree,- titiatnd honétt men. Neitlrr, bovvr, i wick anti Cvdr re es vas broiken luto ;Pt tm e a ti. it i -met any ne, w atever umît eîaniýlctely siticlîidhy fa crowti of about hii apiniotss or his station, political or pri. .ftivl bois anti vaînen. .Amoig t1ehtilît yate, vho-didnul déclare bis uead ne% ,;tî1î cleatie t oan Greetnwich strnet - when the van ehail havée eeaaéd sud isîvaif. 1 tlt jae lniy store of M Eotirander. No irg armies w ihdrawn, to co nider anti dis. tbii4 !tlit blt bt14s epîDy sitoueanti vuA5lhe quet-lion o? ré.union. Anti vio caies. Tbesý?alicé tirove tthe ma',anîlers thuil .)Ut the isue utthe ardnuent? I f tm ie vcit<t, ast areaxtiunewh~ nutri' therefoné, vîh ib y opinions .andi enit in the art 'of> siralin ' "a vujabIa eiiiotns na ta0-ar or ppace- andmy r ixno, At 120 Wnahiarton street a nntn faitli as taothé finaîl réanitz froýis sowîd 3 h t- l' of tr itîtle n ellow a e t ot n o a f l,_ht. po icy an ti ise sat àeménanphip, otonly n i Biitiit-t Faeo;(y, oine of thé participants, h.ti but confinmed anti aîrenethened. reCPiveti a terrible wounîdin . Oie- élde of Atid nay thie, loti of Eeaven anti Baril' s0 .Ihuý hi-ad. andtiwits removeti ahilu t isensi _rulete hear tsanadtiminda of Americans hI, hie thse poliestation. é,n-rywhere, tnat with a constitution main. N - ol> th- îert .but tisé Chinepse itýiied, ia Union nestorei, in"iLibenty who vnd h,4 tubrru aiti pur ciars ei,th miade. sec-are, a grander andi I_ vu"rtt,ci,e ,sbonoxinuA ta ithe mr,. x ntinohier destiti5 haîl yuot hé ours, than1 that diti th- Furh ard, where thi Cittîise ovn hirilsslled ur fathers in thé firai Vco1iitrtCtetttheir quafters have heen sac. t(W') ages 0 ofthe ;repthlictt- ted anîf ruinti. S.me niera mnarripdti shite. w,; -n.andti tssottfamla Tnstc tnsir Rior.-Thle anniomtcement tiott vas tuot coriaitiereti mnch boîter thati macle in tudst of New York papers on ti1. utdaÃ"tad, ~e .- Trursat i'nt'rning that tha draft vu poat- -41, hat 1 th outlnd ot blrhs.pooied, servedto tuPrevanl an! aliiou 1 à ut. n bn i of théeutob tiàing thé day. In tht - puorén parts oftiecity, however, th2 spirit r EtI.ÀtsPAXJuly 20. -The, Stemghip a? eaistancé la nqalled. t ony &alun 1.Afrira. front Liverpool via Qtiîeenatnwn ori be rs, tao ssent itfalf atili more violently tht-.121h. nt4îvod ht-ene t 5 .30 ibis p. mn. viten aniberr aîîeinpt shl'l bu- madtie on- iY The Morsthig7aui qiyt!it Mn. Linîl. for1'Cie the raft. No une cao 'doubt tItis ét' la o xîserted fte fI*ni-r tiseHanse Orof GatWho gueaperaorially %mon, th eple or nie nsrc on th"- 13;h wiîb a dptaitetiaco,îthuise soctions andi listétts te, théir eonver. u,?1 but jîevera! interviewasyulthéheErnî,eror maeuuru. T re -a universjal anti open aci a N a o en o r ont a note book, in w ih holie -l itoa ce ein tie dea thaï:t ther é shall li 13notéd dtown the iàuhstai-ee ofl e cç cnverfsa-nu draft. This is menel>' a stat,-meot of » i ionreiz,.fuilnuv Aincnica, vhen ha retunted ffîsîn nul an a.rniient.. 'r of Mit n l tios he uiîiuilos-t, r.Liti Pt aso-- liumrte r i tOitiuiéot tMr. osa 4- poate r aite nxi ro vs-canwt n., gaeth Mcafrn teraiarne th01u. La'Te Mrntn ,raion, atw-it Mr.ig I-yMr. ' ftbconstaditiniipaiaileu'itna, i lr. MenhntnuiI o rct:iba oné mémbern of, ;ta CnLl orrJJect- ,t iOrlen.monisbt dit ise oniutr rcgttuij, wandt int>-- pio,îrt-l théeponsFiibitii>' -i ). f litle control user dia ?oraiirn polIr>'. The acrip o? the Co-tit!deraWt. iQan .ond lis - 91t1 noce 7&diicount to ~prem.,- front oni the o lla 1 ~preni. -- 'Iti- 7 n ibts cit enatIeeanuyitesr tht-t theé orentiti n an roitin Nec York tment ani aae: The latent It d > 1

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