I - -- Présh Tssu and afe-.~brs P1nassn liafdfq-Ç. ~r Rsady. nT ga(le l-'amitn &C. -Tesanad sir-Jsmes Traam. Cohl 011-James Broum. Caneest-Wbi infuBrsa Bandi. Pe0snsihP-Mýr: Campbell. Chancery Sisý-J. B. Greouwaod. Bsorbidltg-I. J. Otta. ssOh)O te an-J. H. Greenod. Btggy and lareu for Sale-W. Macdon- ad. l#ot-.i-(r. mis. 'Parsn eLt S. Day. liarté far Saie_--Wm. Lavreuce. seimg Off-R. à 1. Camîpbell. Bemainder afýi' itor Stock ut Cos-R.& J. Camapbell. Maney ta advaee-0. H. Dartneli. $1Y i50 CENTS A YEAR Whitby, Tliurrtiy 'ebruary 11, 1864, Âppreheuans isi France. Frace bas litn ni sa nived for twOvesr s as uby a i'e'v vrda frtîtu a lite. rar man a fov eeki aga. Tbe miais, il il trie, M. Thiers, the greatest living bis. laiaai' France, bb hias ile pawer, save among tbe -Gtîverumeui Opposition, whlob aMi terribiy in tbe miuurity in the Frenoh C lambers - The Cougrets, Mexico, Poad am ae rowu naide. -even thre Italian Co îspiracy la denooîiced as noue aaibet aniy gotI up for ilitepurpose ai' dividli à attention ai' the PuIblic. M Theirsbus beau a praphel.Ilie foretold --te fal a'of ia îPhilippe oUalm-any moulus before il happened. Re maý be saidi ta ps-iioet he same fate for tbe proseul dynasîy unlesu a greaer extension oailhet t>' h avardesi ta France. lTioefare vo Sr,-On yesterday, a frient i par--tiin stsednet- vnder - tira flnapariis, Or- ni>' musa a cap>' tf tire WbiitvGa-ette, I«ieo, Legpimista, Redi Repubions-in Pa""ingta. short pariegraph reloative ta facýarde ofli sadeof f oinio-, isel. w ir e siaie<l vai mu>'public usa, prtis a' al hads -i' f oinindesîi-kneil. Ou looltinir' aî rhr pararyraph fi-oictihe deepemi dye ai' rrimsu tu tahebe comîsi unl viev iit itiresasie ligit viîîm Ãet it ol f blue-shoald "vait upon' ru>' frieui, samd ince lteoparagrap ilu short tli r ôtr a'a man aho dos nat foar ta 1 giro il in fuil: bard lb, lianin lu is sin, sud 'Ppear, "0f lie course talcen 1»' Mr. liretiur, thaugi tlb. e eertuluupon bita. WhtiMr. Tbampson's colleagite, vu have no de. -sire Ita uperk-if Le lus alimfles, by se tis pestad cannai, yeî ire keova n tire Lave no reasan tir cotnîls.in. Ris conuti- Csas-of lb. Taileries bas aituesu elietueri erbapu viii bave a vtrt or tva ta psovouorfiris mental gludialar, awhick s55>'ou lire simijec." îi cousis bua ppraved, but tire thumir las Nav, Sir, noufatas e fr.'Thamupson is1 sotItespa frt, ns al -uc ait cncurned-iu my estimastion, bu standsti, - m bou pt fothand H Fanceswatebigh asean>'mtinahutho 1Coant>';bai -1 brea*hc1m the. mavemeni ai' ritllitie voalsitell tihe Gatte thà t hrincples vitir mucher o« viicli bangstire dumuiniesu ai'me standerau i bs-er linan tearmbitîin as emirleasti>' hc,ai' tirhe wr-bt. ai'Mr. Tirompion, or- bis intorasl antimine botb combîneti-air s ea fet- as caring lie. Dreedfai ieeWden t e eGrans!Traak.foen>cuCî,ei lcacredsii -Tires lîvs lesttîby havins- lia yard or tva-to lay un> ëoendutrà i boui>' s day Titrust rîtl ive À frighifâl i u i î ucmrred on tet ir e e. wth AI.dueeffimVtfhUs e iy Grand Tiank RalwA>', o o -on ibl,«xc olaue odmsl ing, a théid.b-ge-'*ser lbo rise re di £second tonma ninltbetir owq#bip, and îif - I ara ual mail xtremèl'r isti theîb sert distance fn-an Geargetovn,,is>' vicictrattpayeru ai' Broýuk bold -me it b sa *hrws-nï n pia>'s ai' useCampait>'met ettinîttion. Aussiif dia varda i cr sonuar', lte Dame of fHeury b. secoitd'ta noue'iii tue f h5 aes~nexi Jansta frbm the pr b. bas avar. )rnot mafrflcing tair pr-iteî' y 28, 1ý864. -sursonend lite s-s lb. freeam of lte Pr.as i'sappylng f«t a nov Mai Applicsthssu tiitii. salis b.enprojetioodb>' the, rPreu. Andtinpiis speech, irang>'censureS tire.' t; ha tom meats prejudicial v!biléie euae vas sade- iin ecosuiteresi tira miren b>' tib. Praia, oas-bt 'O r , Cat ýot- ?m p a sr irid lisi irai tise' i 4aWIt eir duot>',- kuavbis bisani! n;ibut tl>'n ms rp publie estic. -siCspbell, a ge-tee. ouf inn>' yesraexpeiece' Bis systee, vo mnderstanil, tohiwwuý , ei WeOete tir -veet i~>thse 'b Tat' asrtc elkCsm.-A mule fniai ýbeen grantt-d hb> ire Jusgean tire ap- plication ai' Mr. M. C. Caniera fr <tra nev trial. Thet. rgumgent upon lthemile grant. cd in expeetusi tataiedre aices"dy aria- Tucà u on tCarigx'.-l'ar an excellent ar- ticle vo cas veli 7ecomeaid ulie amu raeyestabtiuhmat. No 4, Laîag's b. fodred s lb.Cgaalyisc,affscý vbere Le is prepareti ta exerenîs- i Mu&rsioai'bois' The Prernioe trl.tesepis*f lte ehutte TiePrMier lu tryhus- tg pus>'the Siennte gs~ foves-1 asoa 5r PsS, iecol. 1os-ai' Onas=,t St. Caiberin, hasisg lied, reeeutly, Mr-. SUnd5ld XMaid&r dbu affiresite apinut ta o xr. Sinipson mienember fer Nusias., Mr.