Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1864, p. 1

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Xfatthew Teefy ~! ~" '14kWJITBY ORRONIOLE W.19 (INIIG uGVNor At ie% 'riuhtIing $.niV AiflI Brok ~rc~t.Whdtby. Ne?<ct Door te the Uegtetry (>Iflcc. f OEDOLLAR IPEU ANNUX, I DVE RtTIàEIIENTS! A % mntiri nluonpar. .'m el tu t t isrttî,. 2aitit10ci of l i'uv, kn i eslo u, iot in 2di ith 'per !i(tters the yen r. Orde,. to dlecoutinue ,dvcrtIse'ne11t.' ,un11. BANK1 OF MONTREAL, YH1OM1AS DOW, illtnagev. MrINED G<1AMUS 'oRts. cAt l Elt>N& AU>lNE9 n a tt"r1' . Art HtNEV4 VAT1LAW. JV. IYAM, N. .A, 310t114&N %tSA*1ll'S(N N U \1 U .t.4 A .1. A.. SNir. RtOIIERT J. wi'SON. Wilce Vttti t- l et lra w-%of l lietdttl, -yn' ttît /t 'If ll -tIin ,NnîaIrîi 'tiltt- Ii lItend ).c- . le-r tai-lt.40 mes -- - - - - - --. il WHIITBY., C. W., TME Vol.. VIII. JMCM.flERI 10rL " icrniit. frietst; ndItttroe-,ti, Ilîtle ttiroîti i tiind-.,, 0w in .tipert<.r nrni.tt' fur idlertifrtiiit a diti,îînt %i.! fiit1jtt he mns cottvqttitet topptttg titane,id minibciafarnltiu- cd WI vit! nrî- i-ul iii.tit iltt.,tijit. 'Vite îtitt]iîng alm tîi,.,ire ttt-'.t tp i a . inrir mle- attnr.utd tttn tur'!. intfw-ty unue-utti wittî gates.. uit W!..t, t.t.tIit.rnîindt ntgars. Ciu il miid atitetiveic i tro. lAMES c'itttKEII. 111) eii11<(M > I"L* [I lIt V',.11 i - -l it w.., iii n.u lu T iniI Il nt Notico to Farmors and Othor- A. AIEXANXDIMl. GEORGE CORMAOK. JL UNIIIEIZ MIiCtI ANT, tarpenter, andi .lerttîu', Gruein St. W'litt.y. A tango qiinmn ttty atuli kinds oftthinr cuuatantty e-n baud. UN DE R TAlNGl. E UNFEIIt.,114futlv înipiic-tt imui attuead S I shlit ititttae. Jefdilm UePt conslsuutly e-n baut. tOA tînarnett itre itu lîberat terms. (uoi ECoIM.(K. Wlîltly, Fnb. tlitt1962. 4-ly RICHARD SNOW. IIAKFCEI.tNFECI"rONEtc, &e. b 'CA LI, A N D SE E SAI D Y I .Ç H E astlîkeo lIa "UIlrookttn licorne," In, - unaeeB:wt Vhilegi, vbre ho 'wililieo la fiidup and couventent, and tieiunemma'ls'- lie-i geint, ve-r?î goudthe iobas,-icr 10'inca te. lte eontfrt oetntiand nt hrsa lilninef. linng benu î.rt,nt(nît te- nide u vett as oÙtidnISBit ien'. Atiiiit'ttkae-onr rct, $t>yite iè e ît the t, Vtiu.Iy'. e edat in miithnatiton- 'l'lie il itierells trient!.f ;i-t dîty-eiil, Art, tuîkui tugive hliot lue a cal!. ttrtnk titi, lieu. tt, t SP.>. ALEX. PEERIE. To Bnick Streit. 't'iithtiof Ilt;ik' litl. -~~~~~~~~ A l!tînt- ______ B N K (0F MONT IIE A Lé TERRAPIN RUSTAURANT,t II MfJe of tfF' tI falk (Ni vIl - I. w.. tvi ci îte-ti reititi 1,4) lîrcut, Strêc'l, l'ilAit:E 'it ( Ht K î,N iW lt r,, r1-Xîî'. W i'i" 'tit.