Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1864, p. 2

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i. û . ToWn ebnéil. riatlan dono W ,À î elle ts thi ay Town 00cers. Cor Irüpoýd«Qaè catéchiste, but &H ýother à le esident VaYis,ý Pl nations, it behooves ail te bê tip, tind'dêîti' HALL WUITOT. MaIr With!thý3 exception of %'w dilfer, BER EDITRER 0 bave 'been ýengî-' when soma of those wh imint eé 1, ged Iný the goa vrork, tir ear 15 1864. tu ho nit art mtablt-,'ihn town Offieert or lut y Mon4y eve Pob tn been re-arýpointed by dis xacil PrOving filles to the cati or Wild cher àw"-,boït: -, te cd themselves wîth faisel lo«y. Yý tega CÉ AJ' 7 a CCW=m r ;-t whic ota tri 1,fp alyu n eh ýndeavoring to injure Thomu Danfordltu a e -0. Roberts. hall w bave alwAys talion a 1 t i hiey any, ble eron Chiel Constable.: rel'It -P t t ion rillrit igrt!e rice-C. Roberts. Gù».. - 1 good work. In conc A- b. " éËoýa in p mukcù;,ý'noè eo were for exclut! em ,lx st, 0"ing CO« ance letuteremihif ouranc, tly lu ré n Merài výoI watt a't. 11J. 15 -Jas. Broom. -brivin au stbrû glin, rai dent of that Christian ltch .9lerespon cheerfally borne prie 1 cloIqell, beyond a peming remark from et nonvurint itiffy which #Waa Wë e > reporte ft;àm t î a. *hen heraldeil,, _Îîtan place, as ta wWch" par 1 1 1ý 1 ýy,,Iba sub itted te restraintsi ()autimto F"ero,ý-4i a -nf'Ibe Whit q"fuie,ý bê Rnld et the Town hall. We liait al- lez comtnkwoýl,, cali Si!W if 1 fiée, alyr an enjoy tÉè pri. e ways an opinion that the office of Chiot and, on motini4 thé coulneil went into vilege of squanderin the POOPIe',o money Your obt. servantý forte bis daty ta the Sti large lot of P.WýY-48de ciothing et the ConsMI of the town of Whithy vu committee thetpol _ýrew. in, the, obtiq. AI ' . 0" f T býp net f, a eý theiie yon have la Captaili Rowe et& ni 1 , . -J trib6ph, the nobless of i ýnltàgoi unecessary one. This te Ne urernur'a apeeëe tir of th White P4 Zer ne a t 1 bad receiUd Liat of Prices st the white, Fini elle ýÉ t cle. îe annani as Assessor fr.olà W. W. Caid. therindserver èâd tbetifri The, folio pid" -si" ý wAr »% tht jAtfstýitemi. dmw!gpeg pli 'Newbu te nd vara, Imoing'iÃŽquat privilogin âz4iý_ eticel weli,îtà 0 ri ýý' #fh A«do Sale of Ilesl'Fotate-J. W., Jus - - ýÎ ' ou!d be 4 ' ' 19b flÃŽ4 -tfain of theý 'the S'ervloÏ,'miÏhtweil 1 dàtk4 te *heme ÃŽervicés froifi ffie ý È çdý Baltimore an 0hio "f #;, ' pe*lïn, - ânit Il à 'Lyies se alrib ýé01 0 on,. lie lier » 'J ait il e - 0 âh a Railroad, boeud., ta- ta ce ' ý 1 Toe eill ýô. rom th Vis. woulà lie rew a à crie, -,vont Wheeliligi tee 1 -1bat he,,cmldd VirgIniaý1 , a by j-ime; ýkoctlonEwe ofý fittyý acres or land-là. rmin: ýâ-tùuel Me ý1ck »as ojQt"ný -.,At 0 -1 te tbi Pefflils ppo.om iô b yau bave --beeded 4111P11P, legur opinion, for thil, require-. iIý &ëthe, foi: b, sdl ffl, b gde 1 a à from Alexander- lowint which. maÃŽbe, ho wili lu, about ten mil es W t 6" idffdri- ' obuàtiyl li menti; uf-the fown of'!Wbitby., The To*n Camé, ne W, hi retiýinn ta ed! iý the 'office of centaine 2 Marly bolnom, trotboi té It. is'iurmised thi e ro çrs were ià -Dtuder yoàr serFW@ t Wire Cloth Maunfactory. hall, and a lock. e at'the Town hall'9 hOw- chièf and Town" PU --J ý ýV ail liall,> kévper, into t ie groyernur's bande; party ôf pIurîdërIùý- de'spe6A6éi.. fellée. a -frée ý offiét, ing Cai-d-Boynionle Rotel-W. Boynton. 0 èver. maille the' APPOintrupet a pecessiti. 