:ts* 1The BallerA. mes Croates. Ifane7. for Gluigon-. Roberts. C, nobeuta, - m-.&J.,Campbll. -Jani e ucClng & Ca. roneres-James MceCluug & Ca. Bttei--Jnîneo Brooni. tstok-Taues Brooui. aie-R. S. Ca"mpiioli. Mi -Hamnlîton & Ci. Iade-Cloubing do. ,sad Liquors-do. AU CTION ZSALES. a'lelc nonn. on Lot No. ., l crmqsio-ftnaiPickeintathe.pro- T.'. Leonand, on Frldty Ocler 38-Thos. M'yemi-uctiatteer. o'clock. on Lot No. 22, lot Cati. g; tbe pronci-Ir nf Reni-yHaney, rlay, Oc.8188.-Jam es Wood- Lineer. a2 o'lock, noon, n 11ot No. 2% oA îtr', tice pi-perty ofi JIu n Tuesdzy.O6.0 68-lx ~cIock' miao, an Tit No. .16, ai*m Rat Whitiy, oi Fridai uAd 1863, the property aif M. li-Tbmas Stooshojîe, Aun- ~' n t .'.on Lot No. 1, sût Pîekesiiu, oùm Tbunday Oct., e. pnoperty ni Mn. Thoi. Lan-- e1 Mycni Ancîboncer. D'nhock, . -Mu. an Lot 4o. 1-3, mion I<bkern onouTueadîy, 0, 1863, li1w pnoperty ai Oea. liyars sutd Woodruff ,Anctianeers. -lue conmoun, on i tNO. nee.saban Pickrng, an Mouday, 1863, tlihm praperiy ai M. John rames W'ordruft, Anctianeen.' 'clocl a. m.on< Lot e9[ 8, -ont, Pickerilng, on Fridmy, 16b B6,tIti propfi f M. Robent O>NE I)OLU RÂAYEAR Thitrs4;îy, OMtber 1, 1863, tien. uit ai tihe St. Hymindef elocion islug nid nbiiM. SieOttes liu been pailA ; but the -payaient. vu ileégal. Itl ad not the sanction aifIan. Ms. Cookiiurn's bill is thon a mail nensi- esty uaours, sud casifers aînigiitfUlsud propsi- paver upon Municipal Corporations la tbis respect.# The bill uight, hon-evsr, bave eltends Ii. pavera of municipal cor-porationsa ili fathen, an at al eveots sai fai-as regards Couuiy Cotsssdl. conmty Couneillona at- tend tiie meeting ai dis body ta n-icb îhey' iilaug at noamsall expensinlutlb. n-syof hotel Char'gei, &o. sud omntlnî itatnmccii pensonai inconveoicuce anA ilat Iisi- salai.The. la«n-limiîta Ibein psy ta $1 50 per <ient;- a smniqts inadequiate tu efnay sien their mitel ills. Many n-e knnav .xpeod double snd treble, the BuOliot. W. regret that Mr. Cockhcr'a bill dona nat esteuAd e pavera ai0 fCnty Couni.- iors in. Ibis 'respect, 50 ai ta ýallon- ai an cucreaid rata ai pay-.say ta tii.lirait Of $41 aday, la uintbersoi Caunty Caucils. Membena of Pa-lismnentL get $8 peudal and plclngs, anA, Wb seâ uwre 4»Y tley do, nol ancoupibsba titi. ai tiie vont ai Befors the final passage ai theii.luIaf the incuber for We.st Nortbuubenland, n-m inuit dat a clause reueding the defeci ivbicb n-e bave poied oui -may b. suu 1bodied. M.. Raymond bai bees elected- oser M. Papineau, tii. Rouge csodidtte, by tiie lare usjonity ai 3601 Tacsrasaga-Mi. Paxton migbt n-ellex- daim 0< sae me fnont my fniend," n-bei lie rends the. couple ai caltinsnofaiigmos rois pubibuhed in aur tonn atemponrry voluoeaeinug a defancs in bibm behali. Tii _article beurs tie impreas ai 4h. maource frmin n-it hemnss. Iuis not tii production ai the Tuvn Ilaby., No. 2 We coulA point.eut tii. -rites. AnA if hi inso£ foolisi as tu imiagine that be la ser ving Mr. Paxtons.