Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1863, p. 2

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IMt. 1DNLT 0ONE DOLLARI Wtlty, Tkm4say, Juiy, Tke .NiaItry-Âsotiter tE lrish need Apply, Mrn. Drummond bas reigi Lal'rétebeiaie lbua len gaïel ionan cf publie- Werks in bi 0f thé nem Minister thé 'sotte Saya : - lIr. 1Latnsmhclaeis a par ='m and se]pépeu essacta neyer ealighteneti thé Rente -«. but tésdily voedtét is l Re im tiéaidédly uot-.& étau -ditnction by bi, Parjiameati4 remains to b. seen if he mili ofiée aav apitéde for publie hi 'bringi thé Minitry neosti-angi W. de net regretithat M&r.Dtr nuasble te procure a constituai ,feed isl omwisensé cf hanor au irbn lie jeined s geérnan1 t'bi aaw or t~aiwsqxa - Régarding Mr, Maodomgal's auaWt if iour corotnidantta e ,4oiswe lWe ive 1 hlm tg b,, ibao mW~oaer of Fraser. Crown I*ads musaveaisaad1'swifSuly ero.cu i tatemet-illful beésuse h rc. ould bsar.ely be expected tsq.a peumon of bis polit1informa.tion, .Mkin lais Po- iki!. suitn f commissienen, of 4éowa Landa, ! ý'uiih t tkaicirthat ther onsooi4 $'bi ave beeti Roy seai shing aila leocal ianpnvemflt 0U1C1t. ' u ' Of course bis :bjetuemt have been LA YEAR nd inibis, to some extent, hm.afor the pi-esent, suceeded. Buttbqir yes Wl'sopen- eO 83 d tte b eceptica pi-aétisétl ap6il thiemiby ibis time 1 Another electien to.morrow, And kuue-'" No bEri. Cimron'a msjority la thé -titéd townahips cf Mars and Rama weald net ,ne a M-.h lésa than, 1l0O,.--sd apen bis ire are , tad oMis-raady te stu eOur veraaity. lisîtad. ' What me saggeatod in tiesa columna, a Montreaî<Ga. fertatight age waa-that ince-there mena smm.$100,000 ef thé Colonisation Rost sfofgnte 'ndI te mwiih Upper Canada la entithéd nlor, mho hu enappropriated, Ontane ýdataivasitfi «am~. with speech- Oui- Coanty lias, beretofoe,, bée most pmrty fisndsi. mpropénly daprivéd cf that whiab mwu ;tu li Io îdite, ubreagli thé ignorance id- iaabécility Ar-y Ttareéni- .eseIati-s.We oshe tiéxen. am8incis. l. sien cf cdr Ce ntral resd mhich wam, sud ia h." the ahortoat snd cheapéat routé to, the ýmmmend rsaMutkeka territery , me losttheanaex- îy. Resaicri. atlen cf thé townships cf Daton, McÇst- d alf-.ispect ey, Cardaen, RI-de, Draper, Stephanson, lo<nmed undr &C, of' mici e e mre daprivéd, beccausé gréat libllr, Mrra! North Simaca anti Victoria lied represea. 1no armemeânt" priitéipluii besidea,. e bis nuaie odicustàl thehàlôWýeéctoe omvet Canada. M. Dîumm),nd'a po. i rasreer may nom lie contdéred as .d. But hé bu only bimséit to blame, ioght is cira poitical destructiont te retibaticu uhicihé mtaIith mas ted ac] juil. Mn. Druineond mas the , riash maember cf thé Minisîry, anti'he- ae excuse fer one. Mr. Laframboisé ibis atama indiats-is a Fnéuech Ca- au. Thèetla aom tnc népremntative cf Irish elemenuin a eitbér section cf thé net. Scochainad Frencht Canaîlias the Trosat. conidéing tbe melghi ifluences etthe Iriait alectors in Ga- this i nomesan lîgLuto theirnauti- ty. In previent Administrationstliis tI te éeue, Iiaituen b.d tLbi r. tvôlce îé Cabinet -.bat Il mas thu-for- iliiberlity, inspired seuldlnércuu'd by Brome lé' dixrespeet saudtiti-égard ýbte mite have been g the. .Aàminitstcou ow cpea ther eyem laeé neceivéti? 