Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1864, p. 4

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Not long àncê a doit *fedîrule a0ldiier ro,. trIno otoigiîIlle prS 101.;4lis i ti eur tilo State lino divWçdilÇettîreke lrtîîn Tonnes -wf-e. Thfe 6re sit i#m s lu'1w iittii'efl to wu iIhst of mar'iying tir' r'iri ho ha It lli behint i mwhen lwie oai-tî tiout tu aeel4 tho bubio roputalion ut Ille C;lrtou'oliOttlî. A large party wat t iîîîtni,. y the brldelîs family. antiaa mon wh liît ua ieiie-'tltd tu tee iljuqtiroo itlitepaeti. beettuei.? hoehad heliidie office (or twetî' years before thiti . cruel w'nr h'td cmîto t-i! sfornpd -thre 4w Cermolny littt tînîted i wiîl îviiiit hettrts rhait hatlIbut oaritirîtl;Ill îA ifi er these rlles bt! ti i îoîrîii iîî'%vuoa o tst 1W. or hcig ont! linitty, ritout tî1riies, liturnî- Llu ,ies, &o., ndtu t letit ofgtiltrsfl'ury. rod whisk.y en elie tisîsc. lithlie cuurse j of Immn events -l" ttoly Wlti Ilpai were, put in I heI ntr '1 1 lietue i til t H i i i vo' tiv tti i ti iý, le rural ito £ iititi il'iî t oi-vtr %%i a riit rai tut-ig ntIlite tour. tuti atti t ilprat i e d' ItIe hl liii l î, 0t1tl i tlie ia srit '" ' %vu fnlt rî'iiI i îetîd ice uand! oa flot n jumtitw nt iii. Aluntiitut t, them it i JI S T and i notîher itilit" liagsen oti[ir 'i liii lirei smre Itiles t'iii t. lii'itretn tîrtltiI.it iti' Itoot was ii-î andtirite auxiotIts pair 4 hU uuflereti agaiti e rt'ire' ittr tilt, secîttit!jd / Tho firit eotiîretrotîsiq as']iAviiied -freilîy ilîise tV11)u1:1toit iii onteu and the irai insouf ct tt1 ei î Iiitli(, t'a-- vas fonittiout illit Ili' ast jutNt thirn i ni $t2 us ili t "n Kentuchy, vlîile the rt'remetiy liait beun perfornietijusi. ver îiîî'lino in Teiînessee. Thoeo 1saifturritît! rus liait tirs nud it 'i 0 1 lId anoiher ar-unsîg t iti, rIeii il rtt rraiu. ' " They éime i, p siir sosîî tut liiçi'tttifiiîd - >taL(.I wiîb the tii ai ttul ins adita kit, tind t it the Party' weîît dtîwtî tiprandi!li teîaîr tlL"tr rticîî' tlors <of a uile ijttît lite t i ti hre tht' iiorfortnet for the titirîl titit'. 'lite brrje*tî motier rflot satistreilwiil]ilt iti'. î"tnî'tiy o irnx a . totte ip sle a Swift tIIpisevîn.vr ftor a etali-tîît jreirliuîr andi tlien îiiovL'tihark to lt- iti' jtutl iuatuitan, l t i'ni ti7 atsofî,Illte Liiot j gai tit'd for tIquti' f in ttie ity ifie min of Cod. liy thiistitne tht' brst glitnj1St ù f d a ny lig ht w ts a ri l itî in th te te s te r i IVeariet i tî y the exlterivncies an N 11 I aaxl':ies tOf Ile lititht, 010îy were ult ltst snferet i aretire fltpviet'. hU' iti)ietur hl itnt t'laî1taetilit ftte iîr'wtt'. atitîor confusiontin1Itle 1ltuc. A litittîertrîg IA'Ik 1knock at tho clîtînber <loir ofi' tire yourg -ge r couple madtie ogrou t