-intsi-ests by attaekin the. Cisirmaul ai the IFinance Comnrittee aviA tii. cmaoxcx, n-emutssare in tiat be la taking dte *rong -ay, tedo it M. Paxton viii tell. i hm>:îtuai anA, Iw are ýcertaî ilnoiint i.el maeciicompilimn ed by the. airsices n-uithedis rer bil h Gazette souteers- on i bebsif. Who appeared lu the cutCLem vu' iiupl s continuation ai t-he repiort oai tiipro ceedinga ai' tie Coutiy Caoncuni vtiiuut note or comment., Wene it Ae signed -ta du lie- Connt' Treascren ai injnny, anodhes course n-6ud hase beei adopted. -l r'l Th£ .Annual- festival ofttis body wn-ueo aitb thes lits s wu nai el et tii. Mechanice' Hall on Mon- ,ueicy ca'nnai day eveniDg luth, vas in- ssciy respect a t -rl hiaii an-ncouplet. auccesa. The 'hall n-ai - hrng- mifnllyat ecd, msny b.ing unaahls le finA mare titan ,n tims aiter standing î-oau. The tabias vere Maen i-be, ad i. with a profusion ai choicesvianda vbici In su aualcny n-ens providsd, and1 sruod by thc Ladiesa ta b. tempted, - ieiougimig ta the. cangregation. The chair lheuned, The vwu taken by M. Tborndyhre, andads- f the electors dresses nere delivcnod by RouA. M. Bei-ny, nAssA muortiîy- Mn. George Flint of Oshan-a, ResA.- Mn. pin-, stiafan- Cochrane of Omiaa Rerd. Mr. MePhademi qe n-ho 'vo a d Ã".Pickering, Revd. Mr. Lan- ai Whitby, eni anl.and M. Poilai-A aif Toronto. Tie re. t pi-Osiîtsîunion wvia l hirespects'a mail agreca- ongt the. peo. ble one,-aod vo are gisadta adA titat bat. ha right anAdlte praneeds amiocniad taos er $100. corrupt Miii. Great Attraction. Iror ta-npcn- - This veet n-s pubriali extensive -an- - nonements ai Fmit Gà odi by the i .admog - marchants ai the ton-n. -Messrs. I. k J. .'y'm prices-bm Camspbell, announs direct. inportationu. nut vlibnh laal- Mi. MeMillmn a inamuuatb stock. Mnr. us baIwn mp C. IRoberts is stock aofchaieiquors anA tEu oif(billeon, Gîýu<esiM , Mr. )goaug a iiasy stock are i0 daily recei ,pt or furtber additions. daîng sa Lskeï pain Dunlnguthe past'eigliI yeaes'-h ave neyes Globe la )y no _mes vitnessed se extesiesudanA panb s dis- PaPt7." Whidl play in ail lb. dcpartntent aiftaade: lnon, pers in Cauada are il se saniy bu the. seasan, hveb ras. -y en aud sdvonAts ts lote sncb n bealtby active atmirii business. 0cr suspicioni ai their beit stores are litet-aliyt Ironged througiiont pers." -Wiiy douoca dia dal. - AnAdmna vonden, for thane is svsny- porary tiîink il nne dbing that coulA be desircd or thought oi Globe?- Is ih tiat gt ta sempt the punchaser. At tbis moment ns.anA leaful?7 anA we speak advisedly -thene is no ottier ra tannoa equal importance in Canada, dast tention ai aur readen bn qcsntity, snd quality and vasniety cau halA in the H41 aI t bout af an'Iéqual dtspiay i marchants, goodai. AnAdie pricea 7 Ti.y ni-e equal- .,aTird>i -Beginni ng att 8 o'cld' ]y cbeap vith thase ai T oont o bouses ; i ine omh uiany inistances less_.<>This bcbg the eue, ui2 i iirtckt vs are ut a lauIotaundestind bon-people m o<ate al via May, eau9 go t Toranto, un. elsen-here, an-ny Sfiou home. te a mi lc tir purcases ; yet EVENriro CLAuss-.