ima Y à jL JkJýoj»mf-len erMajesty e4 as beau thse saine vary gracions- . APUBICO HOLIDAY. elous Soverign,ý--We, al gabjects, George Au,-. hn, Duka of Atisota, K. alvilla, Esq., of Besimu. siIni, Francis Robart, b, for oursalves aud tha s and mesuhers of thea 7-() IS IWORSII l'HFMA FOR. Ieotland, as Wall as in klIe fraternity af Scat.- beg leave to apesoavi c Ets udcsgîi eiai ia i o ce witis Ã"ur dutiful ansd yW ?rdnuiteewitim theiutn, et titis Bougon 'asmaions on tisa marri of tilt year, yeu will bd il uosssd tu procolir lliýhe#a tise Prince of a publie 1 miiJsv Ami a i'uici lviisg beaun neasa Alexandra of Den. aPPOiuteà l\fur-Thusrxîd:y, the 271ls isis., tinctise oursalvas of this very the, auW~ies of tise !teelie,lc'sssttte, take le ea nvey aur express. leouv e m usssciîed iliat cse a s.ultahie day. d attachinant ta yanr J. Rlam PIerrv, Jauiie4Ilfowe, Wm. Donad- armonant d tsmiiy witls $011, R. & J iiipIi atnc«,us iiu-s, ÉO&A joilimeu . mc!itilan, t'% Dawes, Masthew le, paterual and asintara Colline, U%,e" & Pioweil,t J. V. llasn, Ci s, ua ressîssoswel. Nourie, J. IL Goirrie, Tiseusiati 'blol, IR. aihcodcs ats Frsaser, B. Arnsstresîg, N. ltiy, A. Verriie, J. whih cndcesta heFer srîsous , G. ,,Pueiiey, WI. .lisgitis, G T. callent and exemplary a&iilidJus. Draper B. Fraicii. J. A. 5iayerisef- it may please Hini im fur, J. St4tstwî, J.-eiei l J. Bryu u G.Flasîs lîrgl, ltilisMIascii, .1iex. Ctsîereu. i,. G.- to shower downu upon Hans, W. 0. Esutweivd, M. D, Join- Arnali, yotr Royal bouse RIle.. 0. ilorîstis, Daild Courtise>, LC. Sctt. Joltn id continue to prasper Lynis Ira B. Carpeister, t). Kunît, R. IL.Cro-%byt S Jôls Shaiw, Franicis Bottii, obt. E. l'ersy, tise Msoaaic Crait, as _U, Il. lltbi,,C'. Ciirk iic, Mven,. (illis le nation id (unr humble Yc 'To& .. .ii (rk, ILbYle %Jrx. Giveti ut 1]'dinurgheIs, >sietâ J. $. Sprîîwle, E. M. Cldell, ;&ssM. HuiîsiFeiliîz,.is, . Bi'-î.I. 1863 à 5. 863- Hiekie 'litinilteii & c,., t;. .Gl, i mte r. Wt. A. Lanie, Cruss, .JO"" atIOn, 'Vms, 'r111, M'ln- Illele, ' John ileles . .I. IPlî îp, J. .i.roekcr, sd Lodge ut 'cotlassd %iu. palisser, Johîn IiJolisi Bel], Audrow Lîîudgy, .iulîii hryaiîs, ~,s riJ. B ltrîu t thse Torontto Police A. K. iop C. Lytidle, Tliîi.. llebitisoiu G.C. Grom.Alx.-l'itLlt .. L risutiephs orning a rorusutie fil odluth Win. 'tZY' <I, . Il. l>srtîll, 1B. J. ffor investigation. Dr. îwilt ,ii.J. IL. eii IL, w, il il!Lggs, IL. ialsan, preferred a charge - î l.fcduii!l, C. 0. Relier, IL. Siîw. Dr. Darwin, saîd ta hae lu. The reau abject <-: i coitspîbiice viths tlîe a uîbonetiiitloas, 1 r, seesued ta ha ta e ta. îîrîyliricliis, 9mAand Iud tiiiduceplora r af tise former gemtle- Thursday, 27th Auguaet, inst., lie home. I an 'r ,Tn emLred axaisPuili