h(iirzug.lily. tad. sg i2I( Il. toit whnever if wtt, il %vas iltittlaie * and 'asore lhe aunilil ntîgel t îu aalfotr iill at the mÎIstukesi n lihe wîirid. Tii' weult l iiî thé irait I lt tiilurlittt1I hit utîniii ipin fi tnatr iro iltiras. A iruit ileondti u II ' IN i open the door il lho dit trot %ii tisî nv e cJ 1 IJ.KJJ IL bea.teti down, anthe lstle oif a tuuakert, *declded 1dm ta suhmit onice itre tu ithe lmprsition. SOn opeting the imtaltuif le vs coitfrrniî. md by a Federal ýotldier, atndi'the vortis. Il You are nry prionr-ctîne aittrg with Viiydit! lic1ie nltidta havre thé privi. loeof gia'lug bîil fîr Iis appt'arnce, unti allbi hl ffors -of bribes were as useles is Y. V the idb vwihd. Theo oilcer chrirgod vith lis #sroesI was inexorable, anti iow the ch'ap le spending tlitesrut of tfie onouytnnon at 'I J Coluitabas,0 in thte guard hite, wbile the C a'eS I J disconsolate maiti, bis bridie, wuepa fur bin ai honte. [Memnphi.s Bullatin] Xu n imrasdordMot MARK tuttv sq.-Cilèn 'tt oheoffice tlý or PrulT jus B lliltg, praltikai phrenü. w A EN IIrfr- logis, prise $4. Amativness-ig. Stici Out 111cm a horneî's nutt. Yu ought tev bis able tevs, lu ihe boTe humait fantilee < ,7O vlîb 7uC btap'at oti4t. Yu i wll neyo eh mi a viddor long, net unny. Pohiytichs-yu boy air inmtenatrai va. A spienditi bunu. teahn hai ibils bump vont huai. Tbiriy ibouxaritidollars arc saidt 10bu taken nightiy by the theatruis in New- BROWN & PATTERSONS' Agrricultural Workîs AT TUEg OLUWTýIITIY elNIY M-tinfaetniri-andt sudormIt lsIl kînuis f A<LWCULTVFOL IEPLEMENgT, TIIRIESHING MACHINES Comblned Roeaperat and Mowerg,tI Fou r dillreoit khtiso> f Two-.horfie Wbeel Gultivators STRAW AND FEED CU'TTERSo GLU!T GRAIM CRIUUES,' Bcoteh, Afieuicau &CIanadflan Ploughs, ofsvari-otn suolkc# ant i syles; steel npiows atnd 'Steel Points, - M .'.- :~ 2 '2 '~ - AD V ER TI1SEZENTS. 1 r RECEJVED, AT L-TON &CO0.'S 0.- Port & Sherry Win *es. itpii anîd NMarteill draI(iCs. of~ pure Mnlu tîd OLI) RYI. WIIISKEY. Lr Supply of MoEwan's Celebrated DitSS GOODS.1 S, BONNETS AND MANTLES. )ck of Ilea<Iy-iîiic lClothiing!. t verv Low 'Pî'ices for Cash ouîly. LIAS& NEW YEÂR'S rantasis V'o (?ASK8 ý-BEST Also tle Largest PORTS &SHERRIES /outty.- Also a uimarnmoth Pviil ýe offered at prices slefying- TIL MCillILL4N. Just received, thefirst içupply ofthe sea~on, j N*EW 60931 A LARGE STOCK JAMES JOIINSTON, B3rouir Itreout, Wlitlîy. Oclober tit, 193. tl Tailors, Shoemakers, Carrnage Buildersi, 'Dresa Nakers, and Headi cf Families Generally. luh t WAN'Z 'IIR & V'<tettwiug maciei umflci', %lhî1sn. ii'1 '.' ttî'ligrge iu-sOtiji'tie tif F'tya n i i 'ît fie! Il tiig SIE1VîNG IACUIINES, 't'tih latosi ltnprnoenitti iit lt tiu'pricels. JAMES 1-1. GERRIE, Mai-cii 24, 1862. Agenit fît Coanltuinttr. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTIIES WRINGEII1 The. only Vinger vitb the COG-WHEEL REGlULATOR! Lt Saves Time, Liber, Uiots&a Mony I Tus the ortg'tial anti onIvreroiblée Wnlnger luefore the j.uple. at-umsnt ure ,tî'eliiiIl of fi-ange, cuptit% tr presitire, snd potier of atitu, thoaAothir tmachine ade. le wi el Wear for yeurg wlUsout repair. No »*mat cas break it. A chli elgIat VOistol caqoperate 51. Noca#t tom orskifftroqmered la tts vie. l Raveam ostinluClothluog msery aine or twelvm mouthit. L'rery Wrluger wih Cog-WiheeRla Warrasutod, lat esery partoonlar. Tue!ite rrîaWriiioer took tte FIRT PILEMTUM, a f'ivecr Modal andit Dpionia. t lte New Yorku Stot u ilr.-I1Ss, anti vas prît- însnul sd nierior ta ail otbens luthe Woil.I'it Fait s aI ottou. 1842. Cauvaseru Waulted la es'ery Towo ln Canada. 'star*om enm sdiny vtiers ttre.l i(nauo appolutet, imy amittiug the price to us shahl rmcele the Winirer 4y Express, prti-paiU. W. H. CIIILD8 à Co., lauuiltou, 16-m. ouerat Agent». AUEX.)MON, a'Agotat. Wbu1110-1 £AUA*Io Sri T 'L STOVES! KIIA PURTHA-N' XVR. THutLRoursT STOCKAN!> GgEATEST T arl'y lu Stoves, Stoveý. Fes-tareTin. vss'e, Ae..n eal esoen At limé Store c01tthe und ï -alg, ed litevesof eveyt'> sylo andutiulit-!at aiI P'rime.-Tire popular nov pattera Stovne lia bon lutrodeood amonhlgotitsa-uis Tu*E ZINJ O - 0F ?W GRAND TIRUNEt, PRINCE, ALliER?, DA yY eRQCKE'l n PROTECTiONàlST, agclsud atI Se, JOHRN I RTAN, 45 Brueit-st., wlîty. FRESHARRIVAMLS! ttc, lslEb». fui- ehe ut e ies. djua»tsýt ho ;outulota.s lte oÇouty ChOLJaX I JI EI LO B"stampooFamilîyFlops-. st'ive W ftbaclous'iued. A Targi and i nvsu- sortmint of n BOOTrS, lAND SJ4OESI. fOh! w halt a Ch aneJ AGAIN TIIE LAT£ MACDONALD &BOX Atc î tirti .1 Tut WVllih tbit mîin erltguil-" i ii'. nliare duetZ-rtmitetl tu kop eoliistîinltiy titi lituîl MUTTON, PORE, SALT IPORE, Thiere w11 tue oane1-iatiui1e" tlwnuynni i, tl .tutop lu iraint uIPuuIîtiue ie lo i lt'it pnrunizu Mie0 biigliest price 4tellibepoeil fo)r"'iDPS' ANT I[E 8XNý imlti A.Sll. L~"ett lut' tg)ite 'if titi' statntd, otie tour suuititfil Mtr. Btituiuu'liai n ilressintg tuturus, Broi.tetîuîtr, %W'tiitiiy MAC IMINAT'.u & IBOX. w'lity, Die. 8, 1,968. 48 IIOUSE TO LET. [-JOUSE, ut ttoty anti a lialf hgndgttrduin ciîiarin. islui nli'r tuacte tof land,,(,ru llyiyn Street, iuearly opposite St. Auiurco-s' Clitirci. R. & J. CAMPBIETLL %'iitby, lic. 1), 1863. 48 COUNTIiRFEITS.-ouut, ie ewitiîlers ,lav e levein titîii ili oi Ileuruile lili-II)t tils ni(' the (IJitrutdni, coiriuteitis if nituvnii ersil juti fore a.tritlu n.c. .'1uituîeni" &e., tîiîuuecrit fail txi seun tle iil'i" u t hé t ol tle ndnite new. 