8160 frêle fer thé office flonoribligieÏjnm'i' of the th# tèétôff 1 ýIfi«k«thu ý 4re JeArn pat'i' begiswive. oÃœ4m u; »urs cent Ferai for Sel' Morris and Smith. 1 f- ý 1 - îe Ah thàitâevlerslýattemptq hav#,,reSutty been var' ,cif. > Ths, ordînary à elët "te or ýThe 0 "' tain- sttîW' counsil :-Yer welcom ta t6". ans fl. ihy the , cause t, T %all kt PO egùgw men engagea in liusiness who coula not ýto e', r Gintlemin of 1he L ive, Amem malle bythe rebels ta reinforce the gar-ý devoted.- I would in vain lie re'èom'ýinèndéa or mer.. uy:-v rison of Fort Scruter whieh coailîsts main. Laman. Pr very welcome,-glaa-tOnee yQ. ly te express the emati give th"ir entire attention, or, indeed, but ,iclr becausp ht, knèw, hile for a leàgth of D'on iribk ly of negroes. Thmé'rebois attardpted'Ito a very ornait ipart ý of îheir tires te the tinte; Il he man baa 1 hi ý nue beA>0 rty, an Altita" it is considisemb y latter it çbelfom ago, ta regard which you bave i buslne"nfýthe office. The Town hall "wu in a.delieaie élite or Proin ought to be. - 1 bave cailej yen tg malize a foray upon tbe fleet, but the vos. ta ni&. To- a many comptai n 8 aggInst ý am score of'tl kcpper, Lock-up imil génk*-Mitun thé ýinoëý laitior. i - Ve of Ille th C ïï cran, hp se airly'u the circrimatancis. ýof My Minis. R ýît b g ýr.ant*tlt* i Af siid, il was th' ýsiýe ta dispense thry wGd po It is annonneed -by the rebel papers but it 40 *1 conslable. , Then we ;villi W,& le now apparent il aise ta,. be rmitý Thel have livèd'in fear oweà'lj qý'uor'to" bc ai) ilirimblin si that tighteen gutibdatn 'and train ar-_ enthâ euggesioed the prbeiety-the neL-muhy- lune the I"t-a«gban, an' #pot# tiiia'm 'piëvadés' the snid,, and carried' an insoch ' rived ai Jaëlisonvilie, Fia'. ONLY 8150 CE NTS A YE A a way as ta cg)tlý,qiquintly were in no côndisbun' ta face that-the only ezccfýf1On In flic(, -or tinitine thè offlms. And this forfeit ilie confidence of the enoncil. Pitriitnint until the lut minite., The The force of troops vers reported te be mquetêpder willbe et- look p!ace when, chineron as ý11â!ef Con- Mr. Brown enquired whetb,-r ail the have lint onty lailt 'y advancing Inland, È . r th lVhfthy, Tiïurs4ay "ebruary 18, 1864, # by - à1ý"t balit in. .services ni Verrick would be 4-eqttimd en lever bail thimsel stable, -lyas 0 thil Moseby. made a foray on iclý: ne ibý ÃŽW z al' 1 1 1ý ves. but thèy iire "u'ndeer. thé. P tg 1 Il I ý11ý t tty ai Ïhe Ir4n"ball'i and said thst if minill taitici, an their thrickli au &chemin ýxoètii . àK et parliame . ni. âtead of Lewis. By hile the Town hall 15 an . - , npar Manteau on Friday, killing two or Il is therefôre deemed Bol' il wotlid. of course1e taking him away keep trio collotintly Undb. thrée of the guard. Ile thon made good iti b J bu been liept in a vrry different etàle of frein hisý ÃŽn bot wather. re opedýwiII lie equal prileetit employment lie, ('Nfr. ér the gise of me responsible advillers th hi@ eqcape. maire a trenerst acknowl -Tomomw Parliament meets, and et no cleanlÃŽnè" ftatu lbat In *bith Il, Vu kePt Brown) liait M have crammed a tbousand lies into 'me no objections, h, îsh a ; et. JýlOekAde runner lnsdè fin AttOinPt ta of sccceuive' sppeial re former périlid, we believe. bu there been by his I)r;,derfutir, and ait the town prie. rick tndo Weil, lie was nt present in t'in ta . Charleston about a we ' ek agn. that i t'lie 1 ninuth, an made me girty Gt sa moch -0 t were p"sible ta no mucli interest- (sit-in the conflict of par- employ of Brawn & Patterson, rial or m4n')ýlfw in ordher ta Sbaran,,Put the ileet, but zot sabote, and. te fperty, witWn bis ebarge, bu been kept c _you in persoli, and iii ourse it was for hisuself te malie à choice thst Jimaurv@ *eir êwný am ti«. Thst the prellent norrupt and ici- .