Stree3t, Wbitby. ýor te théeJléplstry Office. LAR PER AN"UM, ltsente iiniec-alln Noupar. ieugu tlite rateof 8 cents lier- tin. acla 2 oents per unei, caccl eu-fl, racle malse mitie uedvrtlmars lu scoutinuôa advcrtlsuuuatts inumt BANIK 0P KONTREÂL, TUOIXAS DOWV, Mnlugelr- STAIlNiHD (iLAS'3 WURKS. -W. JUL(K i:M*Turi)ic Works,75 Y'mucg Street, Torouto. CAMERON' &1tAUDONELL, 13 MCltSTERSt & AT 0INX TLAW, 'DAd4lliBTRR', K CouNY,(NVEYAN J. V. 11IA 3, bAliIlSTERl-AT-LAW. OFFICE-BhlOCK j.-StreetWtb, C. W.I N. G. Amý,o fAIRISTER AND \TT(*)I'iNFY-ÂNT-IAW. 01 . uuîuhunitc the il gieitry Cilice, lire 1 13 MORTILNdON & SA31IPSON L11iucrhSttre t, Tc>reuituu, V.'W. -AN0US MIIIIIIIIO. I-. .1 MIS Tulu- ct i, J1lY 2(1 li. 28 G. Hk. DARTNELL, r limiLly, rid exam;uhur il('emcery for 'I. IL ÈRENtA1 NE flAHIZISTEU, i ('O1JTY CIIOWN ATTOR J) na,&u &-o ., lui- rnioer t'to tilr uoius berLoir"' & Pirwuell'ustOe eer.Mel'hier- coni Ilrick Biucilrec-St, Wlu"itl, ,.XV, 1860. 40 ItOfiBEUT j. WILSOri. j> RIJSTII& TI'ORNEY AT LAV-, 13)Steie nluce'y &o. Wh!tuv C. W. CTIARLtS C. KP.LLER,- A TTIRNY AT 1,'iW, SIILI('J'l1l IN Il. lUuctuu'rY, 'uuv-Ycneur. &c. OhiEct-lei Break tutuect, Wlut'hy. ruTiwueluh luuu"l'lurtlitd Cuuiity o 01 j) AI(TI$Elt. ATTu1INIY AT LAt' <0 i. Ciet ir , hu u N ,-rn " ru'Public'. Ar.- Itlleç.-Ti liu lole 'eW Iillendig, Dundasc J. IAli REIOD Foir itTli'KA-LA.S)liIIRI J.r~ WhiIy.W. LDuuEcceii itOria ina lic~to laoeîulrv ('eu, NIt 'a -(t',', 4-t *-¶NVEAtll , COM1lUetiS1Ineary0is Y(I jînuci eu-t, Setur . 1î ai tin 35- l. . X. IýD. cas tatil tonu, uuud l rut rio ta& uca, Racrtou, Sept.1, ItihY. -L.tRGEON To Tilit COLTNTY GAOL, - TIHOM"SDEVERELL, .*Ã"IIl'f EîCAtiF, (-i~El tFf 1IfE Fi1 riî1 fIV 1IsiO IT CoInpriFiing i.o Towuccluiiu Brook. Ad- esc:tucnciiît .14 - ROIERT sPEARS. CLYRK<Alî AN ISJEI) OP TRE HIENRIY ANINAM, M-1151 F CNYAI SIJIERIOR -1VII. LONG, Proiprietor. G001) aeoclueodatln and attoentI vu Ostlrs iltedonly 75oente per- lay. 2 With caine Printed W'drdh, gréa:t thoughts srwt4 utirhg Io VOL. Vile COMMERCIALHOTrE.L cciti rr.rvuumr JAMES CROCRER, Proiprietar. 0UNME11CIAL TRAkVELLERS ciiil ied it cilvnin topptnget ,tliti, huté], aithucyt ccii lturut froue thé MaegicIen Blekapt it tlhe1 lier, tie u-uute' tulen by ttirprdaeru. The îruprieteu- taeethit. s eir t'c t Ili ï ]l iis uuucrous ,ptroittc enut tuian(lu for Ilice libar, al putrotuugo e uutoeauon hin i ch uaentei. meuceu-uecltotu' ishubrîc ilu Whitby. Gond Stnbltng, ced Attentive dislers. WlJtby, Juan. 1883, 1 if T IFil chvé ellkncwnu, 011uI eetllbuixlueil1 tintai ed pureice licave bn I'cu lurohîasèu-u>1 bci tha tei'l çuwler(o lue wlli ii wuVr.1)ue fitidoîn liccud ruuuu.l tcttuid pcreetîutlly tD ui' W4114 tuf 1?liiigtst, Aie. Thiel-.uu-'e'ie ueuticn'cenutly auuul cotnl'îurtuctuty' ltttdu ppuuutuu, ul eru t( r. mruli. iiru'ot'socati ir tr u caqi. 