l~et4hiew Tool'>' Rîoniqouo J-lTL~. With calm Printed wors, great ýtleuhts and unturin; lndustrr.WCadeocate Pe'ace, Progresa., J»sewIedie rtsrod IIL.toi, sud iîolrgrid Mile th o f 8 o cents per Mille_________ finaleerir t infiertion, asud 2 ett ler lino, eacl 1( Ti ~ tine itet n~ot o,. £1')OI2I aJNiI) GEORGE CORMACK. - NJRAINCE. th ca oînt asi ieviie rs "nr.N II Ilm t roll!] n$250 -e *2(<,, for 3, 4, orS M ER5R I u Orti .' < disontiue slrettIssents la it Fruiiig iopert. J0U 0. rI Een rTilIEs,,,d<'rsî and h o r (ipniti e ng. veeltg oiuf t sLttîsti Dirriets. ' St. WhithY. Aiarge L.rr iiidêIotledyhs bon eppointed Agent li liw i in .W e lto ed-G di er . lni Wid L n a tity of dl kinds o tlInm b roorseesanty o a d qi h lil c l for the f0iiw in fl irt-0141ss A,.jIy, (ir ylterlr-it, aInnuranco -Compatesl, Inwhieh lie lsprepared tsy bter re-piiN D E 11) T ~A K 1 N G. t 1 mccpt rigiks-fl, l ifé aud marin.- ~ a~ u A A, Jis R. W BT F , 1U N EiA Lg ftilv ti iei(-d il t t ed si 77e EÉ dinb mrg le L ife A sura ne C om p ny 1t1~~tItV~~ ~ Upplet 'îsl lu <gnîr ttnte0411 tI<îre isîî;ttUc ît ln. 1t congatuy on Tise Liverpool and Londion. l'orner c<aue Alie'v sîî1 ('uthorno ti, t fi itibad. i nut < ~<. 35 ~ itrr'tcto tire 0<1 tibéeral terme. 7%e Mronreal Fire Jsasurance Comnpany. GEO1C, C<JIMCK.77,e Proitnindtd Assurance Company. B N O O T A L I5 l ,4-ty F. K EL L R , N 4. eCI-IARi I) _ . w. n. A.16..45 W. R. DE!Al, mitnegpr. 0Efi r«,<i îtîi t"Ivtng IHA DSNOWV 1 0 and- oIlwellic ilo(n.pâto n lthe villaire t I lllmin,',%Ii ".lb.f (<'..ly <BA ER C \IIrf eTl ON . r. B O K N lo jç w. i'î,î'i~.Fî<riorienirss1ivîn ' itS -îU -CAI,<ANDUSE SANDYT . rRC i i-< ioani 5,Toirnek tréinet. S«'<tl< of liak'i '<Imu. lpin the '< ironki ln ose," tn à r Il, il li4 lettpr, ti Ill rtit'r -riction. <bi-i r.I l irnlt Vii.ire, wtt rc lie wili «o gis'! Eis ~A'iTt)<NIEV$AT LSI, O. i(1 trt T<rinS i A ..-o oce t 11 e I0î t <t lotn id nvt. 5 O~î'ie<r<, TERRAPIN STAUR&NT, 4 i iiriiti .unt<i iietup+. GiLOBWE JITELI n. * «IOR< <t l. )AR NIt.T.,ti niOie w-I ~ -~ î~t,îil,, i ce jer tx-i ,aitti' a il<î '<t S«iî lrot. î<iluiî,î,nt <p1'T<iit li «i IIt'n týi,. alilt o fe-tî _V %-7NEy'I LT!X ~Ie. tii.-- ei -q I- fi--. silon n--t nI r <îiîii'î'.i l t 11<' r, aller' <i-w "fI ai W<îys l' 1«t'<tvli Iî- . I% 't'ii l I <... It'nil .'I irett, i t D roîîal iiIrPiîilîn ii iîî'k nt t i enn Ar*t<' i trîn five las vit niaîra-il J. V t ~ , r-- lia- . l I -e' ,ehlepnlentlv n- HV I "<i il'E f ltîti'. ~îv1-î,ult1 i<ii.i;l-e.t . S1JEL AN.D (AN "ZOYSTFRS, Bui n F«'c li Ai.E.1ER with ori oî I<l. i i ,î t ti 'l j '<<'td t Et. O il.nt D s te(a b;- i' îaîît. no -he - - 14 . .L. &]B. RAILWAY. N. ( . Il M .,itWlH tîlIes jjîîlep it< leuitt <îll'eTî otice tu amesad Othors Q IL B T)-: c . 