>Smp.on cpr-atsioeeî inmbçr ofcm 'eOppoulrioF% mcd' buis pnrrs-bgme Ç!Qulddipninlu lis, irpagili attre tsogisuiiung ai'thse 55Q of ,parlimamnra.tovole, viile*,a ue alec uibes- upporte .ig lslesed, Ibat Mr Simnpsan bu cet to e ireSoiU4.andti ti be-Premlier 'valii h abiesita ir>'tire -itîe af. bis sysesi ai'cars-iptlan ia au. i Town Co»Ul. -t s: si et Town WallWbiiby, gonda> 'beeaig, Foi, S 1864. ITb. ýMayatoolr ite chair ai half-pusî a hai.PM&ssaiMesmwBt-avir Caserduit Casapirei, Deverifl Gamin, Gibsoit, Rave, and Tbew absent, Mr-. Per>y. rua e vs-s-rIas, Dr, Ouit,, br-ougit op lie srepor-t of lîs aemittreqn5 sd, oin ntiontlation- el, vnt i*lê,eamuti.e le .. Mo. 1 Mabc 'A .4 lais-. The -ur*ot tated thet tbse erasl4tes i'und ikîýeeer.ry to ge ttre. of the Topa pa erepais-et!, iide vas dope Ai useffeuf1t 04W($5M xhd 9w Mr. Drethaur land bis consttuent$* In reply la a paragrsath la-atr towai ?outomporary, threateuing the dapaly reeve ai' Braclc, viib pains sud penà taë$% :)ât tb. bandasai' the ratepayers ai bis township, for bis vote on tire arderssip, Mr. Bre- thour pubuîshes the spluÃ4d 1.11 »1 belav, sud vhicb vaîrld bave appeared la wmek,, ýbut, thst..lî - ýwas Mad*efiaaiy everiaaked. We do ual desire ta detraci <main, Yr. Tbompeoa i'aMeris-such as -they ame. a# lu a Muatan,'ofgetlemnaniy, and v.iy conciiialory manners ; ehas-q made a-alvte r tyea-toelirt Caan¶y Caunail, snd La -ibe bead of bis owu township, belie , 'we iave uô roseau tî doubi, ased ilu lrartsactiug is buh- nen satisfaeoariiy. For ail titis liebas enjoyed, ai leamst, bis fair shoreo f honorai aud Ibose vha difred fr-va hlm luà prli. tics ungrudgiiigly' assisted 'In cnnterritig lbom upon hi. But Mfr. Thomup5on lisu nai ropaid this gouerasilyinha hid. Ho bas talion adrantage ai' bis position, as roove'ai' the Conservnîlve tovuship af Brock, and uuited upon every occasion vitb tire polilîti apponettis tf the majori. îy aof Ihose wham bhotrepresento ;-be ibas made the township ô( Brnak a shopping stone ta Clear Gril alihticai tîinmpbs. lu thas acting, 'vo tbink ho catnnai ho fairly eaid ta reprOsetrt tbh - eeeli1us and senti Meula aof the people nai' taltownship. in titi course 'vtich be tah-es. Mr. Bretitour, an the contrslry bas slvaystdone'rra. Bis ais bave been iuvariabiy 'di(tiaîcd iau a regard for principie, lui hi's'rhees on Muni. ripai affaira. Wheu principles were ai stalce, ire acted ap Iota bet, and did raot alhow bimselI' to he .Swayed by petistnai feelings. Wile icM. Tham;îsou lent liii- selft tasecure Clear qlrit victorles, Mr. Itrethour fever forgot that bu %vas a Cou. serval*ive, aud ibat je represented a Coin- serval ive tovînhip. Tihe tirreats ai tbe Gazette, iben, vbilet ie tbey mL'lîîn-Iia ply wîth much farce ta Tgr. Thomin, are aitagethur futile, sud out aof plae, ho fat as Mr. Bretîb3ur is canceruesi. Ttc foi- ia'ving b tire louer ao fMr. lirethatir 7'o the E£"r of the Whitby Chrouidle. lime latter surn anti 'ise-rgln i Irpsum-r'se bands, give a îttai' f$9150,05. Tiregoma- - mîttes estiniateect-ipte, _'Goernme6ft 'for crlurinel justice, $4400 n ; estazitt fues, Cai SG;fffeajury fare, *50 . an<rietner8 iioas-,$1 ; ght à ,- grand îtotal It#14 00oý5Q6 îand îldAcuting fa-ont vbicIr $5262P d'ehIo 14Iý slready pald b>' the Trosotr-the pré- of the s-s oet ye on. ob!alir te Coutyl>'eavom brv b laplrifeo', faô ,hé icogtt>' pûrp. or hf5 1,854, 1,91eposr. raon tIis stateatet lioeoniiuilteea> i a-- ibis îecsora-y aécourinolsatibà * yul ut se. a'g,1 qulmdt dur-iz the portion of ltb. >aar 'un- ane Il tii 111. Pn s wnîfor 1864 becoômu i 'a' M.- able ;aniti b.e Mmtie eoicuted isat ont vas i al~Wsd n d Casier>'Trouat-r b. t-ose andi Babpkof Voit I trestWbiïb , for sncb - . putiirulaiouas imeCa'n1îy u>'reqaire on Mo att-It the- Stmme- Sessirior ai lie COUn-,Mm)(r ii il -»ai'1Mes-i., - Itat on the- 241h% of Anîr-et,'189the ley>labI, Co"untY 5Tsemsrer it1setih;riswarrant ta lbe, polatedti Ab.rbffîîrizing . o ibea3I' Ifertaini lUs i shýmij i'am uppali taxels. Th' eitrurant lucluded iarr>'faI'il n thbe alaagsreiplbsansi fos-tho e rollovun, aMurtus' Bracs, $187,82; Scott, P6~,25 Scs-a-,$27,13. Pickerins-, On ni ý$4,8;Thorar, $4 61,11 Utfbrisige, puesesi au Id ~0,14 -,Township oi' Whitby, $114,66 -- utyi l!on ai' Whitlay. $, 1 iMacs, 41 l47ý 17 at R11amna, $307,71 ; Beach, $751,63 ;n t> -Tbsi5îe sale vuas s rtiasd for't1 eb.' $30, Tf l 186, andi aov stands adjoarnedtill- M.W lWaorîIY5firet day i'fPair. ext; anditi t ectsi Iîeldonst>' Ts-eauwerinsfarus l he Comm t s i seè itat ?bo hbunol 501 u-ecoivel aq , ts- fýtbOi of te praeeà s ofiaid sale. T4mqJwîqty Tt-euffltr rpctta the credliialt; it ~o îu.stosl-rd&t Isbfnir 'rd. aonn Pr-e.T>ci b0é le rjaisar>', -186,ý 0ise