Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1863, p. 2

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Y M. Ne ;dv4sens tbls Pa are &C _ W13rpn. - .Toste>Iadis'J N. -,Wn -~-Bonnets &e-.J.&~W orn Rmýnotl-Wm. Bnlrnq. Boixtia-und sbooa--WVm. Burns. Cash forIld-Wm Burnr, The Terrtupiin--Carlisle & McCerikay. -Diision Court-Cu. (Inturin. - Ya-Jewrlry God -Jiu Jobnutu,,.- * Meeting-t,. . L. 131. Stritrd-.Tmo. i3iîrrîo. The voiebratcd sîcnncou l îoop--Jaq, Ilorse Witd ~Toronto FaIl R4tesg Excursion -Grand Trun'k1LlW Omis u anted-O". Roib.rte Aqlltirn F-.ir-Genrize Mt<rnfe. ATJCTTON SALES AItetp o'ctnck a, ni. onu-Lot No. i. 5ti -conceaulun Pielta'rituýr. n T'uruday Oct., 8, 186.1. the property mf lMr, Thua. Law. t on-Tiou. Myers Atit;oeer. Atllen noco, .m.u Lot No. 13, ltb concession- Pickering, on Tuesay, October 20, 1863. the . rperty utof ea. Balard -Myeireuand Woodruft ýUctioneersi. A 4t tvalva ,'u'cioelc ngnon, on Lut No. 21 ,4tlucunneuu3iouJ'ickpring. on Moudag, Oct. 12, 1863. t priofr tMr. Jéhu Pakcey - Jamnea ýoruAutioneer..' At teu 'elckd n. o. on 'Lot No. 8. - Brokpn front, Pietiering, oti Friduy, 16b Oetoha-r 186.1, ihp prnnerIy utf Mr. Roiortý 8. Caiphel--Thua. Myara Ationeer. At 10 'oeklc a. n., on Lot Ne. 32, I tii -con. ut .wiitby. on Friday. October 9, 1863, the. propaî-ty ot Mr. RobertGreiz, -1Tiiotuaa Myors., Auctioneer. At 12 0 1clnec. nno, onu Friday. Oct. 23, 1863 on L-it No 17. Kingston .Roail Pickerinez, thaerp.ryutM.Juin C ou tam, Tiion MyPrm. Auctionear. On Lai "nu. 12, fîhCon. of Tburah, n 1'uç-dity. Oct. 20. 1861', the propierty ut Mr. *Robert Betheine,.1 1 On Lot No. 23. 9ti, Con, ut Whitby, un Wadncsday, Oct. 14. 1863, tic Pruoparty of D. -Brrouuiîlîu, li nFaýl ands. Jr. A,îît. AtIloclockr, a. ââ->--on Lot. No. 7, 4tb Con, tPcli ofil hrdaOt -22, 1863. the properr ofî 'TrHenry Byr- roua, Thoinsu Mycro,_Ancioiiear. 0OLYý ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Whithty, Tiiurslay. Otobp.r 8, 1863, lumuilittîig PosItion ot the AdMinis- -- Anoîbor veek of tiresomne 1Prîantetary - -prattle gune and piut vilttils efrort be- ing masdeate met the rvqairemauta ofthte' coutry by îîecmuauîriy- ie4ristion. Thé; aeation wiebiva o n uhavaeîuted tire. or fout et~ekal, ut tha outt-ide, bau no ru into tvu monîbus, mid? may be exteudeJ in.' deflnitly for aUl Miniters cn 'u do tu bring1 itta l scloue. Nul ou. of tie goverument -meutirea prumisad inl, the iapeecc tram tb throne bau&yrit bhaume t,and ut al ibat veau proutiaed d, ilMtila 3lItaluns, (sud liaI a uretcbed faiture) iu iiieoely one laid before parlismenl. The kdmiu-, ltration have lmt ait contrai ut the As aambly,-.ihay caui neimer mnanage theiroave udbeeta, nur ctnclisate tha Oppoiton; their ucakueut obliges theontu aubait tu the caprice, uandiaccept îih -dictutinu ot -ignorant, illiberal aunppor-tere, sud their ow utter incapscity appeýaru alltheii more gIsingy ctumiciOili trouitheir belp- Au va inforuiud oui readers u eiawelci ugo the. extraordinsry ouot of the Centre Ward Couneilloru ilîl imposm a iiav, Àlaâ apon th. toue -f& 'extra approprlstlops madeathe prauant -Yeir. No ta'leu~ 