'ties-iIsîi ~ Farm~ I î: "1e an 1tî.M1, il-fiiS IlI 1î5 Uîî~îrIî ~ ~ t fit ' j-.i-il, is il'.frlie atiek, Nf t o i*.Fgi I " <Il r, ilI-îl ' i.t:e lti r n à )î nliti vifiaa< i 0<.1<.1 'Fln-t i- tlî . '"I. e ifltitt'.e <-lIa, ttI lî.r-., 1 Inn î1îîfl~i'-i-lie 'îîiiîiî ,n,î,.esî,îîîti,,, r !t. dltî ieii --r"P',- lt.1» e t nî 14. hI (lE 11 i E. .. T. il - - k -,-'-1i ii- î t r <-i Llit' iîlit îrai.îni.îtir ~flyr 7 ~ v ."<l'tît E F t l <i e. - 7) '.~lI <ln r r. tl rî TM'sil t ,0 1T, Ittî < i N i s i i. t' 'V<f T S( i Il, Ir < îisîiur $<<îîtiii ' illIII' F.IÃY.J I l Il'i Iîi t reii'niiir ;thern Htel (luit. CYE 1 (, i N 11 Ai3iWli<-,<Flsl NE <,13~ Z UN T Th -tîsl-A t, liciL'i o" - TA ERN STAî -NDt'FOcR SLi E ith li, '\ ' .i"<, ' î.i. it% iriVillA T WhiOS îo - :, W 74 t oi n i' int tslte tnrn " cui 'dlt -'î.eiiTctof ls t, <v tui. CSTir en1 et i ii t <tl 't' -îîî i litetit *<tii Ai ' -it.'"II, -le a'ivst .- tî -îî' e ri l Wi . j vtt- A >uî ' ilrt. . ?n"It- lOîî Citini<K..<,ii st.îi- t oni.I,.- .,,, 11,1 %'<f i ru t ' 1'til i'-î'e11111,11Y, t ?;,j-k.li'i litIi.cli,î. g lh e iiittb . 'ru il1-1'...'-. n Ic ~~t c sr ç rl 41-ir nln* I'0IT'opprlt it rfie W i'-e iiiiliiîIipart Irti.,t..n Rîlt ni ia me'rb1 m afi g g) M ltvs LA V .S I i:(, 1t ,:i: 1 l 1i<itii M i'is5opus.d L ui, <ti*ii:tiiliiiillTNoO Nthlo Travel~lui n Pblie.__ te il21<î - lr't.'f < t14.- __ , _ LII£fliD U l 1 Z 3tÂ1 NO. 7 i, -E. ,4<I'-V'.1-t oi li 'e --'îî'.'î- ,k . b îî tlit n ,otuiI, Nt:t Ptulietnuitl luîtîo;î < iC,<A NTON 1flEE ., Uxrlle.<Iî'--Kiu 't :'A trcc< ute it.r Iiiii l» '- -i'-' . ' 1(*l- . -' tiî tiietlù<î I Jtýli) fît -2<.i 1<1.lH V .ftîi hoirin înitit-tl 1li.1 0 'iîzeur liif. l Ej-lý . I ILs t N ii U E i¶sht<cll~ t neitil uu~îlrtti' litt't-. Eî--t..ir<itli-lt cis,.r"n';rili c ei v r / î . S - t I . < e l ' I i t i<i lt t u r te ii i v t b o c . a t --'-i-.-- -- i i 11E--tn<r i'.'1 jt 'sT'iiu til i'uots tiî-< if W C , ~ R~. M. 1> ciiT ti iini i, 't d ' l' ll t' r'theu- <'etlie Seiiiee - pi.ulii t,- IN'tici hI, m< H rr ti 'at. ueîtuoîîîîuuî nîî n iaiiiil tiici sîn' Srtî m '1 ~- ~,'Vîitîe 4 At Ii"e- "tin ît iw ts iii ni - - 1i,- - t't't tiia to-i. 'r fi Nst( Nli :t l' il. m.-t-t- - % ut' .. lief 113. 981.413 ROUGE 1I10TEL. TîitN<h ItiI dN, t.ATE («F PlE NOrN- '3îI î.