Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1864, p. 4

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a ' i 'i e, e AuAi i3sing incidient. C'OTTÂGZ TO LET. bi~bêaîTrenoii Tmpl, <" A AI 1ICTTAGE ON UPB-T- te sqbeit of é, Pecullar Peopl," PMr. A Appî1y t.',1 Gongli reIs tçd tht teFooing anfuingi é,- Q. M. KELLeER, dont, w'hlîi b ière 'thoroughly . maudlin 47Drnlltet ini meliow lbti any lhlng in the 14To. - rciîeI Tvo tieut, afier dricing- and carousing j i!l night iai a saloon, etarted 10 go homie. p ý a It *ksa beabatiful, sunny morning. As they 84atg8red &long, the foflowing cou- The great EEFLEOTOR LÂKP Versation arosc»IYIW 1 'it .~ b~U~l 1ueblýiafe No 1. H9w bright (hieo) 4lb. gi*sl Ie n ldit 8 8 nt tacbon ahi cea iEOO YLS No. 2. You dont iosul-tat (hie) moon Liga îllGEO RGEok St., Jity do y.?7That's (hie) feun Ths 'fl Lnip a iste b6xniinveutq'teilstaà No 1. Tlalnt.-jt:s (hie) moon. " atitf unid i.lonhIi h e a yliredor No, 2. T tell ye it's afin 1i 'Ile'0104, nut supplyitng theo oitonsum<td je oiy No, 1. Vieil, ]pas lnve'(biu) maltera laîi ti vof' k nug roât Variety, atid tb the first Man lieMecl. ' n t ail lpricoq. No. 2. ALroed. a shot a*%s p The îwi! foddîed nione for asotds tance, whepn lhey chancîd to meet a mani wholueii,,ultl i litail ut chali pet ratesq. in éxWct!y îthe anme condition- as thcm. ilefliotors, uiîiiuoym. aluJ ail ochor iîup selves. 'Tie itîdividîital wa immediateiy ~~' trented tri t t. folowinz intprrogyation : No. 1. 1 shny. (hie) old fellow i We'v ! gol inter ittie 'rpute ; wunî Y 10 (hic) 1411P ls ont. Myfilon hem anys ihat'a ilite 1'ritîiîîî l ilkiwisa, î To~ rornto outil, (Ioittting urýard 'toivard Old Sol, îîe &itt,(iLOG Et iil , 'î.'s 'Who wn dhlazing flercely down upon tbem), rdjî<1h..L itigeli1îlîe.,t. and Lia7 iî's the moon, Now- we.!e goitl' î.ll~. I.,tî,,* ti to leuve the malter 10 You. Whatisjei- bbite îîîd et. cii ue î';uta uti. son Oor (hie) mOoortt, i ~t~',i The porion aM'ireaaed bracpti himîci f af ie-S(' 1001. ()O S ter contiderable diffictiltv, atriinat a latîup t'ilPpes poil, and lhctt contutced 10 esriitii±e, » .rt it 'ttitri I .rt t. ntt, Wei Unhe Conti, the krintorltover lhcad- i. i le 't',!ttt' --epee.iog j in editative loie of voitc Sun-moon-(!iic) -ntitn." VIOLINS FOR CORDWOOD, r Afier a short "oticet'nujon," lie exeliîimf. A fn . lit el,\'it lis, Clii ap tii i ic i tai ii ea : Il Fiet im, gentlien, I'm a stranger wittit. Asn,Ilie Striitt!e, &c.e ini Meispart (hie) of tti' eoonlti'y, and 1 l'îîeys'attit iyi erpittirlint nt léinnoît ÃŽli whether h it i eîîtt llio. (hic) ~YLS inoor, i. 43 trpt I. W t)itii Thus te malter wasutitîlî'ide-d, antdi tue haarîed hy (tie îtitisnftîcîtiry renue cif Ihoir nî'nrch tilu .o tttîtit icai otys. t Who t<>alenul-l ed h,? ,Mîîtd Kiscg The Lotidurt cirîesrinderit tif thc Chi. vruc ornlelstl:. o fitllwilig as to iFi lthe I"$lnsof rtopl.' altopatronired ibe IlTetttutn -wi Rintt fighî: Ihavi, otly to add il Tl, bt enumed more joicerccl atid CXfi'ltetrt thlon ZYLORALSAMUM, <t flit he*ween TpilanandîiiTom Sîyrri, in The X55iut .