fouliisg j. ho whvl'ch:4lieý, comte ra, rconsmendt ets to e paid O. QVtivth îe (nicipltiesenr F1FIIIDAY. SaîundavJr aamtsy.30. :11l met aut 9 a'cîock. «Il afier<îothe Ws- k-<the therfiS~r' ctmuiffetitlon- boen ressueS et commuîttieni the h. e>eri ,.lerclauses ai' the rp la lts ias-t,-r elath-ta tire sale 'sitient npsienteti lansds for taxes, discussion baiagat-isn, a ron sa-r-,' go bave tho etanse utt-tck i, repos-ted sire repart, vwiieirwva )pied viIrtUt frthet' anendmrreu., e. a upecial carataîttee, conuluins- IGanuble, WreIgjt, Guy,>', b-iit, to ouquire anti reparu us ti tire hy'i'&te - g1 - h' sluaI.. tOi Olion ai' 5fr.Orarisealto itbaa-lshagIrle !Pmytaet t hie rossas-ofi".21>0 tse ts Coun ty 1r-ai Bariety ai' SantOnGars-l; t4e Xà tsth,'4ldi ' k Sociot>', andi ecli afi'ý 't lavttip stacietios ai' lips-ah, aud-mars sud Rama. 'ite andti'. Nelson ade i'. enti, as it.sirourîsibe, tiere vero ut, inilica. don oat f aq'y *eimeaiticu oefpajitica1 pss-ioè tai rjnhosa' relig; ions secte, ua defeat tire Isonevolentoiject coanîempiaîred. T is pleasiu. ta s. Vr-10à s'af'I$u-elde- ýnomininrs mcmiiah sncb social eatlierfngs aSvet-greans %ad, i> 1s-rban" wva Mrost uumpfsions .roepaut pr ovlded b'-5f. TInt encLsting music, ansi ivireteml . 4y thiat -Wtlid rfsla- tiilips oc i me choir> vus mt itirriiusgansi dendr-sasti>'I tire liéeoasai'i, oucasion. Tirespeecheg -vere, lnteremting,, asii u sanie respecus'irigbly smu8ing. One ofj the speakers obsees h s ltasth ire s orftsai Pras-idence vere vriu1-aare-trt virile esane e rsoasbaS nthe charm oai'beau.- t>', ailiers hiaSîtrhe talent of belans- musical'a1 ibesu ves esîtlesi£md csluv -Tire chair camiti ual bat have been -- uusedita iërare ir anme upeaker atiti uat Il o bave- an itiuahce ai' ibIs betora n-ont' tiu 00t sians.'s.Bot beembulos thils e4ueimqaî. naisi What sha lte Young Prince bo ctlled t Ã' 't7lfless b. son of the Prince af. 'Wlsrecelve smani ppeiltitle by crea. lIont it ApJari ýtt'h*alt'will bW or hp nefiete ,prscedent we mît go 40k ab6ût 125 yeRarm, sihon lberft we av j.ê a pri , ' orwaide, asu en, eldeut son atbe Prince aof Wales, ,htd 4iving.,,,Tbutel *det *son. 'rrfterwards -Geoge- that being ou oet the inforiollg&les borne' by bis father, Frederich ýPtrçe ofýW&ias, If ibis precedeut be fôftioed tu tif pýeSeii' IUriiA i ifâhtîlrïce 'viii be usuel EaW'of Dabiilu4tiha being r1Ëe onlv'inferior tille of the presein Prinçc ai' Wales which is net, ruatenably sttache4 to ým, es eldeat ,son of the reigiaing Sovereign. In default' of this or soupe tille by -creatian, it would seem< ho wdnld -b. called Prince A. of Wales. Sonne persoîts assert that il viii be Prince Albert Edward of Waies, shilat othors thinlç that he 'viii recaive me sncb deaigustion am D uke of Ooriw., Dor Dake aof Gloncester. No donb. however, exisas that bis juvenile Royal flighness wiii, like his father, lie namned Albert itdward ; but it is, perbapa, not sa univeraaliy knowii titat theonaine by whicib the Prince of IVales wii sscénd the tbrone (inay de% day be. far distant 1) viti be Ring- Edward the Sevenili. Itla 5said that this wau the ex- press w.sh aof the taie Prnce Consort. Tise "Grand Mit,ri;tl Dinuer.99 OOUNTY VIO'UlaIL. vbaiever vay it ma>' ho settied, l ir hee lCaunuii adjouru it, stand adjonr ned te opinion ai' yonr cammiltee, that setulement Tuesday the' It 'ai' Jeue. Jaauary qems*4o 1864i muet bc made by tire Caunty Treauurer, A,.iésolidojpas e' a py the- esseil anY.sd viraily ai bis avu cash.",. gçr- ~50p ~~0tf$1H The report conclnded viti 0 ofotoving 'On lire js thgeç j byt.ow founded %PridaJanuary ith o evn aragraph :-"4Cap. 19, 27 -o.Ãet pcth eata'.he o mmtele an (&ncts~$ ~ cdta 15tL Octolier 1863, meta">at resI tire IIaan~sd Bridges. ,,Mr. White,, naved case-id - question oailnbility for taxesof non-rosi- sevoral resoint1ons hntho . endeavor, te-de- Mm.Gi>'brI5ugilup horear i' die dnt unupteunted lands, prier la -so Jau- feat ii, goiugr over t1rel sanie arguments stainding comiittee on printing, a i nary, 186-1. Yonr conimittee'recommenriesi seri in the discussion ai' the report,bo mallô ti e Wurifèll'wrt ritir atliriî 1 t -ttbe-anyTeeer'" nlm la t-wte-iscesn<e rtbt-f Ihorcaa,, M1t. Qrtniamîni ttc chà ir.* 'Tire >rorby ino#trçeW, adrl&urtarhed ta caunel anutr i-liis .seonoder ,Tit. Gambbie, repart was adripted without atrendrtent, taxes on, nupatentesi, sud unaccupiesi ta vole vith it i upot I wo Occasiotns, andi andcmouîeidd pyranlftril;eJi Orrs lands, prier ta lot -Tannary, 1863, upoian threuat motirn, Nr. Saugsler deserted aconit 15 4.;~~odu~'350; 'tchvranaifcofjcrifâîsidüruCL sn_ t rwere but rt#,mover andi second. Mumdy.flê;- U~ san, $ 12;~lots. on vbicb tÊe tixes are'la ho asucel f. or i favar aof the ameudient. 