lidmsy withiiu the rrived 1lut Moudayat tise iiii utCniiuin K1 in Ibis Ciiy, wsth i1s a (O*b oprain he allezed ta ba bis wife. MW!.of lAiltb, r. Jlotci1isa, . j.P. a aorerWîib lie yoing lay', srrived,Aiii'1 'lP8< th islundiorel- thssuthlie - ______ ped vith is bsniee froua LABERT SEED ,WHEÂT. it tise vsing lady isua pld watch belanging ta WEEVIL PROOF! a he it aifvisicis Dr. se Thse yug lady de- rrîls wilitir-whit Couti iîs a pecceltas pro, self toak tisa watch, tisai .pnu,«i ia ine seikssvst ieseaaia, mmiiiisa ie artlkod b> wee'ul. ILt uis rowlit, 1aie IîY OsMe2io, an th 8 ie ,wtlii 'tiser fai wleat, wiisilx"lî« i,csu t- 0 tise gentleman. altisa' tackd is>tle distytmct'uvc liieet, and sesiaimsed sl lm hau ixty and mise nmtOUIished. eený_ad ele ddsiha ,TIiirrain ls< <trv lisrit, essly aOi peodue seu»~nd ase eels isattir-, amiii1m40Astsmialm.ri eetd i, ('In eli lmnte, n ssii ov'er tise vorlel if F<îniier, amc iuvlted te cail!, sud itsepeut sassa- rise gentleman psatie«li Ionte Fîir sic, fur ,ecd eîly, bu' -em iss intentian of mar-A tOI-S itg that hia i eli aIff Lot «40, lro!sciiiFront, Pickeris. tie a portion ons her. Aimt-~l<8 21 !fusas In go bacle andi an presesit, IL vas peut.j N 0 rt-I C Eu r'H thy, on tise 16 imfst, iA yprs of a son. tise exception tif a bhiahis isesllug 5 met itis at iL wili Nisat 75e te 85e.- .2w Gais affired st, .800W. 'L OCEAN aun Stearusaiip )REWq NIÂNDEit. rom QUEIEC i ALJQUST, IRECT. SAGE; tr'o.00 40-00 2m.00 nr are 8ttppli. aud cther îrc. el at Reduced sus Streae T lE Clvrks <of dise flvisimi Cesrtswithý T itti Cnuntv of ni(stario, andti hei (ierk- of iii, 'AiiîtV ('euirt, ru, ierphiy reqnes<t- s*i et ctliyr tei Ille tiicit rempetive accounts ,i reine,,,lt muliî titri, as îy tire requirel -1: 1aw; unîdd ln t<i cetint -for, asud psi nver t i l le.<iits fe, îîd lnis uso eivsiil in% tfiem issu >I !r,&,a Provil&d by t1m sStii .tt 2i0 Vie.. Cali. M. And ail Mizi.rites i titi,,maedMtCousîiv sarc ilst ber v eîioîlt, elirer> 1 U lîsii ,1r. 1 iîsiiqîî. Rcî îlaees, iuîictiîîsr, asId otil, Pr liiip is c.o,îccd witli erimiissl obýrgs iîoruofureu il ctc tihe OnuieAtto)reci. 12 ~~~Conity teîy,.. SE E;) WIIEAT.' mâlse, igtà on sew lasnd. 1I)ANIËL IOLDY lB.imrklili, Aiog. 17, 1863. ;2 8w Mi SS CARROlflL L ' Sllcct Sciieul wiil re-0peu n MONDAY, the 24th instant, for thse riseeptios of psspill< 8 1 ,'t<)t"TY CRO<WN ATTOMNEY FOR ON lu}îiirio, tel4re ud Atrse-î- Sil.S iitri C'iîccry, Niviry I'iti'e, &c.- iiilce-ms Biceiow's New Bhnihg, l)nuîldo Street. l« litiîi. RE-ITNI< )N PIC"NIC, UDltttTUFit&rsýicgsieS 53 f5 Whitby Meohanica' Institute, Willi b, isld at Corbtts'a 1iilit, oms TIIJRSDI.QêY& AUG. 27, 1863. tenis will Leu provided fur Croqu(et, Auut Sul- ivili licofifeod na pnieus fur competitiomi lu eseli ofi the foliîiisi ipeit:-.Junipinpr, Foot R,. 