3 tiiuù $580. Badl lia Centre Ward rup!a. uentativesu, uuiey oughât twhava dona, epeddapoe rpflnoth propriation made ta tibat Ward le repiring tii aide-valku sud croualega of -Bruick Strett liiivoald n-et h ave been the osa.. ]But'tiiaY fooledawasvy lie appropriation on places viere it wuu nu~ abaolutiy requiled, uagiactiug an important thorogiareansd came doux, to the Council viîli a tartiier bill ut $130, for oî r.expediture. Of eourseathe otha r repr4entstives domand ase eqaivatent for iîeit Mrds, the Ban-lino, anîd irock audDuedû.s Streetu. Andi ac- curdi9igIy, at beéluMimeetîig oh the Coune' Tu TsOowcznu, ie &id of ithe tondu lof the. Paroobial Assocaton cf St. ,4edrevfa Cierit, beld it îhy meebslea'. b al on iiuraday luat vu àsd.clded inaeaaL-Tii. 'bai~ a el1filed-ttimany permonu fruma 'dWîtù babing; preïeut. Of the.pertor. niance ut thei. vmatua maiaura-a4ea sud gati.eon-vlio gavîe tîeir aarvicmsu apue tha occaulon tou mach couud n't bae aald,-ii thair praisu. Good jadges .us. aert ti tey bava baurd noîiiing at con- certa given by profemioxiial qesual othe. patiiohi pf mia. Wathia len"Tereuce' Fare*rei4" or the boftI uveet .notes of Mis P. Hitlary le thé aucred gong ut 44coidder the Lie," Mis Evansaïa a charmi-ng voicansudau bau Min Ander- son, and both, us veil us Mm. g. B. Fuir. banka,wvi anuezmuai pileauinigiy and veli oraere loudiy esppiaud ed sud encored. The gentleman &taoau cquted a mui 1 WPII M. rtel'sno1e'onne Din. cil, va findi thatheii addtiorîal $130 tu, the " " ' "' y ct 1 ocedatyvltrudraà r Centre Ward hua ien aaîîorlzed. 'toge *del u xedngywl edrd tie $10 l tc SutiWsd sd RmeCouper Ya very effective, andi Dr. iltlari, '- tho' inst nut tant, ka pt the, audience fil aV Une; $150 lu Brook snd Pandas Streats, sud s$130 lu the NriWard,-makinog ra tIuiervi1u ~mîaîtcm sitogetier $580. Thisutom vilnovr bavecatiu Mr aeau uitaepcl tu ha floated, ovar t10 th& naît yesr, sud e rma al.rle ad a at the uvugais u mac itroui teut hume. And aitogaîber,pune of lia - eçunoiaial e- ý e Centra iWord. mu¶pioeing sud a r hbi uialtut his . 1q ive.tinluWhiuby du .,g s long iovus 'y l um psy the.concert got up by' the.iadiea -of the cruoft~ tvnhv~ iilicentbnreuutaParochioki Associatiou ut St. Andrews. heuruat tues impoitioncauaei tiroagb tic ~ ~ iditv croe omy n gy d~ The oaaty regret la that ;mach - commenta dlpstu1 toebd lnvool ncauldi eut ta. place morefreqautly disreion iafConcel a man, Whemi era f W.are deairedi tu a' thaÏt týic ldilea uft Colrtinb1 1 eru u val qietue Parociiical Ausuistion are greatty rrdtu iuefa i mahe iiîiidehto&to .thome -friends uho, klndlysu ie rdac isl f h e.hea.r -aied . tieni le conducting tie concert.t _________Tia totalreceipta vill ha about $78. sud4 Ersîsa gociAuto.As. . aunnancedi sud the natpruceala $60. lust -week evening clasca ili ba openadi The British tesmor Sir William P.el in cunnanhils uithlithe c an ma Intit us rnuiedî i iaGadl te. daring lie Winîcr monthu. Pive aven- Mi ea vatara, in the Faeio utsmner inzea in the oladtiree boutsma in uihe enn se fi san d urhelmegSemninae. Tic Sir William- Peel batd 'macht avenieg iu, va