'fic report furtherîsetiortthat-tbiccom- eir'oh n 't fC~ain riIu milie hd pacet hi'ao Ihni it1accît Inlacamlnittot Mre Pýry.fi r éxilainin,,rby 5Mr. Gainýl', 't uni1'ajund . f M5r. îi*it jr,,fne'l)iêtiing sr>:ndthing thre itemsntlie repart, ,complimnethe b 20'copiesoa hé it report of Nir. Kéeîcr'a clhieecy ai tire navi>' appolutedimgi. Pickering Tawiisltip Council. sureof a' nal raoite from G(eorgian Baiy tae b etdi> uaîeCouni' - la Lake Cintrla teattiga'1 tht Treasur>' numerous fiues, sud soie af Manday Februar>' 8tt, 1864. there %vas aisea a frrtiter stim of $75 ex- thutti ofzir stli gnjount. ho stid. ',Ho The Picl<eiun rmuilmtpnia-th pend .e w 'iit thre approbatibru tf'the War- sd nmc e C6nclme pruà ist ien b>' Mr. Xei'er in aîaking sortie adi- S >' vir wetfter itis vas Ovhng ta tire adeurnmiert. dilional eîrrvey befare sahimitting bis re- euccs icieo Q the sharp praclica, Members aIl preseul. port ta priaI; tîtemie wiih 500 coloreil ai thee mungIstrates ; but in respect ai"fiues M1inutes of iaut meeting rend aud ap., mips. nt a tone estimn earLof ,ýin, a'ili the Cnbnitý Trpneurrrr'e waqns h îdi- provesi. nînrka theîr ibai roýt-&ofnreports. &i-. $325, 'MIr-White enquirrtie hite cliairmnan Putitions jir"eteiteil ai'Nel-ion Otapmnan. that lihe rcports %were neariy raady for dis. ortIhe enmnmitteo Lad rmade up licasti- andi a'iers prayinrg for soute sîteratian inl tributian. antrlthie marain i te tîsadeof Mie dvio e..9b M.,Rih the lithoalmtrsndtI rrild lire anfiv ao yvto N~3 >'5r aii, bcfo.re the 1meeting of Parliannt. a-i d I- -r iv>' yreplied by rt'drîraitlnfing -,he Jîîliunr Dîvideîoir tandsiotiirs praying for recomnienil that c-len read>'for d.-liver>' snqanin repl>'ta Mr, Whltp, 5fr.aid Il)tIMr,;. Hardinîg b>' 5r. Ballard ai' lune clrirnirn tof the- contilte rave an .Pornr>' also sttt-sithat pet'hnan n umai'Araird. Thomsoan sd ' air prayilrg for order for te -runotînte dure. Trha corn- frlim $6,00(0 ta $mO0roulitlit-! requiresi nid la Mrs. lCriiiredy hy Mr'. Wlxiratî tf miitee recomnrendcsl int tenders for frai thea Bank-, tii can-y the Treasurer iJear-g Strirclan anr oters for aid ta priating tire jirrrr.l.q the prescrit ycrir theourl i îh tIre Countir Fiitances rintil' Mazutis Sîvanson b>' grt. Wuxrton. be ~ ~ ~ 1 a1mami'rle nc nita i i-l thre Couru>' l'axeýs lrCCann aarlînlle ; theti ilt'MecCreigirt moyeu that tte Reue fov' i- teiterce for printimitr1001) ) - o tio ram thee gaveruimenît for thstgai nodro h raue nfvu copIes, thet-ie fat' dlivery ta blit îaaiaerndnodr nii rauu ufru Mim IFes wtn of criminal jutice 'onîi ire stris, buoai' tte trusteels ai' erool section No. 3 for ta dix veekR froua lte rlof thte rsman.f . --The report l "o recomiacurtliaI lIme coinnrg ir evur>' quarter:.a-id on titis, beolte sîîm rtf $8,30 beintgrtot-residaiiî school Posi .Office aîîrrortf eu-hretire 'and ammerîîedatipon ther expeilsivene, si L ex aue deprut>-aria' lb! t pirlighlact ith lte mniritemsa, id ti iicunnuisfactrryvmarnuer iti Mr. Wix-rmi mïort-s that Paul Lawrenucea tes. tehidli ttc cOunîty accautîts cure nuditeriir'bu bcautirorîscîl la cxpetd tce cm i .of80 I rictrnmiîi'-r- 5fr. Htit ai ur frr~iî-îr.fe rei'erued tlia a pôpq riaper ver-lu for ttc support iof'Mrs- ridiculoita b' iriiirîiz uprin an siimtidraetiîr, Lit-ntnmade b>' limit aI nfîrra'-r se-si--tr u Kennedy, tirai Ne-Ioi WtairdrutiF atd Jani,4 L ta theffFecu t'îtIr'- iprinihr.ý,,,ai tejouir. aPPl>' iahave a chamne mateienlutht- iaw i[rIentle'>, liiiuîhori4ed ta expeni nthe *riaIs tihotidhc- c-rnnf-ti-t u ti'silprintiîr 11)' ri hin t'tspert, soasetr,'havce tc acotntsmuini af't"tceirs pe-r wr-clu foîrIlIte ýlrîpolt utvupapere, ith(,- coruuty ; ntlie i-t-ci ofai'aditedby th iti- utit .ansi sstesi thati lî1of NMrs Flardm'. an5 ttrît Oearre Siritelirînt which 'vali l hi hat if litefotur iuilisheis lié! been pususi oir wvî iutifi-rune; h,ý ;tuthorised La ioxîlieusi theîsiuaoif' $t Per 1 ai' evsmli-ralu tc crauny ambîre bui tiat l vs ui11 luiniotf tecma ec for te support or Ma"luos Swar,-rrtii île>' michr fli,-etht eua6ptiy rout <ai' an>' miltteltake np ite natter, antîtue Jun" f uher bt-lac perit n m ind i h iî-t irran 'um, f'rrn $.000 ta, $10,100, aran>'(Aller sessioun, ut soite lentn'ih, and sacgosî sntc.hf ces, sat]i apjiriprhaitrtlis t-nCortirnue urtil limnai. amensnments ta tir awî as they caussidrrartire luiai' Jurre nietCilrrir'rl. Mr Gu>'. like a sensible aar, resisted adeimaliln. Mir. Blnliard marcsi thuil rtehre ve grant lte ameidrmt. ansiti t- p-art wuasrepart- On tire clausnre tsritire extesionatu rder ira tic'rrîsirr r tfieorroft êd. ai' lime ira t ith ai' Oitawn frrpy-'Jrlntrin esfiar tîrc'an miof-, $7,V1 eil On matianitea c stotior M r. BiccelI nient ai'flte eonry rar.