-"Parrhtt guns opeud upon, ber des y e"ýèrf cbddtry' il@ ivé gendord".- lf,,he,,badfitultâotberwýse, in the niatter. elmosi ai6med the betite Minis-try will be :eondemned by A of in-c3elf in thé company of such a paltbry ing lier in a short time. The 'remet and while p as qnd Dr. Gunn desired to knnw the amouni 0aybin crow, Who have un, f ein, ffl o are tout beyjnqd- recev veteran ta YeCOLnise big tualority of the Ilouse, very few appear in hirii w14n i4 %v!(býýnt &.ri c&4t tlie fired - !;oý ' ' a 1 . - , , "Iry,4-i, 1 dnbý 1 At the lut session parties were, se of salary, and aise the allowance for lit- timelgit of hollor, good br" n*, or iacit. - many esertions bave tàea Place gratitule and admicatin le fellowahip to riderai frd*ýôýe of ten Mississippi régiments ini ye' ý oý l' ý 'au aria equally batanced that it wu hy thé Tht'y rorfainly wére-Wot diato te the cour. e Camoren, urgea the necessity th9ý obtkure crigîn 1 Il 1 ; ru 1, 1 thi Most Mr, or that ;ttlachil ta elw ail. 111A plorts front of Generai Thomas in Georgia tbat one, 1 bar, beéuý, placo etteilncous efforts Ministers, with illeir own cil. Il would, we lÃŽiiik, tit*,r ail the cir. havin& lhe Town hall kerper always, on jou il-) (ý.o11sijIhjr the homilisalice, _!1à > it wu rilieved a short time-ÏgÀý-1 by an which dobars m'eÏroin i votes kept their mats, . by a msjority of cumgtancès, have beep wiser ta have abat- the B<Pot l'in mýlisjict-d, Alabama régiment of known IcYaItY tf) the gers,-your sufrelrinxii, an Caplain Rove reptied on hebalf of Mer for if &boa be left Io thoinit . Y. in one. 8iht4 then their fortunes -bayé fail. ialied the office aitogèther. If. it il% wortb iýlk lie field. With pMe. rick, and ÃŽn explanaticu said that un fffl, 1sh-il, cbf sich a net of spai heirt bu acrompanleil Yf ce peens in me caW. en itriffleaseably ; ait aitempts et bribery a"ytlt'ng- il '11 worlh the amount re "voit wereail nýwed1 Coitneron fur attendiag the 1 il- f,,ý anmber terre, I"sb&ll &CiA. tot Pott Whitbr Tratting gares. with sollicitude s- si bave faileà ta secure tleui adhérents; the tir Caineron, $ 100 a year ; and if thé bi ýhaY Restes, thi-am(in As ilDon a% the embua ciçses. The Port ta your every 'aient. W Sicott-ing gaute bu been plaved out, and Cnuncil considéred ii-ouly worth the noie- Dr. dFpna ot*tpd th« there wu no man This maine msjý 8sufoeld' Whitby trotting races Ca"" bu marked yotir eireèy lie xiaistero moet-Partisme-nt %vith diininîph- inal xum 01 $20 . a ye4r, allowed ta ban. lie, would appoint' hefore Memek,; but lie grant a diuoluskon, jadi' off on Ibo tee, on Tharsday and Friday, fnate*d of inc;eàseil numbers, ets Weil fard, ihey mîgbt well afford ta do without beliered il woold ble necessary to have a belîeve that the Mirlisthry As the coin. Februsq 11 th and 12th 1864. The loi. weary wateh, nor In the man,&Iyýays on the'spot to look arter thé 1,',,)4,,d wud have gone ta heule you rendered wserv tàd*uulnisbed respect. Everywherp public it. in the cQuüthryý toving in the suramary . tere3ts, of thé town at the Town Hall. Heihiiiks his subRiquint proceedins, in the lant, display