'mut u'cery mouluriit iuprruvoeueît to e t hte Tu--vt'tlau- c huuuuuc ltiig hue daty, cuixtti Table hueuitthtl- ly1>'su îliud imi1ahititue.'1 Notie tu Farmoris and Othersi Li w 'lu'l'ceantd ltu'tuii, co'u' ct- lIv rcf. l'y gallonu or iFurrel ;j MNatireluteuu'n tll d oc, ldol.; bheet l'oe-'.Sherry, ui <tu hiat ltuuiit'r tlia cîip, miît igti uf l1euîuuurur uud ('icaun utotti' utctlrun4i. Atteultivoc ;tiers, cci l uc'ute Jure. A. ALEXANDER llrol;lîii, fat.Tii . ". 4 S TA GE - C)U SE, I1SAAO FE'NTON, - l'Prutriitnr. ni u:t luuu fr relr e tdetulblitiug ;iul itImiv, A là 1310-10 T ELI. - AM ES E Ltrr EASTWIND)SORit OUSE, WIIITBY, Euin'î l-tu-Ile isuatcd iit i c rleccehurd. 1? eiu-ed puet Jt the Tîwtt, ouit Oieft tuurocnd.' Gomn'tOtueauiiut4luticcl for irmvalcr. G ed Stalligaimoîlntîcticaectier-e. 22 VICTrORIA IIOTELI. -W'ILLIA M SMTr:î'Rh'RîR1TOU1. (Lutta AM; IU-sUt! BRIC AN IOTEL., rti:NIIE nLBELtun 9i 1.c,~.'iuu lauft , tteil up tucle tumut011(1 ,J..iutuului.iid t %%-!,unth lte e ýew ut' uuit'relhug ei'er *v ue"ui tuuu tailieii' run'llintitlutlrhi. Ji Jialhin M'ttl2Id o Gfe. ZWVICKEY'S JIGTEL. îruthe thitg ltJ Iblie, hut lie hIt Anec'- 1> puuu~Ljaiet,-- ix lfuirtitunu(,l lte 'ubovu' lietel (tnrnterlY cuîualhy lMr. Atlk'uuuciaucd cintr tii'tr;ni%'ig e-uuuiyiiitnt eccu- thMu 1 ' wi-il ih)pltu.'1twitltui yluutil u -uc Son,. Guiul1î »Iulii tuliuultlntlron ti,. UNTION I E, - T MARIKE1T sttUAtE,. TOIONT,-z SrlrIMI, Preprlttr. Eucern-icit tu-cin- tnerhuth',n Enur>aitrtion paidl tethicemtnt'ert of tu-aveulrs. I CANTON MOTEL, TSUFFTNS CRJEE, l'ICKF.ItuNG. COV-D W. OUTIIBERT, rliltll ncelâisiued bez-ieieteinti.rmhlits 1fttt tul ii;4 wdtîntavîcl'iiigpunblie, Ouiatlie 1luttc tu leuî ii -riuvuiW-ciileecwn liuuel, Ean! trutsil, li eL iitletuit obîc t ,afiuj b> enO'evoriitiztii do tuitlu, iniic, îni 'n furt ucriu e"atn ket cei, t,mnritt e luer cf pueh'ptuticge. (;hulit-Iliunu-uu tut! Cigeruu Cîuuun uttable ueuîunulriihnfou- umnuui uulli'rKe. Ait nttenîLue anîd u-aretuI i dec- lwcys litu- tendaunce. S; CON WAY, Mlauilla, f icI. 2.1861. 41J ROVCtE JIOTEL. JOSEPIT MOIîN, LATE 0F THIE NON- J qutin Iluili and fermier y tif WVhihby, uic1- rieunece tanlbis ýrendc ciithlic pulir. tluat hc hute unedlia aun,.well-krà o*n bote), wîiehl itutir wlui tiret rate au-dem lor' thf, ueepiicloe gutete', Winct,, Jquors cutI Cigarm. Geýoçl Stutbli1îg acunicattentiv Omtîcu-. J1-y IVILLIÂM STRACRAN, & CO., IIOLES3At F.ANI) RETAIL lacklers !lu Vi(roalic Vece aud DLiuurc Na. 28, West Meu-lectîirTarounte. ~"Jului I'rodunou, bonght s'uel uted. WILIAAM BA!BER, 16' - -Tuaitciiicg Agent P~IIANOS FOR SALE. S EVERAL ircst-ratut, latcRt ienprnvemenl, kjOc-rutuneg J-icue, ecade iny "lctu"feu- thte 8iicrluiu-1FOR SAL.E i-eu-y 1evfer <Calic, ,>r appraired paper; et long or shiort dates. J. V HM wluîthy, Dca., 1862. 