undeatanhecab.olima set apart for the casses. Tic course off ncmiw icagn i ag b instruction vilcnmprua hie unail Englia uifîs nlehuMlaoaaeu liranciies. Mr. Murpy--a gentleman oîta0 arudvu1euclo ieed abiiity, amid.experlenc-2m tii. loucher cmà pivatf er. A aizeldounutrai salel !1 luyed by, the Inatitate, sud andar hlm cure. rva- Àsiur n- nua aes ai Iition, vu have nu donit that thon unn avery cam iliagai; sud ido ederata 30i, va li ltim ae a u oft h e - m esa out il - yll hava lu aurrauder t he ve isl and p sy sraction affirded by lie evauiug classes mgaerlcar the conuequeuces of vilI ha grestly hauefitad hy ibeir attendin1. auci uisuwfai acts. ce. Svovza I MessursJ. k rmarong, 'Teeara mamq grouvn op boya, and 1i - ghtheir agent, à Mi. jol ryn . young men uio uiàw «pend thir euinga dctu ag udvlseîce tc touuing oundatrot crner, su utt - aio64as, ai the. old stand of Mr, W. W. frn dooru, uho ih derive advantage Bouuocre utcîevr ui andi prLflt, le mure vayu disu one,- hysI- > - nesu au nunai ai the samne placa'. Mr. ;edi _ i.e1nmgc-saa.Tier0aeBryan'a activity sud anterprW ecaneot fui also many persons employed troaghaat ta uecare tuaý- innpetyu ulo al tke day limte, sud vhu cannot afford ta a shwa. dw cnvuu o t l i cm-aci upon their bours ut lahur by attend.-Ohuva, atnvuifrhla i wliapuy i aaviait vili fiad i hlmdealinga iug.n day uchool : T o ail sncb, aud to uaiatactory. Nuw la the time to gai a 14111 wha.1. t...ç.. *tàI. r ôn defliinc.es 1rom a nagleciedi edillýatiou -In early îÀ'e, the evIing C opeasd j tb ""' uj. bu' Iïustitulc 1ffo r ~1eelfinpaW&blèhomi' 7Ia steje lski'n'by- ner-omiêu ts dteIn-lu in eeelu Paîng.ýtic u»ere out heur usaflu ta tua ifrtipu - 4 Mos au ,n able sud pralaewo an~ sd dtaerviug ail lie encouragemient vlîich v. trust -hein efforts -ri recaiva. ExcrutsolîSrs NDMia îsTOU TO To- ans-rn v i deire te drop bie comfortabte quartera for a ciiop, steak, pfairie chicken, quasil, aipa, ployer, partridige, vild dacta, or adiai ut oytera, lu tie-abali, or otiier- wium, sud cooked iu the bigiaut dagrea ot perfection, wulîl st visely iy- csling ut the. Tarapie Retraunt, on King streel. Thcorç.tiay can ha u'rvad at a mu!ent'a moce-a uy bour of the. day, or eveiuk, iii lmoat sny dIeu that the muai apictu- resu, appelitite miglît deira, sud uth a wei-llvorced cap of tes or coféa. The accommodation îa unuurpîuue4, sud s quiet meai ai lie Terrapin eau ha enjoyedi vi &justa viuaathe.cruel sud cruvd ut a hoéii uivoaîd prevet ail comturt sud enjoymant. The. chargeas iilhacfaund axceediugly moierai.. IL ami, lia,."~1,O, ~1~fn~' ir ambiion. Tu tua GRANiO TRugNit dm-i the politiaesi 1.EXHIITrîIONNI tu ilium enîd-bave îîey ToRoxTo.-ýWe è ha ululer Provieces lenîsttoa Mitar hW.e trcolonial Bilvay; modtilon utyih ir oisralat doituaithe Exhibitiun, nd aBritain ; tauiis end li aivr& ma vhi teir uilegi uu the. public s; ont r Genearal ont ut a di%.