î il fiil-dT. r<u f:triieri- "if '<'litli-. mii 141,' h-I itt-i fipi'. c' s' i e pulic tm. tlbttît 1- lnom, ii t wratv ctniic o en lic reept<nilni rl'iitsuii' <<lîtie , iq1itîr t<îd ('igere. bot GiranmdTs.înk RviIway lestrN.1 I Rnaiilcof Mizray 1-iePe)t, port VW'tlyiip) rrî1,' î il ! a -toic lutt 'ltilîtp t%c vtbso wrl r. Itiîonî'- în'iisn t'Iitetc"o.<tsii< li11,0 i <<ieluI of <liiit rtsolIiig pli. l [c . nn mt* iti'tiiulefficel ciitthe <li -ntel wUt - ,lue tr<'Terly careti Ifor, tvaîiing I-hoartilsf <tvliem- 1'Itue <'.ttn,<Plant onr.Vem,t(4tlo4 S<atiîlitg, andti arefliî t tI-cltion. J A IftErSItI N 9L K. 150W 18 lTHE TIME. flE'.YOUR X E 1E M AT J. -A. f'lark1 0 lut Prise Piceture Galioer 1t"-'Ollî ier a correct ant if4e-ike Ambre- Atp,('smctt<po, Lettergrapti. os. Lester Tnaîtitmer. or mc tuIkonuolu s Likot Proa"h or Ring, fui .1. A. C. cancfnî <la<<n tiîe 61et- stylo, aîîl fit sthort nottce. WIiKINS;ON'8 IPLOC K, Sa ~~~Brocttî're MSi lers <ionnaeho th etoemulmity, thct lie ha, cipenelt'tire above ex- tel<îive pr'tîuIiesAsam eleîrioi Tttel. uTh-betse qt s.ceonmutstitbon, iat veryl atteot4om ald it itt«ativo Outens. 'The Bam soppliietiwit be Wlîtosa sd Cigarx. î - . toYwu. PARINI o9. u -,rnr ler .pi.1, lit> UC W! . AN)Acoi TIIOMAS S)EVT'.TULL, J(WIiIllMNTCAL', ~ ~<iuîîîtuia,ît th Tta'ii;i< lrsicI. Ad- 11O11RT SPEARS. C b EtLt ANIt> 'ntl,,,slit (W « 'VIE c JIE NF IIý U ,4Y J A X IN A M , It o A. PRINGL, M EICII~Nt'TA il)tISIICK STRIEET, Whith'. ' Rl,lail ,v traot.' loroitc. lbfresltmeiats t-TIMCMAII If UIITON - s FT¶ON CLE1RK 4PTItEA'.UICEt, WIiTiY T.<IIe «î tl b'în <tocnk i i -JRKO EPUtllDIKVO nr IIOUSF, 127 Kbrg St, Wtt, JN.M. WARWICK. IWOON & flROTITER. 't 144, Bay- Etreet Toronto. MA1ILT VTNEJtAJj ~IALT cNEati ,1nov btw, lasiîlarge NVhliitlbvBrewverv. Northa fls.tUsh andimer.cantle Pire & Life Inburance Com'y. -T110MA.8 Dt'I', COLLECTION &tOÉMISSION 11fR. E. L. '5150W* iiftreel, C. P. (" <LtE TIfCNIS <uîdinfor Poitisbc'trx, lier. Ph. 'hnu týýiints II,,and ti tlî, tri Moule-il tfrT Oii ip«u c,'4 t 'P'îr<,rio, ansi i-t,ert laes in la Ciîiit î. '<l iiilectiot i <l' . e ,î< edan mîtprne'cusirntihiptty paldet<cr.' suid Xtolc nr oirisitltj e<uiTo onto. .hui~t<nttli4eltem Os. hitit, i tli of the< 'Tit itl l; e)Vtiu i tne-IWOd o<tir mt Rin ry 0t1Dfoane... eNortwqbide hittîy', Jaîot. 28g, e1 e g12< bftg hkev lt. STwm fEL, rpie t dsripin,2 Nlu ti'e iie er ses< îtcner thes< bridge IO'oiKe3tug aatitrndtd 4ind oftise ait h llqtgo amisi thrsos ho pdqunarevt<of l ho '<VaiN ituateti eutgootrstio. Appi>' ro a u ------~~ --------- -- luh!'