4-il. W%. JIENRY LÀW, B. A , . D., ~TYSICIAN, SETuON, A&c., -!TYIOIiE. J f!-oAtlhe rescince f Wc!. Aru-n clu-eeg, ]llackqmiithi, oppositeSanmuel Tuewit' -store. -18-ly WIIITBY, Çi W., T Coe's Super, Phosphate 'of - Linie. -A taullnrtlfertailer fuit'a ill n ril guireluit oru'us. Fou' WuuceA-rccd -fo uir 'rL'LJpet, 1.par-' tictu-rly c'cuiuule. The Phlosptéulustta i cici'pu te uîntuu-u, front tu-ucl t ceuty ulcys aurlar tltau k'erccuuîuplyoet'thet uuninti for oirculurs iltifouruuutieuu, Aie, apti,' l - -CHIESTERl DRAI'EU. 21-lut - Wliîby V1C TOR IAIlMÃ"T EL, Vluiru-Oc or-ZERS, uCEAc. IIOiIEIT C<>WAN, -- Pruiprlctcue- îiuî ri-i4 i ýt ittcea ntt -ii httç tluu-ouuihuiiit it'i. Outintti. à u, iqcru ùeull Kictlliul tabla, ecelttreeutuv tabling. Glu-e hhit c 0.11, andt41011%utivi k itI Lut'. 2 RUSSELI LS Il OT EL na'nu,îttl IIOEL, ecupatfutliy te cn1rbcý thcirfrieuds ndatir1p lu-ns. Guet tuylcaue îtho- t'tully rui. lt flict r ellhstuetuni. tle wi htutr, wucieii etuc htm tei-o re fr-te the tueli,tl'c ut' ttee J.cglcîîirc, ced hue icTnt. PchuirLblic stterinur acommodationu. Ii) rtiltituil iuceî, it lllt vie- , 'ur,il-nèy havue uu<'w iPtrietrtuniuttBecl-roeunt eiri a mur-ie tujume inetur lte Ili-tul. wiii, fou- ceiifort puu1euuuuet.e re utiltrhu,itsc-î fil tua it>'. W .RUSSELL 5kSON. Northorn lHotl Oannin*gton.1 'ýrhitecainchg biii,tieý i il eubcu-etvnr tiuhy kututut itte, luna e riueuc-l t neecuutcuo1r uiflut'ele c ceutuchuil:a fruulle iuxteuit, tud trtle itttu uhtetcuatrntutu lrorîuentts, t erutini' si1 uiiuurIu uiiuttrcitu' :i'utuuunlcuhuuuu ut' hAie ut-tc. Tite tAillu'hcunîun- ruî.idtudun-it r hen tut-i t neectru l t-tatttile ho.tlu-,ul uf W4ÃŽues auttl iÀuiers kru1t uu iuon rtthtt STmvcrti îceuepern sa pluihd whluuhcuule. 0 inoà e-111 tus Voit palis. S Bul) tht,.retîuuwntcdOmtler, uLWcyKu mi cttl- unce. ,t'q.sted by Dliak, ltlkecu-g ruýtc1te. l'roeptor. (ccutilizctui. Oct. 28r4l, 1861. - 4 To tho Travelling Public. T 1111 uuluuribuItai-nLucurL.ccccuthe -l'u-eiti- tutu utl>' cuueoleul hc- T. Jc',ueiii,, r inte Vitretf Epecrut. Aiutd levit,'nfitted thtu.n npu ÃŽi ,ic >tylo, lu1unT.irurircult l e m ueueu!îc atl thos»e clte lu-ie lhî a n*&ILl ie ittendei keeileg ethinghlit TTE DE..ST 0F LIQIIORS à CIGARIS .lild tiltTable viii litturilucd wih Il the ul( if îthe'u'înu Ait attentive ,' 4tior aa viiuiccutlunt. 'T%,e' u-lo tuvnr Iluit tlli il mnut uuy rulynNbi n ~n t- lerc'uet'rtcbly aceert- kiuîuulitu'u.andsuel el leitl. Preîurietor. WOON'S HOTEL, WO0O0 N& nBRO0T HE R. S ~ nuic-e,,-4.