esday Sept. 30 1863. îiing.-Thia imnporta ara of wicb vers gii d thé court the greas Ad waudeteruiined by Intif, une' ubiliiuj du [bbe.-ThIà s wua os t sanie pariles, ariai cause aof4acton. V, lut. Satué noubae). bhursdm Ocaier lot' UMpaoi.-.Âeîion agait .Verdict fer plaine laya. S. H. CooL.a UAction for sd rv bla.y...ifu aptva ia. ut ),_ adB. R. Lorcotnbe. fer C.~ S. Pattersen, sud _St. futeuson fer detendant. osg. Felut.-Âculon toa recover, aceunt. Verdict fer plaintiff EL J. Wilson fer plaintif; Ca- dmdoneil for defemdant.. e~ i ç. Rodgan.-Action on Chnie. s Verdicit for .- Plintiff 6. Execution in 6 days.R.. -plantiff. der Vit. Cl1f.-Exie nt r piainîlff . LJ. Wilsun. for f.Panrneas-Excite meut. rPlmlnfifi. R. J. Wilson for 18 wt. Pearc.-Antienn made . Verdict fer defendant. M. . ror pinltiff. R. J. Wilson for slioua of VtkôrUge m. BeLser.- ejiesuieuit. Veraiet for plain. enp shilling éitamagea. C. 8. for plaintiff; M!. C. Cawierou Priday October 2nd. e. kGregr.-Seduutiaun. Ver. aintil by consent tor $300.' R. for paiültiff; S. B. Cochrane evs.- J4ao*-Action onena, Trover. Referredtotaarbitra. J. Wilson, and M. C. Cameron ff N. G, Hamu sud CS. Pst. dsendaîît. ma te. M1 ôu.Acioof for recevery Df south part af lot fi. et Lara. The defendauî le by adverse poseien. Âfter anineti severel wi1wÈîtieêan sd cien of fiheroriai ofa -cjonvey- the lot li 4ueblion fruýun lis ifice plintiff ac*ëpied s non suit. andi Mucnell. for plaintiff; id! MLcCarhy flr dufedant. Kôf e kajor.-Action againat maling iliegai distresa. Ver- si'ntif fer~ $230. R. J. Wilson lTf M CC anerr'n, sud s, H. for deutdâaut et &Jl e,à -Watsu3.-m-Actiluof Verdict fur plsintiff un Brst isatie letendants Watsonand Treèy, âne -.uad ft* ailt %4 defehdants ant issue, C. S. IPatersaui for NI .Catueron ir defeiat. ajorned inie dit. randi Jury made ths folloWihg. Lsingle bili ot indietmput Lité re them, ebsrgiug vltb & 1 tee ainit the lava of aur individualinluthis oouuty, sud the court sud the wvitlecoul t absence of vice tiî lent te- nept ktasueat indication af an te of moriîîty ini -Sonioett a Julry prelent tht the ev îniing in gaol, vhose tume of iu net yt expired are ar- icareti for eink beltlhy in ane are nieanty in their per- ieing queaioued teatified te 'vîîhvilci îey are ireateti t ceanlinesa of îLe geel, and conditiou of Ãils aurroundings evidenne of tie comà petens ry lurtiter present tLat on prisonera îhey invariabiy use of trong drink vas or iudirenty the cause soimet or tLe timu- iof tie crimes for S ov mfllriag tbe pe- lav, anti wouid- trottgly ýr anïd respectable portion ,y, Loth hy pu.eept 'anti W a heipiug band tot remcue. alen hy titis mue nsad tard course et those Who 1thie lippery pethi hat nia. Uud cri-me, anti ita ai- [OfiN R T L j5 Fore'I ofe 'aiavery, dsuouncltilg tefb, Id f war shipi for th. &ap- piauding 'tii, Goernincnt for 4staliuIng those buit. 1 La Franc/aeys the Federsi o'"Otte Kearaags& at Breat, will receive preciBely the sanie treatment te that accordsd