--- -- -, t' , efld ~.~&IUU 15 "t WUI .alu #tI~*.lI w~r4s, grue' ~EW~5'W ~ t-i '~ --"-~ - P W~ ~2UI1 VOL5 VIII.' ,~ Y, WllLTi~Y, N-J. liWI, sd8ha det'îe itonI t eînar -'-ý-.-* t': 'CIE.-.-,r fifimntlstisn,4 2 lents par 1,e pl URlRCÂI OW~ ERECRAK N 1R N E 8vec niontrnnttsmade *1fl1, ulvt.mornsby g~rit~'çlfMTCarpntenand' ' ths yettr. JAMEFS R<>l rl, trîoton.' ' JijJoiner. Gei S t. Whlt*. A large qx:unn - 19 nndetgm~6t! boa becSPu ftns-Clt5 OSdriIos.ta diseanUtinîce advertigcrneiln ts mi'kityoftlI ktndl or lumbercou ttiX han.l. LiTtulaIqattorholQW mê isfieri'nn n!iîi- Ie Cht t iset) scept rîaké-Ilio, lite asut arine,- iltltfii(t, atl l-iîow i auperler ordctrfo~'N K I nvsinit u 4odda the ~i on'4, r hunt noice. i(ýoÉnu' 't oonpneuiy on 7The L,ýeeViod Land Loii. conrenlitt soppit ýiianicO ùe unitan bu. - -'-- .-. ed wlt ~ n~rv iIgraand caru.ti "ItA.nai- A lîcarste bine on ib*naltonnes. 77&cmont*5Jrire 1U7t4on1dW 'nlieëtahsn u bisa' ttniu uas- .GEOPRGE CORMAC. 7I7%e pmiflOilmaureMCsÇoOPi Y BA", ' 0F XONTREAL, po1erNIauegI-tnoyrdaeI ooe ! Wbîîby, Fui,. nti, 18s2. F EL thale.. 1 iWinIiuosndCEi..,Pesîtmater, Oshavat. JANi RnICHARtesitIre 'lelier,. Nov. 18, 1863. TiIO.tIAS fOIW, iunngCV. Wlttîy, Secpt. t2,1 JAMsl kOCEIC RiI-IA u S OW. Osiaw - ' BAICEI, CONFECTIONER, &c. IuTANEI GLI" WRÃI'. GOBE uu~J¶~I. . .~~j-CÀLL ÂND SÉE SMNY 1 W. licLi (IKI, ~Tmon Vok~,~.Y~~' ~r e. ,,,, aborve l ~ weJi ii 1é'si,î's,îî T e BI k-c, -oe, Sotthof Sîseis"' lîclel. T E F. in tken tî l Brookni Rnge,"Ilu tqTmiio trenVoiirKTîllst 1un,.e t ereJrriîadUitî.-~îrh ~ ~. gr<llT ll.o, wlna3rëe o yl ho vil CAMUItN & MCOUNEéL, îv the ti.is>41-II)îer. wilere lie %%-l zbIwaN.0% ___________________Mtam&il bis triandi%. 'Ille promses are vell in cià Uc i ti es%toattedPINt-oiRES t flssed up santi onvenielnt, sud tinhecund- 1 letns ioittsir f Mîintlin,'tî. 01. i lu l hiti*t t as. eTER I TAURAIT, îlon gou, veny geod, ti&ebea,-nor 0lie sate styCaalniili <fOntarin, Wîii Tint. reiiwsh- hlinsls oîIvennently uand 59 K'N!UStreet £ait. rtlip.,3uiirrt of nwnt9si dhorse binnoai the Col sttnt 'iirt l lîttnse-'S iflîîi wvt it ie ri -i on Wter ut wtsul.,tnsu ée?'i' 1DOW. -' ' - ,tnlicuer'n lîiitieît tn nilr th* 'tma%'tIleêr % TT reclve;l, pa rpr.'ai the t short .8 snny 9toke loir rmi, CE. E I. ITEI., îtett'r-' ii li.cuiteTbltg.nufi. ieit'.ntl an titsplenîdéd lot of i:nd"tablais the bomt, XitIis~I,~l, AIV itNE'.tiN'lliVA *,î ntIRi 0lt"1EilliIL,4 SNiPS. < 'titlie oatnliie ntin B rer &é'. &'. tiiiet îtisni~ ~Qleasiî,iietliL ai titits.iiu 4dy's lood ain uîîodthnon . N.. --- rnesan OhesC-çe 'a-;I-ctW AD tck nd Veisn. Art aukod give hi. bouse na ca1l. i -ý3)K VIor b nlno ,re ,M,îr'on'ts sxiS1IELI1AND UAN QYSTERS, rot0nlce2lS". sýrve1Bl«Iîý'Kc W. 1 ",I(tl ti~ t - d-; Exhr t raRetiie' obtc-Ys, 4&c.. Wli-,lcalt.anti Itetail. i <'.itit ' lir'tî'rv f tr Site!,îet. i i s ig. t Na4 1tM tlî,et4' i' tpr, ndîlreu totreii. U S 1ij ]I T L su e..îî;ttut'ntic ti ~riss> îiiit. irîeicA. AT7XANDER. NAMPSON 8 'P (1 Fi. FI 0U S E thleitlu% nîl i inina, tinat thiy havé' no_ ttTIL ows: ntce rin il n. Attl'îs a Utr-,tttiinr.& 1> t FP,'1ý tKtri l.îsii- Sî.Wi t A Nt1.1.A. notighly rentvsteltlietn astiltnei itc -i n'ii t rct 'ntrtin .the iviiller, vielienAbles %hein nov te offer t., Mmitrain vilii ese >Linndsé nt 9 40 a. n.,a. I-SAAC FqNTON, tino léember, or the Lerisisture, an! the Tt». rive atloît Hope i. 1(1. i. llnreo.vlllnit Peuleaneerior aewonnotaon. litbMalrinuvWIii bve Pont1i e, ai 3.00 p.m.,; 2d. 1ttl>tRi 1. 1. A ~8t.Irotîtt adâitln n ti tin pn.tir.eltti t al affil %.Ivin. arri va ai Liueay .40 . in. ' --------sy i .151.28..tor, they have nov t'nlena aLil'%41-ronms t.aà Tino above trainsnmitlinu emnestinn vwilli ho ________________- - '- 'V - Wplitiid lqor1 4ei or aiom la"~t helite oar n in ibi. viein. for collifont Grn Tmilaiu's.S ID JT t'l li CO iICANIli.s..;. 3~2cti u-tu irave'tieru. z a tablniiilés fsntour. i l.a u niéaas2d 1,1ni. G>'. Maisager ( cftlJ 'IIw N A'rrtéiîN EN'Fi it >ON-ttti i t butierl., WM6t'e SE'.L & SON'.a T. A.OMASLIAMii )taniliiltrritur iti t Att8(i';'v--i -lILLIAMt. nitiriittittit N-titre irti. &- A Là 13 rt0 o M n0OT ri L Qnu cMaroin 1l. 1961. h -iîeud9i Ome 1l ti. 't*.lîa îunwr wt .New ~'~l'ont l{opc. Nu'v., hf-. 48 JéE BLACK.- R AL CA - G.Il. 1)ci t'iN EI..Peupietir. Vire nnnai'uîut.nu tcbo avrFOR S.ECIlAP v'~ n'itî~ - - ~' -_______ shlv k,,ovîn étotaI,lisnu!rndIneeintr l' tl5If"S. < N sE:tX iIT . .aIVrZA<f ç am V.ra. teuhsnbrt nlnaLt îaiéo.lktt< nTlI 8ioiavi h'ailts lrnl e li 'titn4t rIi, Wllrt t' i.iN lttti. 47 vin. cane'v, mnuanioa JIoBJiIT J. WILIION. 1 firm iftite 'r'ovu uthtêar. ie. 0niilu i~îî , rîutiii. FIt& T LAWt, fITo I i r ell. 0" Ire A .E0 .L tIER, - tintttt r,'t. St' îliîuu .. Xi, ttirt:'t tlt tiii' tlcti'"~tInn" ANt(LO-AlPEU[CAiT RO0TELu I tsit<ui'1'i uiuti s it the e-' f lltnii J. 11-131 EU t 111vINWOOI> -tuent t'uEN tu'ctd Si" tabl i tî'and t '5 initi4 'rtnIIN V N ..i',W lli 't % tjqm, is tîiil .