Ail ï, BYMONIGLE toi puaLteNti) oit riqx UO»Itfè 07 L et la mit os mi.& r î:, tors" n ne ký Street, Mitby. e llow- ;, 1 1 , , -, "Il .1 1, ý 1 - J* il or,,Xogt the nogistry Oolces Èè 1 Ëi emâq xiîotllea fil écll ï olïj( à Ille pk ove the Ail LTJ!Ad"rtlr4mp nto imensured In n brought al dû l t thel rate or 8 Celle par end yont and clitir COMME XW4AL ýt trisertiô '"d 2 oètit44 POT une, el I)iýinriple Ohu 10 Rot se- thé boy nevi etibitilequent rail Igpeolal, contýà M tntde'witl, advertIsers by rýrRJ?, mnitemiÉnâ& bal til k «- PropriatorA- Ai A On wor 4gal on I-VC14 ri leigt, 0 it Wae about ibis time-1 Of .1 AMES g ll to rrHE tinder4igned bel tity,,ofitlll;dnb of lanibil dis inform tilt mi- ;%o W writing. thni the t rit imffil4wb"eeeh et Perry>à n, 40n, frequently^obMrved -Tom ai And patir tu, D 14ý né don Men VhO WU fb year Or twe YOD ho beau newle, renoititi,,d RiT A 4 jmCrior order for; ý ý l 0 illy atten it,#ovi In ottteu4od; si, ara; 1 ý Urp Up' iü êt il me apart from veIem, Ir Moest, conférence 1 tlie pub- f ce_ jýjeg'képf ýc6n8tïn' l'y on ý i, MN the rmpdon, 811 ý ti , . ý 1., 'Il,."",, - , ' '," L ai 9 te. YOIS Ka Their usus Te icommeil il gabobý 1 rZ t od.jë'ý 0 VeIeiý% fois, a diqatloo *111 na thli; the tri 1 ndezvoue wa, 'hil agidýcan hoftittilfri.ý > ý1 ý: Rio£. Of couvenient otmprlng T i libora, terms., ' 1 î ý1e Inir fitifiteil dnwn dry-well inl Plffl rOundý ýi motion. j9r, A ileffle ta ýiJreicl si), 1813, uly 'h tbY veil olèr field nii(lý town ed vith cil JeAirahle In 0? lit. -------- ttl tip ID a si; Isrht tIpped the hiii 1 calme nponjhom unexpeel The mill and fili ars,11 rlor tilannor. And'the yard stil énë1'ýll wbitibyl rob. fillil, l"ý- 4-ly vis btill. boys, 41à rted . whilst his nWil h ga - Il (lignes. lit te, willeft, 'lilqilorfi fin cd eilveÃŽy Iiirht, buddle Son4ething into hi% CIIIII Ootler@L. , Bit .as 0 dUtyý ic me toute bri it bat i4 jAMES URO(;KFlt. tel DA iirnllll( thât Yeu arc WILLIAM TÉiIIPF,14T, X. ta reenm- 4rgloF4Ag 1)OW, lq"94er* whithy, Sort. 29, l 861. said Mr. Fenton. Give i AWA, cil father,, t'fi'on >r the cil te C0,7;Wà r,10ýeElti &a. s 4D pillé and fré,10 liglit, 0 or ill AY 11011MEt 1; (4 S T F, P. T, 0811 sirAtffigg)!(;LAg %V()RKS- West. lit te chêer the lonely4nighi,ý; boy, holding Out a t4tterci Il finiel. Mard Ilid ovoliinic rayer; s Why do yon bide thi To Btook mot; Opih el ITOII It fi Toronto. are Yl going te do with iiroiitn Workolý7ý Yrnnq Stril Par ta 1,.. il. Clark. l 11illy Stfo!09 ta thil, he elnint 1 )oril t i ore. rrT iýn till with %training sight. 