-What -a -a. in1ictner vitîr 5a<iîotio <Cri, Of îiind ttîîîeait vises' ttî laiesîîtw <raquiro the r.)zeu art. i.' ««Y On", elaposid holearoa Thîî"s art ffr wvblcOl nay yearn 21 mtid np ellect; th,ike ituestitfon; Anil with A prontf0i, tnair, t4tiknhiîiyot-nsbre now thorao- Jtigllt,-<ý,frlt , et'In<at cMiwiite; Nov <,nil ereotunoefifl ity guet0o ,tluid, wit'ttnaid Of frienîtior boveor, Your ertiifbr<om recorar. "ov' trY egain : not>si<tueay -tjugt way- Ltlie alnw ewin et f sud easy; Npor inet < ho 4r Ibrl, .' 1 lu 1tî relit h la 1îsaltilsdtu0 lit'Yotir r"tjpi<dV -f ()Vrrd<ie- lee, a vOO r ileil t)fcraice ali leîuty. ltSt twe 'litt «o'.'.' uit lîthenytpl'I ota ii' iletispa. h rîntraln, fi't tln-I cli, bit tW5itil. att-t iati'rvtiiîg tIa. tît e Ioir <itl!'toîî't li-ike.c et h E"i îî ivelitlîî.a':r frint l init tir tîr r Lody Jane, MMrî,etie Of Wjidtor ggv TUE .4'TilOa uny. N' p'TUE IOtOS! fiwlC oa I.. t l<g ii' nit- I pslay, 11, i fî . i ' t ve ni' lie. tîît ft, . rn. ", iî sTh ii 'gQar Pa'ir andi royal cSffle of Windsor i ris.- ingr "o proudJy above thy Cireliag foreet, annd looking dovn on a lsundea<n veil vorthy <lice. Wliat ;qcenles of -kuigbtly proves, of rôyal pomp, ýf atranxe ativen- tare, or of vilti andt va1-led iuherest.q, hast( thos not vituet since the init conquor- or of Franco reiarot thy l'air Strtretnre, anti aummned tlie chuvaîr> of' Europe aroanti hîl Sinco Chaucer, in- recides joyoug. noés of lieart, pour<ad fortblhi glatinom- bers bUte the tbrosîie, volcomning the sune and figo sommer blogisoma; or, since thec pooit-mongarcb 'sf Scotland, like theo cageti oigbtiugaîo,ý beguiled bisý long captivit> I Viaion.bringirgg, history.teiling nastie ofe Windsor 1 al tho great, ýatt noble, andl fer rpuofned of paut sges svep< hl when vo look oun<lie-iIl thn, unclisnged, unnloved, catchout tiie irst gray of moral ing, and grovest vith <hoeresatihîtacf eïen- ing; anmd 'hy forest reuews, ils rieb vosturoII as tof yoro, Mant hy riv.er tolla on lna Us plide andi ils beaut>'.i vO e tir ira<beaninIor mntdt0trmme'" Mno glanctic! ne <li picbmque drAessre1 <lie yeoman of,<the kings boy, Who iree hoidinj <lie stag-lioum&dsanti raches forit.the d b ae , a n d t <e ho l O d e à faico s fo r t h o gentle sport o, bavwking'asti < he coma-9 pan>' cf minastwqls, la u-heir'psrsi.colomed f habits,irOr vfth harpa andi robecks, stot if benesth e. princely <o#e(m 'of -Windsor, a m'es t«c menetn ith tir.wii.dibt inspi, t ing "'Hutmn<9up," tire,' Daýq or GlIg'tot - the Regent, sud <be it ~andi noble coin- f paln,, <o coin. forth and jartale tho te. i liglits Of <y nselaof t>'. vote anti UPgent rf,, ap f'or tbeýdsto sIc>' TitOtli <at surie. 