-t,.... sain helng esjrndt.-Jb>' tint4 trmcirdsii h- movresi ism am '.iîot, anti aiesi-the - Me. Bickeii objerîr-d. saisi tte repeeanti miaiîuîemînco sind buriuuai o .Piilip Iruid.a. opinion ai' the Wrren aun1tirte effecrt of dpi'cty rpeunti' Oaaa coulad gol ihe Cariled. the vortiinffai' thP- renort, 'cautendinz stili acommodtion rpquiresi for their mninî. Mr. WxoiMOY014 tâît thelLreea' thia tht- primnin'. ai'tire jacuals siramîciprîlir> jOSt tri ty -rurs tha caort>'coutll g'iant nu rron-c- ntheîr 'einsurer it fiavîîur - bue comiineti ta the puiilisbera ai' novupa. gel ir ;that the commît>' had no fundu tr ou ai etr'rn Sîrirant ufor-the dti rai'$12 rte Per i tht counul>. Aller dteainiug -ire b and, andi in oa'inig Bank raccommoda- bc pusisib>' tiinta Mrii. f«aunai t rutiirlerîsi basiticroai'tire coucil filrr u cnsidprable fLion vorrîti ar' ta îîay oarrent pur cent fotea up,,ort oraf îrnues'-Svnnsorisillt-ai tume b>'bis vrnngheaddmrru hol'euvas the tireue ai' ibe marie>irhiciOsbal*rt therii flî a'Noventter 186:1. Carrii. i eveuiiily iuuzri'-dd rotr. ansi the, report. werli kr'u; bat-k frai ithe counîy. ai six Mre. ixstan preecit-d Ille jttimm af t se aireai>' omt-s, as erdaptedi vithaut- per et-:in e moreSi hai te clause te Micl rilirirlus and otite-s 1rrayii.à the fil ameudmuant, anti a -estitution auirarisiag ste-ick Ã"t.'Cantiacilte a uke îthe-srima sr' ups far e-., i paymenlti f tire seversi accounu spasseS. -MI. Whiter<.toiie; ansimilar rîca ai' ttc sahlinitiutgi a qîarteri>' fair at Broughtam. o routC fmaie, ans i saisi h u us ea maltertof Meil uiglit marcs that ttc coancilior st f îrinciiiIe t rserpardued h, nianirmuter boit îfle iri ard te autarised la expeîd C( Mfr. PerryI'> rouriîri qp tlie report rfni' sculliat'large Ilme amOurut. tIen sain ai'$100. la building ut bridge andsie Camrnhtee. aund.arr motion ths-' Conricil Mfr. Per-y snrîporir.d ihe clause, aud mutirg daca th irillli in front ai' lot nuni t vei nto macommit, -theen, fr. Crier- sat- iliatire repres"aaie fOstv r- oniiusutui'ihisranhp u lian lu tira chair. ThitrpatruaS as fou- vent- quise recisy tao >'yviratever intere-it report ta tilt Counci by tire irst day of d( lavs: . vatilmibc demandeS fr-onthlie cunt>'. lit Noveiubur next. CarnieS. 0 Tire Treassarer reports balance bu rec-ommediuzr six per cent inture.ir, ltre Ort m'allaitl of Uri Ilaighît tc Cactîcil b( baund atIslt Jrmrty 1564.appicehiitfor commitîce litanl simpi>' faliaved, frmrupre srtatidis djtufued tili Statards>' tira Su diy h Ceot>- urosa-2~T3M.On th ir i-t cedenta. W heu Mars anti Rama, or ai' Marcir nexi. W of' Jasnryvlaq tire folîawiug ninnuicipaît -Rétucir, or una>'ailer tîvnubiP requit-ri ar.t Prv----- Ies vert- in arrear, accolmuar f Coont>' rate* citent-ion Of tume for ptyment ai'tire TherN oim.t. rt,1 IitLs'totrtry Ileciig. t- fie, lSfi,-Scugozî, $229- Mira andam a oti xesx e t-t --h ttin 1829$1049 161,$421; Smau, oaI hitrtst cb rrprd. and it :wuitld nat bu 7b I14 iN FItor of thre Whitby Cks-anice.a I8.,$~.Rt-sali(bhaa 01284 ;riglii t ta ni Oha uprtr a d'iffer-ear foot-. Bracit, $1696 l'Oshawa, $412;. brua , i, w irithe atiter Municipaîihus. lit-.Mn i urt'ns epem $423 ; To-vuof a i'Wthy. $928 j uaiiug SiX acloclc haviras- rrivesi, tiere ibthepleasir-tiofl'aiteudingç-a SQis-et' sud aitogîbordirei'ar Iré eont' s-Ies ' ii eft tbrî chair, uiil 7, but an unrierutarid i'tsoarMobîgh.-aleovcrnus' as' mluunioîpilîies $00U9,49. Toal igvs mrgt tiu1 r tui vifIthe<, Adei hrih bs~vr alo u > Vaus ntiBrima nerhirac1st moit &gain outil t.arrav ntammnirg Tht-e vere nu local intceris or jealausiesjv catovt-rae,$67 aui ast<l a 1 Li ~ - ae iturt lie hurîonnrof the ieelini-... Mr. O'DttyPs Carret;poiideîîcee MI - TVRBW'D, -'ince Mislier Fin. ~ictn, ~fSrieýSthrgget, slhape rsadetl me ,bj bis tilouint lutiers ta the Grt&n&bIer,ý (a izrats>'paper ln 1 lrely, y.oiuni, printed inTuoironto,) T'Ve n'î hin ritely melf ai, ail..' P epie -Se& le took ite Cale ont v mhe pipé compluielv, se tha. I tuli the Nnayrnums inme led, ait, Lad ta lrive lIi) id.itii.Sam ai' niadathraturms sd. it wà â. beinisu John Saufeeid Lad. bou:rit meuaop whit, a cogmnisahu,,, Sn ris that 1 wu<iti'tý braka op tiq '.ovprnient vidh rie power- fui Pin ; nul I could 4wrqbe èthe v' rin arim nie lidtîvy, ile' iluer wase nut t 1i Bill gicklý 'ycrel an' cu'ý nl1ll. iran O' ntoSallthe Irisliniatte ta belrry cauiderceiv ninu bis imueýs. li3etune 'us bath, %sni'eelail; sa lad, an, I wudn't thrnet hir Lm a..ir as 1 cnd throw tim, aie wtin thay wrînted me ta uine un oppo se 5fr-. Fiurrigiti, rie uphniild the guvermniet, I remrimbered lthe thatemenî Ilial D'Arcy gai, an munyhe 'rave Cli thé! covld stould lier. (I irit igis i.i sthitiekiy privite grirrdý.) Blut ti is la degreshuîî. 