'As ,*lin htis toe lais, 1betore nésasefi-e ri thé mtourthey ame iy monîd li bclineti Iéaes'vite pi-a- . mlbt be Done. or tb. lath ;lat, in titivet mWho suedéd to thé Interesta ot thein censtitiDenta. Oui- pi-eet repreman- tetivés bave pi-omiseti anti plédgeti theat- selves te attenîd te -car interess~-to the. inaterial inereasscof tIbas pu 1ty, Deng mninustera of lte Crown titre i a n o excuse loft tiema, as tbere mas te Jo. Gold -of- ioti bie; le favon mith the Goverument.. W. have hemn tem lte fitit- net ilia t"as împrovament fund"-buî ah. anap- propi-laed *100,000 of Lie Cobenzaica 9osd fond]te wiialie am i enitbed, anti if they tiesire te keep their promisies they nomw 4Ve it -in lititpower ta do-se, aond by doua; no gain the confidence andI respect cf tiàér aealstients. There le a large ares 'ofCrown 1Landsl in aseul au'nonadint Mars andlRamna. 0f - tIt he Coda- esisioner cf Cromu Landa muat hé per. féctly eogniaant; ho amuai ulsa- knom tht. sLIVanttgLtof cpélting hp tics.landsa for setleuneut, atI -il'hoi bai t al been sioeérein hum professions staishi.méeiog -lé Mat-bhe bamnom thi. ppeniunity to carry hlm promises buta pi-setiési effeal. Ne mil math s ac] malt te tee. Au fll-wlusl thet blowit sebouy god. wek'a la fau o lnmposéaibt belconsy appiatmna, sudcf a no, l~m important oné--Shlior te thé Bank of- toutveàh, aI thtplée-buihéem c f NMr. W;. H Treuuayac, remiads us et a tilmgrcale 4ty. It lu one lioweyer mid mu ciré the publie, ad wickiithe jeumali, boy- ci-et palufultot hiameif, le acupelléd te dis- chargé. William Hitnuy Tremayne.mai County <tomnAt&torney, for Ontario, Solicitor ct ti Bank et Nontrésisi Whii. bp', andi bualdea eajoyed e very lar-ge ait luerative huaineqe Ia Lia preeston atsa lawlei-, lIain; neanly ttaelve yémi- puat hé residoul lithis loirpansi the confidence cf SUl mti tabcinhb.came bête contact mau exténues! ibm. Bomé imepty ibsys ago peopls voke ap ini théir lieds, aud teard ibai Mr. and Unr. Tréiansy shec] goa vsy 1 $cpely aqy ans hélievet tbs i h mu for aiylig lor lia ea pléasure trip. Aftermards fubi mountd upon ats eccamnési, andi lettera éonroboi- tuve cf & ailtisireulMsai iwmn mcertain- net cuhy gene say, but h bis mint neyer co rtin. andi carae, fnnitiîee nd raidénceéihrruy and, pitun npidém tbe SflhrtfPs a mmer. Tremeyné himselt *as a gai es teemeti, ando]mior ectitude mas taititfilly ralieti mpon, c Hé mat Lgii y satemei, aud as mau a s saiLtI kiaévh DAnthei consldestiou-oftthe motion it assisonitt tthé .xpendIturs 'masunasa- thorindt by the Committée on etreeta antI impi-Qvemnfts, anc] e*en by thee liairman of th. Wséd aoiamlise, ad wu alcgetb- ci-a lith. dotige, oaatii. -part of (SaCaptiti Jilaa" te hpa s pa..e -Our- readers--to- cgr tomai asaders, w.e psak-w-ill béat le miaid that me bavée4 committee on ataeets, ac] laptoetnanta, composeilofe eu cm ber frontua saliWrd. Under a résolution of' the cÃ"àncll-passé acmé tinte &go thé InitWe, for ch. xpénditare 4If cthe appro- pnitloius-tbs nepresenttiteYof thé Watti, irbo la a unémbar of ch. attesta andI im- proveanenta commuitée, béing tb. chairman. The chaimnasa etthéeîitb-committ.e bnings in bis report, and prodacea thé. aécessay voucliemrsteli.accounts titatain mhicb are passat apeui bis recommandation. This lias been thé ordinsry course, andI ha beaui foonut te or-if net'altegetharaisfacto' ily-aunootbly en )ugh.