-ti.stitgcitttît'c i A hi c' mtf i l îe. i îtiu îN ,K4AN 1 it li1î 'r:t'. Yonnnntmîon theéir.. lj Ct <NN".VN<'I'.i, pro7mnli %ee F;ttwe CIHAS. McCLtU&E, 4- Pronlssw &C. - iii an acein iniî'ug-'wva oltkuthe otpu luset sud ué'usvvîuenc&.cfr lieu.is, teo'ni saitars iuiut'..'it ,lutin Fai4ttf N",in-tnli &ut (lii of pui i> tatniaa'. GnnA itiquons antilg'ers. Itl'i trti, lîtt'treel, WééttiV. 4t<usmousse eetenaitou'nansntltcris. '"' r-"-- - ~' ~~"~--Au taitiive and i canul!Oastlen alvas slu ai- hi. BO MAftt- f.,CONWAY, T)i II" N URti F/ IN AANI) éMOU Voprilnr. itiélît 1 ctrtté'iiitri fIîtn'?t.'-l tu. '41 lé C UMIN, M. De OG MTL V)-stJtUi, Ti IFl?- :tUhTY GAOL. -iFPIT MOIN.MLATE (iF THE Nolti lyrui strcet WliîltluY. 4 53 qltio o l.nd, en!fommeiiy of Wbhitun-fi -- - otîiî"'. ui It tri na td he public. t'hnt lic -~in mcc iteti tlminiive veil-Irtnn m1 otel.%Vbioh TIIONAR 1T)EVEILLs liqotite luial ité onler tan' tise receptin ofe , 1 î.r1,, 1 -. u, G (R EN STREETI Wusa, i' Vnéa. LitiunoAtand Ugnn.Gooni Ii wMut1t . W. v4tabIiuitind îi siteuntive Ot4er. 115-y jomN KMTCALIé, (Grend Trunk Rail w4tltIltPla I.lliCiîrtTEK iYI lti'iltNC>hI, ç,,c'tt s iof /bsjlcoe éa.,vI.>, Port 'WUW..) C itin~u'the ii'rouvinaiilluti Bonk. Al- ttnuis: Ccsiîn5tiubctin.14 mflIl 5 ,,ilr lît^ fittec i p bthe aboya vol! - kiiluotitputinimsu itlin the 'ev of snitiuge ICUBIRT InrEAtRS. i 's5'tCu*, itli'Clil ilIO Ur e.atn(; veliictînuéloftiutchourde 'i t heIote.Id ili pi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O itu NITté.S3I (FTilt:Fi-e înpronry canti tor, açniiing tne amrtia eto ~JlC TouuéSip ni' Uxlitit'. AîrtitUxeîige. î tim tra lu' othe Canis Saut on, Seat, (400d JI YHIANNAMI, JAMES 'Ri1NGLL£ c1E )i 'U:'TNAN»DtUl'EIt-lt- hll lîtt, Aîil 21, 1868.,5 c Uo rl tund Messes1tten t10 SIteCOUtntly coui- ~- il. Alli lain itti innruenm nsîlupan, Whlt- iW'PI OS F R A.E hy. PINl -O 3-LE A. .PRlUMULE1 Fr ECIANT TAILOI R iY ESTET L o u i s W I d tb yi q mowNTé'ti1KeTUA'%W11Ei1WHITBIY T fW'-4Qé luiai -'lltuuunsIlteo'ciaek. c 1EEtKfuy ' Fj>J]1iJ IVSQ <~lTu 'J. SVOAIeL1»NÇG$S ly JOIN. M.-WARWICK. tbhe luine', FOR SALE vory lev for Cashl, I"r-pne -papurt Isl lçmsg oto liort dts. s, lçw i I tic fllm l Yo! uUU LIIKEN$ESS AT '3. . fldès lot rrtzècltti'oGallery 'I tj'pe, nnerp,3fswi iIoskr tilu, for L'A.C.ousaido l tl e m~I, Ateitob itÇt~. AN VM*IW ~ li uqfl dof htse ldan oef 7tbpént-bôoghts sut eaing$- ; r, Pi lu ta dé, ne ore.O 510 ae r*to"nystai nectar ter wMeoat of atOne pûnr tepsbids sud golden, q dUp '4be h i# follown tartdolea,'on eIrn hA our ineaneAlblidgarae n' Mon by laboo, mern by foollut tenYO hAd enené by fa!me, I4k 21lrVteth'euni ne, 14.