1< d 1 i; Uigb; Andte, ticruare vatuhicl ee ry oie, e Andthebfacries have flieted ïay, test te Biouti ep> tirsgmnboiisuanti goln, aiid e, i@Wt l iaît e eioni <i InT the, nortiink's bulo taI kwscnig. - Tire iravkM tré 11fii<<, t Qar boands fletti,d gond, Asti stag t. arcues atlti e rry grecuvooti.te T le11-ding*, up1 nriko sOdmrk dt Witl doii-Npren: vbwng <o teîle hoven a «l><ng, 1 ue.Pa Whula, on teîcfy spray, te lier sonu- replyingf , ThIe eveet voisoot <rôstli tationdly singeotb N 1li8 bymn<o tire momung-gp lier t<bsubrilng ethL ' ' - _P seft deva. ant i fair flowîîs-..and oaveet sua- 10 ChuirWavsny'mp ie- l fi ntel¶ lglit. Thnle isetyeong, No LO undjo arjotlmeuI 'No, ýindeed,"' wsith le king orthe mit]. strela ; "hoe is sot»6s Young springal, witb more marks thn it, methink, ad<oe fore ho thinketh <o o about disgfutsod. Ille KingIlora ia the romaunt' Sur Amissortly visliedIo se3 whitber ho vont; uatinry lord the e ogent wonld not snf. fre it. lie la somo kaiglit in diegniee, POT:- chance, performing a vov, said be; there. fore let hina dppart as ho ligtott.> 'T wonld ho 1had sooner'departed 'l mat. tered the yeomnan:. "farevowil <o <heoDaorts of tbe merry greenwood ; our nobles 'viii not coma forth to.day. Come, grood Ame. lot, another 6'I-unt',; sp,5 and maleteh <overs ring spain.' Seareelylied th&ëimpatien< yeomen, ut.- tered <ho vorils, oeethe ftondorous castie gaies rotted'(aea, -andi kaiglt and baron, FOR üGIIEÂP-MEAT! AGAIN THbE LATE MCONALD &BOX ni attrtêl ln W îti,'ile Hn tcheriug <net- lices cutiMarelj,(lrlîiiîtd to lîop corat.aiîy on bîard MUT7'ON, PORK, SALT PORE, T1'brc <viiliho <lite!t1- luJIle'i tîwxas.ilit tice ,411011tes Sait illyijit l <t WIlîe'5t10 %i 4Ilbtet-opatrrotize 'helie clinn.t ;<-t'i'iet'll lte pii tfom IJtD.u fumethy Decii 8I 1)nîa,i.î.iiteer., <-, tua I be'o itinîtît iilt tit i u .is-viiti. of <<tt aîFaI, l ti ni',. it il't i lit'rîi ip 1e ii-lt ir - 'tfor e a t t '.- ' .e- î<-ti, v fîntit hâvel i'it itt -il a ?iîtî'îtî l - and .îttvteiilh,t tli îsîfinî, ,,1 tii liiî ion' sle , ai l iv --tatilet'p<îi ('t ' - h)I lin [Il ,a ,lt'rthe ilwT , -ý' Ici r nîI t h if .n t lu t iri i"f rgt , v l t t d'ts <'t r1ni4-3i - N-'ne<iiitnr i3< a Smh01)1J 81%1, ,is t3 1. lîfu ;ii tr,', ; i lVi&ik lit h a on-ris itn1 it<<ii' fl hnn,r Ilw0 <r.n s 1 i 4 u--t t' i l,, <ti- <<II pay fic'lroit, tl'iiit't anica.