--- Itlt "n c-trte i % tit it e .I SIIEI A.ND ('AN OYSTERSWty .n Z ~.t Z ~1..tnttn t'~t &\l.iiN'i'V P. H. L. & B. RAILIWAY. Il Sisi1 l 1-1 11-' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ il-7, 1. fieri hl IITTrIltg-ill.r lt-t e w .IA p tt'ISAA F. t u - SN i i ttixr- A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lai T1t t n % L c " ' -Qp,'.r' nt"'lt-, . -- t' F ît lIt'-, l k t,-If tTo i,ilt' ti,a, m n t t i"-rotiî111 e tnln' .iuuilir. XVTI -%It I i t ii, N t,%TîiCANItttt:rIOT.'latt MM LPiNE i.Etr t- îE JOHN IILLIN<.C-i uiIl.'I.IEiI !î.n l' ti i %tIttittit ,t1--t '1 f-t-., ,-t Z.), coo 4""Muv -menu 11. E. DEI.!.,- - -- CînxVlnANVEîth .t tlitîtt.tii-er ii 'MA<~NILLA nOliSE, R. W. ' . tIt, M.-tD. 1- 1ttiu k thté tt' l-inn itA-l ktt..vt m ttl, îutî. itt'itt'ttt4 tt i- fî I,-i-- -gIWE N f) 'itE I'fttN'&'C. .NiI, S.(t>N A kl rît i d,,,iut' t4ir.ili-tn 41i JOux àlflTCtLF, - - -~'1 lt~ttl ANDI TtIESIJREH F itt'Ttt t -(' tlllC C Eit ut(UIN'X'AND StJ'EIUI-l EltUCHANT TAILe-Ot, BtIOCK STIIEET, iJ.wtttby. i LOUIS 1)U10189 f T> IIIIEýT.IIS1AXT.-&!orerei cf Trek aîil ri t .Iqtîade tirene lîoreute. Bofroainents TH1OMAS HUSTON, T ' .-fisTvt l t iirg 'itt e ' elook. tinau f h~LK011OF1?tURTHI IVISION COURT, MI HÏR.L1OUSr, lN27 K!ng St, Wesl, VIUTORIÀUuIOTELà,- U - gWUNDS SrRIIIIT, WIUTBTY.<. 5, I - ?t~~ne J0hOfttinos1ilon and ltS îltive Oitles ROUGE ITOTEL. 4i1-tt tniOON, LATFE <it THIENoN- qunJt.tul. m fitiinîn tof vatitr i- -"uneics it.îniItia tniontitifiîtttdit-pit.Iic. tliniet- titi ni inte, tîhttiiit %ewîntu-WIl ittrl, tihieti I- tîîtm iii t! rst trt,'té ri'n Innrttt. recép1tiut of cane-u.'ixi ' t.-Ll.t1itr. titi!C('tgtuni. CI'î Grind Trunk Ruiiivay Ijotel.- (,tl, At1e of RIfîintay llod, Pnort N'uiNîly.) T Il EF itenibe wts ttt.1 np the atmeve watt knte-tutlîrtri.e.. waithelii.. vtfwet uiiiig vnt Iti!Vltiie l eft ta eluntzan-%ttt Ilote- i vtt hél ret.iiîî-ninrnd tfor, awuting lte- sriruîle cf Stefling, tuf.! ittrefnil iattîett. JAMESI PtIN«aJE. W1itt-v, Aprut 27, 118661 SPIANOS FOR SALE. S EVERAL fint-rate, tatst imprevtenet, 0 O)re.tng Panos, mute by "'ttiie," for the îb-crlfmn, FOR SALÉ- ver>' loyr for Cuh, 'i'approî'ed palper, at long cr shoart date-s. - . V. HÂTi. Wlnittty, Dec., 1862. 48-tf. NOW Il TETIXE. axt TouR LIRENESS A'T J.. MCarlO" 151 PrisPictuerailery F yoitdewireacerretand ieleAmr- Ilîe, Cmetype, Loter 1apl r Leathol, Tranitfer, or alîkansse l iùtlneplt Broàe nor aing, fer J. A. CJ. eao do ti n lIte 1etsy and atIglhertnotile. i - WILKINK8ON'S BLOCK REVERE JlOUMR f, IIet<OHATisst. , subpseribcr begc to sepntiS.e t.