24 'IL 4 achinl Tom 'ing illit uncti, the nig lit; Only te ré for titra And iiduoed ta noLrt-,Igtlt4 tonde tu nrflor in the heoit style Stà TE APIN RESTAURAN Tt si 47 C. wvlcÊ is creditable completi. 111OT"riliè RX, fil faleion. 01S ATTORNEYS AT () tratell"Dw - "Omo te 14 0-71 &RHISTI i Do -wiituli kl you titsod Dot bc ashamet te the Biiik f Mantra il, find G God a iiig lit Cnnnail or ontoiliol Wlittlivt el. W. q. B. F,%,M'BANK«4. lier leiiiiie's; filckering beant, you.* SOI. you 7isli balle well knt,,vile Old Ail ril l ill a drojufl, Tom ?l Cu' il) M ce sl th. l liave hoeil lier à t the aboya OLICITOP, N'OTAIZY PUPLIC., &CI 'l 114 Couittyl T 'llictel atiti prent4ce va il, Tli und claire et dill O'nt, te fil will filinin a aplelltllà lot of C. W. l' - wogid give Ail 1 ha DAjý fil -blitifl Miflyto attend Dili rev Itit 4 rtte ý%'li1 &oý PILIAIR -P -MN'* SN Tuï - P" te thti walitN fif.ll'l* QUAI L, fl wh- Iller hit-Aliéelt, leart), sir., ý)Ill 14 8 Tt' NT 1,wattlh will :eitm &Il &V', and Velliill fwolimy boy", Reid, 13 littpill tir, nýIA mr.oft water totwigh. nail overy A14o, rénerrl thoë. ing, il hall net costý euttt, brul- ýVilitby. 'Il ï les Ot Inile ------- vith clit e4>m4ýlit ta inake flic Travéller 'Il Ill PRItPA.iRl) TO that -, neverthell . Ydu Modern linpr!)i tnv Il cilril - - 8 ilil i ý illéqi ait the ii J. V. KAMI ilonio iltiOnq jjýM Mt l. anil the Titble bonill 11RIT, AIM CAN 0yslll , T efll thoprili- riré, Life nvid Nottine 111suirall alail pearl ý tell Uhd in'y thn!lfrt til rnti(?ýfI Tom stà red iX. OFFICK-BlWCK iv t4tiîip'led nt all titneg- ý,oInët(l &c.ý Wilfle,%alu %iid Reilil. licoil » %"alQýjtfil Flttl-OT'ft MiWill, and sa diâ Ilarry. ýTjjtAT-lA 1 l ('AlýllSLE & NI Il rongnuAble rat.", and in l'hil nii eêgrotlisi é ont, W hitIl C. e - ci 'il 1%, K FY. 1 lieu lie te the il 01 iIig1jt- ers and -0thers blé 1 wbat 1 mean is thi Notice toFarm El R. Ç1ÇATI: hired bore te perforas 1 Ar i Am' - 1 UUSSEIII-10-S 11011EL i. 11181. arc PâW for doing thern piliNISTE11 ANI) ATTOICNEY- ýj antM IVIimlt--Xllý Rilill Ir harrell; bene ditthem omitted" ltejzlttry 011il Q>jlT F, 13 Ti-, C - M Ftrn ltoetiftt'(1 LYMAN ENG1118118, L tà Il- 9Z il 13ut, liy working a liffil EW S. I.- F tll;t ziyê.,i rt».ipriert." nr tlir filove rr RNIPY AT LAW, 134illoitor in (1111191- il A Brtilly for 111(. ilft la -l"rrqVý r-jL cà ntrivA te have a '§pari i! h !lit 0 1 Tneil ci! P;rlnqli- MAIMPSON ii,,rg rInfl l'iL4rý of tl'eý 1 lifloilir. VIII tho- ýZhrloO nouil, and tbat you may Liq ilitir frictidN tind paimn*. thai thil ha ,plèositl il y -Coin P il 0 'it )-tléril, allil Tlm Il ta ft;rn, toitirlily rellevilteli 7be Widowloi Moli. &ItHl,;Tlllts. Attorney A, 901i( 'DZIL , ; - . rocim. This extra Ver 'fil NlgilvIttlue 0 winler, Itl (ýnmIliAti ilipni ilin- J', ('fl, ( - 1 Wël -Itifl 1,14,111hil rif the 1»4Sllntitre. nnil Ille, Ttirellýto, (*. %V- I)OWNýIN41ts ing nu haur earlier i .1-n. Ortll. 