te *nt the Florîd4. Bach veasel viii enjey'thie ren ame--i&ta andidvntage. er Tih N" of M ragdtrt asta tiiat the Archutuke Maxlmlian bas ftnaliy ey accepted the. Mexican crown at al riaks nu anud pearispen renouncing bis iirt.ts and anti prerogatives under lii. Auitrlan rea crown. ing The. Paria Monistileupblitied an ad er. dreis of August I4tb, by the. Poli Na- tional Geterninent ta Prince zarteriky, wbichbuba already appeared in Euiglbh * jeurnals. The evont createti a sensation it andi cauaed fi fali thefsbourse. Many tiit. journal. regrd if msýa virtuai reognition ofM the. Pôles-as bel$grènts . RueSiïa catinues bfer warlike prepara- lue- tiona. -The Satortiin uge is retnraing ln Ire- land.. Acrording te the lut lPritiah 8en* ans, itappeara mbai vii. îý h4rse ti ýla GIreat Iltitau only twa hundrout né oes persans wba had atained the mgeorofone bundredà yeara, there wers 'jnlu Xrland. no leus thauite.oven hundreut and six 7fve., At DriStol1 Eng.e a magistrats ashed' s prisoner If ho v--ere married. à 'No,,' re*-, plinut i imnu, 1Thon,' rejoiaed bisi or-, hiaidpeais of lenghter, It;a good for youïr wife.' ~Ptî .IslOÉ~w.-wa6aed pugii" w're engaged in a prime fight in virgiW.a City on thé 22nd. Âfter the lSth rautnd a row ensuied involving word.s mong the. spectatera. Tbirty pistai abats wereS ired wouudlng five and k1liing ane.. -Thi SaYurd<qi Reuiew, iîn. îreatiug af thie future et Canada, auggsststat'" I in the absenîce af Engliah aovereignty France wotid prababiy reclaini Lever Canadmia a part of the dettined Latin Empire on te American continent,"1 but ulinka the pro. ject is nual iiielta tecced-nar do vs. *LATEST PARI.IAMENTARY The. remaining items- a: Snppiy rere concurre.t inton Tuesday evening afler much discussion' lu relation ta the Lever Canada Road Colanitation grant, and the Qugecn's Printership job perpetrateti by lb. presenl Ministry. At th. second siîting Mr. Ilollon mnved the Hous inoino- mîtite uf %WeysA nd Menus aandi Mr Gait inovcd lus noît-confidenee motion in atuenil- ment which 'rsd~îse up tu a quarter past twelve o'cioek viien the Bouse.raie, vith the tnndýer,4tnding Ihat a voe wouid b. takertil il bu tpssbe this (Wednesday) night. LYNDE--At Wiîb*y, Ct. Z, Jane Amanda, only danghter of Mr..snd Mr&. Jabez Lyndo, g. 12 yeam, 6 manthsansd 22 dayi. WITDY lWARKETS. thbe diveries af grain sÃŽre an the in-' er-ease, wi-t, prices aueidy -to-day, At 85c for 14o, 1a1. !5c for best Sprung, and 18cfor Bariey. Peas Ã"Oc. aay $8, 1e ILiii;d lxn£, foi' hie èr nAtu.a. liai ho liai reuitie.d tô BROCJC S'rREEt~ North Ward. two -Jours Soutli of itos.r1, Comîibewl>'ry floudu $tire, v1ire hoi lail ruieit oasvery Liro ttoek etf ieie-inmde ait iiprted Ludi.iGoîîtlemeiu' aud tltri' B8JS AND!) 1DE91111 lIif ri-et 'hy. For dry fot, try the styles SWILLIAM BURNS,. Lcather Fiiitiug*. <Jeh for Ilides. WILLIAM BURNS, 0étaber7thlff. >Brook Street, 'Whîîby. ASHBIJRN FAIR- r Il E usual Quartrly ero uhbiu, will Ir be #îl ih ilge of Aslbburn, on the 2lst day of OCTOBER, 1863, Boiiig tie Third Wçeduesdey in the mnt.