* au-s&peunobled ! unun, Tb,4efo 111innolden'ed ouesns, geW ins lch.ligb îs pIn"- sc.lrnthblnt< B o% p o % rx ly s u 0$n l s at o s ,pô 1hitn aita7UIliitus Ae am pols a uthe sec. TeIIltg auds à sînnoaire lilders%, 0f> atns oa Ci*h and lain. Tlfflod isitinesa îuje Piudtsi'. T*d "d fle'u u in an 13 *fseatof lthe 'uthles rin' imlesidâ BlýgOy orérjoice. Wl1le thie iminnu'a onetrnugod freadom 1 Vs uiplfein pltA-uoié'e - foue flrown. sooeaftev Peacu belbegn o t&Wh bl e** 'b WaInienes ovor thé - Enrpean vomIt!, d ileBritishI Lin reposet! ln rglqteoeuateir -tbetoila of a îhct"a~d batties7 t»ei, pniciptl cies, espedlty I Lndoi~1ob nd Ediabungb-swanm. et!yu ~ iiltai'y -1mon of ail raoks, eltIer tretir S St Ythe se.tvice, or tekng thoi' betrs <of toue euhiýbitetiuieeatestsble p'reofu dnc n e t nai nhl' t. a&dmadie I; l. rxhuedtr4oidwunod ei'Lutin.cr i nana srvli, in the Iuso ogus;an., eKhrtinattrutucnua and t mpo"vritt e enre hmso bc?* l ierî stl.ils .*XII ftnier tt eanfart anafi* mnduiuni doule ufttr, obeatbf,4 sibordfee hse lienoural 56 lii. tunai itu tin ta s'wL hii1 oM b non! iiîlintt W a gBo, ennflew a* at e *toid l uy porions un- nol Wlhint.ansi lquor* ke't atiti l-rte în'tîteé. . eu Ilcérnuces, flewp b Ttaveéuià eopers sEnp'ied iwititvsse. Iie éu Aqitlastiet oI liga. eumd'ihsn. é'14lrlxna pie. A. LOGAN. Dublin vus atthst dose, cocpnivl $Rrli, int îni ti r lvs1!1 attOnd. WljttbyNv- 2, 141,484 'sPO&ku, I d'aUeuiShng Cihf- Sackville anîr,,taiei ;tcliy Dicis. te take ch;arce oftesms. y si ïret wi -" à s brilint sud f"obbe i JOhIN W AR». TAVEIN STAND]FOR SALE p'ouao&i sud thore. in as unteutsriY ('atinntou. nct. ît, î1881. Pop'»b41 ,'ér USbudaolu.#s1e, 'Mn. 'John Breow la To the Travellin Public. VILLAGE of CANNINGTON. rent se Iiea î,ewfe u veny a61" te pick u'nsour Un fil, liottatertse Pleins- î TaM.'ist.-iy oucanîled 4l T'. Ecusnijin, le the Ij etom ntins ituiun fiiclsMsh v m fnsW ëset, 0»n Vilîgt if Etianln. hou ltait' ipt nM tté'n op T J<ulWInietl. bifac re 1" iWýeV -for ealoiUSe. mai10, vi$k in ' n'u,1>vîe. lm ne,. 1reîiuaa t ttumnnnindnue Fiiiu sacc'ls'nt ieble, &W.snisd o04t být <11 014 tic, Vio vie u'hinna Conu Ils itoenm for va,cing. uuokicxg, ,*,. sI koepi nisthie. btir ut essre- wt ey 4sins TUZE llt 1¶T 0UP LiQtUOffl à CIGAJLq Aumi, lia ntev'il ho fumulliadrth Ilthe1 in aittv4m 'ss énii. TII'ia<t ho favonblin vilh p sIli moa i'olv osoin,tsa eur e"nnfs>tatly ecuun- tnncinét wcll a 4 lite..