1RAI. f Cfiill $«'n, do n nt take -ni ýRIl it ANGFJ,; %1(),) 1-w il 1 wOrking in your dinne le Ch reli) the. Apý-rtltpIit- tliv 4.1 lusi Il îs.trim thé death of your buhatiol is a sail âw rat-Iniý% *11,1 lw-YnAm% liq fil is your duty te submit', the oth.,r you mnt de. Tori.ot'y, Ji ý1 l "dit 1 Il Ire il lui 1 1 nenrtrîti 11iltel, w1lièh, fercorni which Yeu Inust pay 9 1.1 know thall gaiti Susati ici Ilfr Visi 1111, (rot-xi aud cotivAllitinelle, tl in 111.1 I-ity. t4r(P ll)r necritritilt>datltn ttlitl' end m'yau grow older, S. lit coci ISAAC FENT0 toit.IL-61 katitir 1hât; but it ls main bard.' Iq plibit ON' WX. RUSSELL widow il hër f.lothin4 groin orimpot t. haut selfdentii CI)U'%'Tý' (711W lkr»io U ll tuil Mrifth la. 1891. EDWARDS 111001JÉRli on..,de, iiid ftpt ini extrernity of e.êf. ait il f'r 1 ta ril enfir»IC just thon!* igerilleman entered tlw, ttar I)igce-ltl efinI *ttibliniemilfl on ë mu4t, bl te practin Dmiiiista 1 . V1,9e il rthera Rot*l Cannîý_gïjini raial tiftofflivill 4 Il m glati yeur corne, sir, for -Susaiils Il $-,l eli lî Tiie i"élýcpql itt t1if 1.'hnvn fý,î%,nr n a and wu 1 mayhap yon can maire -her A prend daywas it T Elil k nteI.:I," rýtifloreil it ilectityl for or thb lunil v Il thi. lifl -'lil - bear reà soul and for hi@ happy rn ipiltltv ItF,01STIIAR. NfÂgTFIZ FXTIZA- j!t il %iilletiii bar te en!nrzé tl) e pren illes. Ilejibili 1'*lL41e iir an th prenil-ll 47 Pr-,çn,.,q wraitil mon, on te a nlid "Illl AIl -x,.rk- il She, M' ust have lime, palort w0man §bd batidmi and a face se WhItbYý' 47 fil, ernre water e nid mal il, ho IP'Ottl)ty oi()tilrtrln, Itroch-il inngt huilais time.- Dorl bol her.ý Botty ; , 0 : r, ou loi n the ochoc fin J. WILSON. Thel iÀ aln-tl prnvidid mith PlititA'.ITT.vilot, Drapor let her wmp; it will do ber good.1- w (41 a 1101VNE, WIIITIIY9 oit, in ntl l'nt flllf, hiloit srfilido Sn snyin g,,.the, gentiemaiti l*hn,, wu, Mril' He bILlobéd écarle-4 10 K A-troRNry AT PROMtrmxý if iv Ille% and 1'i'l ont* kil ('il thé tIrpniiam. t.Irlnýi1tA made -Ili, 111 the be,,t pentffili -thé mâïllter of the fitee grimmà r. Insi ià ke glanced tit Altufttpa in' lilený.Ignt glll j iTill keepor*silpplio Wl,(IleAnle. cil-ve S il 4ir1p. 44 lit tho VI Qw , va Whitliz c. W. ýA1I ait vnu Ill sebool, bat