-t~%~i~ i 'J' L'*~*~ 1121.37 rIrootu W#t~Ofl~D. MALT VINEGkAR. I L T VINiECAlkae uunw be hicul bulargo Whitb'tr Irewerv. Narth Britishi cnd Mercantle leire & Lifo Ineurance"Ooml'y.- TIIOIIAS'DOM', WtIitîhy, sept.?,166S2. 35-1>' COLLECTION & C0MMISSI0N Ci ILLECTIONS itiade fou- Ptiihau-%,,Mer- cluct,, l'hytiicaeus auud uthce, n,, Ment,.etl Quieluci, Otvllaa i ulT-nrrcui, andlotheor- places ,i uCnscl. AilIl etcthnonru dffy repol-a aul, cnt proeee-mpily pcid rc' ZaUttao)flce. Rzurrsjeus -Leti'a& Cinihucrlin -opu-ctou-e Moutreai c«te,; Johnt Laîcl, t'uu hieier (tccela Diu-eetou-y, &p., &ce., Mon,- 1-ra -A. Miller, MWslelesBoulkftllen- antd litaiicheu-,, ' tu-cl col Tareont!. tOR tnebaýterracofyec aaU8inay bc il reedG Jcpoe, etlirthé N E 3jf lot N6. t2.3, inF thue IcI cunitx oituf Ratuca, 35 acre, cf Icl'i are leiret andelfeecet, tie lait is of tluh ot iltyliterp a utelling hieutea an! tir bau-s onlitepreuicc .Tuan>' puruin wllhugý e miîiuflJ llîum. tIbe preseunt te agoot aLipparticlunîn. A111 >1 Y (c f by latter prepuit) Lte eer on thé pu-emiuu. 159-tf MAJITIN TAHÂNT, . Alurly, P. O. SOLICITOI,9&c.$ c. As ASREMOVED iï lut, Office ho (lthefrIe Chlambtersu, I4' One Deaoor 8tlt of thie Itagimtry Ofilc.., j -- Wtutbv, Jun. 28, 1862. 2 FTXT TO TlitJ ROYAL LYÇ.1 J.ýti'et, Toroucto, W" Fuca L Parm for Sale or to r. I Whben 1 melesita Jlarry. doe lIciach to a My-Wall- 'Tim idia to cuu i ttat; Bat t* Irni 010ch o,,,teJr e etell, Prny listan wVbie 1 liX thô data. Wlicit lcuigltar, lîgseaith esger fbet A ,nothbr'n dntly taill to sitera;- tUauu inite tlo puddinr-whilui utey on, And iuuuacud tua steak tigswhieb they *ae iWhaîi nidens teck ipouîa muan, As luiln iielfwluuî îîuey woukd n111.ry; Aul nlt le4:îrmuy cldiers .qeaij 2L mutier or a Cumimisery, Tlie ud8er of alovt-r's httnu, <jblecut te eluuriu lîlui "ecrt1llylot,'Il~ Anuddoo nt- uieuu lis lot ihui W-lIr enuu uncfe)clec a 8ýtra i c Tu wo ttiidwed tthu, fairtiiera girls, Wliuedonit to e .a,~a Mien wivOS, in e1unrt; uducul trulyva TItir lat'cdhadin tu aitil Aiud liv,, ce ie Wert, woiit ta live, W itliîuthair ch'u,,' one ' ctruvy hbtin 7 ent, mideni-Iff l'un îotto 01d- tjoiced te qîuitc tliloeal!wy lite, Vi IlVZVer - Ceu,'l tue ,eed- uiidleo-UInuli mu for a Iwfe. A talc of mitienry 1trie. - $toacluin)telenez~Ormentez4 idov ernor.gencral of lIaverJa, sut mnsing ,in privata apartuùant one'cvening about perli! te vhiuli vohave lirought theée ar, ln olir uIl. À à >ouple of' pcrf -, éandleïns, in lîver upport1r6, igbted I roora; und tie oid mcn, afîer tri Uïb thei, reaieOuiti foot upon liii' lblé,Y = balt reclining. in lits aiple, easy.ow wctcbed tbougbîfcehly the tvinirig clo of emeiçe that wrcidied about bshie fro M-tbe wel -davorctl ciger fie vas iq Jing. Tt la the Guban'à constaut caipu ion ; whether