Messli. Petii r Mtotl1Son. Col. 8ci T he gl t kilà win~whioli May provo of S o oui er W8mute - interut O Meiy of lîr rfalers. .% - Al lîuial isý hlA Peio.n, 4vhbg tnhand CQITOOL Tenelher Walîtea tofo, 8oho 1ection. rtbnve i atnqnt Of Twpnrtx of Si 1,in t ihoTutwiie.tipor fflt, li mn t lotô thig port for th. venit now .nded an - or a tieoclrt tNorri n ioIerloa. for e.och of thu, thrce îljrececltng yuarealo Fo rtlchsrrtyt of the Stocks ln Orirnary, nt the end of MeMcIERSON, e'byer mince 1857. F~ront tiexe, it will Chairmiiii B. offfi. T; Il .thlit the. import tof Whcat'ia con- Atterly P. 0. sirn ~y under thnt ntf lait yenr, the Ramna, -ton. 18, 18#14. 2 delicit congistlng oi Varnhdian And Amn. cnn, the. receipitg of which alre only 200,. N 0110 E 5126 qilnrtere, Atginat 432,l811 qulrterg Iat enr; And thnt the Stock îlso shows tfl;.RAnnul INeie tir othn qtncklho1(Jorg A trinterlail redluetion, thnnigh etill fulyan LTuf ihi '4liite lr tR n ow opnî, Wittubc. tivratge or... In the recelpta orf Floir, ielu takfn cklcand bitrrels together, there je ,ln-"etiodecrmet, thouigh the stocke ü . EN ', l a remtain rynnly th iene ne nt the O rlosqe ofIf mt ritar. Of Oats, thie inport front ail quairters sho salreincreaRe, Monday, lot -of February noxt notwitbetnnlng that the. quantity receîv. cd from Treland iol e il.sort of preelous At 10 oelock a. ni., for t!tuj. cicetitr tif Direc- ycrs: the Ntock i Granary lq by no tors, ttC. ROBT. E. PERRY, mornos large. but the. çrop hnt'lng been Prisîident. gond. thoere rniit be . cnait omble, more ln Whitby, Ifth Janttnri-, 1894. 1-3w the hnnde tof Farmera tien nt Decem-ber 1802. Ontmeaalau, mt regards both j'ci mprt andi stock, shows an exce over 0er f Inditn Oorn, the impnrt Ch ncer Y-S l mi n111iderrahîle lerem. over the. previnigtwelve nntha, but the cnnump. * tinhi'ing bren lairge, the Stock doce flot ,4' sho euy bgmotat n.TiieImport of . WVhite pois il ennsireldy short et I st yer'g, ut tiie stock île neverthel,>Qm brgr- whic lcin s ortie degreti, he ccnntedt' for. Iby thé Inw prire, and lenneequent large " consulmptlon of Indian Corn. 0*1 )l. yttRr openLLl wihh lar prospects, IN CHANCERV'. thecre beintz large Stooku i, f Oriin, ta gôod ET E coinsoimptioni, antl a vury nioderatto range irW N oif prica. -As the Sprlng tt dineu d. how .ýtodIyad ever, importe coning ln frceiv, pricesaRciot lln eAel 4gn to droîtp, iatnd lteerîrket conPantf muniigdii, a gruttItiil -dectite redtuced ,A ND the. velte tif A neicuýi Whoiat eborîr lm Sd Reluîcrt livlll, Sainiel Asht on, pier boit tif 25fub, ring the Oti ex Jothn, Aditon. nnld 'inunas moth tlif tr ierear. 