or ihe< bij (ecliýg condemits their acti; : they have "lîtb respect ta the situation of Town Firât DaY, $100 porte, " te ait trot. devotion and aülf-sacrifice Mr Ctibson dia net centider thst the disinif,.eîn more than liait bis cabinît a ting horses, rails béats, best three in Éve, «tmçed publie morality,--ýntf4nded rublic finit kerper, Yin zooqýreason wu sbown by whole lime of the hall kimper iras alwayi; clpv" thrick but 1 mure you bat 1 look ta barnim. the çýbsrs«er'ýf i ho- vâèi icy théuld net ascessary n i e pýemîm. decen . èâJ destroyed poýlie confidence, Oie C()Mmiuee M-bi ýCaxaeron retidy the pulu of the wh , 0 uliffil the impoghun practised m à piece of, -ili il ilion with yours; aill lire Mr. BrOFA aggin said that the hall very vile de"lwhon, &,a upon the ta ' - el Nèver bu an- Administration met w;th gueh ba rotaitie& RÏ4 long ý services give 1 an who C. C&rd,& b. P.Il p1W &Yý keeperÏwould be, wànt,,d.ýil Ille year roucd wtî.-l itilty or II widh the ci 22 2 pare your spontaneous au, Rheral execration, as iblit or John Sand- a claitn to'tbe office wbieh the Othere ape mont &corn, an Peck,,& Ilolweille h., S&M pgte, a 3 3 - nt tke pkt4ý; if Merrick, wanted il, lie most shaprame contimt. The eorrupéhu a of yýur tires, 1 et iefe Miedonold. And il bas bép.4 e Xme a 1 the lZ'I field ail plieant* an not ".se«. He bu, As w ýWd,,_he sbould be glail thiti he, vould grt praci i"d om attimted tube practise hem d4tý a"P me a( ê25,ý M*r ait green try, witi and d--ed. The violatinn oîI every princi. hsive already men'ti6ne8, këpt the tow'n il, ; 'but if, lie were lie would 1 regard vidbýholy barrer. hOrfts thut Devér won moneT. of the h tbat w9Y Seecud evidh a judgabip, the barefaced Ce BOthOms IL M., Lady Bâthont, J 1 th rit" w 0 Pie-in osce-fo"hieh lhey _contet.ded 4all in a cleanly and tidj , &tate; lie bu &coller that the appointaient he e enemy et th price of _«t af officehst been go thow as Acléd As weigbmulerý wilhout chjrgeý alait se m thai lie thould be At the Town bail rés N. Ray'@ brava etallion purchase of those misfortanate craytbu à , 22 th" have bit4M beau ait thé tîme. tbe-I)dtw""ôrlffl ,. Second day,-40 Parie open Io ait lier. Afiiinateil by this, cool, R*Bght -, oomë of t'hein bave even glotied regularly Paid over the feu ta the Town, 1 Mr. Cameron uked, te hâte the appli- OÃ"D to Quabeck for thé FÀte lone, thé et. m that never won publie money eheèrfui cou sucs i Mîd ta 'In thelle r"reancy te prineliple, and in Clerk, and othrmit..*, un fer as relater! to qetions read ove , theseveýralapplica- liait le bilý'tb4 É riai ingl. erop th, 'Murmure ( 1 le, and trý%, àý fkriiýk in Ordher Steftwe b. M. their own &haine. --Tbey bave injured the _tbe dulies of that office, conducteil liimself 411cru wert accord'i gly rewL ta carry 'lie ' âOýtîreai ý ý tirait! ta abrin train the t lu t eleck0hunev the C. Da,,eýd' gr. etallion, 2 2. 2 voit nette, the standing. aud -crédit of in iý bpeoming tuanner. It is, we submitIl Mr. Brow vent forinserting Newburl"Il tbric4 about the Partîminthary Bildins, qtronger and firmer, you p Sumo, dgy,--450 purse, open ta i-I týot- are shamed iutoýsâence the Protiotte by their acte ait Provincial no good reaoo*n Io deptive au old servant an 1 Pledge my ling borsea owned in the Couaties et 011. Mr , c wlii èh they Yot -Mali orial we aboutit gay, have »f a situation becàoq.e Tout, Billy. 