'Fluei' e tons a'will enetli u'i n v sfety luy luutý iititintuttort 01t1l stylo 1,111m; and OIIttn'tiuamt, rI:-u'îtmilnttwîun* rat fW ttueir bntiti nu CUimte Tu' ltutolîtuh liaî'e~~~ tange tlettittît. ttai lilmfi- lu*t't 0em liuiu' 0 isIvili e'Ifthare it it-fi I willpa> te fretrlu nt>' tlot iciti butei. il relrie'lutu leftr tte it day uof K"rombeur TItlKM T IîuiLOWAY. 85-lin t~itiMden latte, New Yoi-k. HOUSE TO LIT. S3 A T douttrbla ftirsi.cusssIvo Ta1ery neuv Brick Dveiiine boume, pas aO'<40 wthcuooti <iethî.r, Dn maiînTIi-wing rooni Parler tffe., Il ierootixt, 5losets, Pantrz., &.L' Tire c &-lin 7 su llin. litîg in sot lift lin ta illit Ther. bu ai t otiekilcireant- tûulid to the muain building. Oi t te promii*s tînet- arecrasinot. agïioti stable aime! cochlboiuse an axehient mveli, uditchio envnsces, mni- table fw a mr'iotale pirate ulwallug. 'Ille above pt'uperty bu sîituat or cetheoeuit sitec f Blyroni Sîneet, tier iu Stt teanti !A l11 tlma contre hutock <if the *'Trnvtof W > ttbl. It la nt pnument iseeuo.'b10,jIl .iciuiuîea' JrEq., 1P..L. 8. t's~'itunlOti Jette. Applicutivu lto tra-ut i..te proîtricttar, -1011lN IhISLO', W.iuaîi Us-Itit Amneirlea Assuranc-e Compauy, INCOIPOIIATED untiur uAdc f the Tlirt Beoîe tte £hosenttt ProvIntulal Pas-la muentofuPPOema4s. CAPITAL £100,000. trsuraneeuoected on Ililldiiugyi sati thoîs- contotatu. vory ilulorîtttielu aupphieti onSp. pleation to the und.erslguaed1 Marine Riait. foi-lte Sooor foirta. Travelling AgnIt, ilyron:întreet Whitby E uupubscriberi lu Jo etonding htsthumo L fer Puat favurs, IOto 0i hiiosthte Inhaai.-', tanta of tris Towu nit serronndin copuntry', thut ho viii b. ihappy 10 attend te I lor toi-m ,uts-nateclto bis cas-e.i Teetit loerlt au Golti, SiW4Yor o n nuzd Rslmhes-Base. Teeti t ieti or oxtrcW, iil,the bestposalblo Particular attenationipAi to, tuie sunaionof 41 1w. H. CARD., w1~i. ,gANUFÂCeURER o0F A LIKINDS HOlYIEMKADE FU1LD Offert i ftiSalo a very large andi eXîrulent 4assai SOFAS. BUTREA'US, JLOUNGES, I Tablas, Warulrobeut, Obeats of Drawers, .Looking GlIasses. Book lor andi irawing Room Chairs, Itocking Chairs, Office .Chairs, '1oilet Tables;, Towel Stands, &c., &c.. it greal greatly redutet prices, Werranted to bo toado t matunial andi workmcnship. Ilitreîupecîfullyli an examinatiotî-of his stock. a{s'ry article is mtunufacturud untier bit own uupeintendence, au IJPI-IOLSTERY IN A.LL 11SB. Cali anti compare, and bu satisfiuti beoin you go i FUNErALS FULLY SUIPPLIE And everytl>itg in te Uuidurtakitig lino lia bu 4l ne uiuortu! eonstantly on bnd. WAIiE 1ROOMS, Nia. 4, Tirock Strect, tutu %Vhitby, C. W. Wliitby, JuIy 8, 1863. ýT]E-MAJOR BRUS IBAW ýWINDSOR'S Quadrille Band, ,oi rUE )ttrctaui tuctrteyr i2ier Oum 0111 utrTliis, iueerti u, liilîis,&e orî reristît Tîtir u lou l:it Moi i l omthvro tt 0 For te ru i e i i uiti siîu Im reit si . orotuy.JOlIE J. Me*7.E wi4li Vit. TheColobrated German 011! ~~ c-IS -itcos, iîis4frouit bites, rtttiuili mo. sres, gtîtîti nl kltisof louuiiwotiti'l,, Ï T U R E I~t lbu thie greuaest retnety nowit for l ail mndof ilwittij1 s ttnd tores lttiii nîî,îrna ittaîuî 'timien( of The rutîetly li tiittilille foir relie.vllîtg fjord t. andti ntlu tiffuerittg con! pitii. è irollt tllriumllltdof'uAt s flitînîJâ 8uste tins 3E4IDSI EjD., loecý fyti tçivsîttîuulertin d>', tiotfolluw. Cases, Mattratises, Par- ltemrehetil ielp'mtel: Chairs, Crosaed Tluetelytro h utuxyen"s, ti' t varioîy, and ti ut a tisfled titt itlmus unuquallefo fr lieiinig- titut, laindeurtiu f'rost-tities. -Atm eif!lee , j of the besI cquittiiyptuontlujtpiied lu mon oriiui.àtt) invitets JIr-SA(Ir- ini1 crin bu duputîdeil mtpoit RANCHIES1 eswbre 1? ËD. 'ut litutite. Cetfiin e ciii I No. 2, (Jolhiorne Streut, WILLIAM TILL2f Will 1sd excecllent and coiivernent aîcc.ommodation. Within a Fow Yards cf the Publie Hall. Priirata Parlors OE-i. 2 CI uRE THÂN TE THER]I DOCTOR DAVIS, titi niil es t n treus SyphilIs and otItes-Di. meages of a prival. tix soit sxes, wmtiixLimp-, trmr if )Bay lit, bas leroted yeegri;to lthe 'reettirtent tuf the urnhouts or tifueauîngt. v orst sm îgGeý are suutctlseoompratls'elyg'lotritioe. seoiairs' Syplillis, ~onecgaI ' y %ni a ry aî'feina as0%lueuurs lu, ean bu effo.tstah. ly euire'!i by W lifillbie mrmedies4. Yonîic moinWlho bave fahiemu rtettînia b tige dreilftél otefectofthinom or Sel ~-Aiîiîs, u'uum s-udi»te iaenoifb'applyinuc ,ta Dr. byltns.an modioine ont W mat,'pari of:thaoounls-y ou ce ce; pý of a regitoabis fe. refflmna villhing te' ceamuît lire Doctes- eMn du1 giq avtli thie ntmtaueteuy, nhis cIlice is mo arrangeaut t t ll Asi le ('i-pitfttîtsio »Me enccb0 Pr. mtleus y auent. Advuaý free wiieont tittedt athetc ffie. A 11hetterg ntiat h tibc- o1 <oIpet, A. l)atmi, M. D. , Tortonto 0. W.. aitti contain a Pont Aslomp if un stiuuer'ls osroi. 27 Hlarrni a Y-, tteWa'dumry Lighf4 JateIF frein Londcutn, J'irs ad JVgmto YOrii ha$ (te onor to awuon V to - tu inwelitsrnt. Of whiM, aad surrouuding cutntrye, trt Ut hr ti Ld up Lk4W 'Ug4e piotii and CIV>. oduetI14roolu.&ver 1(r. .TeZ Bége--- t tu art. , Asubrootsjpes 0uJJ>luoogr hi tk- e n to rea lf, nd I4l4jf 'pa7ki rtired uim, tand gteor nal 841' u ulweitp 1Jom ivn po- F IIOTELS IN WHTEY. JACOB IBRYAN. Puuoritrncu 1SEiWING MACHINES 'U.r SEIOMACH INES8 Preanlua mi SewiRta;Daaccms T IE ONLY PRIZY, avsale,itfer . nly T Swinà MachinesuDY-Che Jlufc t t I le Tuyusq'oklte dfIt -îprIs-o for 1'ainiiy .!twhî Mitîînot wtlR. àMm wanz t ot tJ'. P'ickurinng, iu'b. 12, 1881. 1 mi îsunce to t'Ont, titi rus ruil uta' T ot jii'hI', i; iîi i rtit tuneiniutl~ celebîIranie;i hleritri t>i . My huItt girl gel se- vuroul c'ulid, 80 itrlio, liat lir ?i'Ceinerr .