Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1863, p. 3

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OF 0F AU KJNDS, Ti-%YTHE CA" (iLIIORNIA M~AN" c f the r Mary j 1latn of Otthe B 91; Brande, Try tho "CA LIFORNI \ MiAN"ý -'AT OSHAWA. To- <~I rek~y >n Gassware TRY 'rJIE, AT OSHAWA.* - For the Best and the Cheape.st TRY TUIE AT OSHAWA. -For all kinds of Goods of the best. quality. 0 r- O z z o 25 -Fer: Cent CHEAPE RL UI-Thman an y othuir I[use in tie County, try the THOX&S MULCAHY.2 Otlir,Jtiv, 1863. EAULIYOS0<a it Will commence on the Lst July, to seli of at greatly Reduced- -Prices, the balance of their extensive stork of Dres ood , -,,nîc Sik -a id C(bli NI;untes, 1Ila ts, S lia %yI1,»;libbons, lar a ,ols l\,e Iarr as urt il otI >-ullitiei Cloti ng(i. Just v) hatud. u finee lot of N -'N gl't>r f rrBUTTER. 251 T'fEl) t ~ ~ ~ ~ M ,riX~rîtiut t- Em w <I" IWO1ILD KN 14.oDe. ooâStoe. lerdhe that. k<<~~~ l<iu.,eu. Aumr,tia fuLlf'Oan h tie pha fta- Th r-xmi lsd wp /to5~ bu-ge. soeiicIl (ifathut-arn ive 'e -Drsi, and ts Stor. ned r no » hee i.xth -î tge-. nn Iniblw raqaied ou aa e ie»teed.or n athe eate<1104M ati-taflauiaior) JC.HARRIS. <aeunareeordai Wiftby, aulry 1,186. BRYSIrIC IV BD.-.4ro3epeo tut}Ctu clw<p' Aie two ri the giei te £av ethau e .. m preirsietat aoi ti seuiL dui0ti~f aeeeIlraieaa ix GII Wd wouI fectfully ar ~rgeî~ w1~ s8orteîd stock or AG RICIJLTURAýL I .'lM PLFE ENIS, -Wich we are constazitiy mantif.ctniring. TVe..ba',i ho able tuô offer, duric thé eonang seson, the largest mnd heese artam of any ThftIrtr the ii. unuy, At priçce which we (ecI confident s-ill wturit your cco nldes gtion, Wè ïIjlI aI p.>artiular atin- tien te 0f ail gredes,, styles andi prices.,- inculuding Brown's Canaduan, wbicb jes well kno>wn throughout thie CoutL, Gurney's Paent frein Western Cacada, -Yankee Stibqoili, ad the celébrateàd Stooluit) B ordPw, of Rojnintt, atxiin &,Co., whil iesne- knowleulged <nte flicebest' Steel Moid 1Board llow inthe. Uniret) Stat os, and aise the. celibritted Patterson Iron ieain Piair, with steel board. We.are aise ruaking Four different kind sof,. NV:hcel I C/ultivators! Varying li junce freum $15 te O!. uir Sf eol Toiith Cuitivator lbas bren itaproved thej lat seuaut n s îow the Ietinipluenucuit fo)r workting 'feu ploîglied lant). for sprluug and1 mot crop, that can ho procureul i uiy tnnrket. Our WVroight Standard Ciltivutor. with steel tueff.,for ucnrliog raugh anud etnuey land,. is anrivaled.. We are algoo 'nanu- facturinut a Coltiv--tar te 811 the. demand of ftunrg, for cuttiuug <lutuaian Tetiua which .WilI provo an effectnuai remidv uauaintat thi& egtes, ast it cots ovçryihing letn. andi anawers for a.Cultrator asms al. Wo are coeuîsuauîly naantftcturingavariety.ocf, Vurviing in price.froni six ta ffy" dollars, and wouli just auuy in 'regard te themn, that une hlave spared ne pains i getting theni as ocam perfe:ction as an) ini the country, and îlot up in gond stylete ment Lti. wanta of iargt farmetsa as, 4 urk growver.-. We have et a cnidersiale exFeuaae, succeeded i0 gettingr the paLterns,. and the. right ta mnantîfc-> ture HsireePower Sîraw CoLler, which isla aa-knowrlcdged te ho the beBt machine tni the kint) ever intradura±d nto this Cnunty, beiuug stmong1iài btý, and capable of' cuîttig a Loua of h;ay ou1atcfe 's in ian hnur, anti cati b.tue arrnuged to cut't rca a quarter ti an inuch -in Icngtii. We zuake:a variety of kindua of> 'OR.N & l-"'t'TO CIJL'IaVATORýS,- Bot for woeding, and i hlliuug. and araong te varietiet, ire are wuua TURNP Wccler, tint once seen, nfaraier wuotli tlîinkuk c cauld cintut a crop-of turuiips, currots, or any rmoLt rop irithout il. 't. THREHI!G IYIÂHINES! OJave nutiversuai satisfuctian the latt tIiacusn rd wutlîaur recent liaprovonenots'thtËuuye-ar tic>' ottunutifuremout. uind are, withauut ezeeption, the blest 'Tiireshîer suuud Iluurue Pnwer in igu Yoti mil l lsafind MA\NNEY'S COMBINEI) REAPER & MOWER. mIitt *w am improvementua, wiîuiu h, wimutntexeptiona,'the hc4 mîmahine iný> tse, auud Juua .u)uadth, test for the 1,st 8 yg-'uur.