futed4bl te " î4P1pblic, atbh cr1iinel Udiffévenceofi thebuprluubood tw the uatety of thoir congregatton, sund thé Soverien~et bu bes .taaie.ly besougi t nm the roi". of ithe ltl-fiod ' Commpsûa"t to the c ud a orbid ina th e . l 10MA oS f obb, or naght services, Tii. QCti rebol, and imeut upon rebolld. Ing the 1W-ft*d pile, wbt oh upor. Tuudsy 1»4 ,was'the tUdrd tilue detroyed by firu. -Publie indignation rs tlgi 'And uratts bave boesa pablily spade tuAl, If he. aut. thoriiu do not dusuollmb*the ztÃfbl lli," the peupl will do it for twui. .I ý it touhtous bow fuebly ithe foregoing Mtslle portny the. horrible saune iôf ton. tore it -us nuy mis<ortiimê Io wituêU.,14 bunsupeu culit posibly cofley 7the av. fui reaity-hu laquage couldt depkt the. beartrending nature of the spectacle.. Son. - tIagojha to*dsy tsc4ty--cf îuourning-:he entire &epublio le a partaker iu ber grief. RAvils a leb.-Wbo vill, saý, after the. remarlicble ioiuitrof thé.Qreeuwood trie-tbat thora la notbilng in i"brilliant- fle tcf "iiuîce l' en the firat trilal * r M.Stephen Richardi apoke scome aeveu 'houri to prove the priaoner'a guilt, and ho wau ueqitted ; on the second tilui Mr. gai spoke îiireequartfra cf an heur, and the Pisoner wu-eeîeac devmton y.êara in IboPen itentiary; on th"~tirdi Mr. Jtçll f didn't upeAk at 61l, andt OrSonwood vau iieteeaed tu lbehanged. LAwyera, lnauke '(,à unteo ou',"Si Sasy& the Ledcr. Trhoelire- no ive reat bonace in 'LondonmeUng ipler coïlarx, and Ihese mike ame '940U,000 weekly, or julntly Tl,<OOOOQD. ANSauWilg the' price At be pet grole, WC bava'eekly corimumpîion of Ut" ,Or bath it that ultheu. L. 8. Mian. tangdouî la t e he alpiiite tan office pnader the Crevua, road < imre. (YIIdîor. an, Ie mewh<er forer 1uis la an u. cee o te oSuc .îî E-dUj.- en REAL IESTAtkI' WRLBES9D~ MoELROY'6 HOT$ le-VILLAGE 0F OSHAWA,, oit Saturday, Pebruary,20,.4 , Thîe followlng vaîttiable propeity, vis: fivi, ne nu <ifrtLand, sitite oh tlîq J'otiîl afile ut filen Kigisttton rond, ln the. lalêetc <)uhawa., on vf;icla thorA isl erecotd a ' V CONFORTABLE COTTAêE, At i.ircWiit ocoiibea.I y Mr. Valentinevore; beliig ort il ii Lt ntuîîîtîr 8, in the 1lit "o~a<e4 eal-.ibu4is iliera 0fiollheriLa l tilîa Andl go(p (#lit hilildiig, ».. Ter,,~luaisail-kta o acn ut tm ih tlocf JOhIN LSEY, Boarb-%rs Wanted. c i pli" It ai;il 't y i lb ailfor (y e ai al tho Id, reIlouveP, pyri SI,, iW 4h i i. f',llu î iîîii lauoa' aut tue rentrae tngM AUX £tg-. -_______________ Wil[TUY j COOK WANI> Wlatby Jaoazy ~ ~ WANTEI> A (OI)bCOOK-KÂXID.