about bie'liouee, or in -ý StreetS, aeuh the cigar le ln hie moat>4. and hei,- from a mare èhild accue«toirue te ite continued use, hé vaul! hc fairly Wi withouit il.. Evan the feuueles pull' thi cigarato witb no email ue-ree of SatisSC' ioni, but te tha-detriment of the natuW~Ij beentiful tecîb that tbcy se fortu aailyïuI univcrsaily poseus. Tt vas thus théicV enr-goneral vas engaged ia biestéîdj vben ea 16W knock etothou door of bi% réom attractid !La tention froue thé train. oi thonght hé bai béen ptereuiug. HédiLýc cd the applicant to a wlk un. A heï d sc, theolad nurse, befare ale i ld ,J I tof'8cn, utuci! ulvho hi!-hui uii famîly sa long a peu-lad, ontered. «'sit doive, good Elicîz,' Bahut thé gov- omnor. 'ble nes y son,-, thinle jon?' 'Ah, no. si-nor ' répiied thé vomnan; $lte colonel -cill hardi>' 11cm thu-ougli the niglit, 1i bar.' 1'Tbink yoe bis on! ia ho near?'1 aiked thé goveruior, sadly. 1 The doctors say that hé cannot romain lanhia présent state many bonri.' 1'That lsa asai! p'ete of business, Ellt-.. 1 litilo ibonglt, wben I vas comhng bithor ecu-osithé océan, ltat it v-u1! bcho aet-. tend my chiid's funéral 1 Elitz,- 1 have 'beanu acustome! ta coafide seamewhmt li, jou; for so ncany yeac's have rolied atong since ycn havé been wilh me, that I haveF ofién beeableéta test your prudence. 1 may, thon, 8peak ta 70Caas I cannot do ta> any other. 1 I ad faru-rather the fierce tempeit vo encountorod bad ivaliove! me, - than ta bave livai! ta leamemy dialiceor thu-ougli this buasmct ofthé colonel', ho- tuau-dethus Youiig lieutenant. It ladliard for mn ta realizo that mai> lBi!coul! se h1sýé abanidone! al thé honorable feeliaga# t have laborod ta jieli into hlm bruttand I a moment whocut1I as rejalced ta, meet hUih, u-n!er bJanlr ni>. beau-t by d'scoverlag té me thé icikedneos of bis owu. 01O,1 foot l i i!iy, my good Enletz r -ý a dvoeate Pesée,1 ýOresi, KBowledge, Etotherhood. - DAY, AtJGIIST fOi 18690. lielik b.d ike berhor bpi erila Po pptre * ev&Il, she byLngeréd a lo idu as ould sd n te , oar 1 wll hepeoutfln yosebrndthe- belait iaen oide arme b lesigbtHlog âtcIiiid. ouringo sulitendr wlnga le cldted oleiy ta uey csrq attentionrIloed hil oîr sftà l'i hrsae dne y aove: Iw:benéd amI ad it carinf ullF t i-th l---ttnton Tha urakistaeredoulaithdI fà rd *~We~5nd~~4luave1,oreltb7 oi - O or as I or rmEli ' bat mor e yo ht ta ecoya oabu the o lrifl? r sn of1'said lie, aer- hve nurehetrily so~wn aed a nd eho duw ta poerfu.l thedmeotet cii- painr e, n n ,-go deatritane, althr e o-dor c eie ofeeeto h DilI a rdanliendferC tbr apurpoaIfrenednk1Bat by bisiee bro curaety ftestilôe. qîluet th ple, nd onldarayuiuiyh twad to got ét e i e. i dyafr pixy Ou ea lthere r onel tith e oit-dth i-n