%'It. 'ut n fi Ilîtiby ttlinîut ruieroî lir noiiittle r'. îuiw eîîîilelîpl'Cuim.41 "%VTTil W ALLISaNi, . i'elu'iig.intttan 17, ISOIl PlAi iu. -htrice t (litu, ant ilite tuti' li, ii ti ril I tiuinite it nitt t reeonutîîi.11 yîuînliuîh'iGol vtinat i lU, for liteetre ut eitIîtises, Inuit uit'.,&e.., gis uqi nii' lt- dins tr' 'htetler tipii!cd tt ninor tuict. i'ciiîluri FuhnrrPE STE . lov DvAir gil-it juustic'uutuao n uutu'eulrnduty - T nuie Ilitti pth)ll'ie tIlé it hrizuht i rueoîrt- iiiuitl'uotir nebiat~îeiu (uctii l) O it ite uirne o!t lt iesutt'.its, turtsîs, tui l fsiof ofs' PIA NIEL 11lOhiWEit. lPickerinig, F 186t-r, 1h1r. I snib'*,reî in tu i ntig sor '~twîî yeîîrx teitt'ît tutnt 1siuî.i ileni*tuci te try plî .'uruuti tii uinn îtnow Comlotie (Itle ai' tEz Hi-l t 'ril(icuil î it iin the t0o¶nttty wr'ties: y o i tî i i t y e ei- n t , l ( e r i iiint u i l i ] e r*t'rt e t i ire kuiti. iT trminsi, urrve ablesltig to tuttiir- kii. i have ieet i tii thtenture of Culs, brut- ses, iruisi bitest. &c., taidallie on mores utring i4toiinileit 1Itis ie'sr fiuiiud ile cii'eg± ru îre.1îî1 'P'a ho, liai tuit aIl Dritgiltz'um, tu il nt Iriti- cipitilupa. i,'.t~fimiti.î,îitlttéT'rovic. I. AxD Titi B RITISTIREVI1JWýs. eni1. tr'tnMcttce.Jily, 1861,th iey tiin - t 'DveON QUA ICTReIur.(ConsuervatiVe)u. Titi, Notr4r B'turTesuRti'v'(FreeobCureif) Ti Ï31;Tuu IL arN RuxîRvnuw ( ua) IILe.cKwoota3 EDINBULIUnçeMAGA'ZrIÉ(Tory) Pricea sa o abe isrcreaedi Postage to be reducedi The priees wyul bc tus hertofore, riz: - . l'PEU ANfM For al, u iftefo eras ~ ao ro rnîtif 1*ritr orftinc lteviewtî.......... ..8 OO l-o'tiliiiekwod". :itigtiziie....... .70;10 For ttiuuikwooil ci tiiel7rje . 00t Foer Bituikwîîtit cnt the four Reovi... l'OO06 l'ostrgo lor.tle wbole fel'ridit l tly lity-mix etlts a yetîr,, LEOI.lRD SCOTT 'q.C , , A8SRA~I ttJPANY MARINE »EPARTMENT, '1~TtLT' tîuiu ilimîîd (Carto Jiiuks, utltit e alleu gruintoti()ilthIîil rilikq, lofie îloleor yOItig',auuul a rebteurtwut>, çiStttlî oit tiicotlaritr otf cargo preiini sof InstutseaijT~ a p rompt, llberal ti lî ioioratLe tttioeut- 01,5 t11 i utt'ellm4uus rp alpe Comipay,,. t> h iAgent, fort wtîy: l~tileu udjitîti Jî'. ovo, & C W'itiFeb, 25it JOSEPHt F. R'AjNEt Z At -ALI, Ativertiset +X lui, sud chai1, ,fle, ro fift nentioue snbsequçmt luse"t lb, yssi. hume lu wrltiug. ]BANK X W. STAINIRD9 - W.' jTiîrntssWosici <CIUIERON .W' (Mfu i t the AhRI*3~TEtLA. -vB- e Street, IWluitia N.1 B AtRITSTER AN Street, Wliitbr. Ohuroîtl tecet, Torn To rtnu, .1 11.v2'l,j ticitofl fln'lrutcv ROB B AiRISTRI Office- Vic4tui' L JW &C. 5s-oek Sts-'et, Wl 1. -' 1 k' of the fàcu.famedFîjunan Iladdies at No,,4f1a102s18IF

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