-tpantamnb to ta e huconstitueutaies at c anua piteda t ..commodlute Volent, d parliauveat, atalned inglmsvmtheiou.sstt raith sud aced diahon- uT. raaT#' vti nattera of grave ite- diteS-tô aid t a 'îendl tiey areWhitlby saion. or iy qeantity ut politicai the uaunaIhour, 8.2î aay tnnee--it thmy Ajizm f-u.Blsuit mnkera le Chrlaele, En'glaud, by'wty df 'iouiuag ubat culdi lié dune by rapid 'vork, receeuîyiv W a field of vbeat.,reaped, the grain thaaiad sud'grouwd, sudduefe ur ar. de into bis- cuitu, vhicii vaauaervad hto n the. break. fsuî tablea ai ight ~Celoec, lu 4*55117four houri train tii.etima dia icle vai put je- ta the isading grain. Tie St. Legar takas vere mun for en tie Doncitatar Coursue, Engisuil, un the 16tii ut Septamiar.- Lord Clitdan won. The runuieg vas: Lard Clifden irai; Qumon Bertha second ; Borealiu third ; and golden Plediga fourti. Tic race un aswn *by baif a neck.- Tul Tako"oo 'ar GCLU PLI RACEn are advcntised tw came off over lthe Toron. ta, Rldng Pak, Donasud Dunatorth Road, ou Frlduy and Saiurday neit, the Iii sud lti lint. The paraea i-, ullibe are tuberai. 7 il w o 7oLITTEF5S REvIEW AT'- Bre fuom Mr.iMun, lhe- 0, 4xaî for îbe stCom P Lou ta Toronlta,-&auiug i d iath volumîteerm ta itieýeta viii be iosad ae dollar for the , doubla eru aI the. tolunteera, in tais. Iu ordar ta Bc. -er and udi.rm rature- v ewv a usuecll train viii, South Oatsai. - Tho. .iavonth annua~l &ibi1 - Couuty &gricltural Society out8 O. tarin, beld lt tweak in Whithy, rememhared us the. aot largeir ý le ýpoint ut nembera, sud au havi duced the fineat disla1y, iu al ebAuWu (au. trimas,- avcr' prviclusly> vitiieaa4iu'-ihis Couaty. --- - -Thora could ut bava beaunIleu than 6iVe thoaUagdi peruons le attandanca on. ,tbe uecond-day,Thuraduay. Thera vus a constant stream ut teantu, and vehicteu uof'every des- criptiou urougi the îboroughfaaa, -bwii the. aideuasuvoeeliieraliy surve vith peu pIe. , Tiieample fit groundsuouthe soaci. ty utualiy av armedi vith one, mgvijg1 il'~ in$ Mua,) uo dense, in the aftareoun, that it usa vi ' me il fficutty onea auged tu pull and puah -ihruîigh il. Tii. floral .'hall and ladies, deparment vbich iauo cor.talu- ed the. traitanid boicâtütura l cu, a&. Weil us aume o't the domautie manufimzturea, weeea gr. eut focua ut ,aîîrmot;1a. A îîevr ceusng, movieg crowd'> ket flow. ilig, in aud out, ,ever for a mnwue ilt ,Iey. itag-sny perceptible diffireaca in thetiumhar wbich filted the hall. Thue place of-bua[ - nets truughaat the tuve-ubupa tursu, boteta, ho.voe al crowjid; in h e a botela m-any -Vhth difllculîy toué4 'ïcoP. modation'tic prevîouu îgit-uoiueptt ting.up viibta.hFk dovua on the. floo r, in the basr.roomi sud othîr counrivances. lelatact that it uns more lika a Proa Coéueîy gatb.rii#iXý Thon eethe. uie.eivu Wm ax surlia, theeXb.y (agother tranga cite,) th, punch lad ju. dies,, the jeuairy.and trinket pedin ru, ho muid reat gold ringa for ir, su ad gave hacta ta the :purubaaér a q dolý lar into tha bsrg-ain. th q#ck - vendor viio ha spill, or A., ao cured s coagh, or a col it pf i - th uwomucb, the gentlema-vit tester, the geniueuwith iret, k C1t1i' oop, and Iîbuwule§,ý vbo od antel upurting me* -betin iorder, Pm"ure them iafrtunes; dth ottu, and gingar, beer, sud gagar breslut ala,' l hual tbeir ircling'srouda, sud daal>ttça pliedi thau-r varilou soctions ih proit. lis tii.ladies' departte nt and mi -l it the diupiay tuliy came up 'toth idfrbf any former year, sud wu à sdcçided t roi.