auisep1peeditothe porutaiand fbrigi mthi mmroed1iatequly; butO, bhrorl foret le -soon tidthe ge sr -inetfeatr ingd iiuring sereof éye. e, -" 6 th paeandIcoul amand o,'eig th o vae ogerai, iano agoy, f fee lng. in-tert dor jon eai? dt,,Ileftthe purpoîl ofd te?'dit h ora ebig moWhime ieuredbcuti(ie d thé thise sere foon tba oki-e sgcre, and nothr chul, Voma fseev nof tesltie la i pe -cnmndlu' à à th o 1 e -govnr-g nral onld- scafcel. 1 ontinohyenfeif bt riha1*5 h pporh t hen rëto tilt hé stood facethae itb ber batndh bqnai cé uchoed antgbt thit ue ts ereDd i. pas le 30ne ta aTrhé biood iteeiïd L udaacl ' Go on-go dn 1' lie dald, hutrfiedy i a lovwdeep, toue. dl,,i -'ÂALflrst,' cntidueul thé nursé, ' rats. cd uw voice t6 give imriediate ademi î bt. NO. i bea tfmht mark i4pon bis bresat.' ho ave seoç, llIitz, çÃitli jour oin e708, tht, mark ?1, 'have, ign;adhv many other ' aptiu Pareze a gbc.t di'gpitsu' at the rom the flu,% moment ov.! liti. jilnoble 'featurea, lut cnucét, Ma, wiéked ,ennà piracy, sas thet drew mee ho It? A if by instinct, a i.Ah, - es T a father ,' a tue d noble boy tai! nuit <et the chan- entaw hori hm T Uat 3ng-t4tafllj vralg ; loeéad béaiu Zim to wbea the actuel Concel mentbuecaibe neceOb* SMq for ber interiaU, and agala smoking thé giopll 1cef1, hé gave hlm à baud-. some sauf (o take the chiid ta a couple or honeut peolobt ii b. beard of at-Madride wItb a pur" Or ofdla, *hich vwu Iaithfuliy delivered, viii directions to regribhe chuldr in the best and kiudesC mauner, the saneC as thougll it vas their owan sd it quarierly, -ample paydfets. sîlo.uld hbe made t0 theui for theit. trouble. The, am-t pie lune that aclooepaied 111e cltild, I and tH faim P'roidise, led thé,. peopleé to1 consen ttho tue ternis or the arr4nieentu,é and Jose *a thus adoptai! by thé artisdn and btq wlfe as5 ibrro-wn. 'Md what beéýà ie oa ilm 1 8peaki Where iï Jose noV il ' Let le go on incours, unti I shli tali you ailfaithlful' sald the anurse. . IvW1,4 1 ili;-but heao4ýlie. I amrq 'on thoras ta kuow ail.' - - '&itll I d wrg--.& 1ut*lt 51yth t Jose ie safe and volt ' 1 Itoiy aothcrt I tbank thee ' aiId> theé cxcited gaveraor.gonorai. 1'N#oll, the cbid grew up, rolit, héà Lrty and adUlé iaappearaiece,auntr-gmnmelléd by labor or thé fatIgue of any duty, save b-is sftUdie. Ho ecl Uthé advantjýge o( thc boit sclioola of ilHé city, and tihé proniised funds for ls tnppdrt were faitffflly and! regulariy remitted for a perli! of more thait twelve'years, *ben the persan *hba bad eommiîted t1illa' fearful sin 4ied, the mother of a family i $tilt tho kià cl.earted peooplélove4 José, anc& heing ila coniforta. hie 2itrcumstauces iitli tbo worla, îbey la ieted o n bis finishing bisi etudies. This- ha %ýas 100 Independe'nt