î" JouxoU&lI4te1 r WOO() TOMrLI . LLLM KÂFFMNN t~1449_Zayetre.t Toronto. MALT! VP'EGAR. y~JATVINEGARenitnov ho hadinllîrgo Nlorîuthttah su4 to mreautile Irte 'à LiInurauoe Comy., '#t DoMU )w' mit. B. L. IInOW4 liIetrol, C. R C OLL it(CTIONS m udu foi' Pulilaiers, Mér- cîalis. PiiyuictnwAnmd !thous, Ilu 4Mtnttsa > iniasth Tuno'întoi, sud nitter i i aie. 'Ai! ueilloutlous du!y motas 5- .d, snci'ýpnoea.dn pnsemptiy psitt*ver. .pn;lihoi CaiaasDlrotory, &44uI-s .~mon- tmci' -R. t& A. MIlloru Whoele-eBooisellers mni itâiivnors, Mon'enesîaaic!To'onto. 3lontrétà ýumlebensite!r5l LIAS LR5MOVIIIII> it, beyoffice tootaie Mbs'her týn One lion S&uts of'te Wilby, Junt.29, 18. ' FAR Ei'SeN, ATIIEnRLET L., Srft ispiieton. ' ' 'uIL nL.. !&. lr. i.t.use oinaoïl on 1.'Mar snéd l'ihgh ; Elîc*.loi bs nç. etbi $0 40, shueéi70 fout, olerà 50(742 nntlte Ov ii n riIi ' 1g te r'Vithet anll tutn PinceAlient. Tbenmmire prmat. rmmwr ishte dtn ie 0(otnuisi4eut.rle g Inn , or A obg Feoossestei <Iet ainy 11100 rquuae kb te pum-orumr.. Tule InIAIspatabie. Tii es"r te suitnet .pu'Olti. ,von lunter rreîular n iy, bleouer ADVERTISEME4,NTO pool and lwgLades Assura nee Conp'nies 2Eubrsong a çspltei etso0milions.01doulrs. S20OOOO@O.00 IMtt nb. oenet oet 2,000iil! b. tsko lu aaayeon ik,'*n pploistt 4S Thé o Cmpaun'eAgoni et Wht. MONEY! MONEY!! all ra;sofltnst to asa A. R. ROCH, E5Q.9, Application te bot uu4e te .JOWi GNWJ 42 anitr Wiitby. MONEY TO LENI). fnonn on t ftsfi t yua ' £îr 1 yen at. b -tlnit pcý The. mnoen e a bt!nucetplotQu o!i the 9eeetary sudTCsaIi*nsg aloi e llyîety tanA aË a féotlezMttuplqd 4altWa gr&W-01 tèct aith*.dua.... t ep ussdoqgp'uaaa w'.. umtqw-MM- ûeggd oit h «1«W <eab 1wb. i, 5i@VaoM 110055, ,blly.pPiw*4 Iý esdaîrapregav afinish <atIie So~bo.ght lO Ba on' -,for bc damod p êtef-ikStmg is" o andt'Moai 5lan quIlugbasi te pCp îhe quetîs ét io il counpliab<s Hle *jeffllr; effirea.lair $gt -bu eetAp*d isbmer~ih9bc .tbeîIg' £at, pe" l~do ba t bt blhbis1rsSp lus u doa;set bis o saâll lalsisi. ly more isoieeing tiha pt.gb6 la voul4bive beon, , ie'tle- opInion of John Broim 1Ir.av-neiU~ sit!this tanger olh gaîdio 6, plai, Inl SM' r.esei trech.ne'C pattern, 1ifyou piee ..