44o. îuQits, 'Viirowiiig lihe Hliiuuier, Pisttimig thu Srou, bSau t aiug, RliîiRaeiisg,, sud Aeii.Auisitraileuse e f I <tgt. jforu a«id bià t. lut'luie, wlll bc t'equired oc omnpa- titois. C:!r-M46LE'S QVADRILUI B4VD Wili provîdu s Mtile fr tue niig, sfD lTwo Military Bauds will aise be on tise grousid. A RIFLE MATCH, Oîie u te seVolanteer re et thiaCountr wilii eisneuL t 10atlOonk, iut wbliîtise ( loxiig 1îiewill be itwarded- lit, à a$sler cup, vii- $40, 2ild ailver Casp, NYlued ut ti- coliietitr4 wWbcyflu foried o.f the egii. lat us undùr whieis " ii, u b i dites, Oen aplieniotlu their Camadlug (Imiter, of thse uueroum l"2>1on, At. NOTICE@- ibseriber, ln retlriusg front itimslnas, satui respectrlsIy 1tossinali in u- ieids avds eo.,ton or lttitrlb a wille nbumlie. lins isidebtuit t3 hlm are TOtet*d la ore tis lut of aOtber, wlth Idr. T. tlG, at Me. John Fergsaon'a 8S > tisai, sixt door nrti of.11. MWl re, as tise boo# will b. losed alLer Whltby, Ansg, i, tes. a IIAMS AMP) BACON, A prime lot fersalie by thes ubscrlbor. JOHN HoWELL. A lot of isist brandi for sale Cbeap, hy the substriher. .--- -+ 1 181. -- JOIIN HQWXEL,,,1 Gs'oer rovitlnDai it. Ioek stt, Whb. MARA AND RIMA 4RANCI AGRIOULTURAL BOUlET?5 ÀNULFArR ANI)SIIOWOF dallyt ' li, Wlitby asd Huron Roadi, Mars, ou, Thursday, Oôber lut, 1863, Fer kloseExitit(')f Ilorsesà . Cattie, sbeep, Fur of Pl'euies, p\oste m. Aths rcy, Atgetit 12, 1863. 31 1863. STEA RBO AT N OTICE!!' TiceXciewsind Fast tiuiling Steanibogt ROUCH ESTrEitÀ CAPTAIN GREENWOOD, W ILI. im'ae thomuemetem list t'beiuiiiiwimsg tstslo, ere>'M udiy, Wed- nesdsîy,:eid Preday ueesrss't, aften tise arn'.- val of tise l'Ott .lipm Lîssdsy, and i'ettrlsro' P>ort Iiiope, u.'.. . 1, M. C.obourg,.......... ...... 11, A.11. direet for Roclister, îrrjv«t-l iera lu tlsm te coumcct swith tIi, New York Censtral Raleoad to!New Yok 'iialipma iettsre, Wasls- sigte<s,$tyrîà u»os«, Busffalo, Clilcsg,andiotther îs'is1i s Ret sud M'est. f>ueimrr ronstishe Wesut via Gian(i Tnuuk Rauletuel, w'ml takét- ii',SteaMer. ut Cobourgr, irptlîe laEut wvu taeftiseStuear at Col. Retueuing, thîe Staimner wi!1 leavo RuI a-s- ter ever>' Tseadv, Tiserwtuv, and Situecta> lit 8% e'ulck, A.S&., for tis *aiue meistoued silicesu, caunuectlssg ithlstise QeessitTrussk lishýwa fI*rerintîsFastan sd Wtest. ëýt'ea nB1uffà o.iS8 For funtiser luformnatunesiquira tof A, Cccih- relie, Port Iucpa; Clirlcmt tlieott, Coiionyg, P<ort lhopc. Jet>' 24, t6..31 MORTGAGE SALE., V irtsme etf a Power of Silo cont.siied in su 1lsidetureeer Morisnsge, iseariusg date the, 2iLvd day îof* Marcil, 18652e mrade Ibetwtan lioni- atl csdmrssnd hasblla McCallivis, of the Towoship of Ti u