Ãœ4 lePear o~ ti( ltestong, Invigoratung. 3Beautia4. 180 e îphaticaily an arisirorra. iirand rai salng the Kair. tic fiht, Suiu le eîî enhuiîdred or t he Rîtndelnt Il eoft ilIky, ad glossy, and dispaing pi nobility and gentîry eotî out of icr wtîrntuî iirema ma Y deainad position; 4nlokt7 çlaan.Jg upr hêde ýut forot' o'noclcit il(,iiut tiot ty, it 10a rttlultg ta (ttl, 51 inÏP&titgi hbUjhY de, onde, 1fo lie at the ntilvtîç s<ui-m tt i i i leiîî. itiiOii lii lta .. The train tînt écarsieii iltt -e) ile titi' NlYER FAILM15tteeoon GRIHAyIM te seeno or uil)t i, ci mei ii 'iii mlias dis- its Original lYoiithful Color. inm. lnorit, coetteiqlid of thirty fo-i r t-;iriigra, IT? 15 xSA D'nMC and Ilite prit-e of lit-kits ii8d twiahîc 8-')t#WU -IatrertrJlIemeMoft b. Hslîr,gtla There iver'. tof coursp, sotin stitu e-~ M iliîTRAîEqtst, «e V ,in r yl ne- "ruihe tretb uit Ille 1tilii înîjrtiîy "yTHCERiNî urJaiteras Mytacilq Ssty. O» yeur &p M lwîivu 0éo"î, ufîh'I.icîîlr~wî'rAiscemolersof' Ille grcay. id ralla;s. Iuqd Mm 8. . dia'WoM s, Noüoio4't of Lîrds iwld Coînmoiîa, oieera (if I lu ibOfsudseec.ladaullsttiBi o î 1 uir lo reatlee il* l, 511-ilcolci, antd bu sesi ji Govea nmewof tllcira of the arMy oand lii ,t-' ., pnivae geîtleof weaîli.iî,îd, il iil oe t aîe bautAm ing1 ave rultsebes t (i sUi, aFL e ,c le rgytnme i of the Cliirclioftif 2 ... idon -rîlac. l. iter may lie uppoised t r iIA»IEUt 3AND CfIiLDREWIc ba>rve gne ilncog.) 0f corgie, with su50 S 0 bu .ulng, lb. n.istoertîic a cnon'd asthial te êpoliceo Ne ady'.a t acmpsw1qt oi vere comoplaisant ennugh nul tuojnterfére. O yDugMtr"jttl ol The "bosIntblîîod of Etiglnîil hld îrpt-d "I SlALESbucé ', t fltlur îtes, oîîe of ihe lnational Tpiolttî e, Il&I mÇ?ewi stet,Iw ltîy 'ai liiîd iheir amusements'mjusî cot becjinter mi The twà Memr in tiie rintg tigiht have dcstroy-e ecl i iîer' iifc, anti flot o fin e- i or wàÃ"udhave bi'en llfitid, utilt.soâpeî'iîaps, é ccid qkypmu if tlii day bai! hepn goliig '----'---.--i.. l itRntteglh ,Iljîiatnr, bis fr: NEWLE JdRSTR ichebFiasaWri, Etl roEle1 a davo batisl. « 12KiNI.i1k' lZ ASI, X [The lattpr !sîlmî&etnbas lîeinonuoften !ill cltuiui«iISTRgET.TUORONT0 ie tonti'adcied, it vene an vite'of vords t10T &gain d ipno "Acr a(ji-g tri~tîîtlclieuiîetlt a IIy took off bem bonnet, sud lhey paaeed a 1T T O' TA î IC li That question-.