11arryo . - e", âý4r," the linqie question- sayered word of hocar, loch as 1 nevei -lario, Vittoria, Northuasberlilind and Der- before thisýçommI %les irpa-wb" wore the -did, au mever oeil approve. The perse. ring loud andcif.-ar tbroc been cet &%;do by thom, in nrder ta sub. or J'ack happen ta be favouritée, "a appli , W bain daties, bat-the gbfml ? Ut the c0nl- oublia of Sbariff Forchene wu Aise, Pu. the enemy, tvt serve their civil sellielà ends, and it is ouly for ît. And thinx»,,ý,obucW "be Mittee dotermiaeehom ton ý Mnt»: teelcI4 doina, »J detipl C.- Clard's bik poney, P'loui &Y, glorions bol litin 0 a y Petit & flowel'a str. il. $itmPaimh 2 2 gý bythe dint of budâotd 4cheminz and- borne in mind, ý, thst About, twen va ý 1ýer villat the -bodýgot ta do". A4 ;PmÃŽsh» *boa be assit- ýt*' gi#e 1tý ý2 and their pentioned prej *y'& Il. M.,IÏa"y Pager, 3 ý.1 3 justice to the cklùmny %y tricktry they zodtrivs ta keep their places. cent of-the feet ýý" ved at tke bay " es- *"Ddlf -*bat Salwy: thOY: eOuld. Ibis mune feil*w N. P . - à Moi ,kîptal*".ý,dinaîn iule-meeart thathe cormèi iiine lîlken. ta petâ" Wý4Miffl -si Nowohdertiý^t-w4h tho-m«tint orpAr'. the liliî inc,ýinbont or the flamenttheirdonm je temied. Vcýryfè_V ofRee4-fdr btis serete &lance ïbe appoilbumi be madeï rkbp*t -u«,J»4*bt* Ïdvwri ý en thai ikre w« rebdy -%.a parichamidisborié mlary ; let thé Wuyý be fiz#d ëA rw*fib Illairefon y attacha allé- 0 17j iiii 'leglolittr Cenucas Eluéiion*ë dëgëaeinit iiiiiiiii où- Wili be the regret4 for thé polideai deatth ý4lcce -teil grmwtions- alla thèîc lot the Party appointeil *ç- 1 emb'i oubliait te ý'thix sort or thîqg XËY 1 Ptârryyýitle, Marti 'of - Ë*gùiiLi ahominy, Manassest Fri of mon guilty of te ouk'boàeneu. l'fie ly ; car were the fffl ace<ýanted for outil cept it or Dot m -they "te tonna ville ilouger. rite rqi e PrOlient goyernment lotters, and muet fait the end of the year, wbilst those , ftSivoit îlig. If tbey,*eraýo Maire a iebang% he Gintlimirt af thrt iigiiiÉdit, As-,Imbly. are refoi jWd, wWjet'them -Xe bwý- te 11110 'Old c 1*,«ii-pMlabïiiiýv atiotter, and a ditirint renderin-1 expires the dowufati of teille Union art et the firit collisio-n, and thon John qand. 'by Caineren vere- paid int ittolady I'e" prîuc4 9 . ely aud unité the ofuc es of, 4111- apeecli ýrrOfè, titis thriie ont ý will, bê pui i coraing fait, whethe (41lowînX divistotié ly prpdicted; . el ftto- field Macdonald,> a man thst could not fipd month. The of the Cours- officmwgm -we month. Doistý Ad»Îlliate come U, come vié"fý. a respectable con$tÃŽtSncy in &il Canada cillorsthât the oiliýr-appliunte vote destitue divided before o« the recuumd*tàm ley altthe b&ieneù DlfI-$lox-C ý-'ýPfÙ" -the colin- The Iteported astirifer 10-eleCt him, wÃŽll find bîs proper place, m te, and tickiy,.and thst itý,wedd be au act Captain Ravis in order, t6_1011101kili roffl,ý (q1!7ý en euMP&hun- by whièh 1 te nov sarroise, iýSs of Peterborough aria 1-ennôx, allir the simply member fft the little borough of of charity te give ibens Ibo 0" euties il& ýl*wà,ç »Ai di(îýe« moeW ajWý, Aid. DWtattîmptI*ývote the ooWi« N(fth Wâog of HatiAjSý (Mr. PeM.) billieved th« -tbei " Pest Or'Ab. bΫ'*W ontit jou thow i3safield WUUýarqg-ç t4 f Cornwall. mfatatiôn, biëàùié of -0,11, - - 14 'Iý M immu lm Wolfe, S" tead, a part of Drammopd and tà' the pl - ' nifiued'to di; lPt 1_ ý,>'i ttpbd-l o es ap , icianit t* be 4& the-'to*n ëf àhërbr'ooke. ' ' le- S.