- 'lhii Fair. 1,oui le centraiposition ef the le cslity, offermtpe'n'rior facîitias for bnuter sud Numbers 0f buyera frein a distfte hîave signiUtd their intention of being present. snd farniers yull do well t.> brîng on thair mur- plusq stack. Dùwer at Mletccdf Hotel. GEORGE METCALF. Ashburn, Ot.?.7, 09. 8 OATS!1 QATS! TS. Thé ttary spUt-hoop is no BIn. mu t ýfm- THE HOOP' SSTRONGERe Anud wiluot longerthu the ordlnary boop. A Cooper cain niake trinmfour to flvibarrels per day more than w h thte ordlntry uplit.hoop ONE TaOUSAND HOOPS, 'WIi maire nt loast fromnt netv-siz o 10nnet- eighit barrels; it holds barreis ilghter sud bet- ter for $hippug, &r. W1îrever the. inven- tion huasbounuille in lnnat 0:J'COMPLET£ SATISPAOI'ION! The propristor 4et np Ih.euauino. obargen nuthbag for htu owntfuno sud âaiu noney util bh baves it Ini complete workirig order. Finm.tiy. the Stm oail.ed Hoop ls one of the wonders .1 îhOt gr.e4 %Uit Inupetidton will bâtis- fy any paia taits. Andrew Gaigo, Woliliugton Sillore %Vin. Gsrditer M. M a 's tSt. hinn Skinner; Clifton., Bri'oi g ;r1t go; J. Uogg, Yark mi rog trect. Ap y to the proprictor sud patentee, JAIeLES TOUMLflO.N October, 1841t. at Wedxiesday, l4th Oct., 1863. The attendanceroftito. publie la re*pectfülly N. U-lfclîiet vll b. ,.rved et Mo- dermte Iisimes. Greenwoodt Oct. 7tti, 1863. 39 TERRAPIN RESTAttRAN-T9 89 Klug Streett Entit. J STTeolvCd, per Epre, nt the. ahi e a slrtu.d lut of PRAIRIE <ll' ~IQUAI L, 5Êl îIE Claver liitriles, Wild i>ucl< ansd 'no. SHELL AND CAN OYSTERS, Lobstars, &.,Wlalila nd tet &il. go9 CARLISLE & McCONKEY. DIVISION COURTS COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO. Nr. 1, Wlitl"........ ..... ... Nov. 2, 4, Mtxteii.r.......i 6 . Wbiit my, Oct. th,' sn5. 119 A. LARGE STOCK ItAlIS JOIINSTON, 13*00k tiiet, whiîly. Ochoixr tb, 1868, ,3 L. O. la NOt. 10 Àfnl) Meeting of the Men4ets t.eruitly riquttsd for Tuesday lv'g, OCt. 1à th, 1883à hecret O?7eLt.7tb, 18û STAÂYED OR STOi.- Ti'ROM Lot Ne. 27, lu lie 7tlm Cou. of Wiit- 12by, on the. nigL t aiofLte 5015 Sept. llst, A DA-RI BAY MARE, No.35, ngs, Where they bave on sale an immense 1leavy Stock,ý embracing everytbing in thé FRESII GROC lRIB%,5 JAS. MeCLOJNG & CO- Whitby, Bepk, 1863. 'DREOT INPORTATIONS!1 L_ eai anaL Beg Wo itiform their numerous ' ustoalers, and the public gener- FALL ÂND WIN ThIl DRYGOODS, 1now complote, theu bulk if$uich baving beeti puu'hasedin the Oii.tiiitunully good teft1s they will bc enabled to seil for Cash, at such pyices as ta Parties rdquiring anythirginl their line, *Hll do well ta cail and examtine the Gooà s and Piire, b re purchaslng elsewhere.