&n 'Pi- let u c se It tj, i'<11 t ot sîi l i -1 e eren' A 'Til<ahle nrtte esa%.twoe i tee otire ttitei <11TMirrutadt<ttsy. Ul at jii'eisriut i'i<rcti.ha il inia Sr.,e .'q P.siJ.. to t. s tî<,. s,'.i oIt isiir i i n ne fl. re l irr l 4t e d r ttiutslien i)ri ýLwt rieu r nst'l Se ti', andis;byn tnquiter nivlatyYPur4 htdhironae Windse Andi e gootil>'siglit harmoJnizing witli liorps< rinf gitii; anti, if 1 vinI ii <lie nigli lino anticlearsunchno .of a b tat gld, or ratdier <at parce)-,gilt midsmr morning, vas <bat mprry broocîr lu your boneto, .brong honn11ding p ast se jovfily 1 The The yoîi- gman tonte of bis cap, and kaiglit, bis pmntieroas armnonrlaiîl asîdo for see-meil < oIocist isrnian, nîît unsaixeti t.he silloon surcýat anti foree5t-grocunmantie, îitb vexîttiniît tito rooci dlit fitstteîed tho svor-l nti lance exelianget fer <lie tîhe iiUcîl Irbad. horn-laleal halnting lkaife,*anti 'Yo sall h.ve my bow aud turrowsy ofl r f cîo ice rreva iniiit «net icone.' saiti he. Thie baroîî, ln clotb of tisgne '.'ot, ou bise tcn nay, youî<g ,fnre.etstr replieti Lrailycap:citri.si, dpeifre>'; andti he bigît'Pierce, c'J1îa-t',tbiitre anti arrovs enov ; boern damnt, lier long floving goîi.n grace. if I soi9, d'e br',icifr me ; b<1t, alacek 1 'al>' cauvt tu anti coafine in lalil folis I m-ay î'îttîer sny icl'trpweli to my gond heeatli lIr brnati girdle, ber l'air tresses brs hu-4,foyosia ohvtle ru filleteti «il h et anti pearis, haîf-coucoal. cnal't <' arcinin>. Yu lot Ai ut the aiierk lu cîl by thit et ra1 ct cap or broideroti bond, stead of' lite .rrî'l.' -<lth e cliiitilandi bow borne lu ber A gaitlie itvo archrers prepereti. Plerce'e bau, atti<horod.bnde buleant iliver arriy'.v nrg thr,9agb<lie rir,<aiImi bler 5iî1i' ýîecping by on bor Spaniali met by <lac siidu of thiat of tlie ynung for- jeunet, lics' a vision of l'iem>'land. And eqter'e. marty a nce andi inu> a beantifal dameel t Nov my l'air mn.,ter.' sidti ho - voîl. <batmoisi teolz ber wae tho<le foret; ploeti yeornîcri. ' shoot heyoud, or put ia but tho liot w as tbe-noblost sud fairoa< ynur ahiaft' riitht qtween these <vol, and the fdy iîi,<elA B-asl'rt. I vili thon sic>'yo earn wnrthlRoin Hood 'Our letiy's bounizon ou thy sveet face,' bimsetf.' crieti Piec-, t. he yeoman, dotflugr hia boa. XVitli groater care thenl before titi <lie net as Shei- iitl, wiîli as mmch, ns>' per. ytiuag foreer prepare for the trial ;h lisps more, lî,ýtnoît devotion <ban if lie catîtioautly me'ifsuroil the distance vitir bis bad bout l)--fo,re <lie imaze of gor badye.' re, iind-4rewv<Ian bn'.