1l tcQas ta SaiirÇeelrl, in afcared le irgafteritv hî Iil iiuried ta Say eîtthu giboglin. MWelituiettir, itas n-thrr stirrin i Ii't1 nayhorhond c.illd OshrîaiiuLt weeli, ai ,vht. vills log)catîstliernasihtri ? Yt'r otil, at2q:aintrince, îîat wond4rer ofaI Cathirîre ire tIrnt#, stamîind - îiIlivr C i'-ii. )îliorss4kiJdadled (ai tie>' hanilI-rtit-t ut in bifril3 t'>' camta tbu ,iand initri areil>'gerral>' anixed. Sont id tiuierhtitî rt-uneS axed cwhat lthe pr-- unnasariu n'rs nbu, an hnuncidi 'ItmS coli. l'ho commit>' -Cabhrzet, anlCcrack. niteered uitsaint, a [huItf,- twrî jnsîtirhe inî.t for a se'îoolmiiîater, n wunI hel[if nse mian, n.sd tlirensoul vit bha 'i'icepi fdollas, - irst they-iruîd made à ritreaty t-7>r oue vrili 5Mr. Slrarkl-id, an tbaita t te %hure rha il -'vas ouI>'second - isuti it cosI noarl>' dauble. the moue>' wibm 'tras unev. The recipianl ai ' :l pris.oinutaittîu imi keti r at4ter alaupiuh it sr m.-r-Rrdsanaitcas ireWeil miur', a fn. onusstîinnr. A Mfistier Ras-dsr ot op, auni sala ie, baSsep't-nlie cap>'of tire Ribe. i'or sale b>' Misiher Bliarkiaud, iliar 'vas MOU rtasgcod f anew. ,tttvrr i louair-, boltirar aitiro' Mt1iir'RY ètmu vil1s % pM9é1fqlan tirai-madone odiffesp'ce, for, ie. 4#istbýr Roost de-on1hf l e xsuitaiini'bnmi r.tiran thpti.re lt-tr ont uI'Js .Il ami-ilsai fsrance b-t've - Ire 2. -Tire explaita- lun' marie 4n *iieis hiiibali . Cabiige t Crack 'versq hirrg'uit -vith béipl 2 un- ýor-dry oranrpetr-'in- u I A ts i t isinise, fors or punfba.iii a Popisir valuer of tireScr*P!m-- r-es fosrr adr'roostrn sab lmthier. ait. *anti eè RýportemR-so>, a ceeu tirai bs fes de. if crlpuhun. enahu4,- Tie&s .,-are -indig r' shtiniI b. tiese s-lirsubsuribei the n-60, ' Pn ,the>'.are novr deniauin jîirk,, lir Yorlters. -Cabbidge au -Craick, 'tisi %i, Lhare bits- tiîdidts9 ;'mriauid ler"en~ dout they'ilI be tnmaedot or te Ordirer. Thte wvboiq utther craynîtss ste- divansbnsn, sud the Caîhalicks ar.. ilîttin thoir sides'aI tire fun i t s lb ingo. ri a big "sal i m ipo oôt,'1 3s: ho voçs hhref u odont 1 iite victint orf 1 ant irick; orn a sethe evictmitu o, le --lunes3, asuilliberaiity ai'sucs umeeomit, *ir vjIir ai their crvss-rainst É 1por>', u4dý't r t h îe saie of in'a few- i Illium, Ibo spiritl la ber-hima au i -nîPr-fi *ttat Bible îhat ho c- bld rossi 'idh i4rj ai'casrriieree ' - ~ V ~ m fai tai met ne the Up *Ti s-ro Pol shil âIci - aas ail tirevirile the secret 'iustrrrment ni' v)ra- hitircsî enen>'; a meeting of-ycur ClIiantitmina IaS hetieâ cleé si iloutnotice ,ta >'n-, aund mur thriosautiong for >'oure etaurelCani>' presuriéd' ihelie cuel illsiÉuut-tti i r te wbale afair, .wira. sp- pretlesîve ai'tise reaniti taek, cars not ta Prlîsîr'nr Irintrutli' OP@ii'Y 0acrront lire cbmîn;rîds u Ibig d"niae tpr6arptor-s.-.- VYlirîr, I1t .oîd reyOh-rosýaane ta tue nidvecre rîeisiioit' af-a gmthcming sa pro._é mtil. Yome ote edi justiêéic td nal. ires vfil n t 0cé' aiiiittilt-th nu' 7prss- jiriate aisvem tbnt cauld'iiè gbvýeit us le prerirrly ,ns >' p5ilý-Witbou th~tie us>' ai tire nit-vpaper- ir'te l1udîni4,ex.- ct-pt irn the journal ai'the a on'<f îLe- aîbsenit cancodtl of ai- the acheme r iti speciali arranlgemnts thai au auspirint ta- ta> ' s-ut-mm piirisneni, sud a pâtional. enemy of loui- ptansimnff',.sir?,ld)W -ptsent, uniil4nà i isrepéeaen1. --amseeV' '.a-i t-j înî i tdWIililnat tt4srty Tcos" rt'e .PrIseuf, san utaCIL a meetbra,.vtb. rat evenutire votes éampined of beag îleciieni, T ama lleS upot tol' epparîttirs rmiiisry-ri,Li and'vrai*, hiv-erirnlo lait" --orrs'trt ni> place in pariamienef Tire necret platters aor a -cansps-acy s0 pette inl.befare egi discover how greul>'i btley iuttrë aistales'. lb.feeling ai' dicte they ps-etpnd.tao psuent And, -on calas relnelioi, yaai. gentlemen, will, 1 an cnt-e, oroas 10, Ytiis-elvoe ual an ubave - beeri [romssiympaseti apon, and tire publie t.. lats-e wii-deteiune la have -iecodrse '1o-- ans exp elient s50 derate that aasttorney- roenorliWhirais c5ommie iS>0peop np bis leculiuin.i power, cenatipibe-fa- fyanx tls out- ai bis llut pliical up. 1- -- e1' ~AndI 'ihat, lot me ps-aceet tce IIiIirt'. - wus tire alias-ad imniniatdleu.eeeasof t[ia tarried -m'eeîiag - ai' "Reforat Asmoeiathou nof the Nor-th Rldiag a i' irfooY"' It wus lirit.aa a l.,A.