- - ohj r. Brown' Uu5 WnuIy, aie-ville a greà lt dm 01~>f~l mit sai <lbe deiigbtod Iailvr asl4 dl'oteot! io f Wbi-simrtest Niet WH1boe e ORItOfiLe* taê'u u 1 u ou4ymà m attt- i e 50ntA N ont Inlab~modn ~ svaek-ot-a Dto me f avor, Mr.,enown, plsmuuijivoneotl ; 'itte u~~pirsrnî inîtous off~gt1Iiliee 'Pit. tir, I 'auwuié-yon fYco Irlillt Y' Metthoîv Toofy *sid-tilay, ditithe-shako of ber fore, - finger_; 'mind t1 r~h4 t liaThey sbail, ri î k; iht. II dedi I have m!tedev mida1k 4 "~ -~1~ , ~M*eetlyoi her consideraspoum,,;4 ~~ _W ri, whyÇc bu~i~q ury MA" ro i odafrte M '*£Whà t do 'â à cIM7oki'ý g iwith a yeit litre a wrpad~ik 28 1S48< ý4 ,,Oneat'foui sch&au l f iý1ht. teuuu ,,wa Good leavçnol1 my dearl' elaimed - ~ ~nm a ~ g~$~ fid~ét, and Mm. Brown, in~ figt;'~aC~'l' aWOUS& t i f laie! su cýen[:tô ln' »'matter?7 Are 7Ic aldeà f a piI4orfli s Lady 0ecilia usittauybveqt Scalded bd id Oa~~~ wjot7M.tbev oeegaljayty to the 1VhSe Ws' ts-ousyaotUoe? TIhe billl airog 4 umduw , id K 1ar. oev«8i~OO 6i 'The iwoney yqtt, wroto for#tMI dectJ<- 4 boi lu decJamd .igîioýq bAve COUb bacLStd tol&'me 5861 'P*ltlew" ha' eià ~enl ~sau nsei ac 41d t la~Ç~id.r 80"b* 4M« T 4vd #'an,. ItneAnt Ig belote, sud began te think tÈaI, e 60 iUtd "plt Bit hat!inâil busî& idé Mg 0e O4l. PUtWbi@i n4 5flO, trhe veatiior was là teusel btie x iô ý«îî draw fidm ibi cket. conveniently'brea l aabt to~ftésh'e en >0ke M'kick, ontaie, b'hidnoe1o3 o n ron and"did'alt %'tà ffld ten by a mad ddog. 'Money that I.,wrolzf >nst4derable more ithan= 10,Obunw he amoual reý te ÃŽ,ootthé b U~tfDO fbs~wpatron, fort' screamed .John Brown. msdd anin tbiùlï-,Isnoçmod dfor, seule tme, iÃtily, iuly'dear 1'1repliet! bls agi? Th eomn corigl eAcet isb tpe tu~o~estiuI aer utated vif. '1ere la your note, begiung. iste'ssie.oc#;bu teMaor vs.Which, ho particudoly prided bimsolf; des-. mi"esual , '>fydear- -C t" ot tice anting Wfth great îîSaud d îîSIca'cy, où 'Oh t' grone4' the distracted silvor. 'Tym te eies ihtd'u Ie p iva. steMieigcf!thé Castie, the silitil, Who Dow bogan te eee the nbys Lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u staîgô,'Ttnut f trshsl,~ 2 ýâù1d,th« ifteen Âcres, and ie wliçich'ho had Ã& bcedleà sly ,plunged.- oflsrigk dI laOfcu" eid ninýgoîf-o tleqO'flriseolls, lu a ,'X'our ewn b«nd-writing .,and!inîtiais le o n e ,* o f tn cm ,bI l r a i s e d _h l m , Af t y , c qn i 6n Jed! M r s . B r o w il . $No, Sir 9, rpitite otaa, . s là sown estim ation. '.Oi oh t'. sobbod ber unilappybus. sftr tqying &Il tbe pocke4l, cw faut d;alr 'Douce tûe I eorlafýdd9i Jobï,Anue1É êf1;h y argotinsvbId y Duce an air efinulucilâe;'Wm, to, ecui!S,~nirmmn dency, keep to addreu s tbe 'ilte,' uaid Mis. -ýBrowni1 Wli ai ai ofin8da e ;q, XmS,ýýtbëlfbis Egcelency waitiug atiyl onger. Tic &U la seated witbh Your own orar- à ban' bave leftit on his Excellency>s libmarY thorofore itisbed.lMm. Brown a good mo.n- tamn roostdr proer, . with jour tfltOi able -for I came hro direct from the iug; assrng hm whh ý sWeetly patrn iz. 