ý diey do me, anA psy, oct de cash ta- stran' utf etht scin gens n-icb -tîe ) vould' grudge ta leave trtictin.n-il7 in n-ih'their on-n neghbaors. It is lia nncs Mochatiici biitute, thig fr sme f or à rMrsýto ell thirof üctobur, durnigf tiin fo mone a ou- frmea tasdIther neek. "lite tuitionîfi prodnce in Wiitby. baian- tic bigicît and $4410 001-nii market. prie, andA suerwà arAs lny oct the Thme classes viii he eucah pracesds in Toi-eta, wben tbey uxgit Mn. Murphy. M. If b . equaly v.ll served ai home. This la liappy ta gisa fui-Il r s god deualtde nescli ai aid habit. Wi- Fine n eiiy is differently itunled nov laen-bat it n-as s dozon yeasa ago. Tien fammrs -, OnSundsy lai vire conopsîled ta punchase, ai a distance brate oue at tic uany articles vbich coulA net b. proccred &AMcI & Dune. lei t hornei. But ttué cse anon- alternA- CardilI, laite ai Sutt A dozen yesrsmalie a grent iffurece; itiecontentavere t anA Auing that periud Wiinliy bas grao 30 mintesamitert ei mmenaci! in ize andiporanceSo, ironi a-retideenig assistanti compsratively unknon-n village ta an im- flanies being sa rapi potent Cocuniy Ta*mi anA shipping part. as folios-a: -Buil4i Scarcely art article aifiioseiold oan fmmly ai bear, 300 busht C.ucccasnes, an esen iuxury tht is.not non- anA cheut ait4 n- I-retsiled in the meroantss(Oret. -AriA notes ta the amci a.the ptices paiA farmers for all articles ai dollars. No imsuri fiproduceilitîbe, if snythimîg behind tint A Mtotsiîsae's fi p~i ldinte city. Butter, eggs, îurkeys, M eikens, ke., fruit aifaIl kmdi. anA pata-Uiuitdntawie a îaato, htyand n-oA, brng bighly nemune-United aies as 1atire plices. The prbc.i paAivi fweai,negbrJal Cbarlcy, asi, peas, ko, are seidoni orthkahePsdt r. neer beind ti hbst figure'offitred n g Toronto. 'Cannet i. make il e It is then vith-gm-titi8.4 feelings that n-e tint the Macdoa ul notice tia pressat revisal of Irade, and aCndacon t. business. Tii. market is daîly supplied i"Cnab-ycu non .* iti ange quantities ai grain. Nals$u Ac. have yoc put 't than soms tbirty thousatid buabela ami antigangtabu eurage per n-eek, suan e muse aiready mn 'lobserred, thure p h isequna tice )'y b iguet of r n r nt.puA 0cth O r c rrespondi ly~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~sc aiieiofrdi oano ie i.mc jeit as nali III Aulîneis viioh ha presailed the pat tva aba, Cop. Ad on dira. years, n-snov ae the zuasthope. JI. Cru "a* laiilsigna ai encouragement la tha future. ' Tic t.imeo e pression bas pasaad. Wé A&IrTZPItrai en cao flon- paceivs an crsaifprospeity be- Bunrns, is remasin, fore lis aIl. Lot aur fariners anA otbsrs shoe establishment so reci;procatei kinA *tb--hie nierchiant, anA bau wiliib. benified ianA cot anîY tbey iuuediatsly, botthle n-hala surnound- iOg camucnity aulungat n-hom t-le mati.) ia spent n-beo it is lbit a: home. We mit alzo adA anAordtaousmeai Ocr tonnfolir, nWho thi-ongi a htile Snob- beny, n-Ili-un ta Torcnto ta get afasibon.- able coat, bat, ornbool n-hbci t tty muigit get, squally fashiomable su n-eilnmade ai home, if tii.y but deaht witb thsbr neigibornbng tradesuc upan the saune tenuas they da nitb ths strangsr-PÂYlItO Âit. But it 1 is 100 umacihte cstoul tst wviii titis clama ai pansons munificisntly psy ovur the bai-A cah ta the stranger, daey -il seit to obtain ci-sit t home, anAdlixpent tai gel an eqnsliy gaad anA fashionabis ati- nie. -Let thent deal i i the home trades- mian upon tiie sanie equai tenus tiey do viti thle ontider, anAdn-ewrnrant il, tlîty, n-I ba Equsiiy veil served. It is ouiy imi this vaj -by muta's!aistanca, tiat mu- tual wnsts cam b. supplied,- trade praspen, business anem~e, sadtaxes b. hept don-. Iaquest-Hai'ribis 1t.ath 1 attend >ta ans an 14AnaexatOs lînst Other Pa.