--This yen!,lata cf golng on in thé ustual may, tire members of, thé Centre Wanih (Mn. Poell, ungail by Caiptin Jifri,) theuglit proper te parane a cifterént course, and mithoat ccnmah:irig ch. chairman, Mn. Darprilh, Ianchaed iuto quis. a big éspenulitan n'pou théir omit book.' The matult is, as s friand cf cura' mouid say, ch.7 havé xScedét]thé Ward's. appropratien by a big lgra-tbay em- ployat men, laid down siulewalks througb bye sIreeta, mitheat evén coanltIing thé cltairmtsn, anti fer part. of thia unanthorisat] moi-k Captin Ji m sogts obtii $60. Anid agala, thdé*seing na repent tram thé chairman, lthe keacît wal belt l that.(if ýpaiu,) the North ac] Souili Wsrutm mulîl bé éslidupon te tact the bill. Homavér the. pi-sper check bas beén applia, andI juat in îlte-4d-at "Captia Jlm" la net w'aih s cena etnae il 1 ascape, at thé ex- pen the cpoet tabores, Mr. Pomah!çmbcwh àima man oftueans, il have te, foot thé biIl se fan as be la concénned. When Mn. Dévêtul, théeéliairmau et thé aeb.commit- tee, hiaga la Lis report, cf, ceaçie tiat iii Iapaak for itIand sc ever tha expenditune properly antheaixa.' la thé méantime, êod me are inyfo-i.thé poor monkmen il remain ou f their mages. What miachiaf te thé Couneit, tuhec] dativice of eune bau tisanude? Bu that w no:ailh andI with desep regret me hava to déplore thé, sac]condition icce irbich uut'once réa. pertablé Tomai Couneil bus talle. Anti cite bac] man tiiecausaeI1 'At. téemeetin- on hat Monday évauiing, the. expresin "ilisamec]nd flti#Ç tomards a Couneillor rresens.lng the aaime mar], mare not th. moral that eséaped thé foui htps eft iis mau. Rp.eatdly did thé Maoe auai-tien iihoet betug beedeul by Mr. Wallace, mite lim nomrisade-hlnaelI me aotoriously dis- graméfol liai 41 sénse of alame sud] tuty, s mell as manhuopiandi Loner ara ot upon hlm. We advise thé Neyer again to compél the attendauce cf 1-ils cnstable, ac] place thts-.-a laIisucé-inthe boéi-up-"mhere thé dega mon't bite hlm," te use it omit éharaceaiittic expression, 'andso meprotecst ithedelibematipoucf te Ceanéil fi-cm interruption, whea h. tiares mc 'bolly te cuti-ager iheaain.' At me baie f"oueùly liedoccsiton to reunark e Lretome, thée riciple cf givlng to mardc] emmitl eestémanagement anti expendituré cf thé toma <amat is lcai cd oe.. Tite Si-sets sac] hsaipoveanenta Commintes aabuld b lte proper exécutire, anti baing one fro eh sé arc] they moaldnoct coma- Sîi,-!n an articleon fias, tn y.iar Imt- issue, yen ssy that Ilantii.. mmédîste néigliborheed cf tii toma, me are gladte t infeLni cor teaders, that flax growing lias béen put tapen its trial," and that Ilthé yield l4 Immense, anId la caleuhatad te lgîvét BOOlbui. the weigbt cf fibrée whieb at $10 thé CI., stuc] see 20 bal.o tue4,s $1 50 par btuabel, beth Wthtii 0. 