- One - of , the , latest, arrils1g in parb, roulthtiappy fflnPÉË, W*e- 4m tlàt y to thé, na6ves ty Qaýi5b style of Idisplay popularity ýériêdeà -#ýhtoW,1f )ýveIfàIl11! le a-gtent-magrrkte froin diii, Irish decent,. and rejoicitig in the &P. )pitalte, ýîylé and title of bon ý'Dn'e%,- ta îý Passe% e otq nd vho, being mqppeted kvpMsitëdthe 014 'World with -ifttri. Sial desiZnýj bas 'been the obýeet of *tien ne go geùerally - bestowed on - such , ai ý1j ifié papas - and matttmas of !;r- Dnn Dieýo (Diego- id - 'fo r mihie)'îsý thé aMleir o ý.6e ilf Xhe xioto of theý lut gen«àtlotr whô lert ýir country, te avoid a worw fafei ne P gdènts c#Md him ta ýbe reetecl ýY, ý thit he, Jrent ace ta Spain*,-where'hé îeâ 'a pr7ee'âeon stence for Fi year or two, and whence AU(mod a-îëiti'en of world '.' WiÎý.t'tie world'Wýiý biim and fortune ta' M'ake. Arier many wan. ingl! àdventcres,ý trying firgt one ig and then ther, fie made bis way whee hé sana became, bgeily and Éjaiýly occupied, both as r. trader ir? Iiah'pbý!iricS, The exile had marxied byr taken hie family with him and big'soeen sora, w',Ie',' 4ëp!ý iÃŽi "',ied with their fàýjýir'e tmk'gréit interest in the sirul. hen p,,ntqiw, geereen-Spain and ber, wh;th the'w , father 1 lions were fiIL tlevét;ý attire. and repolicans. À.Il fbû;mbf Éýj$oélý hr Jhili army, in, "h;cli. tiey int demanda, and a.01 4iej,ýw Chili ýthe exce plion of ýsake arid sale survivor. TW tvh.-, âma*wl a fortune, of rii.4PÀ'uf «bl' in the fUrýtfad*e, lived very La lnnz as he lived, oral) allovred iý % e or £25 a year ta big son and beke ýii delatlh, thé-, yonnÏer Diego. fomd posseslion of a fortune whose, amiàuiitýis not known, - but which*k red ta be 4somet ' hing fabulousl "a, mined ta make a finit to Europe; - ý not Young (bis father livéd ta a a(]vFbiieed- age), and- he ils descTibed ma ý-1-tbe calor ý of, old mabogany. 'with , hair, and whilakers already 9M. 0 colSsal in trie reputation of bis W. that he might have liad the of ýenthà cf the girls of Paris. Tt oeeme ic il; very and ohn-wed -'illsotry in" baving 'the criWv of à eh vemel, that wns wrecked wrfe aga, near Valpârgeo, that the Q", nin sent him the Order of I«Wfa, ýatFio4e,,and thug - ' conferr_4 on him ,ýIe of 'Don., JJIut, tho'uýgb the cha 1 weùlth and bis titl e woold enible 0 ohrain the hand of aloost 'any- nne- y utimarri ed P aris.qieùnes, Don i o linve remràinéd insensible - - W, of ' làatrimonial felicity. ý Týe fiow ns wjho have been- admitted'io hie in- Y, eeet ne- ta have Came to;ý tbil con. ýn thàtýhç bas resnrved -bis cbo1cýe fpr bionminz daubter of Brin tu wb" im', land of sý1çrers and iuhâhinéý,4 iltalien hirnself. Before leavliàg* Don Diego 'gave one of the- mm iàcent banquets rhRt have ever been ived hy t bc Cortibillatinu of foret' ýý1 . gra talent 'in the -U p. lry'aàd eblinary lities. The dini4'jg. ýwas a tnarvel of soiendor atid firîl- 4î and the bill of fare was printed id ipqn, white. iati-1. wifli titi omamentai r ; the Cbiiîàll. national hymn hein- d also in Zoléi,- and with a spierridid r, on the otkeç aide. - The CWilinà ion WaS pregent en Masse nt thS épie. ilemnincifnt. icritha- large Company ýnChandfereign ,randees, and éçu persona» bearinz r il -f, the nnine in -nô wav related ta the- Amnh.ir;nn nt t ne -rremi« and à1r. ý Brown, Cateh we are in Mr. Loret tà» eminm* etésik c;ýtv-, the Ch'Qitit'i ïï dernahl ed, "docto' -compani him YIJU C"nott, eren, if ymr palm P94b set *.put for ulent Cnadim pubtisbèr -for volume I. Pof bu in knov - whMher. ib, evtn"fi"m d thongh full, demis ut t4 4n4s of týhè linrd with piteh tiadýud. Th£rt «rpI1fFAý tû office ,,Id llut.tlitt Mutireg of ihe.