îW#ho do y00 prerer in À BOON TO TUE SIECK? lsl geo, mea or my nsotlçr?' aelîieiith@a ituiler. Ite aniîaa.utgoieii itiat i t éeciLthîeill, and le dThe rnîtt i slie s0011 pro1iubed, aîid teaOcohaseii îi'lîflocnc'lue 'ere afterarins oarriei. jOUlA,wasseeiti tbuc at TN)erfol maedtric A eoec piitualist slais etu, have..Lad c omnmuicationts with several riotcd per.. [-sons in theo spirit wend -Lord Clyde, f>oke ofr Ialbihuui, Mary Qiteencof Scola, i'gRîuewaiit Jacksmn 'anti othemi. The -spirit of 'Stenievitîl' tacksuon taieI tîhat lie le nov au Ahoîjîlunis:, but inlimatea ýI' NwQrletni vill be retiabea by the duntedra~a uoti; ILat thc var vili end ln Octoben, 1 864 ; liai. the §Gntli elft.'alim iindepeudeuea, aud!athat t Poionai' viii ho ils boudar>' lina.'ý o Oui eamtnils- ictu tLe affaire of a Loni- don baubm-upi, neçeetly-, sie rediturs dis. qlrverad 'ïhai Lis vife had over fiftytwo ltamd# cf silk inuona dreets. As ie journial- loi ga- ,, iCommni ne ceesaiy * 'i Aons- tthe numuaen of t4Ibut iil of, i atherlamel'sen~oant% use.mbted et Ibis inn1 at Briora lutita veek, le psythîi-iene i lbmêr.. ~voinso f l.y tie of JoI, -Mo)iràaywbo' piid"}mls ntsnuieth yeanly RMSTRAYED OR STOL EN. Cl ?RÂYED ornstolont, itie pmenteas cf LD tihs4hecr about a monlu as-o, a yearl- bred ÂnAiypersnnbrlr-n 11 întu v"thici4enqelunedl ciie uiabi>' re"ded-nid ny.ýémouin whespossaty- mlol themme av b fond.mater tis nlleao LottNoi 9 4 on. Plokanles-. SPomtil off..Gmeauwod. Pickering Il Ji. 6. 8-les. ÀlE OLD WTITlY PONiDt«, ÊUJK K-ST,qWHnI M'ýicufaeinrrsatîd deniers Insu11kinds AGRICULTURAL 1EPLL"ME4 WIIE EWILL Elit 1UXD Co??zkted Reapdr and Mowers,' Four tliSfemniit iidofi o L'wo-horse Wheel Onitivatc y, t IFLUEiNroTe STRAW ANI) I"EED CUTTEI GIANT '1.RAIN CRTJSIIERS, Scotch, American & Canadian Piouig o-f rurioti ýt4 iiii îîîîles; i Steel Plows and Steel Poin M-FA'NNNG MILL 0 ciîfflu'ma, <'oeili ni i> oiaitt*iti, atomeA, of ofr îta SEED AND TIJRNIP DiÉILLS ruttic b i erl) l, 14'tciitlI t greal vomit t ic r ',i ' î't"t' t vii itutltte b ii ;ej't oi.n aîi ttaittg Mitlîic n1a i1 Short notie. 'î'vtin-lili 1e ahur uîei>icei me p li ileîialdii r,Ç'ai]ontrarltar mir IMîUY.NT, "i .ITNd A' >0-1OMaERCIAL C0LLzGý M tiiN'tretTorontto, C. 'W. eirwf door 1<st of lVedlecan BoolcRoc ~t7sAitLili, Eliiu nniriiuît t Brr ni !4n551'uit & Cii5 ,ltit, cf letas-iiatt6 Desin. Yonnei tîin-nmuiti liêe) 4rplbttril fort Theorotical Depantmi-ut. lu lthiadepuirtiiiti it t'î.mttieIiru mtrtiit ivittit mot :nrv Bttîî'îk -kcut Pracet lDeaantmue'nt. > 1, d if i' Ci et' ne tic 'n -l I lu ns titi fit lit s-I le- 'i.- ip t. F.tett g.î,t'l 'il h.4firîît, 1 '1rvith tthe iii c, lp,lnae.I'îctî'.11 lldIailip ,htir 'O >' llOe ,il t atritt tî.îdîui toiP loti ct'ult'ii hrhave liStileasa .09t-ourse. olo.'vuIjetuie. utid tlatil. r'triuia.Fu'y Retidinit rouet and LI.brsari. ottur. 