î.. . - ireply taete at1a Caotga mltoin Sîa,-You 'viii oblige me hf 1givir.g piacèýùtyonf qý adltý os tnhnenco .10ttw acconpanying coIresp6nd'encG. - Your oil. servant, 9 ' » . HFOLEYi- St. Jn-obs, JanusrL 25, 1864, Dent- Sir,-In atscordftnce yu a re- luistia, a' wbciieacoseyon s 'printed cip>', s puhllia meetintg vas hîld a Car eg. tagîr on !lre IU9tiî lngt., atsiwh ie -ceea ItiIIs, ti'Wticit 1herowhîh 'seud 'aen a coywere passed. rs 1uhir o.3 (The renaluiirs have aiready bceir publi.îb. 'ed.-Ep.) 1 am diroclesi ta onfa aop> ai thcmrospectfnliy retqnesiîng bal ya wotrld be pieased ta 'ropi>' la the saine at putr caà rjitt 40 eiîr! saitglte Coure ytau iutend ta pursue - lavards the pr-esent govertrient dnrin lte neitsession ori Paihiaitnt. 1 amn, yaur abrI. terv t., 1.er.retýry aOf a publia îeetidg helsi at *Corirarroga on thte l9th in.t l'O .Jlirn Mayer, 9-4., Otaîrurun, anîd j. ,be ,,-im 'if in a ablat- felr ýy pince long, by bis congtitltent$ wllhi My usavote wum, as *Mr. Sicouse's motion, cou preiers harieftitrenc frà i tbe caoilnet sevi>n nfter sakiug for and satin a, ta , diRà toiniior. of Pt Pret at ial tis reg t'ary 0- the visbosa an& cOnstitunet.-.In my -a printed in evory paper lb man nd English, for w election, iliumsrefrred i The'circunisînuces conIeL tlireruetit front offce wiii, lime aud irn hie praper pi -adeuo,,n, and viii, 1. confi a rî e - fairl y ad ishdered nd dqtermjned sud tht country. lu f bayé, (wbile forced ta asui ders and calunies -or torsi), but ta renirk, ci that 1 hall, ai the carliel 1 cAn, wiýti propriety asi virli crnstituiaina usage d *coVt*Je fnllest inqniry o. *resjecirg iltem. IOpeuil mnade knOwn in mv place -i 1 Sit 1 shOnld do, tbi r neced with niy retirenient I cbhilenged, uncontralic, ruy ttatenient. Ykewt Macdoald hcd, witlî char ery, ini privnt?, nmade if) i the fouleSt Migrepresentati for hisç,faithese conudurt, cannect5n hhall deven j ve the nane of thea bib the Iauid as haviug. ur:!ed Course h prot'essed hinis adapt. IWU retermined luuity should he giveu hi public 'the sttenent bie pia& ndas in My am wonl dlfo .l-A did ilcîa .*m fullesr inqu ryand i n.e Yon tell me bow 1 vas to wi8e than h y vaut4 zfir a- M r . S c î & ? - 1 . y it, ttnhawede ith,, erals condeci. wns jusiias1 curlieagUeS sud yseif did, un? iýSand outrage eC US9No matn i Issenseý *~ ~ a - Ianverymure thai the -r bond sîttribuied l'O one ai' 1 Iman) ii lte cooiunp rep in-g pubuirJ.ed ini the last Berinu 7Wegrap&, ren bum. As bas since been fr ibc-AttorneyGenerai bad tire debit oan-lire 1itiolion fi d e n c e , v a s p r o c e e i ts -, M r, parties* outâide the ëbio, their object the rcmirsi .1 coileagnès sud thè tjcki,ýý their-stead. sud that ihe i aWaingt theni out,idei vhile themu day ster dy in M lewarn aud confidenti.l friedd chief, and thre il unioÇiatncai betws His Excelioac> tbe Gin * One can weil fancy the a& * sncb as nrwould iake of I iu thoerrraking of bis sr Plaiu*ly,1I oald athnve VI than as 1 dia. Honesty. c canld? I amiaureoudoid M ,y third vals, af -wbîcb mrade, wus wMh -referree. t, $24,000 t0 the Toronto juiL Mnadeo bystatuts tIrai itsî ee gaverrmesiti ay pportIon * lies >1jUil a à to isè Tire "Grand Minîsrssriai Dintier" ahicir came off ai Quebea last ct-el, le reporte.i b>' îLe Crno,îtýFIour lshave bt-un a grand lizzhe. <"Wr, aImait desîiýiet" sas>s ram caulcmporary, 'ai' Ihein, ab!(uta fulfii tire "taskviticir aur uy roward.s aur readers 61irus-es us la pt-n'on-n -ttat of girins- a tddkttci r ' t' pracasidiugeïof tLe Grand "Ministrrial Diurner, ciîicir tutk place ai "tLe 14misil ail ilut nilAt. It ld rîi e' "rquire n- t-elin aof "Iirrz*rnd tîme peucil *'ai' Ceuik.4liaîik, or bei-cii, nr ctnvey aveu 64a fiitidesa ofîte ira>'anîjri eive 1 8eme.t1 Neyer, in Dure eiceir-<-o 4.gganthc i'%elle" sdd î' cirer betolsi sucir "a ismontr soecimen oai riaI genus as- ,,thme '-banquet," uhicir, 'vo ee' t.ld, ,*vAs ta curule terrai' intn tire bearus ai'tire "Oîniaabitirrn, re.rivi the sianitg courae ai' *,Tiiiisireîai sapporreru. anti carry vitir it emcn. 'nîrrj r-id it i tani 1e Giîa'er-aient "muajoriti' cotiltiotfail tt)bu- doulctia "ut commencement of tire session novw Tickets vere amIS aiseu loy prie, vo are tolidse 50 ceuits, in order la crillect a croari, anthsietro#uit vas soie 4100ai' us matIe>' a gaîberins- as Qnebuc emilsi Lur oui. Tirea are cuveral raya, sud. tie noise sud hnterruioniai as t50 gresi thrrt et-en the Premier catnld ual obtaa a patient itearhng. ie (be'sv auitOratîgeuneamt. anev, sth i Oarrat onely ost noE.g[ablywm-arrî, ton Secretnary2, 1etc.Cn me.) Cnbbi(liotri rdC îrur be ai' t l/irin ede-h anîulî-r autpusai't'n sae gnusCeackruceip:, Ibis taaruing, ai' your lutter ai' the ai' Cracki, or RsaîthitgaI ap ILDrurati- '25tl inil., tgeitir iiicoisa' eti ithruihitr, (temonslrasliuis are iroý.v tn rhtrh(-, prpaing 10pIrarof eraoin. orsiher ni' tire day.) ta maI-e a ptisiut;i. t-il ai a nirretinigai' tire Reforta ciectors ai' shirtn, îrisinîîaslrurs, the ordhleroftri' eicthte Niri lti liutg ,aof -Watuà -l<r), lielsi at datv likeiis'e,) ta a sctairlinsther ait'inr'org,<n Tuessia>' o ai' miel ek. uns- [rlncer hbaot bis siuiwaksîiuni. air l'erm-tni u-, ar tireristet, ta exîrresti ni>' tylmrse cnar,,-,ilMisuier Ray>sonr. Rayrfon unaffiered aurprise. il).tr t annd oallier< irViesi I1 If irver thprri 'ras aDrurnrnuo-frlt "ii -a a'espectabili>' preserri on ît6 ltiInigrIaruabenirri te rayit.sîr-rble - oildtiStdleru' ut i>' iâili" h1141r11w ismii-. 