>ýene"b À#rfter elluff. iOd -noble: porpù#-ý an ýthe British %rth Ameriern- Almauië.' The- eo" U« 0" or 'ôbè tain halo of moral unetion perched ou, bis t te Dert Meeting li are îjý trw1£pareDtýý MA are tacies, -it C"wns so unçljrisq4a ajid twgenerouâ, aa4 bW4raxeÈý, bearsail tb&iç brow, whieh voula point him outst volume 14 gredt ruan cunot wmSqt - The fact bas ticity 1 fitting coadjutor for Dr. Jýivingmone-" la t'suv' it -fo*ý'wW in ble general every kind, ru- Dr. Ginn were ready te ame the ý&mouàtý for a contra(lictï(M ajid iig4tpota, Cao beeà éýý instance,, ,,carrent, to m&rt-who vould Prls -for the çonversio of em-. innumemble Y, n pectingthoýBrid4h North Amuie» Pio. and the person, the c4iým*ittee --wala ready wition -'Ihatýk'r p thqug,]b,,. badly wpunde& b a whole continent, but only prsy ; but vins". Tts typogmpby in ueexSpti*nabk, to report at *Dy ti16eý eren for'his owo gake. Pt-infew' uwre forciblytbau in, the car- One whose ferveucy evapratu -the mothont ofi Dogtor ý j1ojjýirxy. oftondtn as all The re" Wu thon pm*d throue, Als une of tliti "0 eer t he reclinsa on h"el -padded re PM'tW by lir; Lorèit-*re- ectly, nd th Ïre m elWvreth,' %e saà t rom a lattere'wàttbn. %"'I t and the follouïu# appointmentà;oiled up corr U teý-tyWfiv, ye= May 0 the ÀstroSiiiýl ;0. Ilis style indicates tÉs ontwArdmn. Tt -in ihiirp îCý" àný inede ana :i taide Ileury 7rýý UtK,- bave been ci i mb" i *4 a little impatient, jérking, es; if W bad a British'. North,, Àmerica the, choir- vereentrulIted -work is »e Caldwell, Collecter; John Lyneig, bell- to The A1eýp W>W Umpla OP chroule agne. It il tno i !rit hé reeeived the.,news pid to prov)ke that abould ho in the pollution of &Il rifflr, Metor; for g -Our recafi, dia Dot take Iku,-hter, tno tame ta exqite bostility. , u a itrinï-to tîëg nted Thmu Danfordï 10fiief Ommtableý,-- or ýôU »Cý4 s il à crouping, aideting, crawletnK 8tyIeý î la of Tètte ýýnâ' Sub4" ntlyÀ byýaw paý tcônfiming criiah-titelý, to,âll *ho Wéýi appem toi 1 -et the BrIÉ4 1%vincet, and qfýacqu' riïýbg&t6 à r', 1-C *hich looks- into the vista tu observe *bat w1th fmm4berui -ftndý' itl îlô -Ïoýrý 'ý6Ù4- thst T pebbles May obstrue t 1W progreu. JL iný an açcum- (a liàwledgé toit upon whi* be tuek-&W iný e 10 itspopula. 'êtdfeë wbd, ýtakes caunset niore from apprebenaion t1ma, and JoW 8purrill- the Sut, - SW,,ý 1!-*Rlý à - 04 tignlppliticel divi&ýns, and umurai advau Poundke«Mrik ne ýý,ïFfS id' Si juîdkmeQý and when distarW-- bY- tâg«.',ý The> editýý Mr. Kirby,.*ppears go OAlWeswemAxed thélCmè as lait ho W. o q, 'Dot the opposition, of nome hair-forgotten pledge ýhjvè takêft much re vu the t a " >tins ofthst ýOf,.4bé OWWlý ty 9 eX, a tna noigààll ýpiinS 3?u thetr h takes -to fL cruise- în: sweb of foriber, evidence, but for4euro> renard bis sue. î wuput do"" t #m ýnt 1 the ltogot hale àý- em or diuppointmenn î ý 1 - , ý U, ý!: ý 7ý -- . :, ý _,i , e, roçt scgo6lA.-A -9 r0porCO the- ." ýlôf. ai "Tai omitted of'Mr. Lovell'à valuable ése(o of sé4ool tbo, i(jýý4«,&utjity to be able tojýgje va D to catic*,twa publicati beforei and'now booký h bqea, ju V]4t' the -thât its wepeetablé appearance and' vWna. the «bova'1itIe.