1No bac] fer eue mené cflan, '$80."1 But'ïou de net-luferun us ' ur the fibre eau b4I1- pem= me te ay, that fias bas been suL14 cemfiiygrown lh thé Tsttvmship ef Whil by fer opwa-dm cf 20 yéars, andI i hava n doobt the sepd porchasét by M,r.WàtqU,; at Il the star. cf Métmrg. (libsen. Yarîih & Co.," wax thé growth ni Wiîitby, et thé adliting Township. (ne furman mite bas béén ln the habIt cf raising flax, say fromeincrafoîrth te cue'half arietannnalby for about 20 Years, informa me, thiat on cria occasion, a quartai- of an acre prodji ed lé buseirsi'ceet], audnI naiotetî half acre pnodîîced 15 bibelanth haharîa]fibre-,cf thé finet qoshity, font in lcngth. Thé gret tdras-baek te t extension cf flax culture hare a. blie and scîhi s, thaeirnt cf a marktlfor fibre Jn its raw stata T-b4 conijacqtt - cf wirih i s, that flmtt l% cultivatid f4r, t simd sily, and] the fibre, altleoîtgli un:, passeil in quality, 15 ahboiredtO to waste ln the bai--yard. Amy oceriab-sf~ lishing a market. for t1ai lu its ri-uc ataw, in this nuight>oiod, watild confer a getat boon ite comtnunity. JOUN SXE( Whicby, .ily 28, 1863. Mr. ghian mail h ofcu-eotr a#ar gaverai fiax scntching miiilIa'hiTrêbeau -' tablished thncuilAsthé counry, mitera thé fibre isa benght, scat.cled, aud' axported. Thé mant cfrcitain this hocalîty la thé cme ting neaddt t niak lta fa al titt éétmd ha pr ofitable to thé l'armer. We uck'iawnv leulga the mant. ac] iL is at it ibat' bis latter jzvl1Iy points, but me tru$t'to see aha- pnopfr remnedy aipplied aere long. - Mr. Watson, ira anclai-taniinteada pui-chasing and] settiag up oeaof tXemaimpan-tat] y, Mn. ol)tde<on Iorn.-g bis emnfgratlteai agericy, anad ibis mould in itséif méet thé- ca"s alar as oui- <imaiimmadiats hoaael isconcarnesi. Ifflarmers bemtoforée nly gtem fiax for theésa/ce of the sued, tint, meaiaert, coula net propenly .he aac te be.flaX. cidttre. h mwu grewirig ffaï sed, for- f/eseed, aec] mas net a l'air ti 'ai for th. fiax. Mn. Wason lan-xpenrimeatiug on tLsejUx11laf. Tbaî'a aIl -lté dýff#rerics. Withoats muting rmii,' antI a 1urhasan fer the fibre cf curse thiere mas 1noe n- couragement te, théel'armer te grcm fias. Bat chair esaublishmentla s heat ira adro'- eu* And asm there cannt hbea acattlà mai-beLasd bayera mithout stock; naithan WM me bave parcitas of dax mithout having thé matenisi. lk-It the Bfat lm gronom,sec] we'msrrant it is tpp Pryious e eoanmodity nette fic] aarnkt,-és Peci. alhy if me cao grow it uinttis cceaty-am mb bevé me can-five feet iiiléaiegtb. Thé 196Gazetté" 3aindIthé Town Coiatail The peor excuse forasitirilh ar, aed th L %. hitby <7cssete, ïl u i'tu naice, vtr -day of the Town Couincl*q'proceingF, - ays that the IMayor rulét] a mnotino f Jam Walace eut of'.crden The wort]s are- Il the Mayor rulet]i tetion oât of q'- der." Thé MayritditI no mucls ,11 While t.hé motion tas debratet], s motion te aujourit, (alirmys ain rer,) xasinioreti antI cuied, iunci-uer te put al stop to t6f dingusting exhibition which Wiillace mas mslttng cf lhitaahf, te the tdisgrâaceé othce ceuricil. 4 Tempérance Lece'é iii hé del verÏd' taette IHall et thé Méahanicefs ntitate, C Taidayevéaing, 3het mat-, hy ch. Ravild, R. D.'Watdavorth, G. W, P., of thé Sont cf Tempérance. Chiair te ha takenaet 8 D'çleck preéiieîy. 0 pen,(soe masot admiriblyf) by cfhe. ppils cf the schoecfs to ter.- ented. When ail this, as i thd niatti. course cf thitatg, had arrited at a ter- nationi, tiie choir fnom Little gaiti, *ch waa in attendance, sang sateral very beautifully. nie sevei-aI gen. mari whty wéve tô Sddress t% ta itng w took tiieli places ci the platform.- mongst thoir nutmber we clasar'r the V. Mîr. McArthur, Prembyteian Min'is. r. Bates1 Mr. Liadale and XMt- MdCaw.