ê tbe bilu1e, und partitularly te lb'lravellî!ug OtliOtttIflT t tb. lbcs onen euttabov, ex-~. N'orthorn Ho tel Cannington. '-f - s< ut-t m ---r.5--t - Ytt . me j-0 !%Um '~iotirnn iti i'rt ýTAVERN STAND FOR SALE TraolJn~ ublc. VILLAGE of CA'-ýNINGTO'N.' iu i' -d.0K EI irt.tin u E m ,W n a m mp* yN titi At.n tlî R iti.u 'cutd l. Imm Wt r V î,r n.titi, Ii& ati-. nnefiti rîr E U EST otf M qtORS à ICii Aw tNduî'teIm 'i f Turemt-N2 'y nu. nV4 triiîs Aî.W Oa t,- t -a on i ht .. îi't'î, -tî .ti ' - w% M e tLin-î - i ti 5l t(i I ft. ,l i5l'u-u y'itn u y 'tnté" t .liitt fn lurs il>' iem.nun .ii , Itrttrntî eheireiMîi :1si "ttn -,in tt'.u iîîuîîu Atrt J 0IN ttt\ I !tLVAi" T he-t -'t, ' - rent - t"- - t!! -e n ,eti î.lno-,I. .o.rt. .i W O O N S; iC tL leî. rtl..nî. fi t l.,!t1to1tte 'm. i.'-. s-v., j --t '4 ruitI tltt ti- u r t I'tîrfeltir i.in!n ii'r Ya.îîv i i nt W OO N & I lTHEI. t~t'ndtm h anrt- hîr-e.î- i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N 10,- - .ihÇ.Ai> li7VVw Vr m tC-nniîwO.."N.i m ltît. 4-f WILA Alt I.ITE TN t> 144, Bay Etreot Toronto. MArT vfliEGAt. A 11 VI N EItîtAtii ttele~~ Whitbvt Hrewverv. North flrliîten.d mercantile Pire & Life Insurance ComPy. TItOli 'S Du-NN', COLLECTION & CJOMMISSION MR. E. L. SN'OW, Moatre-al, C. P. ÇI iiLlEt"1iON ttie ffnn l'ttlisllterg, Mer- s4l4nixi-c, Oetti, ttttmd Tonouite-, and tuttier pîtuA nes iii (iittu. AtHclicie-'iduty rep)o-t-. ed, tutd proenat,.pr.e-pfly î.aid e-rr. Addelre iiiit~Iittîu te- l Gai- $du !fee. RI* vtaimn;,.tIs-I4we & Chîuntertin Puitlimher Çt.nîdxDIMruttr' ,&C., &Q., lmen- trest; lR.& A. Miille,%nl, ti-uunleeBokeelior, andi trtatioîucnn, Met'treial uiTo-olet-ua SOLICITOR, &c., &,o., ilAF AS IJMOVIIlMAtsLawv 0ftt1ta eOntate JLCtiunhern, #:;W'lOne Dean Saionf bish Wlitby" Jan. 98, 1862. 9- FARMIER's INN,: ATyIeRtlEY Là. STEEL, Propriclor. Tht.s fitt im beautîintly stttnttd on ttrust.r gioLlt îllmaoc, tcir Ibmisrrovs' brde ao stllodi( l vie o!ettshnes d iturrotidinc ritturbqoc scener .Exeartiçtu. etamui ottore, omit>li6j ovided v th boats anifistiitg teukle, andn, .a.W, lokg egteë laine cimd urne-s iis o!Lite beat thecriptioti. W, Tavern Stândi for Sale,' N'hVlag t tieyIliyç ilemr tlbe Karrova 1 fên~cegdlid House w5ith luirKC saeauimtodationtai-ta quarter acre oftland. WaRitnatedauide gootiOm nit. Apply ta - On lb. tlretiise. VDIG-AR M A il1 -1llEUNDEIGNED HBtA ,ADYE1V1IISEIiENTI. Rayxt, Bris Aeerlea, ced Lîrer pool iRod 16%tuden Assurance totnip'nies *20,0-00,00.