ta do et their cost, forý ho b.d icarued the stol yof hi. adopl îid and Uy ezuploying h4is tue as a co'ist, lieo 1eriable ta ern dueugli nioney ta laj bld boérd. Iu vain dld ho endeavor ta obté.ln erdployuieat, that udight suppdrt hii, ho iEnd no influnce ta 'aid himn s 0nt iddilie jaiaed thé arraijas a privs4îe aoldier. À yeilr'a service in Spniin fllled bts purse,; llvlug a ho did .witbh We uîaeost econult, rid tuln litscmpn and the regimen' w<irý orde.-e ta Havane,. wbitlier lie caulée aloug vwith Colonel Or- mentez, who vsd the courper of btsicnome and fortune-; lideÃMb6lodift Madrid, ho pald thé full surd of bit étirdinge to the artrisaiand thes freed biaesa!of the debt.' 9 Àndis ho bore jet il lote=rnted the aid mean. 'Whoeen aobelIo hoin avana?7' 1 Hé la, slgnor iho iÀ aafe aà dd uell, hirè lu this oity,' aaid tthittrse. i Bri ag liltutd ine tbid lildstantl Ildhu,', lio 4sid with eanlestuess. c i pray yoe, dignor, Iîateé ýatience. 1h la go, ueeessary, illat I cantidt go ou, e.1.., & 1ean heae'of go sfurtliüdr dlay ; a!.~ ready have joi e d1<1me 4lon the racki, thie.aay m{watts' i Butit is for hi iiftürest hlît1 sk ffls 1 îniguten ievlilt,noI 1 -Wi îha littie> maragtn arrange mattera io:th noa, hé oheerved ; tii eccamplisho!, fer tbf ncmrly'o! an mga, au looa. Yeur owu ad aigeora kepit joue mue verat mouthi, sud -du scarcely sew thée cl fortuneéaided the keea - li N4I AIl, vatuan, il WaT ma ffal IR -u-for thoé i .'I feoTl t-I feel itl!' sabod tho womsî 'ai! for jean bas It madenie vvetcheï 1 have neyer expected te hé fargivén lbi udv that t Jumvé feu-rtted 1h out) anedhave coa&sesed ail, I cm lappiér! -1 1'This ls e im turn Wcati tbee to'accouet1 other things vili ccupy nesnais,' sali! hi gavomnr'geaeral. 41 muet sse ti lCap tain Pcem#.îorthvlîh ' ' $Mayl1beg, ta bc ahioved to menai thi. a 11111e <u-Ibér? I know- jour fotl ingi signer, viii hé too impétuous ta brét the intelligenice ta Captala IÉereze as i wouli!hoe et.' 'Tune, truc, Elitz-yau are thé hou one te- do it; but do su quickly>, for Ia impatient to eembrace hlm.' 41 wiii go et once onne, eurend,' taid the nurse ; 11 must ask forgivoneu sfcf m, toc, for thé vickéd part I havé piajet in this singniar garnc. I hsve jour orrden tô gote hlm, signer 1" ' You have. Be cautions, but expiair aIH to bina, as you bave tomne, thei- u -cati îà et, a aq ili1dId !do, as fathot asu son.1 SI sahcoma. théenioneut* ietilt41iw Eilit., Scarcolybhai!this oo,$ersa'tida eid*ea hotw.esn thé'gav6rtior-geuemlandii the ok nurse, vheonen tf thée tténding physieî ana entéré! thée airtment; tri! daawlug near'h te te cinr, said~ 1 It id My Oiit1fal daty& triinforni je (liat jour ion, ilie colduai, lhms jut t ireati tit bis lait Il -L m 1 FWIVTýl- ,