'l'lie ep1îetaîîro, of Slitiw [ty l1h11. And John thi-te me rolis being tinut prîiiunking Antd 4)gilvie.Jrlvneç 0t-ïlvie, Thomas w$WFirei,-n Grain rivîing in* cotiier- 4)gilvie, TPîw l1k of îMontrent, Ablel i 1 ntuiiv, j ricce ,istill tended dnwn- lle 't lik on ld tivrt1l1, in thttegb ngtf Octo4îor, Iort'hins ladst, ohne, lat gornd og il1îVikenet itoi ch er brus. in minent teorge llemmîng. IVuI. herigeirho reilo17 iluît If lttie 1r In lan Rst.bîîî Mitchell. 25Ohe. Tic. lw rttofaluit 2er .1 hhte iiken. tandT te Ontario 2504. hewloi rnem, At-litîtik. [iuade partie in thie irnrted Iîyis nl 'nslrbe pur-. ltet;office.] c ing;vere 'alide liv tit, tratie, litcwel eedns ai for invetneiit. Relld itl npireîei Deennt ttéded to etrengthltntii, Market., ,and ly"n i 'oj tpou îe~orthe lttandi thle en(] of Nn'N,tlirrthe urie' tif riotà 'T Fit,! ti :tor aw iito,. listl i Red W'fteît lied rucorpredi ltititt 2sM tt , iuer'f jpr Ilî,kii iii.<'nue, Tehou rer îtlitî(v:lnce i tiie rate ilte.n's, .ivoy the Jlc dit-iof Nov.. atil-t the cooottetf'four tweekg ti>:îuti,i, E.,1tlie, Mtor of titi.. ttooor..te rentriietlS por <'<'if., Ii tile vfteet, l1mw. 1 turt iere,,nt evr, tof ctXîkijlîî uie'îatv.lurciunes,1 ýIAv A1lt'.) l itVI and ila part tof Lite Jitîvumce on trîrin lias * .loîu-eeild. igince fbeetilaoit.Bluit thei, yar cino.'s wth a fireuler forte, sinît a todertte range of %Tt pricei, cuptliti wjîilîa Klig-1lît reL aionn lu IFS Or, 0F 10 JJ!NVILLE, tiie inoi i arket, c nti theountftîl as- perct tif polfitical iatterri, ail tend tri undue- t11 flc C'btîttîy <f Durli'tui, hy învestunuînit, nth itbholdtiutgtif full stoëlks IlVitli1regari tt> prieL for the, future, DAVID BISHOP, &ucti'noer Mjch tif course will tiepend pn tie ex. O tenit of iimplort.nifruiîn atrond. whilî. polititnl10% everits must alto( exercisie a very important hMaEentdyof eba , infiiuence. T'ie tificioncyotf the cttrn crop EevthdyoFbrr, in 'aqrriea Witt tend to reîtriu't elipmmrtuts A. )I 14 nt Twelve o' i ek, noon, ail titat friArtiiat tqîartmvr; and sititi war take - 'ritale lprOpry ini tie- place on tiie continent oif Europe, a mater- ia -v;tnce in priceatvottlid undubtedty 0'TOWNSFIIP 0F CARTWRIGHIT, 6e fthc restlt, A further cheaping tof ruey, Lot, womlll likely prodiuce An lm- IN Talc proveiutat, tien hcriing ttili a diuoition to puîrriîmse n e tr e uuceit moderato ratses. CU0INTY OF JDURHJAM Thfe prospects, tiermfore, secrin to bli rather I i i fne'or tof hlders. Buitt, et the site Limie. tuitilfit ttientrttt it init uot be ovedu 1c%îlii7tt thore are TWO 1IlJNDIED -AUF f ir Stocks tof Grain in lu nreiioute, ani aJ larger qtiiiiity of if Whct ite the Itantis tif More or 1" " t '.ttîtipýfo.l tif Lit nutoiter LteCi femr tbieutlîîte-ic ti84enfor mime Ejliet, iilit t .,tititit7l4 iiiLie, said ryceAt i; and skCl ill the appenance tof 't'îîwuelii i o*tw-11liî. Ile griwilig crollg ho ftvorablle aS ftic, se%- Ottiu .ui ttlecl g iuri 5w)11 adv..