- in fasor ai the Nor-th, trents,1' Ind tbsr. lanDo nug Si Acnestion, pa, ir Nsn-.York conteci- Mary ta vouch for'the ;nilt is ain-Bys supin" F.e bel; ta cal! the. Bt. i ta the concer t tabe tho Kecbamc'a Tosti-' enng (lit. October.), ùck. W. believa ibe' ittee hase reduced tiie u n' onder toacauna- deaire ta attend. -We are requested te- Classes, for privats bu. canneciin-wid lte be opin irat Che lit ire esoflinga afi ezel fes $.3,50 for mnembeni', ittilionit, per quarter. under the. tuitian ëI Jolen Sheir iI men Inforuation. ,ths 27thb mal., fini tnren-ery ai Mssais. H. eaieA by Mn. James Mo non. The building sut toially contatmed wlihî the. lire îslcing placei ie entiimly useiut, tb , pid. Tii.emitire loua i bong $1,000, 26 barralI ciel ai malt anA rinic vritiu-, acait cntainiai It aifsenai hutudne rnca. -Coi -The Pffsident ai thi auspended disen-rit i Yonn r .n- nigisferic, i pozated theneai. H n-writ I Whi, bosali it in,.a plain Baguiait, alA-Darnia 1 magistrat, ideritand it-such as- pa 7"' or <'vitere ti - bis body ?" Htis ib e muase plain ta plai dent aboulA net perpetni -kming a msgietrste- mi-bt tstick ta friti cuasat.. Mn. Willim g bis extensive Boot ai It ta the premises 'adjoi sit their n drÉaaudig*; anA nhere1 w iii pny Cash for bides as uses1. 1 B îtanzTOn-ABus Trir, Vouuivtar 1ts.- Quite a considnabla su frIbhe parpom ne-ounderstand, bas beemi nuntnubuted1 tie good people ai this town, ton-arAs ps ment. ai the expensea o( tbe Wiitby iý iinteer-Iniantry anA Rifica-.-tothes'l renata eviev. Annuel Exhibition aof the Agrnnilt rai Society cf South % Ontario. WzRInsv, Sept.3 Ai-we anticipated dis Coni taraI Exibition (Sontit,) dhis to b ofmarc tian immal int I. The Provincial Show. C.nietry, lb, fanerai service having been bein~ ibe ~ill te reatriet tbs raising of Ue Goverualelit oSers sbcnptl OS' 14W. - p5<otiod ii b. Eglib Cahedal jepulicnies iu the village of Ânrorà ;; ta' The ntt draft vil1 pmobà bly. be lfor0M, Th~'!e eighteentb annual ProvliniciauTShow Hisoredsbinpte isCah édr ey anon aputhbtl ie ;~~tlrectory iaudit in 000 me4 n Wthe expectatian of the Go- et thes Âgricultnrfl Aisocistion for <tpper Whitfeand the ReyA Mr. Bond. We notio. Peterboro J, toýameou tbb aci incorporat- crroulent, eider 5? ju8ton, into obtik Cufad vi oene o Teîdy i Kug in tihe funeral, processonanmoe cou- ing the W»steïn C B daLoin Comlpaniy, onethbird of the mnudraw iva AS Sdiei. CanadaThere pe a con TidaletaligsofP5- eOnD~rs from. Point t&VI, one ta legalize the'ezichin1 goof land between The ivo lrafis and the vola r10 ing tui of wluoh ho rahseâ atb th îe of the Trent the ,eetor and hebS crch.wardens, of Su. aitimawdvi jSaou O~OUlb in the nuuber of entries, anA ,the Exitibi. mnar among the Grand Trunk etaployeci an Cuc, Londoa ' %nd the ciirpora- the tiret of next J00uarY tion'bau nôt sous Up ta thos0f previaul n nylitWdedyfotib o.tion ai is ciîy of Lantion. Unfa!orai>rb iioiI pt" nu years., Tbe total number 0f entips ireacli uanded theu t thUe reiew aI Qnebsc. 