doW Il, 100 «d lit ofilY the jeel and quizz Ic W41 ITBY chikild boy roý4 th,ý A-tler, Alwil in attend- f: al fout, ýýjé&rs, ý., betwel eut 'Or, bw,ý but, E C. 1(9t'Lrftt ctýtnntintici) for te ta take el;irre ,ftn-tnj-. h- I;txfilll)jt à alýi flittelitive oxtlere- i >bis k neel andïbel toi, tallit - toi the triéitor Vindly ori, ira 1 $nid- ? st.. TT(iItNFY AT lý>%'iV,'SoIýlcll.t)R I\, J01111 AVATID. beeà ýrWous1y instil VIý,TOItIA HOTEL- S tlte-parotym ýVfi the pil called hioli a foim- officr-In proft.ittor. -ýi4l illiM1111g. civl tile (,11irmill ofhec,ý ritnillilqiýnn. 0et. IRAI. 41 1 ÉL'TGRFq te bc -lelivereil in lie 11811 Of BI d" ,L E. >ýj the it;lttittità ditriri ttp i4eti*eel iý13-4. womanlo,ý,i;ief ý»bided ;,*tboagh i eho st4il mediately aCt him tOý To the Tmvelliiïg Publie. '111ght, wlit From thisdtyToi ýTT Pnill'RIE*.r(iR. (lntp. 4, P. &Igar. &-q, Il A 1 hTl , Irl hetteans feil taimly, itud,-vbo wu lit 17, lit tlim 1 Win IllMltflIKýý -I abie Io look about hërt SWI Wpoil soille bis afternolon ýatteDdI nn Toill lif ylifi à lifi 1COtinýY of thl- w itillAýNt catit iitl'itlt tarie. ;111 flavine tbn Pl-fibi- Dve. Il. Thillainsi litýltl%-11, X. J%., Prnc tririll, ill in T nwirlîr-li, hvT. Fiielill in tbe ýa1t eftIiowlô thç coiiýoorution ,or thotie Who timeW entérIng beéi 1on. lier -ind' earlierýýtiW 1 jil&nfn. ltnl lialll flffAil tbI-ni il I)re i q, l'. M. Gibil B. A., Charfil J. Il il% irIIIII Il 1- illoq profil 1 tim II tir. of t1ile lirl't'il Rot, IN' all thec wito . er;V.3, e r"411 lie ilitiliiil jil fi. It, P. X. Boyd"b. A fil jAngNIlow anli Ftntil thl lie 4ppearej 40 Caro a ffins't ",SC Il xcollont Ar NýiIfiifv l'rtilic il 'Écnton at'fi il lie t n fi ri e nelç,-etl had oburlfed ber'fromtime Mr. nit 'M ST OF tl(Itl-ORI,4 ék CIC. 1as te Mid il tiers ir, TrTE' ÃIE, Io' ilisl 11CAli'r 'tt .Il the Jati, f).,rlicker. P. À .NI. D. in wotate-Ito %eiw resson es-,htr friend inwaiiable. aulwer 4ild Iiiiq 'VAr Ilil 1ý- rtlrrl;.Iipl vr, iftwa, C. ýV el 0. (»ehmile. Il Cofatitr:-»ýIonxl Betty termid il, hefore headdteiw^d lier - wà rk igir$ etil bit 4 ýrIll Ar nt-ont! tý-tli Feil. 1 lu P. fluinan ýtoljl.ft rel. $4. xdil Prl and wbéo ho Aid en, tu Beuyuý vals tre, ...... imill -ç whn lili,,l il swei'lýu x0al Il cowper'l' ý fil. .......... it Air; la Te t 0£ Oné à ýosatisfadtidn imr t1w 'iiilëi f children bave qui'te motherts %Ood gracés, à eibwl îlo, I now ta BU ýas, an Erran4, boî_ý mil kinsz through L*ndOn,ý,"c obseyvea-crowd of prso nsý-coI-, and irreenticilable Cana The InVl') exb: 1 1 ý ý -, T", M -, or finim;J à C'a tem- ýý:eippiness -, ire iviiéii,' Lý4wýjf it that st 'd nstuý(,s,?