t is e iiunty ef, o h.iepat, Cathierimne Msotallumi, orthéi aeesil t, alsd Puirick- MePlsillips, of tise TowtîlisNltasrkhtnp, i lu iCoutity of* Yorke tthe 1iluir prt. for Itt-ectinin certasin l' vay tlics'eissn titussulli f i, îiki ssrly il bce sîiod [)%l's,11e lic ition, it tii. 4ettou Rtoosus et LYVI PA! RBA2Jà RJf., iu tise Fîirs day of Novenmber next, AtTrie1Quisýk, nsties, viz:-Tlue No'flu pat of Lot Nass0,iitesTwL1ve, isi ils, forrtis cosseei% «loti1 or t'se said Townshiip et Thouh, ilitise Cotitily 0,On mtario, aontiusiiiug iy aisoeusre m5ent eigltt-tlirgura sces, morts of lis. OIie-ten)tls Mftisa putiaxà èe sîseir tôchasld dowu; furrltse balance, lei'shs will ha imade keowi nt thaesae, 'f'Isc )puiry < luitdwiti lîf a msila of sieupad -',lt ers teasel. iiposswlsiei I5c urlur prteetrsappi>' te C. c. itE2LIPIl 80 ~ îýf ÃŽiielo, W1lby. The Oonfess$»,o & riperience 1AN INVALID. Publisiued Ifor tisa3 beuefit, sud las a warping and A4 CAUTI7ON 7V iYOUNG, MEN Who sufer frem Nerveets.Deh)ilit>', 1Preatura Deca>'elMsismedetC.. soplying at tisa orne temie, THE MR.&1S IOP SXL# CtM E, lIy nue wv itehm i red Iiinself after tselnir put te grot expeuse iud i;ijeur> thronglsisudicsi Isneibug asse t imkey. l'Yt'e;ayiniz postage, sisi<4e copie& nsay 1*ha, of tiestisor. ' * NATIIArIEL MAYFÂ1R5 )É*q., To Consunmptives, WIINE ANID One pipe of superiôr OLDI ?flP One IIhd. of Ulennessy's PA&LE BRANDY,' A large aasortment of ail kJn1 of WI1SÀND LIQUORS, ALE41 ND I>OIffER AT N 4. ,Laing's t4ýiWo-gs Augtist 8, 1863. 32 sui I M Sli~s. UTTER MANUFACTURER 0P ÂtL K[ýNDS 0F 11011E* .4 SOFAS. fl'UREi Tablee, Wardro1sas, Chstsof] > er and Drawiig JRomanC Cliairmt., Toilet Table, Vgm atl dued material an, CLOTH1N iIcO0à . TEAS VERY LOW. ýsr' f~T'~YARNS &- AFýÀmTORY O' tx i LOWBIL TEAN CITY PRICE f WANTED IN EXCIIANGE, FOit GOçÙe Cail and Oxamine Our Goods and Pîqlces. s Wilkinsoz9s Block, Brock, &reet,JA.MÇUN Whitby, -Aug., -18Ua. iV~ ~fitsmI~s a. 1' - ~<>*I;. 'usa .aest,~ I OF ALEKEMS, TRY THE'R (3ALJFORNIÀ MAN'r ruaTO~ Of the Iedt. grands, Try theI 'CAILIFORNI. AT1OSAA I t: I tc VI Crockexy, n I 'p M v "GAi~ A1~ 4s~ 4,l.~. D~ eà % ver, late and et, F'?rawers .ook!ng C f, Towel Stands, &cý, ipsrsem. Warranted idorkniasihip. He au Lxalin>ation of h 3Ve rticle is rianfsotuved usider i IJPHOLSTRY1 And everyths'inlethe Udertkimg Une teobe imsd on h constantly on basssL WARE ROOMS, No. 4, lBroeic 8te Whitby, Ç. W. Whitby, Joiy 8, 1863. THE ROBSON.HOUSE, UUDA TREET, WHITIIY, C .LOMB"D GEORGE ROBSQN, Prepeletor. gu)8 be o aisueice tiat he bhu 9-. oss pp<mssse eue reit UlDea, ant ins tùest ohe tiaTovs. tie m4gestour dbgeiand Buverlc WCaRetssi lo(stieri siaays lu atte, Wliltby, ]&&y, 18U8. 17RE0LD $TANDipaR X me.20 32v, ~,, [ji L.