3Mr. Bro wn o roed tba i. ppn n di.iat iTlW5 e ]a l uit svcra101 4,338. W'e give tes naomes of exbibitora liiilois vii be aeveîely feit, va are thesuabject of the Ottawa 'buildings b. of vhich are true.Thr nem6Oi anie, b &Il classes 1a"i 1wililbe. difficuit referred ta a select counîitteo of ninesbis uews troin anT quartsr. Bik fron îia oelit an utrandig nighorta find another ta replace him.-Mfonireal members ta enquire Pnd report as ta the N*YaSp.2.~b rtr bod Wo0 Aidprie.preseol positiod ofa.theé»buildings, the. pro- abip.of-ths'liflO Mile, with AdmW i Kiler B~ tbro gh.red staîjô , O J.Daut grea nov m kig tavartia their couple- onx BoalA, thB ri~t1ish -9 have lui, ý cheircha $40 ; 2nd B. Arkland, Ouà t«iaul aUAspaSu 1863. tion, the tîme they vill ha ready for co. and British despatci bi etuiS 15 Oshawa, $25,; 3rd do, S. B. Beattie, Mark. -cptondbem ofaimonsy required arrived alas> the FrenCb frigls aeCurrires. hem, $12. ~ ~~~~~~BEroitE -M. JUSTICE MaRiiSON. ta coplets themTein.nnIean n on .]OS But t ookÈ;dStâliawOn Th &o et.2 83:rie' a e ane,ds.i1d an ea J n Hou- 0.' JPOU tu, Whuîchurch, diplomna. Whitby, Tuesdsy, Sep. 2,18 AL:point of order having bee au sedpixan e 1S capteurcd 40th@rebel' udU g, ti T i akng if be imotion van nualthe sause as peaefiy riol tu 2rdsd B ésat draught s a Do, a y a e. Jo n er,and N rtof s , a nd O j er al g a l that previously decid d tupo taiby h n H ous , pl ndered an d - sent u rif . T e &and BM n Miller, Pipketing, dipioma, deiivcry for the. County of Ontario, opened te-speakter décliar eii moticaon ot ai Aria vai captured' and pinderâan Beat 2 years olA atallion, R. Grabaizis, ett4he Court flouse, Wbitby, this day- order, and it was.a accordingly rulcd ont. uhors- ITbe GoveiliiDent schoonerAli- farkbau,1 $14. Mr. Justice Morrison on ths Bench. On, Motions fur the. foliowing 'addremmei vers ance, laso v1 ith provisions and suler's Beat hdavy drauglttallian, RobI. Fan. the She iiff placing the. calendar bcfar h ae for a eatemen f st oua oîres, valida 3,~ ~am p resB iiîb,$0 2d oJoeph Thomp. Court, lic lianded therewith, ta tis Lard- moneyexpended esafiyea iceai Uin c h ces f the. otbSveneis'voee snMrka,$25 r o o adr hiapi'f -iekdgiavea, a amark for tiie impravemait ao navaio n,,forput aboard herý snd aohévia lut 8iee1 o0 son, Markliam. 1$12.-ihrbign rmnlcseo h 5 plars and harborl iin the variaus rivera land shosis, bouud South, Bet3yenra aid atallion, John Sander- JLiaea in the Provic n lofr Team o h ooa eti aM son. Markham, $22. T~fcre are !'me twnty-four ,civil cases o > .is8feal ~anMrkai,$2.o n thé docket; and radiear a full bar pro-' the sans fmî ey-e sied as tolas or féea Tii. captura of Charleston iB fso BPciet2 nYat , d $ ali4.J n ilet isn cinuding, hesides th. naine gentie, of veasels' nauîgating snch rivera 'and. lakea. as eser. Piekerng, $1. menaf th'"lon1 robe" ne have In Whit- 1 rom leases &co-for certain statenienti- B ý'I attie and sheèp dtsebMeuirs. Miller by46 Johnll1, F ., Q. C., Toronto, Crown respecting ýhoapitais reeeiving public aid' aflBrPa- t f MrhfiradJohn Millen af Piciter- Coà nsel;- M ýC. Camneran, £aqq., Q. C. ; C. for a staloe n tt sbowiug the enlployems dis- Lla wesU tt*n off S.,atr'inchq .. ob rtAr ouanA, The Steanishi p A nmMifcazalvia Southatflp- 1ig, were osucce«sain estrr n ofprises. S atroEq.R~etAmuEqmiaied ,and engageA in the.public depart- o nti.lti «ivda IwYoi'k on In 1)evonns, beet 3 yeas ad ul, . onmanvili;J .A>au, sDC-dnt iU IaS i- i May, 1862 for ton on tit s p e n c e r , W itb y , $ 3 2 ; 2 d d o , T . A 114 n b u i.; R . R B s, m i e.1s ., B w m a n - c r a n st ht lu;to e g n I .