_ in9-ss by _,7 -4i, j hé * éros pè et -af'liiti rè."iifii luctýttiemieivt!o mmekly towcird4>,"Cw- this -rondo -oi . treatuteà tl blrd4l trailiedttoperforni very reià mrkaý efectianï cif thesè grif- mcesco Michel 0, ffl thM)nIyýOn dfd Ité hoýTef1ifl(-d . nt Týltbpio, a"tjqvîli ard'iis-, g in, thtLrï hi ni.PIt1ýý h'j'q w fîe n a -& M . ICI "ýes, inder. Ihil*; ffitthtl»Ul even4-.the, dei1itGtë,ý, ùnd ýfcreed taimpt)o- or . ýanj4ësî»ý iiiordé-r'W-euP,-" - ' ' . - . - #ent nec estiti 'lie at aind big î, - ty jnd tendet tieded6gpir,04 e«Mi b1fü tri 'Oxert,'nn -Woeý11ifliît1il- wifit Cg, lit Ibo, ré 1 ce q(,<bi,çl,,'ý ïA, 'Ain Ag p e- 'l' 1 AU h4 fetffrped heprncvýeded"fr ihe woo 1 - 9- ý Il 1 ând, mu y WU'èlskillfà l lit tËeýtià ;(, and of grdÃŽt .'t no > t'long 'hefoe e he Vêd«ÉW h, clin qrqei;and seiddiù, reiuýiieA «ilý,ruut big Everv-:week Lerd euried thpi'f 111(je ftivourites lathï, L'lié L of aé t4e'gé, of thdr Opsý g r 0 ýIj Ils supporlhair helpieu mi ill- tbé abistariée tbey. *ele Able ýt« 'oýd,é forliéè ýas fae from tieiig*adequ. j tü à uIJpIý béé nurdfroos _wanUiý Ai! - - jjjeinaîm Fý,dücmco us ' 'b d ý,ý ide, ýd origind 'pet 0 0 reu pcemity ý i . K the fù, . Aliei 'of î1v'f,énfi*n'iý ifid 0 Wéditutédý '%Io 1tu , thoh 'w ruili a Young Cat to liv,ý "n ýthe râýrIit ofis;44vourîiéýý,6olýeLe* -bb- fà " uch- lot rce 1 en: 4 tendsmec. JC JE Cr A C# W. W1111hy. ri. CONWAY,, 'Job 111318st tlti)%(Âs süd, curai î1à 7- - -T1101% Af4 'AOW. Ir your cWId and, "t ý habit hicts 'or hi$ os ' h 29. 1 soi - 1 ; ýý, ý > ýià ùêIf, 'wbep'be ,wilo t GIMEN STRECTI w1litlly, ýépt.'4', Mll. aux 'evec Ibtely' '&gai, mtal ýjgj ý(;3, Bal, u , - , à aby, i, nSw-B HOTE16. Saturday, ci achieve tomoth, Atthe L4 ri Mip l'y x1N. LAW, 30111q lqETCALF, MC l vu, ta gaili a 6bit industry. 'Inem . - Ott the pretnlgèt, 14f4pllowîtl% valgable n -gfà ý.,t0 feel, tb&tý r bc, tinlétir ana fýrrii«rl v of Whith 1*l Tene 11 F (zl 1JE T, Totel lm, cj-, R g_ (rn!k wFIFTIIT)IV a -to Il toi ÃŽrlandg tfr.4, the, PU lie, t nt ho pick op stoutiý L",Wà brrano Pô$-.Il' ne avery, Si ng tlè'*' rell, and, war Brock. Ail- 1 trirfmm a ny ^ýV jýj 14 ý1ote1-Whiell '%iýSTAN D 1 to, 4.ýan 1 Ils now 17t TAte order tor thc rffll4lon, ni for rublieillera, ]&et- T A ER i ta ho surie,!,Oà id tbè,widowi -ýa et inig, rl est* %Irln and 41gar%. G«ýd ln MoriCetil boand ho codld d ether, 160trr ýye3. and l'Il be,ý repréà , detèM nl ltoȣIRT KPEARS- n iýn i J In . Ifn>joyi 118 tç A N:D TREASIJRFR OÈ Tu E plweà lit canivil All enlibaiou,4 dilly repo, t- eutAhe groandui and chicketkweed, ic'the'. 