ý Owing to tbo heavy show suera lait Au1t < ia week, a outl e- ti e it com petition and RYLROTF.le. nelatively lih priiiceis paying at, Pointa Nonta, l te delîverirce cf groin aincu ar-___________ last leac'p, have beeli uttuà uauuy umItL for F0i tis seusn o deyrr reshv an ga owqnte-.1 I Paît Wiieat, meiidium quioity, $1 a $1 05 A a~~LuîG E 0é RAGLAN, chi.., $1 06 o $1 48, snd occuuie'lly $1 10 for extra good ; Silring Wheast, ' tli'Tîwvip<ih4Wt>. good slipping srmpWi, 94c a 8Mc ; Pesa1rputil EeiiTAVERIt 4 TANI n Iae Vi- 520 as5.10 ;(fats tMe a 40e , lIarley 75o a LIj<e ni. ta Di lek uit idin;. tweo 76c. Pcak-light weizlît-per 1lOflit. -4: < 4 i utmpls os i' $44., logs e wii.hi) Ottaito .10011m, ii ~ lt i i cvi l o. Otiimil. 41:3001ba uil ca4.!r 5ùa$5 12J. L v r <n1 u anli Lui _____________________THIOMAS TAYL.OLýi, Naw ADVERTISEMENTS. i ~taii ~ 'I fchooI Teaciier Wanted. _î aiuie't I Pt l x tn iMECIIANJtCS' I NSTITUlTE, JAMES MîPIIERSON, i i>i ~IiiaiaauuBI. of S. T. Thursdaty, January 28, 1864, 1htmma .1uo-iiii. eci. u Alar>! t. At Y i rsia its'f ittu imî ýý #t. iaî.r ll ii - -- A iifortaî1 M t. aitand u: .ium li,,liiicM ' ' tA. 1*0l rua < 1ufMoada, ilLitfof iP lriar,,iîaiuî of, el,aim sai 0.- f lia;(itiai h l à cnnfa t .' A t 0I - k O M 'J ý,4 leto f D r l>auwuu,, Mn. Il. 3. WNIiuii Mlvi. Iaanîalaaaaa BOIREE ÂANb 31kSIONARY IMEETING A I'airregat oailtiuea wihl -W uali (D>. ST., ANDREW'S GÉKtJEH --.', .--. --"--J, Sp'a nish Sole OtNr $lpoal laile Loathar. o. 1i.$or Xond.ay, lot lFobruarv 1864, Mk)O smol e "'lao xelMd uttore o o 00P' nt Ci P. rgiii Tre ab.JASES BAIN. Int t athrr houiet0twslîmair, <alrit ti.fîhAil- 118T SHEtP ! pdtutiaria t',ri tc fari¶ua utToruittu, <u.ii 1 "MTiAif)or utoeun rorn Lot 'No, it ariraI lOsou l ip viftuegt gllti c t. ii Ilie S-hl o~'isr f iWhiîby, etrout liu. Ias,.luii crrluai,1. e, Termoiitîu c.(14. tre nek izo-u 1iiir igiu1 cI tu, euè a<, .d e Au Mrî , < i. akliiiia:taeu Iflu. -. eM-l LaInmii hLatal urnigiudflI halibenejl- 1ccras, A. Mu a, uioa iii.,andal ior gart n-rdiu<--ailea>pncnn itiotapoâans. 'lisO ti nîi-d lfri'tur c ~rai. isuu trl lUh araucur terdugta lâv. A rolttLiiiiir ic no tki--aaap li Milut taj -(LfMINtour. Mtiaîuaaîr-iuiioatarr"ufi lacl'uriy er. -ui. okiiui & Utica. zIl>, ,iaHùr t4chlillreu, 25 CiliOni; gà na i etl au,îah e- À( eLiascDujnigatiuiui1 5îicelat*. F R ~ b 1 E -V. IL. M.cMlIÇ. rN. "' "e-NT - I K.TtC)-TIIN, 140Aeneu.15 ndincultaa Treiur.ia.ir,11011r. Lot N.8,7hCn tWlutby.- -Wliiuby, uloutruy, 18A, .8 easriq&k owso ge ltMms 7UiDERS FOR STO , - ter, (f Iîlee ps ad Cri ;na remi.. THOCS. HODOSON, 58-w. Lou.tu7bthCo. of W hitby. T INDE8 ii bnpevd sthei)m'orfce tii. Towni lark, 3ondays lot February, lu64 FOR _ Fifty cord- oi Stone, Te b. deliveiud et theToua Ii atsud jeut yard beforetîe J.u RAM45PU18Y, ,Wlîitty, Jan. 24, 184 Loyal Orange Lodge of BXNA. STORE FOR SALE, youdtvc 1)eig ouasaluas ilg Ouutai., Tovn$Llp