~ ~ e2 8 th i s t a r b u s l s d f o i t i ill L -dJ.RP..W: owmâinvlio; Led, BcetanBt$ùi eo ê98tin9 g eg l- Tesete trhssie rm h v- 2 . ni . F lit no. 4e3,, 'Bow rg; . srou coâ â- e -d i business in the. O de ta i-n th..blo kad o. - Tw o oher Beat 2 vesu ad bull,AGso i SMedl hl; W. J. S titon, t Es C6., ,&; . roice fbr certain itatemntnt respecting steamers vre édi flo Es.t ,,Wbiîby, $24; 2nd do7 A. (Jhoatet B. Fairbanks, EAq , OFrana; L. BEnglish, the coBi Qftiii. oOce of the. General ESuper. Blghty of the MWrcfvtaeibuForida b.d RHop4< $10; 3rd do, do, do, $8. - Esq., Oshawa; t. A. Hurd, Esq.,,Prince' intendanti Coli a ilan IrSs. arrivsd ratCardiff, and proceded ta Lis.?- Beat I year aid bii, 0. Courtine. Dan Abert. Mr Rebitaills mored ta refer a ce )o linztan, $20 ; 2nA do, T. Allen, Whitby,* Thei panel nf Grand jurars having been tain returpi ta an sddrcss ai the. sssentb of £b ofera en18tepeCnt $12 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ècld oer, the. îollow ng gentli an-54 Se ba -uoaslc c its aiqiediscaurit. t 1;3rd do, C. Courtine, Daniin#ton, $7 s réata their namea, Oand verec un-arntailq'r Cnol 94tanifr ony any aelecticli14rwnchard nVu 69* Irn. Beo bul o a ILSpe. JHNRAicLifi AQ, FitiuAl. as ta ';the necessityaifsnding e ' Gait Frnch eis 6 a9 fr-un- BoraWi blay. agdpoaHrpitJurRscLiv S.,FiaÂ<, , h special messenger instead ai by Eriesahares paid declined 9 psr cent. ThomsWAlenby.Wm nMarora Beiat 2 ysars aid beifer, G. MoGiliEuTalle, But ajra the ordà nary Channel, the mail. Repart acys that the. Floiai as been hty,$12; 2nd do, 0.C. ptice, Dar- . fniy lxne ors 4 S~dil ednl pae ieldsalA -tBrest.- hti3,Shermani Brown, Joseph itecder,_aoý'1 pedth alini-tan, $K aesI.Ca-hil asdSîlig motion as ana whicb the Goyerozuent coula The British Govemennet-ia said ta bc >1 The.Fergos musver cep for hit grade A. %W. B Ewtaera, Georie Sun& > o flw ii'a npnraec aî about ta increase ils farce in China by heifr, va n *tva regiments, in consequenc of Uic jehienot more than w years aId o l1ewris Hock, James KVernon, It coutd, flt permit a trial afitii acta by a saea far nJpn il March 1, 1863,' the. produce ai a pure b:-ed J.. P. ilburn, Thonu Walkor, Canîmitýe, in the. msuner. propased-.anA la the lAnon arisket on Manday Durhiam Bull, liing a reconded pedigree, Patrick Wall. < vantdisîand or rail ort ibis gi-aunA. hoe -~ a delins of one shilling on, SanA ai a nov of any breeA, flot more uban llus Lordsluip chargeAl the Grand Jury Mn. Ilobitaille salAid t. writs for Gaspq ýviient. , one remebfrolntuharough bred. Prise iiiefly-and saiA he ladÀ giest pleastire in 'anA Bonaventîure, isteail of bting sent by S$rne authonities repart a decline of S8d ag presented by Han. J. A. Ferruson Blair. receiviflg fromt, he Sherill tais ,syrnl. mail inA ,by orden ai the Govaroment, on1 cor-n At Liverpool. A Silser Cap-W.Milr jr, Piclcernin. (hocildn up the pair aifnwbite kids,) ai the biîîsaeniîigrilet ai Decent a ben. rrole t h ,tate ai the caiendar. 