îîce.epriecsl tuif courge 1bc mat. andU jgloial -enilly nil'eted l Prameeby. .agSod FraeeBarn ad w learu i ytiltekgrp taiI rit t'talt e-fut 3etter. fla>' uîî ic ii voolilcufctorv in Pteee. tini oweilit, Meece.lient 1& EWott, WX9 tteati teutov cl yfiree.t le Thlý lle oiimem in wiich a quautity tif ýwo1lanti ninifctoreti citth waxsat<ued. %wene foi-ttînately mavet. TIme encire lot -ti tf l ecPOnued, wil lent e$30 , an4j iit cypritdl coerei by îiuaace. The n engin of the fine is not known.-Latd. 0?. 1lSrec gay uameIi er nmnaet u f- fela the ûti%î r evénlng fir being , anryed ilu en'ie attire. -A dtective *ttendbng the. receptlon- at Pealent tlnoloi ioe huti h1à p-nketlpicked of forty dollars lu Green- the. 2Oth iti, the. w'e tison, Eeq, itor of a daughter FRIEIIB L, by the, Bey. Thom". nee Of the. bride'& fath- lyltir, 4econd scne tf W o Mie" Mary J. Wil. ter of Joseph Wilson. 1~ C, W. l'y the- Roy. K.-Mae- dI Me ttews, of -the. cring('-te Mise -Jane elip ýIWhftbr. (>e Wetir of C. BlACici Wii(by GaA ece, ln the. Iltu1 instant, mngest son of ehti Bthan, cit1er ou(buitdings. Tititre ate rc EiuîAe'., or tlineraboute, noeîtly elearetianduttIt f ..'ttctt hera e i !teo ostis vautInttterir iut i te tilt a part fot thme satt 1.out. U lie ot mtrrte c.lite 1.citt ir e uod slte fer à MlimindittiOc ii umt ut ufaitucellieit Thteetmi cîoi <tie nwililibe theIi. nen cout..ltîionue orf al.- cttciuitittd ui Mieo <etemsl tUr detr* of te I 'tîni îtttiiiiirty, iritic the f'auiew- Îllic eceptioni- etitc ictioi.timeîy, ten per -Ocunt of' tite aureliu uuui ntey t.î'eîl dowui et th it t cit tm e tj tic Vitudrot ltlsSîlieti-n andtit titalatnce wiîhloiii une ttuh thttreafter witlistet lInteremut. 1'artlitr p;itfimiarg aem. I nformation cani h lii maît.clpiiemtibt utticthé Lw f01008teof J. llar ;it îe-awoo t."roC Ç'letcri, IBrook Strer, tttiy, etndtr'as oitotor-or" on Robet Aniour F.quire, JeurL.*ter, iLrwucauu. teio ewlîigip ltf Dsliccgtr>ct. sd frmet teu - tiertgited ti Xiimr tif Lite Couirt. Dattei ttis Tfrtuetth day ot J &auarT, A. GEO. H. PARTNEL J AEtVendor'A, uiî.leiton. ApprenticeWauted W ANTED-An ùe preice tote flueSilie Ilitjiiply tieg i - Brock Street, Whutby. Koney to Loan ON Prs-tonnrty, fer tître. yens. PInel- pa > ium trùtd wlft. 1 ls. il. COCHIRANE GountyICouncil cf Ontaro. 0W O> HALE A CtNTUR Y, .