ý hae last threv namad gentlemen,. iré un- derstooa, bcing tcactcr,. Wa wcl'a mocl amused wlth Mr. Ratés4 who-delierad 1Lia, eperairg address, (whieh he very àbly didy Ii his allusions te, the weathetf, shoeiîng cleat ly theat haciras ne diseie of thae Cynie sert cf philosophons, but iras moifec inclined te fitvor tha Frenclinan's happy mutiner of cousidering mratterx, andI adopt esasa cen their uexii-" Quand con< Pas te que vona aeut le fauit airer ci qUe, l'n~ The other gerîtlcmcuîr who followr- cd bira, each aud alidelivered theiseîrés of tery excellent taddrcsses, after wlîlcb tho choir, wlîich bat] sanîg -scmetbing ap- proi)[inte at the conclusionî of cach oratittu, solinded forth meut grandljy the National, ,Anilict. Mn. Campbell tlien stcpped for- watt], and] cloued with a prayer well adapt- et] te the occasioni '[rie performance bi. 11 irp or oet the -building scýn hecame 0hiai-ad, but is canli anti al wendet] thair way eut, chotîgh It was inta the drizzling îaintr c eult] eleaiy diseerf i f liésmi5é satifucienplsiuupon tlieit cctittexan. cez,_ sliowing clcarly' that they hadf beaun ItroU ententairicd, and v atny înýy mach effiflet]. Wu grc.atly Ceeinend JMi-. »Dtas for thé ifeal haoét'incca la the great éiîtse cf educatii,, and vwe hope -the day luist fuar distant whcai re may -agin cjoy the pleasuireocf being prescritcii a similai-or- casion. THLITII ANDI FIIYELITY, IbLtteat War 'Nawsé Tho latest irar npws is net cf sanerjef. iing charatten, Iiehaitond has not beaul takan-itaithnr does -enicrai 3Meâde appear to c ini a hurm7 afiter Lac'. aauwy which bas Pasaaeiout cf the Shanandcmh Valleyr. At RÀchîmond, I<y. the Northerriaha bave been nepuled and thé Conféelaiaes are kft pursait. of -them. Thet Northenrrliste aise beau beaten baekéat (Charlestonibut thé attack is stilI going on. Fort Wag.- car being the point of attack for ail te- Ncrtheran mon-clads andI batteries. The folowing ara the aucast important items: HSÂDclQUÀRTKIS ARMer aOF TUE PoveXkc July 24, p. m-The Times bas the folbow. inm'-- il The, positions orf te rabat aimy ara us follo.'a:- On Prîdtt mcinring at 6 o'clock teiî oîn' f aîsan'l Long. atreet's corps reaȈelit-d Cn~lpeppen. The columna weraercîll vlosed op and their en. tira corps TmIUL b.e itcetrat'td tuera hé- fora this imp. 0f îbtq retrugr de mp!e. ment ibère cesc hé un question. Ewell corps iL is uîert,>llera subI ccupy iýbe Shî'riandah a"il thi' nar of itherebl a rmy ; the faet hi surI.' .s.'cto axplaili the raceut ularmn about al-.sed îcômn indicatinug ihat Le-wee net 'reiintani , irwas prepar in in tereiurii i n ylnvirid." Tiie Excein.ior brigade hîead a fight yés. tyýday ut A4tbyv's Gaip wilth thé éaemyy wllere the. later hac] hotu itifaîtiny and cav. edry. Âftar a briaf but sevaré auntéat thé encmy vas répulsed, andI a ar?,.entmbér if primoners captued. Amion- the wound- atI la Brig. Gan. Spinola. WÀstîi,;cave, July 28-ccordiiag o information received L-day, the report ia new fully coairnedl that a corps cf Gen. Lé'.s riny, entIer _Lengstree4 Hill11and EweII. pasetI tbneai±h Chuetr Gapncl' igni a amatuuetacimmr uiasar vaouea Ssndai-a. Aft« anhoqIte figlit eur trocps *ere o plç '(afal i ak ta the Keatnaly rier-,bady eut c'. ,ThaC'on - fêdeftte force waà egtitnated at 2,500 with 6 guas, théy wiresuppoed a e h