'Celet d c "a e 1, Cult aîlei t'ig à fr ht lBe vouit! flot enly Sena ià 01 t oh Loh!' ,groaced the frntid Pay, Sir J oe ," briskly itorposed tho meneV for thle pite, ad iion us e o got silv omnith; A idakv iwul a veîîg apc el the iilrersmitb, ýth bis mosti nsinuating tô b.sth ntie, but 'ho -wonld aise recom but Coeler novn mr t ' ' imite, "lpray don'yt trouble yourself an men& bila *aruily ta bis ifumerous, friends, 4'And yen nlirocted me,' contuhned,9r9ý further on the @abject 1 Ishaff do niysolf civil'and rîWlitary, both Iunfluglande and Brown, 'te sent! jeu the moinoy.bax frot the.houer of seudîlnz t6e plate te the Ireamni. toCbie ' nt ak. parlor 1 '-"W Castle, and yen can puly the littlë ýamonnt From Cape Cleur teafile Ginîs Cause- 'And! dit! yon, do suau V;,ahoutdd ýjohn te the messenger; or, indeed, tô-morro, v ay, frelanJ did net contain a happier Brewn# - e somte ether .dà jy, n it may suit jour matahan John Brown, .after.e bis meru. Certally SPrepliet! bis terridvfo. . couveniencoe t" 1- î ý-'r x 'NoneMm. .-a-Brvn 1 aad th ing'swork -wbich ;.beý unqgratofnillj as. Th-in i 1!m disbet,,y heavo e t No n, ?.-.aw"Bow 1 dthe; cribet! s efis kiogoond foriune than taie sctimd r twfilngifig h-iinset 'aýýi stragen, wth bo ofintnseevutact fn, ali afrfa&1eTe. 'r an hour fult longth upon the carpet. Tbreot boni.5 'il cannet tbink of commouciug Vith YOD -er îeb ntedbakviîds ant! torward dret! and tl-'ty gins oe lpdà M Ios lu that manier 1Lot me sec 1 Oh I-ah lu h11là store, rubbiag bis bauds- iu higb I ,arn aýnisemblo si nr t' ., * -Rihard jeu shaîl go 'hnine- for the, gleeand cracking jokes, witb'hbis âbopnneu . ts seetiine befote XM rwncut meney. ant! l'il vait bore tilt yen retum 1 u i .nable, nuy longer te confiue bis bap. hobe ate compreo il the anqn1pttlif beg a theusant!pardeusN,S8lr John I1 îhnln v rst oe4e raftbusiness ýand mrny esga o- crieu Brovnbite wa brsul eouboqt dec! et note.Bonnt a, uo e s much 1000boing- bn ug4 ant!d oî e .reidence of fore er poîr' usbautnd c 4 eyn the , uetýas Oo uc noveni. se'reraliot bis iInota vffwom,* lu tbe, banbr1rse saetio4iiy,-vas,, is -hý0età cf- once. faîfueu ef bis jef, le"elated -tue trasaà é-fect"4by,,bs41a- tusqni