'r taid Imtîniiins- tSbtar 1,%il le uýtret-tilwtt, oî&ýn e irýf-~Ad- siin t l te'lSI.tc-41 rc*ti aed Liht Relenees. va iaiuai' seelîir F.q.. (1. E.; e ki , & Cu, A-taitCnua,,k*, Esq.; hnc. . "neiiîc'If1, FeP.. . N1 TP., Allén Toacleems. Th"lîîtA~li Ï-iýi. îni c;,orînr orl echeér cf 8îi.liSdalt I'nmcllip.-A. :W. t. .. 1.j- t0 artiater: floiuart_ SeUl- Et. u.Ai., ilrCitttr. tiIti foirttc-It.lettantd itîtor (eieloa)iug ItR!AI'ui, tITIATON A DTAY. TH'îE CELEIIRATEI) [boutj avii'a laig u tiIv.etiont p lui lit tige"]ln tfi t'rraluilaltt tvAti- rpt. idtli ttf wj oi ut ltthea fus aul0ther te mattîierW, i it n rlüta nee Lbr-SavingIovention, lat lie loltilt i)vi ritiaqn,-A i01c caf TtintImm-liittî toaMinve altls wiil mri ionslor tit the b.Ordiny l hoti IE , TIIOUSAND .UO PSy niakpet nI iicifront nincti-ix ltu iety- t iaroe; iitthisnharrts ijtersud be. îmr t'ttipp-is-, &C. Wltr( ver the, invar a lian beau in oe, it h*liass-ovu ie mtt COMP14ETE! A778FACTIONI t'iît.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~prpieo uneleuoi h rtsîu.eesenî'ln.a. ii l t niiito, çtmif RivenT , viiita te uthi iiefor hi* o-coititra anti nio ie>' lost', b>' atai tîlo i, Ià u i o «eýT e 'ti. c lintý. Ot-lt itle i cunijiiete wvun o rd an hmiii eoii le iietcfs otuét-èa"tuem. FIrittil>', teSleauu iCc lad oop lace. cf he itiigi'ratei ercsthr ilofiiieii,îuertbof et Iesys. vondicof th-b es-e, u n tenunpéoloa wlisatils- ta-m. eeaist4,-ate uir ieik oe7AL ,4,ucnuew.f- y me>'practical man. Ttcreaî aerscri. f Iti, ctrifliet >ieila qateka>' 10 Aridmtw Gais-ei Welinton Sq'eae Winr-. at coursowGtihe ait." c ellw-anmd theadipuqîivé Gcr. Q et ýAt'blec1ïeuîSkIîrr Stt saatre clureul inilir proer loir; un mavrM r l -isiicn l s' W.t&îlJ. îe-sYork svn- iid-îasape tht. Jiytimaof islesa artuhita il- tý Milfs. Tons-a Strct, riine otie îan'î aîatpt5 . I - -1 , Apply 'h4dIv, Gelieral Débsilti-ad Weak-es& .- ,, ' J 1"41lxe s-cui tvteteeîea or. idesciam. ant irlOeuhr,1858.- -etiier igiir a d*e I Wer, «aç t olr dsorgila. - tui.- hi Pito C ai n6 i ti eternt rem- .PÉRoNIX 'cercu capocWaniiiasu! etasasisî ni rt'aohitNsa, - 14ttinii tetius truba beithe , . 390Whumai SKCKL~I' F JJiAL Ht t i~, ' '-i. -~ telV~liut-c i aeî "va ta.' i-~-'iiait~i'aîi t - - - a - ' -~ n.L~L~± -> r - - AT Wnteliîmnker amd 'levo1i]lAr, t Brook srete, lVliily. E I ag 0f Oetuiten 11h, 1868. 3 tior9 eitapseti Manthati li 1-'ipr -- meule s iitd lu îitéÏDkd t IBeibhÏdure the ; airons- inca ilu Ibis Nonîboru eliîiiîe. Tailors, Shoemakers , gi'-y. s fond nu pcffiîtg, as hi'tvoîîé é te et, end hnie s-ci thebhast ]Bufiders, Dres s X kerý, ofreputaticn qllovnr Cfasda. Inteudies- pur- and IHoadsîôfÉ àràu as i-if , -w- , GolieraIlyý' :i ' t Ulaertianeany otler honute i l1hConnty, li at WANZAR &cCols. SevisgMoeiie A r r Ofillic',w Iiitav, antd secle is wge ai,%tcÉtinoitt M . 