-. trhey vrofld di t n to thefr "stock of Drosa IGoods, Shawls, mà utleto » "' Bankots, Cottons, Ladies' itrtend-T t ac They wc-uHîcall the s - é atten C1ôl.hs1 OCassimeres, Canadà -iof (dh lemen ta theire6- Jas and Pull Clotho, Rats, r-WOdI Pai, and In m'en>s a-ad boy's top and body Coats, Ve8s and Pants, of every style and quality, of their o*n maniftettire. The Tailor4ng de- partment 18 under the superinten4eue of a Èrst-class Cutter, and (Yeltemen* favoring them with their orders, niay rely on having their garments made up on the latestsye A Fr*esh Stock of Graceries iust Receiièd, To arrive ln i few dayg. 500 bà igs Liverpool Salt, whioch wiil be sold Cheap for Cash.' R. & J.". CAMPBELL Perî-y's Brick 3tnldings, "'- 3 Whitby, September 30, 1863. 3 FALL IPOTMON Bonnets! Bonnets! Bonnets! -~ Je & W. GO WAN, 0F OSIIAWA, OXTAJIO -TITI llive ilust received direct from BQloes, Laùdon, TUSÂ N TSDAY Mt f Onie Crise Fancy Millfinery BONNETS. ()ne " Bhtck Crape, Trhe prices range from $1'50 to $5.00. ,T.he shapes, are the 'l"riiý newest, &and the style stiperiot to Canadian made, while the ahip o prices are fiilly oue-fourth less. Owing to the whale of their î lo bet horie Being personally selected, and bougrht for - Cash In Britain, al, ilp-1 cIà sfflsof Qooda are offered suf9cielntlyl- lOW to repay a visit fromîîg distant buyers. lu the J. & W.'COWAN. Wtli lOsfhitwat. Otob Ouhi/koa, <dâo T - 3an9.3w A, I ber 7th, 1863.. 93 No*, "amn ' tfiIig The snbscribei', ln anno7unclng te arvio î Fali Stock of FAM[LY (ILBOCERIES, VIES LED -1iIi Begs ta asure customéms that having sclected týhe salue persan. siIy in the Montreal Markets, lie i8 prepared ta affer a 'flrst-rate a inoderate price. TEÂAS--Choice Young ifyson & Black, 4s. COFFEES-Ftine Java, Rio and Dandelion, Is. 6d. and is. 3M. Whitby, Sept. a0, 1868. C. ROBERTS, 1 Late of Hamilton andi Robe li mari and c bersi thisl tva abov th1e o'cl< race Joci naini final the WhI FIRST lDA Ldos' #uurg.e or #40 (>igiW#1 Purge ef $10O;fgr*il Province hse1mile huiète, handicap %,rightx. ,rchantsiP. rwB, of$WQ, for mli Crnt- horses avieil iithe C&tti ns ntloneai aeflrst rac, Itl le- In 5." lver Cap vulied at $W1, foý'all heorses oerly nsrd ms. ulet(ým, dula, .ic emllei ce of &) tiigituoà l,..a taele aug In arse.liiO00, @ i&à d et-îr 20 ték, g 'mieS u-.' o -r&isc 7iotbrn rs.ot IOU, foralmugrnit ses mtn lit <vciaaitfl §e or- Adke oro dt, ulle .111). 'ii. w' Y keéjrt.eîi Pifs$ -Sm r caiVe giubasmi trotriese ta léi4mio Idrt 2uR, 1tler .sts1 - hegéealbeur tek then ii-,ee ev s o, :r ah y es ri nve r wiLI bepulse 1* e. aro i deysle uu- rif u. -"'i 1'g Eer nes he ores t'nie Jaudgehi, ,leottubce te l I n. Etîtremm. ti' *'uter. th poluby t&i ntrdue ti' îublellibng. iokon Le veuaw revanu tq i1 Trula. Eiy lu ptmil<ne. ,seraab.mirola Af IL R~IE suhacr iber takes pleasuîe in anui ani the public generally, that his]- - in al l is branchés, cons REkDY-MADE . ',L GROCERIES, LIQ CROCK1BIY AND L F o icoe selection o LüteGala PWa 0, w 1e11 sorted &C oto SFatü IlE ls1meier repared to lmysln uati- tt W-11GH ST CASH PRIQE1 Daolivered lu Whitby, or a e t1cOwsn'u )fi], à rd Cou. Wlil'll'y. c <une No.. 4, Lsiug'-e luiiul'ýs Whilby, Oct. 7, 1868. -89- A Heavy. Farm, Tet, trou 4 te 5ôypars of impoot- ewm.