ë tot.k ntut. t ot 20,000 VUI!bca taken lut aity cite ri.k, un upile tuî tit JOHN AGIUW, 42 The Comtpact s' Agulit at i Whttty. MONEY! MONEY! "'l'îlE sîînteibe r ila Prpanen itenegemnlte 1 - Luali IPi.n the metiity cf iopneuiiiei Eslnaie, leyatle in ttnree ortnîaye#rs, ent reascu- ublite4 ouirf lnetet. Tti, int.ey *mt bte-e heuitonîundiate-ly on pro C~uugr Jaia Ageney Ause-ciltiin, Tarant,. !i.p1il;l-tinte liecimaude Io JOHN ÂGNEW,ý -42 antWity MONEY 110 L EN D. IL liann f Iproaneo Rea frn ui etnyeýa t amresouialfe 'rate of Tu cu au bc lied on comunpe ion et he- ille. - astrocaîn I'eace, Frors., Knpow1edge~i Botberhooti. dieh u ..,3 op,ý,"4 baffeie onnf scrmbting,~r'e t wrabich aor .' " ' ~the euibrye u r Yes 44t 4! - ly indu a iv ,; w rather abashet. i¶arry, oPfu*wseglma. edaeydiscJq4~ a~ it~ js a t' ï4 .. oiar-accnnutecfMisg Clars Etartley's 'bis' tbey sny.tha Situation, vhich Mr. Robin~son him.'bis ftrl,4t i6 l d rfr tory, Comnrenning 'vithe marrage of tltS 3'ofii' of15filid 0 ,~O t a0dnce 15 *i te~ a he prntpcixed with as sight leîb ,'n. "t ' ' lan eitfier aistê* r botr peei e etie f brgratniparenis, 'and non- tvemid rtù~rhp ia ou-e-wchas tU ibf t ait obin c4ry. ntudzInwitihsryf bnicmane bero eutigIel:aa'orie' - irb~ictibat]'led t ~Mrs. "omon4,ecrngëldo~ ~i thé ' k >O u wîi lii <~IlncuOfu. Daryn r her'sicen.r eýefficient makîing up of aukelàArtbuho,'ùnorpr, .'sîd.4.~si'Ï" es n arni ,d luu u hrl inn nsubstance it. wasthea 'Yes,' . V0bsii "Rôtert Dîlrytilile., of Cstt ntoutiî. Bart. siWh is t roii 'reon ý9-t htimn K fne iodfris iteony oulcd îtary.. Miss Hartiey's father hoil beencr eo I e in 1 pdW ýthe lo WlNtlieiilLeevea, roct'r (et' a tléputcd veaitti and prospencus mr ânîp iwb l&r sW0 atrtl l W11 Il(lis 81y itti VV1,1L chatnt ; but on bis, deaîh [wvhich ocnurre-d for ue, taniaise for a gentleman who loti. aiei bita yaitice , opiac Q x.aotayear before tte commencement of jgeti in b ler bousie.' self'f â' Atu iiliat i~tcON ?~. duerere t, ~5Citli ur storyj ut vws founti that big effecte r That is iMr. Whitefoirti Ho ýghbat-W iligs ie4e? Ut 'wt iîî r utî fîîi tt t y outti net.pay bis creditotrs. IÎfurni-lahrk -iiiîKcch'. Wahet leva. ' mJeuý.' 1is vieit, forë'ua càjle tid1 -ilaîîevry wttrlttîts lioop are gritiu, turc anti hotu wcre soiti, anti or haroiste kitis, wlio ts in 't<bcir cflice,' tentutba mnmrholonp.bpg 4esi I-art ft'i, iniuwtîci sfran îy an<lerbrother, Who wag t t at tiineihare wonlta cIl, racaucy -1ith thez san. SuChafr4jq f ý îd~ b~.<q~ loY îdnîtiînlit. ne,îî.t inn. w turnetiout on ttche rl. The ntsuat ire te. mightitgire the sittnâtiou ,te m'ltun.aywiîlibri t,!i~ifo U 1',gJaiet,'çt i.n-tie ntc, tiid .