'ns Old Stand, o)fFatttiiyaîîîMi'ttictîtî-liUta1vitit- r-a te tln'.'Depîirîmtitiii utrfiavur. l'ie Tin andiS]clii liesa s EI IN I~ M ~ fN E , nl1i Io etrricoloen by htimeiitui. Wlit l abetliinpros'eiients und t-ialoy pniea.- COUNTERFETS.-So~itne vile avindIers JAMES IL. GERRIE, hebelc01 'îiiis-off' tîpou I tii tlî-lîititotcf e ntfrC oyltt ly - t itt (tîifillixi iU1tcTltOiof in),cil' uyîtivemi te nt gentcftr 2i, 1862. - ct*ieliea-olil tiv's PiIlse 1111 îintmot. i itîre- - ei 4 16.fore icarit al l 'ruzgit-ia, Aliîthnetiriea, (tie.,À t lttt lieve 1 i-lieed a t.iitPpn gjctim' eîîdia THE UNIERSAL ild iciave aeiîatged thze wrattpoPt, &', Mtnt THEUNVEU L ,ltileetclinl'ail tomii cc Idifferune tii'tveuti the ,il ci t-l nI lite i. Ttterelr omsdioa will The ociy Wti-igerwiîh the Ilire tîîold styleîo liqnd, if4'lo titeunvtti 0O0-WtUýEL REGULATO ie nyowl tb toii I twii 1plvaylhetOlitItt4 îîydc'u)tî ttîand eki a r~urilu tu Il e tfumatlie t d v 0liv i enb 864-M 80 lNjAdeî Lime,, Nec Yîîrk;. - - - OUSB TO, ,LIT. t Save MTme, Labor, (JlOiý & moncy [Tî t roîial cîni uttit nliatbi,'Wrlus-er lifir éoi.~eplé. pàanîtttlinCea more rîiitta'frîit,,eapaittylfo- pjre»niimou uver c utroletl.ulitait am othef miiachîine nbalt,î. Tt wtI trecar for years witboul repair. No Servant c-on break Ii A ihlid elicif yearg oldcau operoate ai. No0caution or %kilo req1q"rein la lsus. Il xayq ailssoqit la Cioiis)nu nveny ine or twelv mueottrx. Every Wrinceir wih Cas--W heelos !s farroiute lfit e-vers- paîlueieir. 'flic. UniverA,.t Wrniptr tetuk the -FtiiT >l0!41DIt'Mt Silier Mmdi nti liiî)ttlimi. iA te New Yitîk Mato VtFir. 111. andi va', peu. aittîiec inupvenrirl,'ail 'tliers iii thc Wni tl'a 'i: at ltLtondn. i <4i2. Cesuvassens Wanted l1nfvery TownatI ýannela. tithl., V rnýtiw tltdie pîriéï W ox t4haii eeia'e the Wrinegr b'Eîttna tr'pri) -uit. Geal As-ente. STOVES! 1 Tfle T W van,, &C., eau le stein litiheStore ci thi. ttovoq nft-rer>' estyle ltend qualili an t n&ai rt-icesi. 'rTieo 'pelairncapattanitiSteve &ÃŽ, VII m~apâi a &UIv -l hitA bontrinitcuiluitattopi. e,îien vanlellos: T179 KINGOP F87027E.5e IRON DUKE, t 1ArV('jRak JOIN BRYAN, FRESU ARILVALSf PROTEMTONlS7', t.I Cai; ndit 'ee. Teas, Ooffoosý, S ars, Rios, An., vibot. fer ehoé.s %ý 4 , 1e4tt bc cutdoile iiite COiI1nyt CHAs OesPvo £AS BesI am ia f Fîuruly F Sc r Ja -te rial andtbchontvtut'ei. A large auJ uevas- ins 14n huino o trtda fe te., guod BrokS1 .1A T 4ieirabloie rRn-(close tvo T'ss on îîiew rieli i)wiiiit Zîî S mI ie '0 x 40, viiith flood Coltiri, tDiîil- (0)1 teI ý, 6 if "-tooleitg, Clietaîla,lttiiu.