Ç With the. moxt sse-ol«ebtig eeecu fi% n enriog lNcoughs, Colde, Roneeemp, lre Throeîq, InfluînzaqWoopià g Cougb, *croup,-Ltyercomplafut, BLron- chitu, ltleetyof Brekth., ing, Astthme, end' 1every The Throat Luà ngsaùad Choit,< Tilt, m-14ceare-eiv one itl.m nuiuc n tttoeommnnttvi n'aini. ]y 4,teipe.tiduringateseon, frnto xome one, lunwer iiglitîy de- velnoil, oif the aboveePyMptomoi -an neriemtof whichh mlght lati to the. but nameti, and t itto lhé dronded i lecase in the whole rtlmi.Tite power cf thec "ur izîgni" teft tui Will rrlery 'fre cicr tti.eluafo etrm~iîîlists Ali well kncwnrtgo crcat l'e the gond It liait perforot' eutandtigotigrutit the ppularity it litns neqluinord. Ln,,ré& lkix ot i.d4 Mge iit'4stmuf tM# dîenti ef 11.1'.' nlti, <Mtîs ;revmtinqits v~aie tex fadnid v usiq ,Rimedy etnhogg pter fui ' -Ieut. <narieee, tand 9, -tire dinasu'. 'w- iirfs min 0îtViur ça<ise- pifdinee"-ed. Certitictte. fom»L. J. Racine, Esq., of the Mauuenva. MS. W. FiaiL, C.,rOct.,20, 1 cuu, <rati iui~rî.î;trom tfpîle o'î f Dr.ti«itinr« nM'W%1îu'itrrvt îtI tinedt i' puecu ti. theitt tfittet ic wltlt iain li li et1ttite. For uIt ,t"t,.il.th1wntot t'terneily eî't'ru' nttWittt]in; ltvérto ourli. nie vt 'iptîîit.-d l trt ' anit ii tlthe tiut. wiliuihi 4 >:0 P t 1 " i-to- trenaet tKDntmittcly. rtid 1otrt'elti ii t'çtilt i lmik ltiti.1 cogmoeiî. At tti 1jît -tlu ' I'tnttii-,ticed t'tl 11 itit ttie. ti'iet, 'tiltw, icli1 ,t i fi ilttieHâti ttul.'ftîlittr h uiic ti l u oi -..1Iwtt. entturtlet:etitntrt'I t 1'u. t litve Ueo I'.t'd th JIM1 t imy1tîvly iiI ,iuit't.rt e-o loy liIt.i Ae- el .' t~î.l.t,-1tl>.t tî t tettt.'oeh t'tîuutlisnt ix #i î-ea'tiihe tt,- (.An tbot l 1,11% nits u h.fittit. It i% :t ttrcp-tr.ti#i wlttiilite.i.' t e-ottutti-i t, lie ckuiowle-licti la-. tbi' retotcu..pus rtls None cellulte niileg* iir. . 1UTT o .en, l.te' ut iti W.lto<te Iatr HiouSE ro )LET. 1 flOUSF. e etory anti a litdf high sud gardon contait- in; mg hll an *crc oriancui n t'n Street. nearly Opposite SL Andtrew' ~Chunch. - , P. & J. CAMPBELL. %Vhitby, Liec. f, 1863. . 48 .NEýW ADVJEflTI CIIEÂP GGODS,_CI From t is date w ë,im IIEAVY -WINTI Viz ;-Canadian Tweeds, tShïwls, Capeés* Fiîrs, Winter Dress Goods. &c 1 at a simili Ad-, vance on ()ost te inake ww.y for Springý Importations, and to raise Cash. Ont' And everything>in theGrocery lino will1 be found the -best value in'the (Jounty. An examination of our Goods and Prices IÎS respectfully solicit- ed. JAMES McCLUNG& Co., - No. 5, Laingt's Buildings. Whitby,_January, 1864. 9. 