- ment apon the Exh*ub itionu -of theUt feu yeas. Everythieg wsu v.ry tuulellly air. angsd placed le the mout attractive iigbt. Along iiie centre uf tiheall, throalotiis untire ligt, ou vali or- raugad tiables there wvusa smagnliceat dia- play cffruit iaciouu, ripeansd lot imup- tiug, atumraoi every. kfovu variety ut spple, pear. plum ,peacikc era iat' van désplsytd. theb~uejr,,- n iust5aeed, reataves ï t va u$,s d jl#e, sud ailthat vàmal 1 ciu" jgî ~o 1iiouewl'fery couud coatrive to empt s dainty appetitu; sud lin thesme clan came excellent mulons) sud splandi-itioking grapea claituedat stention. »ounid tha bullon tablus-a ad feievated onltbe vullt, sud-un linea ithe diaplayyadeuipreeted s atMout formidable, batut. the "mei.lime besutifui 4ppaarauce, of asefal aud -iuterý 6âting articles.Thbere veau ¶v carpeta, shi.-ts, vooten sud cutta on oka ldtock- ings, rmita, braldic, chenil. wrk, urus., Mental needle uovk, upecimena f draviug 7- I Ymu. ~arota7,Bruohiiu; I~oe. W1.E. Mlteb. ý' bear co upari on w it it th t grôw n in u o riion of the Poviu,-or, beyoude e aproduce of the diry ther. W"a 1 jr an au, eany, snd mach prime lots Ce'butter at aay couuty, or evna provincialk exhibition. There we'e 59 coupetitors, (almopat douleathe. nuaabar ut the Provin-. cial dbow held at Toronto labt year,) snd eu1oagaL thema al the îaak of the jadgea mpuet îatl.d have been an arduoaa une in 1 avarding the prea. To Mr. Mowat'aE priae of $10, 9fferedý for the. baut 10 i Iba ut butter, ia great cooepetit.ion in, thia clau ou~it aluo ha attribatad. Tbare wa omet diasatlafaction aud grumubliug witii the decialbeut Ctho judgeu, ut courue every good buttermaker tooaidored ber ove tthe bout and worthy of a prise, but ail could t not gel prizea, nu matter boy vorthy, and1 very god butter might be ovarlooked1 ie alecting four ont of -59. WP advisa hure thut bareafier asaecond prisea ho add.1 efor butter, -tii. bat made ap -ie firkini for ahipping. South Ontario inua'sapland- id butter couety,, sud guuh as dp wouldý ha une inthe i rgbi directionu, jeencuarag- ing the making up uf butter fur uhippiug.'J The" priza, uf$5, olaermal 4y '11r. Chus., 'Rpbertu for haut 10 sI f b tC!I 45er 1 brultout. a natubor u of aaio filling ap thaeutriaa vcll, andthe, lots vere ait conuidered very suparior. *LXe»ra EHamilton k G. boagbt the firit and uad prisea butter andl cheeme. '¶l i play ut poultrq vus rther tirait- ed. le fsrmng impleaientu hoou, he dia. play wa-nut vTai, ibrga ; the bulk of tonexhibition haing trqu the tuandry ofgosrs Brown and Pstteraon'a wlio curried off di.. greater uumber of the prizea. The lauplemeato a mnuactued by tbis firum,-thc atrength, finish and I výa1 c.ueteneaa t faucitarticle, boy.. ev« rspelled a&l rîvalq. 1 shaiow uf routa, uîiflueru,'b 4g~auea~k..vus aso very suear. I1r in luquautity and_ quaity.'