the advancé of Bragg'e army. At the latéat advices Or tro li adtfallarrbacit irithin Ià mile of Lexington. Tha tIemy is ciesely fehtcowing.' Martial laà« ham beau proclsimed in Laxitagton, <mtd ahailal bedied citizens batween 18 sud 4à have -bean ordevéd ta report fer daity. tti t thougbê: that tuee liy eau bé hehd agaluat' the Ccednrtet. Cefdarate citâccus. report the Conladerata force ovar 1.5,000 stttiag, rffoving in a northenly ditection, viâ Ci-'raliOrçhard. Laest Etropean. Ily thé ateansiip geotia whieb at-ivaîl Êt New.-Vork on Taaaday night, une have tha latest Entppean itîvicês;. Tlidcoceocf thé Eriglisb pyramandI statamn, though notuhea eaigdnneL a'cotî'iderad as pacifie mtganding Amanican affithns. People ,taay be. mcli ftt'ra hurst aop than they thinit cf. PWepectirig Poliah, afrainsthe national gevernunerit bas imnedaf proclama. tien pnomisstwnvf 15 roublesalfd perfect liberty te serve tet net, ie avary Ikasian sol. dier who shah Jasant with-ams in bis bands. Several tlîotÉands copias -cf tbiit addréss, which is in t1iý framian languagé,>*ere cils' turbed yestepgay. Thé Naiatial ,Goiî- nient hm also*isatiad strict Pîamed1tt régula- Bmiïttaeamfj iciy 1.-Fotir hunrdt I olems and one Englishman left Yoalchéa on bogird an Ilngliai steaman, andI disamo- banked, on tbe I3th instant tietee RiIenie and Istieél; The instectieus naccîncîl in regard ta tbis axpediticu by the Walîachian nutbori.ias ac] troupe wena te emploi pet- aasbon, And -toa void a coaflict iritif antits nat îy coat. Thésa contiliatory afturts, however, nt haiigattéridadith liaqî ramnît, àit ffglt took place, whiéitenariàta ini zhe netrest ef the Potes, wlio abaridoned- their daad and wounded. The los of thé and .1l woundduVin 'thlonicanies bat] 18 Icil ansd 48 woanudaîl; artg te latter two efIlcenS. the amena usaci 4 the Fotes were 6f Eîîllsh manufacture andI suiperior quality. After hurying the dead aiiti trans- pontig tha w'oundad tae sinsel, twococrn. pitiies c f lloonan aa'tanrted inripurmnuit f Ilacin advarsarles. MÂaESI.s,~fly19-1,tter ttavc Wfre fmom SmiI1 teste tiait ait ertïptbcoi cf Mount 'Fàîna bad cout-.ainced. BlacIt colurnts cf -toke *#a âo aenffrcg frei the crater. This plsnomenoc 's qeite juttiag« ou Vaeraetit.î E*eufsî 21t vas soaaamhiara bu chie iidst 'cf 'e a gs!aixy cf mant" c hat. 1 leitfs luhat reak. Mn. Secnecary soward having obtitincd cotrol of, thé Misaisippi, masisnluthe ', mui- »ky vu>"' te péace, i-étalon, suda glorioas fatuné for tLb. wi4sopree4 répuiblie of Northi Amaîtica.- Hem happy hé nuus tatI It iL îreally a pcittai ont pttsbing -cousins, "4dova Southe" of 45 e; aire sucb bnagg-a7tis. Thay bava good parus. Théir inechanicah sud trading ingenuity as truly monderful, if wooden choclca, aindInuetga ba amîy critérnon. Their nostrumms too, tm ,the shlîpeofotsali-s, pilla, lini-ments, and lotions, *hip al création. -A get] apveii men cf a Younited States -' qutk vais in Port Hlope théecter day. Dr. Faýgg, or hi& repre&encmliva, more a bhacliIl plu- ugly," mwitAi a brint upnnritbu mclarý-athiat it bac]t e b.suppoet iby bIack corda ou aither aide, after the fashion et the aliroudai ofs a iné cf battle slip. omoeéin as carsrgépon mbleb thé Yenltcd Slattes fiag iras savtieti, as Iautaîy as paint conit] de it, ail anouad lb. body, andI