&. The ciiiga oo7ô it lin, lIt 6tîittinl îî n n tln helis-it. "hère e la na ntuuiolokiteltiat- ttairliccto theicmain huildiitir. iii.the premi4em 'ber.' are-n eliod a"ot llale tt1idl eeli)liongs (W, OX'Itcttc i&Aer î eteceite, iI.. 'table tii i rcspêtblej*vote ticlit.'rTe rihitiveojx, àuit'Ite'an ilht f y. ýi it ea r an liiiia triét!t, andtî e ir tttoc ueotre btilo f thetiToivn nt 'lt1tithy. 'hIit al tirekitt te',tt'icd lv J.i àî,Siiier, Uit1., 1'. L. S.Pos.eeejîîîî 01 i o ltfiJiun. 4ppliutiu ornlshamâdc. tu lte Iîtniîieicr, JOHIii(iLP, W. u,îil. tfit-eili. t Ir te ut WILLIAX TI 1Whi tby, Joly 8, 1863. WiI1 find eXCellent and Coflvenfient acçomnmodation. SWithim a Few Yards of the Publie, Hall. Frivate Parlors t NÇI)d)iUiTT> îîlu gn .-lcuiof te Tfiird CAPITAL £100,000. lrotumaiie,-eeteucion lHittiliti,. amo hicit uAluiltn. Ever,' itformatlionî euîpîîied on ai- -10IN AGNEW. Travoiiiis-As-art, itîroilt 'uîret, Whtitlt rT'ilK*ai,*crtcr lu in riituir - imts tanke k foirpiîtl'vons, l4cit to lattorîi lte tiltahi- barbuo of tliii',Tuttiantiatmnoiiiî,in countrf, diat lie witî1hi lhappy 'tc îtîî,ud te ail or diens crilrutted to hie cure. Teetti îiuterted onuold, Silvat or Vuleacuizeti Rallier hc. 41 W. lCA . MONEY TO LEINt) TN autuftrain #25q te 82000, l'or 3, ï, or 5 011 vean iie, >rçpenîy.a I W'àiu ndlld L tt3,"in ehitatitîI»Intnita, '1pIy, (if-by lttoer ià-'pnid4) 10 - M&. WEBBER. UCHAÀRGES NO IGR TRA TR THER HOTELS IN. WHITBY. lJACOIR RYA-N5 LAT9 iiDoNVAN i, %ALKk't & CO AND MAXUFACTURER10,F ~.RAS REXOVED-'To )FOIWý*6 LD STANDI ~ - f .. -' BUQJf TREET, WITIIBY. H 4ohlîn:x, and , eôsti4mtlyt ianîtfhotuing Oîtttemn Silie, l ligies, &c)of th c iatet.î tyle, and most spprovdtl lihâtei-n, fro.m thW esoiivinflteri- ta$ and choicost wbrknion; and hopee by Stricut attewiîion to bîtîltiesato e iit, n ahane of public patmIonage. O> ew good eemod hrtnd Cîîtters-n hiitri'. -v vo DO{YTOR PAVI-S, WA<Z syphilis and oller àjgl YIBRST PRIZE ' m! imagsa- ~private, Nat r, ., ,' At hi#_ee, c 1kt nBy s WIq filE an dad.54, (utpaefe tairpaeuonaI Mela4SL lie o Kaoi d yoitlsatd'M tir t mfeitg ftlthe vàrieouw wP -l - -MNUACURRO? ÂLL KI&I)S (4'l"177 âmal AND Offers foi sale a very lirgaêexcletasnnelo SOFAýS. I31 UREAJIS, 'LOUNGES, BEDSTEAIs Tables, Wardro s' hatêc'D èsL>'inl GasBook Cases, Mattransce, Par- loir andDraw1 g Ro 'Cars cktgaârOfethas'Cnéù*d hirsToilet Tbles , 1 I tau s . n c. t rn an d tyanla reati>' rduoedpioe, 'Wanrnýem ted l viesmd f h est material and workuvasip. HJ-erePeellyivI Sn examimîiu f hitek. avery artticle is jnanufaelured undàer hîs'-owu supcnritendence, anq qeni be depencelei tpon IJPHOLSTERY1 IN ALLITeS BIRAÀNChÉËS- Cal! andi compare, and bo salisfleil be!re you go elsevitero? FUNERALS PULLY 5SUPPLIE», Andl everythinginje cUndertaking lineo bebaitadou lte hort.eei notice. Coffins kcpt curielnntiy on baud. WARE MOUMS, Noý 4, Brook Stret, and No. 2, (loumuaStreet, Forai v 0mi orf iuotUvee..... . For itilt' titro o ie fiur Rviwa. For iî> alîncof îîî le fuirlsia.. -.. 