yas tl 'Malte ne ePôlegy, my déa? sir," te tien ef ilmorniag, andaîllbis glowiug bea-,ior mortifAcatioo. ,Hoed id, owvlrd tothe stranger with & wiening guenle. anti<cip 1aîon.4 theefrorn. lu tiilhe, regain. sometbinglIktce bis foriei' :My time.i net- vorj valus.4e ftO,47 Noue of John Êrown's frIenýdî bat e#er equauimity, but pot ebore ho hfd .,lbeen Beaides, Mr. Brewu Idate sAyen ucan be fore hsI o ýf sncb n ýS1ICeé us that ef quizut b hi g"dnatured' .11-4 s t give me somo useful binis on a varioty ef 0 (JCbmprolIer.General >of P-nets Dihurue. thelyergefin nl;at,:~i~yndey, subjects cennected vith ibis cennntry, aund monts." But ibis enly, çonfirmed. Mr. ho vvolt by tte. nick.uanne of-. esVonp, of vhicb, saa strange, I1inm necsssarily Brown-il, tîne idea filaI be alane, oéf ait troltor.Qeuoerat"' ignorant.' the Dublinî tradesmen, vas solected for The, detighted John Browe, expresset! os peciai pen~îage by that fà cctlonary. iproverbs 0et1he Billiu#s'PFah' blé readiness te serte bis nov cu-itomer lu SoneL, i istruc, 1advised hlm ate ho cauti- aol vay ; wuhigbly honoret altihe col-.ou&in thé matterf and te maiere ic f m'pudensoýiz tb.effek av ew tittie fideoce thos roeatnluhim -> would do bis palwenf. et eaut fer.tbe.tiret instalaient, kuçilege, anut!,iodesa iz au. ofieu, theu boit poSsible, k, . wie -one,,vile aspiredt! te peculiar sc. effilkv mW e nÇl. Nov, Mr. Broywn"sait! thée stranger4 yscrt o rvknl i b -bl edon'tquestion a persons rijte, »W grsionly cknwldgig tesepifi'ie4affletletJel. Roi drapped "A Mut of b. a fus, but if à he kliamiwiedonp, 'e services,'luil.th ôirt tplace,ye*n viti b "Wôiiwîim ont, sente neruloIgf,to kom4par. it <ith our owin good enegb tewýwrit. anote fr u tai Fbo ifneen Acres." 1 Xot oee man ,ita a $housal<. aý lekaqW1i ig iia m*tanrdaely sile ' etu vigmsde ý it rond, ofiiis, catilv~ mtu~~ npi e. Iesnot do It for nny, cçeated, as he plaieJy percelved, a great me berodwhen ýla ârp 4td, t!éaI'ofoihi à t mupirlôr 'g o rtune, Wenau, ba% bin ke4q>ared t îeý4ukI- airaulsr-wt a gneatde4 et or lrapýy 'sllversniulb drove 'bomne ta is jiqg 1es en$ in à çlosr euigbt îft, ,i Pinoute, 81c John t" roturneà t!'hae loQuet auughià le box onii th. Circuler Road' truc i4pOose the old'maidsare tha'.tnied don utveaditb '~asorrz ta relv4 mIrhe lis a fr elpmnemS ~ iveâ hins vith stars lu 'l'e nuhi)ky '4 ame qis ~you bà lave béeurý'Ini *og êIi -bate o4 n ie.OWà si n6itutell iW'tutl »Ue botet oeir 1- Vi11Uenigage Yen défl î# nIfe> ait tecae ut 11