ý It il 1 Ine'ù C W ich to of dei ble onntëotoýbare sectired for itséira name: ýàons ici incientifie agriculture for»bb»loand Tbq epon, 'bd Ï"lr' thi' 6 eaieimen for anything'lbat we eu may will scareply Md' priýàe irâtitétion îï, a 'hu been à a iï'Yery'àbfý ed(W' Diý Ppmýiýlxf bgne,4 eAe 4#me etï4lmeo tidtt%'àtêd td à bense îé 0 ri rtpýràcq. Tt à pç; - -x * ýc t» its me t& Pr impo Lý-d -by of' Ve ýWécqQ#$,ý 1 1 press; te4iiýi> bitA bmi iý 'l' 1 d ý ou" 1ý,p&jts& royal quarto 'oc gond papelr uzivçrzi imul ty,-, *wotýlgnk&f col miùiy ii, and euwns auck informttitin as aboula 4 peaa" i Rn 44e, W, __ýnniK more_ and are DOW c cas" - 01 in -possession of avery in the with' rolk by-faemom ç-m4d - p e' as bfelffldmýÏricho 'paon i uni %Ri 1-21W* Mr,-" , A yoi E goi2tiaman vell and Of the- ýmàzW, Cý art, WAW Simithy tb* Il Uddtmly ô«ý to* Chili fbrtyý Y" that.hehM in 4c nid Il Dame. h ont the DIý droebiin, if, he I the , " , 7jtfý -Wbe, the ýng bar that'the prjýït nu Iý Con- lé A epripffl Àricle hu leRn 'of officials, and, vesseig-of'M intended ta be taken u al1w 13 a-higtory of philip Noial?,, teribed Po baving been, in 19 ant,1înthý United States,,àlii Mplicited ith B' f ilw. àà 12,7 bis 'Memes 0 tre on. Med Vy COurtým&rfia1, found wbeilýÏslted'if lit tad anythiný hebad not bieén faithful to, - réplied Il Statoi, fie --the U Fw1ah 1 rnay never hear of 'Statu.aein.11 The couWrt ý-said, fook him st bis Word'. a hini tu be henceforth N_.Ma tountry. The authoritiesîat approvedthe sentence,' and after Nolan wu trangported 'I ment - vessel bound on a - Prom'thatftËne up ta the boni -a period of, nearly sixtý 'uniW,.States became ta bit never bad êx*uted. -, Wherme upon whieh be',was embarked this enuntry ho wu trawe nuiÇ:>d bound. This name % Ststes ose never mentioned ir All books and ' before 1 , papersi were eatiefùIly, examined, ané i;ian ta this eçentry - vinplete -J:lp wa%-o;o surrounded tbat -ni cum ' stance. wui-anythinz relà 17nited Stateà m-entioned in DurinLr bis lut sick-ness, and 1 fore bis de ath, his nhYsiciau, ta bis 1 urgent entrçaties, gave mary, Of the Changes wbich oc 1807 dowm to gay 1863, dufil tîme not a syllable relative ta tad éver réached him. He havP died on the United Stai rA-,ýnt on the Ilth of May of year. 141 tell ycmill- sur the wu W of half A-eentury, ii < :10 that tall man. And-1 do net Dow k jold him-Qf emirmeon &,%d ' 1 jt; éteaniboats -atid railronds s . y - rha; or inventions, and books, aiéej of thecolleges and West the liqfaf' gçtOol '. but with 1 interiqptior4 Ibat ever van b gee T'f was ÈoMngon Crus'oe ul iecumulated quëàtions of fifil tofd Éta éverj-thing. 1 coui tb-.t YFnÙi4 sfiÙýë hlà the '9M, à' "tg os érity 1 coutil rf aq! 1 motmakeu# ' ny ùàýn fa ieïf ' 1 ïboui -thii --dralik it in, and eniliyed it as ýrew tnorý 1 Dever thonght he-was te gave bitný.,a glau of watery Pnt bis lips, and tcld .me not 10 7ýen ho a&ked me ta bring teria: Booic of Publie"Prayerý'l there, and said with a smile tiu open at*the right, pluA. - Mad There wuhisAouble red mark page, Ai I k-nelt down and rw "peauWwith me-ýFor oursài Country, 0 gmeinus God, ve th tbatý'nOtwithst"ding Our Mani grëoiions of Thy boly laws Tlki tinued Io -ne Thy nwveflous kin and no ta -the end of that th Then ho turned ta the end -ol 'bSk, and I read the words ý1o me, %oKt heartily we-bemeet Thy fàvor ta uphold -and bleu' -van t, i he, PMident of the lgài ind ait others In authority" au of thi', ZwIgeniial týO11eCt. 1 ,nigbt ai And thE île beni

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