41il, il rat priz. wiiot J, 6f hâ- is SIX ÀCRFISýOP D,ý grd , bed,,,,ifýhe werc kiûdIj.ý*ad plain ýh worë crawd Truilk Rnilwitv ed, an4 Plnçeorli% prpiliptly pnid ovbr. e y Chânilkrliil ilhown wbich'they &rq.ýý 1)(y of 7,"# coni#n1ý4ý00ils t., Mont i i , 6'Yest > he's ý a ' sharp boy ýa0d Minds >extra vrý»s & nor4li'ï «ANNAM. Jrhn tIlle4al rtirro, AND [iUPZRIOR kiiown promises irit1ltho view of Anitilg &e., &13,, 'Mon- ëf t y 1 ý,ÇjjIFjZ OF CilUliTY Coati- T ofthilttxvl*lllnjrpr.hlle. Ilne- trèti;,Rý &,A. wbW&,said to1iMý hâvingit-' 'trertotllts(30unty ilie onn7enitnen plain atld,>rnrtnentai Patnters Whit vailielrj4 loft eshup fin& ittentivet ý'And fi*,@ ý, Ysi ùWà ý iëbôblémwr the linteýjwill Moxyl Anil To ento. if cidi oh,,, never z tell 'M& ýbéeýtw doinothide. fe ploceil ln ;21 4r. 85-ly- lie ()Wnürm by 1 '11r. IpAgt or XW. BL bogla y0iirýëbarfiniegslu lltrifed fliem. by. lie C ACKSMITH S '8-40 P 1, )qWn p ,tke stabliblis, ara 1 - ý i 1 , 1 ', ý ý ý. , è; Tý -, 1 ý«;,» 1 Zî u M a Ok ý1tuatje on T»t N IR, ln the I*t Co Xoadtyi an&,Mrs Fenton l Wyoeýîttbst,-, the' & if. of tlian thitt .%,JrFW'11,&NT TÀIIQR,, BitOCK STRUT, wliitiiy, Aprifr, l«S. iN ,fi 1 M'" to ()Iïtà rlo Ãœ' 0arned. , 1 », Law 0 or'tile 1,-7 CIA iný ie riumbet of 12 Do Sonýh go ouch learn ýv1 whitby. ar, PIANOS 'Ir LOUX4 D11901149 eC for her 1%ïms itut ana est, mp?ôvýfnen k§ýflftM ,or or '£.,rk Mid Eic, i1týtrlte1 t it TOrotlto. Rerreshmuùtë jýA A HOTEL cosy Md ligbtýir tli fe ýýj _ - 91 - , ', , ý ; ýý the à abiieri ,Cr, VQR eýýjy, --------- per, lit ong iir Éth 1U , m orèt. an. THOMAS FICIST -il, approved pý tkîýýâWW 11 J, là à »g , )o Min 1.1 ryrî'UMM.dld-ý Vkw-drther "Xéi mqdrin#% hetýýoM- rf,ýOWN OLFRK ié TILF.Al;ýlicyit, MIHITBY whillly, 1)ý0«, 1 M lx ibn tà he Swtnm - ýw M t D ML. rnir. eau dam' là à ce-Town ltull-liollr" u v) 1 o clock. S"b? we bl eý ud' tu Offt ovided %vith eý h ,,# 1 WkI V fie' 0, eÀ: % kl d , ýWhï4- Aý#»4 fý e to"rddihý18' 0ET et At r È,,unilit DIVISION COURT, ýe ;q X llg - - M ., _ -,vin 420-iï'ý 0 :Z b6r ta' tI lutté bro- yk, Peel, and YOD deflN or .011, u bec hz,ýý 1UÀýqi-, ty camac VP04 i, ýýW W B ii*-'o interreti tipon" Traits r, or,4 j CZ. eh edwm jl 01 id onfidener lit '9169 St, We9tý- _IK4 1'l !M ,n*glà W.6 Toyonto i j eE i Mïd" ph tbat omiff 4 ily J()HNý M. WARWICIL ýJ, Pl 1 2-ýM1 -15M 7ýý117 el f4, b I;c , 99" R J fW K Y-m4eAb 'ot d pjrtctjIeIý t6 JL 4- re -Ir 1ý , - * - -_ 1 . - - - - î > 1 , - - 1_ ideU r44 'à n"ýj ý1'ýD îýr,ý .,Uoiibes, lira of m ý,0Wç lot 0 'Çu 40