14 apolie welih milh.nerivlii To Sont Dovns enry Spencer of' asid, for the Ceurt. AnAdviiether it B ag n uècesry expene. He coin- h i'syi eaint i han Wbithy, took the tinit prise fanr t.he bst ar4,rmintih, n-cl 'rdered disposition-ofrVplaingil ut h ininwa teM - ,rama in thte Mersey ,one oai hem. vesaca, ,. rMi lamb, and in medbuasie tank ti the heop or the vigilance and efficienr.y terial candidate had, been selected AS the n-ag towred tea orpetb Dock Basin on à efirst for béat 2 sieurs and oser, aud seseral ni 11r:. Inagisracy. he congnatulateil thein. measenger anA iad kept tihen-rit in iii McîI(Idaylier trial trip n-iîltalcs plane In auber prises. (the '#rand Jury,) ,Ipn the nesult ai tii. pociiet Severi on eighi dasys a!her haebhiA a fen- Anys. Tii.Mes-s iiaa an J.O. Gi, i c-mimi cienar. o hmmei. h saA. t rached tib. co'nstituericy nd entered on Reportcmaya htaný 'eslaa of Tahimeli, h ira t ýd Oshawa, taak Sesenal prises in Cheviats. n-as s rbeas-ing incident, hein g -the d thne caznva. 'the. Flaida'i crew ant Liserpoal, le Toi Marines, Mn. AnlilanA, ai Oshava, tume nhieh he siut in this Court; and le Mn Céau:ion bamreed the Goveient The London 7!imei af the luth contain A. îok prises fan Ram shbeariiog rai, ram 1sncenelv hoped that uponp ~tler occa,;ion upa i ils .., a - >.laTtba.e- an "ditorin1 strongly favoring tbe delco- lbsen-ai and launabs. the Sheriff n-ould bas. tii.saueplaSlng anA > " andraan ntil cleared ai suspicioni Feduîly la perfoant toarde, sîceia-garcu il sasigitificant oaihe tii.tl geaten o bigintended for t he Ooîifderates 80 M ., J. P. W heeler, a 'Soaar o . î ok Th a nly dut y nhich .tlii court ould h- def eat s'eau ta follo n. T ii.m otion n-s tatinz that " w v n-ald .n t- ubnit if ne 10 riSifor Aysnahire ecoi-sandA'Yokhire jpe pnteGrand -Try, n-as that 'ai ilnsly viuhdranin thé nnderstsodin tatn en.l.igrent lethe diapatch oi Cruis- ~5 iga - isiling the. gani. ia .In-dhip, in con- tie papers aboulA b. printed. ei- airdf cr.iiser-fi- B a ntral part te InT sewing machines, oi seing' - ma. tte ht ecos4no ichro Mn. Blanchet mosed an addnsia for make wnr upan 0Umi-T55."- 'e chinei needies, Wanzen k Ca., aiNaunit- the Grand Jury at pi-us;ent, but lie would copi'us oai-tlie reports a de ta the Cran-n The Tim-a ai the lOtit buAn editoia ku o, rescefu crning off irai relieve thern frin atten (ance-tuy mighh.. Latida deparîment resp1ecting lie Chacdlutre on Canadia, tr tbe affect ltai asecould n -after visiting hie gal. go ta th.,i- bamsmanre exist as; an independent nation r prises. and ftA i ie vie wr te i-sae. gald miLeS. -Carried. th.eiAide nt ths Uoited States than Ob lia) -ai Mets he imenf rsîces if thendsh bd o wl. h hýtoc MessPattenson anA Ca., ai Beleville, onuired i.Shnf -ul oiM hr. r. Biggar mosid that tbe cierk lay yu .aino.Bcbalecos took second pni7ss fan Agnicultural impie- Again, h. saiA, 14 munt b. very gr-tiiying hefora the.'Hanse. th. mames ai parties err- betwerr, union vith us anda nnefxation le ale mente. la thein, And td the people of the Cnaunty, ployed in tie Libnsry, themr salaries, the th United Statcs, and it uape by te Best