1. For alfîîo'tt Maxiei. . ..,....1.' For lhIutckvoioui'i a-li ,"itu.".......i Foir 41'Iîvot1 tit tti Ufou s,.î posaite l'or tîtu wliîu ilvtIe lerIotbii.ia im -' LON;vtflSCOTT & CO. il)iîtlëiiota1 9 Wnlk-er St., V, n. - tait titan>' 1>' eue 'Tue -i--J l7PPoCitai a fa Reietry aliuî'1'atelitoluOi0o, i orîto Chiatî ala Jcoihorne'$tîcolt- Toructo, C.W.3 e t-' t I je'1 mns-~ morganatic bsbnd - 0 r a i.oîz rrtnen,' I ail! - t.i»a, ~ ad Mt a*,i ue Ijo oaoeiîlî4'by it ii ndrhilleiBand. , it> 'cor torit u iietps-eei iodrs a-i îTh.'tÃ"ebratodi Gë#erai On r - (IUFS ell r,,~ioi'1eha,,runttiitg It' rKregtuiad.a1i-1eifdiof1to84ý3WnUndis. 11t ratei eeylîcti 'Ãœfor 4 iln titiida lwiîialnaretntd .Front tiunds -of tesitdtuntali a l '1 offie of tIiiiiîîtuduile rerit dy, tho fQiiolV. ikh ba'oc nealctod i - "ýI ]lavouacti youir 0cIIèIO antsix yetur4 a, sd oquaiiy gi ent applled 10 lnaitor heant."t Tel A.Rew s. JM SREL "Intr tttee to you, ît as a dnty I O-iý*P pubhlic. t. I it lris-uitt eecintctj yIra delîûhritîci <1rînai (liL, ' liltlô girlgs-t se- yrl nte i-atîe eîrd Iiceriiig, .lanoar3' 17, 1861. n"Dril.-iî jutlee. 1 l, auJ th put,- lic inî getrti. i tliiuk i it Uto reomtiîaî yeut 9cettttracîih CirtniiI, i'îîfr- lii.elîre o! en-ii, 'tîuea4, roul'item, ï&e., is tiiîl Ilt ciotu iithernpiietl l t nli orbeat.,.-. p WEEIL R. 1100V EU., DctutSr.-Ig 1 jtî'aticcylu,n ticatdcn g 0tltp i ove tii I,-titulie, I tliîitnkilri;zbt b t c ltelil %, riittr ,le'riited Gerinm iitiO , for tiir iîre of fioeýt Itlem. ente, hriiites, udjt ooru aurt' D A'NI El I 0IX'E il. l'iekLritg, iliiîv182 - Ct cttt'eu I-ttt atutIriiioltins- i4i-l r wîî yttcîe <cl i i tiirnce.,1 %vite il1ket lu try yctr l tir cuail i, tutii fl i 19W eiti)t;ai ly eturctl." 11.9 JAMES FITZGYIBBONS.. if tb lritt1(: cil iiiis iithe ICoII7IlV oîirttily elebîilctl ii'îttii ut ce.ervos ce 0 ~ ktioîvîi. '1 iiuelit roittu'h iiidetig tolne., kind. 1 ittîve ilsitiit.i liihcuitre of alita, bita. 9hou, froi4t ltta. d&c., iicdl alau> iii area olIins- istonulirt it IWilotner faileci Lu etrl'e ett e't." -To bo thl atu I ai itst, ca,Lte prin.' 13 IITIS I-I -RErVIEWS. N ïr E V( ,Iines' or ttteaî retî'owueti ,Peicil . ,e- wVitT dià ?u R'evInw (Liber a!). 13c.C:woOus EoîNui&îrm~at-îs-s-(Tory) - Prie.stfoi la be istcre.flA.sjd Postaqge ttabe re 4eedi1 TVie pniem. ull tig liîrctufore, vi" Il z T , d mammumb" 4!!ýý ' ' 1 !'" vi J <' r Qio B N Uc BD FI 1 1 1 1 . llýîr 1 .L , -Iwx %%ý . 1 .1 9.11- 1 . 1

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