<ueglt ttue faïr.weoîher frientis turned ibeir hactis Wc1l, Arîhue I cooeanti lclus lttke d cf il. 01raý scru., U u 1t... iletîit iuuing el»n 'n.- ibut, thitîît GoS 1 tha ironS is net ait bar.t-tîo w, olanti ie &hall soc ,about Ibat tle., lby M5ti-.s 'tbctuss ýý.-îis~*i t "tîdtritnle~uî eîna.Clara Ihirttcy and hi br ht',îu-r, morro'n,' saiS ,Clana, wo' . ', heet <te'.ii , it" nttu tîu ye it1ttKnhur, <mi:d Sente lùind damaritns, wto abov' -eonvesrsatiZ'4,l tati cen bùanily en-, ç -4 112'4 ':'.a Aà hefj%ýI dtifý1,111'lthy er reciei tebereaveti erptans tutuibeir gage1t prepariug their levensitg ment. ~ ~ h4~y h.hlWt "t or tin tit-ktii <.iîylvi, Ilieuse tilt the liltterness of teir grief was 'the evidnLsutrpriste litrayti by or tat Inty lIieiii sa oebl(.111 t a. uver r tud tilt Cttras plans for tho -future boeutt Ctaro's appearonce, anti bis frle- enen a Wh;ae-féýQîdo Cllst, t lVû r. tl t-ttr t sI ick, tîit iltt,'c-à"' 'inre-laidi. Clatra miglit Jutveo Cet ti, op- quent- glances or admiration, halnoît ccp. urnu n-c dnU bn rak liutt î'.y.tti1 ii- pointîilent t. go (put as goernï, but litocd lier notice-, antiabstel-grateful-for, aCt s hî13'f 'y' AUj Litîioii i r,,Y t %utu.,tii,lit- roula i t it tii tofsgepartiiig IttrseiffrÇct'ndtuPeritajis al-ittteflatteredi', y the ffe- rnlu b1tr : CIPUIc'.ut.tu.u innniI-ny itittter etiilt, ttir ;and iiîî; wo findt u ie licaîe-yty iernailly mrne nn bwhilhe had tiactedti te iium itutuet rercoiî' cauhtler redtticctl 'te during ber short visit; santiifYirent, 1i1.arnte - veiteq~ oa Y the'tt.t rtt.!i lb.necessity I"f teking ilitse-ieitz te carti. orry lu say froins the haîîgbîy lootks and gîve-.1.urtiil-rîI Al h.u lQ ILI litn 0eve, dtuce-ivuti ,nu; ere, us< l'ra muStl Aw tînt, îtttttt.I,4tuitis iî ritîî, ,uî,tit"tivr, t Irutîrl for Iisol~f anti trotter. T'iisleucli. patrenliztngairs e! sema c f heranlmers,, hce v iiSltl~'fIt i3U i4le tiblvc rii.-î.îl ail lf'urry's reifanitic fPelet- initlupaMi ays, vasvery glia 10 ii*ii et cg(sugeîh&-flii7t S~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i,. tJtyfurtiiat-- '!tî" tI~~ thIl h)uPlît o! tri"t.çîe bar be-r aocLtiacuiiaes Sh> irrMr-Wtfrlnt-tsi l ii., ter tl'uuittuq, rai'e'ti a fePling of alîs there-f'trc oet si, litie purtîrte-d, ibezi tome. -,t.':t.' itii t tiIn , t'ti I'.'k't r t~tt' n"",nit and aliniration wiîlctioity irîtited iber brother nîeuititedth ie ixtictet vtacan- Eaciiryhoee.-aflyep~ tjî_rdW" I, i.e ncourtzu.etnt and h',tter kitiw- CY in wtîich [loriry w"'cletcandi . ruttît oe d -tne r u wsk' iut~' f -tt.t.