-string close te hie.. Nov, Mîmaier Aruoe, a ni ye lîidta 0ar ;at this morncnlt I< h li-rî surît ! s soug la botitor of' om faim lidy .Tanc, or wlvr<histte was ticicrd.- aven of <lie merlin <'bat site la ber vrist, 1 1Tliere's sore work,' saitd Pionce coatti listen ti!lcarft'ov.tj soma of our ladies bave let their mer- Nay, ny fLady< Jane rvaseng enov lias ; St. LHuber rt 1 ia>'âynot ire MYf lest 01ghtb: b> <at strange minstrel ; abe Lady Jane.! voli 'heed nought of my singing,' roeau - Agalu anîl aengain <ho sitoor vhistie scand. et the mrd>'diaplesd "king of <the nan. ecd;at-tle 1bast acîtut ho yosng forestet' atrels.'- -booketi anxiouily arnunî, vhile <lie arrove <Weill <lien, gooti Ameint, wbst say ye pointi noi,, 1mucli ekili, <ev wite cf 'to the merin,-fair mistreas anti fair bird. the ur nk'd vas I. tauaottg <lie soigir. Tako heet, uny faim Lady Jane,' coutinneti boring btssbes. tlie yeoman, apoa<rophizing as <hoogh she 'Yoar brandi, my l'air north country lied been prmenet, gay, laIte beedti <at ber arceér,' crieti Pierce, joyftîtly. 1 What ia creauce lie s<mong, or, vutir <lis fresir wiati. Clai'n<ooti antI She rvood, viii a hawk'ri ye mi net so t eam lier.,m i hi4<e spoil yenr archery " -Anti, oncnacions or iadiff'ereîte <,:ho 'Pîerce,(' cahot a voice.froua <heaDo 't.'., J- Lt. 5~... euu;~ ~'di ~iiaia;tt a~ ~iiip iuîes $20,4)6O BROCK 9M~~P itst 1-v' re<k, on acplicsini, to JOHN AGNEW, C.W. 42 The COî i<o sis'Ageii't t ity IMONEY! MoNEY!! r Esut,,~,iiert.iîopset tt ugs.t4eBu-tutal A.naos.t Aim~ate Comapany, t--tati. rartteec <.<'<< n NCOZl'OiAT . no nAtofthe lis rd The unn-o.îho l'adi iliu.edisteloi - ro nentflprsa <hotiti ttatt1 la4 n<tît,', in r A. PLR. ROCH, EC.APITAL £I00,OOQ. MUaagIr. s'iai gayA»Kowi-ttimen, i - 'Pnrrii. traUrmce ettocteti n lngis s ud tiroir -iiiesrbon o I-o ho mte ocoiteitnXer ny sntinappieti ofap. 41 Vbiatr, %liltns..Msrtsê Itiicu- l'or the Kaaionorforpnrt. iii ~ iJO-[N AGNEW. M I O N E Y ~ 1~ 0 TEN I ) .-clitit A en t, B v s.otl tre t, W itiby ht'tto eslsy lîîntaiiti '<'. Real o-o f*rurn <'111 t> t jý,crs, et a n hberate of 1' icrernmurt nîg bs iirIi iîîterf4 -t. T )mrbri, nrnürii is-tini he tnouy can ho tid un conptunir <ho 'ore 1vrshes< itnnitt r. J. IERBLIZT fA.