. We &&s uiubuea of t hich' wlgbad 116 Ibo; csbbsgeu uft almout equal veight andu1 t ommsa, and Onions au large au good.mluad aauoera, potatoaa, turnîpu, beetu and;ca.rruta ut equally goudly pro. portions, or pmrhiaps we abouid have uaid ontut ofail proportion; and cautiioieru suuhas waultd put the brad grin uofstis- faetîtnu'ýonth ii.of utuer vageiable friand uhu prasides "ver *itheOuhawauIlWin 1dow.ubutter." Wo. Johne McGill es. 1, hbitad jiecimea t of eediug pututucu froat the. ppla -oneaippla baviug produced no loa than A Ve varietiea, -ut more tbun a dne ab, In arword the enautyftShowbus arat.aucceuu sudthbu uociaty vhich pro. ,ducad it deserving ut every encouragement suad aitauce frwu nthe. Agricuiiuriala of i. ecuuety. for thq, prizets inu wuaie thIraçban&s zotipeted,'ýth aMj )r band* oft'Pickering, wýtby, aud WBt'ldin.The, mus ic ut aacb 1wsa raiuarlably good. Thefurmier wu avaried the firai, Brooktin the. lnd andl Wbiîby the third prixe. The membaru uf 1 te Wh4îi Band complain ut iit.treaimanî, wilh what justice wa are eut prepurad tu aay. Thay ullege dîat- the grouud of the jadgea' deciuiuen agaieat thet wus the pro- .aane ufthie teachar ot tha Baud. - -I itis veau ithe ouly gr:îund it eertainly vould .1bave beau au antenable une ou ubicli tu 1support the opinion of thte judgum. ]Bat ; a wdoubt that they -veuaat»Hi lufonce<t Sauame Horsee-ý-Ii Geaerat purpomea -8 lut, B. S. Wiiuaa 2od, 1. Mare and faut-Juin -Gormley 2aid, Wale, au Tva.yesr aid enlirm ce" lut, Chas. Prucutt 3rd. To-yesr old filly-W AWilson l,îd, Ju. 140 lIne-veur Id 611,Y. je 1 Orerell, 2nd. Water Color paintig, Mra. ,o ie lat. Miu Farqehiruon, 2nd. 1 Velve at inaUg-- Mia FarequhamrUO; I and2ud Pride M aqhmlt Peacil D-«ir~?tlaPruaaolt Mise Roee, 2ndý î Crayon Draing, NW-Roièe, lot sud 2ad prime peari painting, Min Caddy, lut Min T h omC~ a , 2 r d . Oreuaaental peumâaubipt MiuaL Anuu fat. Plice rPrau,~MlsMiesna Z, .18, Mim dlerg, .2ad.- CLAU XIII. OOLTI 12' Table Applea ý 8amo»p vudatyt James Corbeit, l1t:2. 1 . Wimo, odd 12 Table Âpple% Wiuter variaiy, Chu,. les Hol Ç Httaqu S<ser, lad. 12 Bakiug AoIjhpioltMa . Foibergil,, lut, W. D. Boviesu, led. 12 Pears, James Cýrlkt4 lot. 12 Pluiaî, IDésrte Tfiàcosi Guy, lat, and 2nd. lied Éine. t'houu. Gay, It a d 2nd, 12 Crab applea,' ýjohn Bowles, 1ut, Ji hi , Wilico, 21nd. f2 Toruatoeua, Tbouih< tGuy. lut, 0, Hf. Dârtnell, 2nid. - Fig TotmatoeeÈ.I ttéi, ît,%Ml Gordt'n, LAd. Two- Clualer. of Grapeei,, ;, . Bow. j.11 Piokriug.roki;MM .a.bt >.alliak, Wtliiu u toti4z.rua-.8 Bprovi1 an d r Wtn'. Ho. ig'g -8. Su aliN. Rcy,-andW'.b . foloig vr in . Iotal umuth -4às h-folvb r.h total. n 2ber of- . Grin 0;But, 8 diÈ*s. o'ue G6 ra, 9 ; Ctt, 9; baeyp, 105 76v;iaes, 1 91;pattry 96, i; omuteema1u6 tuctarm, 18; putrai impt;nient 1manu- diaeu' 5 daaraien, 13; lee ari, 130 bor. ticutudrtmt312 filneart, 48; extra oiu huraa, 31; extrs, 76 ;total 1363.xtr onhuss,9,etras, 7D;-otalDu. TirecctaIbm aie umoutea The. hadoe mutte eai f09ontd te fo.nd uote uo$30va,4. pAnad th ban, arethe machiur wubiug codto 1that tii.y vili ucarcely uaed to draw apon ýtii govornmentgrnt tua ye. The pri. aus olt'ared for cumpetition amounted tu a1,vards uf $ 1100. the Agricuitural dinner usa hlci the firat day ut Crocltar'a Commercial Rot, sud ou thbm uecond' i day ut the Rohuon flonue, andl the hostu are tu4y praiued for the. good Ibinga pruvidmd. ~; W. have purpoaely refrai ned from iota." diouïly particaiin- pumeas s ,mucb iii possible. in .Ib marku va have - mai1., we nov -sabmit ubat viii upeaskfor itsef- rUIC PKIZELIaT. *CLASa 1. BUT av aîOD o,>uuta Thotu Doweg ist, B. Arlulaud lad. Saddle or osrriagè-C. Dawes ]lý Rabert Bamadate, lad,.