borse pon-er, ubresiier -andspara- thntduring -a period Of aix mouluq, 1nenatur-e ai lleirdAniSes &c-Csnbel.cesther make n-e sall shide' The. tan, Joseph Hall, Oshan- dipiama anA high crime hd been commtritted ini the n uki ae i oi naaTmete o h usinl ssixs $20. Couinty n-hich coulA bc brouight heore ce, rea i ioeo i ilt nh.i as ae shown an uowilrlng- Beit. eapine machine, TJoaeph Rail, te'iaie. ameilA the Ian- respecting the sale o n pa nriRho'on utrecssanable lofée le se ~ ~~5 ~ 20;2nA o H.-A. The flliniig civil /s î were tien pro..-oî ,tig ias anA the issue ai icamse, a fiht .ey for the, rltifence of thpeir adMossey, Na-catie, $12; 3nd do, isace coeï ed : threlon, anA otienvise fct thesuppression homes r a e hdriX«gsd eaheb cannôpas cd odelanA, 'Brmpton, $8.B,itiû çria' of e(bps~ iabuses resulting inoni sncb sale. ~1 eda'alied strugle inth mn 'lest mon-ing cmahine, PL andi- R. S. Pa st. .wiZo.-Aetkti o apromîauory 'laug ,discu:tsion titi s quarter aller- 2, bsîrh Of a distant foieirnpnd uinbà ltby ei, terf§an, Bellevile, iplna'aitd $20 2nA do, notes., Verdict. aofptaintiaT4for $48. - n-VI.t i.he eat- a -spopned and the ctntr. ' are iffosepî Hail, Osawia, $12 1$-do< JhnCnke Gamrble and, lii'. .<'nran for lbuie adjotirned. The 5B75 tlia s tatlitoutrteof te. ,.,do Jhnplaintiffs; D. G. Miller ion defondatit. lm- Teda h mti a on r Hla , aiaêi"AaittaKtcli" was.verT x' as- lenîngspne, $5. ýandreaper, R. merliile oxeriition. for cooicurr.nce ai the House in the adap- nnd ni i nettroyn-aitn nicoWn- a Beoatnd ombinedmon-en anAB'î»7 of3f<rntrenZ s. eryi..-A -tinon onoth rert ftecmie nnt-esxpitsa itce orcne- an R SPîseron eiceildiloapnoui-isnory nôte. Veýdict for oi ii. rport i the-ommut. .01 anA $20; 2nA ýdo,, Josepii'Hall, Oshawa. $204 16e, JmmcdiatïýaXecutio M. C. %Yayà anA' Masos vas oted an, var*.ow ThTim coi-qpeondent maysa u thei $12 :, 3rA do, Hl A. Masey, New-castle, $8,- amai-and Il J. Nt'edoneli for plain.' items d'dn u ttat refenning ta thce-Militia attachtrient of the. FlouAs as uq eal lrv- - Béat tva tînahels aifn-ite winten n-beat, tub;- R. J. Wilson foi- Asiendint. bill, wÉlen the Rocs.sadjourneA. cd ta tilts place n-hile i theinpcrial'dock se, W.'Tionîpsn, E. Whitby. ' J),n- of Torate lv4. ac.---------_____ _yard. b Bst machine frsnigfed rasanontisr notes. 'V rlc on plaintiff-4 Tht Patrie denies that $14511 bft imar-, hy ar sin iu felA dr ins prm$lir J . . Ae' ntln f erateltin-rrily fanrfi-eut. lavinîr in sad covsning tilsa, Josepb Hall, r$ 605,8.J.DArorfrpan '.- a :ia - '9 7' . - A n c l d s L & T ES T . vol- [u. Tii. ze at- Frlday, it 'vas; deciddtaoi lb.thenexI 5an$181 nnl Eshihition 51 Hauilton. Rt 1Tiie neceipti n-ena anly $4,000, vbilc case the prises amnnted ta same $10,000. spec4 The 'Tite Lut. C. Freer, Edq. dani - a pl in Thoesiiova luninted gentleman. -n-ho arAsi ieA an F rbday lait, sitar n:, s hort b îneis, rbi at bis late reidence at. Point Là esi, vas a foi-t second sou ai Noahi Freer, Eiq, of dhis foi-1 city, and 'fo.an isiy 755iicuisr ai thei. Queliec Bankt. He vus hors in Qeeen j au the' 31st faiOctober,, 1831, uand vould ig 'rC falo, > 1 rui ,oremred special ULS- ays . - .;-A frnm Ilotg W»HilçoTt the Action nn prn IA,&intiff,; for pal