ýlgN ticlieor UIrel' hippy to attend <oi lon tiers leo<itry ssii Tros,îrîti (iieiada lPermaat t MI S w te e. li4iildtior and. ýavillocîo0..ty, Torno, Tuniýîsrt ;Io od, 1lvno acnnt Appicsioy~o Jb)INAGNw. TestWýltJeor extreteiluta <lie botposible 42 Vititor, Wlîithiy. Pcu inat.s iupAd <1o <he rezhls<ion cf J'RMÈVA41!W. I.CARD. H 1 EP NEW LEATIIER STORE Tà O 1fI - Oe îe as' Tif£L-WHITBY OBRONIGLE IR ieinttH oît Ivolt, tioo At hisI ntîitliiite slttishmcnit, -rocik Streo't, NWhitbyp tYNex t Door te,<ho Reglutry Ofice. ~Iù S$1 50 PER ÂNNIK.. ADVERTIBEKENTS .5tu tveent<tawi- thie nioble compan> ' tsiti<hrn.n, of tlie gine; aud, ail camelesa -ofrblie ga qcen5 aront mer, t<lie ay Jane &nt on ber l'air paifre>', s<noctbisg vii lier taper fingera the elketi plumrageof etlemerlin,, and à ddressing te lu <boa. terms-el' endeer meent vhicb ladiqa of <the 'olton iime' --vere accutaomed <o hba<cv- on tiroir foatme.reti tavnaurit'Es, wbflo the hea<lfnl bird erocret her-heck, bli!expanded er emglosa>' Winuga, thook tlieafilvor belis attaero b em foot, and leokeoptinp mbhem lady'. face vltir an tye almost as brigmi as -ber ova. Tire noble compan>' stre seooi auembl. td vithin the arbours-.txe master of <lie sport (acorting tc anicient usage) soont. id tbreq -long notes con bis bora, ulie signal for rcuaing tho gaine.' The stag'hons s.ere- uneoýoanlet. <ira .chs wr nited.A- vas <raii falconoî- bell <oîa Sitting tc 1ev theei ester hod -et.- 4-5.7.,n on-or gail bebinti. CTOJ~ zâ2 q 1 Z.1 rehtreni. %V ltltl)Y, Sq-t. 7, 11 3s-iy 1, -7., 'Wl»' that he never saw a hart-of groeee struck go fairiy betmenn the bora, and ye full fonr-score persoi Tl.-Pierce said îry Lord Soinersuot, t«Il, that youug forester, if lie w-Il take livery of m<103 he shali have eighï marks hy théo'year, a <'nat of Lincoonn green evory mid-sýtiiimr, a gallon of- ale by. the day. and rnrt'and vonison to boot. So np, ynngr man, and let me see if itwa gond archery. or gondi inok, ihat brought down the hart of ,reFce.' The yotnnr forester, though npparentil flot iýreatIy ploased with bis new associate. couid not dpeline bis challIenge. li uaL legely toonk np the how <bat lay besiele him, seiected hie arrow, and drow bis bow-staing with theair of a porson occnpied with far ditl'erent' thougbt:. Not no Pierce ; hoe turned up bis siceves, frushed bis arrowu, and pttced hacinwaîds and forwards impati._ ently. Now my good master can'st thou bit the mark on yon nid oak, jpgi beyond thoss elm trees Il The yonu man drew bis bow with a eteady hand, and the arrow struck thé mark. ýA iîazue on thee ' cricd Pierce angri. ly-< conld yo not Wait tiii we lied waeer ed sornewhat ? Where wore yon bora and brcd V 'rI the nortb,' antwered ihe young for- ester, proudly ; but ye need not éompiaini ye wnuld have lot yotir wager.' 1 We'll try-ntîce an' resumed Pierce;- il