e 1U kna~ ivu -Ornta rti lrsapl JOUzaT DOID$t, oepouutasru, Noo. t,0 FOR T90 JtE8f à cHÂpà xs? &I ~RJLIWS 'DR J«87 4 COA3 OIE E&J!JLSI Of alitdes.rptions* Ch lmmeise Globes, Shasdell, a u4e W hlLby, Jani. 11864.E2H 4188 "'nttýeoflmTInn Èwho j- 4rne 01110. ww~orllghîly 7t elop-d,' oratt 'oe3t ltit"w --S ncrlcct Of wbih imlht laid rthe.l0t na m.4-d ilaiat it Ip dr«ded diclpoa e iwhole *auà lr,'vio. Ti. power of Oh.. iie.0icina1 gaia" otthe Wilil therry Trou over this lula of .omlýquntI4 le voil knovut;.eo tuat la the good, il bai perflrm. W, and ici groat the popuronty nu bu onod foi M<io Glèd", M e aéo t*ninyltd v U ohà o e à Wpd- îI~Uqf 11kdmlai u imrinait il, ce&u, md rbmLktli y IRonui4.hou powo. go sea ,, ho L Ioi, -s rUoo, cîati Id a is ilsu, id# in no o&, jj~p~ Jia Cortificat. (roui L. 31. Racine, Esq., or the .1neurva. I~. 1, ~o.. Oft'er the follçwing -SYLEÉS (?CT~R, Ciadian Pa.tent, Fronte Rullino Peat, AmercanJuruper, 'Fwo-seated -Pleasui"ë lich Porttand Cnt ters, Bb(SI ghb Ail1 of which he ius slIing st flr3-ally I?4uoed Prim for ia.sh or appt oved eredit. Sonie vetyneat ÇARR1AGES, open- nd cv ered which wilI be uoldivery low. Twogood second.hand Gigs; and twvo',sets heavy Bobs. S. W. Fowln,&(;0., Bo.wsa, L'I'oIUtuis ate we,-*iIî SeéIalfour 7rutM "Wf,«tlw from tue alueofi)' ftrît~ 1 t#1uîa of Wilrl Cherry, 1t in inf'lieod toe x pr"e the c on cîlice wv lîl1 tbave lnI cmLu ylfiO . r F ie î~n j it a. " I w. iflit ctltly J I tlictet iVtti a nevero ail oaîtihlite WouJlî, iT ci'i'pn iii aisil mene ple in in the, i ili di nit ipeave l. euIS 1î îîîir îLfiu winir. Ili VizI:-Canadian Tweeds, Heivy Clothe, and liî,ri V. L îu-lîa ai. t 1 I.,,lwaik bitf fe5w 1-4iK w.i.li ri i! i) îîat ' cr foin tue ceioned. At tibm ie i raie cniuieiîcîd lai rlief and Ilatte avicuro n dfuir mfI ý1 2 "oaWIsCfpes, Fini, Winter Dreus ýqGod, a smlA- theWsan ai y krfl liltll i*ec, t vance on Cost to nntke wyfor Spd g Importations, om*orettia Auh Catndau a 14 fli M1MIMand to maise cd a..c li n rein e te' io T Eb e 10141e teour ebedlWmnt# seraitut, fè Non.aper gemn u, iulI111%And everything in the ..eocery lune- will bé' iounclthte buvt value Prmpane-iby 401 .thW5orie & to., BOuiiniîjthe (Jouîay. *M I!, hlseayal &Ila¶I*Ut. 5cî1aWIby tif d%. IL (lennin auat ;.A An e-xamînation of Our Goods and Pricosis res;pecttfully solicit- llauaaiuu'.r. e-- CL RIOUSE- TO LET. a #I2 is ttry uanid a a l o e ~ IJandI gardon contuin- t#fà anatre ot lanoZS'fi èIByoni tmeoarly Opposite it. .ndre1w 4Ohnereb. rvhîtby, Dec. I9, 1868. 