îette'ipeai he brni ituaile- shuluiti cnle-anor ta secure tine ait.t- rhit ithrta hricelio;i'u.askd - tilt,' .1,i ift ef.'n7r. titfi y n e nao t t iloniforhuM, as aite baci forly titiariysîtîiseI's'.lî1~6 A JVh intt- Vr'ttn-rIt tut, t .- tai1. .tît! f. r 'otiilrabe lime ie cusifuity cinavoetatearcure, n.Situation.al safnnd-ta. aibe Ise4 W", n lit l., n l't at jt-I ntfilue- r'om. Wplhi.einîotitir îîuîîrîcrs Several limes. Sorpe- raty lite-fran:aýanc1îh4 s te àdî4 ii ttnt.g~i. t,,,rtrtî;ti-rt-it C-ut d'n. lie liait duîermitîil e muiîn bdbrta f t liiter iutibuc nery liq upto r at,- 1t 'ttt' .. i , 1tri;t- lith-iîe tlli cf wmut Irs. Thomn- rouratte le go anti prefer ber request te a iteiür ablert ý'wi in htîI l Ilîim-iot that hoe noubîeîi nr. Whltfort, illse ioulti net tilcely meel dtobo eurtittwi ~~ he >iIttttIt~ Iti't. iIt;ie-worî!îv Mrsi.' T.,hotut ,gooti -. vo- tb îîrefusai, but tea serein bar courage, Cînre'S foA tcrSi buen'd,eot,îSt1,iidj9 Anf- Iý 1t'ttCniss lu ' l;ma. t jit tratter tipIteu iv, rens ute ltth e iclsiîglace wmuild blic étsiet ein tit iii-, li mugtttion,-and if htebaud ilt tise, selelt, forone of lier timid andti 1trîng iibsvr -n itd«î~ -xt-. nu,-k t ,q)..11i, , l'y (irecr,!cl' said Ilîrry aleni ; t have tispfltiton. -HaS Ifarry beoen ai5 dgray. ,aint I1 W;i.irf-' . -i.- ii tt-t u-n-.(lise-t rmyseIf te pie-ec, andi if. ttelittrd it woutd net have bilan odiileiult. . 1 th., 1, tLtÀ,l, te ; t Y 'ut,îttIeng'ý' L- tîî 1tiiî,uî-,îî irl tviiliaviei mn',l'il tm:îrry lier.' Ilaviitg Ste-, bowveer, ettino sameliae-feit het il ti IlS sn TU~~~~~~~~~~ lu tit tt .t' iaiy 'n, o îni" t til t ihihy hotnorabule, aithougi, watt tir duty te deer,.utaneut teaeccore at ti u elauodehtnfZ~ tttt th, .rathîer ruddle-tide-îerrinsfiitn, ho rulapsid ore mituation forlte-r bretter, not ohity mi' ferterIr~-toii,,htt OI$.té r '.. a n îd nickil tE'lv. I 1 - w.1br t ro ', .,' tVnxu î, t"' ".1411w. f'r ttt wad le, a 'iri. du~ al . ny t4 t w!, u'n. U tu' Ebtubtd W.!,1, JIUi.. kind tu te. CllAPTEI. 1 s: -a r0u n man. of abont twenty.five years, of age, apparently ini deep thought, afier sitting iti; s, soetime, ho lifted hiis head and irii doing aoi disctoseti a rather tiandsome andi intelligent face, and 8011l0.' 