shicit support ofTowti Baby $60, making a total of $7736. .Thit the estima*,d receijits arc as fol- low8--Licenaas; $600, Logillitive Grant $3510, Proeeds of weigli scalus, say, $60, Iiog 'fax, say $50, Townshîipof;>Whitby for school ptirpeses, gay $500,- makifig a total of $1260, wbich will leava the. suin or $6476, to be pr6vided for this year. That this Committee would recommend that a rate cf 12e on the dollar be .levicd and collected on the whole rateable pro. perty wittiln'the Corporation, which wilI provide'fer aîbatemaîîts and lbas. incollc- tion and uponLI -andg.cf Non Résiidets. The (Jonîmittee cf the whole reportet] the Repor,4 without amendment., Report received Mid adopted. On mnotion ' f Mr. Pcrry, àôconded by Mr. Rnwe, iL was crdered that' whon7 the Courîcil adjourns it stand adjcurned for two eseco.: Tihe %Iqyor infofmedi the Concil; that sevýeral of thie ratepayers of the Town bail spoken te hilm In teafereuce td Iîavlng the Ucîtl rung* on the Satjbath *îys ait he ustual lîours for Chu rei. NMr. Perry secondrîl hy Mr. llmje imoved that the e ll rifhger-ýfrt obtairîin&g the consent of the Cdogegratiénai thures- bu uîi hreby directe-I te rimo the ll uon the Sî,,bbaith ut-tha:Iistal bottra tht :40M)t îaad 11l ock a. m.andi5 ).30 anîd <0 'clotlk p. . ii.-Uiariet]. (On motion of 4fr. Perry mtciîidtd ly Mr. I>uv4!1illJ, the Couineil ;tljoîînucd. ofluciai iAppoleiniatî à QrEBEc, 23rd July, IGu BVîLNT TUE GoVRNaOM Gv gti, h"î beean pleaset to make -the follow- ing f Wà*idmenit5, Vix 'ladnlea framboise, lsuirae 0bea member of tho Ececutive Council of the Province of Canada. 1TheUa cunable Matinica Laframboise, tOi ha Commissioner of PulWic e, rks cf thé P'roviuce ofÇlmînadî, in the roâm and steadI of the Flonorable Lewis Thîomîas IYiumm-. lits Ecrt T e aGovaEluon d(h* tuZAi Wa beetipleaaed te malte the follow. it1g alipointments, viz * Thelteynurable Archibald Mltiettî, bîti Cheft Juatice cof Uppaîé Canada, co ha the Preî,ilitig ludge of the Court of Error atnd A ppeal for Uppar Canada, hi the room u and miad cf the Honorable Sir John Beverley Rohinsonr, Barorietî C. B., deea8ed-. The Honorable Wifliam hlanry 1rapdr, C. B.j Cheft Justice of the Court'cf Conit mon pltas ini Uppen Canada, tu- btî Chief- Justice of Upper Canadai, ini tha roolu andI 8tead cf the Honoratble Anchibaît] Mclwttn, Théa'Honorable William fluait ihrs crie ci lier layesty'a Justices cf- thée Court cf Cociuon Pleas in Uppei, Canada,- to be Chwîef Justice of thé said Cccii )f Comu'on. le" i (pper Canada,' in the rootniand Étend of -the Hosiorable William Heary Draper,,CC B, reaigned. TheélIrt',rable-John Wilson,' ef Osgooda Hall, Barrister at law andI Q. C., to b'a crie c tf 11cr Majesty's Justicaa cf the Cotent 01 SCommton PlaasIc lSpper Cauadat. Marti U'Gare, Esquiré, ?arrisqtar at Law, te tva Police, Magisînitte for the City of Ottawa,> lit the rogn and tIsad of John titan took te-wa' eair es. iasanilthé~a robbevy madiscovenéd-thlielarm gien, and evei-ybody was on thé loek-oat. Onti eft thé villis a ia.spéedily csptun.di but ha liad no money. Hlig seçamplio with the booty',had left aWi eoladed par- suit. Ta erta te t.bsnk. tYKk. Biàt,1f1 afte - an absence a? bat -îweny.five mass- Utas, returned ta bis orna. sand fcund it - aniattenided, mith