48 Sellin.g off at Coat from 50ets. upwards, at JAS. il. (;ERRIE'vS Approntioe Wanted W tMtý Ah4TVf l 'A.a rtîu'u.ira haie Sdla W. TntI'UlN, iN bancrv URtet? Iu Richmuond IlylansI, plaintiff. Robert Wobb, Sutuel Asbton, John Abahto sud Thomais Shaw, {by R11l,l nam John OgIviejames Odi, Thoauss OgilviThe Bankof amtauuî, -The City Bankc.John Glad- stone, TouasGldao . i. nient <eorge 9 en ' i l- Wu1 liamtRoss. JAse itchell John Fiakan, smi The.OntuLo Bank, tanade parties in the maw 0 t' D.f.ndauts. i'i .Scld, ina urancoeof'thieDocrte mièiat i.Flal 8mortn Ia, "eae by the (>xri~t opf ChanSiry &rfla r pn andtluntitIesaueu beu'guOOrenliecttely thuc letiaday eu Maych, 1863 end lb, Vit day ofet Decear lu.t, at7ttl hoe rrobeQ ci ohGeoeç ilesuary Daimecl, Eatquinc, tmait ftlal.sotuorabtlo Coulrt boe',ut MANA4RD'S IHOTE"'L, 2'Q WY 0F .B)0 WJINJILLE. lu iteé atuy cf Dtirhumn,.hy PA-VID0BI18 H OP. Âucti'nser ON Thursay, Efrventh à ~y M Fbruary, à tTw*)%v* ocoçk, con, ailHltaI vdable pnoperyp41 the 8o*- OWN8IUP0OF- tu4TWR1GET, Xhitby, January, 18-64. - JAMES McCLUNG & Co-.i No. ý, Luing's Building. 2 FINNÂN IlAIlIuhIS. Just roçteived the first -supply 'W theseo, of the fhr-faîned Fininan Iladdies at Ne Ç4,LaingsIW lg FOR- WINES ÂND LIQeITORSýj of the best brands, at Lite Lowest Prices., go to inwooýd and boule, and No. 4e ai' B a.i1dings. Win ana Spirit Merchant, ~~îInig hCeapest Groceries BROOM* is selling the Cheapest Cok ~nWhItbyi à sè~lling "the -Cheapest Bos a JUST RECI1VED, -ÀT Fine, 0'Id, Port &Sherry Wies Otard. Dupuy aniMrdI Irnis A superior article of pure Malt and OLD RTE >WIISKEYt. -0 A Regular Supply of icEwafl's Celebrated, NEW DItRESS GUODS. LIATSi,BONNETS AND MiAXT~ A large Stock of",Ready-nade 'Clothig! _______Ail at very Low Prices -forCuah on ly- CHIIJSTM1AS & NEW YEAR'ýS G O O D~I ?<~ MeN ""f, d 1 J&II SUPIt'L1OR I114P, h vh t.:a C,ýtee CIEA31MEAT! M~IACDONALD &Il;OX'l Are otted lit Wla ilt ie a tlîolnorlaur btaI. -ne.. und ire doîrTelaiiut ho4d, uutbc' .4110P to wilnt lapon tlios,, wiô to aat 0l.,. The )a lle4-price, vil).- 'i Mid -fÃ"Y UJiD ii 1e'qî.tîk i ao' (thu1taia, i o du<,i Boots & Shoest TIM 1MS3A IN blaal nccoivwb,±ill turtbgt ad--a Fal & Wnter Booats & Shoos fiidie<i', ~ itoîgî'ai>d (.idaiaaBot a, Shlîeu fil 'rut Ijnitru ,bt qnuliubana (Jhcup vton ty .C'ttits e* Fuèrjaaa extra oido1aà Cha«r, 004asgool t, .1ry Whlî by, Sept. 80, 1- A te.aiR- tu85 FORai 1114VÛO tnck 01 Jilarneeu, mucdofrotuatha ahbi'Pl aaFAC latgrtsîauly roiiuoqd Prionsq, Coalillal tee the efilscrlber, A «tir gUul haaaza-iman TRvtN9 AflVqALirist -Offî'rlng low fur Cooah. A largi.e tookoigood Ç1:=W.HALEB0NE WHIPb 1 Jdow for Caula, Whaibï, Dec. I,1, is. REML 8o , Tîliu jB Fresh C Candied range TWO (-,ASKIl - Also the La STOCK Ol' PORTS lai the Co.uAty. Akç STC K -0 F coinpetition. Whitby, December, 1803. aixymu - - ~< I COUJNTY* 'TWO mnl acre nde i Ion. i hb~ ai-' -i e r a .1 s fi. L-- - - . -'