-, agaiuist ail camptitie.', aud ttiisud- nrivaled. Youî1 mil al.at Uindt t C AYIÂe CHIEF CO.NrINE!> Iteapiog <and MowIi aehines, Wliichu tank the first prias aas the best combined Réapoer -a114 %Mower, and u:ni nthe ifiut, ~prize os a singleie oirer, at nuit. aet Piovinciai Exhibition. hlluibntTnornto iun Sepf.emubem 1at We tiet otiy to tu5ya thuit it is uAl irouî, wbtia adjuistualale <' un-bo nad of steel, ondi t) je ruunt t>' -T-r ound wubtuelsia, iever>' durable, eansy put in Mnotionaund outuidu unrbvaied as at Cautadiaus harvesttr. You wii lie skie to guru fruetaiut a aiott verytluing in tiie way of Farmniiî iriemente, thtyôti tfar quire. W. have 0.1 han'), Horse Rakes, Land Rollers, Corn Crackars, Parm Mille, Pan- ning Mill,,(Corn Shellers, Wheelbarrows, Road Scrapers, Harrows, &c., &e. Aillkituduaof Castingua mnd ?nrgîngi or ever>' ulocriptibou, sticb ae Sf ovvs, Piaunut, & Gris'. and Saw Mffl Cuwings niade tu torder oui short notice., Every thing l ttii. alove hausîneri iten tîdeal te- witlt up'tictuality, anud a or eýisvuaabie ternis. Repuuiritîg neatly executûut WVe litend hi keop ann<ssortnent conqatly olan banad, which--ili cuitulal us te BUl ruert iuuniedi:ufely. anud îs ur noto is smali praliLa to good puying custaniers, une feel conafideunt %î a a nnfer stuperior gcua tt rices uhat ilii) ildtce youu t rade waith us. %Ve tuk e this ciportauity tas tender ta aur pit rerie ur -rateful:tcknowltd6-ments for flue verv' iieralfiarrried Iutmir4rtu, mitlî a aesre: tu menit yoar fut tire puronage andl influence. BROWN & PATTERSONS. Whitiay, Juil>'.1863. 9-7 \Vill find excelletnt and couvenient accom-nodation). Withlu a.IF ew Ta.d5 of the Public Hal. rivate FIRST ANNUAL TOUR OF TifE EW- M,ýpÉcmroi)r ot 'p i Ocxinsv tre v' ie -bWzea. t4iu,Oflic-,, ~~ ~ AU l Joera. nist bo ndreit.4pif.(pfye~'M fm¶ iJM~UlEi1A.. Davis, M. DqTotôftý0 C. W .. .an<O"atl it- Au establishment entirely S4ovel anud ori;I-na- i-conoàuuion, eaperik>r 6 eMeiifit intiF E t Atit inchuiug ithe following Immense and Uniparalleled Cpmb4iisîoar IV.PI ,'. ' Wallace-lm TrôupeY* ong eur sr.T Tom Kiflgs Olyflpus CCieB Froua Caflfe-r;Ls. Tou, Coffae, Sugars, Rie &4.-.,which.ý;fr oheiLp.neaa eid qflaJy,4'M. lt, Derr's Ediicated Sacroil Bull CRARtLTONeS FivroIUII.e utî Yroîo iuIdata~Bert rai'. XXX J1nwySetqy 3oe Pentland'si Cirous. VI.* Frouas tlhe Acicn-,ay ofMumc, Pmtniti& -Wonderfil LeapingUutfa mmeno FuuioFlo.,Jf*î modlàtIy from Lthe P;aoltle Cont. FrI the Paieor de a f rvr WesL. u>aaivlck)nin(AI ' J. t agu an'id a# > it. Prof. L.-ortiy'i. orpsaut I OOTS AND SH~OE9. Lentis fatona Rrcàs PERPORIKG «DO<..S & IIGNYEY4, ,lpring.an,t u-imer Wv.Arfied t full e.a Frm n Mblo's Garden, NPw Ylirk. Foa ilprsf'teori.V<f evarthawfi Iatat.r:le lette. ï [u left0ep, Dried ApPF)IýTela COMPRIS IN6 SEYEN)DLITINCT XHJRITION. el.5tluf s~ua~n~nrf I ot r i acirl The. ahole unuder thei muediate direýction of L. B. LENT,........ .. ............... ...... ....... 1............MNfANAOER. IL u iii be seen thitthLe Cuitbino tiot AN ENTI3ELT NEW C4S Such as heis neyer before lucen attemptet talle auch an erturmatis expenditare of ,ii patronage cati render iL remuunarative. Th *epardnned for directing attention to the RCSS J01fNg-SToN- LICENSEIY A UCTlt)0CE1W*J%' TUlE OLD ST Doudiretite tender la'i moruans frietude ,euhc literril %hru of pahl iaa 4cea avoua Taleted 1 ru. rlinugtc i,on ti ;odon. UCTION SjARS. JoIIN BI1YAN. mtives. heen retnrcl to- m,b he very timple rçe.l Pcya-rti vears n i. mui thüt rert tlii.ntiuttuS of ili sead a cny o t chuuarae) witt a th dai u-e the saune, ý',irua tua-r Cotiu'um p- ~c. Th0ounIt oh ,1, and uapefld ini mSt tuah fiinvâiOttue, -r Wel! t tv file reiner ilg, utttd aray prove rl)tG wi. WIleus. :'SS CURED. 'l ultfl&ti@e tn tht Eaeo4 ntldote Fiii i twu ar Drouk., m' vwLfep- 2 1 2 6mou am, <blli,) ~Jobn Bar HOM McGîill r'Bank, madc e Iuu <iii, raOuTi iii fl. Tun.' ~ 1.1 a-< N1c~R, HO0T ýL, OSIIÂAW À d-y of ýugu1i1 iwiii a tus tfrr- ae faf huaclur mal ea- "-"%' t, U, ec!""

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