evidancea eof cenfâan; Heé lookéd for the. boy, and seca beard hlm ian thé vault. iHe hiberated hlm Id fintI tiat hé ba] bern SevueMy bésten-rapof the. béa],andI mas léedin fnbnôma swonad. Iuni ashort time ha *dg S alé te deacaubé whist bad oecurret]. thalad. iha i son o ,Luther Gordon'of Breckport. Hé il cci dîîngerousty injuneh, but la aeufhiied ttabis bed te-day. l'ho t.ief tatran at Brs>ckport was beekad uap fcr exatiinsation, dnd veord was uat Gnca ment home of the afl'air. Our p olice mas îi-oauî a otlent, in dcebt mbst tu, dt,- f'or chey had, watchad à maspéctét] î*Lttl foîr somiedîsys, und faIt surà -ihéy mené thie caut hors cf the Crime. ,-'IfItd SaquaI shtdwad they wrmacorct. The féllow irbo éaeap.; cd amrived uat -iochester in the . eaniuig train, unid vas at once appréliandet]. Thé keeper of the botel chéra cliey lodgeA blas also bacc arnested on muspicion cf beîng an aconhcu-oletrUnion. Titi, $13,0O00'Tiilrnr.-Hymnan F .rancia is a Gc.rmasn, about.21 jaiticf aga, a baie. <erby îîceîuaiço, nd ud s ravelling wms- mmd in seaneb of amplsîymptit. l.avinkin Newr York- a mifa andI two ellnrn. trpcnt thé tnu1in.-ÉP hao biérvet] Mgfr- IÉttér sud bis matchel, sac] thie purticul -areStétakea cf the latter. ilyman ira nearly pani. bassi bis if i'vIng moItI s féestrred Id 1 -8 nuise mcY to puy bis fana ino Claseland. I le saw the satchal aud mheft ha had ait orppotunity (6? steal it, la he fîgli,,t péthapg ac couldpua tha coititanu, wbatever l;a mighi ha, for a fév dollars te a hp lihr on bis trip. Whlen thé chatce offered lt iC, ha cotîld net esiat; the é ttptatîoa, snd 6éiziiig ilt tfcîî roithé car. After geL tiuig ont ofci',ilit, bu antci pu~euc ith àv kniftS andl or thé fint i ue becaesmaa cf the fat t hat e wa a $13,000 -thiétp lIt.' tanuisfeïved the money te bii oWn st chet, bic? the cihar suad dater[ited' to' gu' bîeek taiewuti'York. fie wahked ta Fait-' porc andI mas arrastad as abeve ststéd" 'hufuets doncariaîi Ilyman mare gatherl iî dduersatiI'ýi'with him,_ iin thé pres. ci.e of others. Wa' bèhiava a vany word of bis alateîuicaî. sud hii Lsser in that hd uttrer co)mmitted aa cheft lisifora. lIe did o kniocr that lie unes mteiag a largei aiuritnt of nienty; naithiisoa tprote.-ý sL uaL thiéf. Hé feels badly oer hWe gftriaib1u, and- mitb téara Un' bis éyeýs sàya'- ; ftc my- peor wife and I etn.:"He' bas been hc inthis dc<a'cny but twou>year- andI i3 but hiîtc 10pod on thé naies or oui- pcople. fru appeittcatjý6 béis 14 no, méeats thiavish lookingý, btÀf irhthér feÃ"ies4 bike a hardworkirig hcidlt it li -ie B. 1«-lui!i, Esqabre, reaigned.tias Samit] 1H- Coubrait, L L. B., cf O.- gerode Ifaiij Eeqise Barnister at lair, tiio t'n ba (Jouaiy pioan Attorney for thé Cou li ai :y oft' LJauio, in chie noclaanti eat cf ne- W. Il. 'Prenaa, Escprire reatov-ec. - wne pr( yeanzuf tabule -Import-ant :aanaiafroe Jetl 1h - thefrell scc'uatr*g u niFa-m-os 8txix 45î. Plicituanaud paps,' cf !jcIy 18,contais iia î tbe follbiirg pruciaiuatiomen ~- ~ ui~ Whereaé, id ii provisled b artnefof cnt0É Coiérem, ut ithad e"An net tu frfé'aîo Ql' lits sale. un$ilI be Tainbu;adreuntagu ont thé part cf Andenon, iteport au!d abos, Wall lmnunvised a han( e,ht taceaafnt teare sxla'on 4f w 1 tli#ý t)41

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