'The otatîime.nt, haut. II, ar--tiesr-4)nia lIe moutremuation ofaiannIod -' :i ert w>.-- 1,t; n-ietimret,, u tri ' riai 'ifuir Inflerirnt, uganut wtam ui a -k 1i Wîî u vIiî ai, if It didit mpile sinle sIp meiic chargýevat; preferrusi, Itad trnt- triîni tint-,tuanin.- ciîit lut notrifiction ni'f att>- inulta tins lliai sulci Liassemblage nernitîs I e 1 5d Nitirte ir i-rf raiin.4girtoeiiir) i ttit ' Y-nilhave elci ai' yon accalniesi. 1hcle 1 ' eithar.- 'vre rnluereur miii, wn-mriotthuls- aurd dIl, itanaurable and mes. aud toru..a ld icru Aesenît ai the t>.mî i- pnnibie pasîitionîs lun>'our monieipralities. tihmriLqhun. u,%ri ii-r il' roe t unr.vsricu. Wirttwarld ynrmttîâe said wciilc drirt: 5, h'oltilil-îtiî. ttp-san-n ai' Five diilinrsart a oouptIiso, Whobasinttthe as ri Ifr c-tus 'ens rai-4*te btirr'ke ieth- rc« t-inî'.s ta tueet y-au opeul>' face ta face, ta insîrun. Yotironld fjýeîI, Sîmnudia 6aalI1 - înrre yaa vitir allugesi delinqtieucies, or 'lat tp ir lrorinuirarithituof a-i' itilrpr) ' *M(l perîy iirgnîe vira, 'virihe prufeia. siihatrrilmn'htmn, hurt wa% t loîted. molitred img ttesteictest Stits-atia, 0yaur interests. a hori-be des-iLThre brildge saIbis 'TOwanahip are point s fs-ont 100, -ta 125 féeel bish. Wbenlthe Poili itoxIil *i" aout 00 yrd 'Bretir Wit- yul eluhhaub~ut2 s0y rdsa'ti, ibe sale f cri' Toasp. "Of Me lit car-, bot ane,ai' tire trais susdeal>' ý1'd iiseuido, %soe.sud the tvarluWtcare vemroin-au thlir Gae1 cg ef ltrcrsoi. T7h.braites vas-epot an, stime vii,,fon Mud svnsyig dotte te stop 1he train, f4 ordiaaqrats et speesl, la a i'ev Brook, Janitai' MeMMUtheib'traie selteei tirebridge, 'T# e se and tendes- ind animmler of Mlr. M. C.Ci the am pessel oset-la sa'ety, but Jil as ThéLeusferi bc eer«tio cs as re ran î' b. bridge Ma, IL C. Came Uc.e ob*laq sioft.e fer-vas-si esbs-aie. 16te-* ver. 1h eeondmc tar un ,raîber ses-es-elt "nale, IfL Kenntedy>, sud tvea brakter. b>' ita le à mu Wedlland EL. liroker. lus.ivoai riais, o Mim ostise pan-iag -ut the trais ýthe Mr. Cameton, in lu 0 atras off the s-sr4dasesl- in Gs-envaodqs thsee*ltWeIderail oetttirs bridge, Ioa - grounls oul bisas Mas fl 1wteh' liplto tbeir, andtelol, vits ai'l. ia <suirfai Proe%li ts h*ris-es-rbeneuur, sa<dis-.f heJury->' t««foe tu bd idt vecty-'4ve feet. omSentu of the Tbiy' vore, aof cent', smuub oiltoamu, st tbe trialib.e i Md 1ttis. uscffstnate tmen, vba 5Mnil>Persfor Indatllt met bhfor e rs fi ef vignes- and- Ilue, t h vos-e musgied f in bhot-rible t.isaes- a, oprisaet-, mi te bw se-eui>'otiegabcled a# amanJuiseahvomPig beaga, - sels- es-u, hodi& bra, andteilb.rlicenute'iti lep - reuet, nmWisdansi es-abedt«to tbie reitroai'. o0 diut sig aftl-pia i'Ofr.ephngi thereupon tellIl 1.111.4 faiî ad bout-Tii. b i' b. vofJnothe e5foftasUte tunduolr cIrat, et Oit, m- ta' cwe ; viser. he faunsi, but sites- searehick fors us vel[ us b. tilleaimouot the ruise,piéeWocf slrii< 4bettes- ian 1Le tom5 haln .ai%l %bat oow reillaled oaiflaiyer ib e>'sope it, wor. phluit p.ad gatmred ttibtW. à s ecasor ai' tb. Jufirmatione f -thte terrible' calmtraushî bcbvl nt vura toc.eaummniiaed ta GitelpJf,- triesaukebt wusvasset, sd, tbs saagled - lion bWmi. gthoe ai;asbest îbeyeenldg sud sont teoGeor-getownr, wtere an inquesu , au vas., opesed yoterday,à ftes-onaoa 5ait 0f npvrduà us atocraiI À GRaauVOCAL. A"sIxs'-itcin's-.laWLithyr rîh t1F Caoaav lanaad ai' tire Fonsd$ oa' te Wlit- classe, and iloqs -b7 BraisBand le ta caa.eaoffearly, trt liai t tapupils. vusis, The &mnuss o <ftsane irstaIca i qttpenîuiar t -be e oresi, and sucit ars-susenuents h,. scieint laobanîgeo Ires. sade as te rendes- lbe enies-*aisment ai' liensmen. TO la esesfre4petsgt-esile aný offetive. geeiçssniiaji iq We m trust b at sencouragement wicisjire, aitdwel.thelt lb.>' deie. t-ilbeextendedt taornîTowni fev leumos,ansies Band, b>'cor,- tirvapeeple, one' andi aH, louzof tmet tis aud the Bandppldou suais asfooting ficienof sboIf sucul M seta lamase is Ifrstier effiel' Capbes1zis gmçs- Ais-eU4 Jtnt lvgreu hubas b.i iatie 054ET ÇYxpaBti hy the »W;t11» Makoist- ofi ' tn.4 on &Ca. oun