2 of the fi-ir-famined Feinnan I1addies at No. 4, LUIiî' ulig Fanuily Grocer. o-- FOR WINES ÂND- LIQIIORS Oygtcr,,çfm'.sh and oif the.beut qîîsllty -o-- NT S.. \(-l JUS1TRECE1VED,AT 'Fine -OId Port her Wn OtarI'puy auud Martell Iii'aà ndi.-es. A superior article of pure Malt and OLD RYE WISKEY.ý -A Reeual SUPPly of KcEwan's Celebrated N E.W R 'S GOOnS. HATS), BONNETS AND MANTLE S. A large Stock of Ready-mrade .Cloth ing! G very Low Priées for Cash only. [AS & EWYïEAR'8 AT AT Ek,i, .ltttî1.ctt., t-Yîltt's IJup*k anti ltGit:t.ryStore stit;l i, timite~ ~a SUl[P-ERLO R tLA.MfpS. LIt jritt viiriety .fmjqt retoeeive'. Wttolmd ' mnucuit leonai l ii, lh e st rea ,Oh 1,Wliat a Cbajjce CIEAP ,M3EAT! -MA CDONAI-D & Ûx- Arn3 tnPrtctlu t Whtlvy ili illîtt13telacrt ii- bnie- PORR, SALT' PORI4 bl large quauttti-. tTisre wwlb. on.t.p4dgnlwaya li ta .eop ttit ,iiUpe til p1ute 1.41 t p li t ro n < *e Wbt rpô_ieteMdfroui gtD?, ,,Boots &'Shoes, TAMXEMBAIN Jiu sreSlueatil11 nth. att1. i tiloîtte i i r e niuuly Ilare îtoo r Tail & Winter-Boots & $hoou, Latoe', 9geu 0ittu'm aud elilt(iraiulicu n Mhorse in preîtvriety, of tll lt e i ll ci îap for =lnt.**tqa iu, For~~~~ af-'îu uriao hetip, eand a good Mt, i JAMES BAIN, ltViltbyt C,& 1pt. . At the Uld lted Stor:. FARIE RS' HAItNESS,' 01 alarie iinkil'nsu, m ido-frot clu F Iuadoftoiluc4mttwirkue; îtt sieipr, lso nt I grsetiy rêutefflc . piee,-eci aut.l Sceo thii abtwonier. A few gouti ni-unede TR'UNKS AND VALIES, tfeigowi for Cul.AIrgwok iët Offeriu - uiu&EOEW I. Aaguiokj i. P. PIUL?, Whitby, Dec. i, 1868. r. r e I<AW AND> (.XXKED AlJwaye luneadines at the Oyswe Salooà , Of the best brands, in wood aând bottle, and BROCK STREET, WMfy at the Lowbst Prices, go to No. 41- Laingus Bildings Neanly opposite tiA MfotiB Ank. S0.- FEILITZ. l'thiby. Dec. 9, 186.~. 48 FOR TRE bS &CEApoS' Go Tii t>s CaERIES .bUUG 870R. 0f ail dter Ptloos. jgROW Chhiumeye, Globes, , IO, Wliiittiy, Jain. la, I188t 1 B RO4 FAIRM TO RENT. ÇNO.NTAIN'ItG 10C Acres. 45 undter eltivaB ratdeate Peee.sottgi.Whs YIrrtitfimnr nutiottt1%m a plv t e-euhprel lt, (ib ltterj. t Pmuic,)ontitl'ejmreniseea. THOS. BO1)GSON, 82- #W. 1»o353. it ote, cf Wliby. STREFOR SALE.Bii Wh n1i- Acre tt LeuÀi. wiulîStoro and Dwellicug. "c andi tw Ou lichtct Heaue, in ah. villagce Bri ûi tilpm1 TOwiuip tif ltuceit, C Jtanty c f sBN.oL5 Onetrio. Fo trheireppîy toi Or, ilu thyletten, te tdue prneourc, BEIatenP.(.chôic -RoBFElT DODDS,. No. 8, t)tçîede Stret t Torocîto. BlýAIJTIFUL ALBUS SellihIgoff at Vont from4QMe. laumards. ut te-Winê and Spirit Yerchant, C Y»~~ ~~ i~sIigteCepsroceries hitby. iitby. issel, Ltgthe CI )M is llg b7- is selling the Ch hitby. i I- k 1 TAW for caxh. OYSTER . MALMAC>C>1%7. . mm'eox