'Weil, 1 tuilc oi shaamnp itilan I dareaay tbe rea4er, after hearing what tic baildecided en acncpting. willtbco f opinion thai lie badi arrived at a very nia. tairai and i td -conclusion., flarry Wbiteferd, tehei.or f oaw story, wm head eierk in the office ci 'a AMpping dfrm, dtilng considerable -business in .,Ib forennentioned> city of G -t- aud bail tuait day beeu offereti a jnnlsr partn rahip, on 113. ritiremeut of a senior mnember <rom taking an aQtire part in- conduetiig 13e business f dis fro E rw6li e. celpt of £250 a year fer bhi. serices ,as clerk. but nonsidered that, ýtakiog ie Isceent the business done- by5 sud ttc prospects of, the 6 'ru, be sd rigbt in ýan. cepting tho share offereil to him, lthooa-b Jusl m'bebaW uttered lb. abêe-s mon- tlatied <rds, the door of ithe om Wes openei, udMra. Tosn.inwbs bouse b bis apartments, camem iand nid, cIf you piesa.,air, iii. yotng,>lady- bus calidabout -the china,'I '8tow ho, n le pieu.,gMis. Thadon,' ", 1w.ry ; %n d attes, stte 'Saîd to hlisstf, 'By Jove 0 I'did net 1mev that joungIsdies Vre initte habit of making In a short' ie i.Thomohe qain iutoti) t-coinlorts et bis trm-ctîitr, ahnd irav uphiligtongitei t c W th litVising of a plaun tl carry oint tisi-intientions. As ii ettutomarylttekcb-schmf Ihis de-s- critiolun, 1 nl net, lera reve-itthe partico- lare cf tîhe afoe-meuutioncd plan or plot, but tint for the re-aotu gancralty assigneS, vin.. that -will tee-oint, quite cIe-ar, andti le vorkati ont <turing the. pragresis of the sîcry. The plan ferry Wtite-ferd haid bas. notlikng vlnste-er te de wiîth the subsequent progressofo! calee. Ilarry. bavitig gene over thne prosuad cen#s of bis plan. dreppeti mbo a steep, during which ho tadtihte fôlkowinW drouan, wbiett confirmeS hlm. W bis. Inteuttous andi on avaking', lx, in the Veryre.mcautic fr me- cf Mindite vawu thonlucniiçl lhe folloviag 'te paper. niloht vtt ey"rifle e b ha, 1 &Uuw " ticrosi a rcy, vhicb suetchoil osn t nîy Tianinsen feet,_M 4vo beleagacreti oiîy, cn wih lmyII*ro'muut eye 'mrc fixcd.-Whito I1 conlinued t 10 ane gaze. a maiden cf vwonderous beatylftqpeanc thne katts o! thet' anti adranced l tichOw mb cthe, ,Valley.: Wiriflein band, 1 trcahlesfy atste iecomiug stsa-duty riç --- teirardtht le place- in vhîçh I vue, cenceal. cd. Ra , ng ctue vithin range of Moy bes gain, alst tppeil, SréV a floeerfroan ber oe brettatanS elerateti If inUlir ýigbt hanS,ani. as f te- enneniage meO to sboot ut il. In. stinctivel>', 1-love-lled t> ile'fe antid vaci - air 'te flenvr topleevcn7 andti ttFn agwin r>' wbo w resuime its upnighîpet ten.Learit theb' u $ tu>' rifle iirdthe'pit I àds'nséeStowe i he ê b Q suming,' mtsterioug to iden wb fj1 tale îk o toiainoti ber positian. Haviutgttacbed s sM ber, Jtooli frein the. nrosissing,,haft n n uh inta the lOeer -wbich il e,îihl bal alof9, andiboh, placeS il tin my brcaqî. I then to10 ber h on. p, tigint hanS in mÏine, sud gazeS 'into thbe -- ; liquid'depths of ber-eeyes. Stil ésecpdke abbut.thii yiot. Uncouscieaty-May tongutn fonun- witl ail oS, anti MY. lips .UtteneS the (olewing tvurdt 1 mIi camne for you vinen t a v ai >" -But vh1he I yet spake, love, likea bob. toothtiglc encircled beî-.wittt Sy artu, andt presseS d ra your.brail ,in lipstaIners iluoe elong Seiclona hcis, t Wep tcnmle, anS,, wi.h. -arma ceutwined 1But curppa mertie-S eur va>' tomy place. , o ee-i~4- îeie1 mnt., otwbite we were yeî sonne dis., ete dd art bit the nter' 'ara tgc ýng «end.. ,(t oer wbVcc tla 1114u illli Wi-UIIg l'ig atToime-ULU~~mntafvu~iIt.pontY~e thing te their siender funds, btCar ;u ,1bs ir n ,I, ukhvset dlreaded bis mahking companiona axng thetundu hi6raf rude boys who lived in.the neUghborhood rnytodlethihtV "s~ r in wbich her poverty ;nompelled her. tO o admirti re y hiIt4lf t wb[bt er dseli These and otier cane wege îr, h'lf.ic4peaii at~épo. hcavily on Clara; -but before retirin-g'te s ti!,y haf unr, 'np.ht cli tepfine rest, obta initie up bermirid-te wuii on M3r. be woold fnothav'e meone ioya Whiteford the ensuing day, and uak, cf hlm ,Bo'elirly àsýki 3:hiaqsuac ~ titis situation for ber brother, cout 1 net b rt Yé defi&1iný.& ? îit CIÀPTEIL 1s11u.fr ena~t*18~~b~ - ~~~forceto do; no ~wllefrïajschaîgrs TI e n5i ght after 1the ècirenco o! f the bhn sam I1 no r oventa narrated iri' lb.previuuS Chater, e re i titsan'~u Jdit a!îd vas revolviggý ,i ind ,thé plan he 'f aro aid3éar i itfor Iei;i: w Wa laid for carrying eut hit designii on the oidalvei bau cf>iss Claita Hatîtey-witjeh p!o,î .IVO dasnv &yct w ' ýregret tea sai~ to id nt loek acaryse fos'i ~'~ te oinMis*-t»dlèy isy to,th,~e il miénnîat lady mati er asPâ,ing- wiliub tic tanded',ier a'ci,, r dr oU011fnient isa o~ ~~ knw o h -c-i~u' samneding in1 the -hitnor ef Nias làt's Z b:l fl y ma~~ the liberty of Ca Iting an yeoui M r. plýeit,n Cî tabout a situation, vhich I have l4h ill' seon ho yacant ina your WJ. aid Mliss Mra i~a 'uifle uerv- Yi-, ý Mins Haley,i -bavarias n" b "Il ras -now mntnslcquiýet himself gala'n Qas~&P, às1nes àr tbe 'iiité > rye-1vYwag as. Qverakeq. cql 'b-tbhfr attyay 'fa"tstich 1 t i ieeme1 d tj arsguuiding it? i- - c t i'ng 'ang, fry hiisfopl, IiwouWt e tYM '1iànger rems lied&if yon çpuh4 .girvl e yt»iIr~ Whio' baý foer oetinie been i - M n 1)P#4 t i eèr>' ai thiat 'yen éalM t6.ii -'r) î. Milstflv.a~Iwiin -42 - - WM,1 Wîth calta Printed wordgy, great thoughts and untiring lPdai 4le ý Niatilllit, Ort. 2q. 1841. .1 - t-Z A 1 14" il 1,1 V A F) 1

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