- Wc. Dellingiiam,' 3rd. lieut mure sud fosl-Waî. Yout'ig lut IChapmas ld, J. R. Armstrong 3rd. Twu.,year olal entire colt -Chu. Taylor lot, >i 8. Carpauter lad, R. M. Butler «ýi u.Yeiar otd filly-J. B. jÂrmettung' lut, J.-B. Bichiale id, Joub. Jutiez Srd, - .Oeyear , old eolt-J.4ah. JýuaUe li, J. Wilson 2dR.Wina ir M. l Oe-e.ar otd illiy-A. Orvlu lut, Il. Bictale lud, Juuh. Joete 3rd. Hlon e colt of 1863-Jub. jionesu"loi, Wm. Karr lad, R. S. Wit8omt'Ird. -. Filty cut of 1863-Thos aziasn lut. Chus. Lynde lud, Juhn Gamble Srd. Matchad i brses-D. Kent lut, rhos. Beat two .ws-E. Ârklaud lt Tvo ave lamb-Ei. Arklaed lot.- Fiat saea se breed-Two fat wter- H. Qotald lat, J. Mitchell 2ud. Pst ewea-H. Gould lot, J. I. David- son lu4!. Boar-IV. Madililut, 0. McGilUivray Pieraugi lut, J. ýprowle 2ed. Boar pig of 186 -C.> Allin lu54 R. S. Wi'aou 2nd. So'r pig of 186&3-Tbos. Guyi lut A; OliSi, led. î oL~AU «v. (MA". l'O ButiIbaFFaIl vbeagf-WU. Tbonp- Boa1 lst. l'O Bau. Spribg weut-8. C. !'ilson lit.- 10 Bu. Badaye1ý.W. Button, lat. 10 Bau. Poa&-Johe Marqu, lut. 20 Bus.. Os.-Lorali Brown, lot. 2 Bu. Timbhy aeed-Geo. McG4iir ,, lot. 2 Bu Clover seed-Juo. Dryden. lut ,Thoma Allen, 2d. ,lONb Swadiuh Tureip seed-B Bowlon, lut. Charles Huit, 2nd, Bu<Fia Sead - Mr McRonsie lut, Ge3- MoGillevrey','2nd. _ 2 Bu. Cor-D. Thouton, lai, Wm. Nicol, lad. 51bl Garrot Seed-Chas. Boit, lait, B. Rowlei, 2nd. luths fangold.Wurtzle.seed-B ltb#lee lut, -Chaao. Hut, lnd. ?-,,Bps Beaau-Chaa..and A, W Farewell, ïl t,,D. Thorntun, 2nd. Du. Tare-Gou Ogton lt, Jas». cor. eô. Liddell, 2ud.- ý"12 Routa Turnip- Wmu. Gurdon, lut John Nicot, 2ad. 12ý Roota Mangnld Wurtzel -À Coch. imne, lut, J S M. Wiléoz 2nd. 12 Route, Carroie -Jeu -Michael, lt. Wna Gurdon, ld., 12 Routa, Bot-I B C(8eter ld et, Jno Michael 2nd. tCAbsU. I.AIM' pitODeuC. lOîbas Butter, Mia Wm Majora luît, iai. Jau Stog, ad, Mrus. Aex, Wilson 3rd, Mis,. B. Bulen, 4th. 101ba Cheee_-4!ra. John Ratcliff,1ait, Mra. John Staigh. 2tid, Mra. Thoma Ev. ana, 3rd, Mra. Julînn Ratcii, 4th. CL.SVil[-.rUiLTiY. . Btrn.Yiàrd 1ou-Charles Paxtua, lot, Wm Miujr, lad. Pair Turkeu-Wxu Major, lut. SPair Geema -Jau.,Gerboit, lut. R S WiI. -pe ILý tOIhTCMNIAItem. 'sida Puît Clolli, HoumesMade,- Bowroesu lut, M~m. Jao. - Est. Bel 2nd,Jî 34 'q- Mare anal tuaI-John Mutler lst~, John Niébb lad, J-. Kitcbeu 3mai T1-o-year £Ud eaire cot-JoL brMiler Two year oldi lily-W. Tb-ompsunlât., 1. . Davdeon 2ed, J. Cprbett 3rd. - Ona'year uldi colt.-T3huu. Gui lut, Juin Miller lad. Harou jr. lad. . Hlorue culti ut1863-G. Pilkey let, . sue loi, ,e x 1 le Liadiea Induastrial Society utf<Green- ccod, is advartiaad tu be hald ut Broughami, )uWednaudy, the. l4th instant. lut, B-I i

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